Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1959, p. 2

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so helpful to the municipalities. A pipe line supplying water to all , Last week Richmond Hill’s Coun- municipalities in the County of York cillor W. J. ‘Haggart suggested the Coun- is a challenging project and we hope ty of York should give consideration to York County Council ‘will give it some ’ some such project to supply the needs consideration. ‘ The ‘Week Parents Go To School Municipal council has been pres- »ented with many requests for worthy projects and worthwhile undertakings which now are the subject of study‘and review by the finance committee. We suggest that if we are to hold the tax line again this year they will have to wield the economy axe with consider- able force and determination. We welcome therefore the recent suggestion of Markham’s Reeve W. L. ‘Clark that the Province of Ontario should take the lead and by pipeline supply municipalities with water. We Would like to see the Province embark on some such scheme which would be so helpful to‘the municipalities. . An assured water supply is necessâ€" ary for Richmond Hill and all munici- palities in the district. To maintain an adequate supply and secure additional water as it is needed for new develop- ment is a problem for this and neigh- bouring towns and townships. ‘ Finding new deep wells of capac- ity sufficient to meet the ever-increaso ing demand is precarious, and expen- sive. It doesn’t seem economically sound for every municipality throughout the area to be engaged in the never ending search for water. Last week Richmond Hill’s Coun- cillor W. J. ‘Haggart suggested the Coun- ty of York should give consideration to some such project to supply the needs The extension of our boundaries and the substantial increase in populaâ€" tion make continually increasing de« mand 'for necessary services, and des- pite a few difficulties the local admin- istration has kept pace with these de- mands in a very satisfactory manner. It must be remembered however that meeting the demands for the necessary serviCes creates considerable strain on local resources and that until such time as we have achieved the degree of con- solidation whichcan be accomplished only with the passing of time, care and caution are imperative in municipal fin- ancmg. The budget presented at the recent council meeting by the Recreation Com- mittee should have most careful con- sideration. The Committee has been The occasion will be the annual ob- servance of Canadian Education Week, which formally starts March 1 and runs to March 7. A large number of Cana- dians â€"- including many who do not have children in school â€" are expected to visit their local schools this week. Most 5611061; 6111' H61&"'s})ééi£i"as- semblies, exhibits and conferences to acquaint the citizens of the community with the school program. Despite remarkable growth and in- creased demand for services the 1958 council did keep the tax rate from get- ting out of control, and it is important that this year’s council if possible, re- peatrthe performance. Mayor Tomlin has on occasion pointed with under- standable pride to the fact that Rich- mond Hill’s development program has been accomplished without imposing any undue increase in municipal taxa- tion. In striving to maintain this posi- tion'we feel sure he and members of council will have the support and co- operation of the ratepayers. But the real importance of these programs is that they should serve as an impetus for the redoubling of efforts to support and strengthen our pliblic schools. Classrooms traditionally are plac- es for questions and, it is to be hoped, answers. Next week the questions will be coming not only from pupils but their parents as well. To make the most of a school visit, parents should “observe with a purpose" in an effort to obtain the answers to questions concerning the quality of edâ€" ucation. Some of these questions which It is increasingly apparent that Richmond Hill’s 1959 Town Council will need the courage to say “no” to many requests and suggestions for worthy projects and needed undertakings if they are to hold the tax rate line. Y2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 26, 1959 OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS ARE ' YOUR BEST MARKET PLACE FOR THE RICHMOND HILL TRADING AREA ADVERTISE REGULARLYIN 3“ I‘dwendent Weekly: Established 1878 “VIST' Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.00; 10c single copy ‘ Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH. Publisher W. S. COOK. Managing Editor MONA ROBERTSON, Associate Editor “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department. Ottavn‘ Holding The Tax line Waiei' By Pipeline 1115132 liberal @132 itheral. In