Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jan 1959, p. 15

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I HERRIDGE ELECTRIC] _ TU. 4-3211 ‘ 5â€"0TL Editâ€"NE Parts, Repairs, Service SELL, BUY. BART“ - ‘ THROUGH LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 12 gauge anp Gun by Ithaca, reg. $105.00 20 gauge Bolt Action Marlin, model 55, , . ' reg. $45.75 » .. 30:30 Marlin Carbine, reg. $85.45 ( .. . . . . . . . . . 22 cal. Marlin Bolt Action, reg. $21.45 . . . . ’. . $17.34 22 cal. Marlin 98, reg. $47.95 .............. $37.56 22 cal. Marlin Levermatic, reg. $61.95 . . . . . . ' reg. $45.75 30:30 Marlin Carbiné, reg. $85.45 ( .. . . . . . . . . . 22 cal. Marlin Bolt Action, reg. $21.45 . . . . ’. . $17.34 22 cal. Marlin 98, reg. $47.95 .............. $37.56 22 cal. Marlin Levermatic, reg. $61.95 . . . . . . AMMUNITION PRICES SLASHED T0 COST ALSO WINTER INVENTORY CLEARANCEAT cosn ‘ % Stop 22A Yonge St. ' < AV. 5-1031 (between Thornhill and Richmondflill) ‘ ‘ “The Friendly Store That Saves Yau More” ’y SPORTING GOODS TIRE AND AII'I‘O SUPPLY lIMI'I‘ID INTERIOR DEC ORATCR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ONLY $900.00 DOWN Attractive red brick detached bungalow with six spacious rooms. Door from the children’s bedroom leads directly out to fenced rear play-yard. Short block to shopping and new school in Beverley Acres. Phone CH. 6-2131 or Maple 243. 'lwao Johhny Loth ReaiVEsItfithé it; r 814,200 ~â€" RICHVALE Low down payment -r- 5 room bungalow with attached garage. Large lot. Close to school and shopping. Please call Mrs. Plax- £01}, AV. 5-5301 or AV. 5-1210. RICHMOND HILL, $2,300 down. 8 room bungalow, close to schools. bus, and shopping. TU. 4-3711. , *2w29 MODERN 6 room brick bungl- low, low down payment, carries $85 monthly, including taxes. Immediate possession. 96 Rock- port Crescent. TU. 4-6057. c3w28 AURORA GOOD MONEY-MAKER $19,900.00 Large duplex, one 2-bedroom suite, one 3-bedroom suite, large first 5% mortgage, close to school, shopping and transporta- tion. Moderate cash payment. Ex- ceptional low taxes and heating costs.- Please call Mr. Steffan, AV. 5.5301. Johnny Longo Real Estate Ltd., 31 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. c1w29 GOOD bgildlngjoti, 539’ frontage, close to YongeVSt. Fully servlcEd: TU. 4-1389. . "1W30 O DRAPES o CURTAINS o SLIPCOVERS O BEDSPREADS 130 Willowdalo An. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BA 5-5251 c1w29 TRANSPORTATION wanted, leaving Richmond Hill, 6:30 to 7 3.111., leaving Toronto 5 to 5:30 pm. Phone Miss Wyer, TU. 4- 3396, 298 Markham Rd. c1w30 URGENT: transportation wanted from Richmond Acres to Duffer- in and Glencalrn, arrive 7.30. leave 4.30. TU. 4-2129. c1w30 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION available, leaving Richmond Hill approxi- mately 6:45 am. to Lansdowne and Davenport, leaving to return 4.30 pm. Phone TU. 473462. TRANSPORTATION Wanted to Egllnton or Bloor-Spadim. Phone TU. 4-1472. c1w80 Carries this neat insulbric home in West Oak Ridges. Full Price $5.900 with $1,500 Down ALSO Many, many more properties in Maple, Richvsle, King, Oak, Ridges and Nfobleton, to choose rom. Call PETER KITCKER _ PA. 7-5076 ‘ Local Representative for I EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Agent 21 Yonge St. N. _ Aurora Split Level, 3 Bedrooms Stone Fireplace Storm: and Screens Fixtures and Carport All for the low, low price of $14,641 With only $2,490 Down '3“ MONTHLY WHEN IS A HOUSE v MORE THAN A HOUSE? When it's a custom built home like this one in King featuring PBUDENTIAL TRUST CO. We have a number of low priced homes and building lots; also’ a few new homes. List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr. Hudson, phonu TU. 4-2822 or HU. 3-4343. ' tfcll REAL" ESTATE FOR SALE (Continued) c1w30 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will close Febru- ary 14, 1959. c2w30 The Department of Lands and Forests offers the fol- lowing used Vehicles for sale by tender: One 1949 Internstional bus; One 1953 % ton Chevrolet panel truck; One 195/4 1/2 ton GMC‘ panel truck. These vehicles may be seen at the Southern Research Station, Maple, and are offer- ed on a where is, and as is, basis, without warranty ex.