ave just arrived from New York, ontreal, Switzerland and Paris. - Irresistible flower creations, rivolous and tailored chic chap- eaux designed to add a note of gaiety to your wardrobe. ' The .‘hatless era is passe â€"â€" :E'ta‘ are the rage once more. You {111 1):, be delighted with the soft emlfï¬iine look featured in mill- "el;" this season. Sailors. bretons, 3;? {fl and large, rippled brims cloches come in shades of izing poppy, Green grass. 1 gamer blue, Daffodil yellow, ight pink. beige. turquoise, ,dite, black and navy. 5 Now is the time to come in and dose everything that’s new in the fashion world of Hats, Handbags and Costume Jewelry. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC WaJe/eine Millinen 8: Aocessorlel 3319 YONG! ST. (at Fairlawn) - HU. 8-54‘ AUTOMATIC DELIVERY (at Fairlawn) - HU. 8-5406 '5 bus amps} below city limits 9 a.m.-6.30 pm. Fri. to 9 pm. Over 1,000 New Spring Hats nd radio tubes tested GEN: up MY JOB m: 0mm ; DAY saws: OF sncxuzss,†‘ : YES SIREE, JUST GOT PLAIN SIC i or woman " y. THURSDAY - 10 pm. “THE VISE†Presented by Makers of ASPIRIN THURSDAY - 7.30 p.m. “WHIRLYBIRDS†Presented {by I.G.A. Stores FRIDAY - 7.00 p.111. “TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD†53 YONGE N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3211 uMwaâ€"S Wacle/éine .; Ford Motor Co. Presented by ï¬lming SAT.,‘MARCH 14,1959 â€" Auction sale of good household furniture, including 9 piece dining room suite, walnut 20" television, 61* ectrlc Frigidaire range and gas range. choice mahogany, walnut and light. maple pieces, Wilton and Persian carpets, rugs. odd china, dishes, utensils, glassware, Duro water softener, power lawn mower. garden tools. etc.. along with other household effects, etc. Several articles like new. On ‘part of Lot 33, Concession 3, Pickering Township, just west of Altona Road on the 3rd con. cession at Cherrywood. Properâ€" ty of Alec Rowcliï¬e. Sale at 1.30 pm. No reserve. Property sold. Terms cash. Ken 8: Clarke Pren~ tice, auctioneers, Markham 346. c3w35 THURS.,'FEB. 26. 1959 â€"â€" Im~ portant auction sale of herd of Holstein milk cows. pigs, Ford ‘tractor; Oliver tractor, forage harvester. forage wagons, power mower, farm implements, etc.. on Lot 9, Con. 5, King Twp., 11/4, mile west of King City, 1 mile north on 5th Concession 0! King Twp. Property of W. E. Sturdy. Sale at! p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers, Markham 346. c4w32 THURS, MARCH 12 â€" Auction sale at Wylderldge Farm of Ayr- shire and Hereford Cattle ‘(vac- clnated and blood tested), Ford Jubilee tractor, baler. side rake, Dearborn cultivator, 2 Fun-ow plow, Woods grinder, Surge mil- kers, furniture, at Lot 3. Con. 2, King Township (1 mile south of Temperanceville) the property of Maurice B. Beynou. Farm sold. Terms cash. ‘ Jack Walkington. Clerk, Sale 1 p.m‘. W. D. Atkinâ€" son, Sales Manager and Auction- eer. c3w34 AURORA $13,500 Full Price - $1.500 down to one mortgage, carries for $88.78 monthly including taxes. L-shaped living -=d1‘ning room, three good sized bedrooms, modâ€" ern kitchen, genuine plaster throughout. Situated on lot large enough to add garage. Mr. Gar- nett, AV. 5-1482. J. F. COOPER REAL ESTATE HI. 4-8441 $2900 Down -- with no salary requirements. Balance carries lot less than rent. 6 room resale bungalow, nicely decorated with finished recreation room. Lot fulâ€" ly fenced and landscaped. Close to separate school. Mr. Garnett, AV. 5-1482. All creditors of the Estate of Margaret Alexandria Watson late of the Village of Maple, who died on the’ 11th day of September 1958, are required to ï¬le their claim with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March, 1959. after which date her Estate will be distributed. RICHMOND HILL 315.100 ~â€" reduced for quick sale. Split level entrance, 6 spacious rooms, with natural finish interior trim. Divided basement. chbice corner location. one block to schools and transnortation. Mr. Ledwith, AV. 54482. IN THE ESTATE of Margaret Alexandria Watson deceased. Dated at Toronto this 10th day of February, 1959. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Agent 21 Yon‘xe St. N. Am WANTED .