lDR.‘ C. D. GRAHAM HON. W. A. GOODFELLOW ‘ Deputy Minister Minister An Important Message To Ontario Farm People A Farm Accident Survey }0 THE LIBERAL, Ricï¬mond Hm, Ontario, Thursday, Feb'ruary 26, 1959' Print-Emmy: and Saturday afternoonsâ€"All Scan Rourvud Rescued Seats $1.25 â€" Box Seats $1.75 Plus Admission to Building -- Adulis 50¢ (on advanced sales only) Children 25¢ Admission to Building: Only - Adulls 75¢, Children 25¢ Admission fldwf includes Ama‘ica‘s Fines! Springtime Exhibitionâ€"Seven great shows in one â€"Buildings openfrom 11 a.m. to 11 p.111. (Daily Except Sunday) [or combination “than, wrllo, (enclosing choquo or money order) 00: S 5 SAVE 50% OF FUEL $5 An accident reporter will collect details of all accidents for each community in your County. The success of a farm safety program will de- pend on the full‘co-operation and assistance of all Ontario farm people in this survey. Thissurvey will record all farm accidents and ï¬res during the year and seek to determine their causes. The objective of this survey is to pro- vide the basis of a Farm Safety Program de- signed for ybur beneï¬t. ~ Will be conducted "‘"â€â€œÂ».Vthroughout ONTARIO from March 1, 1959 to February 29, 1960 THE FARM ACCIDENT SURVEY in the ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Normally Lost Up the Chimney! HEAT BASEMENT OR ANY HARD-TO-HEAT AREA FREE OF FUEL COST WITH A GAUTH HEAT RECLAIMER CSA APPROVED FULLY AUTOMATIC AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE MEDLAND & EN DICOTT THORNHILL is under the direction of your Just Phone For Free Demonstration assisted by Federation of Agriculture Women’s Institutes Junior Farmer Associations 2 Models from $49.95 EASY TERMS COUNTY OF YORK W. M. COCKBURN AV. 5-3244 l8 Parents of the children at Thornhaven participated in a dis- cussion of the effects of institu- tionalization of a retarded child on the normal children in the family. Dr. Kirk’s research in this area showed that retarded boys were much more disruptive to the family than were retarded girls. and the retarded boy over ten was more disruptive than his counterpart under ten. Miss Ke- tola agreed with this on the whole particularly in the case of non- organic boys, in general, Dr. Kirk said institutionalizing a re- tarded boy would help a normal sister make a better adjustment, freeing the sister from care of her brother and leaving her time for her own pursuits. But in the case of a normal brother, the mo- ther might tend 'to transfer her attention to the son left at home, limiting him more than when the retarded son was at home to claim her protection, Miss Ketola felt the situation varied from family to family', and depended to a con- siderable degree on the relative ages of the children. She did not feel it was always preferable to let the weaker child suffer in order that the stronger might not suffer at all. Over a period of eight years Dr. Kirk followed 81 children, aged three to six years with I.Q.’s between 40 and 80. Of these. 28 were placed in a nursery school where they were trained for two years with a ration of ï¬ve pupils to a teacher. Four of seven or- ganically retarded (eg. Mongo- loid) children were raised in I. Q. level while three remained stagnant. [Of the non-organic (e. g. brain-injury) cases I.Q. levels rose in almost all. Of 15 children trained in an organized school within an instiâ€" tution, 50 per cent of the organ- ically retarded rose in level. and 80 per cent of the non-organic cases accelerated their developâ€" ment, while 12 children left in the wards of an institution either remained at the same level or dropped. Twelve children ‘from poor home environments lived at home but attended preâ€"school classes. Eight rose in level and one dropâ€" ped. Of 14 others from the same families who stayed at home with- out schooling, two rose and ï¬ve dropped in level. - Miss Ketola commented on these findings. Though she was not sure the child’s IQ. actually changed she felt more accurate measuring of the IQ. could be possible with training and de- velopment of the child‘s capac- ities. At the January meeting of the Thornhill and District Associa~ tion for Retarded Children. Miss Dolly Ketola, principal of Thorn- haven School, led an informal discussion of an investigation by Dr. Samuel Kirk of Chicago into the effects of training on groups of retarded children. Dr. Kirk’s ï¬ndings will soon be published in book form. He has concluded that “while the severely retard- ed child cannot actually be chan- ged through education or envir- onment he can improve from one level of functioning to another under favorable conditions." Up until