- pressed or implied. Application will be by sealed tender to R. N. J ohns- ton, Chief, Division of Re- search; Southern Research Station, Maple, Tel. AV. 5- 1171. MARKHAM -â€"- A contract for $54,336 has been awarded for the construction of a new Post Office building at Markham. The new oneâ€"storey structure will be lo- cated on the east side of Main St. and will have a frontage of approximately 53 feet with a depth of 70 feet. It will be of block and wood frame construc- tion with an exterior finish of brick veneer and stucco panels. SAT., FEB. 7 -- Auctign sale of good household furniture, electric range, appliances, player piano, dishes, utensils kitchen effects, 2 new gents’ bicycles garden tools, etc. At Lot 22, Concession 6 Villa! ghan Twp., 3:4, mile north of Map, 1e sideroad, known as the Julian Farm. Property at George Old, Sale at 1:30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Proprietor going to Eng- land. Ken and Clark Prentice, auctioneer, Markham 84B. c4w29 WED.,JANUARY 28 -- Auction sale of farm stock and implem~ ent, 20 head of Holstein cattle. Yorkshire and Tamwarth hogs, 1 W6 IHC tractor, threshing ma- chine, 28” Waterloo, one 10’ M-H' power take-of binder; including full line of power implements, quantity of grain and baled hay, household furniture -- at Lot 1, Concession 6, East Gwllllmbury Township, east of Nwmarket. on’ townline between Concessions 6 and ‘7. The property of Leslie Graves. No reserve as farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, phone Gormleyr 5311. HIGH production, low mainten- ance Ames. also dual purpose pul- lets and cockerels, prompt ship- ment dayolds and some started. Heavy breed cockerels. Book Feb» wary-March broilers. Bray Hfltv chery, J. C. Enns, Brampton, GLendale 1«3506 ,and GLendale 1-5218; Fairbank Feed, RR. 1, Maple, Phone AVenue 5-2954. 1 SALE REGISTERS PUPS FOR SALE, part terrier, $2.00 each. 410 Paliser Crescent North, Richmond Hill. c1w30 months, registereH. 'fiéfisebrok'en. Obedient. AV. 5-2379. c1w30 ST. _]3ERNA_RD pugpy, malg. 3 CANARIES. choice border fan- cy Singers and hens. Buff, green, ellow and white. Newma‘rket, W. 5-2812. c2w30 GERMAN, SHEPHERD female (spayed). Purebred. Very reason- able to good home in country. Phone TU. 4-2400. clw30 AUTOMATIC DELIVERY talking Wstrain, 3130‘ breeaers. TU. 4-2205. 11023 REGISTERED bgby_budgies FOR SALE By TENDER LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONTARIO ULUUuUnlluJ‘ u; yzun-up u. nun, $300.00. Yerex Electric, TU. 4- 1552. c1w30 The program will consist of: A talk by Mr. R. D. Sparham, dio rector of programs for the nation- al office of the Canadian Mental Health Association; a film dealing with the rehabilitation of the mentally ill; a discussion by the social workers under whose guid- ance the hospital-approved homes are openated. ’56 METEOR. radio, new snows, less than 10,000 miles on 5' tube- less, 3-tone, in beautiful condi- tion. If you meet my trade-in of- fer of $1195.00 you can have it. Can be seen Saturday all day at 71 Cartier Cres., TU. 4-2904. HAVE CARâ€"WILL TRAVEL to the person definitely interested in buying a good car, but unable to go out to look from lot to lot. A phone call to AV. 5-5000 will bring this car to your door: 1951 Chevrolet coach, new ex- haust and transmission. Runs and looks better than most 54’s. Forced to sell to buy truck so do not miss this offer for $295. Will take cheap car or truck on trade. Ray. c1w30 All who are interested in the welfare and rehabilitation of the mentally ill are cordially invited to attend. 