Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Mar 1959, p. 16

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METRO WRECKING & LUMBER COMPANY ‘ I BOATS Prams â€" $65. 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. runabouts. Sailboats, cabin cruisers; also Windshields. Best material. All boats guaranteed not to leak. Also boats for rgnt. No. 11 High- way? eastwside, .v 1% :miles south of ‘Newmarket. TW. 5-9651. tfc25 1 pair, 96” wide, 96” long, green and gold pattern on white back- ground, unlined. Regulu- $49. $30 to clear. ' . 1 pair, lined, 72" wide by 96” long, green with red and brown leaves. Regular $49.50. $30 to clear. Delightful pair of drapes, nutmeg background with pink and blue floral design. Sateen lining. 72" wide by 84" long. Regular $60. To clear $40. 1 pair drapes, unlined, light beige, with pink floral design, '72" wide by 94" long. Regular $25. To clear, $15. Charge account or Budget terms if desired. Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill New and used building and plumbing supplies New complete compact toilets. $32.50; wash ha- sms $16.95 and up; 3 and 4 inch soil pipe and fittings; copper pipe and fittings; 90 lb rolled roof- ing. $4.50 sq.; 210 lb. No. 1 ‘shingles‘ $9.50 sq. Plywoods, in- ~shlation. ceiling squares 12x12, 10%(3 and up. All electrical sup- plies. New 2x43). 5771/2C‘ft4 2x6fs $90.06 'b’e‘r‘Mfi’ié's'iE RE REES It. -. AV. s-am. \ ttc24 2 Coronet TV sets, $15.00 and $30.00. (Okay for servicemen). , Hang up fire alarms. Reg. $18.00. -_â€"$5.00. ' 1 Sign painting kitâ€"cost $150.00â€" $25.00. , - r A111: wiring supplies -- 50% off ne . 382 y??? brackets -â€" box’es, wire â€" fittings, covers â€" ceiling bands, and clamps, etq., et'c.. New Markel floor stand fan - reg. $64.95 -â€" $30.00“! 2 used Refrigerators, good con; ditlon â€" $75.00 each. 1 new Washer, $149.95 -â€" $100.00. 1 large Vise â€"â€" $7.00. WYNDOT LADIES' SHOP Bayview Plaza TU. 4-2214 . clw37 CLEARANCE SALE AT YEREX ELECTRIC ‘. . 51 Studebaker truck, open %-ton $135.00. ' ‘ YEREX ELECTRIC TU. 4-1552 v 74 Yonxe St. S. c1w37 TIME TOdMINT UP see us for Crown Dia'r’nond Paint. Painter's rices. Butler and Baird Lumber imited, Richmbnd Hill, TU. 4- 1125. . y- ‘ tfc41 fl‘YPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales - Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt standard, portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. plies. ,New 2x4’s. 5%3c'ft4 9m; 2x8‘sl2cjf . 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill ' ROTTEDg. cow manure, delivered in smalliquantities .1or lawns, gardens and flower beds; TU.j4-‘ 2236. tfc44 SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD. handy panels, tapered hardwood table legs. See them at Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd. 181 Yong. St. N. TU. 4-1125, AV. 5-3506. tfc48 TRAILERS. Box and boat tuners for sale and rent. Hon 3 trailers for sale. Lowest prices. N. Zaiser. Phone Oak Ridges-PR. 3-572; ‘0 - c‘ 1 DIRECT pressure pump, in good condition, for ‘shallow well. Phone TU. 4-3301.- c1w36 OAK DOORS, 5'10" by 34” and LARGE CRIB (Harris) and full size bed, reasonable. TU. 4-4091 c1w37 FREE ESTIMATES for nlumin- up combination windows. doors. and awnings. Call your local “ALSCO’,' representative at OX- !ord 1-3180 tfc34 6’8" by 32". 