g STOP 22 YONEE ST. AV. 5-1031 5 E . . . 5' g (between Thornhlll and Richmond H111) g 2 E g “The Friendly Store That Saves You More†g 5' E 7 - uuIlnmmnnunI1muuumun\\mmnulxm1u\llImnnmmuuunumunnumumuuuuum1umummnuummuunuuuummï¬ mnmnumuuuuuulumuuu1mumlulmmuml\u111mmunmummuuuunuuuuuunummmml\nllnlunuumnummummnmz TIRE 1359 â€"ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance â€"1959 Through the years your policy will shgre in the dividends for which The Mutual Life of Canada is famous. How very wise to arrange low-cost Mutual Life of Canada insurance when young, to provide you with an adequate monthly income when you retire, so that you will be independent ï¬nancially. Your children, your grandchildren . . . the visits, the eager welcomes; the love so freely given and shared . . . these are the most wonderful dividends life can bring you. Retirement years are bright with such joys â€" particularly if you are independent, a burden to no one. Why not arrange your pension policy, providing protectidn and savings, with a Mutual Life of Canada representative today. AND AUTO SUPPLY UNITED mum AV. 5-1031 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones and Albert have returned home after spending the winter at New Smyrna Beach in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Artinger who have been at Mariday Farms fr: some time returned recently to Munich. Mrs. E. Sprague had a pleasant visit last week with an old friend Mrs. Bob Langford of Whitby. Mrs. Morphy of Smith Falls and Miss Morphy of Toronto were al- so \lsitors. Belated greetings to Timothy Clarence Snell who celebrated his first birthday on March let. Many happy returns of the day to Lorna Burns and Sharon Mit- chell on March 28th. to Mary Jane Terry on April lst and to Linda Evison on April 2nd. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jackson at- tended the Farrand-McClelland wedding in the Leaside United Church on Saturday afternoon and the reception afterwards at the Toronto Hunt Club. Fréahiémwraters entertained fourteen school friends at his home on Saturday "night. u- -..,-., -â€" Mr. and Mrs. Colin Marshall spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jackson. Mr. Marshall left this week for Mexico City where he has been transferred by his company. Mrs. Marshall will be with the Jacksons for a short time and then will be join- ing her husband in Mexico City where they will be taking up residence. Jefferson School Community Club Mrs. Graham is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Thom'asson. Mrs. Graham, a United Church Missionary, has just retired after many years in the mission fields. Mr. J. H. Passmore is home af- ter spending a week teaching at the University of British Columâ€" bia. Enroute he stopped off at Banff for a day of skiing which he enjoyed very n_1uch. The Easter party was held at the school on Friday. March 20th. There was square dancing with Carson Whalen as “caller†and Mrs. C. Patton, Mr. S. Leno and Mr. W. Cole providing live music. There was a euchre game for those who wished to play. MXf'ter the refreshn'xents had been served Mr. Charlie Morris announced the euchre prize win- ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman“: Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 x / [fl ners â€" Mrs. P. Harrington, Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. D. Goulding. Mr. Wm. Bell. Mr. F. J. Harrington and Mr. B. Harrington. A small parcel was given to Carson Wha- len for the youngest member of their family and candies to the orchestra as a token of apprecia- tion. Mrs. E. HAIL Mr. C. Morris, Mr. D. Goulding and Mr. G. Mc- Gregor won door prizes. The new executive for the com- ing year is President Mr. A. Mc- Fee. Vice-president Mrs. G. Pat- ton: Secretary Mrs. R. Browne: Treasurer Mr. Clark McNair and social convenors Mrs. R. Butler, Mrs. E. Hall and Mrs. Wm. Bell. St. John’s Church News :r-hing prayer- service at St‘ John’s on Palm Sunday. The Rev. E. L. Simmonds, prin- cipal of the Toronto Bible Col- legeywas the preacher at_ the Easter services will be as fol- lows â€" on Good Friday Litany and Intercessions at 11 am. Holy Communion on Easter Sunday at 11 am. Next I visited the Intermediate room under the able guidance of Mrs. Burns. The project in this room was safety and a map of Canada. The paintings at the front of the room were wonders that made me wonder if maybe there weren’t a few budding art- ists wandering free. The pencil drawings and sketchesâ€" Good show everyone! The Afternoon Branch of ,the W.A. met on