WHITCHURCH TWP. â€" Coun- cil will consider purchase of an army flame thrower with which to thaw out frozen culvert pipes. mulll\\luutxumnuuumuumuulummmmu1muumummm“mumuuuummumnuml1mm11111111111unnumuummmnmuutummununuummummuininiiilinin“mmmmmum\uummmmmummim\iflï¬ulmmuunmmnumummmmummummmmxmmmflmmmmmmmummmmmmummmmmimmmmmummmm\mnmmmuummlummmmmmummummmmmmmmm\mmmmnmnmlmnnmmmmuummmuumnmummmmmMWRj '1 I en ‘_ “Ric.hva|e,.0ntario. . mmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmm< A 01v, YORK SUMMIT DISTRICT 1 | . mummmmumumummm1m111mm“uumnmmmmmmumummmmmmmuummmmmmmï¬mmmmmmmmmmm uh n... | « A «um .u u ‘m ‘ | ~ nu m . In A: u u u ‘ a ma 1h} 2“ 1| a is. BOY SCOUT I959 FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN The most terrifying movie ever put on ï¬lm . . . being shown‘ SATURDAY, MAR. 21 12:00 MIDNIGHT WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINQE 18V If you have a weak heart or are easily Richmond Hill Branch: DONALD ROSS, Manager DON’T WATCH Here’s how busy people CREEPING UNKNOWN†BANK OF MONTREAL M 7m: 3m WARN IN G ! diturbed save “THE Ask for one of cm ing-by-mai! folders. save you time, h and shoe Ioafhor. ur Hank- -s. I! can lrauble deposit-slip. Presto, there’s a )ack from the Bank as your re- lioh you keep for your records. ssed envelope with our form Pareniï¬ Day was observed at SS. 7, Whitchurch, on Thursday, March 5. The parents were per- mitted to tour all class ropms at any time of the day. The Senior girls served refreshments to the parents. A very good turn out was reported and the day was a success. On Thursday evening, March 5, the Conservation Club of Whit- church Township held a special meeting in Vandorf Hall to pre- sent the prizes for the recent conservation contest. The posters and booklets were well displayed in the hall. Many children. par- ents and teachers were present. Peter Dolderson and Bob Lee of Grade VIII, SS. 7, Whitchurch, received a special award of $10 for the fine art work on their booklet entitled “Wild Life.†The Sr. award, “A Booklet on Conser- vation,†went to Pine Orchard School. The Intermediate award, “A wildlife mural†was won 'by Lemonville School. The Junior award, “‘A Wildlife mural.†was won by Ballantrae School. Be- r=le the winning prize money to the pupils, each school that en- 1 red the contest was given $8. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Connor of Snowball had supper on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George French. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bakerï¬ at Bgllgptrae: Mr. arid Mrs. John Hall and CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley '5201 and GORMLEY' NEWS Mrs. MurlynlMare and Ronnie of ’Hagersvllle had dinner on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heise. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Miss Vera Hilts entertained Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doner and Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs. ChaspDoner ‘and Bobby. Mr}. and Mrs. Howard Do- nerrand Donny. all of ,Stouï¬ville, and M17. and Mrs. Floyd Doner and. Betty Anne of Markham. at a birthday dinner on Sunday in honour of her sister, Mrs, Earl Doner. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Jake ‘Smith of Stouffville visited Mr. and Mrs, George French on Sunday after- noon. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. John Slder and family in the passing of Mr. Sider 'in Scarboro General Hospital on Friday night. Mr. Sider has been in poor health for a number of weeks and had been in Brierbush Hospital. Stouffville, until Friday, when he was taken to Scarboro Hospital. The funeral was held on Tues- day afternoon in the United Mis- sionary Church with interment at Heise Hill Cemetery. We are very- grateful for the generous response for Mr. Jos. Coutt. Rev. C. E. Hunking took the money over to Mr. Coutt who was overwhelmed with your kind- ness. Mrs. Harry Barber Jr.. was en- tertained on Thursday afternoon at a miscellaneous shower at the home of her mother, Mrs. Buck- land, at Bethesda. Mr. Percy Forester of Laskay visited several in our community last week. On Tuesday evening a large crowd gathered at Victoria Square Hall to tender a miscel- laneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber. Mrs. D. Fennel, Mrs. T.. John- son and Miss Hazel Johnson had dinner" on Thursday with Miss Arvilla Forester. The Senior,W.M.S. ladies of the United Missionary Church met on Wednesday 'afternoon at the home ref-Mrs. C. E. Hunking. It was the annual election of offic- ers with the following'being re- elected: President, Miss Ethel Empring- ham; vice-president, Miss Edith Raymer; secretary treasurer, Mrs. G. 