Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1959, p. 15

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. Representatives of a major number of the fringe municipal- ities met in Richmond Hill last week to further discuss the mat- ter of individual municipal rep- resentation on the Metro Plan- ning Board. Those present set up a three member committee to pre- pare a brief for presentation to the province requesting the fringe municipalities be granted indivi- dual representation on the Metro Board. The committee is composed of Mayor K. Tomlin of Richmond Hill. Mayor Parrish of Ajax and Councillor Bryant of Woodbridge. At present the fringe municipal- ltles are divided into groups and granted a representative for each group. now AT 3242 YONGE STREET ' In firth Torohto Opposite Park Theatre I m. to 6 p.111. including Sat. EU. 8-8949 F. L. Lowrie, R.0. OPTOMETRIST Eye: Examined Glasses Fitted Option Repair: fjkeducos as it Slims! Makes Inches Vanish! Birdie-Pauly Girdle I Committee .. To Prepare Brief Metro Planning O Side-opening zipper for I, easy'dressing. O Power-4 elastic gives and ‘5 Itretchel a: “you sit, bend, Itrctch. 4-inch waistbtnd with stay-up sup. Only NIH! (prim) .. units: (prin') {UV .........‘ “I want Bernard for my pictures BERNARD PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE FAMILY Telephone: AVenue 5-1672 “Reduce-eze"Gi’rdles ‘WNST I 85-25 mp5 | 34-35 Licensed Mechanic- Repairs To All Makes 01' Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 1): Texaco Products fl Towing Service ELGIN MILLS - TU. 4-1773 Evenings by nppolntment gnu-mi “w: mum INNER P'A'NELs $LIM AND TRIM LIKE MAGIC INSTANTLY YOUR FIGURE MEASURES TWO SIZES SUMMER! The REDUCE MASTER feafure conslsfs of hidden sheaf rubber covered wifh so“ coHon flannel. This absorbs perspirafion as H10 girdle spol-reduce: flue fummy. hips and fhlghs, by gen’rle diagonal conlml, bal‘ anced pressure on {ally fissues. While, only. Order your size from this chart Ladies’ and Children’s Wear 24 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL‘ Phone TU. 4-2831 HE- is friendly ' HE is considerate HE is progressive ....---... EACH by Stride-axe sag. i ounmy I su; o..---.-.-.-.-.--.-.-...~.- HOLLIES 27-23 I 25 MED I use 37 35] 39-40! ‘l-‘Z OUR GARAGE I 25‘3D I 0.0.”- -0- >- ). -0- .- Duh-0.0.0" PROV. .....-- 131:3; FE: Council passed on a request presented by Police Chief James Davidson for 25 miles per hour zoning in school sectionslin the village of Maple, following a dis- cussion of the safety factor in- volved in the present 30 mile per hour byâ€"law. Chief Davidson said parents have been laying com- Councillor William Anstey said, “We have one steamer,” to which Reeve John Perry added, "It would require a pretty big staff to keep all the culverts in. the township open. I have no suggest- ions,” he then advised Councillor Ralph as chairman of the roads committee to have a talk with Road Superintendent Nelson Kerr. ~ Councillor Anst‘ey said he would ‘advise residents to get a' pair of long hip boots and a rain- coat. Councillor Jesse Bryson had this to say, “The Humber River north of Bolton is frozen solid to the bottom of the river bed. This may slow up any flooding." 25 M.P.H. School AAreas During Monday’s heavy snow- fall, when Vaughan Township Council held its weekly meeting, Councillor Bruce Ralph asked, “What equipment is available in the township, in case we have a flash thaw?" Vaughan Council Wants No “Flash Thaw" In .Twp. Endorses Metro Plan ZXL Why diet? TRY IT.’ Take inches off your bulge lines at once! 3X!