Phone Maple 2 Keel. Street, Maple, Ont. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH â€" J. K. Clarke, Manager BAYVIEW PLAZA BRANCH â€"- Murray Cass, Manager Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the un- dersigned until 12 o’clock noon E.S.T. on Monday, March 2, 1959, for the sup- plying, hauling and spreading of Crushed Gravel, Pit Run Gravel and Earth Fill. SUNDAY - 11.15 p.m. LATE MOVIE “THE WAY AHEAD†David Niven and Sterling Holloway Tenders must be made on standard form which can be obtained at the oï¬ice of the undersigned. ' Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. ‘ H. C. 'I‘. CRISP Clerk-Treasurer, Road Superintendent, Township of Markham, Township of Markham, R. R. No. 2 Gormley, Ont. R. R. No. 2 Gormley, Ont. GROWER â€" FLORIST sue. me lo ï¬nest In floral designs and bedding plants. MONDAY - 7.30 p.m. SUNDAY, 10.30 pm. “SAN FRANCISCO BEAT†Presented by Procter 8: Gamble “CASEY JONES" On the way up! TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Adventure With Tenders for Crushed Gravel Pit Run Gravel Earth Fill THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEACE OF MIND We‘re on the way up every way . . . and we‘ll have fun all the way. Why? Because all our family started the saving habit early. Everyone of us is a steady saver at The February meeting of the W.M.S. was held Wednesday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. McKendry at New Gormley, with 18 ladies present. The worship period was led by Mrs. McKen- dry. Several members gave re- ports of the second annual meet- ing of the York Presbyterial held in Richmond Hill in January. Mrs. Nickiin and Mrs. Brands re- viewed a chapter from the W.M.S. study book. Mrs. McCague. the president, took charge of the bus- iness part of the meeting. Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Nickiin. Mrs. McKendry and Mrs. Brands. Everyone sang “Happy Birthday" to Mrs. S. Boynton, who was celebrating her birthday that day. A card with the signatures of those present was given her. “gun... v.. “7, V, The euchre party at Buttonville on Monday afternoon. February 23. sponsored by the Buttonville Women's Institute. to which the local W.I. was invited, has been cancelled. W.M.S. uni-v-vâ€"v' _ On Tuesday evening of last week, the annual community par- ty of the Sr. Women's Institute was held in the Victoria Square community hall with a good at- tendance despite the inclement weather. A sing-song led by Mrs. S. Boynton. several numbers by the “5 Squares" (Mrs. Allan Orr, Mrs. Jack Rumney, Miss Mar- jorie Barber. Mr. Harry Barber and Mr. Carl Walker, accompan- ied by Mrs. Jim Barker). music- al saw selections by Charlie Mil- sted of Gormley, and a number of contests featured the program. Square dancing, with Jim Brodie playing the violin and Mrs. R. Cowie at. the piano, and lunch rounded out the evening. The committee, Mrs. E. Empringham. Mrs. Harold Hill and Mrs. Les- lie Hart are receiving congratul- ations on the ï¬ne program. Institute Party TREANOR CANNING, VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Squaro Telephone Gonnley 5421 The sermon theme on Sunday. was ~“Job and the Problem of Suffering.†On Sunday,‘ Febru- ary 22, the sermon will he “Does Jesus Call You Devil?" Neighbourhood Notes The annual meeting of York Presbytery Woman‘s Association will be held in Richmond Hill United Church Thursday, Febru- ary 19. Registration is at 10 am. Communion service at 11.30 am. Luncheon at 12 noon. Guest speak-er will be Mrs. George Mc- Muilen of the Dominion Council. Church News Birthday greetings to r Mary Jane Mortson who will be three years old on February 19; to Cheryl Tennyson who will be two years old on February, 19. The annual "Open House" and the ï¬fth birthday of the Gormley Home and School was held in_ the 5.8. No. 7 school on Friday even- ing. Parents and friends viewed the children‘s work on display. The Juniors sang three numbers and the seniors three numbers under the direction of Miss Mona Armstrong. A spelling match be- tween grades 3 and 4 was held. A tumbling display under Mr. B. Moody was a ï¬ne performance. Refreshments, including birthday cake Were served by Mrs. Mar- ion Kelly and the grade 5 moth- ers. Sunday School Meeting A meeting of teachers. assist- ant teachers and officers of the Sunday School will be held Fri. day evening. February 20, at 8 pm. at the home of the sup-erm- tendent, Mr. Percy Bennett. