I, ' Games over 200: Edith Harding 3203, Gladys Rowden 208, 231, '4, Joan Collier 228. 259, Jean Nu- , gent 200, Anna Wilkie 220, 259. ' Dorothy Glass, 206, 256. Jean Nash 227, Tina Meyer 217, Jes- 13 sie Patterson 207, Edna Maybury 3* 225, Eileen Glass 226, Betty Kerr -- 203, Nan Hannah 201: 216, Edith ",Bryson 246, Joyce Brownlee 277, "Genevieve Dennis 201, Violet .Bowen 207, 226, Isobel Bonner . 252. 268, Madge Nicholson 234. i‘rhyllis Stockert 230. éflAII persons having claims ag- nst the estate of Nellie Snider, ate of the Township of Mark- Tam. in the County of York, de- eased, who died on or about the Bth day of November. 1958. are ereby notiï¬ed to send in to the ndersigned full particulars of eir claims on or before the 27th fï¬py of April, 1959. after which mate the Executor will distribute {the estate having regard only to ‘f’claims of which he shall then {gave notice. 12.5: 0" r Call TU. 4-1745 day or night hour local typewriter specialist’ OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER â€"- TU. 4-1745 â€"- ‘83 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill SALES - SERVICE RENTALS Special Student Rates ‘ pewriters . Adding Machines . All popular make: on hand ' See Portable models at {’4- Wight's Pharmacy :4 28 Yonge St. S. ‘ A n 1olduh auc- COOK'S BP :ro CREDITORS AND OTHERS {In The Estate or Nellie Snider, “h Deceased no. -u--n-v.u.o-q m huqdboardl BOYS WANTED .12 to 15 years of age with whee-ls to deliver morning paper routes. TU. 4-4196 . Dated at Willow May of March. 195 www- " _ ï¬rifma'mhfii’?’ '» - -. 213‘ >‘ B'owfer (Tf the week: Rose Wein gert 616. Bu y v i evil Hardware “NELSON KERR‘ by his Solicitor. \V 4780 Yonge «Wt-lioatglalg, .,_( dour- l ‘ Ih-Ivu Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes‘of Cars BAYVIEW SHOPPING PLAZA. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3102 Engine sluggish? Get new pep, new power. Drive in today for our precision motor tune- up. ‘1':‘IV: VVN/VVVVVWW‘ Our Tune-Up Puts The Pep Back In Motors Our trained technic- lans lose no time in ï¬nd- ing the cause of your auto troubles. NATLONAL»L»I§A.§:HEâ€" mt... ' . - ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 SELF-ADHESIVE STIX ~the Do-It-Youucll pkslic decorating material that's so easy to p] ' STIX is wuhable. watcrproof'and soil-resistant. Choose from 72 color and design combi- nations. Made of Firestone VELON. A Dress up dull spots in you! home with magic. new NOTICE ‘e Street‘ . Ontario Executor, I. Jenkins this 17th g’Ratepayers Hear ggéProgress Report "We have reason to be proud of our teaching staff which rates in the top 10% in Ontario, and we are on our toes to keep it so," said public relations Chairman Jackson Taylor, who had arrang- ed the meeting. Mr. Taylor makes a practice of visiting each school in the area twice a year to make sure that everybody is happy.He reminded the audience that this meeting was hardly indicative of the long discussions that fre- quently took place, when import- ant decisions are being made, nor of the hours of work that go into the preparation of‘reports. Mr. Taylor then‘called upon Dr. Ross Doan. Treasurer of the Area Board who gave a concise and in- formative breakdown of the re- ceipts and expenditures for 1958. This statement will be appearing in “The Liberal." - Mr. Parker said he felt “the policy of the board had resulted in‘the evolution of what we think a very ï¬ne system, from kinder- garten to grade 8. From time to time the board is subject to pres- sure by groups, and individuals, to elaborate the system. Such pressure is not bad, if it keeps us forward looking. All sugges- tions are studied. and evaluated, and may ï¬nd a place in our sys- tem when economically possible. Kindergartens," he said. “were the result of popular demand." Operated Within Budget Finance Chairman George Chandler commented that the ‘Area school board had operated within the budget it had set up last year. The greatest increase this year will be in teachers' salaries, which must be raised to be competitive. In 1958 major re- pairs to, the older school build- ings cost $38,840. This year'the expenditure should be under $12,000. “Theire have been many chang- es in attitude towards" the grow- ing child. Less guess work. and more psychgltégy is used today, with the Best‘of the Old teaching methods being ‘retained," ' said Education Chairman H. F. Skin- ner. who is himself a teacher. Mr. Skinner said the aim of the board ‘was to provide a well bal- anced education, with special help (in remedial classes) for those who need it. and so prepare youngsters for democratic living. Touching on the controversy on reading, he said that today’s chil- dren read mare than their par- ents used to. The teacher 'he felt should b an important person in his community. but is not always so honoured. Says Teaching Staff Tops Reporting on "growth", Vice- Chairman Allan Parker said that there were now 68 classrooms. including 10 portables. and four basement rooms. which are con- sidered substandard, in the Area. 