Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1959, p. 9

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gnuu511gumummuummunlmmmmumuuuuuuuuuuummunnm Mr. Jack Eilbeck, director of the community programs branch of the board of education, intro- duced Mr. Edward Shaw of the same department, who will gladly speak in his area which is any- where north of Steeles Avenue. Mr. J. H. Woods, from the Na- tional Film Board, and said that the only red tape which the as- sociations had to overcome in ob- taining films was the one of simp- ly asking. There is a nominal rental fee and films may be ob- tained from the Metropolitan film board, the Newmarket Public Lib- rary. the Orillia Film Library, or the Community Programs Branch An interesting meeting of the York-Simcoe Home and School Council was held in the Prince Charles School. Newmarket. on Thursday evening. There was a good turnout and local schools in Markham and Vaughan School Area No. 1 were represented. Mr. J. H. Woods, from the Na- tional Film Board. showed a var- iety of thought-provoking films, called, “What do YOU think?" which showed how films could be used to advantage to stimulate discussion and open up new lines of thought. A general discus- sion followed the showing of each one. The place of good citizen- ship in the community. and the question of what is good citizen- ship was one topic which provok- ed a difference of opinion among those present. Another question Was raised on the point: Is it des- irable to come to a conclusion at the end of group discussions or‘ should discussions rather keep people thinking after they.have left the meeting? _7 > _ Mrs. M. E. Taylor 161 Spruce Ave. Phone AVenue 5-4293 York-Simcoe Home & School Council for tlie entire family TU. 4-3910 TU. 4-3341 I. D. Ramer & Son WEDNESDAY at 7 :00 You get the most comfortable heat in town with ‘blue coal'. Its steady blue flame gives you the sunny heat that‘s best for you. ~ This famous hard coal stam easier and burns longer. So you save time and money when Richvale News Nearly New Clothgs TUESDAY at 7 :30 “WHIRLYBIRDS” Preéented by I.G.A. Stores MONDAY at 7:00 “I LOVE LUCY” Presented by Savage Shoes & Fry-Cadbury Ltd. Presented by Procter & Gamble 55A Yonge St. S. “LEAVE IT TO BEAVER” Richmond Hill TU. 4-1313 Correspondents: Mrs. E. E. Spears 17 Roosevelt Drive Phone AV. 5-3116 quara 'lo Need lue coal! l+ bums befier! >307” . . x . §§\\\\\\\\\\\\w\ \\\\»\\\ .\\\ ENCORE mumnunummuuuunummumm1\\mlumfiimimimmmum IWHéi will be greatly missed. Sincere sympathy is extended to his wife. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. Ernie Jay, and his family, in the sudden loss of his father in Charlottetown last Tuesday. ‘ The community was saddened to hear of the passing early this Tuesday morning of Mr. Ed Row- don of Carrville Road West after an illness of several weeks. Well liked by all who knew him, Mr. Rowdon had lived here with his wife, the former Gladys Baker, for nearly forty years. moving here from St. Catherines shortly after his return from World War A meeting of parents took place in the Legion Hall on Sunday evening, and the reSponse left much to be desired. For the twenty-four Boy Scout Cubs to re- ceive the most good from their training, an active group commit- tee is necessary, besides the spon- soring group, to back up the lead- ers of lst Richvale Cubs. An- other meeting will be held in the near future to which all interest- ed persons are cordially invited. Time and place will be announced in this column. Mr. Rey Paul motored to Ot- tawa last week to attend the con- vention of surveyors and photo- grammetrists. Richvale Gospel Chapel held an annual fellowship tea on Sat- urday evening. The families sat down to a bountiful repast and afterwards enjoyed a musical ev- ening and heard the annual re- ports. Mr. Colin Anderson gave an inspiring address on “Ador- ation. Edlfication, and Proclama- tion." lst Richvnle Cubs Mr. Herb Hudson ls recovering rapidly from a hernia operation he underwent last Friday. He Is home again, already feeling bet- ter, we are glad to report. Annual Meeting The 0.R.B. League scores for last week. over 200. were: Pauline Price, 289; Hilda Luce 210. 228; Gloria Searle 283, 203; Marie Lawson 247, 264; John Sim 201, 223; Tom Lemperg 270, 202, 232; George Lawson 232. 219. 78. High three George Lawson. 