Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1959, p. 16

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\\ n_ “ 1 *. Make your 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. February 12. 1959 SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? We have many inquiries daily for all types of property in this general area, some with all cash. For prompt and efficient service call AV.5-I2H day or night or come direct to our office. * * * JACK IEFFERY REAL ESTATE Yonge St. "Visit PI-INIx. ARIZONAWW . . Winter headquarters of Mr. Sun. Warm? sunny daysâ€"cool. Crisp nights. In a garden setting IO miles east of Phoenix stands Jol<al<e lnn-â€"one of " the Southwest's tinest resort hotels. Swimming Pool. Tennis Courts. Putting Greens. All resort activities. Our own golf and riding tacilities. Distinguished clientele. Informal " Pâ€" atmosphere. casual dress. ..\__,_5 Fill your life with Sunshine Season: Nov. I5 to May I home a better place to live in... SEE US ABOUT A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN. NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED. REPAYABLE IN MONTH LY AMOUNTS TELEPHONE OR VISIT OUR NEAREST OFFICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Bowden lumber Co. Stop 23 Yonge St. 7: 4845 Yonge St. Richvale Willowdale AV. 5-492l â€" TU. 4-IIZI - BA. I-93I6 Thornhill '1 Of V.O \‘v . I . Last week in these columns we ran a special February Used Car ad. The response was even more gratifying than we ever imagined. and the main rea- son after talking to the many buyers. was not so much the low prices but our odor of a 7-day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Seems that the majority of people are a little hesitant about making up their minds to buy a used car unless there is a good guarantee hacked by a reputable and well established deal- er. _ V involved. Remove the risk factor. and Don Little i a sale usually rcsi Its. So tiiitil such time as we start getting our used cars returned at a faster rate than we sell them we are going to continue to otl'cr a 7 DAY )IHNICY R.\t‘l\' til’.\l‘.,~\.\'TI‘IlC on cur reconditioned used cars with no questions asked. Drop in and see our lacs: snlcstiun of Al and there is no element of risk iscd cars that you can buy with the RISK REMOVED. ‘w'ii.i.I \\l .Annuul Meeting Held .N. In Last Year Nurse Made‘l633 Visits Caring For Sick Richmond Hill V.O.N. made 1633 visits in 1958. and for forty-six per cent of the calls there was no fee charged. There is a fee of $2.00 per visit, but if the patient is unable to pay the full fee a revised payment is accepted, or if there is need the service is given without charge. Wherever there is need the V.O.N. goes and ance regardless of ability to renders every possible assist- I33."- V.O.N. was established in Richmond Hill early in 1958, and reports presented at the annual meeting held in the Municipal Hall last Wednesday evening were convincing evidence that the need for the service is constantly on the increase. The service is operated and financed by the local branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses which receives grants and generous support munity. from the citizens of the com- In the first month of operation .tration of an injection. the bath- the nursing visits numbered 32. ing of a new baby. Much comfort and in December the monthly vis- is given to both patient and fam- its totalled 202. The great ma- jority of the 1633 visits made in 1958 were for nursing care which no less vital. ily. However. health instruction is An explanation of Growing Demand For Services Richmond Hill is one of the chief functions of nature and her disease. interpret-' the organization. Heart disease ation and encouragement in fol- and cancer. the nation's leading lowing doctor'sz orders â€" import- liealth problems. head the list of ance of diet ~â€" are essential parts cases on the local scene. per cent of last year‘s Fifty of a visit. nursing do much Such instruction will to prevent complica- calls were concerned with heart t'-ns. hasten recovery and point and arterial diseases. 