> " LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 26, 1959 SEPTIC TANKS g PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service .» R. R. 1 WilloWdale HU. 3-1313 ME King City, OakRidges ‘ , Lake Wilcox “The Liberal" is nlwnys pleased to publish items of inter- est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone King 205M; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Ruth Mc- Fadden. Elmkrove Avenue, phone PR. 3-5567. (Chev.-Olds. Dealer) King ,City, Ont. Ph‘ FRANK PASSER WITH REPAIRS DONE AT leslie Motor Prodhcts Ltd. YOU ARE SURE TO BE SATISFIED About 40 ladies brought gifts for the church kitchen, including two 16-cup and one 8-cup coffee percolators, a large tea, kettle and two or three tea pots; two dozen water glasses, numerous tea tow- An estimated 240 adults and children enjoyed the fare provid- ed by the club in King. City Unit- ed Church. Mrs. Parsons, wife of Lion Jack Parsons, was in charge of the supper. Mrs. Fred Boys, who always prepares the succulent soup, was assisted by Mrs, Jennings, wife of Lion ‘Wlb’ Jenrings, chairman for the occas- ion. The programme opened with a Bible reading, prayer and hymn, followed by a solo sung by Mrs. Charles Gordon. Mrs. William Willoughby gave a reading and Mrs. Bovair led the contest pre- pared by Miss Jessie Gellatly. During Lent, services are being held at All Saints’ Anglican Church every Wednesday, at ten in the morning, with slides shown at the eight p'.m. services. Church Shower Sponsored by the recently-or- ganized W.A., a congregational shower was held last Thursday evening in St. Andrew’s Presby- terian Church. Mr. George Bennet‘, in charge of tickets, was awaiting final re- turns to determine how much profit had been cleared. Lenten Services Impact of the sudden‘ dismissal of some 14,000 A. V. Roe and Orenda Engines employees last Friday was felt in newer subdivis- ions of the village where some of glut léouseholds were directly af- c: e . Unrelieved winter weather has been cutting down the number of residents venturing forth for club and social activities. Drawing the biggest gathering in recent days was King City Lions‘ Club annual oyster supper. About a dozen families in and around the village were believed hit by Prime Minister Diefenbh- ker's announcement production of the Arrow was terminated. Oyster Supper About 50 school friends, neigh- bours and friends from Toronto, Schomberg, Nobleton and King City gathered to fete Miss Busby, a 1957 graduate of Women’s Col- lege Hospital. Dismissed ‘ ‘ In honor of Miss Carol Busby, who is being married to Mr. John Warren Carl of Toronto on March 14, a community shower was held at Kinghorn School by Mrs. Earl Campbell and herldaughters, Mrs. Bruce McDaniel, Mrs. Ray Love and Mrs. James Bandow. Elected representatives and ratepayers have long felt the fis- cal agreement needed “overhaul- ing†to bring it in line with township’s growth since the 1934 Enderstandlng was put into pracâ€" ice. Klughorn Socials Mr. Findlay termed the meet- ing, called by township. an “am- icable†one, during which village and township relationships were frankly discussed. King City’s fee to township and the extent to which the village is entitled to township-’5 services are affected by the arrangement. King City Trustees’ Chairman Donald Findlay, Q.C.,,said full details of the altered agreement would be made shortly, as soon as township council has had si- milar discussions with Trustees of King’s other two police villages, Nobleton and Schomberg. King Township Council and King City Police Village "Trustees, in a closed session last Thursday, reached full accord in bringing up to date the fiscal agreement between village and Township that has been in effect for the past 25 years. Trustees-Council Meet Phone 50 ME. 5-1000 King City Notes Parents are asked to signify if they are willing to serve as offi- cer, convenor, chairman or com- mittee member. _ The Association executive points out “there are only seven general and seven ex- ecutive meeting for officers to attend each term. and the odd committee meeting.†Any vol- unteers? ' Rev. W. Bruce Jennings offic- iated at the christening of Paul Francis‘ Armstrong, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, in a Sunday afternoon service at All Saints’ Anglican Church. Miss Dorothy Armstrong is young Paul’s aunt and godmother and, in absence, Mr. Keith Manck- telow of Auckland, New Zealand, is godfather. 