Grade 9 there is no gap regardless of ability and in- terests, but when students go from public school to high school and there is a lack of co-ordina- tion, then it means wasted time for the teacher and the student. The students may become rest- less and bored because of possible repetition of subject matter; this in turn leads to problems of dis- cipline which also waste precious time and a great deal of the pub- lic school training is wasted. Even with a single board there is cleav- age, stated Mn Spence. The public school teacher educates the whole child while the high school teacher is interested mainly in subject-matter teaching. Mr. Spence felt this is understandable when you consider the vastly greater number of students with which he comes in contact only Improvement Noted One Level To Another Mr. Spence, presently teaching at the Bathurst Senior School in Toronto, in his topic: “One School ‘Board or Two?†explained why he thought there should be a board ‘of education in Richmond Hill re- placing the present system of a public school board, with an elect- ed group of trustees, and a high school board, with appointed trus- tees. Mr. Spence agreed that the present system works fine when there isn’t sufficient population to support a high school with its speâ€" cial equipment. but when there is a large growth in an area and there are sufficient potential high school students, then the system of education should fit the pat- tern of growth. 7 i Retarded Children Z The Walter Scott Home and :School Association held its annual fathers’ night, Thursday, Feb- ruary‘ 19th. Husbands of the exâ€" ecutive, Mr. E.‘ Castle, Mr. E. Dobbs, Mr. V. Evans, and Mr. J. Ley, conducted the meeting, and guest speaker for the evening was Mr. Arthur Spence. In his intro- ductory remarks Mr. E. Castle told the parents something of Mr. Spence’s varied background which includes a B.A. from the University of Kalamazoo, in Mich- igan, and an MA. from Western University in London, Ont, where he“ majored in philosophy and journalism, and received a Gold Key for his work on the college paper there. In addition, he was a reporter for a Toronto daily for over five years, and served two years on the local public school board in Richmond Hill. A. Spence Suggests Board Of Education For Town Former Trustee He asked that further dona- tions of work or materials for the new school should if possible be arranged for before the contract is let in April. In reply to a quesâ€" tion he said he hoped people would send in their pledges in connection with the recent drive for funds without further notiâ€" ï¬cation to Box 333, Richmond Hill. The new Education Committee will comprise Mr. R. Fisher, Thornhill; Miss P. Campbell, Tor- onto; Mr. J. S. Calvert, Highland Park; Mrs. J. K. Sully. Richmond Hill: and Mr. R. H. McLeod, Pubâ€" lic School Inspector for Richmond Hill, Markham and Stouf’fville. Other committee chairmen are as follows: Bulletin Editor: Mrs. G. Hodgson, Aurora; Finance, Mrs. G. A. Gamble, Unionville; Transportation, Mr. R. Locke, Willowdale; Property. Mr. E. Jennings, Richmond Hill: Build- ing, Mr. W. Stewart, Agincourt; Membership, Mrs. R. Locke, Willowdale: Welfare, Mrs. G. H. Oborne, Willowdale; Social, Mrs. G. Goulet, Mrs. E. Jennings: Pro- gram, Mrs. W. Bloss, Thornhill; Nominating, Mrs. W. Swindle, Thornhill; Bazaar, Mrs. L. Red- man, Concord. ' It was announced that the dir- ectors had approved a budget ex- penditure of $21,435 for 1958, an increase over an expenditure of about $13,000 in 1957. based on the expectation that the new school to be located in Richmond Hill would open next September. Miss Ketola made a few re- marks that inadvertently pointed up the inadequacy of the present one-room-plusâ€"basement school now Thornhaven. She said work habits started at home. For in- stance it was not possible for the staff of two full-time and one partâ€"time teachers to train each of 29 or 30 children to hang up his coat. Besides there was not room for that many hooks at the school. Also with ï¬ve-yearâ€"olds (acting at the level of two or two and a half years) in the same classroom with older children trying to learn to write, for ex- ample. it was not possible to give enough individual attention to teaching. 