Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1959, p. 6

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a new member was "initiated. Three new members will be init- iated next month. Now that the ladies have the cupboards built in their kitchen they are equip ping it with dishes, silverware and other articles so it may be rented for other organizations or clubs to use. A Woman's Day of Prayer will be held at St. Mark's‘Church on Friday. February 13, starting at 2.30 p.m'. The guest speaker will be ly‘lrs. Jeffery Beatty and Mrs. Edna'Hogben will 'be the soloist. Everyone in the district is cord- The monthly meeting of the Legion Ladies Anxiliary was held last week with President Mrs‘ 01‘- ton presiding. Mrs. Viole; Lupson. Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Of a possible 658 on the voting list, 122 village ratepayers cast ballots last Saturday in King Me- morial Library, the great majority registering “yes” to the question. "Are you in favor of establishing I public library in .King City?" It was found 7 of the ballots were spoiled some by being mark- ed with a check instead of X. a few marked with ink, and 2 '01‘ 3 in error were two ballots sticking together so that the returning of- ficer’s initials were not on the paper marked by the voten r“111.6;xtmsvtrérli)Vis {Sr King To{vnship Council to pass a bylaw authoriz- Drains Cleaned '& Repaired i C. STUNDEN méHMOND mu. TU. 4-1245 A vote, which surprised many residents by its numbers 'â€"’â€" 114 to 1 â€" assures King City its 12- year-old association library will become a public library without delay. Strong Majority} Votes Approval King Library Oak Ridges, Lake Light T qrnout 6 THE LIBERAL. Richond Hi1}, Ontario, Tfiursday. Feb'ruiry TUrner 4-2613 Telephone l‘U. 4-1650 STONE -â€"- Bchnwuux NATURAL STONE FIREPLACES EXPERTLY BUILT 277 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS MOVING me 3 Poms for comer Aauutssmc ROGER PROULX Lake chox For Prompt Courteous Service Call TU. 4-3910 or TU. 4-3341 King City, Oak Ridges f LESLIE SARGEANT Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING 82 HEATING aiming 913$? EFFICE a MOVERS & CARTAGE PACKING Carol Nichols. Dianne Redfern and Peggy Ground received their Golden Hand Awards from Brown Owl. Mrs. Sue Porter before fly- ing up. Two other girls stepped up to Guides. They were Dianne Switzer and Linda Neil. _ At a meeting of St. Mark's an- nual vestry held recently Mr. R. Riekward was nominated as people's warden. Rev. D. C. H. Michell presided. Mr. Douglas Nash will continue as treasurer and the sidesmen chosen were Frank Neil, W. Franklin, S. Cole, G. Locke and R. Wilkinspn. Friends of Mrs. J. Nolan, Elm Grove Ave.. will be glad to learn she has returned home from the hospital following an operation. ,‘_A_ Invvr-~â€"â€" An exchange visit took place recently when the Oak Ridges United Church Hi-C club attend- ed special services in Aurora and following the service the Aurora group were guests at a small par- ty at Oak Ridges. Mr. A. Gal- lacher gave a small talk on the work of the Church. "Three Brownies .flew up to Guides at a recent meeting in St. Paul's Church. The three girls. A valentine pTar’ty will be held at the next meeting of the Brow- nies on Thursday‘ Eebgllary_12th. Mr'si'rii'rold Ratciiff. Mrs. John L. Grew. Mr. Raymond Burt and Mr. William Heaslip staffed the poll. ially invited to attend this special service. King's Memorial Library build- ing on Springhill Road and con- tents, insured for $10,000 and its 3,350 books become village assets. The voluntary staff of eight lib- rarians. on duty Wednesday after- noons and evenings and Friday afternoons. have agreed to give their services under the new lib- rary set-up. r A 7 177 Lennox Avenue ing the public library. which it is expected to approve right away. Village Trustees, in the process 0;", making out this year's budget. is taking intO' consideration an amount based on 50 cents per person in the village, the individ- ual tax to vary according to as- sessment. _ _ _ Wilcox Socials é. comet nannrnr connect mun _ “MESS . camer‘ mm mats: ,-_ . cmm mm mm ‘ «mm mm m m m, u “‘9 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING DAILY SERVICE TORONTO AND AREA BRICKWORK