Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Feb 1959, p. 8

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Mrs. G. Bridger was program convenor. She read an article about the hobby of Mr. E. G. Byrne, a lam'er of Bathurst, New Brunswick. 011 Mlscou Island, he carries on experimental farming with marked success with veget- ables and berries. The topic for the February meeting of Vellore Sr. Women's Institute was "Hobbies" and the motto. “Hobbies are personality outlets." The response to the roll call was to tell how to use spare time in winter. For Mrs. E. Bryson, Mrs. J. Bryson talked about the recent project of the 4H Club â€" Work- lng With Wool. She displayed one of the skirts made by the girls and a note book which con- tained notes on the work with wool, the club story and pictures of patterns. I “Accordingly. then. I have de~ cided that for this year at least “This rapid growth has necessi- tated substantially increased grants toward administration and all other types of conservation projects. and such assistance we intend to continue this year. How- ever, there is one type of activity which has been carried on by some Authorities. namely histori- cal sites and pioneer villages. which while important and of great interest to many people is not basically the conservation of natural resources. February Motto 0f Vellore Sr. W.|. "Hobbies â€" Personality Outlets" “You and the members of your Authority are no doubt aware of the rapid growth of Authorities In‘recent years, which now have reached a total of twenty-five. six new ones having been established in 1958. The protest followed a letter received by the Authority from Mr. Nickle which read: The committee would include Dr. G. Ross Lord. P.Eng., Author- lty chairman: Reeve Dorothy Hague of Swansea. chairman of the historic sites advisory board, and C. R. Purcell, chairman of the R.D.H.P. watershed advisory board. The committee unanimously ap- proved a resolution appointing a deputation of three members to call upon Planning and Develop- ment Minister W. M. Nickle as loan as possible to protest the government‘s action. A strong protest against the Ontario Government‘s move to discontinue grants for the pur- chase and restoration of historic places has been registered by the Executive Committee of the Met- ropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Nearly New Clothes for the entire family TU. 4-3910 TU. 4-3341 Edgeley Pioneer Viilage To Lose Government Grant Magical, llI-Iimed 6'1 Shari-sighted FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 19, 1959 Maple, Concord & Edgeley Districts SAVE ON YOUR INCOME TAX 55A Yonge St. S. ENCORE Canadian Government Annuity pre- miums may 110vaY be deducted from income for tax purposes, within certain limits. SAMPLE TAX SAVINGS For full information and assistance in selecting the plan best suited to your needs, mail this coupon, postage free. while you save for retirement Emcd lncoml 5 3,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 Contribution to Suvlnas Plcn‘ 5 300 500 750 1,000 3 3,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 (for a married taxpayer wifl: no dependent based on 1958 income Tax rates) ‘maximum deduction allowed for tax purposes) To: Dlrador. Canadian Oovommon! Annulfiu, Please send inform-Him showing how‘a Canadian Goverm men? Annuity can bring me rofiremenl income a! low cost. Ago when Amuihlo 3W..............Tohphom....... . . . . . . . I undomcnd MM humane». ulna will be hcld nrkfly confidenoia My nurno i: 'n a! Depanmonl 0! Labour, Onwa (Paley. Inc) The Liberal is always willing to publish Interesting items regarding people and events contributed by Its readers In Maple. Concord & Edgeiey districts. Our representative in Maple in Mrs. R. Manning. Maple 821124: in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kefler. AV. 5-2375: ond'in Edgeley. Mu. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. (Mn ’Mn. [Mud He said, "Wé shodld make the strongest ‘possible recommendaâ€" tion for at least a modified pro- District president Mrs. Boddy and district secretary-treasurer Mrs. Hermansen were present at the meeting. During the business discussion further plans were made for the bus trip to Toronto next month. The bus will leave from Vellore Memorial Hall at 9.30 am. Mrs. A. Cameron Sr., assisted by Mrs. M. Duff, gave a demon- stration on copper tooling. She described the materials and the tools necessary for this work. Mrs. Duff worked on a pattern as Mrs. Cameron explained the operation. Three lovely framed examples of the finished art were on display Mrs. J. Murray read a poein énâ€" titled ‘Winter Testament.