15 per cent the way to a greater degree of cancer. and 35 per cent miscel- laneous ailments. . Mrs. Jean Thomson. re-elected health. Teaching a responsible member of the family to give care in intervals between'the nurse's president of the Richmond Hill visits provides the continuity so Branch in a review of the year’s necessary for progress. activities paid tribute to Miss Eil- Total number of patients cared cen “'oodbyrne.V.O.N. nurse and for was 172. Half of these are her assistant. Mrs. Frances Wil- lock. and expressed t h a n k s mothers died motn'rs and babies. In 1956, 320 in childbirth and to the various organizations for over 14.000 babies were lost to their co-operation people of the community for their generous financial support. and to the Canada. Education regarding early and regular medical supervision as Attending the annual meeting well as early signs of complication were Miss V. Smythe of the York County Health Unit. Miss L. would help to reduce these start- ling figures. Rolc of diet in Brintnell and Miss Amy Keowin growth and development funda- of Weston V.O.N.. Miss Ellen POI- mentals such as fresh air. exer- lock of North York V.O.N.. ca1 organizations and several in- terested citizens. Mrs. Carey. chairman of the Nursing Advisory Committee ex- tended thanks to the Women's In- stitute. the Catholic League and the Inner Wheel for their assistance during the year. In her report Mrs. Thomson thanked the local Hydro for pro- 3 cise - number of representatives of 10- for labour and art of baby care and sunshine preparation all contribute to that relaxation that goes‘ hand in hand with health. Such visits made by v.0. N. are a small contribution to the Department bf Health which car- Women's ries full responsibility of mater- nal and child welfare for the County of York. Total visits are 1633. Greatest majority of these are for nursing Vidlng Office Space arid the RiCh'- care which is our chief function. mond Hill Police force for fine coâ€"operation which includes an- swering service for the V.O.N. tel- ephone. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Malcolm Thom~ son; secretary,-MrS. J. R. McAlis- tcr: treasurer. H. R. Ludlow: as- sistant treasurer. R. W. Chandler; car director, R. D. Little; public- ity director, J. E. Smith; medical advisor, Dr. Jean O'Neil: medical advisor assistants, Dr. J. Wynne. Dr. L. Bloom: nursing advisor, Mrs. Thomas Carey; council rep- resentative. Deputy-Reeve S. F. Tinker; Rotary representative. S. B. Guest: Kinsmen representative, Thomas Porter. The V.O.N. has been in opera- tion in Richmond Hill a little more than a year and already has established an outstanding record of service. In her annual report Miss Eileen Woodbyrne gave a nest interesting review of the year's activities. In part she said: “Richmond Hill Branch is one of 118 stretched across the con- tinent. Parent organization is in Ottawa and harbours within its fold over 600 nurses. V.O.N. is a voluntary work â€" waiting to be invited into com- munity â€" waiting for a pledge of your support. That there is a need may be illustrated by monthly increase in visits from 32 to 202. Patients are referred to us by doctors. welfare and health agen- cies and hospitals but mostly by patients and families themselves. All care is given under docâ€" tor's supervision. Nursing care is a very tangible thing. We picture a bed bath. changing of a dressing. adminis- â€" NOTICE TO (‘REDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of Emily Louisa Sheardown. sometimes known as Emilr Louise Sheardown, Richmond Hill, Ontario. All claims the Estate of Emily Louisa Sheardown. isometimes known as Emily Louise Sheardowni who died on or about the 13m day of Septein- bi‘l‘. 1938. late of the Town of Richmond Hill. in the County of Yok. must be filed with the un- dersigned Executor on or before the l31'n day of February 1959. after which date the aforesaid es- tate will be distributed. having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. against Dated at Toronto this "let day of January. AD. 1959. SELBY T‘0(‘I\.\F.I.L. Executor of the Estate of linizzy Louisa Nicaruowr. by his solicitor. Harry .\. Willi: QC. 6"" University Avenue, Toronto. Ontario, -In 1956 heart disease was rated as the nation‘s No. 1 problem, cancer coming second. It is interesting to note that here in Richmond Hill our nurs- ing care visits which total 1.000- have been chiefly concerned with these two diseases. ‘* 50 per cent concerned with heart and arterial diseases, prin- cipally stroke victims. 15 per cent cancer patients. 