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton who on February 19 will be cel- ebrating their 46th wedding an- niversary; to Mr. and Mrs; Rae Donaldson (Betty Snidgr) who on February 21 will be qelebrating their ï¬rst wedding anniversary. The lst Gormley Brownie Pack has accepted an invitation to join with the Cubs, Scouts and Guides of Unionville for a church par- ade at 11.30 am. this Sunday at St. Phillips Anglican Church. Hall Meeting The annual meeting of the Victoria Square community hall was held recently in the hall. The following are trustees for 1959: Dalton Rumney. Mart. Styrmo, Arnold Mortson, Lloyd Beatty and Marcus Jarvis. Home and School Congratulations t6 Mr. and Mfs. Gordon Sanderson on the birth of their ï¬rst child, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynâ€" ton and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton, Debbie and Cathy, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and Laurie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. San- dle, Margaret and Betty, and Mrs. R. Bovair had dinner Wed- nesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Grace and Donald, the occasion being a “surprise†birthday par- ty for Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Boy Scout and Girl Guide week begins on February 16. and is brought to a close on Sunday. February_ 221 when Thigklng Day -â€"- the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell are celebrat- ed. Brownies. Cubs, Scouts. Girl Guides. Rangers and Rovers all over the world commemorate this day by‘attendlng church services. Despite the snow around us, the Brownies are witnessing the articles of nature. Glenda Moses presented an abandoned oriole‘s nest and told about its construc- tion and building habits of this bird. A bird book was passed for every Brownie to see a picture of the Baltimore Oriole. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard and June had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Collard and family at Temper- anceville. Mrs. R. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stung at Wes- ton. A number of ladies from here attended the World Day of Pray- er service held in the Headford United Church on Friday after- noon of last week. Mrs. A. F. Binnington was the guest speakâ€" er. Mrs. George Hooper was the guest soloist. Brownies Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague in the passing of Heber's brother. Mr. John J. E. McCague, at Alliston. The late Mr. John McCague was born and spent his childhood in Victoria Square. He is survived by his wife, the former Lillian Mae Meek, two sons. George and Brian; three daughters. Joanne (Mrs. B. Clayton), Katharine (Mrs. E. Gilroy) and Janet, his mother, Mrs. Margaret McCague, his brothers, Heber. George, and. Jim. and sisters. Margaret (Mrs. L. Cummings) and Laurine (Mrs. S. Embling). Couples Club Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chadwick and Karen had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Verne.- Mikkelsen. The February meeting of the Couples Club will be held Tues- day evening, February 24. at 8 pm. at the home of John and Shirley McCague. Did you see Donald Boynton on a Junior Farmers program on Channel 3 TV Monday evening of last week? Don is to be con- gratulated on his ï¬ne perform- ance. World Day of Prayer TUrner 4-2613 MOVING PACKING 9 MOVERS& CARTAGE For Prompt Courteous Sé‘rvice Call The cost of the meters will be absorbed in the frontage tax and they will be supplied without further charge to those taking water at the outset, but the home- owner will have to bear the ex- pense of laying the pipe from his lot line to the house and connect- ing the meter. This will cost about $1.25 a foot depending on the depth of the trench, or drill. The usual connection is a "A inch pipe but a larger one can be arranged. The owner can choose the point at which the pipe enters the house but it should not be brought in under a driveway. A mutual trench might possibly be used by two neighbours, but not a mutual pipe. Those applying for water after the system has been install- ed will be charged $200.00 for In reviewing the ï¬nancing Mr. Anstey said that, making allow- ance for every forseeable contin- gency, the cost of laying nine miles of mains and supplying water to 300 residences would be $311,000, or $27,000 a year for twenty years. This expenditure would be recovered as follows: (1) a levy of additional mill rate on the total assessment of the area (this has already been in force for several years); (2) a tax of 15c a foot on frontages served by mains: (3) a minimum month- ly water rate of $3.00 a residence, allowing for the consumption of 10,000 gallons of water per month. It has been roughly es- timated that the frontage assess« ment would bring in $9,750 an- nually, and the water rates them- selves $15,750. making a total of $25,000. It is anticipated that the balance would be met by the sale of additional water. The Can-ville waterworks broke even ï¬nancial- ly for the ï¬rst time in 1958. 