1953 CHEVROLET, DeLuxe, ex~ cellent condition, radio and other extras, good tires. Phone Maple 252. clw30 CARS wanted for salvage. Fair prices paid. Parts for '49 Me- teor and ’51 Chevrolet for sale, also tires. C. & F. Auto Parts 8: Service, No._ '7 Highway. Lang- staff, AV. 5-2973. c2w29 51 PLYMOUTH, 4-door, very good running order. Private sale, $250. TU. 4-1048. c1w30 STUDEBAKER ’51 pick-up truck 1950 GMC Pickup. Reason’ahle. AV. 5-1093. _ c1w80 This is a program designed to prepare volunteers interested in visiting the hospital-approved homes for recuperating mental patients. ation dump, in good conditién. TU. 4-1215. 35 Richmond St. 1$_56 FQRD Model F._700 combin- The York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associa- tion invites’ the public to attend an orientation program for vol- uteers on Wednesday, January 28th, at 8:15 p.m. at Wrixon Hall, St. Mary's Anglican Church, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill._ ‘ USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1952 DESOTO’ sedan. good condi~ tion. Fully equipped. $425. TU. 4-5508. ' c1w30 DEPENDABLE! good â€" looking transportation for modest invest- ment_.‘ *51 Ford Fordor. Phone _TU. 4-103. - uwao Public Meet 0n Mental Welfare Rehabilitation _ This marks Mr. Neufeld's fourth successive term of office and his seventh year of municb pal service. He was first elected to the board in 1949. In the div- ision of duties, Mr. Neufeld will be in charge of sidewalks, Mr. Snider roads, and Mr. York 0: street lighting. Secretary of, the boarrLis‘ Mr. J. McDonald, Vau- ghan'Townshlp Clerk. Mr. John Neufeld, Well-known local businessman, was elected chairman of Maple Village Trus- tees for 1959 at the inaugural meeting held Monday. Mr. Neuâ€" feld succeeds Mr. Andyrsmder, the 1958 chairman. Serving with Mr. ‘Neuteld will be Mr. snide: 3111M! Jack YQJZKQ- L Mr. J. Neufeld To Head Maple Bd. Present at the dinner were four guests from the Richmond Hill Police Boys’ Band. These were, Chief Consttble Robbins, Jack Williams, Constable Green and Constable Cider. Colin Burgess rose and called the attention of the fines master to the fact that he had always wanted to fine a constable so he fined the Chief Constable on ‘general principles.’ Robbie pleaded his case but was found “‘guilty" and the fine was Cec Williams acted as tines master for the meeting. When anyoue was‘fined and got up to filead‘ his case, Cec just turned of! Is hearing aid, and as 1 result. numerous fines were collected. my in partiqulazj‘is notewuryhy. At the head table out five J â€" cees of the month, when the Ric - 1mond Hill Jayeees had their din- :ner meeting on January’lSth. It was membership participntmn ni ht and External Vice-president Ra ph Markham was chairman. Dinner started at 7:15 with race ‘and the toast to the Queen, chaired by the Jaycee creed. Internal Vice-president Murray McLeod came to the front to make two presentations, :1 Jay- cee of the Month pencil to Stan Troyer for the month of Novem- ber and to John Hogarth for De- cember. In addition to these two at the head table were the fol- lowing Jayceee of the month: Col- in Burgess for August, Peter Pfenning for September, and Howard Jack for October. Jaycees Of ' The Month Receive \Presentations SELL, BUY, BARTER THROUGH LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 clw30 c1w30 FEBRUARY 13 +- ‘Frlday at 2:30 All the women of all the church- es in Richmond Hill are request- ed to keep this date open for the Women's World Day of Prayer in the Richmond Hill United Church. ' c3w30 FEBRUARY 7 â€" Saturday. 01)- portunity sale of good used cloth. ing and household articles will be held in Holy Trinity Church, Brook St., Thornhlll, by the Par- ish Guild at 2 pm. Tea will be served. c3w30 JANUARY 31 â€"â€" Saturday Euch- re. Members of L.O.L. and LO. EA. will hold a euchre at the Orange Hall, lst house north of Loblaws on Yonge St. at 8 pm. sharp. A series will start with good prizes for high scores at the end of series. Admission 50c. Lucky door prizes, draw prizes and good euchre prizes. Lunch. c2w30 JANUARY 28 -â€" Wednesday. Skating at Richmond Hill Arena, 8_ to 10 pm. Admission adults 50c, students 35c, with student card. c1w30 JANUARY 28 -â€" Wedneday. “The Teacher Uses Sight and Sound” will be the topic of the January meeting of the O. M. MacKiilop Home and School As- sociation at 8 o’clock, with teach- ers presenting program. All par- ents invited. c1yv30 L‘J‘A- - CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord Schoon House Each Lord’s. Day evening In! '1 on. Gospel Message Tune In‘ CKEY, (580: at 8:!!! am And Jesus spake unto them saying, all power 15 given unto me in heaven and in earth. Matthew 28. v. 17 and 18: And when they saw Him. they wor- shipped Him. but some doubted 1 block cut of Yonxe Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan B. Th. Student Assistant. Mr. R. Thistle including Adult Bible Class 11 & 7 -â€" Mr. R. Thistle, Student Assistant, will preach. The choir will sing. Two nurseries are ‘ provided. .“Tlxe Chm-cl! _tha_t_‘ is Looking JANUARY 28 -- Wednesday. at 2:15 pm. at Kingcrafts House. General meeting will be address- ed by Mrs. Anne Hook, Canadian Handicraft Guild Supervisor for C.N.E. demonstrations. Refresh- ments in charge of Hooking Group. A _ _ _ clwso SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 - Bible School JANUARY 26 â€" Monday It 8 o’clock. Meeting in the Commun- ity Hall, Victoria Square. All persons interested in the Como munity Park are asked to attend. - 7, c1w30 t t a»: JANUARY 26 -- Monday at 8:15 pm. The Charles Hewitt Home and School Association. Panel discussion, "The Role of the Home. and Teachers'r Supply”. Mr. Maynard Hallman. Dr. Ross Doan, Mr. G. Chandler and Mr. J. Jackson Taylor. 7 clwso JANUARY ’24 -- Saturday 2 p. m. to 5 pm. Teenage Hop! Oak Ridges Legion Branch 570 is sponsoring a Teenage dance in its hall, King sideroad, Oak Rid- ges. Come one, come ’ali. Dress semi-formal. c1w30 JANUARY 24 â€"- The Honour able Kelso Roberts, Attorney General for Ontario, will bu gueat speaker at the North York Proz- resslve Conservative Association Annual Meeting to be held at Newmarket Town Hall, 2:30 p.m. January 24. _19_59, _ c5w25 JANUARY 23 â€" Friday. Veiiore Old Boys 77th annual dance and euchre, in Vellore Memorial Hall at 8:30 pm. Hollingshead Orches- tra. Modern and old time danc- ing. Admission $1.25, lunch pro- vided. c1w30 It It 0! SI JANUARY 23 -â€" Friday. Square dancing at Jefferson Public School, Yonge St. north. 5 piece orchestra for your pleasure. All welcome, time 8.30 pm. Aafilm made by the National Film Board, on Parliamentary Procedure Wes shown, and as it was now quite late the chairman‘ asked if they wanted to adjourn for the effectivespeaking caurse. As it wa’s the wish of those pres- ent to leaVe the effective speaking course till next dinner meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 pm. Coming Events - Three more presentations were made (special awards) â€"- Bob Frater for his outstanding job on the V.O.N. campaign, Hull Barnett for outstanding work on the Christmas lighting campaign, and Colin Burgess for his fine job of chairing the anniversgiry dinner. There were several announce- ments. Two coming events were stressed, (the convention in Sault Ste. Marie and the ice fishin trip) and the proposed Richmon Hill convention garb was shown, The four leaders of the Rich- mond Hill Boys’ Band, particular- ly the vice-president; Jack W11- Hams, spoke On their need far money. They were Well received and Roger Scarff expressed the Jaycees’ thanks and that consider- ation would be given. colleétad. 1313116311}: Bichmondvrfiifl,_0ntaflo, Thutsday; January 22,1959 1! c1w30 ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN Oak Ridgel - Yonze a‘t Elm Grove Morning Prayer ...... 9.45 am. Sunday School 9:45 am. Holy Communion â€"-â€" lst Sunday ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES Yonze at Jefferson Morning Prayer 11 am. Sunday School 11 am. Bible Classes (Senior 8.: Inter: Helse Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 3.111. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed, 7.30 pm. - Prayer Meetiw Vaughan (3rd con.. 2 mile: north of Concord) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11.15 am. â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor ' Tel.: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues., 8 11.111. â€" Prayer Meeting THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ST. BARNABAS. ‘ Richvale Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 4-4236 9.30 mm. -â€" Morning Prayer NLr'sery and Sunday Sbhool Services in Charles Howitt School Pearson ,Ave. . Holy Communion second Sunday at each month THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Finch Ave. East Public Selle»! Finch Ave. E., just west of . Bayview ‘ Sunday School . . . . . . . . . '10 mm. Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 mm. The Rev. Karl J. Schweder, 3.))” M.A., Pastor Phone: BAldwln 1.8900 mediate . . . . . .". . . . 9:45 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd and 4th Sundays m CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Anglican Richmond Hill East Beverley Acres School ‘ _ Neal Drive { Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith. 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 , SUNDAY, JANUARY 25. 1959 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. 'â€" Nursery and Jr. Con- gregation 11 am. -- Holy Baptism Service 2 pm. -â€" Bible Class at the Rec- tory 7 pm. â€" Teachers’ Training dis- cussion group at the Rectory. BRETHREN IN CHRIST r CHURCH \ Wm. VanderBent, Pastor . Tel.: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 SUNDAY. JANUARY 25, 1959 Study Hour. We welcome you to thefellowshlp of this friendly family chilrch that continues the teaching 0! Original Methodism. SUNDAY. JANUARY 25 1959 2.45 pm. â€" Sunday Schonl 7. pm, -- The Family ,Gospel Hour. ' . Subject --â€" “The, Stewardship of Prayer." ‘ ' Wedls p.115: â€" Prayer and Bible RICHMOND KILL I‘ll! METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and nume- new. Earl 8. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life VHgg;._QHML 9 am Sunday RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH so Wright *St; Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Irvin. B. TIL, B.R.E. Rhone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY. JANUARY 25, 1959 9250 am. â€" Bible School for all! 11 am. -- Morning worship, ’ 7 pm. â€" Evening Fellowship Service. ; . ‘ Wednesday at 8.30 pan. Mid-week “Hour of Power” The young church with the old Message! V ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. ILA. » B.D,, Minister > SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1959 9.45 â€" The Church, School 11 am. - Publlc Worship Nursery meets at hour of worship mitage, M.C., M.A., D.D., Principal of Wycliffe College. 4 p.111. â€" Holy Baptism I 7 pm. -â€" YOUTH SERVICE -â€" 'conducted by students from Trinity College, Toronto. Bible Class members attending and all young people invited. Fireside afterwards. ’ Monday, January 26, 8 pm. .â€" ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING Wednesdays 10 am. â€"- Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY SAINT MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Nell SUNDAY, JANUARY» 25. 1959 SEPTUAGESIMA Theolozlcal Education Sunday 3 am. -â€" Holy Communion .30 am. -â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11 a.m. -- Morning Prayer (Nursery & Jr. Congregation) Preacher: The Rev. Ramsey Ab RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1959 9.453,;13. -:._ Sunday ‘School and Bible Class. 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: V PRAYER AND GOD’S LAW 11 am. -â€" Nursery Department. “There is no blindness like a lack of spirttual sight?" II'CHMOND mu. UNITED CHURCH I luv. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. ll). SUNDAY. JANUARY 25. 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Serving “Youth Wreck-ff, 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service "Wings or Burden?” ' NO coLnEc‘i‘IdNfl .» TU. 4-2677 . ALLWELCOME SUNDAY, JANUARY 25. 