If you have a last minute gift to buy. remember a year's sub- scription to the home paper is always a welcome gift enjoyed for a whole year. A card accom- panies all gift subscriptions. Cadet Flight Lieutenant Geo. Walden Dalley has arrived from Royal Roads College, Victoria, British Columbia. to spend Christ- mas with his family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dalley, Bent Crescent. Being home for Christmas is part of the traditional celebra- tion of the Christmas season. Let us have a list of your holi- day visitors for this social col- umn. Drop them in the mail or phone us at TU. 4-1105. Mrs. W. A. Wright is spending Christmas with her son. Dr. A. J. L. Wright in Parry Sound. We are glad to see that the Town Assessor, Mr. Bud Cable, Woodlane. has returned home af- ter his recent operation. Miss Betty Jones and Mr. AI- bert Jones are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. A recent survey showed more than 200 individual businesses within the town limits of Richâ€" mond Hill. and it is expected this number will increase to 250 by next Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell. Church St.. held a family dinner party on Sunday. December 21. Mrs. Southwell is a member of the Richmond Hill Public School Board. On December 17 and 18, the Richmond Hill High School held a March of Dimes Campaign to aid the Retarded Children Fund, The students made a road of all the dimes collected. which stret~ ched right across the auditorium stage, in all 28 feet, and the total money collected‘x for this very worthwhile cause was $167. The annual Christmas party for the children of the Kinette and Kinsmen Clubs of Richmond Hill was celebrated on the afternoon of Wednesday last week with more than 50 youngsters present. together with a number of their parents, also the Hook family. rIfhis party was held in the nur- sery room of the MacKillop School. and needless to say. it was voted 3 great success. Party games were enjoyed, together with the distribution of gifts. the part of Santa Claus being ably portrayed by Mr. William Dodds for the fourth consecutive year. Mr. Matt Kinnari and Mr. Gra- ham Shantz, teachers from the Lillian McConaghy School left Friday, December 19, to spend their Christmas holidays in New Orleans and Texas. The Christmas meeting of the Women of St. Matthew’s United Church was held on December 16, with more than 40 ladies present. The devotional was given by Mrs. L. Barron. followed by the sing- ing of Christmas carols. A de- lightful comedy entitled “Her Christmas Gift" was presented by Mrs. B. Curtis. Mrs. L. Jus- tice. Mrs. C. Loverock, and Mrs. R: Smith. Refreshments followed and were enjoyed by all. The next regular meeting of the group is scheduled to be held on the evening of Tuesday, January 6, and a cordial invitation to at- tend is extended to all ladies in the area. Framed in evergreens and light- ed by floodlights and coloured lights the beautiful Christmas story is displayed in a vivid and glowing mural on the lawn of the Free Methodist Church at Rugâ€" gles and Elmwood. The large 10 foot by 4 foot picture is the pro- ject of Mrs. J. W. Johnston‘s young people‘s Sunday School class and depicts the Nativity and the shepherds and wise men. The Young People's class also purchased a mural which has been placed inside the church. This is a scene of the town of Bethlehem and this picture was the background for the Sunday School Christmas program held last Friday night. The theme of the program was “Even Unto Bethlehem." CARD 0!“ THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my thanks and ap- preciation to all my neighbours and friends for the lovely flow- ers sent to my husband. May Duncan KELL â€"- John and Jean (nee Luawis) happily announce the birth of their son. Peter John. at York County Hospital. New- market. December 21, 1958. Richmond Hill . . TU. 4-3714 DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS - WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK. MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - N0 JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prop. Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners "The Liberal†is always glad to receive socinl and personal items for this page and a call to TUmer 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This neWspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men's societies. 10d!!! Ind other nouns. While copy will be sc- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desir- sble to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. *1w26 c1w26 The Well Baby Clinic will be held on December 28 from 1.30 to 3 pm. at the Public Health Centre. 50 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. Polio vaccine will be available and immunization con- tiuied under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Women's Insti- tute. The lady bowlers of the Rich- mond Rollers and the Friendship League collected gifts of food -â€" instead of exchanging gifts am- ong themselves this Christmas. Enough white gifts were collected to ï¬ll four hampers for Christ- mas cheer for the needy. Dr. and Mrs. G. T. Kean, Sher- yl and Peter from St. Johns, Newfoundland. arrived on Thurs- day. December 18_ to spend Christmas with Mrs. Kean's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Butt. The Keans will take up residence in Toronto during the next three years while Dr. Kean takes a post graduate course in anathaes- ia at Toronto General Hospital. Among the 20 guests for dinner on Christmas Day will be Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Finder and child- ren from Montreal. Mrs. Pinder was formerly Mary Butt. Supervising Principal, Mr. Du- ard Rose. is conï¬ned to his home with a virus infection. Unfortun- ately he has been unable to at- tend all the schools’ closing Christmas festivities. and his many friends join “The Liberal" in wishing him a speedy recovery. There will be matinees at The Richmond Theatre on Friday and Saturday afternoons at 2 pm. