Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Feb 1959, p. 15

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$1500 REQUIRED on second mortgage. Good security. 150w King. c3w3-1 WE NEED people to raise Chin- chilla. The demand for pelts ex- ceeds the supply Only require- ments space and limited ca‘ilal. The industry is on a sound basis. RU 2-6806 Stonehouse Chinchilla ‘111 Haddington Ave.. Torontotflz. " c8 W0 Down Payment ' First Payment April lst nsement apt. chcreation room. Kitchen Romndvllinz. Painting and Decorating. Free estimah‘s. Mr. Ucci. \ AV. 5-3541 LET US HELP YOU save money by combining your mortgages and othex debts in a single mortgage. Firsts and seconds bought, sold and arranged. ' WELLown “A! MORTGAGE . SERVICE 1w. 3-2040 IST AND 2ND mortgages bought. sold. arranged. Call Mr. Stroud. HU. 8-5711. TU. 4-3263. tfc29 ' CAR OWNERS THROW AWAY YOUR SPARK PLUGS INSTALL FIRE INJECTORS Obtain these benefits â€" up to 81 more horsepower, 8 more miles per gallon of gas. Increase en- gine R.P.M. Faster starting, blaz- lng acceleration, all on regular gas. Eliminate costly frequent Changing. costly premium gaso- line. frequent cleaning and set- ting, damage to cylinders from unburned gas. For a FREE MON- EY BACK 10 DAY TRIAL. Call your nearby dealer for informa- tion and to place your order. Garage discounts available. Your local representative. Ray Nadeau. Ihorndale Sales. Richvale. AV. §-5000. Free delivery. c1w33 District Representative FLOYD H. DAFOE Box 414 Aurora â€"- PA. 74339 Musical instruments for sale â€" {Instruments for sale or student rentals ’52 PLYMOUTH, radio, white- WHII tires. TU. 4-5551. c1w34 Woodbridge and others A.B.C. Bowling Bldg.. TU. 4-0022 WANTED FOR WRECKING Cars and pickup trucks. 48-52. regardless :of condition, for wrecking or reconditioning. Top prices. Ray. AV. 5-5000. c2w34 1950 NASH SEDAN, good motor and radio. Requires some body work. driven daily to city, $140. TU. 4-4545. c1w34 Professional Instructors of the Steel and Spanish Guitars .’50 AUSTIN. black, good tion. AV. 5-4175. ‘ 1954 CHEVROLET j/é-ton pick- up. A-l condition. 36,000 miles. Original mileage. Phone Maple 80 ring 11. c1w34 '1953 CHEVROLET In good con- dition. Will trade for older car or sell reasonable. TU. 4-1372. ‘ c1w34 1951 MERCURY, also 1952 1/é-t0h Chevrolet panel. Your choice, $150.00 or best offer. See John at 73 Mill Road, Richvalé. 1950 METEOR. A-l condition. Call after 6.00 pm. TU. 4â€"2998. 31w34 WRECKING '50 Fomj car, all parts for sale cheap. AV. 5-1075. c2w84 1951 PONTIAC sedahf ’ Apply at 541 Lynett Cres. TU. 4-4669. District Studios Kcswlck, Newmarket. Aurora. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AUTOMATIC DELIVERY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MORTGAGES South Sea Conservatory Of Music RICHMOND HILL. condi- clw34 ‘1w34 tfc28 c1w33 WED.. FEB. 25. 1959 â€" Auction sale of Holstein cattle, Ferguson tractor, Case tractor, farm im- plements, furniture. hay, grain. 'cob corn, on Lot 32. on the 9th Concession of Pickering Town- ship. 4 miles west of Claremont. on the Highway. Property of Norman Neal. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve. Farm is sold. Terms cash on day of sale. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham 346. c3w32 WED.. FEBRUARY 25 â€" Auction sale of farm equipment. shop tools. show room and office equip- ment. The property of Harold W. Mortson, Massey-Ferguson dealer, 29 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill. Terms cash. No reserve as dealer is giving up business. Heated building adjoining sale yard. There will also be offered for sale (subject to a reserve bid) if not rented or sold previous to day 01 sale. the following. Commercial Building. approximately 40 x 60 feet. brick. cement block and steel construction. consisting of main floor with no column posts, full size heated basement and two apartments on second floor â€" a1- so storage shed 25’ x 62’ at rear â€" Lot 48 feet frontage, 66 feet wide at rear of building. and 220 feet deep. Terms on property: 10 per cent day of sale; 40 per cent in 30 days; balance to be arrang- ed by approved mortgage, if nec- cessary Lt time of sale.Alvin S. Farmer. auctioneer; Jas. Smith and D. Goulding, clerks. c3w32 a total of $1.205,050.00 in new industrial buildings. However, residential permits still continue to dominate the building scene with 61.26 per cent of the .Lanu- ary construction covering new homes. DARK GREY PERSIAN CAT, Saturday. Beaverton Road South. Please phone TU. 4-3922. c1w34 WILLOWDALE : The annual ves- try meeting of St. George's An- glican Church has gone on rec- ord as endorsing the teaching of religion in the public schools. WILLOWDALE : Building In- spector J. Quinneil has forecast 1959 will be a big year for North York's industrial growth. In Jan- uary'22 permits were issued for THURS, FEB. 26. 