1959 3 pm. -- Public Lecture ‘ ' Mr. G. Alexander "What’s This World 99mins To‘ EVERY THURSDAY- p.111. â€" Service; Meeting :45 pm. -â€" Mingstkgjggpml ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) » Pastor: « Rev. Harold R. Llndeman, BA. Phone Unionvillo 361 '_ smuufhfldflf’zsm 1959 10 am. -â€"- The'Servic'e. ' 11 a.m._ â€"? Sunday School and GORMLE! V 4 UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH , ~- lqv. 0.1:. Human. , 9.45 mm. -â€" Church Broadcast v CKLB 13503051131”; 10 mm. - Morning Worship 11 a.m.o-â€" Synday Sghool PARISH OF KING & MAPLE ~ ‘ (Amlican)' Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings. DJ). Tel. King City 313 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Chute]: - King City 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 10 am. - Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School St. Stephen’s ghurch 1. Maple (Holy Communion Zvnd iswxvxfiliay) 7 pm. -â€" Holy Communion .‘ (4th Sunday only) Meeting > SUNDAY. JANUARY 25. 195! 9:30 am. - Breaking of Bread, 11 am. â€"â€" Sunday School md Adult Bible Class Mr. Colin Anderson ‘ 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospelr‘Service Mr; Howard Hunt 2 Tues., 8 pm; â€" Prayer and Bible ‘ Study Mr. Colin Andersoh 9 a.m. â€"â€" Iijly Communlbn V 11.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 1‘ 11;?99-32 - Mowing Prim! i363}; â€""fi§éfiini SW 1 RICHVALE GOSPEL ‘ Oak Ave. ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 23. 1.980 7 pm. -â€" Girls’ Craft Class ($18) 7.30 pm. â€"- Boys’ Club. 8 pm. â€" YoungflPeoples Adult Bible Clan , - . 11 8.111. .-â€"_- Mormu‘,womw_w4. 6.30 13,111. . -' Prayer. Matting~ ‘ ‘ 7 pm. - Gospel Servicr » " Wed. 8 pm. : grmr a. an,” Study! Thursday --1 p.111. â€" Women’- Mlsslonary Fellowship ‘ Thure.. 8 pan. â€" Evenln Mb- eion Circle and end ,4 , Thursdays at each month Fr!.. 7 pm. â€"- Lampughtere end Teen Fellowship Fri. 8 p.111. -â€" Chou-Practice BAPTIST CHUB ‘ Chart}: 83.. Luau! Mamet: Rev. B. '1'. Mason!“- SUNDAY. JANUARY 25. 1959 10 an. -_-_ Biblqfichppl with LANGsmur MAPLE CHARGE v. 3 THE UNITED CHURCH 0! CANADA » , 30v. Harold .W. but». 8A.. Minister 2 r, ~SUNDAY9‘ JANUARY ’25.: 195! Maple *5 W * “ 10:15 am; A-v'Church school. 11.30 'a.m.-"-- Morning Wotamp Hone 10.80 mm. -- Morning Worship 11:15 3.111. +- Chutch School Edge!” V. . M ‘ 1:30 pm. â€" Church Set-.9” 2:30 pm. â€"Church Sen?" cAuvILLz UNITED énuneu Ru. Earl. 'n. Eddy. A 3.1L. 3.»... sum)”. JANUARY 25. 1959 2.80 pm. «â€" Worship Set-Vic. THORNBILL - '1" BAPTIST cnURGn. - Stop 17 Yorge street ’ Rev. Percy (3. Buck. AB,A,;‘B; Th. 5 Old Orchard vae'. Toronto.‘ _ 12; Out: 'fy = HU mauz” 3 SUNDAY. JANUARY ‘25. “1959 ANNIVERISIARY SERVICE : mm. ‘ Rev. Prof. H.‘ W. Lang, ,:M,.A., S.T.M. McMnster Divinity Col} ege, Hamilton. Ont, Ist Vice-President Baptist Can: vention, Ontario and Quebec. [ guest preacher. r ' A cordial invitation ta all. ANNUAL SUPPER a: MEETING Thursday, January, 29, 6.30 pm. ‘ KINGDOM’BALL , 0F JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Cedar Avenue. Richmond. Hill ' (4). The King’i Sympathy 7.30 pm. .,--. Xomg-gAdults A Study in} Christianity 'and the ' Cults ' Wed, 8’ pm. - Prayer “1d Felâ€" lowship at the home of Mr. I'm! Mrs. Eric Hook, 95 Rurpblc Avg. Richmond Hill ‘ Fri., 7 pm. -- Hang Hour 7.30 p.m..-Vâ€"‘Bo -' lung»- Sat» 8‘p.m.,-â€"- he Yountu‘Adulq will hold a tobqggaq party; A: SEPTUAGESIMA SfiifibKi 8 am. -- Holy Communion. 11 lam; “â€" ‘ Moiflingi’nn: preampfii'aigéfii 7 pgn. : Evsninsfrym \ ’Preaché; ‘R‘eQIQ L, yam Wednesday a. , 10 am. -~ Holy communion ' momma... ., ‘PRESBmmAN CmCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 25. 1359 “Behold an: KIM” 11 a.m-. â€"- Sermon ’? - ‘ tsunami. 0mm cum " Minister: Rev. In?! I. Eddy. I B.A.. 3.1).. Th. 0. * sum“. JANUARY 25. mo 10'_;â€" Intermediato Church ‘ School - 11 uni-- Clhurch Wouhlp Ind ‘ echmh School hm :TnonNmLL-- r SUNDAY. JANUARY 25:19:59 Bible Class. .7 W- young peoplE'wélcomé: waited

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