/ Many Work Past 65“: Birihday w “mm IIIUWUBW- The Ontario Department of High- A driver may proceed for miles, ways might do well to consider the in- following the line of traffic ahead of stallation of “flashing amber lights†him more or less automatically, but let near school centres throughout this someone signal a right or left turn . . . province. To Be» Successful-Be Enthusiastic A New Deal for the Municipalities Statisticians of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company have reported that large numbers of people in the Un- ited States and the same could easily be said of Canada continue in gainful employment beyond their sixty-ï¬fth birthday. City officials in Edmonton state, “the school zones were ineffective in slowing traffic" â€" they expect better results with the use of the flashing am- ber lights. This might well be the answer to traffic problems in rural school districts surrounding Richmond Hill, with so many schools adjacent to highways and busy through roads. There is nothing more noticeable than a flashing light to warn motorists. So writes an internationally-known clergyman, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, in a recent issue of Reader's Digest. If you are defeated by weaknesses, ten- sions and fears, it may be only because you have never tapped this source of power. Farm workers show a. greater ten- dency to work beyond age 65 than do those in non-agricultural industries. Consequently, men and women gainful- ]y employed on farms constitute an in- creasingly large Segment of these ages. The action taken by Edmonton, A]- b rta traffic engineers in installing ov- er ead flashing amber lights, to replace twenty-mile-an-hour school zones in twenty-ï¬ve city areas, may well be re- peated in other school areas throughout the dominion to good advantage. A driver may proceed for miles, following the line of traffic ahead of him more or less automatically, but let someone signal a right or left turn . . . Those who do the most and best in life invariably have the radiant quality of enthusiasm; they take hold of a job with zest and stimulate the forces of aecomplishment in themselves. Muncipal revenues depend, as they always have, largely on real estate. But municipal responsibilities extend far beyond the ï¬elds that beneï¬t real estate directly, taking in a variety of social welfare duties as well as education. At one time -â€" even as recently as 30 years ago â€" this did not matter very much, According to estimates by the Bur- ‘eau of the Census, in March of 1957 more than half of the male population in the age group 56-69 was still in the labor force. Even at ages 70-74, the proportion was virtually two-ï¬fths, but at ages 75 and over it was only one- sixth. The proportion of women in the labor force at the older ages is much ower. In his article, “The’ Priceless Pow- er of Enthusiasm,†he says the ï¬rst step toward unleashing this power is to observe the character of your thoughts and attitudes. Enthusiasm cannot live~in a mind ï¬lled with dull, unhealthy, destructive ideas. To change this, look in the mirror every morning and say something like this: “Today is my day of opportunity. I have so many The provincial laws under which the municipalities operate were drafted at a time when urban areas were rela- tively small and their functions uncom- plicated. The principles governing these laws need to be thoroughly overhauled, and a new division of responsibility be- tween the municipalities and the prov- ince devised. Everyone agrees that the munici- palities across Ontario are facing dif- ï¬cult times. They ï¬nd themselves in an era of declining revenues and increas- ing expenditures. The municipalities are the creation of the provincial gov- ernment and therefore the responsibil- ity of the province. Yet the Frost gov- ernment has continually ignored their plight, or at the best offered them more money simply by juggling the system of grants. What is really needed is a fundamental reform of the present pro- vincial-municipal structure. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 19, 1959 CONSULT US FOR YOUR . . .‘ JOB PRINTING REQUIREMENTS An Independent Weekly: Established “\"W‘rr 7n~ Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.00; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH. Publisher W. S. COOK. Managing Editor MONA ROBERTSON, Associate Editor uuuu uau. U], mu: luau: populauuu ‘ age group 56-69 was still in the force. Even at ages 70-74, the tion was virtually two-ï¬fths, but as 75 and over it was only one- The proportion of women in the force at the older ages is much arm workers show a greater ten- to work beyond age 65 than do in non-agricultural industries. luently, men and women gainful- )oned on farms constitute an in- igly large segment of these ages. “Older workers drop out of the la- bor force for various reasons," the sta- tisticians said. “Many retire voluntar- ily or because