Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Mar 1959, p. 12

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12j _. THE LIBERAgRichmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday” March 12, 1959 â€"'z_a_Â¥ [ANSING LANDSCAPE SERVICE 19 MORGAN AVE. Call the, professional man and get your free estimate Your Fr’hi‘t T'reesvlfolrnamental Trees ,â€" Shrubbery, "Vines, ethneed pruning once a year .“Who said I Couldn’t save? ‘BNS people are friendly people â€"â€" get to know them at any of these branches.-Richm0nd Hill, R. W. Chandler, Manager; Aurora, J. K. Cousins. v Manager; Oak Ridges, W.,W. B. Thompson. Manager; ' ' Thornhill, W. E. Judges, Manager. The BAN'K of NOVA SGOTIA Everyoneâ€"{mm six to fifty-sixâ€"can save with The Bank pf Nova Scotia’e exclusive PersOnal Security, Program. You may never have been able Ito save before, but with PSP your savings, goal is . . you can’t miss! " ‘ ' THIS IS THE TIME -DO IT NOW N .TUBAL GAS o Cleanesl heal for y4 0 Burns silently and i 0 Payment after use . 0 Modern furnace sfy pg. r """ AV“; » 5 £2523 .' gas appliances wafer hating Hamill-n 59G brunch“ ems: Canada and In tendon, New York, the Carlbhocn. USBJNATURA’L GAS cooking Of course, only grown-ups really Appreciate a BNS Personal Security Program BOX 408 ‘ THORNHILL Drop in at your nearest branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia and find out about P5P. And while you’re there, ask about the many other helpful services the BNS has to offer. Don’t put it off, come 0 Gas Clothes Dryers, Refrigerators, Space Heaters, Fireplace Units and Incinerator: all lead the way , . to make living best with natural gas. No other fuel can offer you all these... NATURAL GAS- EQUIPMENT COSTS LESS TO BUY. . . LESS TO INSTALL AND FAR LESS TO MAINTAIN. Cleanest heat for your home: saves on redecoratina casts Burns silently and is fuel best suited to automatis control Payment alter use . . . or by 10 equalized monthly payments Modern furnace styling is compact and attractive Cooking is foster-cleanerâ€"best controlled Modern gas range: lead in styling and automation Canada’s leading chefs cook with go: DEPENDABLE delivery or cut-off worries ECONOMICAL-Most for your money CLEANâ€"no smoke - no film - no residue Fastest, most dependable automatic wafer healing 3 times faster recovery than oIher fuels Lowest cost for most hot water FREE BURNER SERVICE OTHER APPLIANCES Art helps develop the child, stated Mrs. Elliot. Much of the Mrs. K. Elliot, supervisor of arts and crafts for School Area No. 1, gave a very comprehensive speech on “Art and Your Child". Slides were also shown on work done in area schools and children at their art lessons. HIGHLAND - PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 22 Highland Park Blvd., plione AVenue 5-2795 advantages The next meeting of the High- land Park WA. will be held March 17th at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Frey, 17 Woodward Ave- nue. Anyone interested in com- munity affairs is invited to at- tend. The next Henderson Avenue Home and School night is nom- ination night for the newvexecu- tive. Anyone who has not yet sent in their nomination form to Mrs. Picton is asked to do so right away. The deadline being March 14t . Highland Park WA. Anyone wanting to know about the convention to be held in To- ronto later, please get in touch with Mrs.'Gage. Nomination Night Mrs. Gage brought to‘parents’ attention an open school Area No. 1 meeting to be held March 17th at 8 pm. in the Thornhill Public School. Any parent with griev- ances to be aired or otherwise in- terested is invited to attend. Mrs. MacKenzie, who has been responsible for obtaining pic- tures, was thanked for the thought shown‘ in seleétion of the pictures. The results of the room count were then given. As Mrs. "Burke’s class w‘on again for the third time, Mrs. Burke asked that the picture be given to the second in line. This being Miss Clarke’s room. Very interesting ways» of mak- ing Christmas decorations and ways of making Christmas wrap- pings were shown. Mrs. Elliott w:1 then thanked for a'very in- teresting evening. Mr.. Martin- .dale mentioned. that, Mrs. Elliott will-give