HII.I. CI'I'Y MOTORS E. 178 YONGE ST. N. Save $5 secured surance tain y Plates? 20 Levendale Rd. PROMPT GRAYDON T. PARMENTER B. Com. See this stylish 4-door, 4-passenger car at UCI‘EKHL INSURANCE AUTO o FIRE - LIFE ALL FORMS LOW RATES iave $5.00 â€" Have you ecured your Liability In- urance Certiï¬cate to ob- ain your 1959 Auto ’lates? nquire now No obligation As Lovely As A Princess Chic Parisian Styling NOW IN RICHMOND HILL 57/14? ena Dauphine GENERAL INSURANCE evendale Rd. AV. 5-1812 (Res. PR. 3-5213) (opposite Loblaws)’ Richmond Heights Plaza DEPENDABLE PROTECTION MAY WE HELP YOU? ALL FORMS LOW RATES $5.00 â€" Hav d your Liabi. e Certiï¬cate your 1959 Drop into our showroom today and test drive Her yourself gas applianqu wafer homing cooking 4-DO0R CONVENIENCE 44 MILES TO A GALLON enau 'I‘U. 4-4221 And in conjunction with the Book Display, the first general meeting of the International Reading Association will also be held at Crosby Heights Public School. the same day, from 3.30 to 5 pm. Public schools in the district will close early in order to leave the teachers free to attend both meetings. ' BALSAM: Joseph Pickett, a 77â€"year-old bachelor resident of Balsam in Uxbridge Township. lost his entire life savings of $97 when fire razed‘ his eight mum frome house on Tuesday after- noon. Fire brigades from Clam- mont and Uxbridge were sumâ€" moned to the scene but could not reach the residence because of knee-deep snow drifts. A Book Display of text and lib- rary books will be held at the Crosby Heights Public School, Richmond Hill, on February 19 from 5.30 pm. to 9 pm. The purpose of the display is to assist teachers and principals in making wise and careful selecâ€" tion of new books to be included in requisition lists to their re- spective school boards. It is an opportunity for trustees to view text books with their principals. Members of Home and School Associations are invited to attend the display at 8 pm. in order that parents may become more familiar with the books being used in our schools. Book Display At Crosby Heights Wellington's Warden was born in Dartford. England. in 1908. When a year old he came to Can- ada with his parents and lived for a time in Toronto, coming to Richmond Hill in 1914. He at- tended public and high school here and was a very popular and On his return to Fegus after a keenly contested elec- tion which required twelve ballots, he was greeted by a monster parade headed by the Fergus Pipe Band. Richmond Hill Old Boy Wins Hard Fought Race Wellington Wardenship Eric “Rusty†White, a Richmond Hill old boy has won distinctive honours in the municipal ï¬eld, having been e1- ected Warden of the County of Wellington. Reeve of Fer- gus, he is the ï¬rst representative to attain that honor in 102'years. Rusty Scores Again Mr. White has been a member of Fergus town council for eight years. one as councillor, ï¬ve as deputy reeve and now serving his second year as reeve. “The Liberal" joins with “Rus- ty‘s†host of friends in extending congratulations on the hon- or he has won and wishing him continued success. People of the district remember him as a boy and young man who played the game hard. but played it always fair. He was a keen contender in all sporting activities and nev- er spared himself in his efforts for the team and the home town. We are sure those same qualities of heart and mind which endear- ed him to his many friends here will carry him a long way in public life. If he works as hard in municipal life as he did as a goal-getter in lacrosse he will be His wife is the former Irene Thomson of Toronto. They met in the Fergus skating rink. They have one son Brian, now age 16 years. He is a brother of “A1†White of Al’s Sport Shop, Rich- mond Hill. Godi luck “Rusty†â€" the home town is still cheering for you. In 1934 he moved to Fergus, taking a position with the Beatty Company and playing lacrosse in that town. He played for Fergus seniors from 1934 to 1939 and re- tired that year due to facial in- juries. He later played with Brampton and Owen Sound teams. In 1943 he started referee- ing lacrosse games and carried on in this capacity until 1955. He is still employed with the Beatty Company and is general supervis- or of the plant. 5 gréat Warden of Wellington County. N . outstanding athlete. He excel- led in baseball. hockey; curling and lacrosse. but it was in the lat- ter he won most renown. A star of the Young Canadians, he was a team-mate of Fred “Dempsey†Armstrong. York County‘s 1958 Warden on the championship team. The Explorers of the Victoria Square Charge will hold their party on Monday evening. Feb- ruary 16. The leaders, Mrs. P, Bennett, Mrs. F. Maw and Mrs J. Storey have planned a supper party for the girls at 6.30 pm. with an evening of fun to follow: At the Explorers‘ meeting held last week the girls presented two pictures to be used in the Sunday School room at Victoria Square Church. Mrs. A. F. Binnington received these on behalf of the Sunday School staff. Junior Farmers and Junior Institute Activities Next Saturday afternoon will be a true Valentine‘s Day celebra- tion for junior membbrs of the community for on that day the Davidson Mission Band members will hold a party at Brown's Cor- ners Church from 2.00 to 4.00 On Monday evening of last week the local Junior Farmers and Junior Institute groups met at Leitchcroft Asembly Hall to hold their annual election of of- ficers. Mr. M. Cockburn of New- market presided