177 Lénnox Avenue Using a small map tacked to the blackboard, Mr. Hopper indicated how the feeder main would be brought down Yonge St. to Ar- nold Ave. A twelve-inch main would run out Centre St. as far as the garage at the top of the hill. Another main would be tak- en up old Yonge St. The usual policy is to lay mains on'the north or east side of a street. Saturday evening a large por- tion of the town was plunged in- to darkness when an ice laden limb of a tree fell on hydro wires at the corner of Church Street and Roseview Avenue in Rich- mond Hill. A live wire broke under the weight and one end lay on the road forming a hazard to life. The situation was noticed by three young men, James Jackson, Gor- don Charity and John Todd. They immediately assumed the res- ponsibility of preventing an ac- cident. One used his flashlight to route traffic around the wire. Another produced flares from his car and he and “his assistantâ€. as he called him, planted the lighted flares at strategic points Dr. E. B. Eddy had the pleasure on Sunday to present the bronze pin 'for attending Sunday School for 13 consecutive Sundays. Those receiving the award were: Begin- ners’ class, Jeï¬â€˜ery Wilson and Valerie Wilson; primary, Nancy Middleton; junior. Gretta Mid- dleton and Mark Kirk. The choir sang “Spread A Little Sunshine†IS their anthem. Double Farewell Party Commend local Boys For Quick Action Hydro Break More than 200 ratepayers, the majority men. turned up at the Thornhill Public School on Thurs- day evening. February 12. to hear details of the proposed Vaughan township plan to supply water to the area between the Ball subdi- vision and Arnold Ave. Acting as chairman of the South-west Thornhill Ratepayers Association. which had originally called the meeting. Mr. Jim Hubbard intro- duced Councillor E. W. Anstey. He brought a message of regret from Reeve Perry who was unable to attend, and in turn introduced Mr. Keith Hopper of Duncan Hopper and Associates. the Con- sulting Engineers engaged by the township, and Councillor Bruce Ralph, chairman this year of the Water Area committee. The three men explained the diflerent as- pects of the situation, but most of the many questions from the floor were answered by Mr. An- stey, who was chairman of the Water Area last year and appear- fed :0 be very familiar with all the ac s. On Tuesday evening about 30 mighbours and friends enjoyed a pleasant time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton, when Mr. and Mrs. Bob (R. B.) Wynn arr] Kathie. Dianne and Ronnie Wynn, who are moving to George- town, and Mr. and Mrs. David Balton and Bonnie were pres- ented with a pair of step tables eacl. Doug Bone was master of ceremonies and expressed the gooc wishes of the community to the Wynns and Bartons. Ken Ba- ker z‘nd Jack McEwen made the presentation to the Wynns and the Bartons. Thornhill Ratepayers Want Water The host and hostess assisted LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING DAILY SERVICE TORONTO AND AREA CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 130113 STORAGE CARRVILLE NEWS We were very sorry to learn of the passing of Mr. Ed. Rowden of Carrville Road West. and we would like to express very sin- cere sympathy to Mrs. Rowden from their many friends in Can‘- ville community. During the program Archie Nesbitt read a story. “Questâ€; Paul Winger and Rickey Darling asked a few jokes; Gretta Mid- dleton played “Minuet†on the piano: Craig Shields, Roddy Shields, Brian Walker and Ar- chie Nesbitt put on a puppet show; Mary Manning sang “Bow- Wow-Wow". Jane Manning read a poem “My Grandma's Valen- tine"; Nancy Middleton and Don- na Darling had a recitation to- gether; Ted and Brenda Bow- stead had a puppet show. Pressure, hydrants. and insur- ance rates were also subjects dis- cussed. There will be a hydrant within 1,000 feet of every house, and the pressure is good, but Mr. Anstey was not prepared to say whether it would meet with the requirements of Insurance Under- writers. Richmond Hill which ha_s On Friday afternoon the child- ren and Mr. Green of Cari-ville public school held a Red Cross meeting and valentine party com- bined. Gretta Middleton presided and Jane Manning was secretary. The Red Cross collection taken amounted to $1.71. Valentinesv“ éfe distributed Sympathy a storage reservoir of 200,000 gal- lons has beneï¬ted with lower rates. The reservoir at Carrville holds 240,000 gallons. An insur- ance man in the audience stood up to say that Thornhill residents would certainly receive relief in the rates but not to the extent that had been mentioned by spnje. to warn traffic of the hazard on the road. They all remained at the scene guarding the wire until the hydro crew arrived. Chairman Sam Cook of the local hydro commission moved a vote of thanks to these boys for a most unselï¬sh and commendable act. Once again Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Nicholls must be proud of their daughter Judy, and we con- gratulate her on successfully passing her grade 10 music exam- ination with honours at the Tor- onto Conservatory of Music, where she is a pupil. Valentine Party “How hard will the water he?" “About the same as at present. We have had no complaints. Those who have softeners can still use them. The water is automat- ically chlorinated at the source, and the iron is removed before it enters the reservoir. Samples submitted for Government anal- ysis each month have always been given good gatings.