I Yonge & Benson SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 ME $2.00 PER PERSON DIRECTIONS Mart Kenney’s Ramh MR. S. HACKET’I‘, ROOSEVELT DRIVE, WINS $1.00 FOR SUGGESTING THE HEADLINE FOR THIS WEEK’S AD. Easter Lilies . . . . . . . . . . 45c per bloom Cut Roses . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.99 dozen Cut Carnations . . . . . . . . . . $1.99 dozen ’Mums, in 6 inch pots . . . . . . $1.99 each Hydrangea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.95 each 80 1b. bag 7-7-7 So-Green . . . . . . . $3.85 Rose. Gardens 8. FIOwer Shop ‘ North ofl' No. 7 Highway at Shell Station (7th Concession Vaughan) ‘ 15’, miles West of Highway No. 400 FRANK PASSER No City Driving Free Parking _ Enquire for Special Student and Party Rates Table Reservations For All Flowers For All Occasions “THE BIGGEST LITTLE BUSINESS IN RICHVALE" Special - 6 cu. ft. Peat Moss Delivery on orders of $5.00 and over Hi Neighbour It’s Fun to Dance at [Name 5 - 42“ Stop 22A Yonge Street EVERY SATURDAY TU. 4-0009 $3.85 RESERVATIONS AT. 8-1282 ME. 5-1000 Richmond Hill | Markham Township property owners from the southwest sec- tor of the township turned out in full force on Monday morning of this week. filling the Coun- cil chambers to bursting point â€" indeed a “Standing-Room-Only" sign on the door would have told the true story. The occasion for all this inter- est was an Ontario Municipal Board hearing which had been called at the instigation of the Ontario Minister of Pl’anning and Development to consider re-zon- ing in the area affected by new highway plans and the proposed C.N.R. rail-line. The chairman of the meeting was Mr. Yates, a member of the OMB, and a number of solicit- ors representing various business interests (among them Loblaws), as well as the Markham Township Solicitor, Mr. D. Lucas. Mr. R. Forrest, planning director, and Mr. Murray Jones of Metro were also present. At the outset of the meeting Mr. Lucas made application for adjournment on the grounds that the present situation required further study. Mr. Weir, a sol- icitor speaking for interests near the Thornhill Ladies' Golf Club, insisted that the planning board had had almost three years in which to consider problems of the area, and that while C.N.R. plans announced last week intro- duced a new factor they must have held few surprises for plan- ning board officials. Mr. Weir urged that a decision regarding r:â€"zoning should be made, insist- ing that "Justice delayed is Jus- tice denied." Upholding the application for adjournment were Mr. Eccle- stone, speaking for another own- er, and another solicitor speaking for business interests in the Steeles-Yonge area. The reason they expressed was because of dis- satisfaction with the proposed rail route. Mr. Yakes inquired mild- ly if they felt the C.N.R. would be influenced by the displeasure of two property owners. On Friday evening. Gretta Middleton and Mary Neilsen had the pleasure of attending a St. Patrick’s social evening at High Park Presbyterian Church. Tor- onto. with Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Manning and daughters Jane, Sally. Mary Ann and Nancy. The girls had the privilege of taking part in the program and sang “To a Lambkin" and “Popping Corn." Rev. Manning is the min- ister at High Park Presbyterian and this made the evening more pleasing. ~ Oyster' Festival Sunday, March 29 will be Eas- ter Sunday. The choir has been practising two Easter numbers. Dr. Eddy said there would be two surprises next Sunday. Attend Irish Night Sunday, March 22, Dr. Eddy conduct2d the Easter Commun- ion service. The choir sang “Hal- lelujahâ€. Correspondent: Miss Joan Pelletier Phone Maple 41112 The regular meeting of Hope Community and School Club will be held at the school Tuesday, April 7, at 8:15 pm. All parents are urged to attend. Church News The Teston Hiâ€"C Fellowship Group met at the church Tues- day evening, March 17th, with Miss Evelyn Hare in charge of the meeting. The _responsive reading was led by Miss Mary Carsonlfollowed by prayer by Rev. Martin Jenkinson. The gro‘=p, accompanied by