â€" ‘ KIND OWNER The kind of owner who will ap- preciate this beautiful clapboard home in King. 5 spacious rooms, beautiful brick fireplace, lovely landscaped lot and garage, plus many more features that add up to easy living. This home is priced to sell at $12,700 WITH TERMS Call Peter Kitchen PA. 7-5076 Logs! gaggesentntive for SIX ROOM split level bungalow, on large ravine lot in restricted subdivision, large finished recre~ ation room, aluminum storms and screens, many extras. $16,500 full price, only $3,900 down. TU. 4- .5681. ' » c1w35 @ALE REGISTERS $3,500 tulipricéï¬yg $2,507) dowh. ‘ HURRY If you don’t grab that phone now don’t blame me. 5 room bunga- low on 6 acres just off Yonge. Call S. rCaldbeck, AV. 5-3642. Look Real Estate Ltd. c1w35 B-roomed solid brick ranch-style bungalow, 2 ‘years old, fully dec~ orated. landscaped. storms and screens. Ideally located close to schools, shopping and transporta- tion, Terms to suit. Save by call- ing owner at TU. 4-1444. NHA RESALE â€"â€" 3‘ years old, 6 room brick bungalow. Decorated, storms. and screens, landscaped and fenced. 5 per cent lst mort- gage. Carries for $63.00 per month. Save commission. Private sale. Phone TUrner 4-3908 any time. *1w33 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS We have a number of low priced homes and building lots; also a few new homes List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr. Hudson. phone TU. 4-2822 or HU. 3-4343. ttcl! WANT A BARGAIN? Lopxi n znn £._‘I h",- A- -A- WALSH and WALSH, 85 Richmond Street West. Toronto Soncltcrs for the Executor PBUDENTIAL “1151' CO. REAL “ESTATE FOR SALE NJLA. RESALE Aurora clwg c1w35 *3w35 Ten Guides of the 1st and 2nd companies, Richmond Hill ‘V., with Captain Taylor of the *an Company went for a brisk four mile hike on Saturday, February 14, arriving back in the centre of town before the chilling after- noon rains. Guides are looking forward to half-day hikes when spripg weatper ar_ri\{es. District Commissioner Mrs. H. Yerex visited the Second Brownie l‘ack at Wrixon Hall on Tuesday, February 1'7 and with Tawny Owl Mrs. D. Crampton ,enrolled new Brownies Elizabeth Cregeen and Susan Simpson. House Orderly badges were awarded to Janet French and Vicki Morlev. Writer‘s badge to Diane Bone. Third year stars went to Diane Bone and Vicki Morley, second year stars to Robin Burnie. Janet French, Penny Sutton and Judith Todd. a first year star to Shirley_ J ans_en. At Wrixon Hall on Thursday, February 19, Diane Bone said goodbye to Brown Owl Mrs. Thomson. Tawny Owl Mrs. Crampton and Brownies of the Second Pack when she “flew up" to the Second Guide Company. After the flying up ceremon Dis- trict Commissioner Mrs. erex presented Second Class badges to Guides Wendy Ashkanase, Doro- thy Briden. Diane Rumble, Nancy Stoddart and Linda Dunn. Re- cently Diane Yerex received her Second Class badge and Annette Ostergaard her Pioneers and Hlkv ers’ badges. This company now has fourteen second class Guides and several are almost through their first class testing. Later at the Thursday meeting Mrs. W. Smith gave instruction in connecv tion with the child nurse badge. The company was happy to thank her at their campfire at the close of the meeting. $1500 REQUIRED inn-sewn}1 mortgage. Good security. 150W; King. , c3w34} NEWMARKET : The roads‘ deâ€" partment is having trouble with people who park their cars over» night oh town streets and thus hinder snow removal operations during the night hours. An am- endment to the present town by- law will prohibit all street park- ing between the hours of 1 am. and 7.3m. The by~law will be in force from November to April. STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Electrician LET US HELP YOU save money by combining your mortgages and other debts in a single mortgage. Firsts and seconds bought, sold and arranged. WILLOWDALE MORTGAGE SERVICE HU. 3-2040 191' AND 2ND mortgages bdug‘it'; sold. arranged. Call Mr. Stroud. HU. 8-5711, TU. 4-3263. ttczs operate. Fully equippéd. Eigin Mills. TU. 4-1773. 