Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1958, p. 16

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112 Markham TU. 4-2089 MIWIMMWMI “WW memmmflxmemmmmwnfixwxmfiammumxaxmmm am?" " WNWWWM :IKKKHKKRUEKKW!“IWKMKKKKIQRE‘EKKWfifiQKMKKfi Whammhwmammmfiammmm IIEUEHEfiR Birrell Molors lid. B 0 8'5 SMOKE SHOP 1 U . '4-4Ué0 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, December 25, 1958 . Wauflfiikkumxzzzzufi szzaamuezcezzzxxummxm RichmondTheatre Grill agChristnfas! GREETINGS" 7mm JOHNSON'S HEATING 8. ELECTRIC OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE TILL 9 RM. CLOSED ON CHRISTMAS DAY, DECEMBER 25 OPEN NEW YEAR’S EVE TILL 6 RM. OPEN ON NEW YEAR’S DAY FROM 11 A.M. T0 7 RM. Our ’ 1“Warm’és t. YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL HOLIDAY HOURS Your Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL F855- 173% [J I I l LIL- 1â€" R) 1 M. MU 7’ I \ 1‘1 _ JC/ ‘3 ‘W .A L- ,; T: E x I F0 RECHR ISTmh‘S: Yonge Street 86 Elgin Mills Sideroad Mr. and Mrs. William Dennison. Spruce Avenue,\had a delightful visit with Mrs. Dennison’s sister and nephew. Mrs. Mary Grannar, and Mr. Walter Grannar. from West Toronto. who dropped in unexpectedly or} Wednesday. 7 Join Bakér, Birch Avenue, was enrolled as a Girl Guide by Cap- tain Mrs. Jarman at Tuesday’s 7 We are glad to hear that Mrs. Poor is coming along nicely, and continues to improve. Last Tuesday Guide Leader Captain Lawson presented Judy Boss with her Second Class Badge. Judy is in 3rd Richvale Girl Guides. Parents' Night at the Ross Doan School last Thursday had a good turn-out. The grade mothers kept the interviews well spaced. Par- ent interviews are being held for those who were unable to get out. Incidentally the next Home and School meeting will be on Mon- day, January 5th. the day the children return after the holidays. This Friday Grades 5-8 are plan- ning on a Christmas skating party at the school, with refreshments. The fathers have been helping with the rink and house league hockey matches will be starting up after the New Year. Ross Donn School Frank's Grocery " flaw"? 'mgr' rt basking} privilege to serve”~)oirandfxc will stflve with Even; effort to merita continuance of your patronage.' IjLGIN MIILLS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. E. SPEARS, RICHVALE NEWS YONGE and HARDING l7 Roosevelt Drive Phone AV. 5-3116 A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR The 2nd Richvale Brownies held their Christmas Party on Tuesday. December 16, at Charl- es Howitt School. They had a wonderful time singing and play- ing games and their leaders re- port every Brownie was present. To climax an evening of fun, Santa arrived in full heard, in the person of Susan Walters who distributed gifts to all the girls. Among those receiving special attendance awards were Willard Laurinitus. Mary Durand, Murray Nash, Stanley Meredith, Jennie Durand, Arthur Archibald. Linda Laurinitus, William Durand, Brian Mayberry and Mary Fevez. Following the giving of the prizes Mr. Anderson pronounced a benediction. Lanrich Bowling League The Lanrich Bowling League was started this autumn by sev- eral couples in the neighbour- hood of Langstaff and Richvale, who set aside Thursday night of the week in which to enjoy bowl- ing. There are 42 members, On Thursday of last week they had their turkey roll. Lucky winners were: High man with handicap, Bob Webster 727; high lady with handicap. Jean Ellis 701; hidden score, Betty Easton 585. On each team high man and high lady won a chicken: Team 1, Sam Hackett 519, Marg Bulger 487; team 2, John Kalkman 654, Marion Blanchard 653; Team 3, Bill Weir 613, Connie Endicott 626; Team 4, Bob Campbell 663, Dot Jellicoe 697; Team 5, Jim Webb 577, Muriel Markle 637; Team 6_ Oke Blomquist 618, Joyce Walters 617. Mr. Everist’s room, and 8, at Charles How ran a very successful phant sale on Wedne: cember 17. 2nd Richvale Brownies This Thursday they are having a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark, Den- ham Drive. after the bowling. At the party the turkeys and chick- ens will be given out, plus-eight extra chickens as consolation prizes. White Elephant Sale The Superintendent, Mr. Doug- las Price, extended a warm wel- come to the parents and voiced the appreciation of the teachers for the way they saw that the children reached Sunday School each Sunday. He hoped that everyone would enjoy a happy Christmas season. In ‘the evening the children from Grade 2 and up were served dinner in the new Sunday School hall. The program began with a carol service and then the child- ren put on a program emphasiz- ing the “Miracles of Christmas." Richvale Gospel Chapel Sunday School held their annual Christ- mas Treat on Saturday, December 13th. The children in the kinder- garten classes and in Grade 1 came with their parents in the afternoon. Mr. Colin Anderson told the Christmas story of the Nativity with the