Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Mar 1959, p. 7

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-~ NOW AT 3242 YONG]! STREET I Yonge & Bgnson r--'-----II"--- Enjoying a change from the usual routine were four local doctors, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Lang- staff, Dr. and Mrs. J. Wynne, Dr. and Mrs. W. Cameron Cowan and Dr. Allan Smith, who attended a‘ medical convention sponsored by the Parke Davis Co. at Detroit. 0f greet interest to the many doc- tors of Ontario who attended the convention was a visit to the Parke-Davis plant, and while theirhusbands attended various lectures. their wives enjoyed a very pleasant shopping spree. F. L. Lowrie, R.0. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 mm. including Sat. BU. 8-8949 Sheila Siegerman, winner of the Best Actress Award in the Central Ontario Drama Festival with her portrayal of the Floun- der in the Curtain Club‘s entry “Clerambard” was a guest on the Mona Gould rogramme. “Be My Guest‘ on C FH, Toronto, on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. L. Parker, Duncan Road, Riohvale. Left on the Queen Mary on Tuesday of this week, for an extended 'visit to England. Richmond Hill [inns Hall Manday March 16IIL Ontario Medical Association, Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, Ont. Dental Association, Victorian Order of Nurses. Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, St. Elizabeth Visiting Nurses’ Association, Division of Public Health Nursing, Ontario Hos-' pital Association, Provincial Department of Health, Ontario Cancer Treatment and Re- search Foundation, Provincial Department of Education, Other groups interested in cancer control. The funds raised by he Can- adian Cancer Society are care- fully spent. In Ontario the Society is administered by an elected Board of Directors which includes representatives of 51 units, and of the follow- ing organizations interested in the cancer problem: FACT FOR THE WEEK: THE SEVEN WARNING ' SIGNALS CAULlFLOWE R SNOW WHITE CARROTS JAMS CALIFORNIA LETTU'GE It's a pleasure, to shop at Marley's CALIFG’RNIA TULIP MARGARINE BETTY’S SOUPS AYLMER - Tomato or Vegetable Yonge St. Evenings by appointment Richmond Hill . . . Richmond Hill Unit CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Young's B A Service, Station ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE OPIOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs WASHING, POLISHING. GREASING, TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES General Repairs to all Makes of Cars Sid Hunt, Licensed Mechanic MORLEY'S YOU NG'S Black Currant Raspberry Strawberry "The Liberal” is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will alo welcome news reports about church organizations. women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. ' TU. 4-0009 Rev. Garnet ‘T. Husser of Wing- ham, Ont., formerly of Aylmer. Ontario, is staying with Mr. and Mrs; Mel Dalley and Ron at 867 Bent Crescent, while attending the annual missionary and main- tenance sessions which are now being held in Toronto. Mr. Husser is' representing the London Con- ference branch in the missionary work of the United Church of Canada. , . An auction sale of white ele- phants featured the March meet- ing'of the Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary held last Thursday night. Miss Mary Dawson acted as auctioneer. Mrs. J. N. Hepburn read the scripture lesson. The meeting was devoted to finalizing plans for the children’s fashion show scheduled for Saturday, March 14, at 2 pm. Mrs. A. Mit- chell, convenor, and Mrs. G. Flagler, her assistant, gave re- ports of plans for this event. Next Sunday morning at the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel, the congregation will be privil- eged to hear Dr. Jackson tell of her work and see motion pictures of it. For many years Dr. Jackson has served as a W.A. Missionary Doctor in India, by operating the van named “Faith the Second” as a mobile clinic calling at villages in India. The many friends of Mrs. G. Gee. sister of the Reverend H. E. Wellwood, Centre St. East. will be pleased to hear that she is progressing satisfactorily, follow- ing her recent illness. Mrs. William Pollard, Elizabeth Street, accompanied by her broth- er, Mr; Ewart Lockhart, Toronto, is [enjoying a two week holiday in California. During their stay, they will be visiting with another brother 'and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lockhart. Mr. and « Mrs. Elmer Orr of Harding Blvd., celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on March 10, 1959. Miss Susanne Butt, escorted by Fred Atkinson, of Upper Canada College, attended the St. Clem- ents Graduation formal at the Granite Club last Thursday. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4-4101 Richmond Hill V. O. N. 2' for 25¢ 2 for 49¢ 2 for 29¢ 2 for 49¢ 4 for 49¢ Richmond Hill I 9 oz. Bttls. 1 lb. Chis. Bunches Heads 29c Head Tins The regular monthly meeting of the 3rd Richmond Hill Scouts Group Ladies’ Auxiliary was held on Monday, March 9, at the home of Mrs. V. Tapp, Palmer Ave. with 21 members present. Final preparations for the forthcoming card party were discussed, and at the close of the meeting with a half hour devoted to the wrap- ping’ up of parcels for the party. Refreshments were , served by- Mrs. Ethel Medley and assistants. The 1st Beverley Acres Lad- ies Auxiliary held their monthly meeting at the school on Monday, March 9. At the next meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Marshall Amos,‘426 Tay- lor Mills Drive South, on Mon- day, April 13. A penny auction Will take place to raise money as there is a good possibility a Queen’s Scout will-be sent to the World Jamboree in the Phillip- ines this August. This would be 33 great honour as this boy would represent not only Beverley Ac- res, but Richmond Hill and Can- ada. All members are urged to attend and new mothers are most welcome, ‘t ‘Reverend W. W. Patterson of- ficiated at five christenings which took place at St. Matthew’s Unit- ed Church last ,Sunday. March 8. Mrs. Mona Robertson, Assoc- iate Editor of “The Liberal” is at present in Grace \Hospital, Tor- onto, undergoing surgery. “The Liberal” joins with her many friends, in wishing her a speedy recovery, and hope to see her home again very soon. The Couples Club, Presbyter- ian Church held its monthly meet- ing in the form of a pot luck sup- per. The guest speaker was E. J. Millyard. of the Bell Telephone Company's Public Relations De- partment, who gave a very in- teresting demonstration and talk on stereophonic sound. Next reg- ular meeting will be held on April 4 â€" bowling night. Peter Kimberley Loftis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Loftis, Car- tier Crescent ,and David Arthur Pridmore. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pridmore, Willowdale. held a double baptism. Mrs. Lof- tis is the sister of Mrs. Pridmore, and so they combined forces on this auspicious occasion. After a delightful ceremony they all re‘ turned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loftis where they all en- joyed a christeninglunch. Visit- ors from Willowdale and Toronto were: Mr. and Mrs. T. Ainge, Mr. and Mrs. W. Drake, _Mr. and Mrs. S Pridmore and Mr. and Mrs. A, Jaggers. A. S. Elson presided over the business session. Plans were made for the April Thankoffering meet- ing when Miss Hart, deaconess.‘ will tell of her work at the Fred Victor Mission. Mrs. E. Pikes solo “Man of Sorrows” was much appreciated. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb, South Taylor-Mills Drive, enjoyed the visit of their son’s grandparents, when Gregory William Cobb was baptised on Sunday.. After the ceremony, a deliciOUS lunch was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cobb after-which they all en- joyed -a pleasant get-together. Among the guests'were: ,Mr. and Mrs. W. Denne'tt, Mrs. Janet Milâ€" ligan and from Toronto, Inspector and Mrs. J. Cobb Sr.,_Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ross, Mr. and Mrs. lrwin Brown, Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards and Mr and Mrs. Alex Wallace and family. . Mrs. Warren Ramer’s group was in charge of the program for the Harriet Taylor Auxiliary of the Woman’s Missionary Society of Richmond Hill United Church. Mrs. Ralph Hawkins took the worship period, and the program, “Mexico, from the study book, “Concerns of a Continent”, was divided into three parts. “Religi- ous Aspects” was given by Mrs. Ramer, ‘Education,’ by Mrs. Pe- ter Addison, and “Personal Im- pressions” of Christmas in Mexi- co, by Miss Mabel Walker. Mrs. Among the other baptisms were Heather