01W35 WE NEED people to raise Chinâ€" chilla. The demand for pelts ex- ceeds thé supply. Only require- ments space and limited ca~ital. The industry is on a sound basis. RU. 2-6806. Stonehouse Chinchilla 111 Haddington Ave., Toronto 12. TRANSPORTATION available leaving Richmond Hill 7.15 am. for King and Yonge, Monday to Friday. Returning same route‘ 5 pm. TW. 5-6482. clw35 SNACK B512“ for lease, ready to TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to Thor'nh‘ï¬l' from Markham Road and Pugs- ley, leaving 8.30 am. Tuesday through Friday. TU. 4-5402. $2,975 DOWN -â€"- beautiful ranch bungalow in Richmond Hill. 8 months old. 6 rooms, rug brick. stone front. full basement. Priv- ate drive. Carries $76 monthly on 1 N.H.A. mortgage. Lower down payment would be considered. Call TU. 4â€"2400. Roy Burton Ltd. Real Estate. c1w35 SMALL frame bungalow in Rich- mond Hill not far from Yonge St. Ideal for couple. Small down payment with low monthly carry- ing charges. Call TU. 4-2400. Roy Burton Ltd. Real Estate. c1w35 RICHMOND HILL For sale --- 6 room bungalow. 1m- mediate pOSsession. Low down payment. all conveniences, close to schools and shopping. Call Mr. Steffan, AV. 5-5301, Johnny Longo Real Estate Ltd. 31 Yonge St. N. c1w35 Guide Notes 7 7 7 v V N g v17 AIDA uca' pérate. Must move by March 12. $14,600 with $4,000 down. 96 Rockport Crescent, Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-5057. MOST HOMES ARE usiï¬ WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. REALTORS ‘ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Phone TUmer 4-2881 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MORTGAGES *1w35 tfc28 clw35 c1w32 tics A hearty thanks to all who had a share in making the ban- quet such a success, especially to the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Peter- sen, the following firm: who .~~~“e so generous: Cousins Dairy. Won-v der Bakeries Ltd., Roselawn Dairy. Rogers IGA and Vaunclair Purveyors Ltd., to Barth Cleaners for the use of a coat rack, to Wright and Taylor for the chairs. and to the Mothers‘ Auxiliary for thgpieg, flowgrs, etc. The lst Thomhlll Guides are going to Camp Samac near Oshaw wa this Sunday afternoon to spend the week-end. Cars to take the gulf; there willubeA pljovgded. A c‘offee party will be held in Thornhill United Church this Fri- day morning, February 27. Inter- ested readers are also reminded that Jane Scott, writer of the pop- ular column Adventures With God, will be speaking in Thorn- hill United Church next Thurs- day afternoon, March 5. Every- one is welcome. Refreshments will be served, and baby-sitters will be available for those with small children. Mrs. M. Hood. A.D.C, for Cubs, was the guest speaker. Sho and Lord Baden Powell's last message in which he stresud the main aims of a good scout wv“to be healthy and strong as a‘ boy, so as a man you can be useful and enjoy life. Make the best of what you have and look on the bright; side of lijp. ‘Above all give hap- piness to others. Try and leave the world a better p‘ace than you found'it and always do your best." Mrs. Hood spoke on cammunity ‘good turns' to be done a: a group by the hubs and scouts. Bobby Safruk, Walter Cracknell and David Lavender received their 2nd year stars from Mrs. Hood. Peter Lawyer thanked the fathers, the group committee and the Mothers’ Auxiliary for the en- joyable time. All the cubs pre- sented their fathers with a pair of wall brackets they had made. The‘pupils. in grades {our to eight are participating in an essay contest on safety. sponsored by the Richmond Hill and Vaughan Police Associations. « Correspondent: Mrs. A. A. Smith zz Highland Park Blvd.. Plume AVenue 5-2795 Scout Master Urgently Requlud The 2nd Thornhlll Scout Troop is seeking the immediate services of a keen scouter to take over the leadership of the troop. The troop is well- equipped and the boys are enthusiastic. If any man invthe district is interested, he is requested to get in touch right away with Mr. Trudel, at AV. 5- 1702. Mr. H. Betts, chairman ‘of the group committee, acted as master of ceremonies and with him at the head table were Mrs. D. Cracknell and Walter. Mr. S. Leno, Rev.'D. C. H. Michell, Mr. and Mrs. ‘En. so!‘ and Michael. Mrs. M. Hood, Mr. H. Lecuyer and Peter, Mr. J. Shearer, Mr. O. Wrigglesworth and Wayne Haviland. Members of the Mothers' Aux- iliary who helped with the prep- aration and serving of the dinner were Mrs. 7A. McFee, Mrs. '1‘. La- vender, Mrs. I. Petersen. Mrs. J. Hall. Mrs. E. R. Jackson. Mrs. 1". Waters, Mrs.’ G. Patton. Mrs. Some mers Mrs. D. Gray and Mrs. E. Terry. ’ Happy Bjrthday r Many happy returns of the day to Brenda Duncan on February 27th and to Valerie Chubb and Douglas Greig on March 2nd. School News A very successful father and son banquet was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Petersen Mou- day night when the scout and cubs with their fathers were the guests or the floup committee. All the tables were nttructively decorated with miniaturehonlires and beautiful bouquets of.†flowers and on the head table 11m place cagds were teepeeq. _ _ Don’t forget the Hobby Show on Saturday. February 28th, at the Lions Hall, open to the pub- licjroxy 2 t9 5 p_.n_1. The Brownies, Cubs and Scouts paraded to St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday. February 22. as did members of their brother and sister organizations in many other churches throughout all the world. to commemorate the birth- day of Lord Baden Powell. ‘the founder of the Sc'out movement. Fathers 8: Sons Banquet On Wednesday, February 18th, the Brownies held their annual Baden Powell Thinking Day meet- ing to which all the_B;ownie mo- thers had been invited; After the usual opening ceremonies. the Brownies enjoyed a few games and heard a short story about Lord Baden Powell. The high- light of the afternoon was of course the beautifully decorated birthday cake in memory of Lord and Lady Baden Powell -~ each sixer lit a candle on the cake for‘ sister Brownies in other lands. At the conclusion of the meet. in; the hostess served refresh meats. Brown Owl T. Gray spoke about the Brownies and outlined their tests and activities. Akela M. Ensor talked about Kipling’s Jungle Books and their connecv tion with cubs. Mrs. E. Terry gave a brief summary. of Lord Baden Powell’s life and the be- ginning of the scout movement; It was five years 830 next month the Mothers' Auxiliary was formed in this district so the March meeting will be a birthday party and It is hoped that every- one who has ever haf any connec- tion with the auxiliary will plan to‘come t9 the School March 31. The members of the Mothers' Auxiliary met at the home of their new president, Mrs. I. Pet- ersen, on Tuesday evening, Eeb- ruary 17th. To supplement their funds, the ladies decided to hold a euchre and bridge on March 10 at the school (see Coming Events). 1st Jefferson ’Cubl. Brownies. Scouts Highland Park ELGIN MILLSJEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Angllcnn Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 a With arctic conditions prevails- ing outside, children and parents enjoyed ‘ a warm, friendly and merry evening last Friday in Me- Conaghy School at their annual fun fair. Small children soon emptied the fish and, while the older ones bowle , burst balloons or tried their skill in other ways or their luck at bingo, From the shrieks of laughter "behind the doors of the impromptu cinema it was evident that someone had chosen the films well. Coke and candy were in great demand and the two chefs behind the hot dog stall did a roaring trade. A r The well stocked bake table wal soon sold out and the European section attracted a grant deal of interest. Mrs. John Higgins, 142 Elm. wood, won the frying pan; Mr. N. Evans, 29 Yonge St. N., the fish- lng rod, and Mrs. Simpson. 232 Church'St., the bridgrgioll. _ Away from mast of the noise at the top of the school, parents were able to enjoy a leisurely cup of tea or coffee. 7 The children worked very hard selling tickets and raised $305 be- fore Friday. On Monday all en- joyed an hour's skating at the arena as a reward for their ef- torts. The total result is about $500 and the Home and School Association thanks all who helped to make this eVening such a suc- cessful one, not forgetting the caretakers and their helpers who so cheerfully swept up the debris. McConaghyH.-&S. Frolic Raises $500 Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Williams and Mark motored to Kingston on Sat- urday to see their son Jim at R. M.C. Jim had flown in from Vic- toria with the rest of his Royal Reid: teggn fqr a bggketbnll game; The Monday Niters played cards this week at the home of Mrs. Ross Kerwin. The prize win- ners were Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. R. Williams, Mrs. E. Charity and Mrs. E. Gamble. 