Mrs. Wil- liamson at the piano. joined in singing several familiar Irish melodies in honour of St. Patrick. Miss Evelyn Hare and Miss Joan Pellettier showed a number of coloured slides of local scenes. These included pictures several weddings which had taken place in Teston last year and some of the social events of the church organizations. , W.A. Teston Women's Association} held its regular monthly meeting in the Sunday School room Wed- nesday. March 18. The president. Mrs. Wm. Marwood, was in c:.arge of the meeting. Mrs. Car- son led in prayer. followed by the "cripture read by Mrs. H. Stephenson. Mrs. H. Grimsley read the lesson thoughts. Mrs. Wm. Windsor gave the topic and chose as her theme, Palm Sunâ€" day and Easter. The quilt com- mittee reported four quilts had been completed and were being sent. to York Manor at Newmarâ€" ket. Plans were made for cater- ing to the Maple Lions Club ban- quet to be held April 9. A con- test was conducted by Mrs. W. Maginn with answers to questions being terms used in sewing. Mrs. C. Robson and Mrs. Roy Bowen won prizes for their skill. The meeting closed with refreshments served by the lunch committee. ‘ Easter Services Pupils of the Sunday School and their parents have been in- vited to an Easter breakfast to be served by the Hi-C Fellowship Group in the Sunday School room at 9:15 am. Breakfast will be followed by a special service for the Sunday School which will in- clude coloured slides depicting the Easter story. The annual oyster supper, spon- Those\ unable to make it for breakfast are invited to join in this service which will commence at 10:15. Regular Sunday service of wor- ship will be held at 10:30 am. with Rev. Martin Jenkinson pre- senting his Easter message and speclal music hy-the choir. Evenfualiy if was agreed that Teston News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. F. G. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone AXminster 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 130113 a second hearing should be held on the first available date in June, and that property owners should be notified by letter as in the present case. In the meantime. Mr. Lucas. Mr. Forrest and Mr. Jones are to get busy at their homework; and if we read the temper of the meeting correctly, this time there should be no nonsense. April ls Cancer Campaign As April draws near Cancer Society workers are stepping inâ€" to high gear to insure a success- ful drive for funds to further re- search and help stamp out this dr~ad disease. In the past year two members in our own com- munity succumbed. T117 greater the support we of- fer research workers the faster Nancy Middleton celebrated her 7th birthday Wednesday and had as her supper guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton and Glen of Doncaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash and Robbie and Donna- Lyn Ash of Edgeley. ' ‘11 be the break-through. The lives we help to save may inâ€" clude our own. Euchre Winner James Curtis Fifteen tables of players were present at Buttonville Hall on Friday evening of last week to see Mr. Jim curtis gain high score for the winter series and carry off the top prize. 7 Birthday greetings to Donna Darling who celebrated her 8th birthday on Friday, March 27. Happy birthday. Donna. Winners for the evening were Mrs. Rene Calvert, Mrs. L.‘ Cum- mings, Mrs. R. Drewery; Messrs. Ashton Calvert, H. Trimble and Bill Middleton, The lucky draw went to Mr. Bill Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and John had dinner Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and D-mnie at their home in Beverley Acres. Freezeout winners were Dr. George Kelly. Mrs. Jean Trimble; against Messrs. Jim Curtis and Matt Davis. Hostesses for the eveningwwere Mrs. Aubrey Steph- enson. Mrs. Garnet Frandey and Mrs. E. Hill. _ Neighbourhood Notes New babies are arriving fast at present. Within the last ten days a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allan (nee Eileen Pratt) and a son to Ray and Rose- mary Bennett. Proud parents of new daughters are Mr. and Mys. Clifford Cox (Marion Robinson) and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gough (Ellen Hooper). Barbara McLaren took up stud- ies at Carrvllle School last Mon- day. The children are very hap- py to have her â€"- as you know the number of pupils is small. sored by the young people of Carrville Unlted Church. to be held Wednesday. ‘April 1. See coming events for further par- ticulal‘s. School News Mr. and Mrs; A. W. Miller wer guests at O.A.C. on Sunday 0‘ this week when parents of grad- uating students were present at a Baccalaureate service/for the graduating class of which Bob is a member. There‘s 6 Rocket for every pocket . . . u slylo for every IusIe! AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE OUAï¬TY DEALER'S flTake the wheel. . . get "7/737‘ Mew O/ofc Age/my? Come on In... It's OLDSmobIIity time! 'AV. 5-4991 BIRRELL MOTORS LIMITED Mrs. J. C. Belknap of King City introduced Mrs. Miller. who appears regularly on the televi- sion pnogram “Open House". is the author of several books on fashion, and nn‘v last week was chosen one of Canada’s ten best dressed women. “Fashion at its best," said Mrs. Miller. “is an art, not merely a commercial junket. It should be something that adds grace, charm. dignitv and some idea] of beauty to all human occasions.†The pur- suit of fashion as such, therefore. is no sign of vanity. “To me," said Mrs. Miller, “it is a manifes- tation of a desire for something better, a sfrlvlnsLtowards an ideal of beauty.†Mrs. Miller regards this interest as unselï¬sh, generâ€" ous and admirable. It was \“Fashion Night" for over sixty university women and their guests at Kingcraft HJUSE. King City Monday evening when the University Women's Club of York County were privileged to have as guest speaker Mrs. Jean Miller of Maple whose topic was “The Art ‘of Fashion.†' Mrs. Miller's opening remarks pointed out What a fantasticaliv important business fashion reallv is. Most women mistakenly re- gard it as something frivolous and even suspect, which is push- irg them around. Only vaguely dx they understand its effect on the many facets of our life â€"â€" the type of car we buy, the kind of food we serve, home decoration and so on. Fashion changes of necessity, since it must adapt itself to the particular lives we lead. Chang- ing fashions give us an under- standing of the spirit and aesthet~ ic values of their time. Mrs. Mil- ler then‘ sketched for her aud- ience the various shapes in fash- ion during the past fifty years. 'These in turn left an impression of what the lives of w0men’ dur- ing the last fifty years must have been. In 1906 when women were con- fined to the home their activities were at a much more leisurely pace and they did not object to the limitations imposed by long skirts, heavy materials and ‘over- dressing’ in general. By 1916 women were needed to replace men who had gone off to war, they were given the vote, had new responsibilities. and the fashion changed -â€" skirts were raised. In 1926 Chanel revolutionized the whole face of fashion by in- troducing a new way of dressing which no one had even thought of before. Up until 1926 Women wore corseted and elaborate clothes. Chanel made fashionable the slim chemise, the artless. un- der-dressed look. "Even today.†said Mrs. Miller. "the Chanel in- fluence is more important than any other influence in fashion.†By 1936 the ideal of all women was a development of the Chanel look â€"a the Garbo look. Styles were more and more masculine, more and more emancipated. Be- cause of shortages during the \ ar this fashion lasted for a long period and became vulgarized as a result. Women welcomed with. open arms therefore the new Dior silhouette in 1946 which threw University Women Fashion Expert Guest Speaker YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL Those in high fashion wanted sqviething new and so in 1957 we were faced with the chemise or sack. We were so overdue for a change that it was seized upon too quickly in this country and by 1958 the pendulum was swinging away from it towards the dirwtoire or empire shape. This vear. Mrs. Miller believes