'Bolender; pianist, Mrs. F. Yake; convention delegate, Mrs. G. Cullen. After the election of officers, Mrs. Willis Hpunking was pleas- amly surprised with a shower of birthday gifts. . We wish a speedy recovery for Mr. Fred Kerstein who is, confin- ed to bed with a heart condition; to Master David Harman, who is ill with chicken pox: and, to Master Victor Noble who is ill with measles. ' Mrs. Wm. Vanderbent of Rich- mond Hill entertained a number of Gormley women at an all-day quilting on_ Tuesday. Mrs. M. Hazel has been suffer- ing from pneumonia this past .week. [Her neighbours regret very. mueï¬ she hasvthis added complication, along with her oth- er serious illness. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Heise (nee Lillian Zonnekeyn) who were married on Friday evening at the home of LeRoy’s_parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heise. Bishop Alvin Wing- er, grandfather of the groom, per- formed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger, M.'. and Mrs. Peter Stickley, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley, Bishop and Mrs. A. Winger, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stickley, Mr. Harold Wide- man, Mrs. Isadore Wideman, Mrs. Jos. Heik, Mrs. Russell Heise, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heise, and Messrs; Harold and Lewis Heise attended the funeral of Miss gearl Swalm at Stayner on Thurs- ay.‘ Mrs. D. C. Henry of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Beulah Jones. . Miss Edith Faye Hunking en- tertained a number of her little friends on Friday afternoon at a party'in honour, of her fourth birthday. Mr. Sam Beck of Silverwater, Manitoulin Island, is visiting his son and daughter-inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck and family. _ VivMisis' 7 DVaWnar Barrett spexit the weekend with Miss Jean Baker at Ballantrae. The pupils of the beginners’ and the primary classes} of the United Missionary Sunday School, enjoyed a party on Saturday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Mel- Vin Baker at Ballantrae. Student teachers from Toronto Teachers’ College were at both 8.8. No. 7 Markham, and SS. 7, Whitchurch. this past week. Mr. Alvin Farmer has been nursing a sore wrist where he was bitten by a mink. During the hydro shut-off over the supper-hour on Sunday, due to the extremely high winds. we realized again how dependent we are on this source of power. We could see thefaint flicker of candles in neighbours’ windows. Some had to wait one ‘and a half hours fdr their cup of tea, others had to eat a cold supper, and in many cases the «'drop‘ in temper- ature was beginning to be felt by the time. the power returned. Men whogive in if wrong. are wise; men who give in if right â€" are married. - \mm\u«munmummmmmmmmumm N 0 Down Payment First Payment April lst Basement Apt" Recreation room, Kitchen Remodelling. Painting and Decorating. Free estimates. Mr. Ucci. AV. 5-3541 munuumuunu1mmnn“munnu“manual“11mmmunnmmnm The local Curtain Club’s spring play ‘I‘Kind Lady," which is‘being presented at the Lions Hall on the 9th, 10th and 11th of April, tells the story of a smooth con- fidence trickster who brings \his evil to bear on a sweet old 501;! who is a passionateâ€" if some- what indiscriminate â€" collector of art treasures. It is a' suspense type play and it is not our ill-r tention to spoil things for the au- dience by revealing the plot, so instead, a few words about ,the cast might whet the appetite? _, Smooth Confidence. Trickster Brings Evil On SWeet .‘Old ‘Soul Curitgiiranlub Play At this time of the Curtain Club’s success in winning‘ the Calvert Trophy at the Central Ontario Drama Festival, the. cast of Kind Lady have a reputation to maintain, and judging'by re- cent visits to rehearsal they 'are going to prove that the Club’s talent is by no means confined to the Festival entry. The' title Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV.- 5-520 Saturday. March 14, was ,‘the day all of the Bonnlci family were eagerly awaiting. It was the day they returned to their home, which ‘was burned out onlD'ecem- ber, 29, 1958. When they found themselves out in the cold, four days after Christmas, with but a handful 0f possessions, the future looked very black indeed. Little did they realize that willing asSistance would be forthcoming to repair their home and 'make it livable again. Friends, neighbours, social workers, in fact the whole com; munity, as well as fellow Maltese- Canadians, rushed' to-thelr ‘ aid, supplying them with angbund- ance of articles which were so‘ desperately needed. Mr. Bonnici, having received the maximum value of his insur- ance, dug right in on. ‘the big task. Volunteer help from friends and neighbors lightened the lqgg. A temporary homeland build- ing materials at cost were placed at their disposal by the Township of North York where Mr. Bonnie! is employed. The Doncaster Community La- dies Club held a euchre marathon to aid the building fund, which was a great success. A The Bonnicis , arrived from Malta in October. 1952,‘gnd_ re; sided at 99 Morgan Ave. A year later, Mr. Bonnici.‘p\1_rchased the lot and foundation at“ Met an and proceeded to build a indd in home. The Bonnie! family includes, besides the parents. Mary, four years old; Silvio 12, Rose 13, John 14,,Joe 16 and Doris 17.‘ > They thank everyone for their thoughtfulness. V For the past month, just about everyone in this community has imagined a train headed straight through their hbuse, but on Sat- urday, March 14, some_learned It is apparent that .the double freight line will run from north of Loblaws on the hill, tunnel under Yonge Street Vand cross Hendemon Ave. at the south- east end of Glencomeron. It will go through unlucky number 13 Henderson, touch the northwest end of Proctor east of therreek. Here it will turn north, heading for the eastern end of the beauâ€" tiful Mizen property. crossing Clarke. where it will .run over the north-west corner of Clarke Ave. and Sprucewood Dr. that true. It has been announced that} meeting . concerning this matter will be held at the Thornhill High School on Tuesday, March 24. . Socials - It will rim through Doncute on a 20 foot trestle. I _' Names are now being taken hit the next marathon euchre, spon- sored by the Doncaster Commun- ity Ladies' Club. Euchre 'will start April. 6 to May 11. A donay tion from the†proceeds will be given to the IstThornhlII Guides for camp equipment. Birthday greetings are in Aor- der for Patricia O’Donnell,.3 Hen- derson Ave., who celebrated her fourth birthday on Monday, March 16. NORTH YORK: Expansion of NorthYork’s Fire Department by 16 men and purchase of a new aerial truck is recommended in the Department’s proposed _bud- get for 1959. Building of a new fire hall at 'Eglinton Ave. and Swift Drive is also proposed. Birthday congratulations- go‘ to Christopher Vllcans, 24 Proctor, who was two years old on Wed- nesday, March 11.. HAULED ANYWHERE,‘ ANYTIME ' FRESH WATER DONCASTER this happily' will riot come Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU.~ 4-2728 part is played by Elisabeth Jack- son, a long time .Curtaing-Club member, With many years. the'atri-' cal background. The male lead, Ron Solloway, is ‘a relative new-‘ comer to the club,ybut will be re- membered by Richmond Hill au-' diences byh-is excellent portrayal of the schoolmaster in the Fall play. Of course, no .play would be right without love interest and capany handling the ,male side is that well known local resident,‘ and theatre-wise Warwick Butt. ‘His fiancee, and later wife, in the play is a newcdmer to the ‘club. Harriet Sargent and her perform- ance will undoubtedly ’set 'many‘ hearts ,beating. Another new club member, Suzanne vGrew portrays 'the part of a maid and one might almost say, companion to" the :Kind Lady. Suzanne-hails from hKing City and brings with her considerable stage experience ac- cumulated at [Carlton University and the ‘ Ottawa Little 'Theatre group. Phyllis Fairfield, work- ing hard at her part of Mrs. Ed- wards, is gointh add to her laur- els with a brilliant performance if rehearsals are anything to go by. Kay Wallace who made ‘her debut in “The Happiest Days of Your Life,†is handling a larger part as the Kind Lady’s’flighty friend, Lucy, with great ability. Additional neweomers to the club, Esther Postlethwaite, ’N__eville Cross, Ken “Davenport, -Kar1 Weinsheimer~ and Ernest Madden are already proving to be- capable of performances that will more than hold their own with their seasonedl colleagues. - Last’but by no means least, little ,Anne' Hall, at least she was little when she joined the Curtain Cub with her mother and" father as founder members some six years ago. Of course, in six years, she. has blos- somed forth into a pretty young lady and by somemeans has