FEBRUARY 28 â€"- Saturday Euch- re. Members of L.O.L. and, LO. B.A. will hold a euchre at the Orange'Hall, 1st house north'of Loblaws on Yonge St. at 8 pm. sharp. Admission 50c. Lucky do’or' prizes, draw prizes and ,good‘ euéhre prizes. _Lunch. tfc33 MARCH 3 â€"-- Tuesday at 8 pm. Annual meeting, Charles Hewitt Area Recreation Association, in the Charlés Hewitt School, Pear- cén‘Ave. Public cordially invited. c1w35 MARCH 4 -â€"' lwednesday 1 pm. Bowl for the March of Dimes at the A.B.C. Bowling Alley. All proceeds to be donated torthe Marchsof- Dimes. Sponsored by the Richmond Hill Kinette Club. " c2W34 .‘ r t t 4: a: _ . MABgfl 4 â€"- Wednesday. An Ea- ster arade‘of Fashions is being presented 'on Wednesday, March 4, at 8.15' pm. by the Evening W.A'. of Richmond Hill United Church in the Christian Educa- tion Building. All tickets sold out. ‘ -‘ c1w35 MARCH 2 â€" Monday, 8 pm. The Women’s Association of the Pres- byterian Church will hold their regular meeting, main business discussion will be the Spring lun- cheon. ‘ c1w35 pm. Maple Community and School Club will hold their 10th Anniversary in the George Bailey .Public School. Programme to in- cludeslides shown by Mrs. R. A. Bifgfordt taken in Europe last year. Everyone cordially invited to" join members of the Club â€"-_ past and present â€"â€" in the cele- brétion‘ of‘thls birthday. c1w3‘5 ‘. _ my I. 4- n: o , MARCH 4 â€" Wednesday. 8.30 p. m. Allencourt Ratepayers’ Assoc- i’a‘tioh meeting at Walter Scott School. Guest speaker .will .be Cqunéfllor: J, Bradstock, Chair- man of Parks Committee. All res- idehtswarewurged to attend, and oswï¬nembers-are assured of a hearty“ Welcbme. ‘ . - c1w35 dicraft and hobby show. Boy Scouts Association (York Summit District). Your boys proudly pre- sent proof of skill and scouting interest. Richmond Hill Lions Hall from 2 to 5 pm. Admission 10c. Uniformed members free. ' c1w35 ME 1o â€"_ Tuegday at 3.30 [pm '--@am. .The 'ï¬rst- 'Jefl’erSon Mothers? Auxiliary, euchre and bridge party at the school. Attrac- tive’ prizes. door prizes. refresh- ments. Everyone welcome. >c2w34 EVERY TUESDAY, Bingo 8 pm. at the Legion Hall, King Side Road, Oak Ridges. Cash prizes and jackpot._ _ 7 tfc31 MARCH 4 â€"- Wednesday at 8.15 BINGO every Thursday. 8 pm. in Orange ' Hall, lst- house ‘north Jf Lo‘blaws. tfc27 FEBRUARY 28 â€"â€" Saturday. Han- MARCH 2 â€"â€" Monday at 8.15 p. m. “Open House" will be held at the Charles Hewitt Public School, Pearson Avenue. , _ c1w35 MARCH II ‘â€" Wédnesday. The 3rd Richmond Hill Scout Group Ladies’ Auxiliary is holding a St. Patrick's Day card party at the Bayviéw Plaza Restaurant, at 8:15 pm. with prizes and refresh- ments. Admission 50c. Please call Mrs. v Strugneil, TU. 4~3751. or MBA-Weston, TU. 4-2252 for tick- et information. clw35 MARCH 13 â€"- Friday. St. Pat- rick‘s, Dance and. Euchre Party will be held at the Memorial Hall, Vellore. at 8.30 pm. Mod- ern and old tyme dancing to the music of Hollingshead‘s Orches- tra. Admission $1.25, lunch pro- vided. Proceeds in aid of com- munity beneï¬t. Executive: Pres- ident, ‘F. Constable; Vice Presi- dent. A. Bishop; Secretary. A. McNeil; 'Treasurer, ,P. Craib. MARCH 14 â€" Saturday, 1.30 pm. Rummage sale in Parish Hall of St., Stephen’s Anglican Church. Maple. c2w35 MARCH 14 -â€" Saturday after- no‘o ‘ Ere-Easter showing of Chil ren’s Fashions ~by Judy’s Children’s Wear and Shields’ Footwear in Richmond Hill' Pres- byterian Sunday School. Spon- soreg by Evening Auxiliary. Ad- mission 50c. Door prizes, refresh- ments. : c3w35 SCARBORO :-Mr. C. V. Smith, administrator of the Welfare ’De- partinent for Scarboro, reported that all townships adjacent to the city1 show a tremendous increase in welfare expenses in 1958. Ap- proximately 62 per cent of the cases are for people v'vithout winipal. residence. In the ‘an- _T1'al welfare report it was said that Scarboro had the largest number -of persons on relief last April for. 15.years. Mayor Ken Tomlin “Fit'To Be Tied†Mayor Ken Tomlin Was “fit to ‘be tied," when he appear- ed before Vaughan Township Council last Monday morn- ing. The' jovial mayor told a sympathetic audience of lis- teners (who had had to buck last Monday‘s bad Snowstorm) that his bow tie had literally popped off, when he was en- deavouring to get his car out of a snow-clogged road, in order to keep. his 10:30 am. appointment with ‘Vaughan Council on time. He did} too. The clock in the Maple council chamber registered 10:25 am. on his arrival. Contrary to statements of last week, that Vaughan could “tie up" his request for annexation if it wanted to, no ‘one offered him ‘a tie bf any kind however â€"â€" other than thatnf co-operation. Caming Events c1w35 Mayor Tomlin replied, “Per- haps we could arrange some sort of co-operatlve development south Reeve John Perry asked that a walkway be provided by the sub- divider from the Elgin sideroad to 0. M. MacKillop Public School, to which Mr. Griffin replied, “We do have a piece of land to which we can get access for the child- ren. We would definitely provide access for the children with a walkway, until a road develops from the edge of the annexation to the E1gin."