1 'electrlc fire-basket. TU. 4-1102. c1w37 GENDRON baby carriage. Gray and blue, converts to go-cart. Storm cover. Good condition, $20. TU. 4-2666. c1w37 ONE DEWALT power workshop, 1% h.p. motor. One Black and Decker 8” saw. One girl's Mary Maxim sweater, size 6. TU. 4- 5670. c1w37 80 cycle, 24 x 36 inches. Good condition. TU. 4-2684. c1w37 ELECTRIC STOVE,‘ 4 burners, gs - THE LIBERAL} Richmond Hm, Ontario; Thursday, March 12; 1959 CASH RATES. first Insertion 3e per word, min. charge . . 500 Second and subsequent insertion if wording V unchanged, 3e per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 25o COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line We: min. charge 500 CARD 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. per insertion $1.00 to...DOC...IQIIOOOSOIIIIIOIDII'IIIII Classified sdvertlsements should be in IS only in the week as ' possible but not later than noon on Wednesdsys. Send ads by mail end enclose payment. or telephone 3:: TI]. 4-1105 end you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE L. H. SIMS DRAPES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES TU.4-1745 tfc49 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED 12 years experience. All makes. Machines Converted to electrlc. TU. 4-1874. “cm 'S. G. GURNEY, AGENT Bradford PR. 5-3464 or TU. 4- 2152. tfc18 SAME-DAY TV ' ANTENNA SERVICE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS GORMLEY 5231 TU. 4-4749 c4w35 WELL DRILLING George’s_ Well Drilling and re- repairing, pumps installed and re- paired. George Adams. Box 192 King City, King 287. tfc46 Frank‘s Moving & Cartage, pack- ing and stox‘agn. Experienced service 'anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. CALL US x02 your sand, gravel. fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt p delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple 54R12. tfc7 , CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman: ship. ‘Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholsterlng. cabinet work. wood carving. Estimate: given. N. G.. VanDyke, '96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfcsl BRIGHTEN'UP that room; now. Install I 'pre-fit window-unit. We have! complete stock of stand- a‘LsizeS‘ 'on hand. Butler and Baird" Lumber Limited. Richmond HiQJVITU. 4-1125. tfc4l Pick up and deliveryiirliivr'éflifigs AV. 5-5221. - thZQ ‘ DON’S TOWING SERVICE General repairs to all makes of cars -- 24 hour service. AV. 5- ;463 â€" AV. 5-4111. *13w29 OVERSEAS ‘ - TRAVEL SERVICE An air and steamship lines cruis~ es. For reservations and tickets FIVE flexible steel venetian blinds, 50" long, one at 27". three at 36” and one at 75”. 1/: hp. 60 cycle motor. Bench grinder and wheel. Hand drill. TU. 4-1305. APPLES â€" 25% cheaper and}; for cows. Earl .Jackson, Keele and Steeles. AV. 5-4077. TABLE POTATOES. Georgé Thomas, Maple R. R. 1 Ont, phone 5lr11. *2w36 DRY HARDWOOD, cut 16"?3} hearth. $12 single ~cord. White birch or maple $14. TU. 4â€"2957. *4w36 capacity. Stan Clarkson, TU. 4- 3047. c1w37 WEDDING Invitations, engraved finest quality, reasonable prices. Quick service. “The Liberal,” PhoneTU. 4-1105 Richmond Hill COMBINATION electtic and coal stove. White enamel, good con- dition. 3 venetian blinds, steel slats.. Phone ATlas 8-0416. ELECTRIC chick brooder. 500 1b. capaéity, reasonablef'lr‘fii 4; 2623. c1w37 RUBBER-foam mattress for' single bed. TU. 4-3286. *1w37 Few months use only. T'U: 4? 5004. ’ \ 01W37 chair, mohair, in new ééhaitfdh: $45. Apply TU. 4-1621. c1w37 ICEBOX, excellent condition. 