'Among those at the christening tea were Grandmothers Mrs. Frank Armstrong of King City and Mrs. Wilbert Cousins of Maple. , Elections Coming 1 The executive committee has sent to students’ parents a} re- minder that, “With your support our Home and School Association will continue to be a success a without your support it will be a‘ failure.†Mrs. E. E. Harrison of Kings- view Subdivision will be hostess for next Monday evening’s meet- ing of King City and District Cancer Unit meeting. Arrival .. a. Mr. and Mrs. Don Croft of Mill Avenue, Richmond Hill, are the proud parents of a ‘second son born at Branson Hospital in Wil- lowdale, a brother for three-year- old Tony. The Crofts are former village residents and Mrs. Croft was Betty Hickman. ‘ Christening . With the first birthday of King City Home & School Association approaching next month possible names are being gathered for a new executive. The annual meet- ing is scheduled for April 9 at the school. Committees are being formed to plan catering for the Father and Son Scout banquet in May. A welcome to newcomers extend- ed by the president, Mrs. Robert Ritchie, for the next meeting on Monday, March 16, at 8.30 pm. at All Saints’ Church. Cancer Meet Fourteen mothers braved the cold weather to have the King Scouts and Cubs Ladies’ Auxiliary meeting in All Saints’ Parish Room. - Mrs. George McDonald of Springhill Road had a party after school for friends of Bonnie McDonald, to celebrate her eighth birthday. Games and refreshments were enjoyed by Dianne Parsons, Mary Evens, Celeste Brown, Heather Davidson, Grant Peter, Jimmy Heaslip, David Davie and Bruce Rumble. Bonnie is a pupil in Mr. George Gould’s class, in the accelerated grade four‘group. Scout Auxiliary Miss Patricia Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J, Wolfe of RR. 1, King City, will marry Mr. George Gillham, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gillham of Tem- peranceville in a quiet ceremony in Schombérg. ' Birthday Party Two weddings are being plan- ned for this Saturday. Miss Joan Loretta Brya‘ns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Bryan's of Keele, be- comes the bride of Henry Werner Saft of Bradford, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Saft of Berlin, Ger- many. Mrs. A. W. McLennan, organ- izer and president of York branch United Natlons‘, Association, was guest speaker at last night’s meet- ing of snowball Women’s Insti- tute. Neighboring institutes, in- cluding King City, were invited. Weddings Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey J. Gordon are on a two-month holiday_trip to California and Florida, plan- ning to return home at Easter. WJ. Meet At the monthly meeting last week of All Saints' Anglican Church Afternoon Branch W.A., members confirmed they had cleared about $100 on their an- nual Pancake Supper and made plans for catering to King City Lion's' Club dinner on March 17 in the Parish Room. Holiday Trip In King City the total assess- ment is $181,230 higher than it was a year ago. For 1959 village land is valued at $86,055; build- ings atr$591,225 and business, at $5,400, bringing a total of $682,- 680.00. In 1958 King City land was valued at $84,975; buildings, $410,975, and business, $5,500 to- talling $501,450. Afternoon W.A. ‘ Township assessing, to bring King in line with the “measured space" system adopted by other municipalities, is proceeding in the north section of the town- ship. 'About April Assessor Ed Red- dick expects to be making the rounds in King City to estimate revised assessments affecting 1960 taxes. ‘ Thoughtful donors provided a large garbage can and a coat rack. Money donations were received by the WA. fund. The evening concluded with tea and coffee, sandwiches and cakes. Assessing els and dish cloths, fruit juice glasse, nine salt and pepper sets, a butcher knife, paring knives, a 36-ounce measuring container, 3 plastic drain board, a plastic col- lander, several cake plates, pickle dishes, half a dozen cream and sugar sets and two packages of detergent. Teston this week mourned the death Ofer. Jack Gray, a life- long resident. He was for many years ,a farm implement dealer and well known and respected by farmers in a large area. Mr. Gray retired a number of years ago and has been in poor health for some time. We extend sincere sympathy to the family. especially to Mrs. Gray in the less of a dear husband. . The regular meeting of Teston Woman’s Association was held Tuesday, February 17 at the church. The president, Mrs. W. Marwood, was in charge of the meeting, the theme of which was the new Commandment. Mrs. E. Carson read the scripture follow- ed by the lesson thoughts read by Mrs. W. Windas. Mrs. E. Coop- er led in prayer. Mrs.