7 Mr. Carson Whalen spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jackson atâ€" tended the opening of the add!- tlon to the Royal York Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibsonend Hank recently returned from a three weeks' holiday in Florida where they enjoyed the warm temperatures and abundant sun- shine. Master Glen Davis accom- panied them and later Glen’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Davis joiyeq .the__p_a_rty. _ Jackie Hall and Vicky Clan-1; had fun on Saturday when they attended the Oriole Park school carnival in Toronto. / At the Toronto Ski Club on Sunday, Peter Miller of Jefferson won the Nordic Cup. He‘ stood first in pumping competition, dis- playing ï¬ne style and second in cross country. Dwight Powell was ï¬rst and Bill Powell second in cross country competition for the 12 year and under class. Social Note: The sympathy of the congrega- tio is extended to the Boyle family on the death recently of Mr. Harold Boyle of Oak Ridges. Copgrngulagonq ' The school board held a meeting at the school on February 17th when routine business was dis- cussed. St. J ohn’s Church Mrs. Devln's son ‘Jack and her daughter. Mrs. T. Baas» ley flew down to Florida last Eriday to be with their mos ther. Holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Devin were Mr. and Mrs. Charla: Rowntree and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Casa- tor of Woodbridge. Three weeks ago. Mrs. Devln's niaâ€" ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bass. were on their way to Florida to join them in a holiday, when Mr. Bag: met with an accident and had to be returned to hospi- tal" here by 'plane. Following a stroke on Fri- day, February 20, 1959, Mr. Jack Devins .of Humber Sum- mit, died suddenly ‘while hol- anying at his villa in Florâ€" Ida: I Jack Devins Dies Suddenly 'At, Florida Home LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS THE DISTRICTS MARKET PLACE PHONE TU. 4-1105 Steel and Spanish Guitars Instrument. for sale or studeni ‘ rentals Box 414' Aaron â€" PA. 7-4339 Musical Instruments for sale â€" District Studios Keswick, Newmarket, Aurora. RICHMOND HILL. Woodhrldge and other! A.B.C. Bowling Bldg., TU. 4-0022 Professional Instructors of the No Down Payment First Payment April lst Basement apt. Rrecreation room. Kitchen Remodelling. Painting and Decorating. Free estimates. Mr. Ucci. AV. 5~3541 I per bushel Potatoes, 75 lb. bag . . Large Supply - Prices Right Spies . . . . . . $2.75 Ontario Delicious . . . . $2.75 Maclntosll, lsts . . . .. $2.50 Macintosh, 2nds . . . . $1.50 Blenheim: . . . . . . . . . $2.25 (at the farm) 'l‘U. 4-2548 1 North Richmond Hill 80¢ per gallon, plus cantainer ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A., B.D., Minister SUNDAY. MARCH 1, 1959 11 am. â€" Public Worship The Church School 9.45 am. â€"- Primary to Senior Grades 1 up L1 a.m. â€"--Kin_dergarten and Nur- sery “The Lord's â€"Supper†7 pm. -â€" Evening Service “Empty Vessels" RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY. MARCH 1. 1959 9.45 am. - Sunday School 11 am. 7â€"- Morning Service GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH - Rev. C. E. Hunking, Minister 8.45 am. -- groadcast CJRH 1 00 . 10 turn. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service [ uvo‘l’fll) Aunnvl‘l 1, 11,08 3Maple 310 15 3.111. â€"â€" Church School 11.30 am. -- Morning Worship ;Hope ' 10.30 am. -- Morning Worship 11.15 am. â€"- Church School Edgeley ' 1.30 pm. â€" Church School 2.30 pm. â€"- Church Service Wed., 8 pm. -- Maple Church Parlour: Lenten Mid Week Diu- cusslon Group .4.“- 1;. “any. Ann» DJI- siJNDAY. MARCH 1, 1959 2.30. pm. â€"â€" Worship Service afart all fllthiness and superfluity o, haughtlneu. and receive with meekn’ess the engratted word, which is able to save your souls. mé in heéven and .iHéEi‘thiviâ€"V JAM-ES“ 21: Whereforei lay CAREVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. EddyLBA†3.1). CHURCH OF CHRIST Meetlnt in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day Evening at 7 nun. Gospel Menace- Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 am. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them. saying,_ a1} power 1g Aglven unto Topper's Market «District Representative MAPLE pHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OF I . CANADA" Rev. Harold W. Davies. 