'To remedy this the board will construct a new school with sev- en classrooms. and a kindergar- ten room in the Elgin-Clarke Ave. vicinity. A start could not be made until the C.N.R. an- nounced their plans, but they are hopeful that the school will now be ï¬nished by next September. Four classrooms and a kinder- garten will be added to the Charles Howitt School. A school site was obtained on Carrville Road East last year, and options have been taken on three pieces of property in the Spring Farm, in the event that it becomes a subdivision. As the Richvale School is old and the property too small to build on, the board pro- poses to acquire a site in Rich- vale for a new school. “Teachers give a sigh of relief and pï¬pilsreceive her with great joy." said Mr. Taylor, when in- troducing Mrs. Kathleen Elliott. Area Art Supervisor. Declaring that art helps a child to make more of himself, and that a child who learns how to create freely. is never lonely. Mrs. Elliott said that the art- program was prim- arily interested in making child- ren artists in living, rather than artists for a living. In class they learn to appreciate the applica- tion of art in homes. gardens, etc. They learn to communicate ideas, to respect what others can do. and to work together. The effective farm yard scene. at the back of the platform, which the children had painted for the forthcoming 'Junior Concert was a good example of this co-operâ€" ation. ‘ Members of all the Area home and school associations had been invited to this meeting, designed to acquaint them with the work of the board, and‘with details of the various schools, and about 100 parents were on hand. Following a brief business session. ten speakers gave ï¬ve minute summaries of their special work, and Inspector Maynard Hallman spoke for ten' minutes on matters pertaining to the.;School Area. All in all, such a‘ mass of information was presented, that it is possible only to indicate the highlights. In 1915 coal and wood to heat Thornhill Public School for the year cost $56.00 and the teacher’s salary was $750. paid in quarterly instalments. These were among interest- ing facts culled from the old minute book, and read by Chairman Roy V. 'Bick, during his introductory address, at the open meeting of School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan. PubliC‘School Board last ‘week; Five hundred valentines, each bearing the maker’s name and age were sent to the Hospital for Sick Children from Thornhill School. and Mrs. Elliott remark- ed that the nurses had reported that they had -given inï¬nitely more pleasure to the little pat- ients than any bought ones could have done. Th'maummer the Area schools will participate in the showing of art b? c§ildren from all over the world, a the University of Tor- onto, and Mrs. Elliott feels it will be well worth a visit. Area Music Supervisor Hugh Martin said the children were moving along musically. delving into music appreciation, discuss- ing the composers â€" and sing- .in “Film strips with records. s 6%: single instruments. had School Area “The most forward step this year was the establishment of kindergartens which. the taxpay- ers voted for and got,’ said Mr. Maynard Hallman. Inspector of Public Schools. Next year, when the children enter grade 1, he felt that the beneï¬t would be- come apparent and that the chil- dren would move ahead more quickly. Reports showed that there were still more than 20 backward children in ordinary classrooms. who were taking too much of the teacher’s time from the other pupils. There were also some gifted children who were “under-achievers†because work in the regular classes was not suf- ï¬ciently challenging. He hopes the day will come when education is established on three levels â€" junior public, senior public school, and high school, and he made ï¬ve recommendations: Describing himself as a true son of Wales, who hardly dared make a speech on (this) St. Pat- rick’s day, Mr. Lynn Evans of Thornlea School, Chairman of the Area Teachers‘ Association. interjected several droll remarks in his brief summation. He listed speakers who had, or would take part, and various members of the school staff who had helped with meetings. “We are all working together to try and improve the educational set up, and are proud to be in this teachers’ group, and doubly proud to be associated with this area,†Mr. Evans aver- red. Beneï¬t From Kindergarten The next speaker, Mr. Ross Urquhart, principal of Langstafl’ School, and chairman of the prin- cipals' association. said the as- sociation provided a time and place to discuss. common prob- lems. They were concerned with 'such matters as how to make the best professional use of their time, how to raise the scholastic level, and