35 per cent to all others, baby care, burns. digestive upset. arth- ritis. rheumatism and diabetes. ing heir to such long term chronâ€" ic illnesses due to our risin‘r pop- ulation and increasing life span. Facilities to care for such pers- ons is grossly inadequate. Hospit- al beds are needed for the acute- ly ill. It is inevitable that more such patients will be cared for at home. In addition to this. research in recent years has revolutionized the treatment and care of many disabling diseases. No longer are they left lying prone in bed. doomed to a life of inactivity. No longer must the family stand passively by. Effort, exercise. practice and patience on a daily basis brings reward. There are 99 activities carried out by the normal person in routine of daily living. No one can place a value on the ability to lift a spoon, feed oneself or walk across a room. But these are things rehabilitation has meant. to many disabled persons. V.O.N. is designed to be of assist- ance to both patient and family. This part of our service has been a stimulating 'experience during the past year for Mrs. Wellock and myself. Partly be- cause of early referral. we were called in the early weeks of dis- ability; partly because of the wonderful encouragement of the doctors and partly because of the enthusiasm and interest shown by the families we served. Many thanks are due to the Lions. Kinsmen and Rotary Club. to the Cancer Society in apprecia- tion of the sick room supplies. hospital beds. rehabilitation' equipment. dressings benefits which facilitated to a great degree the care given. . The cost for V.O.N. services is small. nursing care fee is $2.00. However. where there is a need. V.O.N. goes regardless of ability to pay. 42 per cent no charge. 32 per cent full fee. 22 per cent part fee and 4 per cent free. Another aim of V.O.N. is to as- sist in the education of future public health personnel. An Aus- trian student at School of Nursing in Toronto spent two weeks with the branch in September. A sec« and student from the University of Western Ontario will be with us for the month of March. I would like to take this oppor- tunity of extending my thanks to the Department of Public Health for their kind welcome and assistance over the years. Their counsel. educational confer- ences. literature and facilities have been made available to V0. N. in abundance. ' I wish to express my sincere thanks to the members of the Board for their co-operation and support. Their interest in starting a V.O.N. library for reference and study is much appreciated. In conclusion I feel that in this. our first year of life. V.O.N. has accomplished her three aims in a very true sense. The finer. more specific functions we would hope to attain in time might well be: 1. A sound referral system with our hospitals for continuing sup- ervision into the home with re- gard to medical. surgical and or thopaedic patients particularly. 2. A closer working relation- ship with other agencies and a deeper understanding of their programs. 3. Provision of health instruc- tion for industrial employees. or 4. Establishment of pro-natal More and more people are fallâ€"-classes depending on the needs in Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. No. 7 highway. returned recently from a three week holiday tour in the States. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart moâ€" tored for several thousand miles and visited New Orleans, and oth- er places of interest. Many Langstaff residents atâ€" tended the funeral on Thursday. February 3rd. of the late Harold Bryant White of Beaconsfield Av- enue. Toronto. Mr. White lived in Langstaff for many years where he worked at the Ontario Hospital. The sympathy of numâ€" erous friends in Langstaff is ex- tended to Mrs. White and son. 'Donald. Anniversary congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glassey. Garden Avenue. who celebrated their wedding anni'ersary early this month. Mrs. Rootes. Essex Avenue. Is in hospital recovering from a re- cent operation. A speedy recov- ery is wished for her. This Friday. February 13th. is “World Day of Prayer." The Iaâ€" dies of Langstaff Baptist Church and the Langstaff community will be taking part in the district ser- vice to be held at Thornhill Bap- tist Church, Yonge Street. at 2.30 pm. Teddy Weavers. Boyle Drive. Langstaff Baptist Church the end of January. A very sucv cessful year under the pastorship of Rev. B. T. McSpadden was reported. Receipts for the year totalled 311900.00. $2.22 was given for missions. and 81.90000 for the organ fund. The total membership numbers 86. The following members were elected to the board for 1959: Messrs. E. Mac-Lean. E. Martin. D. Merritt. B. Lawson. 0. Knights. R Hoycs. L. Weavers G. ‘son and .\. Spent-ole). .