3A.. Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1959 South ‘Sea Conservatory Of Music FLOYD H. DAFOE APPLES CIDER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hi“, Ontario, Thursday, February 26, 1959 â€"Q_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Â¥W , ,, Sunday Services 11 am. â€" Sermon , (8) The King and His Church This will be the last service In Sleigh Riding Party March 8 -â€" The Opening and Dcdlottlon Service of the new Church Building at '3 pm. the old church building Wed. 8 pm. â€"- Prayer and Fel- lowship at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook. 95 Rumblllglfaveq Richmond 1 Fri.‘, 7 pm. â€" Children's Happy Hour Fri, 7.30 pm. ~ Boys’ Club Sat, Birpimr. «.1â€" qung Adults north‘ol Concord) 10 mm. -â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"â€" Worship'Servlce Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. -- Sunday School 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 mm. â€"- Prayer Meeting ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES Yonge at, Jefferson Morning' Prayer . . . . . . 11 am, Sunday School , . . , . . . .‘ 11 mm. Blble7Classes (Senior and Inter- mediate) . .. . .. 9.45 a m. Holy Communion . . 2nd and 4th SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1959 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 mm. - Sunday School 11 mm. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 p.m. â€"- Evening Service Wed., 7.30 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (73rd 0011., 2 miles . ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yange at Elm Grow Morning Prayer . . . . . . 9.45 a 111. Sunday School 9.45 am. Holy Communion â€". lst Sunday BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vandal-Bent. Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 SUNDAY. MARCH 1. 1959 8 13.111. â€" PUBLIC LECTURE “What is the Divine Will for our Day?†EVERY THURSDAY 7.45 p.m. â€"- Service Meeting 8.45 p.m. -â€" Ministry School NO COLLECTION TU. 4-2677 ALL WELCOME gregation 11 am. ~â€" Communion 2 pm. â€"- Bible Class at the Rec- tory 3 pm. â€"â€" Conï¬rmation Class for boys and girls at the Rectory 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer and discus- sion at the rectory Anglican Richmond Hill East Beverley Acres School Neal Drlvgv. . 7 ‘vt‘ax: Rev. J. w. Newtonâ€"Smith. 407 Lynett Ornament - TU. 4-4236 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier, A.T.C.0. SUNDAY. MARCH 1, 19,59 ‘ 5 3rd Sunday in Lent 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. ~â€" Nursery and Jr. Con- um cannon or 51. GABRIEL Hour S eclal messages in song b th- ospel Harmony Trio an the pastor preaching. V Mom, March 2. at 6:45 pm. » - Junior Mission Club Wed., March 4, at 8 pm. - W.M.S. We welcome you to the fellowshlg of this friendly family churc that continues the teaching of Original Methodism. SUNDAY. MARCH 1'. 1959' 2.45 pm. ~â€" Sunday School 7 pm. -=â€" TheL Family Gospel Monday at 7 p.111. Boys’ Club - 8 to 16 years‘old Wednesday at 3.30 pan. Mid-week “Hour of Power'5 ‘ Thursday at 7 1mm. Girls’ Club -- All girls 8 to 12 The young church with the old RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Run!“ Rev. Earl 8. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML 9 am. ASugdgy RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Irvin, B. TIL. 3.3.x. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY. MARCH 1. 1959 9.50 am. â€"- Bible Schooi for all Attendance Contest 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"â€"_Evening Service KINGDOM HALL OF ‘ JEHOVAH’S WITNESSE Cedar Avenue, Richmond Hill v- ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH .. Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY. MARCH 1. 