they have reached man- datory retirement age. Pension plans, social security and life insurance bene- ï¬ts have made it possible for an increas- ing number of people to retire. Since the incidence of disabling disease rises rapidly with advance in age in later life, failing health and physical dis- abilities are among the major reasons for older workers leaving the labor force. ' Amber lights For Safe-iv Fine Workmanship -â€" Reasonable Pric “The Liberal†- TU. 4-1105 'Authorlzed as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawn‘ TM): liberal “'33:; with a, flashing red glow from the tail light on any of the cars visible to his eye in the line ahead . . . and some- thing clicks a warning signal to the brain of the driver in the rear and he at once becomes alert to the necessity of “proceeding with cautionâ€. ' Stationary warning signs have be- come part of the scenery to many mo- torists on the road these days, so liber- ally are they scattered along the high- way. Statistics prove that even “Rail- way Crossing†signs are constantly ig- nored with the loss of thedriver’s life as the penalty for his carelessness. But here again, with the installation of the flashing “wig-wag†signals, the flash- ing light has out these tragedies to the minimum. Unless the municipalities are to be given new sources of revenue, they should be relieved of the social welfare burden and of other obligations which beneï¬t the general public rather than real estate. The province could then pay for social welfare out of general reven- ue, while the municipalities concentrate on the services that beneï¬t real prop- erty, such as roads, sewers, and police and ï¬re protection. blessings -â€" home, family, job, health. I will do my best all day and God will help me. I am glad to be alive.†This daily process, he says, can be important, since your ideas affect your whole being. Unhealthy thoughts can make you unhealthy; defeatist thoughts can defeat you. Another effective way to develop enthusiasm, Dr. Peale writes, is simply to act enthusiastic until you become so. It is a. demonstrable psychological fact that you can be freed from an undesir- able feeling by assuming the exact op- posite feeling. If you are unhappy. you can induce happy feelings by deliber- ately acting as though you were happy. Similarly, you can make yourself en- thusiastic simply by acting with enthus- iasm. In a short time, you will no long- er need to force it: it will become nat. ural. because the demands made on munici- pal governments for highways, sanita- tion facilities, and education and social welfare were relatively light. But today with municipalities compelled to build extremely expensive super-highways, sewage disposal plants, and recreation areas, real property cannot carry the burden of education and social welfare (which accounts for more than half the budget of most municipalities) without discouraging home ownership and add- ing considerably to rents. Now is the time for the Frost government to take a more realistic viewpoint of the Whole problem, and offer a solution which would bring prov. incial-municipal relations into line with conditions in this year of 1959. The majority of older employed persons work full time, the proportion of full-time workers being two-thirds for the men and more than half for the women. While only one-tenth of males in the age range 14-64 are engaged in agri- culture, the proportion is nearly one- fourth at ages 65-69 and almost one- third at 70 and over. ,IRCULATIQNS In Shakespeare's great play, "All's Well That Ends Well," one of the characters is described as a person “who was ever precise in promise keeping." This, without doubt, is one of the important features of the God of the Bible. He is a promise keeping God. Men's promises are easily made and easily broken. The treaties which nations have signed with each other, have often been value- less, because neither party in. tended to keep his promise. But God is altogether different. What He says He will do. He performs. A Weekly 'Comment 0!: Christian Life And Action â€" By Calvin 1!. Chambers â€" This is abundantly illustrated throughout the Bible. God prom- ised that He would never again destroy mankind through a world flood. The rainbow in the sky has been the traditional symbol of that promise. Abraham respond- ed to the call of God, “Get thee up and out of thy country into a land that I will show thee . . . and I will make a great nation of thee . . . and in thee shall all na- tions of the earth be blessed." God kept that promise. Israel gained her promised land. But of Israel came Jesus Christ through whom the world has been blessed beyond measure. God promised man a deliverer. He kept that promise in the person of His Son Jesus Christ, the greatest deliverer of men. A ulllauy -. all your need according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ.†Are you losing faith with God and man as you look upon world con- ditions? Are you tired praying “thy kingdom come." and never seeing it? True faith rests in the promises of God and thus finds tinner strength. God’s kingdom will come for He has said “Thy Kingdoms of this world shall be- come the kingdoms of on Go? and His Christ." Are you s ekin for Truth? God promises every seeking person, "If ye shall seek me with all your heart ye shall surely find me saith the Lord." Is your faith anchored to the Promises of God? It should be. Jesus said “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away." Peter re- minds us “The word of the Lord abideth forever." Life built upon the rock like promises of God, will not be submerged when the storms of life‘attempt to’engulf US. A member of the House of Commons who had listened to the wartime speeches of Neville Chamberlain and Winston Chur- chill made this comment: “When Mr. Chamberlain said the fine, true thing, it was like a faint air played on a pipe and on the wind at once. When Churchill said it, it was like an organ filling the church and we all went out re- areshed and resolute to do or 1e." ‘ .This is certainly the difference between the promises of God and the promises of men. Human promises are often like faint airs which fade away on the breeze. Gone as soon as they are spoken. But when God speaks to us, as He does through His Word. it comes home to our hearts with power. It is like a great cathed- ral organ filling us with faith, determination. courage and pow- er. Rest on His promises. They This biblical witness to (he faithfulness of God is most en- couraging. It means that we can count on God. What He says He will perform. His faithfulness to us is some- thing that we need to take ser- iously, Are_ypu \yallfing through a .I__LI. the valley of the shadow of death, feeling the loneliness of bereave- ment? Listen to His promise. “In my Father's house are many man- sions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Are you seeking for an answer to some problem? What is His promise â€"â€"- “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.†Are you wondering how you will make ends meet and whether God will take care of you or not? l-lear His promise â€"â€"- “N_Iy God shall supply , AAJL... L- "in cannot fail. ' anywhere in the district from 12 noon to midnight. Enjoy a delicious meal. piping hot. in your own home. - We cater to Banquets. Wed. ding Parties. business gather- ings or special events of any _ hiâ€"A -0- .0 Restaurant THE BEST PLACE TO EAT Exclusive Comfortable high.» Dnnm. TAKE OUT ORDERS, FREE DELIVERY Yangtze Pagoda For table and banquet reservations Telephone AV. 5-4308 God’s Promise: North of Richmond Hill on Highway No. 11 Exclusive Comfortable Dining Rooms. Seating 300 People CANADA’S FINEST CHINESE CUISINE Delicious Canadian Food Also Served Facts and Faith Over Over 13%; by Cicely Thomson While some of our youngsters dress in the para- phernalia used for hockey from October to the end of March, some two hundred other boys and girls don their ï¬gure skating togs . . . for the girls immaculate white boots, elegant skirts, of a ridiculous length, but swirâ€" lingly full . . . and work at edges, turns, spirals, and so forth so that by the end of March they will acquit themselves well in the CARNIVAL. The job of music plus supervising also needs the the complete co-operation of the mothers, although if all could take their turns it would only mean once or twice during the season . . . for when one cannot go a “club-approved mother†takes an additional turn. Over the four years of organization the club has built up quite a record collection, but the big work on music comes again with the carnival rehearsals when a combination of instinct plus an interpretive sensé for frantic arm signals enables the musicâ€"mother to get the record back on the right section where the little ones lost their place. (If you’ve never seen the very smalls at a carnival, go some year, it’s absolutely out of this world, although they say it is “amazing†how much can be taught to a three year old and with boots designed the way they are now they don’t skate on their ankles.) But without Court Mothers and Sewing Mothers the carnival could not be put on. These dedicated women should have a paragraph each at least, for they start work the same time as rehearsals begin. They check at- tendnce, are responsible for promptness on the ice at rehearsal time; they work together, measuring children, handing out pre-cut material for new costumes, or rent- ed costumes which the mothers make or alter to ï¬t. Three weeks before C-Day is pictures. For the ï¬rst time the costumes are all seen together and of course a re- ï¬tting program follows for uniformity of hems, decor- ation, etc. At the dress rehearsal, which is run almost exactly as the real show, the six dressing rooms are used with almost split-second timing as one court goes in, is stuffed into its costumes, gets its make-up