‘ Mrs. Boddy explained the Doan House project. She suggested we use a budget system and rec-m1- mended panel discussions as part of our program. - On behalf of our branch mem- bers. the president, Mrs. Bishop, extended best wishes to Mrs. G Old who is moving to England and tokens of remembrance were given to her. Mr. MacDonneIl added that the M.T.R.C.A.'s Pioneer Museum was also a project of great educa- tional interest which attracted thousands of visitors. including school children, every year. ’The meeting was closed by singing "God Save the Queen" and lunch was then served. “Several thousand people flock annually to this event and it has been a most valuable means of interesting and educating the public, not only in local pioneer history but also in the overall conservation objectives of the Authority." he stated. Other members also voiced pro- tests against the move. W. S. MacDonneil, information and edu- cation advisory board chairman. said the Authority's finest piece of public relations work has come out of the annual Pioneer Festi- val commenced two years ago. Mrs. Hague said she was “not prepared to accept this without strong protest. since it has always been my understanding that the provincial government encourages development and restoration of historic sites." She added that the public has become very interested in pioneer history and "this ac- tion by the government comes at a very inopportune timer." no grants will be made for the purchasing and restoration of his- toric places such as pioneer vil- lages and articles of historic va- lue. However. where such histor- ical projects have been commenc- ed it is my opinion that they should be continued. but at the expense of the Authority.” At its meeting. the M.T.R.C.A. executive described the govern- ment’s action as “illogical.” “ill- timed” and “short-sighted." Duh of £5th Tux Savlng S 39 95 150 240 BWI The Home and School Associa- tion at Concord has, as usual, pro- vided a very interesting bill-of- fare this season. The meetings have all been lively and inform- ative, the annual games night was a great success, both socially and financially, and a real, old fash- ioned Christmas concert was en- joyed by the entire school popula- tion and their parents in Decem- ber. With the proceeds from these events, the Association pur- chased a film strip projector for the school. It is hoped that the dance will raise enough to finance the bus to take the‘ children for the swimming lessons next sum- mer, as ‘well as the school picnic and other expenses. The February 9th meeting of the Concord Home and School Association was well attended. Mr. Knight introduced Mr. John Perry, Reeve of Vaughan Town- ship. who outlined the civil de- fense plans for York County. A film “The Waking Point” was viewed with interest and Mr. Perry then introduced Mr. R. Grant. civil defense coâ€"ordinator of Markham Township. Mr. Grant made a few general obser- vations on the need for civil de- fense and then, possibly to his rer gret. invited questions from the audience. Aroused just as much by Mr. Grant's assumption that an atomic war is inevitable. as by the evident lack of precise infor- mation as to how to cope with it, there was a spirited exchange. Mr. Grant admitted that Civil Defense was just in the planning stage and stated that by next fall th-;' would be ready to “instruct our instructors" in civil defense measures. The meeting adjourn- ed for refreshments. where the discussion was continued for some time. Watch for a future meeting arising out of this urgent ques- tlon. Friday February 20th is the night of the big dance, an annual social event with the Concord Home and School Association. The place is the Maple Commun- ity Hall and tickets may be bought at the door or from any member of the executive. Mr. Knight, at AV. 5-1034. can answer any questions. The tickets entitle the holder (whether present at the dance or not) to a chance to win an attractive clock-radio. There will also be several other lucky prizes. While not intended primarily as a money-raising event. the committee has gone to consider- able expense to make the dance a success, and it is hoped that the community will give its full sup- port. The Jolly Miller Orchestra will be on hand to keep things lively, and there will be both square dancing and modern. Concord H. 8. S. Annual Dance Fri. DEALER â€"- TU. 4-1745 â€" 88 Baker Ave" Richmond Hill SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Rates “We have put a lot of time, effort and money into this project to date.” said Ald. William Dav- idson, Q.C., chairman of the Hum- ber watershed advisory board. or Call TU. 4-1745 day or night 'Your local typewriter speciallst’ The largest of these projects, is the Edgeley Pioneer Village in North York Township where the M.T.R.C.A. is establishing On- tario's first authentic pioneer community. Located on an 18- acre farm site it will consist, when