- «XL mm-owo-o‘l SXL Vaughan Township Council en- dorsed a plan of Metro Regional Water Resourpes last Monday, which if put into action will em- ploy 138 men for 10 years, and at' times might employ as many as 2,000 men. Cost to Vaughan which lies east and west of the Humber River, (part of the terri- tory to come under the flood con- trol and water conservation'plan) will beapproximately two packag- es of cigarettes a year to each resident, a speaker from the Au- thority told council members. Exgmd Sympathy Council agreed to delay signing an agreement with Norlock Devel- opment re the dump near Wood- bridge until a meeting is held on Wednesday (last night) to discuss it. Water Resources Plan of the dump appeared before council to ask for police co-oper- atlon in enforcing the by-law which forbids outsiders from us- ing the township (Lump. “They come from Toronto, Unionville and even King,” Mr. Manning told council. Reeve Perry advis- ed Mr. Manning to lock the gate, if any trucks entered the dumping area, and phone the police to lay charges. Woodbrldge Dump Council registered sympathy for Mrs. Bowman, wife of the late Rev. C. H. Bowman, who retired from his charge in Maple last fall and who died on Monday, Feb- ruary 23, 1959.’ . In order to clear up any con- fusion arising from the engineer’s report re cost of meters to be used in the proposed Thornhill water extension plan, Councillor Anstey stated “The debenture shown in the report presented at Thornhill School recently will be reduced by $7,000. 4 A debenture will be. issued, for the plan, but meters will be paid for when they are installed.” ’ Vaughan Dump ~ On being notified by Clerk MacDonald that people in the area of George Bailey School are asking for petition forms for wa- ter services, Reeve Perry said, “We can’t be dictated to by every little faction in the village as to how to handle a water,sys{tem.’f Dumping, other than by resi- dents of Vaughan Township is i1- legal at the township dump. Mr. George Manning, superintendent Councillor Anstey said “When this subdivision was approved it was approved partly on the con- dition that we could get water to supply the village_."__ r The reeve asked that the water committee meet with the village trustees to find how many people want water. Thornhlll Water Extension A letter from W. Burns of Brookslde Rd. was read to coun- cil by Clerk J. MacDonald. The letter stated, “We have a new flock of turkeys in and council is invited to come up and inspect conditions at any time.” Council members said they accept the. in- vitation, but may not all be able to visit the farm (which a delega- tion of ratepayers petitioned, against last year) at the same time. Water For Maple Sub. 7 'HERRIDGE ELECTRIC I , TU. 4-3211 _ plaints of excessive speeding in school zones, and the Chief felt a new by-law at 25 m.p.h. would put teeth in any charges laid wi- thin the municipality. ‘ Turkey Farmr Sanitary Contractor / Septic Tanks Pumped' C. STUNDEN RICHMOND mLL - TU. c.1245 Drains Cleaned & Repaired A’big, new event in Canadian curling has just been announced by Ken Watson, Canada’sMr. Curler, after a trip to Scotland. Winners of the Quebec finals in March will be invited to visit Scotland with Mr. Watson, on an all-expense-paid trip, to play Scottish champions. Above, right, 'Mr. Watson describes features of a Made-in- Scotland curling stone to (left) Gordon Shaw, 2 leading Toronto curler and George Mara, Canadian representative of the Scotch Whisky Association who are makln‘g this outstanding event possible: 53 Yonge St. N_ Greatly increased activity in the sale of farm lands is reported by David McLean Limited, Real- The McLean firm has announcâ€" ed the sale of the westerly 80 ac- res of the Samuel Winger Farm, fronting on Keele Street. Other farms sold within the past week by the busy Richmond Hill office of the McLean firm include the Jones farm on Ba- thurst Street, and the scenic tors. Marwood cesslon. Winger Farm Sale Brings $75,000 The reported sale price was $75,000.00, and the purchasers are the Cadillac Lumber- Company 0 Maple. » _ - iTry Some New Apple Recipes BOLTON : Paul C. Delaney, who has held the positions of clerk, treasurer, tax collector and as- sessment commissioner, has ten- dered his resignation to the cor- poration. He has accepted the position of treasurer of the City