1959 â€" Im- portant auction sale of herd of Holstein milk cows. pigs, Ford tractor, Oliver tractor, forage harvester. forage wagons, power mower. farm implements. etc., on Lot 9. Con. 5. King Twp., 1% mile west of King City, 1 mile north on 5th Concession of King Twp. Property of W. E. Sturdy. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice. auctioneers, Markham 346. c4w32 ORDER NOW March-April Bray Chicks. Immediate delivery on dayolds. some started, heavy breed cockerels, broiler chicks. Ames, dual purpose cockerels and pullets. Price list available. Agent â€" Fairbank Feed. R. R. 1, Maple, phone AVenue 5-2954; and J. C. Enns, Bray Hatchery. Brampton, GLendale 1-3506 and GLen'dale 1-5213. THURS, MARCH 12 -â€" Auction sale at Wylderidge Farm of Ayr- shire and Hereford Cattle (vac- cinated and blood tested), Ford Jubilee tractor. baler, side rake. Dearborn cultivator, 2 Furrow plow, Woods grinder, Surge mil- kers, furniture, at Lot 3, Con. 2. King Township (1 mile south of Temperanceville) the property of Maurice B. Beynon. Farm sold. Terms cash. Jack Walkington, Clerk. Sale 1 pm. W. D. Atkin- son, Sales Manager and Auction- eer. c3w34 SALE REGISTERS WANTED TO BUY two female sheep for bredlng. AV. 5-2379. clw34 BUSINESS IS TERRIFIC AND WE URGENTLY NEED MORE LISTINGS Call EARL V. STEWART PA. 7-5076 Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Agent 21 Yonge St. N. Aur4 I HAVE clients with various down payments interested in buying in the Richvale and Richmond Hill areas. For courteous efficient ser- vice, call Mr. Rayfield, BA. 5- 7711. J. M. Farquharson, Real Estate. tfc34 IN THE ESTATE of Margaret Alexandria Watson deceased. All creditors of the Estate of Margaret Alexandria Watson late of the Village of Maple. who died on the 11th day of September 1958. are required to file their claim with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March. 1959. after which date her Estate will be distributed. â€" Dated at Toronto this 10th day of February. 1959. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS DAVID McLEAN LTD. NEED MORE HOMES WALSH and WALSH, 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto SolicitOrs for the Executor REAL ESTATE WANTED LIVESTOCK WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE LOST Aurora c1w34 c1w32 Miss Mona Armstrong led the junior choir â€" first comprised of Grades 1 and 2 in a very cute rendition of "This Old Man” (otherwise known as “The Child- ren’s Marching Song") and “Six Little Ducks” â€"â€" Grades 3 and 4 then sang “All Through The Night." On Tuesday evening last the WA. of'Headford met for their February meeting at the home of Mrs. Melvin Wellman. Despite the very bad weather and road conditions there was a very good turnout of members. Guest spea- lker was to have been Mrs. (Rev). ‘Buchanan. Unfortunately, she was unable to be present on ac- count of road conditions, but Mrs. M. Wellman herself gave us a very interesting summary of things in the South American country of Colombia. This was to have been the subject of Mrs. Buchanan’s address, her son being a missionary there. It is a very difficult country to evangeiize. the contrasts of the modern way of life as against the old being so sharp. Climates range from trop- ical heat to freezing cold and sheep and cattle graze within sight of snow-capped peaks. There are beautiful paved highways, but ther are still cobblestone roads not far away from them that can only be travelled by mule and horse. Tractors work almost in sight of wooden ploughs drawn by oxen. We were delighted by Elsa's readings of Columbia, a country very little known to mis- sionaries. During the business sesion of the meeting many pos- sibilities for fund raising were explored one of the new projects decided upon being a new recipe folder. So members are asked to please bring in new recipes as soon as possible in the hope some work may be done in Easter hol- idays. Members are also asked: to observe the