†u“... .._m v--- ....7, “You {ell us," siziiid Vone'of the older men presenAtA, “tpat a ll‘qt of The opportunity presents it- self to warn the general public of the extreme danger connected with a fallen wire. It is to be treated with the utmost respect. _Do not attempt to move it with a so-called dry stick. High volt- age does not recognize this type of barrier and serious burns or even death could be the result of such a fooihardy act. Guard the wire and send someone to call any hydro office. by Mrs. J. Baker and Dorothy and Mrs. Middleton and Gretta served refreshments. Mrs. Baker had baked and decorated a lovely cake expressing best wishes for good luck to both families. Congratulations The original water users signed a five year flat rate contract which has still two years to run, after which they will be put on a metered service. It will run a little higher than the flat rate, but Mr. Anstey said that the Township felt that meters were the most equitable arrangement. Last summer during the hot dry weather the Carrvllle pump was pumping 700,000 gallons a day. and the Councillors feared there must be a break in the main. However, when they made a tour of the district they found that every hose was going. us may eventually be without water. How can we be sure that the township wells, which are also drilled, will be satisfactory?†To this Mr. Anstey replied that Thornhill’s water supply comes, service connection. "I wish I could make $200.00 as easily," grumbled one ratepayer. Another referred to this charge as “a club held over our heads". “Well, would you want the job of dig- ging under a road?" asked Mr. Anstey, who explained that the township must indicate to the Ontario Municipal Board the in- itial number of users. Latecom- ers will not have been budgetted for in the original debentures. and so will have to‘foot the bill. “I have two lots." said another, “What is the procedure?†“If the main passes them you must pay the frontage tax. Then you can either accept a connection, and pay water rates. or pay the lar- ger sum when the lots are built upon". Subdividers must pay the costs of mains and connections. “Is there plenty of water, and if so why must we have meters?" were other questions. “Yes. there is ample water," replied Mr. An- stey. “The well at Carrville is at present supplying 160,000 gal- lons a day, but is capable of pro- ducing a million gallons a day. The well at Uplands, also capable of a good flow is still capped, and has not been used. There is also a good well on the Spring farm. which ,has not been develop- ed yet, bu’t will be. when that subdivision is opened up.†The meeting was to have been the annual one of the South West Thornhill Ratepayers Association, but in deference to the large number of non-members who had come expressly to hear about wa- ter, the minutes were accepted as read. and the following com- mittee was elected by acclamation â€"â€" Mrs. W. E. Huckvale. Mrs. Eric P. Boyden. Mr. J. R. Hubbard, Mr. Thomas Marks. Mr. Lloyd N. L‘l- vidge, Mr. S. Clare, Mr. Eric G. Gordon, Mr. Frank Forbes, Mr. A. McD. Robertson. Mrs. Huck- vale will continue as secretary, and Mrs. Boyden as treasurer, and the president and vice-presi- dent will be chosen at the next executive meeting. Last year’s president, Mr. Bruce Ralph, was automatically debarred from hold- ing office when he was elected a Vaughan township councillor. not from an underground river from Georgian Bay (as many erroneously believe) but from the rain and snow which seep slowly into the ground. and are stored in layers of sand. or gravel called aquiï¬ers. When a number of wells are drilled fairly close to each other changes sometimes take place in these aquifers, and, in the shift, screens and pipes are bent, and the wells rendered useless. To guard against this the township wells have 12" pipes en- cased in 24" pipes. the space oe- tween being packed with gravel. “Apart from that we have only the opinion and observance of ex- perts. such as the International Water Supply. Incidentally, 70 per cent of the United States de- pends upon ground wells for wa- er." Thé South West Thornhill Rate- p'ayers Association, organized sev- eral years ago by homeowners in the Smith subdivision, has invited residents of Thornbank to join the Association. As to when the water would come Mr. Anstey said that the matter had received the approval of Vaughan Township council. but has yet to go before the Water Resources Commission. and the Ontario Municipal Board. He did not anticipate any difficulties there, as the Ontario Water Re- sources Commission was always glad to see a community supplied with good water. and, as Thorn- hill had a good credit rating, the Ontario Municipal Board would undoubtedly give the necessary permission to issue debentures to pay for the installation of‘mains. Work could begin as soon as the weather breaks, but it would probably be more like the first of June, with completion in Sep- tember. When one man expressed satis- faction with his own well, and suggested that the question of ma- tc'. be deferred. there was a loud dissenting murmur from those present. RICH HILL MOTORS LTD. 