Jane Thompson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp- son, Osiris Drive, and Glen AI- lan and Timothy Douglas Polham- us, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Polhamus, Rockport Crescent. . This show has been arranged by the Canvas Club with the kind co-operation of the Richmond'Hill Library. The two classes held Tuesday and Thursday night all .winter have been most enthusiastically attended and a very colourful and really remarkably good show is expected. Many of the artists have just taken up this fascinating hobby, although quite a number are in their third or fourth year and progressing rapidly. Mr. Don Jackson of the College of Art, and the Doon Summer School has been a very sympathetic and am- using teacher and the classes are always greatly appreciated by all who attend. It is hoped that as many people as possible will see it, particularly those new to the village who would like 'to paint and are perhaps not aware of the real service the night classes pro- v‘ de. rIfhe Richmond Hill District High-School Night School is ex- hibiting the works of its Art Classes at the local public lib- rary for the next month. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Allan of New York City paid a short sur- prise visit with Mrs. Allan’s par- ents, Mr.‘and Mrs. W. A. Wag- ner last week end. Mr. Allan is with the American Iron 8: Steel Institute of New York City and is also on the executive of the American Quality Control Soc- iety and came to Toronto to ad- dress the Toronto Branch of this Society at Hart House on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Allan flew back to New York on Sunday after- noon. ' There are a few members of the Order of the Eastern Star liv- ing in Richmond Hill who find it difficult to attend their own chap- ters on account of distance and transportation. These members are hoping they may be able to organize a chapter in Richmond Hill. The Order of the Eastern Star is a benevolent order and should be of assistance and an asset to Richmond Hill. For fur- ther information please contact either Mrs. Alma Hill at TU. 4- -2166 or Mrs. Violet Birrell at TU. 4-4393. ' The 3rd Richmond Hill “B” Pack, Cub and Scout Group held its regular weekly meeting in tre Walter Scott School. Since the New Year a number of changes have taken place, with three newly appointed sixers, Lawson Hedman, David Weston and War- ren Hurren, also five new second- ers. Bill Snook, Gordon Timper- on, Doug Bridge, David Lay and Craig Canning. The “Grey-Six” were presented with the .pen- nants for having the most points for the month of February. Three. badges. were also reCeived, team-l players to Malcolm Smith, house-‘ orderly. and artist badge to Gor- don Timperon. Four boys from “B” pack won awards for out- standing work displayed at. the hobby shOw. David Lay won first, prize for his model boat (excep- tional), Earl Smith third prize, Larsen Hedman honorable‘men- tion; and Gordon Timperon se- cured third prize for cub-craft. With so, many packs competing, this showing was considered, ex- ceptionally good for one pack. so keep, up the good work, boys! V In thisaze of mass production, when so many things conform to the same pattern and individual- ity and craftsmanship are so of- ten lost in the desire for maxi- mum production â€" are people‘too losing individualism? The film, ‘Are People Sheep?’ being shown at the McConaghy Home and School Association meeting on Monday, March 16, should stim- ulate a lively discussion. The guest speaker will be Mr. Vernon Trott, psychologist with the For- est'Hill Board of Education; he will start a buzz session after the showing of the film and answer the questions which are sure to be the outcome of any discussion on such a provocative subject. The meeting will commence with a modern skit by Grade 7 pupils on the ‘Highwayman’. This is the children's own effort and should give a very entertaining 15 min- utes to parents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. At Graham, May Avenue, Richvale, are leav- ing this week to visit their son Lieut. D. A. Graham and Mrs. Graham in Maryville, New Brunswick. After an extended visit with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Graham will motor to Vancouver, 3.0., to make their home there. Mrs. Elizabeth Kydd and fam- ily wish to express