cent-a-meal idea, with the offerings from this to be handed in at the April meeting. The D.W.B.'s are still to be car- ried out, to be returned at the time of Thanksgiving. At the close of the meeting. the hostess served delectable refreshments, assisted by Mrs. Wm. Wellman From 7.30 to 8.30 p.m.. par- ents roamed through the twa rooms gaily decorated with art work done by the pupils. books were left open on the desks to be examined at leisure. and an ex- cellent science display was arran- ged in the senior room. The program put on by the stu- dents of 8.8. No. 7, Markham. in celebration of its annual open house and fifth birthday of the Gormley Home and School Assoc- iation, was one to make any tea- cher's heart swell with pride. The senior choir (Grades 5. 6, 7. and 8) then followed with a lovely rendition of “O God, Be- neath Thy Guiding Hand” â€" an adaptation of “Canada, the Beau- tiful" â€"â€" then with great gusto their new school song, “5.8. No. 7â€"Markham” which was receiv- ed with immense delight by all parents present. At 8.30 pm. the meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. W. C. Noble. who then turn- ed the program over to the princ- ipal, Mr. A. J. Moorby. A spelling match was the next feature with members of Grades 3 and 4 taking part. To watch Mrs. COChrane and the pupils take part in this test reminded many of the parents of their own early school days, and that aw- ful feeling when you cannot think of the missing letter! Inci- This Sunday, February 22, is the quarterly Missionary Sunday Mr. Percy-comes with a wealth of missionary knowledge and ex- Gormley Home 8. School Assoc. Celebrates Its Fifth Birthday at the Richmond Hill Baptist Church, 50 Wright Street. The special speaker at 11 am. and 7 pm. will be Rev. Douglas C. Per- cy, Missionary Counsellor at the Toronto Bible College. Mr. Percy is well-known as a gifted speaker and also as the author of the aw- ard-winning missionary novel. “Hidden Valley." He served in Africa with the Sudan Interior Mission for some years. and more recently occupied the position of editorial secretary of that mis- sion. He was also the coâ€"chair- man of the Billy Graham Evan- gelistic Crusade held in Toronto some time ago. February 22 Missonary Sunday At The Local Baptist Church THE BAFFLES R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUrner 4-2236 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. ACREMAN HEADFORD NEWS The closing number on the program was a truly amazing dis- play of physical education with a few students from each grade taking part. When one realizes that this phase of their education only recently began, it was a dis- tinct surprise to many of- the par- ents assembled. Mr. A. J. Moorby their sport director, is to be high- ly commended for the results achieved. “Tumbling” included walks. rolls. dives, balances, individual stunts and pyramids. Those stu- dents preforming included the following, Ronald McMullen, Don- ald Cousins, Terry Hart. Janet Variey, Dinah Wilcox. Judy Hart, Barbara Empringham. Peggy Leitch. David Cochrane. Carmon Henderson. David Barber, Walter Kelly. Gordon Berta, Dale Helse. Janice Farquharson Cheryl Co- chrane, Dianne Donnelly, Dawn Tatton, Sharon Leitch. Dwight Henderson, Robert Suzuki and Danny Farquharson. We are hoping that trees in the neighbourhood, so heavily laden for so many days with thick _ice3 By this time last year, crows had returned to our neighbour- hood, but this year are conspic- uous by their absence. Commun- ications from Florida, say the same can be said of the robins down there â€" they have not been so tardy in several years. Though the World Day of Pray- er service in Headford Church lacked in the number of women present. it suffered nothing in reverent worship on that score. All churches on the Victoria Square charge were ably repre- sented. And we are much indebt- ed to Mrs. English for playing the piano for us, to Mrs. George Hooper for her beautiful rendi- tion of “When I Kneel Down To Pray.” and to Mrs. Binnlngton for her lovely interpretation of the meaning of the World Day of Prayer, written this year by the women of harrassed Egypt. The weather. so often had because of the time at which this service is held. was perfect for this time, though roads were still quite slippery. Mr. Douglas Dibb of Thornhill was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Cummer Lee and Mn Fred Lee. who we are happy to report is still, though rather slowly, on the way to recovery. dentally, all children did very well. Everyone was very happy to welcome back Mr. Clifford Win- ger. who has been very ill. Mr. Winger spoke in appreciation of the program and the work of the association. An additional vote of thanks was expressed by Mr. Stan Richardson. chairman of the board of trustees.’ wit! come ' thrbugh the ordeal without too much damage. Victoria Square WJyLS. held 'ts bebruary meeting on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. J. McKendry and Mrs. Nicklin. vith 15 members present. Here again. weather and roads kept the Headford members at home. Refreshments were then serv- ed by the mothers of Grade 5 with Mrs. Marion Kelly conven- ing. A _ r Final event of the,very exciting evening's entertainment was the blowing out of the candles on the huge birthday cake by little Kar- en Wideman, who was ably assist- ed by all other students. perience, and is eminently quali- fied to tell of the place and pro» gram of missions in the rapidly changing Africa of today. Mrs. Percy, who is a graduate in piano from the Royal Conservatory of Toronto and an instructor at the Toronto Bible College, will bring special musical selections in the evening service. and Mrs. George Barker. It should have been stated the new recipe folder is to contain a page of general household hints. W.M.S. At 8.15 p.m., two outstanding films will be shown. The one “Ja- hangi Safari," is a missionary film, and the other, “No Vacant Chairs,” is a Sunday School tea- cher training film. A warm invitation is extended to all to attend the special mis- sionary day at “the young church with the old message" this com‘ ing Sunday. By Mahoney r: "u'ows" STANDING AT THAT azossaom AHEADJ’LL ASK W DIRECTIONS. Vice-president Gordon Penny of Markham Branch attended the regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society held Tuesday night in the mun- icipal building. Also present were Mrs. J. A. Spencer, Chairman of Women‘s Division, Maple. and Mrs. V. Minns, lst Vice-president of Woodbridge Branch. Chairman Floyd Perkins en- quired of Mrs. Gordon Purves, Campaign Chairman, if,all ar- rangements had been completed for the District Council direc- tor’s meeting to be held in Rich- mond Hill next Monday night. Mrs. Purves said approximately 60 directors will be present and the first stages will be laid for the annual canvass to be held in April. The Richmond Hill Unit's quota for 1959 is $18,000. $18,000 R. Hill's Quota For April Cancer Campaign The nuclear physicist would say that the atoms in a man contain a potential energy of more than eleven million kilowatt hours per pound of body weight. Thus a man would be worth about $85 million! Massey-Harris Row-Crop No. 30 Tractor, with fork and bucket Massey-Harris No. 20 Tractor Ferguson Tractor. Model 20 Ford Tractor, Model B-N Ford Tractor, Model 9-N ._ These Tractors have been re- conditioned and are in good condition Cuse Tractor on steel Massey-Harris No. 1 Hay Baler, with motor 2 New Holland No. 77 Balers with motors 2 New Holland No. 76 Balers with motors 2 International Harvester Balers with motors New Holland No. 66 Baler with motor These Balers and motors have been reconditioned Massey-Harris No. 90 Self-propel- OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS led Combine, 12-foot Massey-Harris Side Rake on steel International Harvester Side Rake on steel Mount Forest Thresher, 28-inch cylinder. with high elevator, chaff blower, clover bullet, in A1 condition IHC Drill on rubber, 16 single discs IHC Double Disc Massey-Harris Double Disc Case Wagon on rubber. with rack John Deere Wagon on Rubber ber 3-Point Hitch Ferguson One-Way with rack IHC One-Way Disc, 6-foot IHC 19-tooth Cultivator, on rub- Disc 7 Three-Point Hitch Carryall Cockshutt Grinder, 10% inch IHC Plow on rubber, 3-furrow, Ace bottom IHC Plow on steel, 3 furrow, Ace bottom MasseycHarris Plow'\ on steel, 2- furrow 23A bottoms (like new) 2 Massey-Harris Plows on steel, 3-furrow. 