'Nevertheless being in a school with an atmosphere of organized learning made the chil- dren want to learn. Miss Ketola asked for parents to volunteer help with swimming classes which have been instituted for the children this year at the North York Therapeutic Pool. The father of a child who had been institutionalized for a time said tension at home was reduc- ed after the child went away. But the mother felt the child herself was much happier to be at home and attending Thornhaven, and was developing better than while at the institution. The parents ag- reed the children seemed less tense when with their schoolmates than when with normal children, but felt it was good for them to get used to mixing with other children, and it was good for nor- mal children to get to know reâ€" tarded children. The public needs a more direct acquaintance with such children to promote accepâ€" tance and understanding. Frank Woodward was driving his car north on Bathurst St.. when he slid on an icy section of the road and skidded across into the path of a south bound car driven by Mr. J. M. Sarvas of Felix Road. One of a series of accidents caused by icy roads over the week-end, a collision on Bathurst St., near Carrville Road, sent Mrs. Margaret Woodward of Reg- ent St., Downsview, to hospital with concussion and a possible fractured jaw. A three year old boy. John Bell of 10 Felix Road, Richmond Hill. a passenger in another car suffered shock. Woman, Child In Two Car Accident Following a question period during which Mr. Spence answer- ed questions put to him by the parents, he was thanked on behalf of the group by Mr. B. Kerr. The social half hour which followed was presided over by Mr. J. Hed- man, and the refreshments pro- vided by the Grade 4 mothers. Miss P. Ramer’s Grade 3 class, and Mrs. E. Donnelly‘s Grade 5 class tied for the parent attend- ance cup. several times a week, as compared to the 35 or so students which the public school teacher is usually concerned with, every day all term. However, this gap would be considerably lessened under one administrative body control- ling the school course of study, and would allow for a more nor- mal progression from Grades 1 to 13. Mr. Spence pointed out that there is also the question of community pride. With local con- trol of the high school, people with a stake in the community could make of it what they would; and there are also the minor con- siderations of improved efficien- cy, elimination of duplication in administration, etc. A board of education would be more aggresâ€" sive, and the system could be worked to meet the problems aris- ing. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 5†Richvale Ornamental, Iron Works It was originally estimated that the Children’s Aid Society would be able to operate on the per day costs of 1957 which were $2.11. However. the 1958 figures show- ed that these costs had increased to $2.48. The deï¬cit created will be absorbed in this year’s budget. The final grant i‘equested Vfor the society’s operation was $79,- 970. For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes, Portable Welding & Repairs. Phone AV. 5-4421 Evenings AV. 5-3678 This has been a pertinent ques- tion among municipalities. The society places a number of these children in the area, and though there is not a cent of additional tax money for these children who can create a school problem, even causing an additional room to be built or an additional teacher en- gaged. There is no financial assistance for a municipality which may be burdened with numerous wards of the Children’s Aid Society, acâ€" cot‘ding to Society Director Miss Betty Graham who spoke before York County Council last week. The population of York Counâ€" ty has increased from 69,640 in 1954 to 98,210 in the year 1958. This increase in growth is partial- ly indicated by the revenue from the registry office. In 1955 the fees from the south and north York offices combined amounted to 3537.000. By the end of last year this amount had grown to $53,000. No School Grant Relief For Wards Children's Aid Soc. Big Increase Cty. Population l The value of Scout training is jconstantly endorsed by churches Iof all denominations, most other iorganizations, and men of prom- inence in every ï¬eld of endeav- our. Scouts, both individually and in groups, have rendered count- less services to their communities. Some of them have been of an outstanding nature; many were of an every-day occurrence which nevertheless are‘appreciated by those benefited. Two examples may be cited: in the recent mine disaster at Springhill, N.S., local Scouts took on many of the un- forseen jobs which cropped up during rescue operations, especâ€" ially for those of relatives of! trapped miners; sixteen Scouts and ten Guides helped Wallace-1 burg traffic authorities with an; exhaustive two-hour survey to de- 3 termine peak hours for traffic in connection with plans for future‘ urban traffic needs. 