RJCHMOND HILL mm mm“ (“M‘- gqu'w mm \ aMNSS ‘1 mm “m” “mber. ’QISOI must mun 62 Crosby Ave. STORAGE “umber y and c“ in upl" u '3‘! In could? The leernl l. always pleued to publish Items of lnlerefl regarding people end event: la the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox end King Clty dlstrlcta. Onr news correspondent In Klng Clty ls Mrs. Wllllun J. Houston, telephone King 2051": and In Oak Blazes-Luke Wilcox. Mrs. Ruth Mo- l'ldden. Elmgrove Avenue. phone PR. 3-5567. "'15 his-'ekaspEration he Blurted out fiercely to sympathetic re- porters. “Why. I love her dear shadow on the wall!” Bad Luck With Puck Youthful hockey enthusiast. seven-year-old Bobby Clubine, received a gash over one eye, which required five stitches to close. during a recess game at King City School rink last week. Principal Carson Bice notified Bobby's mother. Mrs. Bill Clu- bine, of the mishap and they saw that he had immediate attention in Drihuentin Hardy’s office. Such accidents on school propâ€" erty are covered by insurance authorized by the School Board. Weekend Visitor Mr. Howard Clegg and Mr. Harry Goulding were inducted as new members by past president Mr. George Harvey at the “Var- iety Night" program of King City Lions Club in the United Church hall Following supper served by the church ladies. Lions viewed films on skiing and the role of the im- migrant in Canada. Tailtwisters Stan Roots and Jos. Houlton ar- ranged the entertainment. Winter Birds Miss Sheila Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bell. came down by train from Lefroy last weekend to be with girl-friends and go skating at Nobleton rink. Variety Night A The feeding station outside Mr. George Gould's classroom at King Clty School is attracting its share of colorful bluejays and cardinals Das of Prayer ~_., .. ____ Not only organizations. but any interested woman is invited to at- tend tomorrow afternoon’s ser- vice. starting at 2.30. in King City United Church, marking the World Day of _Pr§yer. .v..- “-4 -_ . Mrs. Irving L. Scott, new chair- man of King City W.M.S.. will preside and the speaker will be Rev. Gordon Winch of St. Paul‘s Church, Oak Ridges. Mrs. Harry Gilbert will be soloist. Pancake Supper Mrs. A. E. Jarvis again conven- ed the annual Pancake Supper held Tuesday evening in A1] Saints' Parish Hall by the After- noon Branch. W.A. Check Parking Township Constable Harold Russell is getting in a supply of parking tickets and the‘“No Park- ing” signs along King St. at the post office corner will mean ex- actly what they say. Parking fines likely will be a dollar, with.a higher amoun: set if a summons has to be issued King Township Council was reâ€" cently asked by Village 'l‘iustees to consider enforcing existing parking restrictions on King St. and to provide for additional re- striction on Hoog S_t. He was talking about his dear mate of many years, showing great concern over her progress in hospital, which was much too slow to his way of thinking. A lvulvl. .u. __7 -r J. D. Lucas. Q.C., has been ask- ed by Township to prepare the necessary byâ€"law prohibiting parking on the short street he- side the supermarket so residents won't have so much difficulty moving along Hoop St. Visits Sister ,_i., . m.u-,,__ cu v lull: Una-w. Mr. Jack Clift of William St. is recovering sufficiently. He is able to spend a few days with his sister, Mrs. Gilbert Hofland, of Newmarket. Gather Rummage u grlu.__.9 With St. Valentine's Day at hand. this seems an appropriate time to repeat the richest senti- ment we ever heard from a mid- dle-aged. well-weathered Irish re- porter. . ._. . . .