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rogers, Elgin Mills, are going to have an old- fashioned Christmas with all their children and 11 grandchild- ren to help them celebrate the festive sea’son. Arriving at the Rogers’ home Christmas Eve will be their daughter. Mrs. G. Har- rison, her husband and ï¬ve child- ren from Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. R. Street and four children from Georgetown and their son and family. Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Rogers and two children from Minesing. Ontario. Walt Disney's “Peter Pan" Is the feature attraction at The Richmond Theatre this Thursday. Friday and Saturday. An added attraction on the special program is Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki. There will be one show only on Christmas day, at 8 pm. , T. A. McLean and family in Dar- val, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McLean, Riviera Gardens, left on Friday, December 19. to spend the Christ- mas season with their son and daughter-inâ€"law. Mr. and Mrs. At the Curtain Club meeting last Tuesday, December 16, the Christmas spirit was quite prev- alent. After the usual business meeting, Mr. Joseph Rabinowitch accompanied by his two sons, David and Royden played a trio, “Two Violins and Cello" by Hen- ry Purcel. This was followed by Mr. Ken Davenport, with Mrs. J. B. Anderson at the piano. sing- ing “Cockles and Mussels" and ‘Clementine". and then leading the audience in singing some of the more popular Christmas car- ols. After several games of char- ades refreshments were then served. The many friends of Dr. Alan Ripley ‘who is at present in St. Michael's Hospital recovering from a heart attack. will be de- lighted to .hear that he is prog- ressing very satisfactorily,_ and is expected home at the early part of next week in time for all the Christmas cheer. The Kinettes of Richmond Hill held their ï¬nal dinner meeting of 1958 last Wednesday evening at the Yangtze Pagoda Restaur- ant, with 21 members attending, also two guests, Kinettes-elect Alice Murray and Maureen Lou- ghlin. Following the discussion of business of the year. the group then met at the home of Kinette past president lva White where their annual Christmas party was celebrated. Exchange of gifts took place, also various games were enjoyed. The draw for the “Miss Kinette Doll†resulted in Mrs. Ken Williams of Rockport Cres- cent being the lucky winner. The next dinner meeting â€" the Kin- ettes 4th Anniversary -â€" is sche- duled to be held on Wednesday, January 14. The Kinettes wish to express their appreciation to all who contributed in making their recent tea and bake sale such a success. The operators of the new Plaza Aquarium in the Richmond Heights Plaza had a problem last week. A valuable water-breathing frog escaped from a tank when it was being fed. Before he was found. five permanent shelves had to be removed from the wall. Being only 15" long. the frog managed to slip down behind the shelves to the floor. Jim Hope Red lancers Get Instruments And Easier Entrance Rouge Hill, Ontario. It was decided by the executive' of the Richmond Hill Police Boys Band Association that the school- work percentage limit which has been previously reported, was too high. After checking with Principal F. W. Morrow of the Richmond Hill High School on the average percentages earned by students. the board came up with the following regulation: each member of the band, major- ette corps, drill team and color party, must have at least a pass- ing grade (50%) to be a member of the organization, and must have at least 70% to become an olficer. When these ï¬gures are reviewed at certain times during the year, these regulations may be waived if a boy or girl has shown evidence of hard work and an attempt to improve in school. It goes without saying that should any boy or girl in the group have trouble at home, at school or with the police. they are automatically dropped from the ranks. ' A former resident of Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill, Mrs. Edwin Thorn is seen with her husband following their wedding in the Richmond Hill United Church. The groom is a resident of Unionville and the bride was Miss Willa- mean Nefl', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of As of the meeting last week, the association‘s bank balance stood at $43 which had been re- ceived by donations from public spirited businesses. No returns have yet been made from the sale of Booster Club tickets. On Friday, the association ex- ecutive met with Mr. Ross,.the manager of the Bank of Mont- real, where the group carries its account, and through his coâ€"op- eration, have been able to pur- chase the brass instruments for the band. These instruments can be seen all this week in the win- dow at "The Liberal†office. It is hoped that before very long. the drums can be added to the horns. When this happens' the group will have complete in- strumentation. The sale of Booster tickets is continuing, and you can become a member of the Booster Club by purchasing one of the tickets from any band member, at the Rich- mond Hill police office, Barth’s Cleaners in the Richmond Heights Plaza. or at “The Liberal†office. The