- R. Bowen gave the topic which was based on the writing of the late Dr. Archer Wallace. Mrs.- Bowen concluded by reading the tribute.to Dr. Wallace written by Rev. Martin Jenkinson and which appeared in the United Church publication, Onward, of which Dr. Wallace was editor for many years. Mrs. H. Stephenson read a poem, “Young Mothers" and Mrs. W. Marwood read a poem of Mr. Jen- kinson’s, “Wise Builder.†Mrs. J. Kyle told the group of a trip tak- en by members of the Cancer So- ciety to the Princess Margaret. Hospital and Hostel in Toronto. The Hostel was built by the So- ciety to accommodate out of town patients who must stay in Toronto while receiving treatment. Mrs. Kyle told of the very pleasant surroundings and of the many little extras provided to make a “home away from home" for those who would otherwise have to stay in hotels. etc. Teston W.A. along with other organizations in the district lend their support to the Maple Unit of the Cancer Society- A .few months ago Mr. and Mrs. Dennett moved to Laskay to be with their only son, Lionel, and his family. Pallbearers were Mr. Lionel Dennett and a son, Ian; Mr. Ronald Andrews and Mr. Ler Westman of Willowdale; Mr. Sid King of Toronto and Mr. Howard Medd of Wexford. Surviving are Mrs. Dennett, the former Kate Hansford; their son and six grandchildren. Known as “a kind man who loved the outdoors," Mr. Dennett came to Canada from his native Dorchester, England, in 1906. Making his home at Winnipegosis, he was a marine engineer on ManitoLa lakes. ~ Church News A resident of Laskay since a year agp December, Sidney W. Dennett died at his home Feb- ruary 16. Rev. Dr. W. Bruce Jen- nings of All Saints’ Church con- ducted funeral services at Aurora parlours and KingeCity Cemetery. Games, prizes and refreshments were enjoyed by Judy Adams from Toronto and Nadine’s school friends, Karen Bice, Rosemary Davidson, Dianne Glass, Carol Anne Roberts. Margaret Houston and Dianne Wallace. The proposed new church was discussed by members, giving at- tention to what would be requir- ed for W.A. accommodation. Pros- pective members are invited to at- tend monthly meetings the third Wednesday at 8.15 pm. Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McMur- chy, now of Aurora, have a new daughter who arrived February 11. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harbin- son have a daughter, a sister for Sean, born at Wellesley Hospital. Birthday Party Mrs. William Derrick of Dew St. was hostess Saturday .after- noon at a party to celebrate the twelfth birthday of their daugh- ter. Nadine, on February 19. Members cut out and distribut- ed materials for a layette. to be completed in April for the bale. Good used clothing, especially children’s wear, was requested for distribution from Toronto. A Chrismas gift parcel will be pre- pared for a member of the 'nurs- ing staff at Aklavik. Mrs. Thersea Iddison was chos- en to represent the Branch at All Saints' Advisory Council meet- ing in Mr. Stan Watson's office. Members of the Evening Branch W.A. attended the Len- ten service, with slides depicting the church’s history at All Saints’ Church, before going on to their meeting nearby at the King St. home of Mrs. Wharton Hood. Cardinals and jays, in lesser numbers than last year, make reg- ular calls at several Keele St. houses where the fare is generous from, year to year. Evening W.A. While the suet in our outdoor bird feeder \lies untouched; we hear encouraging reports from Eighth Concession residents that colorful cardinals, bluejays, even- ing'grosbeaks and chickadees are frequent visitors. Seems early fpr reports of two readers they have been hearing the cr'ows. Mrs. William Cook. Mrs. George Berry, Mr. Bruce Hall, Mr. George Armstrong and Mr. George Gould comprise the nom- inating committee. Feathered Friends Teston News @bituary SIDNEY BENNETT Correspondent: Miss Joan Pelletier Phone Ma'ple 4R12 W.I. members and their famil- ies gathered at Buttonville Hall on Thursday evening of last week for their annual Family Party. There was a potluck supper at 7 pm. and later there was euchre for the senior members of the party and other amusements for the children. Prizes were