Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jan 1959, p. 16

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1-3.. Richniénd Hill, Ontario, 'J'I‘hursd'ayf Jgnpgrygigi rmfimnmmmuwuimmmumuuumuuumum“1111mm\mmumummumnumn“11mm1mum\u\uu“uuuutkiflfiiummmumu“xm\m1111\muuluuuuumuulmmmummumunuuu“mg; f! fl’ibperiy Wanted [FREE ’ , eady to wear We haVe'clients for all types of Real Estate with - '- , -‘ ' ready cash. g, - ‘ ~ . Photo Co-op Listings. _ ‘ _ In and "2nd'Mortgages Arranged SPRING MERCHANDISE WE * 9 ‘ H : IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT OUR :. - ~ H '7 I STOCK AND MAKE ROOM FOR , | ARE HAVING"A .. . .- J‘ a ry ' it“(Cleurunée Sale Johnny-19m Real Estate Ltd. gif‘ESTATl-SEACTION GUARANTEED "f’r-THEcANADIAN BANK-j OF- COMMERCE > Providingfipuialized Personal loan service since 1936 Rielihibiid Hill Branch â€" J. K. Clarke - Manager Bayview Plaza Branch â€"'Murray Cass - Manager T‘Z‘j‘SfPORT;JACKETS PERSONAL LOAN You, too, can get a 0F OUR-FALL AND WINTER SEASON... 'Ofir PerSOnal Loan service is organized fivmeet thewide range of needs of a wide range of'k'people. Personal, Loans are available at any one of our more than 800 branches . . . ' for any-worthwhile purpose . . . "- for from one tathree years . . . A loan is ‘ieadily repaid through regular monthly deposits v. - WIN'AP'AIR 0E MADE TO MEASURE SLACKS J232PAI'R GIVEN AWAY EVERY WEEK!!. ,_ 100% ‘ PURE.- "WOOL Si” Eli S FINEST IMPORTED ALL WOOL WORSTED MATERIALS Maddie measure-SLACKS Si 2.95 - 2 pr. EXTRAPANTS FREE v3.1 fongé‘St. N. â€".- Northern Buiyiing ' ' 3 «Phone AV. 5-5301 ’ V, or MrLSteffan, TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill * EN D . I ' . FOR DURATION OF SALE I EVERY PURCHASE ENTITLES YOU TO A CHANCE TO WIN Even more sensaionul 1 i” [he store \\“\l\\\\:l\l\l\\l\\\\\ll\l\\“\ll\\\\\\\\l\l\“lll“ \mummummmmmmnnmmmnwwwnwwwmmmwww mmmummmm 'll AT Some of the Values Are: 2380 ‘ BLOOR ST. W. R0. 9-9592 H- 3reol4c>gonef MEN’S AND BOYS’ SHOPS IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT OUR STOCK AND MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING MERCHANDISE WE ARE HAVING"A .. . .' . . . ~ SLACKS $6.99 â€" 2 p}. $13.00 TORONTO $29.95 â€" 2 suits for $55.00 Egggzégizgizgfigggg BAYVIEW PLAZA ' AV. 5-4‘791 . RICHMOND HILL“ The Henderson Ave. public school Home and School Associa- tion held~ its meeting for .the month on Monday, January 12. Class pins were awarded. _' . Birthday greetings are in order for Sandra Richardson, of «L3 Clarke Ave., who celebratgd her l1)0th birthday on Tuesday, Decem- er 30. ' - ' A visit with the Bonnlci. 52 Dudley Ave, Willowdale, found them very grateful to the com- munity for their assistance when they lost their home to fire. They are all looking forward to the time repairs are made and they get back to Donca’ster. The Boni- nicis wish to thank everyone for all they have done. _ ’ The excitement in the Clow home, 47 Clarke Ave., is due to 'the fact that their pure bred‘Saâ€" moyian dog Snow White, has giv- en birth to four pups; all pure“ bred. The pups are valued at $75.00 each. Friends and neighbours of Mr. Thomas King Sr.. of 32 Spruce- wood Ave., were saddened to learn of his passing on Monday, January 12. _ _ _ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. Study the above facts and act accordingly. Do You Know That (1) 475,930 babies were born in Canada in 1957, of whom 14,517 died in their first year and 9,478 died in their first month. (3) Accidents killed 3 times as many children as did ALL infection-s and contagiOUSdls- eases; in order of importance tl ey are highway traffic, home, drowning and fire. (4) ’One out of every 50 Can- adians is an alcoholic with only five countries with a worse rate of alcoholism than Canada. (2) 13 countries have a better record in infant deaths than Canada. DONCASTER EVEN ON SALE MERCHANDISE Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. mane AV. 5-5205 REG. $29.50 REG. $10.95 $19.99 ‘Mrs. John McCague,.Mrs. F. Donn'elly, Mrs. 