Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jan 1959, p. 10

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10 -- LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 15, 1959 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill TU; 4-3714 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 F SERVICING ONTARIO HYDRO RICHMOND HILL VEHICLES We wish to invite tenders for greasing, oil changes and washing of the above fleet from service Stations, or garages which are: (11) located within limits of Richmond Hill (b) equipped with 11 ft. vertical door clearances Particulars, schedule and application for tender forms are available until January 23rd at the Ontario Hydro Area Oifice, 63 Pugsley Avenue, Richmond Hill. - DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS - _WINDOWS , MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK, MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - N0 JOBS TOO SMALL Ph‘On'e Our Motto Satisfactiqn Prop. Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners HERBERT R. BUTT THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Dependable Associated With Faced with unforeseen household expenses? Want to make some special major pur- chase? Need money for taxesâ€"or to meet a family emergency? Personal loans to help people meet just such situations are being made by the chartered banks every day. You’re not asking a favour when you visit a‘ chartered bank to arrange a personal Service Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 2-3456 Jim Hope Following the business items and discussion of projects carried on by the Association Vice-Presiâ€" dent W. A. Sutherland of Milliâ€" ken was called on to chair a quizz panel and introduce his pan- el members â€" George Faris of Cookstown, farming 200 acres with a 100 acre pasture farm as well, and featuring a large dairy herd and 8,000 laying flock of hens; Raymond Glass of Queens- ville represented the smaller land holder, having 50 acres and keep- ing about 25 beef cattle and turn- ing off 180 home farrowed hogs. the latter being fed on pre-mixed purchased feed delivered in bulk; As the theme of the discussion was “Time is Money", the defence for bulk handling of feeds and fertilizers was handled by H. G. MacLeod, Production Manager of U.C.O.; and finally, Frank Barnes of the Farm Economics Branch. Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, Toronto, who had actual lâ€"OTL “Elfinâ€"EV! Rev. Kennedy began a series of messages on “The Christian Religion in 5 Words" on Janu- ary 11th. His subject was “Come.” On January 18 the subject will be "Believe". It was gratifying to see so many in the congrega- tion Sunday morning. Do come and join in these inspiring ser- vices. Church News Over 350 farmers turned out for the annual meeting of the York County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association at New- market last Wednesday. includ~ ing a number from adjoining counties to again tax the capacity of the town hall. In spite of zero weather, the hall was nearly full at 10:30 am. when President R. James Darilngion of Maple call- ed the meeting to order. Tim Wilson of King won the $5.00 bill ft .' the early bird draw. open to the 85 who were there fifteen minutes ahead of time. W. Sutherland '59 Pres. County Soil 8. Crop Ass'n. Play it safe. Come in today for our free brake- check. We repair and re- ]ine. Yo‘u’ll like our friend- ly service. Have our ex- perienced mechanics solve all your problems. Be Sure You Can Count On Your Brakes! Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 There will be a meeting of the CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS, R. R3 KING _â€"._â€"â€";â€" Phone PR. 3-5239 .__._..___â€"â€"â€" loan. The manager welcomes opportunities to make loans, repayable out of earnings in convenient instalments. And at a chartered bank. you can always count on privacy and courteous considera- tion, whether you are arranging a loan or using other valuable services the bank provides. COOK'S BP TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS The newly elected officers and directors are: President, W. A. Sutherland, Milliken; Vice Pres- ident, C. W. Winger, Gormley; Sec.-Treas., W. M. Cockburn, Newmarket; and Directors Carl Boynton, Nobleton; Frank Mar- ritt, Keswick; Archie Cameron, Woodbridge; Oliver Bales, Shar- on; Kenneth Deacon, Unionville; Stuart Watson. Markham; Alex Davidson. Agincourt; Russell Lit- tle. Agincourt: Ernest Crossland, Newmarket; Thos. Clark. Stouff- ville; Donald Brodie. Gnrmley; James Mortson, Queensville. Sunday School staff on Thursday evening at 7pm. to discuss plans for the 1959 work in Temperanceâ€" ville Sunday School. We are hap- py to report that there has been an attendance of from 60 to 64. H S Ass’n. News figures of reduced costs from time saving chore plans studied on D.H.I.A. farms. It was not long till the audience‘joined in the discussion. » The' two afternoon speakers from the Ontario Agricultural College gave several practical suggestions and answered several questions from the members. Dr. W. E. Tossell of the Field Hus~ handry Department spoke on the new developments in hay and pas- ture management, holding out the advantage of using named variet~ ies of grasses