729. at 206 Huron Street Toronto, to At the 3rd Richvale Girl Guide meeting recently, Captain Marie Lawson presented Judy Boss with her writer's and cook badges. Bowling _. . you insist on the coal that's colored blue. Prove it to yourself . . . Cull gs ioduyl “Begone Dull Care." a coloured film by the brilliant Canadian artist. Norman McLaren, was shown, after which refreshments were served. ' blue’fisjcoul’ name a few‘ RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 am. - SAME DAY SERVICE 011 TELEVISION Victor Draper Agencies Oak Ridges FOR SATISFACTION USE “THE LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Radio â€" Washer Repair Service 12 Midnight DAILY Conversion To 60 Cycle PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 Ontario The annual open house and fifth birthday of the Gormley Home and School Association will be celebrated on Friday evening, February 13, at 5.5. No. 7. Mark- ham. Teachers and pupils are planning a very special program. Lunch will be served. Everyone is welcome. Master Danny Farquharson en- tertained his friends on Thursday on the occasion of his eleventh birthday. Ou-‘ local fishermen aren't hav- ing too good luck at Lake Slmcoe. Mr. Gordon Munro landed a beau- tiful trout last Tuesday. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Mel Hill, former residents here, are spending a manth and a half in California. Miss Genevieve Bruce enter- tained her Sunday school class on Friday night at a skating par- ty at Mount Albert. After skating the young people enjoyed lunch at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker of Ballantrae. The Jr. W.M.S. meeting was held on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Willis Hunklng. A baby shower was held at this meeting for little Sharon Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins of Lagos, Nigeria, Af- rlca. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rice of Barrie and Mrs. Edwards of To- ronto had Sunday dinner with Mr. James Doust and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker and f..mi1y of Ballantrae had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. IT. Doner. The government recently blood tested local dairy herds. As a re- sult of this, Mr. Walter Brillinger lost seven of his herd, and Mr. Hawkins lost ten of his herd. This is quite a loss as, is usually the case, the best of the herd go down. Mr. and Mrs. Charles James and David of Stouffville had din- ner on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mrs. M. Hazel spent last week in the Brierbush Hospital but her neighbours are pleased that she is home again. Messrs. Walter Brilllnger, Roy Heise, and Gerald Winger left on Monday morning for a three weeks holiday in Florida. They plan to fly to Haiti and spend five days with Miss Mildred Brillinger who is nursing there. _ Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolender and Mrs. Stauffer were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust. r The: annual musical night for the Young People‘s Society will that as 5( hill ‘ The Sr. W.M.S. meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Harvey. The Doncaster Community La- dies Club reports that the highest score turned in for the third week of play in their euchre marathon in aid of the Bonnici family, was won by Mrs. McIvor and Miss Jean Trimble with a score of 109. On Monday, February 23. they will hold the play-off euchre at Thornhill School. There will be tables for progressive euchre. On Monday, February 9, at Unionville arena, the senior boys of Henderson Avenue School met the senior boys of Thornhill School in an inter-scholastic hoc- key game cnd 0. Bob Mason of Dudléy Ave., and BLIZ Menzies Sr.. of Glen Cameron Ave.. have first place teams in the T. and D.H.C. hockey house league. Bob igcoach of team No. 1 which is in first place in the in- termediate loop. Bill has Team 3 of the juniors, which has a per- fect record. 3 for 3. All teams play at Henderson Ave. Public School on Tuesday at 7 p.111. and Saturday at 9.30 am. Birthday greetings are extend- ed to Debbie Byer, of 41 Morgan Ave.. who celebrated her 8th birthday with a party on February 51h. SCHOMBERG : The annual fair will be held here May 30. Edgar Piercey was re-elected president and Douglas Palmer is vice-presi- dent. Above are shown 'members and leaders of the newly formed 1st Gormley Brownie Pack. The Leaders in the picture are Mrs. N. Johnston, Mrs. G. Hardie and Mrs. P. Rumney. The Brownies, who are from Gormley, Victoria Square, Melville and Cashel, are, from left to right, Front Row: Rachel Farquharson, Dawn Tatton, Cathy Sander- son, Karen Chadwick, and Sharron Leitch. Second Row: Irene Crane, Donna Houghton, Debbie Kirkpatrick and Karen Baxter. Third Row: Norreen Powell, Cathy Rox- borough, Glenda Moses, Judy Varden, Ardys Winger and Jean Kelly. Fourth Row: (Mrs. N.) Frances Johnston (leader), Janet Lang, Dianne Donnelly, Mrs. G. Hardie, Carol Moses, Trudy Tulner, Marilyn Stacey and Mrs. P. Rumney, absent, Mary Miller. The Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 [‘he community is sorry to hear It Scouter Wille has resigned scout master of Second Thorn- l Troop. DONCASTER Ist Gormley Brownie Pack CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED GORMLEY NEWS Telephone Gormley 5201 A lot of remarks are made about the cold steady winter we are having. However, we are very fortunate compared with many other parts. Spring and summer catalogues came several weeks ago. Seed catalogues have also made their appearance, so at least we have a few signs of spring. be held on Sunday evening, Feb- ruary 15 at 7 pm. at the United Missionary Church. Special guests for the evening will be the Pitts family. ‘ Stop in and test-drive the value-peeked Dodge;;;the luxurious and spirited De Soto ;;-.ur a sleek. strapping new Dodge Truck today! 