'AV. 5-4351 W that must be sold. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! 1954 METEOR..............., ........ ...$595.00 57 VOLKSWAGEN, radio 56 FORD Station Wagon, radio, automatic 53 HILLMAN, 'AND MANY MORE. MODELS IN STOCK Used cars Convertible Hï¬s week “The Home of Trouble Free Used Cars†YONGE ST. JUST SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb'ruary 19, 1959 NEWMARKET : The YM-YWCA will open soon following the ren- ting of clubrooms and office space. Since the introduction of cer- tain chemicals about twelve years ago, Mr. Webster said, a great improvement has been made in the method of controlling some of our most troublesome weeds. The two most common of these are 24D and 245T or different com- binations of these two and known commercially as brush kill. These chemicals are very potent and should always be used with great care. Judge D. Webster reported to County Council last week that the number of cases heard in the Juvenile and Family Court at Newmarket has increased in all areas except in the Juvenile Court. where 137 cases were heard during 1958. as against 153 in 1957. "Generally, in compar- ing our figures of the last three years, we see a steady growth in the amount of work that has been handled by myself and the mem- bers of my staff." Judge Web- ster said. “This growth seems to vary directly with the population growth of the County." "The most the court finds. ren to support and mothers," ed. His report stated that more help was needed in family court since there was now only one probationary officer employed. part-time. He stressed the need for a permanent officer to work fullâ€"time. and said he was going to have to appoint one immediate- 1y. Frank E. Webster gave a re- port on weed control to County Council in which he stated plans for the control of noxious weeds in the County for 1959. County Weed Controller Frank E. Webster said in a report to County Council at last Thursday's session, “It is difficult at this sea- son to realize that in three months we will be fighting cer- tain plant growth. known as nox- ious weeds and by so doing we help other plants which we wish to prosper and in turn help us as human beings to live happier and more prosperous livesf†' With regards to the marked in- and 'fines paid throng} crease in monies paid through the (costs included) were Court on orders under the Desert- 1958 and $445. in 1957. County Weed Controller Webster Warns Poison Ivy Prevalent, York ALL REDUCED â€" SEE County Council Report Juvenile 8. Family Court gon, Hardtop 56 Chevrolet, low mileage 54 Chevrolet, 2-door 53 Austin HAVE SEVERAL ENGLISH AND OLDER difficult problem is in getting child- their aged fathers the judge deplor- 53 PONTIAC Laurentian Mr. Webster suggested the local weed inspector, of each munici- pality in York County. submit to the township clerk weekly in com- plete list of properties where the municipality has had to cut the weeds, together with the cost of this work, and the clerk will then invoice the owner immediately. If payment is not received then the clerk would enter the full cost on the next year'_s collector's roll. Poison ivy is quite widespread throughout the county. Mr. Web- ster reported and he urged farm- ers to co-operate in wiping it out by applying for, and using a free chemical his department supplies. ed Wives’ and Children‘s Maint- enance Act. which has increased from $29,970.67 to $34,861.86. Reeve Fred Armstrong asked what was being done about “wan- dering husbands.†The judge re- plied. “We can advise a man and tell him what the law is in this regard. but if he is a wanderer we can't really do anything. We have laws to take care of these cases (and return him to his home) but there is no guarantee he will stay." ‘ ' When weed cutting is done by the municipality as early as June, and not billed until the following year. it does not make for better public relations between councils and ratepayers, Mr. Websier said: Thanking Judge Webster for hL: report. Warden Hodgson said. "May I express the thanks of council and say may God grant council and7 say may God grant you health. peace of mind and in- spiration in this work." Miss Hilda Phillip. Clerk of the Court. reported there were 153 juvenile complaints received dur- ing 1958. breaking and entering and theft leading the list. but fig- ures were down from the previous year. Restitution paid through the court amounted to $677.25. as compared with $28955 in 1957 and fines paid through the court (costs included) were $786.75 in He said it was the duty of mun- icipal councils to have noxious Weeds kept under control by not permitting them to go to seed. Any expense incurred in cut- ting weeds on property which is infested with noxious weeds is by law chargeable to the proper- ty owner and can be collected by placing the cost so incurred on the owner’s tax bill. TU. 4-2864