- JAM. uuuuo. "um"--- V Guides' and Brownies’ Mothers‘ Auxiliary will soon be making plans to collect clothing for their rummage sale to be held at the Hall, Annette and Keele $25., on May 9. . Anniversary ‘L -...a Hearts and Flowers nun" Clan-J Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Will Carson of Soutn Keele St.. who celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Birthday Dinner . A family dinner and candle-lit rake helped Mr. James Patton A family dinner and candle-ht cake helped Mr. James Patton celebrate his 88th birthday last week. Mr. Patton was born in King City and has lived in the district all his life. Several‘of REV-Sic);st idfopped in him a happy day. . uuu :- Antler .. The dinner party included Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Patton of Toron- to with their three children. Rob- ert, Alan and Elaine; Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Patton of King City with Barbara and Larry, Mr. An- drew McClure. Miss Elsie Huntley of Queensvllle and Miss Hilda and Miss Audrey Patton. Mr. Patton keeps in good health and blew out all the candles on his cake without any assistance. Friends sent numerous greeting cards. Before he retired Mr. Patton was a butcher and drover. Before the Ross Walkers. he owned the Farm a block south of his King Si. house, which now forms part. of Valentine Acres. Besides two sons. Elwood and Ewart. he has a daughter. Anne. now Mrs. James Nield of Toronto. and a son, Will, of Tulsa. Okla- homa. He has nine grandchi'd- ren. three in Toronto and six from King City. A brother. Matt. lives in Elgin Mills. and a sister, Sarah, Mrs. Dick Badger. is in Toronto. Mrs. Badger celebrates her birthday December 21, which was the same day Mr. Patton married Poetic Tribute Warm tribute to the late Dr. Archer Wallace. editor of the Uni- ted Church "Onward" for over 25 years. is found in a January issue in the form of an expressive 12. 1959 to wish Friends wish a steady recovery for Mrs. Frank Powell. Dew SL. after her operation in York County Hospital. Newmarket. Kinxcrafts Mrs. Anne Hook gave an infor- mative talk on the intricacies of producing designs to about 50 Kingcrafts members. Introduced by the president, Mrs. James Bax- ter, the guest speaker was thank- ed by Mrs. Ronald Fraser after her talk. Euchre scores will earn prizes for some of the players. Follow- ing the card games will be sand- wlches. cakes and coffee. Hospitalized Mrs. Hook explained. “Design has to stand the test of time. I: must have balance. harmony. rhythm and unity.” As illustra- tions she showed a skirt with or- iginal design. a print based on milkweed pods, a scarf and table mats. The supervisor of C.N.E. handicraft exhibits defined which designs are limited and unlimit- ed, and stressed, “Designing of water colors, leathercrafts and textiles must have rhythm." The February general meeting will be addressed by Mrs. Margâ€" aret Dove on gardens, The open evening meeting April 22 will have as guest speaker Dr. Ross Lord, chairman of Metropolitan Conservation Authority. The Art Group announced plans for an ex- hibition and sale on Saturday, April 11. A plant sale is being arranged for 1V_iay. W _L__-|.x.. dag, The annual Valentine Euchre of King City Firemen’s Women’s As- sociation will be a social event this evening held the first time in the Fire Hall at 8:30. Report- edly. the firemen will be on hand to help the firewomen raise mou- ey to help the firemen. poem. contributed by Rev. Martin Jenkinson of King City. Valentine Euchre an: allacu Av. . A review of membership dis- closed 123 active paid-up mem- bers and 66 associate members. With Miss Blair Burrows in charge, the hooking group served refreshments. Lenten Services Au. 9....“ Mr. Jack Cargill is program chairman. Plans are under way for the March meeting, when Mrs. J. H. Evans and Mrs. J. A. Mc- Phee will provide a study of arts and crafts. Obituary ' : ‘n'e A Laskay resident most of his life. William George Ham died in York County Hospital February 3 after a stroke. In his 77th year, Mr. Ham was invalided at home the last five years, never fully recovering after breaking his hip in a fall at work in Wes- ton. VLAâ€" Linn nnn- LUII. As a custom thresher. the pop- ular “Billy” Ham used to under- take work on farms in the ‘arge territory from King Township’s Second Concession. over to the Tenth. When more and more of the farms were bought as private estates. he gave up threshing to maintain machinery at Moffat's in Weston. ’ ' “7A â€"-- n! “1r n Luvv... Born in Teston. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham, he attend- ed school in Maple when the fam- ily moved there. One of his main relaxations was attending boxing and wrestling bouts in Toronto. At the Thompson Funeral Home in Aurora. Rev. Martin Jenkinson conducted the service. Burial was in King City Ceme- rw- L-:..n inna_ Durlai “no . . . . _ . _ . a _ tery, the pallbearers being long- time friends. Mr. Norman Bry- son. Mr. Norman MacMurchy. Mr. Ken MacTaggart. Mr. Wilbert Burns, Mr. Charles Black and Mr. Norbert Moriarity of Bradford. Mr. Ham is survived by his wife, the former Mary Rourke and three sons. Charles (Bud) of King City, William at home, and Kenneth of Richmond Hill. Herridge Electric 53 YONGE N. my LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS mom: TU. 4-1105 The lst Jefferson Cubs, Scouts and Brownies will parade to St. John's Anglican Church, Jeffer- son. next Sunday, February 15. at 11 a.m. in commemoration of Lord Baden Powell’s birthday. Transportation via the Sunday School bus is available on Yonge Street. The bus comes south to the Elgin Mills sideroad. picking up those on the west side on the way south and those on the east on the return trip. After church the bus follows the same route. Six members of the executive of the Mothers’ Auxiliary met at Mrs. McFee’s home last week to complete their plans for the fa- ther and son banquet and to dis- cuss other business. The Mothers' Auxiliary will hold their February meeting at the home of Mrs. I. Petersen on Tuesday, February 17, at 8.30 pm. Jeljerson Community Club 15!. Jefferson Cubs, Scouts and Brownies The Group Committee met at the home of Mr. I. Petersen on on Wednesday, February 4. to discuss the forthcoming father and son banquet to be held on Monday, February 23. at the home of the Ivan Petersens. Among those present were Mr. H. Betts. Mr. Fred Waters, Mr. A. McFee, Akela Mary Ensor and Mrs. D. Cracknell. A committee consisting of Mr. Reg. Williams, Mr. A. Mc- Fee and Mr. Fred Waters was ap- pointed to raise funds for the scouting pragram for 1959. Four sets of dancers enjoyed square dancing with the popular ‘caller on" Carson Whalen. Mrs. George Patton and Mr. Stan Leno provided ‘live’ music for some of the dances. Nice to see some new faces. Get Well Wishes Her many friends wish a spee- dy recovery for Mrs. Hans Hal- gren. We are sorry to hear Miss Georgia Brown, formerly of Jef- ferson is in hospital with a brok- en hip. St. John‘s Church News Mrs. S. Snively presided at the February meeting of the Toronto Diocesan Board of the Woman’s Auxiliary in the parish hall of St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church, on Thursday. February 5. Also attending from St. John's Church were Mrs. C. R. Wilcox, Mrs. Wm. Bell. Mrs. J. Passmore and Mrs. E. A. Terry. All women in the congregation and district are invited to take part in the World Day of Prayer Service at St Mark’s Chapel on Friday. February 13. at 2.30 pm. ,7 Attending a 100th birthday par- ty is not an every day occurrence especially when it's the birthday of a member of the family. Mr. and Mrs_ E. A4 Terry and fam- ‘ily visited Mr. Terry’s great-aunt Miss Constantia Fox on Sunday, February 8, on the occasion of her 100th birthday when friends and relatives from far and near gathered at the home of her great niece. Mrs John Guthrie, to greet her on this memorable day Nearly all her life Miss Fox has lived near Kettleby on the 6th concession of King and has seen many changes in her time. She received many cards, gifts and flowers â€"â€" one beautiful bou- quet coming from her neighbors ,1; I._- Confirmation classes are being held on Wednesday night at 7.30 pm. at St. Mark's Chapel and on Friday night at 7.30 pm. Happy Birthday ' Birthday greetings to Albert Jones, who is eight years old on the 19th, and is celebrating his b'rthday with his parents in Iflorida . Attending a 100th birthday Darâ€" on the 6th. Her 90 year old bro- ther, Ben. came from Detroit for the occasion as did her nephew. Godfrey Fox and a great nephew and a great niece. Mrs.°X.-'Hali of Toronto spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Gamble. Heather; émith entertained ten friends last Friday when she cel- ebrated her 7th birthday. Mr. aha Mrs. S. Lefio visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham on Sunday. WNfabel Louise Robertson spent the week-end visiting her cousins. Suzanne and Elizabeth Eppes. of Toronto Bereavement The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the Cappy fa- mily on the death of Mr. Cappy's mother. Sunday, February 8, 1959. Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gunton and family, Naughton Drive, have just returned from a most enjoy- able holiday in the Bahamas where they visited with Gordon‘s father and mother. Dr. G. A. C. Gunton and Mrs. Gunton. Mrs. Marvm Hunter convened the February meeting of Laskay W.M.S. at the United Church. Mrs. Effie Bath was in the chair for devotions, explaining the Scripture lesson from the Book of Jonah read by Mrs. J. Hunter. Miss Helen Hunter sang, “The Heart of God." Laskay W.M.S. was invited to join with the King city group for the World Day of Prayer service February 13. Mrs. Glen Dooks. Missionary Monthly secretary. presented an outline of the .February issue. urging members to read it. Her talk was completed by a recipe for a missionary meeting‘ Mrs. Earl Scott. delegate to York Presbyterial annual meet- ing. reported on the morning and afternoon sessions and Mrs. Mar- tin Jenkinson reviewed the even- ing period. Others attending the meeting in Richmond Hill were Mrs. Jesse Bryson, Mrs. William Bryson and Miss Marjorie .Ilc- Murchy. Mrs. Jesse Bryson tested mem- bers with a jumbled name quiz of Canadian centres where there were homes for senior citizens. Lunch was served by Mrs. Marvin Hunter. Mrs. Effie Bath. Mrs. Jesse Bryson and Mrs. James Hunter. Christian Citizenship will he the theme of the March 4 meeting. ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 erson_Cuhs, Scouts [Gtgnton at Spanish Wells. Laskay Socials Plans are going forward for the organizing of a ratepayers' as- sociation for the Elgin Mills - Jefferson district and it is expect~ ed a meeting will be held shortly at the school when an executive will be selected. Anyone interest- ed in helping out or wanting to make further enquiries regarding such an association is requested to call Mr. Don Hellings at TU. 4- 3092 or Mr. H. G. Robertson at TU. 4-1396. The Monday nighters gathered at the home of Mrs. Jack Hall this week for their night of cards and chatter. The prize winners were Mrs. Wm. Bell. Mrs. Ross Kerwin. Mrs. Tim Saul and Mrs. E. A. Terry. Marlene Jones and Florence and Frank Pridham enjoyed a weekend at a Collingwood ski lodge, sponsored by the inter- school Christian Fellowship. Ratepayers Ass’n GROWER - FLORIST sum use The finest In floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street. Maple. Ont. 5m 52: “a HERE’S PROOF OF LOWER TIRE COSTS 450 670 71:: no SIZE BOO/I6 Bil-LEVEL BAYOI BRAND NEW TIRESâ€" (Nor RETREADS) Other the: 0' equally low prlces. ‘Mamflold Jot Cold Tubolus lire: available a! sllngy Mghar pvlcn (approx. $3.00 cull). Whitey/all: available at IIingy hlghov prlcu. Class "A" trade-In la a wad tin suhuhk m tom-ding vhholfl noel". 18.95 21.05 28.40 20.70 25.10 Reg. List Price 17.75 $11.95 wioh any Nada-in NOTE: Add 50¢ 91 obon pn C.T.C. 90-LEVEL STANDARD RAYON Your nef C0757. with with any class "A" Node-In trade-in 13.95 12.45 13.95 16.70 13.45 14.95 Aaa' 50¢ Your-n e! ‘20.90 10.45 25.25 133536.25 14.1013220 11.45 27.50 12.95 31.30 .. . 34.30 . . . . , , 36.60 12.93 14.95 15.90 17.50 15.95 16.95 19.95 25.90 12.95 12.05 15.00 15.50 . 13.95133. 14.95I37. 11.95941. 23.90 43. 90 Nm price tor Installation 0r delivery. 13.95 .95 Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 25 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND Hm TUrner 4- 1 196 Reg. Lisf Price sfififfis’fic Ioii'é'v'n' nnsr LINE RAYON CL;- '"A- Trade-In (Chev.-Olds. Dealer) King City, Ont. Ph1 NEW 0R USED CARS AT Leslie Motor Products Ltd. Your m edit with with any dun "A" "ado-In trade-In HERBERT R. BUTT $12.95 with any trade-h Len hr hs'allaflon ov dol'nory. BTU/l5 ‘ .95 ao-LEVEL RAYOI groggy. Trade-In Your-net ‘Mamfleld hf Cold Trad. YOU GET BETTER VALUE Dependable Associated With Service NYLOiTNA'runAL RUBBER Isa-LEVEL SUPREME 33.00 37.60 41.05 43.85 Price Reg. List Telephone Your-net Your net eosf with with any class ' nude-in "ode-in 22.40 24.40 26.30 30.95 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto 20.40 22.40 24.30 28.95 Phone 50 7 Toronto EMpire 2-3456 NO DOWN PAYMENT Terms to suit your budget on purchasu of 530â€"0: more. USE YOUR GREDIT

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