Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1959, p. 11

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You get full value 'out of every drop, when you heat your home with fuel oil. Phone us today‘ and arrange for us to de- liver at spaced inter- yals. » . . ~.~ First Payment April lst asement Apt..' Recreation room, Kitchen Remodelling. Painting and Decorating. Free estimates. Mr. Ucci. A V. 5- 3 5 4 l \lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll mummunmulnmmmmnuuuuuuunu1lumumnnuummumnn NICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL . _ BRANCH MISS E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4-4101 HAULED ANYWHERE, ANYTIME _____.__â€"â€"â€"â€"1 HE USED OUR OIL, THEN GAVE A CHEER, HE 6A|D°PLEA6E SERVE ME EVERY YEAR!” RADIO FOR YORK COUNTY! FRESH WATER '0 Down Payment Telephone TU. 441650 «Mmamâ€"WWWNMKWAWW I . ( \no m V. 0. N. WWW Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-2728 NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS ROGER PROULX PLUMBING 8; HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given Thirdly, an invitation was re‘ ceived from Frank Price. presi- dent of West Scott Homeowners. to attend the meeting on Tues- day, March 24, at Charles How- itt School, to hear David McLean speak about the new subdivision, Mar vale Gardens, directly west of t a school. This meeting will be (men to anyone in the area interested in hearing Mr. McLean Birthday Party A nun-v...- ~--. - As chairman of the financial drive for lst Langstaff Cubs and Scouts, A. W. Miller. Westwood Lane, held a meeting at his home on Monday. March 16, for the 21 men who will be canvass- ing our area during the remain- der of this month. Northolt Homeowners An executive meeting was held at the home of C. T. Hambley, Roosevelt Dr., on Wednesday. March 18. First thing on the ag- enda was to study and discuss the marshalling yards and rail- way spur line of which a map was produced. It was brought to the attention of the executive that C. A. Gathers. M.P.. Conser- vative representative of the Fed. eral Government for this area, had not replied to the written re- quest for information. Secondly the disgraceful con- dition of the roads in and lead- ing to the subdivision. A letter will be sent to Vaughan Town- ship asking how and when these conditions will be rectified. Financial Drive Wendy Smith celebrated her 15th birthday on Saturday, March 21, with a dinner party at her home on Westwood Lane. She and her friends, Carol Wilson, Ann Baker and Sandra Wilson then went to the show. Mothers’ Auxiliary On Wednesday, March 18, at the home of Mrs. Eilert Sands, Maryvale Crescent, the Easter meeting of lst Langstafi Cub and Scout Mothers was held. Reports on the banquet and the food has- kets to the Bentleys were read. and a general meeting of the group committee executive, lead- ers and mothers’ auxiliary exec- utive members was suggested. After the meeting adjourned. the members present made Easter hats of pie plates and trimnings. First prizes were awarded to Mrs. Robert Brash for her lovely creation of sprays of pink flow- ers, also in the edible class to Mrs. C. H. Wilson, whose hat looked very appetizing. Special prizes were awarded to Mrs. Wally Ellis for being most sea- sonal, with chocolate bunnies and colored Easter eggs, and to Mrs. Ross Clark, for being most unus- ual. as her chapeau was topped with a clear plastic jar of jellled fruit salad. Lots of fun was had by the ladies during this creative period. Refreshments were then served. The guest of honor and judge of the hats was Mrs. Ellis’ mother, Mrs. Fyfe. Lanrich Bowlers 200 and over: Jack Jellicoe 246. 