flannelgraph il- ltzstrations after carols were sung. The little rhythm band. each member dressed with red and white scalloped crowns and red capes, played a number of selec- tions. Stevie Bunn gave an ani- mated recitation on the life of Jesus and the miracles. After- wards refreshments were served to all. meeting of lst Richvale Guide Company. Mr. and Mrs. Les Walteré, of Elephant Sale Everist’s room, grades '7 at Charles Howitt school very successful white ele- sale on Wednesday, De- Everyone is invited to the Christmas Eve Service held at Charles Howitt School on Decem- ber 24. ‘ Ladies Hold Carol Service The Richvale Gospel Chapel ladies' meeting held at the home of Mrs. F. Laurinitus on Wednes- day evening, took the form of a Christmas carol service which was preceeded by coffee and des- sert enjoyed by candlelight. Miss Mable Brown of Toronto brought the story of the Nativity and Mrs. W. Neely of Markham sang "0 Holy Night". Mrs. H. Hull was chairman. ' Richvale School Concert Richvale Public School held their Christmas concert in the Community Hall on Thursday evening, which was packed to the doors by parents and young- er children. Two original plays, ‘The Taming of Scrooge” by Frances Paul. and “The Christ- mas Diary.” by Marilyn Hudson. were among the Christmas num- bers presented by the children. Films were shown and afterward the children received their Christ- mas treats as they left. ‘The pupils of Charles Howitt School entertained each other with a Christmas pageant on Fri- day morning in Assembly on the last day of school before holi- days began. In the afternoon, parties were held in every class- room. with gifts being exchanged. St. Barnaba’s’ Mission 200 and over flat: Eleanor Ed- wards 276, 227, Dorothy Spears 207, Norma Martin 208. Muriel Shaw 200, Muriel Markle 203, Norma Laing 213. Betty Camp- bell 213, 232. High three with handicap: Eleanor Edwards 695. Team standings: Camellias 41, Asters 47. Roses 49. Marigolds 50, Larkspur and Hollyhocks, ti with 64. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker, West- wood Lane, are having “Open House" Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spears are holding “Open House" on Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin are going to their parental home in Brantford, where they will be entertained with parties. Teenage Party Richard Chalklin received a present this week that wasn’t as nice as Santa's kind. He is con- fined for the holidays with chick- en-pox. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hein, Mary- vale Cresu are entertaining neigh- bours on Monday. December 22, with a party at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hall are holding "Open House", Saturday, December 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rootham are holding “Open House”, Saturday, December 27. Recently Miss Lona Martin was hostess for the Christmas party of the “High C” group of Thornhill United Church. Thirty teenagers went bowling and then returned to the Martin residence on Westwood Lane for refresh- ments and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin. of Westwood Lane, are sponsoring a “Children‘s Musicale" on Sun- day, December 21. at their home. Fifteen children of the area who are studying voice and piano will be entertaining their parents from 4 pm. to 7 pm. Bobby Mill- er is going to read "The Night Refore Christmas." and the Men's Barbershop Quartette will sing to the children. All parents and children will get together on the Christmas carols, then, after a delicious supper, ' they’ll take their leave, feeling I’m sure the true spirit of Christmas and the closeness of families spending a truly enjoyable afternoon togeth- er. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Collins on the arrival of a boy on Saturday, December 13. The Collins who reside on Denham Drive, now have four children. Christmas Parties Many happy feturns of the day to the Rootham baby of Den- ham Drive, who will celebrate her first birthday on December 30. Neighbourhood Bolers Winners of the chicken roll were: Norma Martin. Eleanor Edward's, Helen Mabley, Pat Mills, Muriel Clark and Lou Brash. Winner of the draw was Marg Miller. For the last meeting of the year the Scoutmasters are taking the Scouts on a tour of the Falcon- brldge Nickel Mines Laboratory on Yonge St.. to help foster inter- est in the boys to procure their chemists’ badges. The meeting will be held in the library. The next meeting will be held at the Scout Hut as usual, the first Thursday after the holidays. Christmas Musicale Westwood Lane. are entertaining relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William- son from Toronto, for a few days over Christmas. lst Langstafl Scouts Le Feuvre's ammm DON BUTCHARD’S FINA SERVICE TU- 4-4036 BAYVIEW PLAZA ' RICHMOND HILL candied TO ALL MY FRIENDS Langstaff Young Women’s In- stitute held their Christmas