that fashion is settling down rea- sonahlv well. The latest thine heinq shown from Paris is a new version of the shirtwaist dress in soft fabrics such as chiffon. with a wider neckline. wide col- lar and waist ninperl in. It rep- resents a swing to the more fe‘m- inine silhouette. out the shoulder pads and Intro- duced the sloping shoulders, long- er and fuller skirts. This was the strong influence in fashion for almost ten years until there \ ere so many versions that it, too. be- came vulgarized. Mrs. Miller believes that wo- men -â€" despite their screams of nrotest ~â€" want fashions to change. Great limitations. how- ever. have been imposed on the créative artists of the fashion world as a result of women's re- fusal to return to long skirts. To avoid dullness. therefore. Mrs. Miller feels that it is time women started thinking of a complete change between their daytime clothes and “dress-up†cloth-es. “Women†are emancipated. We eat now afford to become inter- ested in making ourselves charm- ing â€" in practising the art of fa- shion," concluded Mrs. Miller. Mrs. W. R. Outerbriclge of Aurora thanked Mrs. Miller on behalf of the club for her fas- cinating address. Her remarks were enthusiastically endorsed by President Mrs. Barbara Langstaff and all those present. Everyone enjoyed a social half hour after- wards during which refreshments were served. During the business portion of the meeting reports were heard from the Finance Committee (chaired by Mrs. Fraser Gee of Gormley) regarding possible pro- jects to be undertaken by the club during the coming months. These were outlined by Mrs. Dickson Miller, Mrs. J. D. Mac- Gregor and Mrs. J. F. Heard of Richmond Hill. Eight new members were we!- comed into the club and were in- troduced to the audience by Membership Convenor Mrs. G. Fish of Aurora. They were: Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs. J. A. Holmes-'and .Mrs. K. G. B. Ket- chum of Aurora; Miss Margaret Gourlay, Gormley: Mrs. J. D. MacGregor and Mrs. R. T. Hut~ chison of Richmond Hill; and Mrs. W. Henry Jackman and Mrs. Eric Veale of Newmarket. The next regular meeting will be held Monday evening, April 27, at 8:15 pm. at Kingcraft House, King City. when Dr. Hel- en S. Hogg will speak on her recent trip to Russia. All unl- versity women in the area are cordially invited to attend. WELCOME: This is trade-in time! If you’re the owner of a ’55, ’56, or ’57 car, any make or model, we’re geared to give extra-special attention to your needs . . . to show you all the new and exclusive features of Olds for ’59. In fact, no matter what year of car you're driving right now. we can Show you how easy it is to make the big, satisfying move up to Oldsmobile today. Come one, come all! Take a ride in a 1959 Oldsmobile and get That New Old: Feeling! SALES AND QUALITY LEADER OP FOR SATISFACTION USE “THE LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU‘ 4-1105 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hilf, Ontario., Thursday, March 26, 1959 NEWMARKET : The allotment for provincial road subsidy for Newmarket for 1959 will be $55,- 000, Aurora $21,000, Georgina $43.000. East Gwillimbury $78.- 000, North Gwillimbury $73,000, King $143,000, Whitchurch $105,- 000. IIOIIOOIIOICOOIOIOODII mununnuumnmmmnnunmummum“nmuuuuumuumnunuuuumumunumummlmmuummm\muuu\\uu“u\uummmnmumt Victor Draper SAME DAY SERVICE Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Oak Ridges 71 Centre Street East LUMBER - LATHS . TRIM . SHINGLES . GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Radio â€"- Washer Sheppard and Gill LUmber Co., Ltd. Sfop 22 Yonge Street, AV. 5-2669 TELEVISION Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle Agencies PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 THE MEDIUM PRICE cugsimg - RADIO - Hl-Fl T.v Bu’ilders’ Supplies RICHVALE ELECTRONICS Ontario Eopéh TU. 4-1194 “Night Of The Hunter†Robert Mitchum & Shelly Winters ANTENNAS INSTALLED “Danger Island†Peter Lorre & Jean Hersholt LATE MOVIES 11:30 P.M. THURSDAY “Kansas City Confidential†John Payne & Coleen Gray SATURDAY FRIDAY TU. 4-1361 0-22 59-.