of Woodstock. Asked if it would be possible to accept cash ‘in lieu of the 5 per cent of land for park purposes, the solicitor advised that this could not be done unless the township had an official plan. Plan Whitchurch Twp. Subdivision Whitchurch Township Council met with the township planning board early this month to lay out the draft for a subdivision agree- ment for the municipality. Solic- itor J. D. Lucas‘ and Engineer E. Jorgenson were both in at- \tendance. Convict Man Of Cheque Charge On a charge involving the pass- ing of a worthless cheque in the store of 3 Richmond Hill mer- chant, Stanley Allen of Newmar- ket received a. sentence of. one year, and was placed on proba- tion by Magistrate 0. S. Hollin- rake. Allen’s case was tried in Magistrate’s Court, Newmarket, on Monday, February 23. Con- stable K. Slder, Richmond Hill Police, was the investigating of- ficer. Apple Siuffing â€"- For stuffing either pork or poultry, use equal quantities of chopped apples and Apple Topping â€"- Whip half or 3 4-ounce package of cream cheese into 2 cups of applesauce and serve generously on ginger- bread or spice cake. On the same date, Knaggs Fin- layson of Uxbridge was found guilty of impaired driving, and fined $50.00 and costs by Magis- trate Hollinrake. This offence took place in Richmond Hill on January 26. Constable Edward f(inn-em was the investigating of- cer. JACKSON'S POINT: TWo men were burned badly when a stove ih their Lake Simcoe fish- ing but exploded. Stouffville Police Constable Hugh Van. Koughnet, 40, and Mervin Wick- ens, 39, lTh'ornbury; suffered burns to the legs, face and hands. This is the best time of the year to get the most out of this fresh fruit â€" and apart from ap- plv: pie, apple fritters, applesauce and Dutch upside-down apple cake, why not try some of the fol- lowing tricks with apples?_ No wonder the versatile apple has been referred to by many as the “fruit of the tree” in the Gar- den of Eden â€" it provides so much pleasant eating, whether served “plain” or “fancy.” “HAWAIIAN SUNSET” The above is a scene from the Richmond Hill High School decorations for the formal held last Friday. ' farfn on the 7th con- Size 10 16% inches ” 12‘ 16% ” " 14 .......... 17 ” ” 16 .......... 17% " " 18 .......... 17% ” " 20 17% " Size 16 requires 37/; yards of 39 inch material for overblouse and skirt and 1% yards of 42 inch material' for lining. To order Pattern No. 5-421, state size, send $1.25. For new Jumbo 144 page International Designer» Pattern Book B-C, send $1.25. Address Pattern Service “The Liberal,‘ 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, On- tario. ' The return of Princess Marg- aret to the salon of Norman Hart- nell, also marked her return to a position on the best-dressed list. This is readily understandable, since Hartnell has a sure sense of fashion tempered with an equally sure taste. This suit to be lined or not, has exceptional neckline treatment in the un- pressed fold that adds a flatter- ing dimension to the framing efâ€" fect. The seams of the jacket are opened out at the waist in tiny flaring slashes. The detail is picked up in reverse with side pleats at the hem line. Perfect for dressy wear in suiting silks or novelty rayons, it can also be very effective in sheer wool, lin- en or city cottons. From this size chart select the one size best for you. Sizes Bust Waist. Hips 10 34 24 35 inches 12 35 . 