their grati- tude to their relatives, friends and neighbours for. the many acts of kindness, sympathy and beautiful flowersreceived during their recent bereavement. Espec- ially thanking, Dr. Borland and Dr. Hood, also the Rev. Binning- ton and Wright and Taylor Fun- eral Home. \ *1w37 We wish to express our apprec-’ iation, to the Volunteer Fire Briâ€" gade of Vaughan Township for their efforts and courtesy, under adverse conditions during the re- cent destruction of our home. We would also like to thank our many friends for their many kindnesses. CARD 0!" THANKS CARD 0]“ THANKS The regular business meeting of the‘Woman’s Federation of St. Matthew’s United Church was held on March 3 under the chair- manship of the president, Mrs. R. P. Robbins. Mrs. F. Barron led the devotional which was follow- ed by a business discussion. After viewing a film “Lighting in the Home" â€"- Mr. W. F. Urquhart, Mr. J. Thompson and Mr. B. Ellis â€" members of the Richmond Hill and Ontario Hydro, conducted a’ most interesting panel and open discussion on lighting, hot water heatersand sources of power. Res freshments were served under the convenorship of Mrs. S. Dennis. Group meetings will be held on March 17 in the following homes: Group 1 - Mrs. W. W. Patterson, 229 Beechy Drive; Group 2 - Mrs. C. Plume; 217 McConvey Drive; Group 3 - Mrs. R. N. Judge, 393 Balkan Road; Group 4 - Mrs. W. F. Urquhart, 387 Al- lencourt; Group 5 - Mrs. Wallis, 432 Palmer Ave. Mrs. Dorothy Downing, provin- cial organizer for the Conserva- tive Association, will address the local women’s group on March 18, at the home of Mrs. W. E. Morris, 40 Paliser Crescent. To encourage young people who are showing a marked interest in their government. Mr. Warren Baileywill act as chairman in the formation of a local Young Con- servative group. Mr. Lex Mac- kenzie. Conservative M.L.A. for York North, will be a special guest at the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bovaird, Rich- mond St, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynett, Starlight Cresc., spent an enjoyable week- e’nd in Rochester. New York. 0n Sathrday, March 7, Miss Susanne Butt and Miss Elizabeth Walker of Toronto. attended their Fraternity Formal. Phi Sigma Phi, escorted by Fred Atkinson and Michael Butt. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bennett Elgin Mills GOLDEN LlO-Na' $250 . NUMBERS $90 1A c Kp o 1' c1w37 CARD 0!" THANKS 1 . THOMAS â€"- We wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends, neighbours, relatives, the Hope W.A., Dr. Bigford and the Thompson Fun- eral Home for the kindness and sympathy shown during the loss of a dear wife, mother andsister. George Thomas and Family, Ethel and Pick‘ CGIT Doings THOMAS, Emma â€" At Maple, Ont, on Thursday, March 5, 1959, Emma McQuarrie, belovâ€" ed wife of George Thomas, and dear mother of Ethel and Hen- ry, in her 65th year. Resting at her residence, Hope, Ont. Ser‘ vice was held Saturday. March 7, at 2 pm. Interment Maple Ce- metery. , c1w37 I would like to say thank you' mail my friends, neighbours and relatives who have so kindly remembered me with their lovej 1y cards. flowers and gifts since I' have been in hospital. Alfred Bagg Richmond Hill United Church . by Sheila Orr' Our last meeting was opened with the CGIT hymn followed by the prayer. The business meet.- ing then took place. Lively games were enjoyed by all. The girls were then dismissed to the groups. The individual groups are do- ing Mission Study Which consists of a community project which is to be undertaken by each group. CARD OF THANKS , c_-_. The meeting was; clorsed witIH “Taps”. PICK, Otto Walter â€"- Suddenly, on Saturday, March 7, '1959, at the Doctor’s Hospital. Toronto, Otto Walter Pick of Elgin Mills, beloved husband of Marie Jakes. and dear father ',of Thomas John, Martin 'Charles. and Catherine Lidmila. Rested at the Wright and Taylor fun- eral home, Richmond Hill. Ser- vice held Wednesday at 2 o’- clock. Interment Aurora Ceme- tery. I c1w37 MURPHY. James Clarenoe (Tim) â€" Suddenly at his home, 103 Church 'St. South,‘ Richmond Hill, Friday, March 6, 1959, James Clarence (Tim) Murphy, beloved husband of Maude Hall and dear father of Mrs. Harold Forster (Joan). The funeral was held from Wright & Taylor Funeral Home Monday after- noon at 2 pm. Interment fol- lowed in Richmond Hill ’ceme- tery. c1w37 JOHNSTON. John â€" Suddenly. ,at his late residence, Lot 4, Concession 8, Vaughan town- ship, on Sunday. March 1, 1959, John Johnston in his 59th year, beloved husband of Annie Pam- ela Troyer, dear brother of David, Jessie (Mrs. Charles Hicks), Catherine (Mrs. Geo. Holden), Mary, Grace, Andrew, and the late Robert William and James. Funeral was held on Wednesday, March 4, 1959, at 1:30 o'clock. Interment Hill- crest cemetery, Woodbridge. *1w37 FENWICK, John William James â€" At his home .Teston, R. R. 1, Maple, on Monday, March 9, 1959, John William James, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fenwick, dear brother of Mrs. William Snider (Eliza- beth) and Mrs. Anthony Dixon (Susie). Rested at the Wright and Taylor funeral home, Rich- mond Hill. Service today, Thursday, at 2 o’clock. Inter- ment Edgeley cemetery. WEBB â€" Vic and Marion are 'happy to, announce the arrival of their daughter, Judith Mary, at York County Hospital, New- market, March 9th. *1w37 O’CONNELL â€" Mr. and Mrs. Ge_rald O’Connell are happy to announce the birth of a daugh- ter at St. Michael’s Hospital on March 8. Both well. *1w37. GILLIES â€" Bob and Dorothy (nee Robson) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Ronald William, at York Coun- ty Hospital, Newmarket, Feb- ruary 22, 1959. *1w37 HUTCHINSON â€" Dick and .Jes- sie are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter on Wed- nesday. March 11, at York County Hospital. A *1w37 KARWACKI -â€" Mr. and Mrs Ted MAUNDER â€"â€" John and Frida (nee Lagerquist) happily an- nounce the arrival of their daughter, Frida Irene, March 10, at St. Joseph‘s Hospital, Port, Arthur, Ont. .Both doing fine. *1w37 HAWKINS â€"- Ray and Joan (nee Baker) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Mark Allan, March 2. 1959, at St. Karwacki are happy to an- nounce the arrival of a baby sister for Terry and Joey. on March 8, 1959, at North York Branson Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. V. Zuck. c1w37 Michael's Hospital LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS inn: DISTRICTS MARKET PLACE PHONE TU. 4-1105 @eaths *1w37 c1w37 c1w37 c1w37 Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday School 30 Young Models will display At the regular meeting of the troop, on Tuesday, March 10, Scout‘Dennis Richards was in- vested into this world-wide or- ganization of Scouting. This makes a total of 32 invested scouts; A very lively game known as Jump the‘Gap wound up the evening. lst Richmond Hill Troop has organized a course of instruction for Scouts and leaders in first aid. The course is given by St. John‘s Ambulance instructors and is required training for all Scouts wishing to qualify as Queen Scouts. The course will also be a fresher for Scoutmaster Bun- k-er and Assistants John Taylor and John Munroe, who will re- qualify as instructors. IstthyeI-ley Acres Group Scoutmaster Joseph Bunk-er re- ports the following awards for lst Richmond Hill Troop: Ernest Cowan - Proficiency Badge (Swim- ming); Bill Rumble - 2nd Class Badge; Robert Blanchard, Mich- ael Graves and James Macanuel - Invested, Tenderfoot. lat Richmond Hill GREENFIELD â€"â€" In loving mem- ory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Edna Greenfield, who passed away March 15, 1958. A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One. who was better, God never made, A wonderful worker, loyal and fair, Tenderly helpful, 0 mother, you were Just in your judgment, always right. Honest and liberal, ever upright, Loved by all, our pride they share; Pride in the wonderful one you were. ' â€" Ever remembered by sons, daughters and grandchildren. *1w37 GREENFIELD â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear wife. Edna Greenfield, who passed away March 15, 1958. My lips cannot tell how I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how I miss her, Is a hgmg that is lonesome today. .-,... 0......