100 ELECTRIC range, gbod condition. Clean. $35.00. TU. 4-4606. ONE maroon Chesterfield and EASY WASHING machine, $65.7 WINCHESTER automatic. .351 caliber, excellent condition, $60. Cost $140 new. TU. 4-5075 even- ings. . c1w37 4%,. BED, spring and mattress. Rea- SOnable. AV. 5-3619. c1w37 1 TOILET, complete, basin, hot water tank, furnace coil for hot. water, wood 'stove. Reasonable. Apply 59 Benson Ave. c1w37 DEEP FREEZER; 15 cu. it, like new. TU. 4-4009. c1w37 er, new conditiéfi. $60. or nearest offer. TU. 4-4714. c1w37 G.E. SWIVEL type rvacuum cleafi: MISCELLANEOUS B_OB’S DELIVERY SERVICE OIL BURNER. Parts, repairs and service. Herridge Electric MOVING 8: CARTAGE FOR SALE TU.'4-3211. 53 Yonge St. N. (Continued) c1_w37 *1w37 *1w37 tfc16 tfc33 tch TU. 441103 uk tax-"mi; Enviréi WEDDING invitations. printed or engravui, Finest quality at a reasmable price. The Liberal, phone TU. 4-1105. ti TV SERVICE Reliable. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres. TU. 4- 4347. Stan. Kucharski. tfc35 THE FURNITURE SHOPPE â€" We specialize in recovering and remodelling chesterfield suites. Phone AV. 5-5201. 44 Levendale Rd.,~ Richmond Hill. tfc32 LET US FINISH YOUR RECREATION ROOM r» Example: " 12’ x 20’ Snow white ceiling tile Mahogany Plywood wall panell- ing and Vinyl Asbestos floor, complete with guaranteed installation $450.00 Use our Budget Plan Free estimate on your room CARBEE HOME SPECIALTIES 50 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill Ph. TU. 4-4841 tfc31 OIL BURNER PARTS AND SERVICE MEDLAND 8; ENDICOTT AV. 5-3244 AV. 5-2379 . tfc33 PAINTING & DECORATING Commercial and industrial work a specialty â€" special fall rates. F. DUVALL & SONS ‘ TU. 4-3718 CUSTOM chain sawing. trees re- movedngggd wpogi cutting. Phone FURS Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. Insured, cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St.. AV. 5â€"3721. c1 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. 4-1812. WASHING MACHINES Parts, repairs and service. Herridge Electric. TU. 4-3211. 53 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds. any size. Quick service. Thg ulberal Ofilce, Richmond Hitltl. c43 CARPENTER WORK Repairs, alterations, modernizing. recreation rooms. All odd jobs, expert craftsmanship. Free esti- mates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813. ANYTHING in Painting, Paper hanging, Decorating, etc. Phone A. Rollinson, King 387, AV. 5- 1670. . tfc9 PIANO TUNING a; REPAmNé S. Hoffman ‘ Formerly of Gerard Heintzman. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone Liberal Oflice, TU. 4-1105; evenings RUssell 2~6516. Toronto. RICHMOND CARPET CLEANERS ‘ Quality cleaners of rugs and up- holstery. All work done by ma- chine. Also carpets cleaned in your home. Work guaranteed. Phone TU. 4-4217. tfc27 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & Radio Service, antenna and U.H.F. installations. Car Radios. Same day service. AV. 5-3756. tfc44 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE LTD. Interior painting - basement wa- terproofing - carpentry. To install a shelf or build a re- creation room, call us for prompt. courteous service. TU. 4-5471. tfc27 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813. tfcl7 etc. Fred neon. Richmond Hm; TU. 4-3085. ' um BLOCK LAYING and concrete w_ox-kL {opting-L bgqegneut fiqu FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thornhill. Phone AV.5-%f26162. c CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations and repairs, prompt servrce. WALKER 8; MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4-5688. tfc23 stone, loam and fill. E: Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. Apply F. Graham, Lake ' Road: Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. th27 SAND _AND QRAYEE,‘ gmshed CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896. Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill. tfc8 CHROME kitchen chairs re upholstered. 24 hour service TU. 4-4615. tfc7 p‘PIâ€"{OILSTERING aydArepgiring MISCELLANEOUS DRUGS Richvale Rexall Pharmncy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed ,â€" AV. 5-377z tfc12 tfc24 tfc9 tfc3 FURNISHED room, all conven- iences. Close to Yonge St. Gentle- man preferred. Phone AV. 5- 4409. ¢1w37 DUPLEX, 1 bedroom, garage, quiet, surrounded by lovely trees, view of small lake. Single occu- pancy. TU. 4-2149. c2w37 THREE roomed, self-contained apartment at 133 Palmer Ave. TU. 4-1233. c2w37 3 BEDROOM modern. brick bun- galow, smart living and dining room, beautiful kitchen, oil heat. $115 plus half heat and hydro. Richmond Hill. AX. 3-7111, Mi- horean and Dam-Jensen, Brokers. c1w37 2 BEDROOM bungalow, large fi- nished recreation room, attached garage. Workshop. North Yonge near Summit. Phone Aurora PArkview 7-5239. ’ clw37 THREE ROOMS in a private home, $55 a month. Child wel- come. Call after 6.30. TU. 4- 1719. . c1w37 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, would mind child if mother worked. 213A Oak Avenue, Richvale. $100 MONTHLY, large living- room, kitchen and two bedrooms. Heat and light supplied. Furnish- ed optional. TU. 4-4113. clw37 BRIGHT four room apartment, all conveniences, electric range included. Separate entrance. Gar- age and garden. Gormley 5426. c1w37 APARTMENT TO’RENT 3 rooms and bath. Unfurnished. $99.00 monthly including electric- ity, heat and water. Apply HU. 8-1205. tfc35 TWO BEDROOM apartment, suit- able for two adults. Central Rich- mond Hill. TU. 4-4891. tfc36 FACTORY, approximately 3,000 square feet of space, available immediately. 159 Spruce Ave., Rfchvale, AV. 5-4561, AV. 5~4f373. ‘ t c35 1 BEDROOM apartment, hot 'wat- er and electric. For appointment, AV. 5-3100 between 6 and 7. tfc36 FLOOR SANDERS, POLISHERS, ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardwaré, TU 4-2101. ‘ tfc18 3 BEDROOM house, Beverley Acres. Phone TU. 4-2751. ‘1w37 2-BEDROOM apartment, com- plete with living room, kitchen and bath; heated. Stove and re- frigerator supplied. Apply W S. Hare & Son, phone PR. 3-5é341. t c19 APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath, unfurnished, electric, heat and water. Suitable for business couple. TEA-1434p V *1w37 Richmond Hill Hardware, TU: 4-2101. tfc47 gamma APARTMENT, on Markham Road. Fully equipped, newly decorated. TU. 4-1970. ELECTRIAC WE’LQOR'V SANDER. FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, private bathroom, newly decorat- ed, reasonable. TU. 4-1453. BACHELOR apartment, fully fur- nished and equipped. Heavy wir- ing, laundry facilities. Parking â€"-suit business person. $12.00 per week. Telephone AV. 5-1009, evenings or weekends. clw36 AVenue 5-1109. Thomhill. Phone John E. 'Mal-l Neil, AV. 5-1663. ' tfc36 9_FFIC_E__to 1:e_nt. MapNeil Bldg, Recreation rooms, kitchen cup- boards, stairs and repairs. Call TU. 4-2505. *2w37 TREES REMOVED Pruned and trimmed. Fruit tree pruning. Tree culture. Custom chain sawing. Free advice and estimates. RICHMOND TREE SERVICE TU. 4-1221 UPHOLSTERY cleaned by expert â€" evenings and weekends at spe- cial low rates. lst class job. Esti- mates. TU. 4-2540 anytime. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED â€" reasonable. Guaranteed work- manship. Free estimates. Phone TU. 4-4524. V c1w37 NOW IS THE TIME to prune your fruit trees -â€" expert work- manship, reasonable rates, call Diamond Landscape Maintenance and Norman Loveridge, Maple 326M. *2w36 HOUSEHOLD MENDING 8; TYPING your envelopes and circulars or what have you? Call Hilda at AV. 5-4328. . c4w36 For WASHING AND IRONING expertly done by Danish person. Picked up daily at your home. Telephone TU. 4-4944, S. Nielsen, 187 Essex Avenue. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TUE 4-2798. MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT CARPENTRY c1w37 c1w37 c4w37 tf034 *1w37 tfc28 tfc37 WHY NOT TRY SELLING In ,your spare time for that extra money you need. One of Canada’s best known household products. Good commission. Car essential. TU; 4-1250. ‘tfc19 BE INDEPENDENT of layoffs, learn to sell direct! Storm windows, oil‘ and gas heat- ing, water heaters, ranges! Earn while you learn. Part time or full time. Commission. TUrner 4-2892 THORO HEAT & COOLING LIMITED 46 CROSBY AVE. RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We are taking on two new sales- men in our busy Thornhill head offices. Applicants are invited from the Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Maple, Concord or Union- ville areas. We provide "complete manager training and help. Call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5- 2742. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors.’ ‘ clw34 EXPERIENCED waitresses for Thorn-View Restaurant. Apply in Thornhill. c1w36 HAIRDRESSER, must be exper- ienced; Top wages. TU. 4-2113. c2w36 Realtors, Richmond Hill. c1w29 The ,_ Villa Private Hospitai. AV. 5-3691. ‘ tfc29 AVRO EMPLOYEES David McLean Ltd., Realtors, will take on 3 inexperienced men to be trained as‘ they earn selling real estate with their long estab- lished, reputable firm. Applicants may call the manager of the near- est office or Mr. Carllsle, AV. 5- 1176. saleslady in busy Richmond Hill Realty office. Call Mr. Shields TU. 4-3805, David McLean Ltgl. REGISTERED nurges requipeg EXPERIENCED floor .and wall tile and linoleum applicator, TU. 4-4841. ' \ tfc31 OPENING for one salesman =or LADIES 15 to 20 hours per week. Use of car essential. For appointment phone 10 a.m.~1 pm. or evenings AV. 5-5133. tfc 29 FURNISHED apartment, $85 a month (or weekly rent), Living room. bedroom, equipued kitchen, dinette, bathroom and storeroom. Large grounds. Adults. Aurora PA. 7-5597. ' tfc37 FURNISHED and fully equipped bachelor aoartment. One or two busi ess adults. $15 weekly. Aur- ora A. 7-5597. tfc37 LABOUR FOREMAN. TU. 4-2830. c1w37 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, suit- able for couple with one child. Day care given. 333R King City. * c2w37 NICE room for business girl or woman. Board if desired. Phone TU. 4-5505. c1.w37v FOUR ROOMS and kitchenette. self contained. Stove. heat and hydro supnlied. Available Anril 1», AV. 5-1494. c2w37 FURNISHED light housekeeping room. Long cupboard. Private home. Two blocks from Yonge St. References exchanged. Phone TU. 4-1777. . c1w37 APARTMENT â€" 4 1 rooms and bath. Self contained, heated. Near bus stop, Richmond HillyApply Simpson’s Dry Goods, 12 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. $90 MONTHLY. Selfcontalned 4- bedroom bungalow. Conveniently located in Richmond Hill. We have other homes, apartments, in all sections, priced to suit every- one. Please call Mrs. Sutherland, AV. 5~1164 or TU. 4-5310. LARGE bright apartment, com- plete with stove and frig. 2 large bedrooms, extra large living room, bath and kitchen. Heated. Apply Charlton Hardware, 11 Yonge St. S., Richmond Hill. 1 BEDROOM apartment in new building. Frig and stave, auto- matic washer and dryer. TV out- let and parking. TU. 4-31602 SUMMER COTTAGE, Ox Tongue Lake, Algonquin Park district. 