ac- quired a- poise and stage presence which is a delightvto, see and which we are 'sure will enthral the Richmond Hill audiences. ' ' mmmmmnmum\\1Im\uuautumn»\mluulunuuuuunmmummumnmmmnmnmmumm11mm“uumnmmmmmunmu“m\imn\m\\\\\\\\m\\\\u\\mu\ummummimmuumnmmmumu\\\\xxIln“\muunmmlI1\mmmumlmmmm AV. 5-4991, 'YO’NGE', STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1194 You’ll welder how any car priced so low can oï¬er you so mï¬ch luxury and comfort. Chevrolet’s wide, easy-to-tead inStrument panel is tunnel of functional desigm BIRRELL 4MOTO‘RS LIMITED» TODAY! See it... try it A "NEW CHEVROLET MODEL, THE ELEGANT AND GLAMOROIJS buy “today! INSTRUMENT PANEL . . . INTERIORS . . . @& AND DISTINCTION Chevy brings, you the most citing-lines . . . style that my new overlthe years. Correspondent: ' 'Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130:; Communion Servioe_ yuan-sunny... vv- . -7- 'Palm Sunday, March 22, is Easter Communion Service at the Carrville United Church at 2.30 pm. On. Sunday, March 29, Dr. Ed- dy will ‘have a special Easter calendar' and message as well as Easter music. ‘ Oyster Supper aThe Carr'ville Young People are putting on their annual oyster supper on Wednesday, April 1. Please keep'this date in mind. u--, “ia‘fevlated biEthday greetings to Bruce -Wark who celebrated his birthday on Mmth 11‘. -- v, Birthday greetings to Mrs. Jas. Williams-who 'has a birthday on 'March' 18, and Nancy Middleton on March 25. Sod-ls Mr. and Mrs.’ John C. Nesbitt, Marnie andrArchie Nesbitt,rare spending a month in Florida in hopes of improving Mr. Nesbitt’s health. - We were very sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs. John Baker of Richmond Hill, former resi- dent in Cart-ville. Sincere sym- pathy to Mr. and Mrs. E. Arming and Miss Dorothy Baker and oth- er members of the family. Mr. and~Mrs. Bert Middleton and Gretta. and Nancy had dinâ€" ne’rr'on Wednesday evening with Mr. and.Mrs. Bob Middleton and Glen at Doncaster. STUART PAXTON WIRING ' LINE WORK Electrician Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton vis- ited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Barton of Beverley Acres and helped Mrs. D. Barton celebrate her birth- day. Then ‘on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘Barton and John had supper with Mr. ‘and Mrs. Dean Wflsonnf Toronto anddau- ghters. ‘ Sympathy- Phone TUrner 4-2881 CARRVILLE CHEWOLETJ59 .' qp DISTINCTION... ring: you the most ex- les . . . style that will ' over-the years. See 330w authorized Chevrolet Dealer 0nly Chevrolet could fashion this 2-door hardtop beauty. . . and price. it so lord! It’s'here today â€" Chevrolet’s spanking new Bel Air Sport Coupe, wearing the most attractive price tag you’ll ï¬nd on a hardtop anywhere. And that there’s even more to this beauty than meets the eye. You’ll ï¬nd that every Chev-- rolet brings you standard equipment extra-value features that you just can’t buy in other cars, even at extra cost. Come in today and look over Chevrolet’s glamorous new hardtop. It’s at your Chevrolet dealer’s, now. THE LIBERAL} Richmond 'Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March'19, 1959 Give Generously Send ' Donations : ,‘Jmmmmmm\munuuul\mmmmuuummnmummmmmmlmlmmmmnmnummummmmmmmm g s BEAVERTON RD. TU. 4-3614 g If no answer at TU. 4-3614 during daytime, call Till-1105 i .mmm11mmuunuummmInuuumllmmuumunmmnmnmnmmmummmmnumuu“mummmummumummmmmmm Repairs 'To All Makes 0f Carl Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups if Texaco Products {3' Towing Servleo ELGIN MILLS - TULQLIES; TU. 4-3714 Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements THE STROBO-SCOPE IS AN ELECTRONIC MACHINE FOR COUNTING THE. BEATS OF A NOTE. GUESSWORK IS ELIMINATED. ’ We personally handle all sale billak and adWm Phone Gormley 5311 Gormleyï¬pnï¬ New scientiï¬c method “checked†electronically with the StrqAbiogcppe. ALVIN s. EARLIER DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS -’ WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK, MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - N0 JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prop. Repairs Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners Licensed Auctioneer for - YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIE ‘ 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Doons...’%§ Chevrolet’s wide doors make "7 getting in and out so easy. OUR GARAGE Llcemd Mechanic- AL PYLE Box 376, ' Richvale,0ntario. Jim Hope Repairs TU. 4-3614