over the boys’ section and Mrs. R. Pralet. presi- dent of Buttonville W. I. conduct- ed the girls’ election. Junior In- stitute officers named were: Hon. Pres, Mrs. George Hooper; pres- ident. Carolyn Little; vice-presi- dent. Margaret Brodie; secretary, Carol Mortson; treasurer, Eliza- beth Barker. Three directors were Misses Cora Brodie, Mary Hooper and Janet Oakes. with Janet Oakes Institute director. Mrs. Dick Jones enjoyed a vis- it with Bruce and Jean Jones and Gary at their Wallaceburg home during the past week. Valentine Parties for Church Groups p.m. Mrs. Wilfred Turner and Mrs. Bob Hood have a program planned which the children will not want to miss. Two new additions I liked par- ticularly were “To Keep This Oath" by Heebe Weenolsen and "Exodus" by Leon Uris. I‘here is also an edition of Thor Heyerdal's “Aku-Aku†with beautiful photo- graphs of the Easter Islands, and many other books of equal inter- est. You will also find many choice stories for the younger members of your family. Where else will you find such endless hours of pleasure and information for the cost of a .50-cent member- ship card? Serious illness has sent several people to hospital recently. Mr. Floyd Culp and Mr. Harris among the men, and Mrs. Martin and Dorothy Hooper Robb. Small Car- olyn Alex who returned from the Hospital for Sick Children not long ago was scheduled to re- turn again this week for further treatment. uunlvv VMnâ€"vâ€"r -.__ The boys officers are: presi- dent, Don Hoshel; secretary. Matt Taylor: treasurer, Barry Little. On Wednesday evening of last week these young people met at the home of Carolyn and Barry Little to practice for their coming variety show in March. There will .be a one-act play, songs, choruses and individual presentaâ€" tions which should work into a good evening. Mrs. John Wilkins will direct the play. Brown’s Corners W.M.S. Meets Brown's Corners W.M.S. mem- bers and friends met in the church parlours on Wednesday af- ternoon of last week. Mrs. S. J. English played quiet music at the opening of the meeting, and Mrs. Wm. Rodick presided. During the business session Mrs. S. R. Patterson was named key woman for the World Day of Prayer. 1960. Study classes for church membership were anâ€" nounced for February 11 at 8.00 in the church. There was discus- sion as to whether the Harmony Club should' assist with purchase . , a..- UIILILLAI A A n u . A n w v . _ _ _ _ r nounced for February 11 at 8.00 in the church. There was discus- sion as to whether the Harmony Club should' assist with purchase of a movie projector for the Sun- day School, and Mrs. A. W. Mil- ler, Harmony president, and Mrs. N. Reid were appointed to take the matter up with Mr. Harold Wright and report back to the grow Neighbourhood Notes Snow, sleet and bluster â€" true February weather! But the fire is cozy and the cat purrs; it‘s 3 won- derful time to catch up on the reading you've been intending to do. Unionviile Library has a ï¬ne new stock of books now. for your pleasure. and it would be a good idea to look them over this Thurs- day evening between 7.30 and 9:30 pm. or on Saturday after- noon between 3.30 and 4.30 pm. Sluuy. Mrs. E. Fuller and Mrs. Harold Steffler were the only two com- mittee members present and their devotional and resume of the Study Book chapter were well handled. Master Paul Steffler as- sisted with the offering and Mrs. S. R. Patterson was soloist. Reports from the Presbyterial held at Richmond Hill in January were given by Mrs. M. Reid for the morning session, Mrs. E. Ful- ler for afternoon and Mrs. Wm. Rodick for evening._ JA._-_1 I... nuuxnn AVA vvy.....a. Courtesies were tendered by Mrs. Fuller, and following the bendiction tea was served by the committe e. Odd Jobs Unlimited CONCRETE PAINTING, CARPENTRY TREE CUTTING NORTH YORK : Council will consider at its next meeting the possibility of applying to the pro- vincial government for an amend- ment to Bill 80. the charter that brought Metro into existence, to increase the township‘s repre- sentation from one to four memv Evenings TU. 4-5067 TU. 4-5471 BUTTONVILLE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TC. 4-1105 Correspondent: Mrs. F. 1!. Ln! R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 No job too small. Personal Service. Your If you want carrier service phone our office: TU. 4-1105 Carrier Every week more .than 15,000 readers enjoy the home news and features in “The Liberalâ€. Join this every-growing family of readers and have your copy delivered by carrier. If you live in Richmond Hill, Highland Park, or Elgin Mills you can have the weekly issue of “The Liberal†delivered to your home. You pay the carrier at the rate of 10 cents per week. In the extension of this service we have openings for ambitious boys who are interested in establishing routes in Thornhill, Langstaï¬', King City', Richvale, Maple and Oak Ridges. Delivers “The Liberal†every Thursday afternoon to homes in the Richmond Heights subdivision. He is one of 20 Carriers Who every Thursday afternoon deliver the weekly issue of the Home Paper to homes in Richmond Hill and surrounding district. Every week more and more readers are availing themselves of this prompt and reliable service. The Home Paper of the District Since 1878 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm. Ontario. Thursday, Februiry 12, 1959 1'! By Mail $3.50 per year At news stands or by carrier 10 cents per copy Q5132 itheral. Sidney Acton