“ ‘â€"- Sadly missed “and e'ver re-‘ membered by her husband, John. *1w37 and true, On earth she did her best; Grant mother Jesus' heavenly rest. â€" Always remembered by Charlie, Mary and John. c1w3'7 SATURDAY, MARCH 14 In memoriams WITNEY -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Ada Witney, who passed away, March 15, 1957. Mother had a cheery smile, a pleasant way, ‘ A helping hand to all she knew; Mother was so kind, so generous GRIBBLE â€"â€" In loving memory of my dear husband (Jack). and our dear dad, John Gribble, who passed away March 12, 1958. Beloved and loving, he has pass- ed away, While we who mourn his loss, can only pray To meet him yet again in that blest home Where sorrow, sin and death are all unknown. We look to Heaven, with many a fervent prayer, And trust in Jesus’ love to meet him there. â€"â€" Sadly missed by his wife, and sons, Harold and Ernest. GREENFIELD â€"- In loving mem- ory of my friend, Edna, who passed away. one year ago, March 15. Gone but not forgotten. --â€" Phylis Stockert. clw37 VI" . Fashions by Judy’s Children’s Wear ‘ and Shields’ Footwear ‘ Refreshments Admission 50c “,7 r .Pre-Easter Fashion Parade at 2 pm. seal," THE IBERAL‘, Richmond Hill, Ontiflo‘, Tfifirsaay” Ma'rcfi 12, 1959 *1w37 A valued member of the staff of H. J. Mills Ltd., he was assoc- iated with the floral business for thirty-two years, first with the late John H. Dunlop and in later years with the Mills firm. He was a lover of flowers, took a keen in- terest in his work and was widely known in the floral trade. Pos- sessing a pleasing personality he was popular with fellow-workers and his bright and cheery dispo4 sition endeared him to a wide pcircle of friends. Two years ago he suffered a heart ailment but made a recov- ery and had been working as usual until the time of his ‘pass- ing. He was suddenly stricken early Friday when preparing to go to work, and passed away that afternoon. James Clarence Murphy was a son of the late James and Re- becca Murphy who lived on Yonge Street in Vaughan Town- ship north of Elgin Mills. He at- tended Jefferson school and fol- lowing his father's death in 1923 he moved with the family to Richmond Hill. The community was saddened by the sudden passing on Friday, March 6th. of James Clarence (Tim) Murphy, at his home, 103 Church Street. A lifelong resi- dent of the district, “Tim” Mur- phy as he was known to everyone, was a popular and highly esteem- ed citizen with a host of friends in all walks of life. you under-insured We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts Nearly New Clothes for the entire family TU. 4-3910 TU. 4-3341 Make sure your fire in- surance is in line with today’s rising property values. Play safe . . . you won’t be sorry! Call us soon. “W. J. HAGGART “J Insurance Agent On May 6th, 1925, he was mar- PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S . FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL 55A Yonge St. S. “Flowers For All Occasions” TU. 4-2277 ENCORE Prominent Mason Passes LATE J. C. “TIM” MURPHY THE RICHMOND GIFT SHOP Richmond Heights Plaza 7 North End of Richmond Hill DAYS ON lY “The Liberal” joins with peofile of the community in tcnding sincere sympathy to bereaved family. The funeral serviceMonday af- ternoon was largely attended, and many beautiful floral tributes were evidence of the esteem and respect of a wide circle of friends and relatives. The service was conducted by Rev. C. J. Hig- ginson, Minister of Richmond Hill United Church, and interment fol- lowed in Richmond Hill Ceme- tery. Honorary pal] bearers were: Harold Mills, James Pollard, Norm man Stephenson, Douglas Low- rey, Thomas Nolan, Stanley Bak- er, and active pall bearers, Jack Hall, Lloyd Reid, Ted Gamble Jr., George Goulding, Eric Charity and Robert Colhoun. An enthusiastic mason, the late Mr. Murphy became a member of Richmond Lodge in 1928. He served as Worshipful Master in 1937 and through the years had been an active and leading figure in masonic affairs. A Masonic service was held at the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home Sunday evening and was largely attended by masons from local and district lodges. ried to Maude Hall, daughter of Mrs. Alfred Hall and the late Mr. Hall, who survives along with one daughter Joan (Mrs. Harold Fors- ter) of Victoria Square. He also is survived by three brothers and four sisters, Harold of Newton- brook. Henry of Windsor, Clark- son of Orillia, Estelle (Mrs. Wm. MacAndrew) of Renfrew, Kath- leen (Mrs. Morley Beynon), Mar- jorie and Winnifred of Richmond Hill. THUR. FRI. SAT. MARCH 12, 13; 14 long Playing Records a New Y uWorld creound. ALL THE LATEST RECORDS Records DISCOUNT the ex- the

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