254, Bob Webster 223, 224. Cliff Ross 209, Marg Collett 239. John Kolkman 234 Betty Easton 227, Ross Clark 220. Jean Ellis 206, Inger Bloomquist 225, Nor- man Winterfield 245, Bob Camp- bell 216, 203. Maurice Endicott 203. Les Walters 219, 246. Adam Krisman 240 Jim Webb 228, Perc Blanchard 221, Tom Easton 249, 245, Isobel Weir 215. H.S.F.: Marg Collett 239, Jack Jellicoe 254. H.S.H.: Inger Bloomquist 269, John Kolkman 268. H.T.F.: Isobel Welt 588, Jack Jellicoe 667. H.T.H.: Inger Bloomqulst 666, Tom Easton 714. CORRESPONDENTS: MES. E. E. SPEARS 1’1 Roosevelt Drive Phone ‘ 161 Spruce Ave. Team standings: Okey Dokes 50. Fireflies 46. Flying Tigers 40, Swedes 34, Screwballs 34, Alley Cats 27. Successful Bake Sale Mrs. J. L. Goldthorpe, Scott Drive, wishes to thank the mem- bers of the 2nd Richvale Brownie and Guide Mothers for assisting in their successful bake sale held on Friday, March 20. The amount collected was $47.00. Hockey Team to Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Bill McDougal took the Boston Bruins of the Little N.H.L. hockey team on a trip to Detroit. They left at 6 am. on Saturday and returned at 4 am. Sunday. The journey was made by bus. stopping at Leamington to play against the Leamington Junior “B” hockey g2: 62 Crosby Ave. RICHMOND HILL RICHVALE NEWS MRS. M. E. TAYLOR team. While In Detroit, they wat- ched Detroit play against Ran- gers. Two or three of the boys‘ fathers went along to help sup- ervise. Barrie Flyers Jr. team were also along on the trip. The boys from our area were Howie Martin. Rance Marples, Geoffrey Btckerstafi', Alex Rain and Don Davies, who celebrated his 13th birthday on Monday, and the trip was his present. Neighborhood Bowlers The O.R.B. league scores last week were: Gloria Searle 223, Marie Lawson 251, Earle Free- land 330, George Lawson 263, 237. Tom Lempreg 352, 200, 302. High three flat, Tom Lemperg, 854. 200 and over: Eleanor Edwards 259, 262. Mary Robson 228. Lena Smith 265, Wanda Weir 203, 200, Norma Webster 202. Muriel Mar- kle 205. Doris Davies 202, Marg. Barker 212. Team standing: Larkspur 105, Roses 101, Hollyhocks 97, Cam- elllas 33. Asters 82, Marigolds 78. There will be no meetings of Brownies. Guides and Cubs dur- ing the Easter holidays. lst Lang- staff Scouts~are planning several patrol and troop hikes. High triple: Eleanor Edwards 732. At the lst Langstaff Cub meet- ing on Friday, March 20, at the Charles Howitt School, Ronnie Clark was invested as a Cub and Bobby Miller received his sec- onder's stripe. Alnela Norma Webster reports room for one more Cub in the pack, any boy from ages 8 to 11 will be wel- comed. The Cubs are planning an excursion to the Department of Lands and Forests, Maple, on Tuesday afternoon, March 31. Returned From Florida Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oliver and their daughter, Susan of Den- ham Drive, arrived home from Hollywood Beach, Florida, where they spent four lovely weeks swimming, sunning and sight- seeing. One day on a drive to the gulf they spotted a school of por- poises about half a mile 0&- shore, playing and rolling in the waves. Field Naturalists Several persons from Richvale attended the Richmond Hill Na- turalists' meeting on Friday night when Mr. Robert Bateman gave an illustrated talk on “Tropical Africa" as a result of his trip there last year. Mr. Bateman, now teaching at Nelson-Trafalgar in Burlington. was formerly on the staff of Thornhill High SchooL Miss G. Lever .and Miss E. Francis went up to Markdale to spend the day. recently, with Mr. Harold Lever who had just re- turned home after ten days spent in hospital. School Area Meeting About sixteen Richvale Home and School members attended the meeting in Thornhill Public School last Tuesday evening, sponsored by the School Area Board. to which home and school members and interested persons were invited to come and discuss any questions they wished to ask the board. Personals Mrs. Norman Brettell is in Branson Hospital where she un- derwent an operation on Monday, and her many friends join in wishing her a speedy‘recoyery...‘ Mrs. Keith Varley (nee Lucille Birchall) flew down to Florida to spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Birchall, of Willowdale who were holidaying there. Mrs. Varley returned last week. Enrollment Brown Owl Norma Lenton en- rolled Janet Weese in 3rd Rich- vale Brownie Pack last week. Fun Fair The Ross Doan Fun Fair on Saturday was a great success. Some two hundred and fifty dol- lars was cleared. All the booths were well patronized and the best spot of all for the small fry was the fishpond. They didn't want the prizes as much as they want- ed to continue fishing. Mrs. Cel- sie won the prize for guessing the number of marbles in the jar. The great efforts expended by all who assisted in this pro- ject were well rewarded. Paper Drive _ A. n V" -...._.. 