recent years there has been some demand for the abolition of County Councils as part of our municipal ad- ministration. In support of the argu- ment it is pointed out that in recent years the Province has more and more taken over responsibilities and that nec; essary servIces rendered by the County havejoeen steadily diminishing. Sponsoring a project to pipe water from Lake Huron to supply municipal needs would give County Council a real- ly worthwhile mission. We have not the facts to judge whether or not such a scheme is possible or economically feas- ible, but we would be very interested to find out. Municipal taxation in Richmond Hill is at a level where it is important that the line be held. ‘No matter how worthy a project may be it must be judged among other standards, by our ability to afford it. We knOw municipal leaders are well aware of these facts and will face up to their responsibilities. We hope the ratepayers will under- stand the situation and refrain from making undue demands on the treasury. of municipalities. This too is an excell- ent suggestion and we hope the County Council will give some thought and study to the idea. We received a letter this week from a citizen who complains of high taxes, high water rates, the high hydro rates and in declaring his intention to move out says this soon will be a ghost town. We do not agree at all with the writer of that letter, but we do want to guard against the possibility of such condi- tions developing. Practice of economy in administration and a close and watch- ful eye on the tax rate is the best in- surance against such_a possibility. We have heard ratepayers say that this is “recreation gone wild”. There certainly ie~a question as to the right of council to levy taxes on real estate to subsidize some of the activities in- cluded in the budget. The temptation to spend money to earn provincial grants is a pitfall to be avoided. With- out a lot more explanation the budget presented by the Recreation Committee is altogether too large and We trustit may have the sharp pencil treatment by the finance committee. It would be too bad to have the future good work of the Recreation Committee impaired by endorsation of items and amounts which do not have pretty general community support. visitors should ask themselves are: What is the age and condition and state of repair of the school building? Is there a seat for each child in the classroom ? Are modern tools of education â€"- such as audio-visual aids, slides, films, television, radio, and maps â€"â€" used as an integral part of the program? What is the textbook situation? Are the creative arts a vital part of the program? How are the shop facilities in the secondary schools? Does the school have a- well-stock- ed library, a gymnasium, an auditorium, and a separate lunchroom? Are sanitary facilities adequate} Most parents will be able to think of many more questions. But the one which cannot be reduced to a simple question and answer concerns the very heart of education: WHAT IS BEING TAUGHT IN .THE SCHOOLS, AND WHY. doing a good job and should be contin- ued, but the extent to which recreation- al activities should be subsidized by taxpayers’ money is a matter on which there is a ditference of opinion. The Committee when first organized asked council for a few hundred dollars. Last year the amount was $1,200. and this year the request is _for more than $9,000. mcmmefl: This is the ultimate end of ambition uncontrolled by God. It matters little whether it is a scheme for one’s own personal advancement, or a method to pro- duce world order. If ‘it’lea‘ves God out, it can only end in disaster. If there is anything which we need to learn in this fearful at- omic age, is that there is no scheme for world peace, no mat- ter how cleverly devised, which dares ignore the living God. The abolition of war, the creation of international security is a vain and hopeless thing if it is under- taken in our own strength, with- out reference to the God and Fa- ther of our Lord Jesus Christ. The tower of ambition will topple over if it is not built upon the foundation of God’s saving truth. Man's personal and social salva- tion is‘ something which cannot be achieved apart from faith and trust in the living God whose grace is offered us in Christ. Am- bitious self seeking, in’ all it's many and varied forms, leads only to confusion and bewilder- ment. But if our ambitions are purified by God’s Spirit, then what noble and worthy achieveâ€" ments they may accomplish! The chief ambition of every sincere Christian should be to promote the glory of God in daily life. This is the chief end of life. To ful- fill it we must have the spirit of John the Baptist who said. “He must increase, I must decrease." But unless ambition is motivat- ed by love for