awarded Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Leaf were guests at the Parent, Daughter dinner for members of the Win- ter Graduating Class. ’59, Welles- ley School of Nursing, and their parents. The banquet was held at the Seaway Hotel. The Friendship Club held a re- union at the Bayview Village home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dun- lop last week. Among thoSe at- tending were Mrs. Mona Burr, N. Maw, B. Storey, E. Harrott, M. Jacksie, S. Turner. M. Foster, J. Marson, SgGreensides, L. Ingram and M. Bauthus. Of interest durâ€" ing the evening was the tape re- cording Mr. Dunlop made of Shei- lah Greensides‘ voice. Mrs. Greensides has been taking sing- ing lessons lately and according to report has a very ï¬ne range. W.I. Social Evening Mrs. Bernard Venus injured her head last week when she slipped and fell on the ice. We wish her a rapid recovery. Congratulations to Derek Maw, whose let birthday was Monday of this week. Derek and his ï¬an- cee are making wedding plans for the ï¬rst Saturday in April. Mrs. John Wilkin's wasâ€"guest speaker at thg Victoria Square W. A. mqeting last week. When Dr. ‘and Mrs. George Kelly entertained at dinner on Monday of last week their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Zim- ‘merman, and Mrs. Zimmerman Sn, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boy- ington. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller enter- tained at a birthday party for Mrs. A. W. Miller on Tuesday ev- ening of last week. Family mem- bers were guests. Under the capable leadership of the chairman, Mr. Keith Camb- den, the members at the head table were introduced. These were Mr. Percy Bennett, immed- iate past-president of the United Church Men, Mr. ‘Wib’ Jennings, newly installed president of the United Church Men of York Pres- bytery. Mr. Del Booth second vice president, Mr; L. Bovair, presid- ent of the recently formed A.O.T. S. club‘ in Newmarket United' Church, (A.O.T.S. stands for As One That Serves), Mr. J. Parsons and Mr. Lawrence Scott, repre- sentatives from the King Charge, Mr. A. Marwood and Mr. D. Bar- ker, representatives frOm the Las- kay charge, Mr.‘ K. Cambvden and Mr. R. Robson, representatives from the Teston Charge, and the minister, Rev. M. R. Jenkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Alick Gardner all returned recently from vacations in Florida -â€" they have beautiful suntans as testimony of holiday weather. Following the banquet the men assembled in the church for the devotional and inspiration part of the program. Mix Cambden led ably assisted by Mr. The evening’s events began with a supperlserved by the Hi-C Fel- lowship Group Vand choir of Tes- ton Church. After a very fine meal, Mr. Gordon Orr expressed the thanks of all to the ladies who prepared the excellent meal and also to those who so ably served, which included members of the Hi-C group, both boys and girls. Wednesday evening, February 18th, a meeting was held in Tes- ton United Church to bring to- gether the members of the Ses- sions and Boards of Stewards of the three charges of the King Cir- cuit (King-Laskay-Teston). There were 47 present. Almost 100 per cent attendance. Carol McFadden and Brian Cook of Oak Ridges took part in a piano Irecitalat the home of their music teacher, Mrs. Mas- kell, Aurora, last-Wednesday ev- ening. Thirteen boys and girls and their parents were present. Carol and Brian will write their grade two music exams at the Conservatory in May. Six new members were initia- ted at a recent'meeting of St. Paul’s AOTS Men's Club, rinsing the membership to 19. President Members Of Session And Stéward’s laskay, Teston Hold Meeting The Oak Ridges Scout and Guide Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. G. Rowe, Elm Grove Ave. last Thursday evening. Six new members were present. Highlight of the meeting was the program put on by one of the Scout Pat- rols. Patrol leader Garry Mc- Laughlin introduced the boys and they demonstrated some of the work they do at their 'meetings, such as ï¬rst aid and knot tying. After the Scouts were ‘ï¬nished a business period followed. Plans were made for a St. Patrick’s,day tea and bake sale to be held on March 19 from 8 to 10 pm. at the home of Mrs. G. Rowe. The Girl Guides will act as hostesses for the tea thus aiding .them in their tryouts for hostess badges. Socials The Legion Ladies Auxiliary will hold a general monthly meet- ing on Monday, March 2. Mem- bers will ï¬nalize plans for a birth- day party on March 7. Former Zone Commander » Mrs. Duifield will be, a guest with members of other auxiliaries in the zone. ’The- public will be admitted to the dance at nine o'clock. The auxil- iary was formed one year ago when 20 ladies met at the Ridge Inn with Mrs. Duffield and-other auxiliary leaders. There are now about 40 active members. Auxiliary “ Legion Ladies Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Socials CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. l". G. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley â€"~ Phone AXminster 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE ' NEWS in devotions, R. Robson at On Monday evening of last week, the Explorers of the Vic- 'toria Square Charge met at the Victoria Square Church for their .Valentine party. A dinner was served at 6:30, after which there were games and then a meeting. Mrs. Binnington c0nducted the ï¬rst church exploration study, telling the girls the story of the Union of the Congregational, Me- thodist and Presbyterian Churâ€" ches under the United Church, and describing the structure of the organization. The distribu- tio’n of the contents of the Val- entine box was a highlight of the _ evening. Mrs. Gordon Purves attended sessions of the Cancer Society Convention at the Lord Simcoe Hotel on Thursday and Friday of last week. Main subject dealt with was publicity {or the coming campaign. A The Davidson Mission Band will meet at the church parlours on Saturday afternoon of_ this week. Mrs. W. Turner and Mrs. R. Hood have been joined by an- other assistant, Mrs. H. Bauthus, and children from nursery to junior age will ï¬nd an interesting programme'There were 28 chil- dren attending the Valentine party on February 14. Explorer Party On Friday evening of last week there were 1-1 tables of players on hand for the euchre series game. Winners were Mrs. L. E. Jewitt, Mrs. L. Cummings and Mrs. T. MacIvor, Messrs. Tom Wilcox, H. Forster arid James Curtis. Freeze-out winners were Mr. Wilcox and Mrs. N. Denby against Messrs. Bert Nichols and W. Clark. Mary Hooper won the lucky draw, and hostesses for the evening were Mrs. W. McGimp- sey, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. J. Robinson and Mrs. 0. Brooke. Mlslon‘Band Saturday, Feb. 28 to Mrs. A. Grant, Mrs. R. Boy- ingtbn and Mrs. McGimpsey who won the draw with Mrs. Hill for third prize. Gentlemen winning were Messrs. Don Arnott, Joe Robinson and Alvin Robinson won the draw for third with E. Hill and Jim Rodick..All the younger members of the party were pres- ented with candy. WJ. Euchre It was a great evening and much credit must go to those who worked so hard to make it the success it was. To the chairman, the representatives, the members of th Hi-C and choir. and to those men who braved the uncer- tain weather to be present. It is planned to have kindred gath- erings held in the not too distant future in the churches at Laskay and King. Following the 'addresses of these speakers, through courtesy of Mr. Booth and the use of his. tape recorder, a play-back was heard of the address given by the Rev. P. M. Smith of Waterdown United Church. This address was given at the December rally/of the United Church Men held at Uxbridge United Church in De- cember of last year. Mr. Delbert Booth then spoke on the formation of the A.0.T.S. clubs. He mentioned the- one at Oak Ridges and Aurora. He call- ed on Mr. Bovair to tell us of the, club formed in Newmarket United Church. This club has the honour of being the first to be enrolled in the, presbytery. Following these remarks, Mr. Percy Bennett told of the planned Elders and Stewards schools to be held in March in Markham, Schomberg, and Sutton. He urg- ed that the members of sessions and stewards attend the school ministering to their particular zone. Our area will be expected to attend the meeting at Schomberg United Church. The chairman then introduced Mr. ‘Wib’ Jennings who gave an account of recent ventures in men’s work in church life in York Prgsbytery. thgdorgan pected. The Lake Wilcox Public School will hold open house next Tues- day and Wednesday evenings as part of Educaton Week. Every class in the school will take part in the programs and a large turn- out of parents and friends is ex- The Lake Wilcox Ratepayers' Association will meet at the Lake Wilcox School on Monday, March 2. Discussion will be held on the petition which is being circulat- ed through