on, out the door, into the ready position and the next court goes in'to the same dressing room. Whoof. With a skating club of this nature a carnival each year is essential for the kids’ morale. There must be an end in sight for all the practising (a half hour lesson plus about two hours practise time per week for their twenty-two dollars) hence the carnival. Early in Feb- ruary rehearsals begin and continue until the dress re- hearsal. The Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club came into being when artiï¬cial ice was put down in the arena. The initial effort was spearheaded by Ann Featherstonhaugh with Kay Smith, Rosalind Anderson, Chris Gibson, Muriel Gillard, Rita Hall and Ella McGregor. (Pearl Wil~ son is this season’s hard working president). They en- gaged Chuck Kiel as their professional and that popular man (the kids adore him!) is still with the club, not only teaching the three to seventeen year old children but designing the annual carnival including the steps and ï¬gures used as well as the imaginative and colorful cos- tumes for the many courts. As well as the always popular dancing (which looks so easy when we watch it but is far more difficult and exacting than it ever looks to a spectator) the club is running its own preliminary tests once a week which have to be passed before taking the official tests. Two judges are on hand for these tests and there is never any arguing about the results. There is also the adult skating club of which Walter Smith is this year’s president. They have an hour and a half of chieflly dancing on Sunday evenings, and al- though they don’t use a professional, Jo Taylor (you’ve seen her skate) is instructing, and this year they expect to do a dance court which is always a delightfully grace- ful thing to watch. (They have room for some more couples, and I’m told you can be a real beginner on the silver blades and still pick it all up pretty fast in spite of being" “grown~upâ€.) ' ' Well, we’ve reached Carnival Day (this year for three nights to accommodate crowds) when all the sequins have been securely stitched in place (1,000 on one jacket alone!); the scenery all is up, the lights ready (father’s slave labor); all the ruffles are in the right place; all the hats and headgear ï¬t all the dif- ferent shaped heads, and the six dressing rooms are working in rapid assembly line fashion (there are many costume changes to be worked in) stuï¬ing the assorted youngsters into their eye-catching costumes. Make-up follows for such as toy-soldiers (mustaches) dutch dolls (eye-lashes) or fantasy courts (eye make-up). On coats and out of the dressing room. Line up RIGHT side of entrance, court mother takes guards in a box, coats off, there is applause, the lights change, the music plays YOUR tune . . . one shivering youngster looked up to her court mother. shaking all over but with a heavenly smile conï¬ded, “I’ve never been so happy in all my life !†Suddenly, so quickly, it’s over, you go off the LEFT side, there's your court mother waiting, box of guards in hand, coats ready . . . the C.M.’s deserve a medal! The skating club is proud of not being subsidized in any way . . . in fact by their co-operation With the recreation committee they are in fact assisting the town with other recreational endeavors. While they would like to have a larger membership, indeed there is a long waiting list, they cannot deprive their members of ade- quate space and time for lesson and practise and until they can get more ice-time they regret are limited to their two hundred members. \_ 7 _ J.“ ‘ THE CRIFFON mum TOBERMORY FISHERHAN. ORRIE C.VA|L. HPS SALVACED THE REMAINS OF A $H\P AT 1F‘ND OUT lSLAND. EVlDENCE INDICATES THESE REHNNS TD BE LA SALLES ALONG Evllil’l Telephone TUrner 4-1212 1 “' 'v FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE ALL FORMS LOW RATES Save $5.00 â€" Have you secured your Liability In- surance Certiï¬cate to ob- tain your 1959 Auto Plates? Inquire now No obligation GRAYDON T; PARMENTER B. Com. zo Levendale Rd. AV. 5-1812 (Res. PR. 3-5213) (opposite Loblaws) Richmond ‘Heights Plaza I Ll‘l Ulll'lnl‘vb I 9L“ .mrs-mnwmm-mmoaaow Show Times 7 and 9 p.m. Continuous from 6 p.m. Saturdays and Holiday! Mon., Tues., Wed., February 23, 24,25 Thursday, Friday, February 19, 20 u u . . " JOID (rï¬ynm wx'th"playgirlx") and see a world of entertainment! A tour of amour with three“livc-it-up" show girls who kiss and tell and tell! GENE KELLYoMITZI GAYNOR KAY KENDALL ' TAINA ELG starring Saturday, February 21, Only DORIS DAY HOWARD KEEI. “CALAMITY JANE" Adult Entertainment IN TECHNICOLOR PROMPT AUTO - FIRE - LIFE ALL FORMS LOW RATES Save $5.00 â€" Have you secured your Liability In surance Certiï¬cate to ob‘ tain your 1959 Autt Plates? IN GENERAL INSURANCE TODAY’S MOST EXCITING SINGING STAR IN A STIRRING DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE! %“£€w'mm' am 731351; DEPENDABLE PROTECTION MAY WE HELP YOU?