3 bedrooms, running water, boat. July and/or August. TU. 4-1219. GROUND floor two bedroom ap- artment, in modern triplex. Mark- ham Road, near Yonge. Large living room, lovely kitchen. Cer- amic tiled coloured bathroom. Available April 1. AV. 5-3229. LARGE sunny room -with light cooking, bed 1inen provided and laundered. Adjacent to toilet and shower. Suitable for two friends, married couple, or as a single bed-sitting room, Church and Centre Sts. TU. 4-5446. nc1w37 THREE ROOM flat, 2 blocks in from Yonge St. Centre of‘Rich- mond Hill. Reasonable. TU. 4- 1406 after 6 pm. *1w37 ROOM for rent, refined gentle- man, 45 Edgar Avenue, RiEhvale. AV. 5-3897. CZW35 OFFICE space for rent in central Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1219. HELP WANTED TO RENT (Continued) clw36 c1w37 c1w37 c1w37 c1w37 c1w37 tfc37 tfc37 AY. $2800. ONE YEAR OLD laying hang. IN TORONTO: Room 1207 vWESTBURY HOTEL 475 Yonge St. These men are required for Rich- mond Hill,‘ Aurora, Newmarket and Barrie Areas IN ' OSHAWA: Rooms 201-203 GENOSHA HOTEL TRAINING PERIOD WHICH LASTS 1 MONTH, GIVES US AN OPPORTUNITY TO DETERMINE WHICH DEPARTMENT YOU ARE SUITED FOR, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL If you have a car and want to assure yourself of a secure fu- ture and learn about man's most interesting occupation Our modern engineering and re- search development is respon- sible for the many tremendous new products that are part of 60% of the new homes built in Canada today. NEON SERVICEMAN or apprent- iced electrician to learn neon service work. AV. 5-3401. LADIES, would you like to. add $10-$40 weekly to ‘your family income. Work locally. Spirella‘ shows" you how. Call Pearl Leh- mann, WA. 1-1635. *4w37 BE AN EXECUTIVE yourself! Dignified sales position, salary and «bonus based on what you’re worth? Professional advancement based on what you learn? Pres- tige based on what you do for others? Vacations when you want them? Security. Box 163, “The Liberal.” clw37 A GOOD HOME and good pay to single German or Ukrainian wo- man to work in market garden thru' day and a,few domestic du- ties, eight houts a day, five days a week. Phone TU. 4-2388. DISTRICT SALES PERSONNEL BRANCH SALES MANAGERS DISTRICT FACTORY SALES MANAGERS NEED MONEY for Easter expen- ses? Start earning substantial income immediately. Avon Cos- metics has vacancies for capable women. Write -â€" Mrs. F. Walk- er, 38 Thompson ’St., Barrie, or phone PArkway 6-6551. *1w37 HEAD NURSE'required for York Manor Home for the Aged. Must be well experienced and register- ed nurse in the Province of On- tario. Living accommodation pro- vided. Telephone Peter Wild, superintendent, Newmarket, TW. 5â€"6421. ‘ c3w37 DRIVER, experienced,‘ over 25, living in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. Apply in person, H. Jones Building Supplies, Station Street, Richmond Hill. c1w37 SALESMEN: Get your territory franchise now. Burglar alarm. Every car, truck, trailer, home, barn and chicken house 'needs protection. Sells for $9.95. Ten year guarantee. Good commis- sion. Must carry small stock. Box 13, Don Mills; Ont. c1w37 APPLICANTS ACCEPTED WILL BE PAID A SALARY WHILE THEY LEARN THE MOST MODERN . DIRECT SELLING “ TECHNIQUES PERSON experienced with .small children to help with two. Apart- ment available. Remuneration. Apply 63 Duncan Rd., Richvale. c1w37 BULLDOZER operator for D8 cat.”and scraper. Stouffville area â€"phone Stouffville 625. ‘ c1w37 SERVICE ' STATION attendant, experienced only. Licensed mech- anic preferred. .Good wages. Must have references. TU. 4- 1502. c1w37 EXPERIENCED waitresses want- MODERN home in town requires a person who wants a'good place to live, all facilities. Care for one adult and two school aged child- ren. Liberal time off. References. Box 161 The Liberal. , *2w36 BARBER WANTED For modern 3‘chair shop in Rich- mond Hill. 70%. Apply in per- son to Stan Ransom, 31 Yonge St. S. Steady or part-time. *1w37 ed at Pops Restaurant, 17947 Yorhfigre St. North. c1w37 Nationally Known Company with ' Factories Coast to Coast is conducting an Extensive Sales Training Program “SELLING” apply in person with the intention of assOciating yourself with a large com- pany where salesmen are urgently needed for HELP WANTED Apply in Person TUESDAY, MARCH. 17 10 am. - 5.30 pm. POULTRY FOR SALE LEARN TO SELL AT OUR EXPENSE (Continued) 81W37 c1w37 *2w37 c1w37 $15,000 WANTED to cover two mortgages on two different hous- es. One a seven room house at Thornhill, 3the other in Willow- dale. No ‘bonus, good interest rate. Call AV. 5-2770. c1w37 LET US HELP YOU save money by combining your mortgages and other debts in a single mortgage. Firsts and seconds bought, sold and arranged. ‘ WILLOWDALE MORTGAGE SERVICE HU. 3-2040 sold, arranged. Call' lVIr. StrJud; HU. 8-5711, TU. 4-3263. tf029 MIDDLE-AGED man desires light local employment. Have late mo- del car available.- TU. 4-2072. ANY KIND of work. several will- ing young lads, 16-21, interested in any kind of employment, part or full time. Call Salvation Army Home for Young Men, AV. 5-5126. c2w37 CLEANING and odd jobs. floors, cellars, etc. No job too large or small. Call Salvation Army Home for Young Men. AV. 5-5126. 19:1: AND 2N1? mgrggages bought, nesday only. Cali 5-6 pm. TU. 4-3257. ch37 DRESSMAKING, and alterations expertly done. Mrs. J. Shields, 473 Lynett Cres. Richmond Hill. ' c1w37 EXPERIENCED shorthand typist requires position, Richmond Hill, 10-4, or three days weekly. TU. 4-5004. c1w37 LOOKING for day work. Wed- EXPERIENCED hairdresser re- quires position in Willowdale or Richmond Hill area. AV. 5-3397. clw37 sitting with general nursing caré. TU. 4-3698. c1w37 DRESSMAKING Let me help you plan your sum- mer wardrobe now. TU. 4-5618. MOTHERLY day care available. Stop 20. Yonge St., AV. 5-4689. RELIABLE mothey wishes baby RELIABLE baby'sitting, day or evening, also help out in sick home, reasonable. Call TU. 4- 3307. c1w37 YOUNG married woman wishes full time work as clerk in drug or clothing store. Has had four years experience as drug store clerk. Richmond Hill, Aurora, King or Oak Ridges district. Phone‘393W King City. c1w37 STENO or typist positiOn requir- ed, part timq. AV. 5-2487. ‘ CLEANING woman desires work. TU. 4-3143. c1w37 HANDYMAN, painting, water- proofing brick, block, concrete repairs, floors, etc. BAldwin' 1- 7619. / c4w36 EXPERIENCED KNITTEF re- quires' hand-knitting. AV. 5-1559 evenings. l tfc8 MAN will do painting and paper- hanging. Fast. efficient work. Very low prices. Years of exper- ience. TU.’ 4-2902. tfc15 any age. Bevein Acres. TUT 4- 4314. ' C4W36 SPANISH LESSONS. éon‘versa- tion, ccaching and translations. Private or group. Native teacher. AV. 5-2964. c4w36 