completed, of about 20 buildings. Typewriters . Adding Machines All popular make: on hand See Portable models at Wight's Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. S. Hugh M. Griggs, chairman of the Etobicoke-Mimico watershed advisory board, suggested that the government give subsidies to the projects already under develop- ment by the Authority. gram ofigovgzrnment support." Dr. Lord suggested that it would be better if the govern- ment's plan to withdraw support from this quarter was done grad- ually over three or four years “so that we would have an opportun- ity 'to obtain financial support from outside sources.” “There should be some contin- uation of government grants on the basis of merit,” stated C. R. Purcell. OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS Projects planned for 1959 in- clude the grading and paving of Bayview Avenue from Steeles Avenue to No. 7 Highway and the clearing, fencing and moving of the hydro poles on Bayview from No. '7 Highway to Markham Rd. This project will cost $300,000.00. The grading and gravelling of the Markham-Whitchurch Townline will cost another $250,000.00. A start will be made on the grading and paving of Keele Street from No. 7 Highway to Maple. The commission will spend $5,000.00 on this project in 1959. A sum of $40,000.00 will be spent towards the eventual grading and paving of the Don Mills Road from John Street in Thornhill to Victoria Square. The Buttonvllle Bridge on the Don Mills Road will be widened at a cost of $14,500.00. The Curtis Bridge at Oak Ridges will be rebuilt at a cost of $20,- 000.00. In a summary of commission operations since the inception of Metro five years ago, it was stated that $4,201,229.14 was spent on new construction and $2,610,568.- 92 on maintenance. Towards these expenditures the province con- tributed $3,573,002.06, Metro $1,- 515,571.40, and the county $1.- 710,046.77. The construction expenditure during this period supplied 31.6 miles of new grading and paving on roads which were previously narrow gravel roads and also re- built by grading, gravelling and paving 33.0 miles of deteriorated pavements. In other words a total of 64.6 miles of new,wider pave- ments have been constructed over newly constructed gravel base. This means that one-third of the system has received new surfac- ing since 1954. in 1958. Ah maintenance work as suri re-surfacing, gravel, and winter main‘ The policy has been to con- struct permanent hard-surfaced roads with the result that al- though there has been a substan- tial increase in the volume of traffic, total maintenance costs have decreased. It was reported at the Novem- ber session that three new one- way plows were being purchased to be interchangeable with the large V-plows. and that seven new metal slush scrapers were being purchased to replace old wooden plows. These units are now :11 In their report presented to York County Council last week. the five member Toronto and York Roads Commission set their 1959 budget at $435,400.00. This is an increase of $23,000.00 over the 1958 figure of $412,000. The commission actually finished their 1958 operations with a surplus of $69,996.64. ' In addition to the grading and paving represented above. four concrete bridges were built in 1954, two in 1955, one in 1956 and three in 1957. Also one tim- ber structure was built in 1956 and a timber bridge was built in 1957 as a joint project with the County of Simcoe. To complete the above con- struction programme a total of 35 contracts have been awarded: ,five in 1954, three in 1955. eight in 1956. eleven in 1957, and eight. in 1958. Also awarded were 19 maintenance contracts for such This experience illustrates the value of adhering to a long range plan of road improvements and the savings which may be deriv- ed from it. The commission reported that all the projects planned for 1958 were completed before the winter weather struck in December. To date, the winter has been severe. Sanding and snow plowing operations have both been heav- ier than usual. Petitions for peace. justice and righteousness throughout the world were given by Mrs. C. Dy- son; for the victims of war, per- secution, and the suffering of the needy by Mrs. R. Kefier. For family life, youth and Christian leadership by Mrs. James Mar- tin; for the Church in all its man- Mrs. J. Kingsburgh of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church led in the service of consecration and intercession with prayers for the Queen and the Commonwealth leaders given by Mrs. H. Con- stable. Bayview Ave. Included In County Road Program The service took place in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, with Mrs. W. B. Jennings, the wife of the Rector, opening the service of worship. Mrs. H. Jackson of Maple United Church and