77,, The lst ‘Richvale Group Com- mittee wishes to thank all who contributed to the success of their paper drive on Saturday. Nearly two tons of paper were collected. There will probably be another paper drive in a couple of months. THE BAFFLES By Muhoney Phone AV. 5-4293 Phone AV. 5-3113 Mr. George French is not en-‘ joying good health. Recent visit- ors at his home were Mr. Frank Harvey on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley and Mr. J. R. Steckley on Monday after- noon. » Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Starr. and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Starr and Helen of Newmarket had dinner on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger and family. The Gormley Branch of the Women's Institute met at the hone of Mrs. R. C. Baycroft on Wednesday, March 25, at 2 pm. The motto was “The the pioneer, if only would furn‘ish us with of gratitude." The roll call, “Name a histori- cal fact about your home". brought fnany interesting com- ments. The Twedsmuir History Book and School Poster Project were on display. . -,,‘ dren ..-.,r _..‘, . W-Donations were also received for the School for Retarded Chil- Mrs. E. A. Smith and Mrs. George Boynton were hostesses. Linda and Larry, twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gilbert, celebrated their first birthday last week. There were fifteen tables of euchre at Gavins' Restaurant on Friday evening sponsored by Gormley Women’s Institute. Prize winners were Mrs. Harry Eade, Mrs. Jim Gibson, Mrs. E. Bovair, and Mrs. Chet Pattenden. Messrs. Meredith Ash, Gordon Mackey, Stewart Burnett and Mrs. Gordon Munro. AVLA u. v v. v“... The lucky iiéiiét on the quilt made by the Women’s Institute was held by Mrs. H. ‘B. Noble. a Auyvn v- We extend sympathy to Mr. M. Hazel and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cam- pey on the death of a loving wife and mother. Mrs. M. Hazel, at Scarboro General Hospital early Saturday morning. The private funeral was held at 1.30 pm. Monday a. the Dixon Funeral Home, Markham, with Rev. C. E. Hunking conducting the service. Mrs. Griffiths of California spent the past week with her mo- ther, Mrs. John Sider. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ottaway flew from Florida on Saturd y be- cause of the death of Mr . Otta- way’s mother, Mrs. M. Hazel. 'VIaster David Morby entertain- ed a number of friends on Sat- urday in honour of his sixth birthday. I”- YT ...... u“. “Au... Mr. and Ms. Allan Hoover have witnessed a beautiful scene when on various occasions they have watched as high as thirty deer browsing in their orchard. Mr. Ernest Hunt received a telegram on Wednesday telling him of the sudden death of his oldest sister. Mrs. Fred McNair at Tisdale, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. McNair visited Mr. Hunt last summer. _- .- ,.,I-__‘..-.. Mr. and Mrs. M. Farquharson and Jarret spent several days reâ€" cently with Mr. and Mrs. Arden Farquharson and family at Kala- mazoo, Michigan. Mrs. Deb Baker was very pleas- antly surprised when all the members of her family enter- tained her at a turkey dinner in honour of her birthday on Wed- nesday at the Youth Centre. Quite a number of} signs of spring have been observed dur- ing the last week â€"â€" a dew worm was seen near a house foundaâ€" tion, robins have been seen, a ground hog was observed, and flowers are already showing above the ground in sheltered spots. Saturday’s blizzard did not seem to be part of spring‘s offic- ial arrival. However, spring must surely be “just around the corn- u A miscellaneous given Mr. and Mrs‘ on Saturday night of LeRoy’s parents, Allan Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Toronto spent the weekend with their son~ in'-1aw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Morby. 'opr‘ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 Mrs. M. Farquharson spent several days reâ€" Mr. and Mrsaégd‘en GORMLEY NEWS shower was LeRoy Heise at the home Mr. and Mrs. history of recorded a religion Palm Sunday was observed on Sunday at the local churches. At the United Missionary Church. the choir from Emmanuel Bible College, Kitchener. presented a very fitting and beautiful service. Mr. Robert Clyde. one of the fa- culty members, held the choir in their various numbers, and Mr. Clyde also brought the morning sermon. A special offering of $540 was raised for Emmanuel College. Special Easter services will be held this week in the UM. Church. Rev. Walsh of iStouff- ville will speak on Wednesday night. Rev. C. E. Hunking on Thursday night with special mus- ic both nights by the Bowler Sisters of Agincourt. On Friday at- 11 am. there will be a special Easter Communion Service. Jn Friday evening. Rev. C. Bell of Markham will be the guest speak- er. On Easter Sunday. 