and legumes. Using both late and early varieties spreads out both hay and pasture season. Dr. B. C. Matthews of the Soils Department, used an in- teresting chart to show the point of diminishing returns when hea- vier amounts of fertilizer are ap- plied than recommended by the soil tests. The objective should be increased net return, rather than increased yield. On Friday. January 23, Temper- "anceville Home and School As- sociation will hold its first, fund- raising project. It will be held in the new school and it is hoped there will be a large crowd pres- ent. There will ‘be an auction sale of 1- goods. an ’ex-toggery booth, a bake table, a touch and take table, a fish pond and a refreshment booth. As well as being a money raising project it sounds like a lot of fun, so join the crowd and help the Home and School and your children. Personals The‘ 4-H Happy Gang of Tem- peranceville will be taking part in the Achievement Day at New- market on Saturday. January 17. Mothers and all interested are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the work displayed and .the skits put on by the 4-H Clubs. Miss Merilyn Annand formerly of Temperanceville and now at- tending Teachers’ College was a student teacher at Temperance- ville School this past week. Mrs. Clayton Beynon and Ruth enjoyed visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. McCallum and Jimmy of Schom- berg the past Sunday. Unfortun- ately at New Years the roads were too treacherou’ to travel. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Palmer have taken a trip to Florida. They will return at the end of this month. The euchre'of January 6 reâ€" sulted in the following prize win- ners: Ladies. Mrs. Andy Armand. Mrs. Ross Baker, Mrs. Harry Hutâ€" chinson. The men‘s prizes were won by Norman Rumble, Mr. Pal- mer Sr. and Everett Phillips. Mrs. Fred Hare convened the Lions supper held at Temperance- ville"’church on January 6. The chec'iue received for this Was $60. The next euchre will be held on January 20. I 1mm“mmm\mmlmmmm“11mmm1u1111111111mmm\\111\m1\mImuuuxmmnuummmmunm\m1mmmunummmlmmummummml mmx\l“mum\\mammalmmmmnu“mumm1lmnuumummmmmmmx\111111111111mumumlnm\1\1uu\\\uuuuuumuuuuumm Mrs. Bushell read the scrip- ture from Deut. 6:1-19 and Math.: 22:34-40. and the explanation. Mrs. Williams led in prayer. Mrs. Kirk read a very interesting pap- er. “The Night is Not Dark”. Following the reading of the minutes by the secretary, the treasurer gave a report on last year’s work. The corresponding secretary gave her report and turned in $59.82 for sale of Christmas cards, and read sever- al thank you letters. Mrs. B. Middleton asked for a committee to assist her on benevolent work. Mrs. J. Williams, Mrs. A. Read and Mrs. H. Ness are to act on this committee. ' Mrs J. Williams and Mrs. R. Kirk are in charge of preparing the communion for January 25. Mrs. J. Barton asked for last year’s committee on ways and means to help this year. Mrs. Barton is convenor and members are Mrs. Williams, Miss Sheppard. Mrs. E. Bone. Mrs. Read. Mrs. E. Bone is in charge of the cent a day money this year Mrs. Read is having the February meeting which is to be a pot luck noon luncheon. ‘ Dr. E. B. Eddy was in charge of services at Carrville United Church and a large congregation was in attendance. Dr. Eddy spoke on Psalm 27. Carrville choir sang “His Loving Care is Everywhere. Next Sunday, January 18, Dr. Eddy will be taking anniversary services at his former church at Oakville. Rev. Terry will be in charge at Carrville. The January meeting of the Can-ville United Church Wom- an’s Association was held at the church hall‘on Wednesday, Jan- uary 7, at 2 p.m., with 10 mem» bers present. Mrs. James Wille iams, the new president, was in charge of the meeting. The Sunday School had 26 present on Sunday. The teachers hope those who weren’t present will be out next Sunday. ( e January 25 is the first comâ€" munion of the year. If there are any who would like to join the church, Dr. Eddy would be pleas- ed to ,have them contact him at the earliest possible date. Annual Meeting The Carrville United Church congregational annual meeting will be held this Friday. January 16, starting with a pot luck supâ€" per. Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Middle- ton served refreshments. School News Miss Marsh and Miss Muir from Teachers’ College. Toronto, were at Carrville School the first week of school following the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and son John and Miss Evelyn Mer- AV.r5-499l YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL' TU. 4-1194 BIRRELL MOTORS LIMITED AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER’S WM“ Here’s the latest addition to the wide array of fresh, fine l’59 Chevrolets. It’s a new 4-door Sport Sedan in the Bel Air seriesâ€"and it sports a lower price tag than any other Chevy hardtop. Here’s your op- portunity to enjoy all the dash and glamour of the year’s most exciting new style . . . Sport Sedan styling with exclusive CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Now you can enjoy all the dash and glamour of the year’s most exciting new car style, at the lowest possible price! CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 130R3 cer had supper Sunday, January 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson in Toronto, and helped celebrate Betty Ann’s Ist birthday. It also was Miss Merâ€" cer’s birthday, so both names were on the birthday cake. Sister Myra Jane Wilson and John Davis were in on the celebration. New Year’s at Carrville This is how a fe-zv Carrville folk started off 1959: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson, Myra Jane and Betty Ann Wilson; John'Davis and Miss Evelyn Mer- cer, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver and Helen of Rich mond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and Bonnie Barton and Mark Davis of Beverley Acres, spent New Year’s day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and John. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richardson and dgughter Sandra of Doncas- ter spant New Year’s day with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker and family, Dufierin Street. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray and children, Ronnie, Lance, Lynda and Christine Gray spent New Years at Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tymchuck and family. On Christmas day the Grays eh- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashton and daughters Judy and Carol Ashton of Pickering Beach. Mrs. Adam Read received a phone call from Parent, Quebec, from her son George. which start- ed the new year off fine. Mrs. Read and Gordon entertained Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Read and sons from Oro, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Drewery and son from Stouffville and Misses Mary and Carol Ann George of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. George Relf and son Gary of Toronto spent New Years with Mrs. Gail Darling and children; also Mr. Peter Barnes of Aylmer. brother of Mrs. Dar- ling. spent Christmas with the Darlings. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bone and Miss Evah Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bone and Don and Bob- by Bone had New Year’Is dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rise- brough at Newtonbrook. New Year’s visitors with Mr. Wilfred McNab and Miss McNab were,Mr. and Mrs. E. Souche and children, Bernard and Marie El~ len; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McNab. and children Joann, Frank and Jane, of Toronto. Miss Jane Mc- Nab remained with her aunt and uncle for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hobday and Miss Dorothy Hobday, Mrs. Drury and Mrs. Graham of Willowdale spent New Year's_ day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark and David. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton and son Glen of Doncaster, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash and Robbie and Donna-Lyn Ash of Edgeley had New Year’s dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and girls. â€"See Your Local Authorized Chevrolei Dealer- wraparound rear window and sleek slim roof-line . . . at a new low price. Look into Chevy’s breath- taking new hardtop today. When you do, and when you see how much more Chevrolet gives you, in Slimline styling . . . in extra-roomy, extra-lux- urious Bodies by Fisher . . . in the new super-soft- ness of Full Coil springing g A!“|\\l\\\|\\l\\|\lllR““1llll\ll\11\llll\l\l\ll\lmllullllllumlllllll‘llllmllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllillllllll“I‘lllllllll\llllllll‘lllllllllm(WM!'1' 1:-nmmmll\nnIlln\mmunuuumumuuummmmnumllmunmummmmnmmmnummmmummum\nui1m\uumumumnmlmn‘ . '. . in Easy-Ratio steering and in all such quality features as crank-operated ventipanes . . . when you see all' of these Chevrolet values, then you’ll know for sure that this is motor- dom’s happiest surprise. And Chevrolet has a whole glittering constellation of sleek-lined and exciting models, in a wide and 5590 Yonge St. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF MUSIC HAMILTON TORONTO NIAGARA FALLS Piano, Accordion, organ and Guitag TAUGHT IN THE HOME INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED FREE MUSICAL ABILITY TEST ENROL NOW Children and Adults Why wait for springâ€" DO IT NOW!‘ 0 when there’s more time to do the job 0 and skilled help is available Farm Improvement Loans, backed by the Dominion Government, are available from your bankâ€"up to $5,000 at five percent simple interest, and repayment periods up to 10 years depending on amount borrowed and the purpose of the loan. These loans cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm house and farm buildings. for a farm improvement loan ALL HOME OWNERS are eligible fOTIHOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS, under the National Housing Act, available through your bankâ€"up to $4,000 and up to 10 yearslto repay. ‘ WINTER’S THE TIME “I INTERIOR DECORATOR? Issued by authority of the Minister of Labour, Canada wonderful choice of colors and interior trims. Chev- rolet lets you select the engine and transmission you want, in any model. Yes, your Chevrolet dealer ofiers the greatest choice of automotive values in town. Visit him today. 0 DRAPES O CURTAINS 0 SLIPCOVERS O BEDSPREADS 130 Willowdale kae. BA 5-5251 BA. 5-2581 Cvl359C 805 A

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