Wednesday after- noon, March 18th, at the home of Mrs. T. Dibb. Aurora. Mrs. S. Snively read the Scripture Lesson. The ladies are busy working on a quilt. lst Jefferson Cubs, Brownies and Scouts I ll‘lllng Mrs. Hans Hallgren wishes to extend her thanks to her many friends and well-wishers for the beautiful flowers and cards of cheer sent to her during her re- cent stay in hospital. Birthday Party Three young squires of Tur- moil Manor, Peter. Paul and Ste- ven Ratchford, entertained sever- al guests at a joint birthday party Thursday afternoon. March 19th. The young guests were Donna and Colin Ford. Carol and Robert Hallgren, Kim and Gail Hellings. The mothers joined the festivities later on in the after- noon. Open House . . pcu Ilvuov Easter was the motif at Jeffer- son Public School when they held open house on Thursday evening, March 19th. From the seniors down to the very young juniors tltz Easter season was very much in evidence. Everyone worked hard and the work was really- a good thing to see. In Miss Leary's room, Grades 6â€"8, the work and projects were enough to gladden each parent’s heart. The auto- biographies were making every- one laugh with pleasure. The delicate egg-shell paintings, the balloon chickens were all well done efforts by children and their teacher. - - r I',LA Don’t forget the Mothers’ Aux- iliary birthday party at the school on Tuesday, March 3lst. A warm invitation is extended to all the ladies who have ever been connected with the Auxiliary to come and join in the fun. It is five years this month since the Mothers' Auxiliary was formed in this area. Four Brownies, Margaret Pass- more, Davalene Gray, Mary Clarke and Christine Lamont. who are working towards their Golden Hand badge, passed more tests on Saturday when they pre- pared and cooked the noon day meal at the home of Mrs. 1. Pet- ersen. They later served tea and toast as another test. The Group Committee’s finan- cial campaign is now under way and letters have been sent out to residents in the school area. requesting assistance. This is a very worthy cause and deserving the support of all in the commun- ity. The money raised will be used to carry on the work of the Cub- and Scout pack, the boys of today Who will be the citizens of tomorrow. Sympathy _. .- nun n.,9,_1- I.â€" a; lllyuvnn‘y Mrs. R. Threlfall's friends in the district will be sorry to learn of the death of Carrie's brother, Clyde Jamieson last week. Thanks A- .. . Li_ “ allu 'v u v ‘4‘ J v...“ Now we come to Grade 3â€"4. The big hit in this room, with Mrs. Hopkins in charge. was the modelling of hats that all the youngsters enjoyed making. Ru- thie Harper won first prize with h'r Easter bonnet. Gail Hallgren won second prize. Again the progress that the children have made is very gratifying to see. Ll_- In the gradelonz-regrrr ï¬ne robins that we saw were surely a token that Spring is not far away and so hope springs eternal. Despite colds. flu and bad weather, the young ones have shown remark- able progress. ' - a- A-.. III.- dun: ya U61 yuu. In the junlor room under Miss Mott, the juniors had a wonderful display on the bulletin board and an eskimo tableau and the ingen- uity shown was amazing. r â€"- â€".-II ulLy buuwu vvua .- ....... D. The open house was very well attended and is increasing with every open house. This is show- ing the children and teachers how much! we appreciate their ef- forts. -- -- av-..- Te†was served by Mrs. 3. Lynn in the teachers’ room. The ten table looked very attractive with a bouquet of flowers donated by Hanson's Flowers, Elgin‘Mtlls. -L 11auauu a A “In--.†_.°_,, There will be open house at the school on April 13th for all who are interested in the cub- bing program. The Monday Nlters gathered this week at the home of Mrs. T. Saul. Naughton Drive, for their game of cards. The prize winners were Mrs. I. Petersen. Mrs. Ross Kerwin, Mrs. T. Saul and Mrs. E. Hall. _. . .. ‘ ",ng Mrs. A. MacDonald visited with her sister, Mrs. S. Leno on Sun- day. -_ 1' wEiongratulations to Mrs. H. Betts.on the excellent showing of her dogs. On Wednesday. March 18th. at the Sportsman’s Show, Champion Tregoad Vickys Gal- lant won “Best of Breed" and placed fourth 1n the Terrier On Saturday she showed two puppies. One took first in its class. The other was winner in group. This was the same dog Mrs. Betts took to Westminster recently. Sunday, March 29, Is Easter Sunday and the Temperanceville United Church service will be held at the usual hour of 9:45 am. Good Friday Service on March 27. will be held at 11.00 am. in