23A bottoms Set of steel wheels for truck wag- on (new) Grain box for ll-run Massey- Harris Grain Drill Rite-Way Milker Pump with vac- uum Rite-W Rite-Way I 2 Pick-up Clipper A number various Quantity c Quantity 0 Set of Tra Set of Tr; Rite-Way Milker Pump 2 Pick-ups for Massey-Harris Clipper Combines A number of used Tractor Tires, various sizes Quantity of Galvanized Pipe Quantity of Copper Pipe Set of Traétor Lights Set of Tractor Chains 2 "econditioned Wisconsin motors for Baler or Combine Garden Tractor 2 Power Lawn Mowers Rubber Silo Cap New 1958 Chevrolet Truck, one- 7 half ton. only gone 1.000 mfles 2 One-half ton Dodge Trucks Terms. Cash. NO RESERVE as Dealer giving up business. Heated building adjoining Sale Yard. Jas. Smith, D. Goulding, Clerks ALVIN S. FARMER, Auctioneer ghone Gormley 53311 \_ Mrs. Betts’ Kerry Blue ter- rier, Champion Tregoad Vickis Gallant was Reserve Winner dog and his little brother, Victor, was Best of Winners, out of 35 Kerrie: entered. The third little bro- ther, Cappy, was in Specials' Class. This is very excep- tional for three dogs from one litter to become champ- ions. Mrs. H. C. Betts of Tre- goad Kennels. Gamble Side- road attended the Westmin- ster Kennel Club show held in New York City last week. the largest show held in the States. There were 2.000 en- tries for the show which was attended by a great many Canadians. On Sunday, February 8, Gallant won Reserve Win- ners’ Dog at the Kerry Blue Specialties show of 59 Ker- ries entered. Three In Litter Champion Kerry Blues A MAN’S WORTH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 AT 1 RM. iank AUCTION SALE MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER 29 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO HAROLD MORTSON The property of Rev. C. E. Hunking. Minister 8.45 am. â€" Broadcast CJRH 1300 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service NEWMARKET : Council will take no action on the clean-up of Fairy Lake pending a report of plan- ning board. The total cost for construction work on the Fairy Lake project has been estimated at $100,000.00. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1959 Maple 1015 am. â€" Church School 11.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Worshlp The Minister Members of Boy Scout Associa- tion will be present in honour of Lord Baden Powell 11.15 am. â€" Church School Edgeley 1.30 pm. â€" Church School 2.30 pm. â€"â€"- Church Service Rev. E. H. Unstead in charge Lenten Study Group will meet in Church Parlours at Maple on Wednesdays. Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day Evening at 7 11.111. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 am. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them. saying, all power is given unto CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A., B.D. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1959 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service NORTH YORK : Angry shouts and clenched fists of a loo-strong delegation from Parkway West greeted the decision by North York council Monday night to allow a service station in the pre- viously all-residential subdivis- ion. Final outcome was a show- of-hands approval for a modified Hope 10.30 me in heaven and in earth. JAMES 1 v 21: Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of haughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word. which is able to save your souls. plan Twoiwheel Trailer with flat top, 8: Decker) Valve Reseater Set of Eléctric Ignition Testers 7 feet x 12 feet Tarpaulin, 9 feet x 11 feet six in. Shallow Well Pressure Pump Shop Equipment Valve Grinder complete (Black and Timers Set of large Socket Wrenches 2 Bench Vises Bench Electric Drill Hand Electric Drill, 1/2" Small Hand Electric Drill Hydraulic Press Electric Welding Machine Acetylene Welding Outfit Chain Block and Tackle 1/2 H.P. Electric Emery and brush Set of Sleeve Removers (new) Hot Patch machine for patching tubes 2 Sets of Pipe Threaders 1 Pipe Vise 2 Pipe Cutters Battery Charger, 6 or 12 volt Air Compressor Ventilator Fan with Shutters Block and Tackle with 60 feet of 1/2” rope Large Circulating Fan Brake Band Riveter Machine Pump for filling tires with cal- cium A quantity of lg” Rope Showroorp & Office Equipment 2 Massey-Harris electric clocks Cash Register Office Desk 32” x 54" Swivel Chair 2 Office Arm Chairs Filing Cabinet Rack for hanging forks and 5110- high by 12 feet long A number of wooden “Parts” Bins Showcase on casters. with 16 drawers plus 162 small bins for "Parts" Counter Show Case 2 Stands for Literature Folders Property vels Tire Display Rack A number of Steel “Parts” bins (3 sections each with a section of small drawers) A Plywood Sectionrof bins, 7 feet There will also be offered for sale (subje-t to a reserve