1959 Lent III 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion (Corporate Communion and Breakfast {or the men of the parish) / 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. -â€" Family Service 11 am. -- Holy Communion (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 2 p.m. â€" Bible Class 7 p.m. â€" CHORAL SERVICEm STAINER’S CRUCIFIXION Wednesdays In Lent 10 mm. - Holy'Communion (Nursery provided in parish hall) 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion Bible Study Group afterwards COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. MARCH 1.1959 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Education Week Sermon subject: ATTAINMENT OR FAILURE 11 am. â€"-â€" Nurserv Denarfmnnf 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery Department 2.30 pm. â€" Communicants’ Class p.m. -â€"- Young People's Society ‘Virtue as well as vice is con- tagious' THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1959 Menage! Sundays A child’s self-confidence can be developed it his parents do not place too much emphasis on his winning at gameszor school. He will beneï¬t from the understand- ing of his family i! there is never ridicule or anger nt failure or low marks. He should not be mark to feel that he islaved only to: his successes. ‘ mog'g SELF-CONFIDENCE and Bible Ciau , March 5. 8 pm. c Lenten Service THE ANGLICAN CHURCH Ol‘ CANADA: EMMANUEL CHURCH Richvale ~ Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 44286 9.30 am. â€"- Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School Services in Charles Howltt School _ Pearson Ave“ Holy Communion second Sunday of each month‘ SUNDAYQMA'RCH 1. 1950 10 mm. ~â€" Thc Service 1!.15 am. 7â€" Sunday School « - SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€"- Bible'School » Attend our Adult Bible Class 11 â€"- Studies in the Revelation. “Christ, the Lord of History“ 7 â€" “The Bible in this Scientiï¬c Age†i. The coloured,- Moody science ï¬lm, “Thngcts of Faith" will' be shown in the Fireside Fellowship "The Church that is looking ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (Emile! south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold n. Llndemln. BA. Phone Unionville 861 1 block out of Yonge Stop 121 Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, 3. Th. Student Assistant, Mt. :B. Thistle PARISH 0! KING & MAPLI' (Audion) Rector: new. w. B. Jennings, in"); Tel. King City 313 †nouns or mama; $ All Saints’ Church . 3% a? 'v 3 ‘Lm- - Holy Commun :1 ‘ 1 1° “W " M01711“ Pra- ‘er. 11.10 3.!!! ~â€" Sund.y Sc StudyV Thurs" 1 pm; â€".- Women’s Misa- ‘ donut-xhgowship Thurs» 8 ~â€" vaerglng“ Mis- 44â€â€œ... O 9.1!}. wr- avvuux; mm- Iion Clrclo 2nd and 4th., » ‘ ; Thugsdly'ot "chm; {if F11, 7 pan. -- Lampughm, 1’ ‘, , Teen Fellowship F11, 8 pm. w Choir Practice: SUNDAY. MARCH 1. 1959 10 mm. ~â€" Blble School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm; â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. - Gospel 89117190 ' wed. 8 pm. 7 Pgayer and'Blblo um CHURCH on ST. mu†- LUTHERAN ' much A' ,. East Public School' Finch ï¬e. 13., just west of » r , a ‘1Bayview u Sunday Schqol . , . . . . . . 10 am; Worship Seriï¬i'ce . . . . . . . . 11 am. Tho Rev. Karl J. Schwoder, B.D.. M.A.. Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 Friday -â€" 7 pm. â€" Glrls' Craft Class 7-30 pm. â€"- Boys? Club I v 8 pm. «~â€" Young Peoples Meeting _ Family Bible Hour 7 p.111. - Evenlng Gospel Service Tue:., 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bible 1 Study . y 930 a.m. â€"'- Breaking of Bread 11 a.m.r Sunday School and THORNHILL UNITED VCKUBCII Minister: Rev. mm B. lad). B.A.. 3.1).. Th. 1). SUNDAY. mane-n.1, Iâ€! ‘ 10 mm. -â€" Intermediate Chute): School _ " 11 mm. -- Church Worship ind ; Church School RICHVALE 605mm Clilu' , 01k Ave . > SUNDAY. MARCH 1. 1959 THORNHILL I BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 You" Stud Rev. Porn! 6. Buck. ’B.A.. Burk. 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto. 12. Out. HU. 1-3142 ' \ - SUNDAY. MARCH 1; 1959 Sunday School classes for-all ages, 10, 11 am. _ , Service 'of Worship 11 am. Presentation of Children B. H. Fellowship 7 pm. Parish Guild) . Sermon -*â€" Food for Life é Rector 7 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer ‘ Questions and answers (primar- ily for young people) Wednesday 10 mm. â€" Holy Communion ' 7.30 pm. â€"-- Lenten Service Thursday 7 am. -â€" Holy Com~ \ munion HOLY TRINITY. TRORNKILL SUNDAY. MARCH 1, 1959 . 3rd Sunday In Lent 8 mm. --. Holy Communion 11 am. -â€" Holy Communion (Corporatg communion for the Chunk St» Lynn}!!! LANGSTA r BAPTIST cu 3c]; Ahead"