_ 7 ‘Arranged by Mrs. John Graham the program c nsisted of three Shakespeari‘an haracterizations: Portia from 'Julius Caesar by Marylo Graham; Mistress Quick- ly ‘fmm theMerry Wives of Wind- sor. by Beth Jones. and Hermione from the Winter’s Tale by Thelma MacInnes. William Ferguson de- lighted the large audience with two groups of songs. his rich bass voice doing;r full justice to the rol- lickinzmelodies of such songs as Captain Mac and the Big Bass Viol. Wanda Trott and Margaret Bergin thrilled everyone with their interpretation in pOetry readings. Mrs. Trott choosing The Barrel Organ by Alfred Noyes, and Mrs. Bergin three poems very different in Tone, ' Tarantella. Fear by Rudyard Kinling and Bredon Hill by A. E. Houseman. Mr. D. Hardon moved a hearty vote of thanks to the performers for their contribution to the af- ternoon. The reeve of Vaughan then ask- ed for help in developing the Elgin Mills area, but Mayor Tom- lin regretfully stated there was not sufficient water or sewage service for the town to extend its services outside its own area. Vnrled'selections by six Curtain Club members provided the en- tertainment at the local Senior Citizens’ Club regular February meeting' held in the Education Building of the Richmond Hill United Church. Mayor Ken Tomlin, Reeve Floyd Perkins and Mr. John Griffin met with Vaughan Township Council on Mon- day morning, when three members of Vaughan Council approved the town’s annexation of approximately 30 acres of land north of the Richmond Heights Plaza. Deputy- reeve Vic Ryder is still absent owing to iHness. Mayor Tomlin said in addressing council, “We are not too fond of the piece-meal annexation we have exper- ienced betweenRichmond Hill and Vaughan Township during the last few years. but when Mr. Griï¬in came be- fore us with this proposition (for 125 residences and a further addition to the plaza stores to the north of the shopping centre) we decided to go along with it, providing it is agreeable to you.†- When Reeve Perry asked, “You j.:§t can’t grov_i_de sery_ice;s?’.†Curtain Club Members Entertain Sr. Citizens The valentine theme of the meeting was carried out when Mr. A. E. Plewman announced that for the refreshment period the gentlemen would wait upon the ladies. and the special refresh- ments that had been prepared by Mrs. Davis's committee were handed around in gallant style. VOLUME LXXX,†NUMBER 35 Vaughan Approves R. Hill Annexation On the anniverSary of the ï¬rst '. service held One year ago for the new Anglican parish of Richmond Hill East, ’ the cornerstone for a parish hall, to be used temporarily as a church after its completion, was laid. Those taking part in the official ceremony seen above are, Lou Reid, Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith, l.ay Stone For St. Gabriel Church Hall Those who would like to be- come home members of the club were asked to‘ call Mr. Wm.,J. Medhurst at TU. 4-4078, as the committee felt that home-mem- bership should be expanded to help fulfil the club’s purposes. Following Councillor William Anstey's flat statement, “We can’t stand in the way of progress," Reeve Perry declared, “Our plan is to assist in development but we want something for Vaughan.†Mrs. Don Fettes announced that a further work meeting would be held February 24. at which Mrs. Biladeau would show slides of Northern Canada. of the Hill for our .two municipal- ities, if we can-get permission from Dr. Berry." (Dr. Berry is general manager of the Ontario Water Resources Commission). Mayor Tomlinpointed out that the land south of the townvof Richmond Hill would provide a natural fall. Councillor Anstey then moved that the annexation be approved, Councillorâ€"Bruce Ralph seconded the motion which carried with a vote from Councillor Jesse Bry- Mayor Tomlin: “We can’t give anything but co-operation.†5011. Vaughan Police Report Vandalism Vaughan Township police report malicious damage was caused to the Richvale Pub- lic School last week when children bnke several win- dows. Two juveniles appeared in court last week charged with stealing hub caps from Geo. Coch’s auto auction on Steeles Ave. They were plac- ed on probaLion. When ï¬ve juveniles were picked up by Vaughan pol- ice on Yonge St. last Satur- day at approximately 3 a.m., they were found to not only be in possession of a stolen car, but had a quantity of stolen articles in the car with them including all kinds of men’s and women’s clothing and such personal items as an electric shaver, checkers, and a comb in a case. They were turned over to the area police to be charged. “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity.†Les Smith, the Right Rev. G. B. Snell, Sulfragan Bishop of the Diocese .of Torâ€" onto and Councillor Jim Haggart. It is felt this Hall will be able to serve the need of a large and growing congrega- tion, since it will segt some 390 persons: RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1959 I The ladies‘ were welcomed by iLions’ President . Harold ‘ Sander- son. Lion Bill Wagner proposed a toast to the‘ “Ladiesâ€"Mothers, Wives and Sweethearts." Mrs. Art Uren replied. A lively pro- gram of music, song and dances was provided by Lion Vince Mountford of Brampton. The annual ladies’ night of the Richmond Hill Lions was held last Thursday 'in the Lions’ Hall. Among the head table guests in- troduced by master of ceremonies Lion Denny Featherstonhaugh, were Lion Elmer Grose, District Governor, and Mrs. Grose: Lion Walter Smock. president of the Thornhill Lions Club and Mrs. Smook. . Lions Entertain On Ladies' Night AURORA -â€" The town public school board has received council approval for a new 16 room school in Regency A‘cres Subdivis- ion. It is hoped to have the school completed by September and it will cost $370,000.00. Suggest Bond Lake ' Water For Oak Ridges Education Week In Richmond Hill Public Schools On Wednesday evening of next week, March 4, at 8 p.m., the town public schools will hold,their annual Orator- ical Contest at the Crosby Heights School in the large auditorium. A > Open House will be held in each of the Richmond Hill Public Schools, Monday, March 2, from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m., tor observe Education Week’s slogan, “Education is Everybody’s Business.†A delegation from Oak Ridges appeared before the Whitchurch Township Coun- cil last week asking that council enquire into the pro- viding of a‘ water supply for the built-up area of Oak Rid- ges. The deputation was com- posed of James Smith. David Ground and Henry Zimmer- man. Mr. Smith stated that King Township was proceeding to discover .a source of water on their side of Yonge St. and residents on the Whit- church side were anxious that the local township co- operate so that the entire area might be serviced. ‘ He said that if the two small well sites at present being drilled in King did not produce sufficient water, it was proposed to investigate the possibility of securing water from Bond Lake. be held during Education Week in the Richmond Hill Separate Schools at Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady Help of Christians, on Thursday evening, March 5, from 6.30 to 9 p.m., when teachers will be in their classrooms to meet with parents. Parents’ Night, taking the form of an Open House, will Separate Schools â€"- Photo by Laéerquist Open House Thurs.. March 5 Metrq Opposed . To Frontages Markham Township Council ex-. pressed disappointment Monday when informed in a written re- port by Planning Director R. For- rest that the Metro Planning Board has indicated it would strongly oppose any plan to de- velop the 120 acre subdivision at Unionville on lots with a frontage of 75 feet and containing 10,000 square feet. Council had earlier agreed to a reduction in the lot frontages from 100 to 75 feet pro- viding the subdivider supplied storm sewers, gutters and curbs. Originally the subdivider had sug- gested a plan of open drainage with catch basins, but this proved unacceptable to council. Metro stated Markham’s plan if accepted would eventually re- quire a sewage disposal plant. Mr. Forrest reported that Metro fa- voured lots 1/2 acre in size. Metro will also study the matter of storm sewers for the subdivision. “We instructed the planning di- rector to seek Metro’s approval, not an opinion." stated Deputy- rieve W.‘De’an, who acted as chairman of the meeting in the absence of Reeve W. L. Clark. Drainage ' Her smiling Court attendants look on as Donna Lindsay, Queen of the 1959 Annual Prom held at Richâ€" mond Hill High School last Friday night, receives her crown from Bob \Goulet, star of the CBC-TV program Showtime. On the left of the picture Janice Butlin, 1958 Prom Queen and Court member is seen, wearing a gown of red dotted swiss with red net ruffles and matching red shoes, she holds the Queen’s trophy; sec- ond from left is Valerie Craddock wearing a ballerina length pink dress with pink taifeta bodice embroidered in pearls and a pink chiffon skirt over taffeta, a two- tone sash of the same colour at the waistline has a boufâ€" fant bow at the