God, it can degen- erate itto a selfish and sometimes wicked thing. Human history tells an awful story of how man’s selfish ambition has led to the de- struction of life and the collapse of culture. In the early chapters of Genesis we are told that men in their selfish ambition to .greate a world organization which would safeguard their existence built a high tower. They said, “Go to, let us build us a city and tower, whose top may reach to heaven. and let us make, us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth." Here was an ambitious attempt to create world unity. Unfortunately it had no room for God. The most repeated word in this ambitious statement is the word “us.” We know the tragic end to this ambitious scheme. It ended in a confusion of tongues. NEWMARKE'I‘ â€"â€" Town coun- cil has passed a by-law for the annexation of 550 acres of Whit- church Township. Newmarket wants the land for industrial ex~ pansion. The proposed annexa- tion is subject ‘to review by the mun‘cipal board. It is right and proper that all of us have high ambitions which promote and further the glory of God and the work of His king- dom. Alfred Lord Tennyson was once conversing with a friend who said that his ambitions was to have a clearer vision of God. Christ revealed the ambition of hi.- life when he saiu, "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work." A Weekly Comment On ' Christian Life And Action - By Calvin H. Chambers â€" God's Promises AMBITION Splnosa, the great Jewish phil- osopher of the 17th century said. “Avarice, ambition, lust are noth- ing but species of madness. al- though not enumerated among the diseases.” But perhaps he should have defined what he meant by ambition. There isgood and bad ambition. Joseph Con- rad in his diaty writes, “All ..;'.1bi- tions are lawful except those which climb upward upon the miseries and credulities of man- kind." In Paul’s epistles we .read of some of the lofty ambitions which he cherished. In his letter to the Thessalonians he says that he sought constantly to be quiet and reverentin nature. In his letter to the Corinthian Church he declares that his ambition is “to be in all things pleasing to God.” In his great document to the Romans he tells of' his pas- ‘Sionate desire to “preach, therrgos- pel to the regions Beyond." These were wholesome and honourable ambitions. anywhere in the district from 12 noon to midnight. Enjpy a delicious meal, piping TAKE OUT ORDERS, FREE DELIVERY Yanthe Pagoda Restaurant v North of Richmond Hill on Highway N0. 11 Delicious Canadian Food Also Served Exclusive Comfortable Dining Rooms. Seating 300 People THE BEST PLACE TO EAT CANADA’S FINEST CHINESE CUISINE Facts and Faith That the whole question of education is of nation- al, indeed international, concern is indicated by the very frequency with which it is discussed, whether in home living rooms, across board tables, in popular, scientific or intellectual journals. What we local parents and citi- zens, yes, those of us ‘who have not school-age children should be as vitally interested in the teaching of the child of today, can do is to become as informed as poss- ible in all the aspects of the schooling of our town’s children. We must take the opportunity offered to visit the schools on Monday evening on their open house to see and evaluate for ourselves the work displayed. Dur- ing the year we must assess our local school board members so that as each December election comes around we elect those who are most concerned with the integ- rity of education and with the quality of the teaching. Judging by last December’s turn out-at the polls we are getting a very much better school board than we deserve, who are giving countless hours to‘balance the costs that our almost explosive and uncontrolled growth have brought, with the resources of tht teach- ing plant. The past few years haveseen changes in our public schools that have brought benefits to all the child- ren that have been involved. The system of steady pro- gress at the pupil’s own speed will have been welcomed alike by the parents of the slow learner and the gifted child. We are also in the process of hurtling into the nuc- lear age, which will inevitably face our children with problems beyond our imaginings. How best can our schools and colleges, technical institutes and universi- ties serve the generation of tomorrow? How can they make youth aware of the responsibilities of their com- ing lives? How can they choose and discriminate for these young people who will live out their lives in an environment as yet unseen? ~ The rotation classes in the senior grades has been in my opinion, a very good compromise with the defeat- ed suggesfion of a senior school for grade seven and eight children. At least in the rotation classes of science, art, music, and social studies the teacher with a special interest can communicate to the students in her own fiehL and atleast the chfldren have the benefits of a fresh voice and approach in each of these subjects. And at the most the joy of teaching one’s “own” subject can be the spark that lights the fire of discovery in the pupil. 