meet- ing on Wednesday December 10 at the home of Mrs. Betty Patti- son. Lansing. During the business period, plans were made for a euchre to be held in January. The staff and pupils said good- bye to Mr. Toyama at assembly and hello to the new member of the staff, Mrs. Budge, who will Langstafl Young Women’s Institute - Members exchanged gifts from the Christmas Tree. The hus- bands of the members arrived la- ter in the evening and took charge of a program of games, etc. A buffet luncheon of salads. ice cream and cakes was served by the hostesses. Cub News . . Keneu Pack celebrated the Christmas season/with a party at their regular meeting on Tuesday of last week. The boys sang Christmas music and played games. Afterwards refreshments were served and there was a can- dy treat for each of the boys. We are pleased to welcome to our news column the lst Lang- stafi" Brownie Company. Their meetings are held at Langstaff School every Tuesday afternoon at 4.15 pm. under the leadership of Mrs. Patterson. There are 37 Brownies in the group. At a re- cent meeting the mothers of 18 girls were present to see them enrolled as “Tweenies” by the Commissioner Mrs. McTaggart- Cowan. At the Christmas Party held last week. the mothers of the girls were guests. Christmas carols and games were sung and played. A pleasant surprise was the pres- entation of a gift to each mother from their daughter. These pres- ents were made by the girls them- selves at the Brownie meetings. There will be no meetings until January 6th. Langstaff School News Before the closing of school on Friday, Christmas parties were held in all the rooms, with ex- change of gifts and Christmas treats. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET Have Santa Claus VISIT YOUR HOME CHRISTMAS EVE KKKWRWKKWEKKKKKKN In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 am. to 6 p.111. including Sat. HU. 8-8949 v Evenings by appointment CRUICKSHANK TRANSPORT Stan, TU. 4-4801 ’. L. Lowrie, R.0. fiifigij 7‘ Owned & Operated by ALLAN RUMBLE ‘1 For information, call US’iConfinfi‘e Richmond Hill TU. 4-1298 OPTOMETRIST Pé+fbha§ej ‘V- For flour CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY Phone AVenue 5-2806 LANGSTAFF NEWS take over Grade 5 after the holi- days. Mr. Toyama will be teaching in North York starting in Jan- nary.‘ The pupils and staff contribut- ed towards a Christmas present for custodian, Mr. Hamblyn and he was presented with a 13-lb. turkey. All at the school wish a Merry Christmas to the parents of the Home and School and to all those who helped in many ways through their thoughtfulness to make the school term a successful one. Belated birthday greetings to Harvey Hamblyn who celebrated his twelfth birthday on Saturday. December 13th. The snow of Christmas is here, the hustle and bustle of shoppers. the tinsel, shining lights, the holly and the ivy â€" indeed, the per- fect setting of Christmas! New for each of us there is the pleas- ant duty to turn the key to the Christmas spirit in our hearts â€" the true meaning of Christmas. May yours be overflowing. Mr. J. Honor. Morgan Drive, is in St. Michael's Hospital re- covering from a recent operation. We wish him a speedy recovery. Kflflifll’flfififlfilfifllflfllflflflx From y o u r conesâ€"pendent. Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday! WONDERLAND mummamwnm Whoa m flurry oi grading. man: on under My Hon“: 0 UM! wold film 90 odd . . . May Hm be Hm nice» Chrisfma'l Thu you have ever had. CHILDREN’S WEAR AND TOYS BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-3541 um “93“va ” WHADDY V“ HOLIDAY SEASON RICHMOND HILL to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Saturdays â€" and from 10 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays. Now is the time to get your free Gift Certificateâ€"valued at $1 or more. All you need to do is open a 316% Savings Account for $10 or more at the new Northtown branch of National Trust.You"ll like our convenient hours from 10 a.m. NORTHTOWN CENTRE Free'Gift Certificate Ends Decembe? 3!» __ 3V2% ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT This is the highest rate paid by National Trust on savings accounts in 23 years. Interest is on the minimum half-yearly balance and starts the day you make your first deposit. We provide you with deposit book and cheque bookâ€"and you can save by mail. 5385 YONGE ST. TU. 4-2852 R I CH V A L E mayhxmzmmmmm (“KKI* 30 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill hammmmzaaanwhma mmmsmammmmm “flfllflfifimfi itKKEHK‘EKEfiAt‘ZRKElKKEfiKWNKl-mm r Please be advised we shall be closel Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. In apprecjation of our pleasant relations we extend to our customers our best Wishes for HII.I.'S ICE 6:. "III. Town Inn Restaurant A Bountiful Christmas and A Prosperous New Year IN APPRECIATION B'ING LEW, PROP.

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