back. Barbara Bain, centre of the group The planning director and en- gineer will meet with council Fri- day regarding not only the Union- ville Subdivision but also Vaugh- an‘s proposed Spring Valley Sub- division located south of Thorn- hill. Council has received a long brief from Vaughan outlining the drainage in the subdivision, which aspect Markham is vitally inter- ested in. For some time Mark- ham has maintained such a large development will present a drain- age problem for its residents on the east side of Yonge Street. Among other things it will affect three streams flowing through Thomhill and Doncaster. Councillor J, MacNeil, the en- gineeri and planning director met with representatives of Holy Cross Cemetery at Langstaff Sat- urday morning regarding the pro- posed extension of Ruggles Ave- nue across the cemetery property to the streets in the Selkirk Sub- division. The cemetery officials have asked council if they plan any extension of Essex Avenue in the future. An application from Mr. C. Thompson of Langstaff for a sec- ond hand dealers’ license for his property was held over for fur- ther study by council. Mr. Thomp- son's property is 84 feet by 400 feet, and he plans to establish a store for the sale of used car parts. Council made it clear the property couldn’t be used for a wrecking yard. Such yards are banned in Markham. Councillor Unionville Subdivision EAST GWILLIMBURY â€"â€" Mr. H. Wright has been appointed Warble Fly Inspector for the township for the coming year. He will be paid at the rate of $1.00 an hour plus eight cents a mile for mileage. _ SCARBORO : The township is- sued 702 permits valued at $2,- 391,360 for January 1959, which was a decrease of $819,140 from the corresponding month of 1958, when 606 permits were issued, valued at $3,210,500. lovely Que'en Receives Her Crown Markham’s Police Committee (Councillors Mumberson and Mac- Neil) will, shortly ‘confer with their opposite members on Mark- ham Village Council regarding a proposal by the village for a tele- phone communication system be- tween the two forces. Under the system any calls not answered by the three member village force would be handled by the township police. “This could work into a lovely racket fer Markham Vil- lage,†remarked Councillor Mum- berson. He felt the township po- lice could vcry well find them- selves handling the village calls for eight hours in every 24. ‘ L. Mumberson wanted to know the feeling of the residents liv- ing east and south of Mr. Thomp- son’s property. Clerk H. Crisp maintained council couldn’t issue such a license as the area in ques- tion is zoned industrial. “You are asking council to breathlts own by-law,†stated Mr. Crisp. First of all a director is at): pointed by the club. He or she may be a professional or a mem- ber of the club and for this play, the club have chosen their vice- president, Mrs. Cicely Thomson to undertake the onerous task, and we would point out that directing a play is probably the hardest role of the lot. Mrs. Thomson has many years. of theatrical back- ground -- including directing â€" to qualify her for this responsible appointment. Council has approved the in- stallation of a teletype machine in the police office. The’teletype will record all Metro calls and aid the police in tracing stolen cars. The rental fee will amount to $60.00 a month. ' Rehearsals are now well under way for the Curtain Club’s spring presentation of Kind Lady and we have often wondered whether our readers have any idea just how tlzie Curtain Club plays are select- 9 . Secondly, a play selection com- mittee is appointed whose job it is to read the plays suggested by the director. This year for ex- ample no less than fourteen plays were studied and screened. With an amateur production there are many limiting factors to take into account, such as how many men’s parts, because male mem- bers are in the minority. How many costumes are required, be- cause funds are not plentiful. Isrit a play that is entirely written around one character, because the club likes to have a more or less equal share of responsibility among the cast and so on and so forth. Usually, the play selection committee finally comes up with three plays from which the direc- tor chooses the play that you the audience will see. Curtain ~C|ub Spring Piay ls “KindLady†For “Kind Lady". the Curtain. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10c WThe Queen herself, Donna Lindsay, is gowned in coral frilled net, the wide skirt overlaid with lacy net panniers in the same shade. â€" Photo by Lagerquist The setting in which the Queen biscus blossoms and palm trees. was crowned, in the background The tempo of the dance, inter~ . preted by Bert Niosi's prehestrn. gigs: ig‘t’vï¬igfggï¬rï¬oï¬ï¬feivfl'gg was sometimes sweet and dreamy, the theme was "Hawaiian" when the bouï¬ant full-skirted nnuyna n6 Hm. air-1e emnvnd- 2nd Mr. Fred C. Israel, who will start his duties as librarian in the Richmond Hill Public Library on March 2nd, is a graduate of the University of Ottawa and of the University of Toronto Library School, where he was an out- stmding student. His experience in library work has been varied, as‘he was in charge of a college library for two years. has recent- ly been a cataloguer in the De- partment of Agriculture Library Club has been fortunate in ob- taining a cast. the majority of whom have considerable acting experience and who during their rehearsals are showing a spirit which will ensure a first class presentation of an extremely in- teresting and well written play. The play is being presented in the Lions Hall. Centre Street 13., on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of April. Guest _ Speaker, Mrs. Jean Miller er ofbeauty. Radiant young girl students, some attending their ï¬rst -- and never to be forgotten â€"â€" school prom, escorted by their partners, stepped into the Hawa- iian atmosphere under a thatched roof and thence to the ,huge auditorium with its blue and sil- ver sky (crepe paper and cello- phane) stretching overhead. Fra- med around the doorway were hi- York County’s university wom- en enjoyed ‘a gay social evening on Monday last when the clubs’ president, Mrs. Barbara Langâ€" staff, was hostess at a delightful dessert and coffee party at her Richmond Hill home. Despite the inclement weather some forty members and interested univer: sity women attended. The enter- tainment planned by the program committee was designed to enable those present to become better acquainted and proved highly successful in this regard, as well as entertaining. r Tiny Iagoons trickled miniature streams of water over ferns and palm trees, a‘quiet beach at sun- set, mountains and birds and plants '(‘some’ in flower), turned the~school auditorium into a bow- The next regular meeting will be held on March 23 at Kingcraft House, King City, when the club is privileged to have as guest speaker Mrs. Jean Miller of Maple, one of Canada’s foremost fashion artists. A cordial invi- tation to attend is extended to ,all university women in the area. Librarian F. C. Israél BeginsDutes March 2 of attendants, is wearing flame coloured chiffon, the bodice honeycombed in pearls; Bonnie Cottrell, next, wearing beige net over beige taffeta, with front panel and tiny shoulder straps edged in gold sequins. Bob' Goulet said of Sandy Vokes, next in line, “My, but you’re a tiny one,†as he handed the smiling girls sheafs of roses following the ceremony of choosing the Queen. Sandy is wearing a white nylon dress with inserts of pink and white nylon flowers, which featured the new bubble skirt. EVERY THURSDAY --. . Throughout the district - 'Alert Men and Women 'Who want all the facts TURN TO “THE LIBERAL" One of the nicest scenes during the evening was that of Principal Wright Morrow and his at ac« tive wife, along with various: thn er members of the school staff as they joined in the dance. The tempo of the dance, inter~ preted by Bert Nlosi's prehestrn. was sometimes sweet and dreamy, when the bouï¬ant full-skirted gowns of the girls swayed' and swirled to a waltz â€"- until the orchestra swung into rock 'nAr'oll. During the latter part of thy evening, seven Grade 9 girl stud- ents acted as servers {or thej‘ re- freshments which were placedjm the school, library. They were Judy Vokes, Judy Anderson, Ros- alie Watkins, Carol Burl-,Annette Bostock, Barbara Willis and Lyn- da Leonard._ , several years in the Kitchener Public Library. The interest in public library work that was formed during his service in Kit- chener has led him to return to this field where he will be in direct contact with the public._ in Ottawa and was employefi for The combination of profession- al experience andtraining with :. friendly personality and an awareness of the importance of the library in the life of the com- munity seems to make Mr. Israel a perfect choice for Richmond Hill at this time. He has already met with the board and the archiu tect and . is most enthusiastic about the. plans for the new lib- rary building. With increased facilities and expert guidance the library should develop -rapidly and effectively to meet the grow- ing needs of the town. Mr. Israel’s Wife. who expects to join him in Richmond Hill In the near future, is also a librarian who has specialized in children’s work. We are sure that Richmond Hill will welcome this young couple. FATALITIES o ,, ACCIDENTS . INJURIES 22. 2 ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMOND HILL 195913;“ .