St. Paul’s Church, Oak Ridges. Mr. Kennedy will be giv~ ing the message with Mr. Winch conducting the service. The congregation had the plea- sure of having the Explorer Group of Temperanceville as guests Sunday. March 22. with their leaders, Mrs. Wm. Turner and Mrs. Kilcup. The girls were very attractively dressed in blue tunics or skirts with white blous- es and a red tie. Some of the girls proudly wore the red star of achievement on their sleeve. With Miss Joan Hare as accom- panist, the girls sang "Children of Jerusalem." Janet Mitchell is to be commended on the splen- did way in which she read the scripture. Sharon Palmer and Melody Kilcup sang “The Lord Is My Shepherd". On March 18, the oyster supper at Temperanceville, sponsored by the choir was the ï¬rst one held for a good many years. Many compliments were received on the deliciousness of the oysters as well as salads and dessert. Approximately $81.00 will be add- ed to the fund for choir gowns as a result of this supper. The choir is most grateful to all those who assisted in preparing the tables, providing baking, serving or wor- king in the kitchen. A special thanks goes to Mrs. Boys who cooked the oysters and to Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Ward who made the salads. Mrs. Fred Hare had CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS, R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS You can win $100.00 cash â€"and all you have to do is write poetry! Jim jot in the lat line of this jingle, and mail the coupon with I Vl'l‘ADRON boxtop or facsimile to: VITADRON, BOX 271, NEW- MARKET, Ontario. If your entry is judged best we'll give you $100.00 cash! The contest close: at midnight, March 3lst. 1959. NAME (plan prim) CITY STREET LOOK! WIN $100.00 CASH ." way-«W female. best of winners and best Canadian bred puppy in the breed. She won 3 points towards her championship at 9 months of age. the great responsibility of con- vening this event. On March 17, the W.I. euchre resulted in the following prize- winners: Mrs. P. Beckett, Mrs. Ross Baker. Mrs. F. Wilson. Fred Hare. Andy Annand and Harry Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutchinson donated the ladies’ prizes and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jennings the men's prizes. On March 31, Mrs. W. Herrema. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell will be providing sandwiches and Mrs. Norman Rumble and Mrs. Don Chalk, cookies for the euchre lunch. Personals Friends wish Mrs. Frank Bell a speedy recovery from the op- eration which she underwent at Newmarket this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Paxton and Elaine travelled to Elora re- cently to convey their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passmore who were bereaved by the passing of Mrs. Passmore's mother. Congratulations to David Mc- Clure who received so many hon- ours at the musical festival again this year. We were pleased to have David out to church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Beynon and Betty were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wells Saturday night before taking up residence in their new home on Wellington Street west in Aurora. On April lst, the Beynons will have pos- session of this lovely house. Ann Paxton had the pleasure of having Cathie Breuls as her Sunday supper guest. Judfth f’éxtoï¬ attended the birthday party of Nancy Hunt on Saturday afternoon. WHWMI THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario., Thursday. March 28, 1959 ROV‘ PIANO TUNING mun u no answer at TU. 4-3614 during daytime. call TU. 4-1105 3 1unuuumuummmuuunumum\ll1u1m\\\munnummmmllnuumulnum1uunllummuunmmmmumullluuunmunuuummmnm a allllullllnllnnlll“umlmul111!11lllll\l“lllmum“l\l“\1lllll“llllmlm“ll\\lllllllllllllllllll“l\l“llllll“ll“lllll\ll\l\““lmlllm“\\l\l|nmu\lllg TU. 4-3714 New scientiï¬Ã© method “checked†electronically with the Stroboscope. TIIE STROBOSCOPE Is AN ELECTRONIC MACHINE FOR COUNTING THE BEATS OF A NOTE. GUESSWORK Is ELIMINATED. Repairs â€" A 5 BEAVERTON RD. Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS - WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK, MONTH 0R CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - NO JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prop. ALVIN S. FARMER Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE JUST COMPLETE THIS JINGLE Vitadron, yes Vitadron May be just what you need! It gives your blood more iron, Licensed Auctioneer AL PYLE (PRINT last line here) for Jim Hope Repairs TU. 4-3614