59 Yonge St. South How can a group of parents who are not satisfied with the ed- ucation their children are receiv- ing. influence the Department of Education to bring about changes in the curriculum? was a question from the audience that aroused considerable cement. Mr. Hayes, while admitting that he did not know how to proceed in such an vvent, charged that the majority of parents were dissatisfied with The panellists discussed a list of prepared questions, and also commented on questions from the audience. One of the more hotly debated topics was the question of whether it was the job of the schools to impart knowledge only or to make responsible citizens. Many on the panel. and in the audience as well, felt that the school should be responsible to a good extent for developing char- acter and good citizenship, as well as for teaching the standard courses. Mr. Hayes. supported by several members of the audience. took issue with this point of view. This group felt that the more knowledge you can grind into the child, the better citizen he will be. The most important job of the school was to impart knoWl- edge: it was the responsibility of the home. the church. and other organizations to impart ideals of conduct: honesty, responsibility and the like. “the slowness of the curriculum that Ontario seems to be saddled with." Mr. Calvert felt that it was possible to make changes within “Parents should help determlne the aims of education." was one of the conclusions reached by a panel discussion held at Hender- son Avenue School on Monday evening, February 9. The discus- sion was sponsored by the Hen- derson Avenue Home and School Association, at its regular month- ly meeting. Under the chairman- ship of Mr. Robert Tamblyn. the discussants were Mrs. Rae. repreâ€" senting the public school teach- ers: Mrs. Gage, for the Home and School movement; Mr. Hayes for the parents; Mr. Bick, for the school trustees. and Mr. Calvert. for the high school teachers. Henderson Home & School HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 22 Highland Park Blvd., phone AVenue 5-2795 WILLIAM NEAL DODGE TRUCKS Henderson Avenue School was broken lnto last Tuesday night, February 3. according to a report recelved from the custodian. Enr- rance was gained through the au- dltorlum windows; some of the rooms were broken into. and a sum of money belonging to the local Brownies and Guides was taken. KESWICK -â€" Funeral services were held Saturday. January 315i for North Gwillimbury Police Chief Billy Hill. He had been in police work since 1930 and serv- ed with East Gwiliimbury. the County force and since 1950 chief in North Gwillimbury. He is survived by his widow and seven children. He was aged 64 years. the present framework. While no definite answer was forthcom- lng. it appeared to be the final opinion of the discussants that parents. acting through their Home and School organizations. and making representation to their local boards, might even- tually hope to see such changes come about. Break-In Car-care ’is our business -- and We know it thor- oughly. COOK'S BP Don’t let a, run-down battery cause you need- less delays. Let us check and recharge it today. We Put New Life Into Tired Batteries Complete Service To All Makes of Cars Auto Service Richmond Hill ELGIN MILLS 'I‘U. 4-3151 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 12, 1959 If you want the toughest, best-looking truck for your kind of job, put a new ’b9 Sweptljne Dodge to work for you. And you can expect your jobs to be a Whale of a lot easier! Big, new, luxury-styled cabs are comfort-designed. Clutch pedals are hydrau- lically actuated for much easier operation. Brake and clutch pedals are suspended ‘0 give y0u more footroom. We’ll be happy to help you select the Dodge truck for your job â€"from this handsome new Sweptline all the way up to 49,000-lb. max. G.V.W. Power Giants. See them now! The recent fund raising campaign realized $45,000, only $15,000 short of the overall objective. With the help of further private and service club dona- tions construction will soon begin on a lot provided by the Town of Richmond Hill. We personally handle all sale bills and advertislng. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements If you or your club would like to assist, please send your donation to: Thornhaven Retarded Children Bo x 3 3 3 Richmond Hill, Ont. ALVIN S. FARMER THE SCHOOL FOR Retarded Children WILL BE BUILT - YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE TUrner 4-2091 Licensed Auctioneer for

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