bid) if not rented or sold previous to day of sale -â€" the following â€" Commercial Building, approxi- mately 40 x 60 feet, brick, cem- ent block and steel construction, consisting of main floor with no _column posts. full size heated basement. and two apartments on second floor. also storage shed 25' x 62‘ at rear â€" Lot 48 feet front- age, 66 feet wide at rear of build- ing. and 220 feet deep. Terms on property â€" 10% day of sale; 40% in 30 days: balance to be ar- ranged by approved mortgage. if necessary, at time of sale. MAPLE CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies, B.A.. Minister GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST a.m. â€" Morning Worship The Minister a.m. â€" Church School THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Ontario, Thursday, Yeb'ruary 19L!” . Sunday Services RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1959 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service “Facing Life" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service “Rejoicing in Hope" ‘ Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A., B.D., Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1959 11 am. â€"- Public Worship "Brotherhood" The Church School 9.45 am. â€" Primary to Senior Grades 1 up 11 am. -â€"- Kindergarten and Nur- sery SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1959 LENT II 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer BROADCAST OVER CJRH 1300 (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 4 pm. â€" Holy Baptism 7 pm. -â€" Evensong Cub and Scout Parade Service 8.15 pm. -â€"- Fireside for Young People in Wrixon Hall Wednesdays In Lent 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion (Nursery provided) 7.30 pm. â€" Holy Communion followed by Bible Study Group COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY B. Th., B.R.E. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1959 Speaker: Rev. Douglas C. Percy, Missionary Counsellor. Toronto Bible College 9.50 a.m. â€"- Bible School for all 11 am. â€" Morning Worshlp 7 p.m. Evening Service and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Sermon Subject: LIVING YOUR RELIGION 11 am. â€" Nursery Department “Humanity never sounded a high- er note than Christianity” â€"- 8.15 p.m. â€" “Jahangi Safari" “No Vacant Chairs” Monday at 7 pm. Boys’ Club - All boys 8 to 16 yrs. Wednesday at 8.30 pm. Mid-week “Hour of Power" Thursday at' 7 13.111. Girls' Club â€" All girls 8 to 12 The young church with the old Message! Hour, CHML 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1959 2.45 pm. â€"- Sunday School 7 pm. â€" The Family Gospel Hour Wed. 8 p.111. â€"- Prayer and Bible . . . . . . . . Study Hour We welcome you to the fellowship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodism. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light anerife THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Anglican Richmond Hill East Beverley Acres School Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith, 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier, A.T.C.0. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1959 2nd .Sunday in Lent 9.30 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Nursery and Jr. Con- gregatlon 11 am. - Morning Prayer 2 pm. â€" Bible Class at the Rec- tory 3 pm. â€" Confirmation Class for boys and girls at the Rectory 3 pm. â€" Laying of the Corner- stone 7.30 pm. - Prayer and discus- sion at. the rectory SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1959 3 pm. â€" Watchtower Study taken from January 15. 1959, Watchtower magazine STUDY - Surviving with the new. Page ,44. EVERY THURSDAY 7.45 pm. â€" Service Meeting 8.45 pm. â€"â€" Ministry School NO COLLECTION TU. 4-2677 ALL WELCOME BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent, Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1959 Boise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.30 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd Con., 2 miles north of Concord) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11.15 am. .â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 01k Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor Tel.: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. -â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues, 8 p.111. â€" Prayer Meeting RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister ST. MARK‘S ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer 9.45 am. Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion â€"â€" lst Sunday Yonge at Jefferson Morning Prayer 11 am. Sundav School . . . . . . . . 11 am. Bible ClaSSes (Senior and Inter- mediate) . . . . . . . . . . 9.45 am. Holy Communion . . 2nd and 4th Sundays RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Irvin. KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCH ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH TRORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 195’ Missionary Month 11 am. â€" (7) The King and the World Missionary speaker, Rev. Fred Knox, Jhansi, India 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Young Adults will take part in the Young Peop- Ie's Winter Conference at Aur- ora Presbyterian Church Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Fel- lowship at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook, 95 Rumble Ave.. Richmond \ Hill Fri.‘. 7 pm. â€" Children’s Happy Hour Frl., 7.30 pm. â€" Boys' Club Second Sunday In Lent 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Cub and Scout Parade Sermon, “Why This Church?" 3 pm. â€"â€" Guide and Brownie Ser- vice 7 p.m. â€" Choral Night Wednesday 10 am. â€" Holy Communion 7.30 pm. â€" Lenten Service Thursday 7 am. â€" Holy Com- munion HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1959 THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. 3. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto. 12. Ont. HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1959 Sunday School classes for all ages. 10, 11 am. Service of Worship 11 am. Presentation of Children B. H. Fellowship 7 pm. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl it Eddy. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 195B 930 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Friday â€"- 7 pm. -â€" Glrls’ Craft Class 7.30 pm. â€" Boys’ Club 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples Meeting LUTHERAN Finch Ave.. East Public School Finch Ave. E., just west of Bayvlew Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 mm. Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 Inn. The Rev. Karl J. Schweder, B.D., M.A.. Pastor B.A.. B.D.. Th. D. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1959 10 am. - Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Church Worship and Church School Family Bible Hour 7 pm. â€"- Evening Gospel Service Tues., 8 p.m. â€" Prayer and Bible Study RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL LANG-STAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St, Langutnfl Minister: Rev. B. T. McSpnddon SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1959 10 am. â€"- Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€": Prayeg Meeting ‘7 pm. - Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bible Study Thurs., 1 pm. â€" Women’s Miss- ionary Fellowship Thurs., 8 pm. â€" Evening Mil- slon Clrcle‘ 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Fr]., 7 pm. â€" Lamplighters and Teen Fellowship Fri.. 8 pm. â€" Choir Practice PARISH OF KING 5; MAPLE (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings. D.D. Tel. King City 313 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - King City 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10 a‘m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am â€" Sunday School 1 block east of Yonge Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan. B. Th. Student Assistant. Mr. R. Thistle The pastor. The choir. 7 â€" Baptismal Sarvice The Gospel in message and music “The Church that is looking Ahead" SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€" Bible School 11 â€"â€" Morning Worshipr ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindeman, B.A. Phone Unionville 361 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1959 11.30 am. â€" The Service 10.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class Feb. 19, 8 pm. â€" Lenten Service THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE THE ANGLJCAN CHURCH OF CANADA ST.BARNABAS Richvale Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 4-4236 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School Services in Charles Howitt School Pearson Ave. Holy Communion second Sunda: of each month Phone: BAldwtn 1-8900 Oak Ave

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