campaign for funds is still underway, and contributions to the band funds are still being sought after and accepted. Any contributions should be sent to the association in care of the pol- ice oï¬ice, Richmond Hill. After several practices. both the band and the majorettes are acquiring the polish of an ex- pert group. The drill team and color party do not as yet have enough members for rehearsals. A ccountancy Student Stands 2nd In Ontario After Primary Exams The Yonge Street Business and Professional Association had some $40 left over after paying the bills for the Santa Claus Parade. This money they donated to the Rich- mond Hill Police Boys’ Band As- Vsociation. Ross is a graduate of the Thornhill High School ‘57 and employed by Petitt. Hill and Bertram while studying accounting. auditing and law. The Liberal joins Ross' family and friends in congrat- ulating and wishing him suc- cess in his studies. Ross W. E. Wood. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Wood. Altamira Road. Richmond Hill recently tried his prim- ary examinations as a stud- ent in- accountancy, toward his Chartered Accountant‘s degree and placed second in Ontario when results were announced. Registrations are still being tak- en for these groups, and those in- terested are asked to register at the Richmond Hill police offices. The weekly préetices of all groups are required so that the band as a complete unit can make its ï¬rst public appearance at Easter. Christmas Programme v The true spirit of Christmas, with its religious signiï¬cance and its joy in giving, was portrayed in music and pageantry at the Guide and Brownie programme on Tuesday evening at the Mc- Conaghy Public School. Parents and friends watched the opening ceremonies with the colour party from the 2nd Rich- mond Hill Company. Over 150 Brownies and Guides of West Di- vision took part quietly and rev- erently in the programme ar- ranged by District Commissioner Mrs. Hugh Yerex, Carols were beautifully sung by the various companies and packs and trained by their respective Guiders. Two lovely lesser-kmwn carols were depicted in costume before a manger scene flanked with fir trees. The French carol “Bring a Torch" was dramatized portray- ing the ritual which French fam- ilies go through on Christmas Eve. The Huron Indian Carol was sung by girls in Indian costumes with a short narration explaining the origin‘ After the carols each company presented gifts of food and money to scxeral organizations including the Retarded Children’s Fund and needy families. Division Commissioner Mrs. H. D. Clirrie accepted a special do- nation of money for the Girl Guide World Friendship Fund. MAGAZINE The service closed with the singing of the Brownie Hymn and Taps by the Guide companies, followed by the National Anthem. Many mémbers of the local girl guides association were present and had assisted in various ways in the decorating and music the carols. OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER â€" TU. 4-1745 â€" 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Guide Notes Typewriters . Adding Machines All popular makes on hand See Portable models at Call TU._ 4-1745 day or night ‘Your local typewriter specialiï¬j -â€" Photo by Lagerquist New - Renewal - Gift Special Student Rates Wight's Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. S. SUBSCRIPTIONS Derry Giles AV. 5-2241 t‘ Troop Movie. Sandwiches. milk. cookies and ice cream was provided by the Women's Auxil- iary, with a bag of candy for each Scout as they left. One Scout remarked that the rain dance they did must have been pretty good, for it was snowing outside pretty heavy. LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ' ROOFING MATERIALS 71 Centre Street East Sheppard and Gill Lumber Co., Ltd. MORLEY'S WE have seen you come back again and again and we want you #0 know we apprecial'e if. We hope during ihe coming yéar we will come +0 know you bef’rer and serve you more. Merry Chrisfmas #0 all of you! .- .â€" RICHMOND HILL Builders’ Supplies CARR â€"â€" In loving memory of my beloved husband, Clayton. who passed away December 23rd. 1957. Sadly missed by wife Lillian. In memoriams MANLEY â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and sister. Mrs. Kathaleen Manley, who passed away, December 23. 1957. Memory moves. as shadows fall, Back to the days of happiness, Back to days beyond recall, And a vision comes before us, So calm, so dear, so sweet. Of sweet lips that now are silent, Of dear eyes now closed in sleep. â€" Lovingly remembered By children Freda and Douglas. and brother Fred. c1w26 We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICHMOND HILL Nearly New Costume Jewellery TU. 4-3341 “Flowers For All Occasions†55A Yonge St. S. RICE’S FLOWERS ENCORE TU. 4-1361 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hm, Ont, Thursday, Decemï¬er 26, 1958 3 *1w26 Mmmmmmmm {BMWIESWWE .‘Wmmnmlmg :70 Our grienczla am! “gig/14min Usual cards donated It is hereby proclaimed that Friday, December 26, 1958, will be observed as a Civic Holiday in the Municipality of the Town oï¬ Richmond Hill. 'All residents of the town are requested to govern themselves accordingly. R. Lynett Ken Toml Clerk Mayor Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Assgdated With GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Boxing Day Civic Holiday Wla peace 4e our 3 if your [readure through out HERBERT R. BUTT 3A2 flew m l\lchmon Dependable Cdâ€: 'rd. dado/9 Service Telephone rid [m ad A leaé W/ ~ 93/1 at 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto 'ear Ken Tomlin Mayor 'aél' n owi [6/1 Toronto EMpire 2-3456