'Re'id Brum’Well, Mrs. ‘D. Parsons and Mrs. G. Fran- cy attended the Summary Day for “The Third Meal” held in the Buttonville' Women’s Institute Hall on Thursday afternoon of last week. ' W.M.S. Executive There Were over 30 members of, the W.M.S. York Presbyterial Executive meeting inzthe Victor- ia Square United Church on Fri- day morning of last week. After the worship period taken by Mrs. Martin of Unionville, Dr. Mar- garet Arkinstall, of Newmarket presided, Reports wereegiven by the various secretaries 'of their 1958 work. All reports were en- couraging. Although some groups delay in ‘sending‘ their reports, the treasurer reported consider- ably more than the allocation which is$26,200. Uxbrldge again has the largest W;M.S. group with 80 members, and Keswick the largest Baby Band with 131 mem- bers; 7 ~ ‘ W.M.S. Annual Thevinéeting closed by saying the Brownie Prayer and the Brownie Taps. Pictures were tak- en, by Mr. Varden. Sr. Women's, Institute The January meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. F..Donnelly. The convenor was Mrs. Reid Brumwell. Roll call was answered by “Name an’organ of thy body and its function.” The guest spea- ker was Mrs».,Cecil Nichols who told‘o‘f her work this past fall, while she was nursing at. the Red Cross Hospital in .the Kenora dis- trict. Her talk. proved very inter- esting. At the close of the meet- ing dainty refreshments were ser- ved by the committee. 'The 90th Annual Convention of the Markham Township Sun- day. School Association will be held in the Central United Church and the Bethesda Lutheran Church at Unionville on Thurs- day, January 15, beginning at 10 The Local Association of Girl Guides met on. Wednesday even- ing of last week at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hal-die. Mrs. Har- die, chairlady, thanked all the la- dies for their Work towards their bazaar. It .was passed that the money from the bazaar be spent on necessary equipment 'for the Brownies, and badges and en- rollment pinsi A penny auction provided a hilarious half hour, and :all articles left from the ba- zaar were disposed of. The meet- in; closed with refreshments. Brownie Pack' It is hoped that all the ladies will try to attend the 2nd annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the York Presbyterial to be held in the Richmond Hill United Church on Wednesday, January 21, 9:30 a.m.‘to 9:30 pm. Sunday School Convention The lst 'Gormley Brownie ,Pack held its 'first enrollment cere. many on 'Saturday,, January 10. The division commissioner, Mrs. H. Currie. was present to present the Seven girls with their Ten- derfoot pins. The ceremony took the form of. a Brownie train. The engineer was Trudy Tulner',~ who picked up the following girls: Marilyn Stacey, Dianne Donnelly, Mary Miller, Ardys Winger, Jeanette Lang, Glenda Moses and Judy,Varden.‘ The stations rep- resentingsthe tests the girls had passed were Promiseville, Law- Town, Signville, Hair-City, Braid- Town and Dish-Square. Sixers and seconders were ap- pointed as follows: Fairies, Sixer Marilyn Stacey, Seconder Dianne Donnellyf Gnomes, Sixer Carol Moses,» Seconder Jeanette Lang; Sprites, Sixer Mary Miller,. Sec: onder Ardy‘s‘Win'ger; Elfs, Sixer Judy’ Var-den, Seconder Glenda Moses. Local Association of Girl Guides The mothers, sisters and broth- ers, also a visiting Brownie lead- er and Brownie frOm Toronto, a sister and niece of Mrs. Norman Johnston were present. 'Will the choir members please note that _Choir practice will be held in the church on Friday ev- ening, because of the Sunday School convention being'held on Thursday evening. This is for this week only. Explorer‘s v Choir The next meeting of the Ex- plorers will‘ be in the Victoria Square United Church on Mon- day evening, January 19, and then every second week, until further notice. Church News The Sunday school hymn com- mittee will' meet in the Manse on Friday evening, January 16, at 8 pm. . Friday, January 23, is the date set ,for the annual meeting of Victoria Square UnitgdA Chnljgh. Rev. A. F. Binnington’s sermon theme on Sunday was f‘Aaron and His Calf." Next Sunday his theme will be “The Book of Ruth and it‘s Méssage." Misses Lillian and Faye Nich- ols; Shirley and Audrey Gee had dinner on Friday evening with Mn. and Mrs., Jim Barker and Ross. , Will the members of the Offic- ial ,Board please note that the suggested date for the next board meeting is Wednesday, January 28, at 8 pm. in the Victoria Square United Church. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Mr. Gor- don Mortson for January 16; to Bill Sandle for January 17; to Margaret Gee who will be 11 years old on January 19; to Mrs. Charlie Stansbury for January 20. - Mrs, R., Perkins had dinner on Thursday evening of last week with. Mr, and Mrs. Steppe and family. Mrs. R. Perkins,er. and Mrs. Garden Mprtson and family had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mr_s. Jim Barker and Ross. "Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.‘ Andrew Forson (nee Vera Boyntqn’) "on'the birth of their fourthdaughteg, Another grand- CORRESPONDENT; MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Square ' Telephone Gormley 5421 ‘ , VICTORIA, SQUARE NEWS Mrs. E. Lepkey, No. 7 Highway, was hostess for the January meet- ing of the institute held on Jan- uary 8th. Mrs. Glassey, president, was in the chair. The usual busi- nes was carried on in good time. Thank you notes were read from the elderly residents of the 06m- munity who were given small gifts of‘remembrance at Christ- mas time. Plans were made for a bowling party to be held on Saturday, January 24th (tentative date) and a euchre to be held sometime in February (date to be announced later). Mrs. D. Morri- son agreed to accept the office of secretary-treasurer vacated by Tppic for the evening was “Res- olutions” and Mrs. D. Morrison, convenor, read the resolutions which were presented at the Cen- fial Ontario Women’s Institute nvention. These were interest- ing and varied and ranged from suggested revisions of the Succes- sion Duty Act, marking of freight cars with fluorescent paint, use of preshrunk material in children’s jeans, and other interesting top- ics. Little is known to the gen- eral public of the work of Wom- en’s Institutes in this field, and the influence that they have‘had in this respect. Some of the‘ things accomplished through their work have been “the wrapping of bread, vitamizing of appleejuiee, marking of food packages with weights and other information, etc. Your executive has planned a variation from the regular meet- ing for this month; All members are asked to bring their husbands along to, Charles Howitt School, on Wednesday, January 'let, ‘50 that they can see first-hand the type of meetings and the work being done by the mothers of the boys. There will be a social time afterwards for everyone to get acquainted. Mark Vaun Women’s Institute riage. Mrs. D. Booth of Kettieby spént Friday afternoon with Mrs. Per- cy- Bennett. , Rev.’ A. F. Binnington attended the committee meeting in the Aurora Unitedlchurch on‘ Tues- day. The meeting was in connec- tion With the new curriculum of the United Church. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett of Richmond Hill had Sunday ev- ening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Pefcy Bennett. ' Before starting off with the news this week, we wish to make a correction. In a recent article regarding the lst Langstaff-Brow- nie Company, it was stated tfat the meetings were held at 'the L'a'mgstaff School. This ’should have been rBhornhill BIptist Church. 1st La'ngstafl Scout And Cub Moghers’ Auxiliary daughter for Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ralph Boynton. . ‘ Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 'Stansbury and family in the passing-of Mrs. Stansbury’s uncle â€" Mr. Fritz. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. -Wats¢n and family lived here in Mrs. Hewitt’s house, several years ago. Sympathy is extended to Mr. ‘and Mrs. Nelson Boynton and family in the passing of .Mrs. Boynton’s aunt, Mrs. A. Cooper (Myrtle Jennings). Mrs. Cooper was- born here and spent her .childhood days in this commun- 1ty. She lived where Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glover now reside. A paper was read telling of the gift of the Federated Women's I .titutes of Ontario to Miss Eth- el Chapman, long time wot? er in Women’s Institutes. MissIChap- man, who is now the Editor of the Institutes' magazine “Home and Country" is being given a free trip to Scotland, where she will attend the conference of the “Associated Countrywomen of the World,” and visit well-known places there. This will be her first trip to Scotland; ‘ H .1 LL. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Buchanan of Don Mills called on Mr. and Mrs.‘ Lloyd Canning and Lorri on Sunday afternoon. - Mission Band The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band will be held on Saturday, January 17, at 2:30 pm. in the Sunday School room. All the children are invited to at- tend. L‘s-n. “.3. u. ...,- . Refreshments 7517‘s served by the hostesses. Ruth Lepkey, No. 7 Highway, celebrated her 7th birthday 'on January 6th. Ruth entertaingd ger friends at a party last Satur- aY. Will the party who left four chairs at 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, some time ago call for them within 10 days or they will be sold to See , Richvale ’ Ornamental .Iron Works ‘ coi’er the cost. Phone AV. 5-4421 Evenings AV. 5-3678 For Stair & ,Porch Rafls. Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes. Portable Welding 8: Repairs. LANGSTAFF E.‘ Eek/e11 prior to her marl NOTICE Correspondent: Mrs. M.’ J. Roy AVenue 5-2806 At the regular monthly meeting, of‘ Richmond Hill V.O.N. Commit- tee this week plans were made for the annual meeting of the organiâ€" zation which will be held wed- nesday. February 4th. Complete and detailed reports will be pre- sented at the annual meeting which will be held in the Council Chamber and to which all citizens- are invited. The .O.N. has had a busy year and the constantly increasing calls on the service is evidence of its great usefulness in the commun- ity. The Nursing Service is 'v‘avail- able to all citizens in Richmond Hill and information may be'ob- tained by telephoning the head- quarters in the Municipal Build- ing, phone TU. 4-4101. Annual Meeting V.0.N... Feb. 4th OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET 11: Worth Toronto Opposite Park Theatre I 9 mm. to 6 p.m. including Sat. [10. 8-8949 . L. Lowrie, R40. Evenings by appointment All cars I949â€"up CADILLACS AND LINCOLNS A SPECIALTY (Aeroplane Type) ~ Per Pair $9.10 All pars, l949â€"up Rear Springs Closed - Window Driving plus a leaky muffler spell D-A-N-G-E-Rl Beware of deadly carbon monoxide Replace yourdamaged muf- fler with a MOTO-MASTER MUFFLER â€" heavier gauge outer shell, acid resisting in- ner liner. Dauble-locked leak- proof seams, reinforced end caps. Noise red-ulcer tu'be-s disperse hot gases evenly for longer muffler, life and save up to HAZARD . . . DON'T TAKE A CHANCE ON LEAKY MUFFLER murmur Weather means 0L03ED W INSTALLATION Installed From $11.00, - $14.00 ea. Installed SHIELDS 15 MINUTE MUFFLER Richmond Heights Plaza TU. 4-5341 CHEVROLET, 18453 CHRYSLER & D‘ssorol (6-cyl.). '49-52 DODGE, 1949-57, (6 cyl,) ...... FORD, ‘49-“ HM" FUUWR (G-cyl.), ’54-57 BROKEN & DISCONTINUED LINES . OF MEN’S WOMEN’S ~& ’ CHILDREN’S SHOES 20% is: 25% (iii carsyuwnuna V MUFFLER!" -â€" EXHAU: and TAIL PIPES - F ......................... car And truck. ASK FOR FREE MUFFLER INSPECTION C.T.C. Sale Prlco Sal/e 5. 18 6.70 6.86 1947-56 CLAMPS, MUFFLER!" -â€" EXHAUST PIPES and TAIL PIPES - For every car And truck. » nmou-m, 1949457, STUDEBAKER CHAMP each INSTALLATION (most cars) 2.: $4.50 ea. $12.10 FUR 77/1: HIM/[V 2.25 '° 2.85 c.1'.c. Salt Prlco 4.65

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