DRAPES, slip covers and alter- ations. Mrs. E. Hall, PR. 3-5540. EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother's absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc23 WILL GIV_E day care to childrTeE SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS Boys’ Chino Cloth 'Wind- breakers, in Ivy League stripes, casha lined, 8-14 yrs. ' " “’9 Ladies’ Chino Cloth Slims, in plaids and stripes, sizes 12 to 20 , Chino Cloth Car Coats, casha lined, plain shades with trim, 2 to 6x Boys’ Striped Jeans, with boxer waist, 4 to 6x Girls Chino Cloth Slims in stripes and plaids, 8 to 14 years , 12 Yonge St. S. SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS EMPLOYMENT WANTED MORTGAGES c2w37 *1w37 tfc28 c1w37 c1w37 c1w37 c4w36 A LADY’S Bulova watch. pink gold. Broken wristband. In vic- inity of Maple or Richmond Hill. Sentimental value. Call Maple 62 ring 13. c1w37 STAN TROYER’S WINNERS _ If the holder of Stan Troyer's Lucky Number Card, No. 1165, will come to Stan Troyer‘s Lawn and Garden Shop, on Yonge St., 2 miles north of Richmond Hill, at the Big Snow Man, before noon on Saturday, March 14th, 1959, free a brand new 3-gallon garden sprayer. Not your number this week? Well, don't throw away your card! We are going totselect one or more of those Lucky Num- ber Cards each week throughout the Spring and Summer. If you have not your card yet, come and see us soon â€" we still have some cards left. GOOD LUCK! STAN mom]: tfc36 _ WANTED 25 yards of well rotted cow ma- nure. Delivered. AV. 5-4416. . c1w37 DEALERS wanted â€"- painters or plasterers preferred for NEW PORCELAIN WAPPLICATION ‘ Bartlett & Forgie, Markham 87' or Stouffville 84J. *1w3‘ FIRESCREEN and set. Child’s commode. TU. 4-4333. *1w37 CHILD’S wagon, good condition, reasonable. Phone TU. 4-1766. “ , *1w37 PIANO wanted. Good frame. Reasonable; Good condition. Will pay about $50.00. Phone PR. 3} 5586. ’ c1w37 SEND YOUR old woolens or cot- ton rags for flew blankets, rugs, etc. with Mrs. E. J. Stickley. ’Phone Gormley 5507. Halve rags and money at my place by March 31. a *2w36 PIANO WANTED Any size or make, pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419, collect. tfcs 1 INTERNATIONAL W6 Farm- al‘ diesel tractor, 1 International oneâ€"way disc, 10 plates, good as new; 1 1948 Mercury 2-ton truck for $200 with high racks, in good condition, heater, defroster, di- rectional signals and spare tire. 40.000 miles. Uses no oil. Phone AX. 3-4000. . c1w37 cellent body. Be’s‘t’ bike}. 2414. ’SQ‘CHEVEOLET, good m6t6£ ex- 1957 HALF-TON Chevrolet pick- up truck. $1,000 ‘cash, or $500 plus payments. Private sale. Phone TU. 4-5450 after 6 pm. BARGAIN â€"â€" 1950 Morris Oxford; original finish, reconditioned mo- tor. Private sale, $125. Also ‘spare‘ motor and battery, $10. AV. 5-1995. ~ c1w37 1936 CHEVROLET coupe, good engine, body and tires. Easy pay- ments, only one, $28. Phone Maple 124. *1w37 or, runs good. Best offer. 3331?, King City. c2w37 DISMANTLING 1950 Austin? Needed clutch. Must sell all parts cheap this week. Ray, AV. 5-5000. ’53 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, 67,000 miles. New trar mission, ,clutch and valve jOb. V otor and tires good. Window-washers. Rea- sonable for cash. TU. 4-1532. PLYMOUTHicar, 1935. New mot- USED CARS ATVâ€"1 TRUCKS TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 IMPLEMEN TS FOR SALE Richmond Hill WANTED LOST $2.49 $3.98 $2.98 $2.98 $1.98 a v. a- a c1w37 .. c1w37 c1w37 clw37

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