the district regard- ing building and living conditions. It is hoped every ratepayer in the district will attend this im- portant meeting. Cathy McFadden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. McFadden, Elm Grove Ave., celebrated her sev- enth birthday on Friday. Five of her friends enjoyed 'supper and games. Those present were: Wil» ma Stewart, Joanne Kersey, Bon- nie McLeod, Gail Dolgand Ivor Williams. The Oak Ridges Scouts and Cubs attended church service at St. Mark's on Sunday, to mark the end of Boy Scout week and Lord Baden-Powell's birthday, the founder of the Boy Scout move- ment. ' Members of the Brethren in Christ boys' and girls‘ club will meet at the church Saturday af- ternoon. They will be taken by the club leaders to the summit for an afternoon of tobogganing. This will be the third time the child- ren have enjoyed this sport this winter. Refreshments will be ser- ved upon, their return to the church. Vern Plant had as his guest Jim Gilmore, president of the Aur- ora Men’s Club. The initiation ceremony took place at the _club's monthly dinner meeting. Bob Sayers led a sing-song and show- ed a ï¬lm on safe driving. She married a farmer, T. J. Lewis Hadwen, and they lived in V.Teston district until they moved to King City three years ago. A son, Bruce, was killed in an ac- cident six years ago. For many years Mrs. Hadwen was‘ active in the WA. of Teston United Church. Surviving are another son, Don- ald Hadwen of King City; two grandchildren, Joanne and Carol; two sisters, Mrs. James Watson of King'City and Mrs. James Hunter of Laskay; and a brother, Mr. Wesley Clarkson of Aurora. Richmond Heights Plaza 38 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-5341 SHIELDS Rev. Martin Jenkinson of King City United Church, which Mr. and Mrs. Hadweh attended,‘con- ducted the service at the Aurora parlours and in King City Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Mr. Cliff Coutts and Mr. George McDonald of King City, and Mr. Lorne Gooderham, Mr. Frank Piercsy, Mr. Bruce Naylor and Mr. Edward Kyle, all of Teston. Mrs. HadWen, who passed away suddenly at York County Hospital after a heart attack, was the youngest of the children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Llark- son. The CI rkson family farm- ed on the F urth Concession of King, near Kettleby, then moved to the Fifth Concession of Vaugh- an, near Teston. ‘ mwuu Relatives and friends attended the funeral service of Mrs. Emma Rennie, wife of Mr.. Lewis Had- wen of Kingsview Subdivision. l. A. HARRY) NEILI. Road Superintendent, Kettleby, Ontario. For the supply of a tractor with front end loader, 30-50 H. P. minimum, gas. Quotations invited on. rubber tired or crawler type unit. Tenders must be submitted on forms supplied by the Township, and a 1947 Fordsou Tractor and loader accepted as a trade-in. Chalmer Black, SEALED TENDERS, CLEARLY MARKED AS TO CONTENTS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE CLERK UNTIL 12 O’CLOCK NOON, 24 Elizabeth St. N.‘ Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 ‘ flflimm 2% m M MAI/[Y CARLICENCES ‘ DUE! a TUESDAY, March 17th, I959 MRS. LEWIS HADWEN Towhéhip of King If your insurance protection has lapsed, you’re taking a big risk. And when you buy your 1959 licences, the law requires an extra $5' charge if you’re not insured. Why take a chance? Contact your nearest State Farm agent. Ask about imme- diate coverage that will save you the $5 penalty. And you’ll get State Farm’s famous "Hometown Service wherever you,,drive.†Contact the friendly. State Farm agent in Your neighbourhood. @ï¬ituar'y ‘ TENDERS 0N, . TRACTOR AND LOADER Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. STATE FARM MUTUAL Automobile insurance Company Canadian Head Office-Toronto. Ontario Save $5 penalty by having your car insulï¬ance in force; when you buy licences \ ‘ BOX 324, 75 HARDING .BLVD. RICHMOND mu, ONTARIO HERBERT R. BUTT \Nnun“. TELEP" ONES: TU. H3991 'AV. 5-4201 Associated With Dependable Service Telephone LT D. GARBAGE COLLECTION KING CITY Tenders are invited for garbage and ash collection from residents in the village. Complete tender. forms may be obtained from the under- signed. Tenders to, be in by March 7, 1959 GEO. R. CRUICKSHANK, Secretary to King City ' Trustees Herridge Electric 53 YONGE N. TV AV. 5-4138 Radios Car Radios JOHN'S T.V.- 4 Wellington St. E. ‘ Toronto TENDERS H. G. Rose, Clï¬k, Nobleton, Ont. Toronto EMpire 2-3456 HI-FI