Mrs. R. Percival of Zion Lutheran Church, in turn conducted the prayers for penitence and assur- ance with the congregation res- pending. On Friday, the ladies of Maple and the surrounding area joined in prayer with other women throughout the world to observe the day set aside as a World Day of Prayer for Peace and for Thanksgiving. Friends of Mr. B. Yake of Yake Dry Goods in Maple will be pleas- ed to learn he is expected to be released from Toronto General Hospital shortly, where he has been confined since early in Jan- uary, due to an operation. Mr. Yake will be convalescing for some time, but everyone hopes he will soon be feeling much im- proved and able to be about again. Mrs. Isaac Watson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dempster of Concord. World Day of Prayer [5 surface treating: Tacing, supplying and for treated ; maintenance. policy has been permanent hard- with the result there has been a surface Maple Notes were 19 for such ;, asphalt crushed sand for The fact that all the projects were completed in 1958 can be attributed partly to a policy im- plemented by the commission reâ€" quiring the contractors to pay according to a pre-determined schedule of daily rates, an am- ount for liquidated damages for failure to complete contracts in accord with the specified com- pletion date. This policy has been accepted by the contractors in principle and on four different jobs it was necessary to assess the contractor an amount to cover non-completion of the project within the time limit. The economy-mind- ed man orders our fuel oil because from the finest oil you can expect the finest bur- ner performance per gallon. As this was the first time such a policy had been introduced by the commission, it was necessary to gain the support and co-oper- ation of the contractors in en- forcing the plan. Again, as this was a new departure it was nec- essary to discuss openly with the contractor the problems involved in enforcement and to agree as to the period for which amounts should be charged for his failure to complete his job on time. The commission has launched a winter works programme to stimulate employment during the winter months by awhrding a contract for the extension of six narrow concrete culverts on the Aurora Road. West of Aurora. Forms have been constructed in the shops for these culverts and thg field work has now commen- ce . Plans are being studied for the construction of a new mainten- ance depot and for office accom- modation for the commission’s staff. If possible these projects will be offered as part of the win- ter work programme. With the heavy sanding oper- ations experienced so far. some sand stock-piles are being de- pleted faster than could be anâ€" ticipated. Fortunately it has been possible to have most of these piles replenished at the same price for which they were orig- inally established and thus an exâ€" cessive cost has been avoided. in service and better results are being obtained. Among the local ladies attend- ing were Mrs. Albert Rutherford. president of St. Paul's Presby- terian Church, Vaughan, and Mrs. Nelson Kerr. Mrs. Alex Bishop. Mrs. Alex McNeil and Mrs. A. McNeil. Mrs. H. C. Bailey, a former resident of Maple, is a patient in the Women's College Hospital, Addresses were made by the Rev. Robert Manning on the mls- sionary spirit, and Rev. Moore Gardon on Formosa. Miss Ada Adams told of her recent trip to Japan as a delegate to the Chris- tian Education Conference. Greet- ings from High Park Church were brought by Mrs. Robert Man- ning, second vice-president of the Presbyterial. Serving as ushers for the af- ternoon were Mrs. G. Robson and Mrs. J. James. Attend Presbyterial An inspirational annual meet- ing of the Toronto West Presby- terial of the Presbyterian Church in Canada was held in High Park Presbyterian Church on last Thursday. Mrs. W. J. Agar, well- known Vaughan township resi- dent. p-resided at the three ses- sions. In addition to the well-chosen hymns, special music was provid- ed by Mrs. J. Yorke. who sang very beautifully “Teach Me To Pray”, accompanied by the orâ€" ganist. Mrs. R. H. Markham. Mrs. Percival introduced the speaker of the afternoon, Mrs. Earl Cronmiller. wife of the min- ister of St. Philllp's Lutheran Church in Toronto. Mrs. Cron- miller gave a moving address on PrayerAand Its Various Aspects. ifold forms of activity by Mrs. G Matheson. NEWMARKET : Council has ap- proved a plan of subdivision for the Edgar Dennis farm located at the south end of Newmarket. Some 400 houses are planned for the 120 acre site. WITH US YOU STRIKE THE dACKpOT THRICE, WITH SERVICE. Qmmm ne/cz/ MAPLE FEED MI.I. MAPLEA ONT. The BEST of QUALITY to MAXIMUM ECONOMY insuring that you get the BEST OF VALUE Some Forum members thought it would be a good thing to ask governments to institute licensing of dealers and testing regulations but others thought we do not need this in Ontario because dealers at; controlled by the companies they represent. WILLOWDALE : School Board Trustee Mrs. J. Pearce has oh- jected to the board’s practice of not spreading their business ar- ound among more than one firm. The high cost of farm machin- ery was discussed in the Farm Forums on Monday evening. Feb- ruary 9. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer. the Edgeley Farm Forum findings indicated that the members think their in- vestment in farm equipment and costs of its operations too high. To best meet this problem. the Forum decided that co-operative ownership could work with a la- ther-sou or brother agreement. Greater versatility in the use of equipment on the farm was also suggested as another way to meet the problem. Custom work, by having a working agreement with a neighbour whereby each man owns and services his own ma- chines, especially in a good work- ing set~up such as one man own- ing a baler and the other a com- bine. should help to solve some of the problems, providing it is a strictly business agreement. A Thousands of Canadian Poultry men know that the best VALUE IN CHICK START- ERS is found in SHUR-GAIN â€" â€" the CHICK STARTERS that link â€" â€"â€" â€" â€"- This is what you must look for when you make a purchase â€"â€" â€" whether it be two hundred acres or two hundred chicks. And what is “VALUE” â€" â€"â€"- it’s the linking of two things â€" “QUALITY” plus “ECONOMY” and it takes both. Farm Forum Some of the fathers suggested that the Scouts have a bottle pickup, that is, the boys would collect all unwanted beverage and milk bottles in the neigh- bourhood and keep the refund from them. This was apparently done in Maple recently and prov- ed very successful. Nothing def- inite was decided about having a pick-up in Concord. The men allso discussed their coming elec- tons. The men's group committee of Concord Cubs and Scouts met last Friday night at the home of Mr. Harry Kentner. Hillside Ave- nue. and plans were completed for the coming father and son banquet. The banquet will he held this year a Maple Commun- ity Hall on Fri ay. February 27. An old-fashioned touch was ad- ded to St. Valentine's Day at Con- cord Public School when the four higher grades held a box social. The young ladies were respon- sible for providing a lunch for two in a box enticingly decorat- ed to command a high price. Hearts 'n flowers was the theme of the day, and many boxes were beautifully done up in red and white in accordance with the day. Many a girl's heart was a-flutter as the bidding sometimes went as high as a dollar or more! There are a lot of poor boys around Concord this week but the Junior Red Cross benefited greatly by the event. Group Committee An executive meeting was held on Wednesday, February 11. at the home of Mrs. Fred Orr. Gard- en Avenue. where the ladies made further plens for the banquet, February 27. Concord School VAL" - - - Edgeley Socials " Ask The Man Who Feeds Shur-Gain" Concord Socials Mr. John Witney visited Mr. and Mrs. William Haper of Pal~ greye 011 Sgnday. Eebruary 8. Social On Saturday. February 14, Bar- bara Orr held a party in honour of her twelfth birthday. February 17. Sixteen of Barbara’s friends gathered to enjoy the afternoon of games. round dancing and nov- elty dances. Mr. Cyril Williams. a friend of the Orrs. took movies of the group. All youngsters en- joyed a delicious supper preparâ€" ed and served by Mrs. Orr. Those present were: Carol Mc- Clymont, Sharon Russell, Danelle, Laurie and David Day, Carole Keffer, Diane Smith, Donna Sharp. Donna Voigt. Susan Tay- lor, Carol Woods, Brian McKay, Tommy Witty. Matthew Stoddart, Ainse Neva, and of course Bar- bara. Birthday Party Mr. Gordonri’bélé and “Mâ€"r: J. There is beauty in all . This was especially true lat weekend, when, although rain and freezing caused just about the most treacherous roads ever, an the trees, bushes (and even TV aerial guy-wires) and roof-tops were turned for a while to crystal and silver by their coating of ice. Sunday's morning sunlight trans- formed the area into a spar winter fairyland, scenes which every camera bug should have taken advantage of recording. Bowling Witney visited Mr. and Mn. “I Harrison last Thursday evening. Fairyland High scorers in the Concord- Edgeley Bowling League last Fri- day evening were: Vic Young 261, 277, Cheryl Rutherford 272, 205. Don Mitchell 253. Bill Lab 266, Marion McKay 266. Flo Stu- chan 252. Mrs. E. Atkins 237. 255. E. Hawksworth 246. This places the team standinvgl as follows: Hornets 86, Bruin: 3, Wildcats ’73. Indians 72. Tigers 66, Cubs 66, Lions 60. PHONE 167

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