2 From the foregoing it is ap- parent that the people of this country owe much in apprecia- tion of the volunteer leaders who give up many hours of their time The scouting programme seeks to get boys out-of-doors to build healthy minds and bodies, and develop desirable qualities of character. Besides this, the pro- motion of public service and con- servation of our natural resources is stressed. Hobbies and handi- crafts have their place too, but this is secondary to the rest of the programme. For this reason, there are few Scout bands be- cause the expense of a band is usually too heavy for a small vol- unteer unit to support, and all too often it becomes a band in Scout uniform paying little heed to its original objective. (The fact that there is a hobby show for Scouts and Cubs this month in Richmond Hill does not refute this statement.) Scouting is not, as many seem to suppose, something invented for parents to send junior to while they settle down for a quiet ses- sion with the radio or television ‘set. It was going strong long be- fore these were invented. It is not a club whose primary pur- pose is to occupy youthful ener- gies in games and handicrafts. If this is what is desired, there are other worthwhile organizations to ï¬ll the need. The Boy Scout Movement seeks to prepare the youth of today to be tomorrow’s citizens. What are the attributes of a worthwhile member of the community? To name a few they are: honesty, concern for others, loyalty. com- munity consciousness, self-reli- ance and a real awareness of God. How many of us can truthfully say we have all these qualities? Too many are only too content to “leave it to Georgeâ€. Unfor- tunately, as yet there is not en- ough of “George†to go around. (By D. F. Toogood. President of York Summit District Boy Scouts . Association) Since the turn of the century. society has become much con- cerned with the activities of youth. and this preoccupation has increased markedly since the last war. The reasons for this are too well known to require comment here. There are many youth or- ganizations which are sponsored variously by churches, service clubs, schools and community groups, but none have the dis- tinctive programme made avail- able by‘ the Boy Scouts Associa- tion and its sister body, the Girl Guides Association. rout Jraining Beat the cold win- ter weather. Call us today for, the best in fuel oil and the ï¬nest in quick service. 'Your local typewriter: specialist’ Typewriters . Adding Machines All popular makes on hand Sec Portable models at OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER â€" TU. 4-1745 -- 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill SALES < SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Rates True it is that all boys who start on the Scouting trail do not reach its end. This is caused by many factors, but the failure of the programme itself is the least of them. As more and more boys are given the opportunity to join this movement, in due course a larger proportion of our citizens will be worthwhile members of the community, and the burden of good works which now falls upon the few will be shared by the many. GROWER â€"- FLORIST sum 1830 Thames! in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street, Maple. Ont. to train our boys. It is regret- table that there are so few of them. And as if this were not onâ€" ough, the majority “of them are active in other organizations such as churches. service clubs and other community groups. iHAULED ANYWHERE, i ANYTIME k Wight’s Pharmacy 28 ‘Yonge St. S. or Call TU. 4-1745 day or night FRESH WATER Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-2728 I ih'zendéé H. C. T. CRISP Clerk-Treasurer, ' ' Rdad Superintendent, Township of Markham,; “ Tmmship of Mark‘harh’. R.‘ R. N o. 2 Gormley, Ont. R: ’R. N o. 2 Gormley'; Ont. Tenders must be made on standard form which can be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted,_ Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the un- dersigned until 12 o’clock noon E.S.T. on Monday, March 2, 1959, for the sup?- plying, hauling and spreading of Crushed Gravel, Pit. Run Gravel an Earth Fill. . Services, Anywhere - Anytime ON ALL ‘ ' TELEVISION - HOME RADIOS - CAR RADIOS - PHONO PLAYERS - III-FIDELITY - SOUND SÂ¥S- TEMS - AMPLIFIERS & ELECTRONIC ORGANS The Man from‘MARS TU. 4 -5|3I A N N 0 II “C I N G A New Electric. and V ‘ Phone 10.4 -' 5131 TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM A Prompt, Efficient and Guaranteed IF YOU NEED ELECTRIC OR ELECTRONIC REPAIRS CALL Backed By 28 Years’ "Experience Tenders for Crushed Gravel Pit Run Gravel Eclth Fill -I- MARS -I- ELECTRONICS So Remember Electronics Service TREANOR CANNING.