an art class in Owen. Sound this summer, also [that Mrs. Elliott is known abroad' as well as here for her work. ' When tense ‘and nervous, free finger painting helps relieve tired muscles and pent-up emotions. Many of the children’s innermost thoughts are expressed in art work. Mrs. Elliott does not approve of small coloring books. A child needs a larger surface. Instead of walls. usually used. give the small one a large sheet of paper. If painting, put newspapers down and let him or her 'go to it. Thus will the little one let off steam. Next slides wérEVshown on chidren at work in school and some of the better work accomp- lished by some. ' been dropped in art lessons of today. Children are allowed to express themselves. It helps them to become creative thinkers and workers of tomorrow. Cooperat- ing on a big project helps childâ€" ren to work and get along with others. sameness of our generation has or? all equipment The Group Committee met at the home of Mr. A. McFee last week to discuss a fundraisng campaign. Among those present were Mr. I. Petersen, Mr. Reg. Williams, Mr. Fred Waters and Mr .and Mrs. E. Ensor. Sympathy Ten scouts, accompanied by the assistant scout master, Oscar Jensen, went for a hike-on Sat- urday to Passmore’s bush. The boys cooked their own lunches over a camp fire and all passed their tests for cooking and fire lighting. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. 0. Pick and family on the death of Mr. Pick on Sunday morning. Mr; Pick‘has been a resident of'th'e district for some years. _ A skating party for the Cubs, Scouts and Brownies will be held at the Richmond Hill arena at 8 on Saturday night, March 14t . A group of Brownies consisting of Marnié Miller, Christine La- mont, Jeanne Richards, Davalene Gray, Mary'Jane Terry and Lor- na Burns spent a busy afternoon on Saturday at the home of their Brown Owl, preparing articles for their early summer sale. The March group of the WA. invites all the ladies in the com- munity to attend a St. Patrick’s luncheon in the Sunday School room on Wednesday, March 18, at 12:45 pm. Following the lunch- eon the regular W.A. meeting will be held at 2.30 pm. The ’guest speaker will be D. C. Read, executive assistant of the John HowardVSociety. All the ladies are welcome t0'come and bring the pre-school children. ‘Local Association of Girl Guides Three boys were enrolled last week into the Cub pack â€"â€" Douglas Bell, Clifford Clarke and John Robertson. Mrs. L. Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell were present for the ceremony. Each Brownie must pay a mem- bership fee of.$1.00 as of January lst. Would the mothers please pay the treasurer. Mrs. Donnelly, as soon as possible or bring it to the May meeting. The Brownie meetings have been well attended despite the poor weather and sickness. Three more specimens of nature have been produced for observation. Birch-bark, with the story of the birch tree. and uses of the wood and bark by Mary Miller. Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 ‘TU. 4-1534 â€"â€"__ Many happy returns of the day Sympathy-is extended 1 to Peter Ratchford on March 12, bers of the Hall family a} to Sharon Gamble on the 13th, sister, Mrs. Murphy on t}: to Breton Williams on the 14th of Mr. Clarence (Tim) Mu and to Wendy Gamble on the Friday afternoon. Mr. 16th. was raised on the fam lst Jefferson Cubs, Scouts liner belonged to the M05 '3'? District mothers were appoint- ed for aid in passing along infor- mation and arrangements made by telephone. Mrs. Donnelly for Victoria Square: Mrs. Stacey for Gormley and Mrs. Varden for Cashel and Melville. A committee of three, Mrs. Leitch, Mrs. Farquharson and Mrs. Hardie were appointed to arrange for a mother andvdaugh- ter supper and evening. Brownies ‘The local association of Girl Guides met on Wednesday even- .ing of last week at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hardie. Mrs. Lang accepted the position as badge secretary, to record all the badges earned by} the 7 Brownies. The March meeting of the 51'. Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. John McCague with a large attendance. The meeting was convened by Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. The roll call was answered by “How many years a W.I. member.” The guest speaker was Mrs. Baycroft of Gormley, who gave a very interesting talk on “The Tweedsmuir History.” She also gave a demonstration on how to. compile a Twe'edsmuir History. Mrs. Leslie Hart dressed as Mrs.-1959,.and Mrs. Earl Emp- ringham dressed as 1874, put on a skit depicting the change in clothes and ways of living during that period. Mrs. Heber McCague won the prize for the best old- tyme costume. The president, Mrs. P. Willows, conducted the business, followed by dainty re- freshments served by the commit- tee. The committee would like to thank the following for their do- nations: Mr. L.‘ Mumberson and Mr. W. Dean for their set of ledgers and journals for the bookkeeping. To the Victoria Square Couples. Club for a dona- tion of $25.00. St. Women’s Institute Sports Committee â€"â€" Arnold Mortson, Bert Moorby, Alan Chadwick, Fred Roman, and Al- lan Orr. Public relations -- Mrs. W. Sandle, and Miss Anne Buchan- an. Social Committeeâ€"Jack Mack- ness, Mrs. P. Willows, Lloyd Ten- n‘yson. Mrs. ‘ David Houck, and Mrs. Harvey Collard. Finance committee â€" Harvey Collard, Wm. Siberry, Carl Walk- u‘, Harry Barber Sr., and ‘Fraser Gee. The five-man committee of the Victoria Square Community Park is as follows: president and chair- man, Herman Mortson; vice-pres- ident, Frank Donnelly; secretary, John Buchanan; treasurer, Lloyd Tennyson; director, Larry San- derson; representatives from the Markham Township Council, Law- son Mumberson and Wilfred Dean. Property committee â€"â€" Larry Sanderson, Jack Mackness, John McCague, Frank Donnelly, and Stan Richardson. Social Committee â€"- Larry Sanderson, Jack Mackness, John McCague, Frank Donnelly, and Stan Richardson. ' Vlgt‘oria Square Community Park Wild cuéumbei‘ vines by Judy ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Square ,1 Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Peter Gould‘so'n of ’Mr. and Mrs. C. Gould, celebrated his birthday on Sunday when‘he en- tertained some of ‘his young friends, Mark and Miles Craw- ford, Danny .Troyer and David Munshaw. The children got a great thrill when they saw pic- tures of ’themselve’s‘ taken at 1 previous birthday party. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. H. G. Robertson, Brookside Road, is at present in Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, and wish her a speedy recovery. Community. Club Don't forget the Community Club .Easter party (seer Coming Events). There will be a square dance and for those who don't wish to dance, there will be euchre. 'Election of officers for the, coming year will take place. Fire destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs; Clifford Bennett on the Elgin Mills sideroad last Friday morning.» Mr. Bennett blamed ‘the rotten weather’ for the loss of his home as the roads were iceâ€"coated at the time of the fire â€"â€"one \fire truck took 40 minutes to reach the scene and another skidded ’an‘d overturned in a back roads ditch. Fortdnately none of the volunteer firemen on the truck was injured. 7 Horses in Va nearby barn were saved. Sympathy-is extended to mem~ bers of the Hall family and their sister, Mrs. Murphy on the death of Mr. Clarence (Tim) Murphy on Friday afternoon. Mr. Murphy was raised on the farm which later belonged ,to the Moses fam- ily and he attended Jefferson Public School. Home Burnt Mrs. Joseph Beyak and son Dean of Rainy RiVer, 0nt., Mr. and Mrs; J. Percy of Markham called on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols on Thursday afternoon of last week; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leitch and family of Willowdale had Sun- day evening dinner with Mr. and M1_‘s_. Clggence §tegkley. week-end in ' Ottaâ€"wa. Mrs. R. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross had Sunday evening dinner with Mrs. Lorne Perkins, Mrs. Bob Sturman (Aud- rey Perkins) and Marie-Anne, in Toronto. Mr. Harry Forster had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFoe. Sympathy also to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forster, in the sudden passing of Mrs. Forster’s fatherâ€" Mr. J. C. Murphy at Richmond Hill. » Mr. and Mrs. Zeigler and fam- ‘ily moved from Mrs. P. Willows’ apartment to Toronto, on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett of Richmond Hill had dinner on Sat- urd‘a-y evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. The flowers in the church on Sunday were in memory of Mrs. George Thomas and Mr. Charlie Kydd. ‘« On Friday afternoon of last week Mrs. J. Leitch entertained 'in honour of Elizabeth Cochrane’s fifth birthday. Those present were: Mrs. Leslie Hart and Wenâ€" dy; Mrs. .Maurice Farquharson and Jerret; Mrs. Philip Rumney and Jean, and Mrs. Gordon Har- 1e. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Charlie Kydd and family in the passing of a loving husband and father, Mr. Charlie Kydd, who passed away on Thursday of last week. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. F. Binning- ton on Saturday morning from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home,.Richmond Hill. Interment was in the Highland Memory Gar- dens. Mr. and Mrs. Kydd and family reside on the former Walt- erALilley farm. Sympathy is also extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr and family in the sudden passing of Mrs. Otr’s sisterLin-law, Mrs. George Thomas at Maple. ‘ Birthday greetings to Terry MacDonald who will be eight years old on March' 11; to Sharon Macdonald who will be twelve years old on March 15: to Richard Frisby for March 16; to Matt. Taylor for March 17; to Shirley Gee for March 18: to Mr. Lawson Mumberson for March 18. The annual men’s banquet sponsored by the Victoria Square committee of stewards is being planned for Friday night, April 3rd. Further particulars at a lat- er date. I Neighbourhood Notes There is to be a school for stewards and elders for the Vic- toria Square district in the Mark- ham United Church, on Monday evening, March 16th, at 7.30 pm. It is hoped that there will be a good representation from this area who will attend. Men’s Banquet The March meeting of the Mis- sion Band will be held in the Sun- ‘day School room on Saturday, March 14, at 2.30 pm. All the girls and-bays in the community are invited to attend. School for Stewards and Elders The sermon theme at the church service on Sunday was, “Caiaphas ,â€"â€" On Getting Rid of Jesus.” Next Sunday, March 15, the sermon theme will be “Pi- late’s Dilemma and Ours." Mr. Allan Mackintosh, the youngest candidate for the ministry in York Presbytery and at present in the 1st year of an honour arts course at Victoria College, Toron- to, will assist in the service. Mission Band The Brownies can now be of assisfance at home. They haVe all completed three tests in home- training: dishes, table setting and tidying their own room. Church News Varden, accompanied by the growing habits; and a spider’s co- copr} by Noreen Powell. > M_r. Matt. ATaylor 'spent the STOP 22 YONGE ST. . AV. 5-1031 (between Thornhill and‘ Richmond Hill) “The Friendly Store That Saves You More" fimmmnumnumlmuuuuuuuuuumumm1u1u\u\mmmummmn\\mmmmm\m“mm\mummmmmmunmmmmm \ummmmuummuum Slum“llllllllllllllllll“mm““\Rfiflllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ll\ll\\ll\llll\\\\llllilllllliulllllllllfllllfll“Mlm umuuuuuuuuuuu“u1mmmmmumm1uuu“muu\\\\u\\\\\\mum\\mu\1ummuumumulmmummmmfinmmmmmm CUSTOM CAR RADIOS . . . . w 'I'IRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LIMITII Winter wheat shows increases averaging ' p 10 to 15 bushels per acre when top dressed with: 80 to 160 pounds of Aeroprills in early spring. Top dressing with Aeroprills supplies, immediately available nitrogen to promote .. stooling, stimulate rapid growth and high yield; {So don’t trust to luck to grow your wheat. Depend on Aeroprills tovgive it that extra boost « during the cold wet weather when growing, conditions are poor. For more when! per cm Iop dress with new! It’s economical too. Aeroprills is your lowest cost form of solid nitrogen! See your fertilizer dealer today. OYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED Stop 22 Yonge Streetâ€"v AV. CYANAMID - RADIO . HI.” 'RICHVALE ELECTRONICS MUM ANTENNAS INSTALLED '. 5-2669

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