‘lark \"aun Women‘s Institute Mrs R Glassey. Prencient. was in the chair for the February meeting of the Institute hech at. the home of Mrs. N. Hicks, Es- Eagle-' LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY Phone AVenue 5-2806 sex Avenue. The roll call was "A Home Accident and How To Preveht It." During the business session. an invitation was read from the Thornhill Women‘s Institute in- viting the ladies to their February meeting to help celebrate their 57th anniversary. This will be held on Thursday. February 19th. Plans were made for a euchre party to be held at the, home of Mrs. Mary Charlesworth. Garden Avenue. on Saturday. February 215t. The annual board meeting of the York East District will be held on March 2nd. A discussion was held on the Markham Fair and means of raising funds. A Valentine guessing contest was won by Mrs. Lepkey. All joined in singing happy birth- day to member Mrs. Mary Charl- esworth. who was celebrating her birthday on that date. The lst Langstaff Girl Guides ar‘ busy working to achieve their Homemakers and Laundry badg- es. The Scouts and Cubs of the area are working on projects for Boy Scout Week. February 16th to 22nd. Church parades will be held in the area. particulars in next week‘s column. .‘ rea Book Display The International Reading As- Birthday EFEC‘IIUES ‘0 Dmnalsociation is holding a conference Palmer. .\‘o. 7 Highway. Mid lotat the The annual meeting of Lang-l staff Baptist Church was held at Crosby Heights Public School. Richmond Hill. on Febâ€" ruary 19th. In connection with this. Inspectors Hallman of York 3 and Mac-Lend of York 2 have arranged a hook display of library 'and text books used in the area. Teachers of the area will be at~ lending a special meeting be- tween the hours of 3.30 and 5.30 pm. The display will be open to the public between the hours of 8 and 9 in the evening and all interested board members and home and school members are in- vited to attend. MARKHAM : Official permission has been I‘CCCHE‘d by Markham Village Council to construct a water main akin; Main St. Church and easterly on street to the RCMP site. estimated cost 15 555.900. and other ' our community." The financial statement of the year's operations was presented as follows by Treasurer H. R. Ludlow: Receipts _ Received from patients 5 1,088.80 Grants Prov. of Ont. Town of R. Hill 190.36 2.000.00 Canvass (1957] 4030.75 Canvass (1958) 4,133.62 Donations A. V. Roe Ltd 340.55 Bank Interest. 43.84 Discounts received 1.43 Total Receipts $11,829.35 Expenditures Nurses salaries S 3.637.72 Relief nurse 868.00 Contrib. to pension fund 181.89 Auto. expense 365.89 S tionery. supplies 229.85 Postage. etc. 5.09 Telephone 125.92 Insurance 2509 National Office Charge 47.92 Travel expenses 18.00 Uni’orm allowance 75.00 Automobile 209000 Office furniture 251.71 Total expenditures 5 7,922.08 Balance in bank. less O/S cheques S 3.907.27 Hi Neighbour' It’s Fun to Dance at Mart Kenney's Ranch EVERY SATURDAY 3’:- No City Drivingr 7% Free Parkingr 7}; Enquire for Special Student and Party Rate: :1: Table Reservations For All DIRECTIONS ‘ North on No. 7 Highway at Shell Station (7th Concession Vaughan) ° 1'", miles West of Highway No. 400 $2.00 PER PERSON RESERVATIONS AT 8-1282 Sheppard and Gill Lumber Builders’ Supplies LUMBER . LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS 7] Centre Street East DON’T TAKE A CHANCE ON LEAKY MUFFLER HAZARD . . . NOW and save up to ‘ 50% Mote-Master Blow-Out Proof ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT QUALITY MUFFLERS Window Driving plus a leaky muffler spell Closed - Winter Weather WINDOW DRllll murmur of snocx ABSORBER INSTALLATION meansCLOSED ’ C.T.C. D-A-N-G-E-RI B ew a re of sun. pm. deadly carbon monoxide... CHEVROLET, 1&5: 5_18 Replace your damaged mut- ' ‘ ', ------------- fler with a MOTO-MASTER “mt” 5"" , 6.70 MUFFLER â€" heavier gouge ‘ CHGRY'?EER‘49‘SZDE$OTOI outer shell, acid resisting in- as")?! 194%- """""" ner liner. Double-Ioeked look. to cyl.’) 6'86 proof seams, reinforced end FWD, ‘49-5‘ . caps. Noise reducer tubes‘ .5566 disperse hot gases evenlyl ....................................... for longer muffler life. IF YOUR CAR IS MORE THAN TWO YEARS OLD OR HAS GONE MORE 15.000 MILES. ASSURE NEW CAR RIDING COMFORT BY THAN I ASK FOR FREE MUFFLER INSPECTION REPLACING OLD, WORN SHOCKS WITH Ride-o-mafic Shock Absorbers All Cars 1949-58 Rear lFrom $11.00 a $14.00 ea.” Installed Springs- Chev. Ply. Ford l949-58 aiva -r ' will, Per Pair Installed cnnnninnnc ASSOCIATE 25 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-ll96 Co, Ltd. TU. 4-1361 CTC sold Prllco PIYMOUTH’ 1949-57, tfi-cyl.) . 6'86 STUDEBAKER CHAMP 1947-56 .25 CLAMPS, each .................... INSTALLATION 2.25 n 2.85 " carsl MUFFLER: â€" EXHAUST PIPES M1 TAIL PIPES â€"- For every car not! truck. $9.10 A-d $12.10 $4.50 ea. .‘VSTORE

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