3 Sunrise service will be held at 7 am. Rev. Ward Shantz of Kitchener wil‘, speak at the 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. services. A special invita- tion is extended for these servic- es. At Helse Hill Church, the chor- al group from Niagara Christian College will be presenting a spe- cial Easter service at 11 am. on Easter Sunday There will also be a special service at the church at 10.30 am. on Good Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wya’nt of Stayner had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley. Rev. Willis Hunking spoke at several missionary conventions in the Kitchener area over the past week-end. Mrs. Lawrence Pope and baby Robert Allan of Sudbury, are vi- siting her sister, Mrs. Jos. Evans at Willowdale. They spent Wed- nesday with Mrs. D. Fennell and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pope. 19 MORGAN AVE. call the professional man and get your free estimate Your Fruit Trees â€" Ornamental Trees â€" Shrubbery, Vines, etc., need pruning once a year LANSING LANDSCAPE SERVICE THIS IS THE TIME â€" DO IT NOW 513.5 CONSULT THE HOME PAPER FOR YOUR EVERY NEED Dad’s mi 81 811<3vve9113§5337 Important AV. 5 - 2523 NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER HEATER FAR MORE HOT WATER a! LOWEST COST! Your Gas company does not employ doable-door salesmen nor telephone convene". For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to nil and install natural gas equipment ea" or write the Sales Department of you can do both at the §g_n_lg ! AUTOMATIC BOX 408 THORNHILL Annual Banquet Fair Directors Officers and directors of the Richmond Hill Agricultural So- ciety and theirâ€" friends enjoyed their annual banquet last Friday evening. President Norman Tyn- dall presided and a feature of the program was the presentation of the traditional gold headed cane to past president Gordon Atkin- son The presentation was made by Director Robert Hollingsworth who paid tribute to the outstand- ing service rendered by Mr. At- kins'on. Head table guests were intro- duced by Viceâ€"president Charles Henshaw and the speaker of the evening. Mr. Steve Nessner of the Massey-Ferguson Company, was introduced by past president Wesley Middleton. Mr. Nessner gave a very interesting talk on the progress of agriculture and showed a color film of farm ac- tivities and methods in-many lands. The thanks of the meeting was expressed by past president Stewart Rumble. Richmond Hill Fair. now well over 100 years old, has a long and interesting history. It is one of the oldest Agricultural Societies in Ontario and the an- nual Spring Fair is an outstand- ing community event. The Fair will be held this year on Sat- urday, May 23rd. STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Electrician Phone TUrner 4-2881 SERVICE 0 MAINTENANCE o REPLACEMENT I N S T A I. I. AT I O N (In some cases than may be a charg- for only THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario” Thursday, March 26, 1959 @onsumerg' Licensed Mechanic- Repairs To All Makes 0! Carl Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 1} Texaco Products * Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 H. CRISP "YOU'LL ALWAYS IE GLAD YOU CHOSE NATURAL GAS" TU. 4-5461, 63 Yonge N., Richmond Hill EASTER MONDAY, MAR. 30, I959 Flowers For Easter Clerk By virtue of a resolution passed in Markham Township Council same time with an monthly MUNICIPAL HOLIDAY PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Momer’s wasfing the domes . .. raider 5 QUE GARAGE has been declared a Springtime colour Potted Plants for and charm at Easter - and long after! and other favourite Give our Lilies - - Let them grace your own home too! for the 33% W. L. CLARK. Reeve, Township of Markham oxtra piping) owerzi

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