25 36 " 14 361A 26% 371/2 " 16 38 28 39 ” 18 40 30 41 ” 20 42 32 43 " Length from nape of neck to waist Freem or can Applesauce now for summer â€"â€" Next time you make a big batch of applesauce, why not freeze» or can some to use during the summer months when fresh apples will not be available? Apple Snacksâ€"Fill the centres of cored, unpeeled green or gold- en apples with pimiento cream cheese and the centres of red ap- ples with blue-veined or plain cream cheese; Chill. Slice into thin wedges and serve with gra- ham or «fiber crackers. ‘bread crumbs along with the us- ual seasonings: Tangy Applesauce â€" Add a little vinegar or horseradish to applesauce when serving it with pork. A SpAdEA’s lNIERNAIiONAl Every dollar donated to the Ontario division of the Ca‘nad- ian Cancer Society is used for the aid and comfort of cancer patients, for the search for a final cure of the disease and for the education of the people of Ontario to equip them for their part in the fight agaiLst cancer. NORMAN HARTN Ell FACT FOR THE WEEK Desiqmzn PATIERN Richmond Hill Unit CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Hips 35 inches 36 " 371/2 " 39 41 II The successful bidder on both machines was Slessor Motors, Ltd;, Newmarket. The new trucks will be a GMC halfâ€"ton and GMC 3-ton. The net price to be paid for the half-ton is $1,895.75 with extras. The net price for the 3-ton machine is $4,763.85. Coun- cil accepted these tenders subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. , s Quick “baked” apples â€" Cut aluminum, foil into squares 7 inches or larger. Wash and core apples as usual for baking, fill- ing centres with sugar, cinnamon and butter mixture. Set each apple on piece of foil and draw up sides leaving top open. Add 179 cup water to pressure sauce- pan. Place apples on rack and cook according to directions given in cook book supplied with sauce- pan. (Takes 3 to.5 minutes). Highways .Dept. Advises on Roads Anengineer representative of the Department of Highways has suggested to the council of Whit- church Township that extensive break-up, in road surfaces may be expected this spring. This break- up has already begun where road surfaces. have been bared, and pot holes are evident on tarvia tops. Council received eleven tenders for one truck and ten‘ for ano- ther. The net price in all cases was quite close, but the amount being allowed for the machines bang turned in, varied consider- a y. Council, meeting on Thursday last, agreed to adopt March lst as the date for beginning half load regulations, but did not set any date for ending the; restrictions. Road Superintendent Davis sta- ted that obtaining sufficient salt for sanding purposes, was quite difficult. Hersaid that supplies were short and companies were doling out the supply in small lots. He advised council that a total of 2,000 yards of sand had already been used this year and more would be required. 21 Truck Tenders Mr. Albert H. Rutherford, R.R.-2;,W66db‘ridge, 611-3460 Office â€" PHONES â€" AT.8-09-59 Residence To can: Pack hot applesauce in sterilized jars or cans. seal. Pro- gesls1 15 minutes in boiling water at . To freeze: Pack chilled apple- sauce in‘freezer cartons, leaving IA inch head-space; freeze and store in home freezer or locker. For those who have pressure cookers, here is a tip for: ML-nC 1869 â€"-9 ninety years of leadership in mutual life in§uiance ~19” Planning ahead is the mark of a good chess player . . . and a good father. As the head of the household, a father plans the provides f0; his family whatever might happen him peisonaliy in the years to come. This is why every father needs the protection of good life insurance. The Mutual Life of Canada can give you that protection with a low-cost life insurance programme tailored to your family: needs and budget. The Mutual Life of Canada is the company I with the outstanding dividend record. m LIBERAL; Richmond mu, Ontartd, Thursday, rebmry as, 1959 13 Become a Citizen-Soldier with Canada’s PROUDEST Military Training, Good Fellowship, Sport, 13ay, For Information â€"'EM. 6-8341 - Local '251 or visit the armory on Monday or Wednesday Nights 8-10 pm. » ” THE DEFENCE OF CANADA ISEVERYONE’S E ‘ BUSINESS. ~ CALLING ABLE-BODIED-MEN YONGE ST. JUST SOUTH OF STEELES AVE. + EARN EXTRA MONEY + OF NORTH TORONTO - WILLOWDALE - NEWTONBROOK - THORNHILL - RICHMOND HILL - AURORA THE IRISH REGIMENT OF CANADA (Militia) IS FORMING A NEW COMPANY AT * CORIANO ARMOURY

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