7 . However, on the non-professional level I would like to state_that I feel the strength of our home and school associations has been in a great measure responsible for the strength of our school boards, and of the public’s increasing interest in our school system. We have al- ways almost dedicated heads of the different H'& .S as- sociations who have brought programs to the meetings that not only help parents understand the school, but which also broaden the interest of parents as people to the community picture beyond the classroom. Our School board too has shown that same interest in the community of’which the schools are but a part. The valuable school buildings are available as often as possible to outside organizations and at no charge if the meetings are of a non-money-raising nature, and do not involve caretaking outside the usual hours. (May I say here that I would consider it impertinâ€" ent in myself to attempt in any way to assess the teaching quality in any phase of our local education. The teaching staffs are professionally trained men and women and as such their work can only be assessed by another professional.) Just last week too the board turned over to the town and recreation committee the school grounds to be used as desired, subject to the board approval of activities and equipment involved. The board in short is making the schools a very part of the community and not an area paid for by the general taxpayer, but set aside for the one purpose only and locked up after half past three. Our school board is seemingly aware of the greater contribution that can be made to the community welfare by the fullâ€"time use of the grounds and buildings. Now with’ the appalling vastness of the almost numberless areas of knowledge open to us, perhaps the most important thing we can do in our educational pro- grams is to struggle for a sense of proportion in the emphasis that we give to the vanious greats, ‘ Technically also, there was not the great variety of detailed knowledge needed for any of the thousands of careers that we now offer to our young people. So no doubt, they learnt a little Latin and a bit of Greek, for after all any youth with an active mind .is going to learn something and at that time most other languages were considered not quite nice to use for written work, Another advantage that the Middle Ages’student had over us was that things happened with extreme slowness. So that the urgency of current afiairs was not pressing upon student and pedagogue alike. And in that connection the spreading of the news was not conducted on a day to day basis of hysterical headlines . . . . a great advantage to those who have trouble anyway [with their sense of analysis. ‘ by Cicely Thomson In the Middle Ages when Schooling was preserved by the monasteries alone, the process of getting an edu- cation was conducted very much as on a debating plat- form. It seems to me that the scholars of that day had a tremendous advantage over the scholars of today. For one thing not so much had happened. For another, a great many of the things that had happened were to- tally, as far as they knew, lost. So from that angle there wasn’t so much to learn about. Their discussion methods took time, but how well would the pros and com, the varying points of view, be presented by this leisurely but intensive education method. _ r" f'"( ‘1 â€"v n A w r _ V. . ANCIENT cows, rouuo Among "EAN'NQ "‘ ‘V um mm mnmm gumm- ‘WHERE THERE" nun-n- vulva qunu ru Iv 714551 00:51 |NDIAlN$,$UQGE$TM WHERE WIRE" CHlNESE 6man REACHED ARE BEARS". AMERICA BEFORE THE EUROPEAN?» 2-16©'959 7.9.5 K OUEI’ .0042:- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Mar. 2, 3, 4 n; Richmond Telephone TUrner 4-1212 1 " W FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE Saturday Matinee Only, Feb. 28, 2 pan. co lYAMmo BARBARA 3AAng ffiiuimoni moms iffamu'fwcocx YKAEME smua 1mm ML“? mmmm‘muimunmm mmummmm Thurs., Fri., Sat. - February 26, 27, 28 Please note: due to the length of the feature “Raintree County” Show Times 7 and 9 pm. ‘ Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holiday. In the great tradition of Civil War Romance M-G-M PRESENTS ,IN MGM CAMERA 65 First Show starts at 6:30 p.m. ' Last complete show at 9.03 pm. MONTGOMERY CLIFT ELIZABETH TAYLOR EVA MARIE SAINT . WHERE! COUNTY dill! ROD IAYLOR o MNES MOOREHEAD - WALTER ABEL - mm 1M8 MGR. PATRICK - LEE MARVIN .u-slming

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