to establish uniformity of report cards. Their recom- mendations were passed on to Supervising Principal E. J. Sand. (1) that a formula be establish- ed to make automatic provision for all slow learning children. and that a fourth special class be set up: (2) that immediate steps be ta- ken to assist our greatest nation- al asset, the gifted child: (3) that special consideration be given to home economics, and industrial art classes; [5) that the board continue to meet, and consult with, the plan- ning boards of Vaughan, Mark- ham and Metro. Metro has limit- ing controls over the kind of de- velopment that takes place in this community. Mr. Hallman pointed out that it is the function of the inspector to recommend the opâ€" portunities which may be given to children. but it is the respon- sibility of the board to determine whether, or not, we are able, or willing. to pick up the ticket for these things. In his supervisory work he had noted great improve- ment in art and music in the Area. and he mentioned that the teachers planned to attend the International Reading Associa- tion convention in Toronto on May 1. been helpful, and he was all for promoting straight backs. rather than a TV slouch. (4) that plans be made now to assure the future possibility of establishing a local two level public school system; “There have been some resig- nations due to marriage, or mov- ing from the district," said Sup- ervising Principal, and Business Administrator E. J. Sand. “Mr. Skinner and I visited Teachers' College last week and were dis- appointed to be able to select only 3 teachers. However, other applications have since been re- ceived, and we will be interview- ing them. Securing good teachers is a matter of great concern. and there must be a salary schedule to both attract, and retain them. he stressed. A brochure of the history of the school area had been produc- ed and he commented that there had been progressive growth. am- ounting to 28 per cent in one year. Supplies of area schools mat- erials were now bought by ten- der thus eï¬â€˜ecting quite a saving in getting the best for less. Wonâ€" derful things were being accom- plished in the science classes and Mr. Sand felt that Inspector Hall- man was responsible for spark- ing interest in this subject about which he knows so much. Per- mission has been granted Mr. Hugh Martin to act as music ad- judicator in the Toronto schools. This was an honor both for Mr. Martin and the area schools. During the question period at the end of the meeting someone asked the location of the new school. It will be west of the northern extension of Henderson Ave. between Clarke and Elgin. What about a school on 16th Ave. (Carrville Road Eastl asked an- other. Property has been bought but there will be no school until there are enough pupils to wax» rant 3 building. A father com- Plained that an hour and a half was too long for lunch at the Richvale School. and that the Kindergarten forward step this At a public meeting held Mon- day morning at. Buttonvllle the Municipal Board adjourned the hearing on Markham’s proposed amendment to its official plan covering the southâ€"west corner of the township until sometime in June. The adjournment was made at the request of Markham Town- ship and the Metropolitan Plan- ning Board. Markham sought the amendment in order to have time to further study the effects of the new C.N.R. line on the south- west corner of the township. An overflow crowd of ratepay- ers jammed into the council chambers to hear a large battery of lawyers and representatives do some preliminary skirmishing on the matter of the amendment. The township was represented by Solicitor J. D. Lucas and Plan- ning Director R. Forrest. Metro was represented by its Planning Director M. Jones. The "official plan ed in August, 1956. speed on Yonge St. was so ex- cessive his six year old had to wait from 3.30 until 4. when a guard was on duty at the cross- ing. Trustees explained that most of the children went home for lunch, and needed the hour and a half, and they promised to look into 'the matter of the crossing guard for 3.30. All concurred that it was not for lack of trying that there were no lights at the Carr- ville corner, nor that the speed limit had not been reduced. They cited it as just one of the many frustrations they experience in their work, in which they often get lots of promises, but no ac- tion. However. they will keep on “hounding†the Departmeni of Highways. It took two years to get lights near Steeles. A second public meeting on welfare services has been arrang- ed for 8:15 p.m. Tuesday evening, March 31, when Miss Bessie Tou- zel, executive director of the On- tario Welfare Council. will be the main speaker at the Wrixon Hall meeting. Miss Touzel has a warm inter- est in both the individual and the community, and a real en- thusiasm for what people can evolve together. Before coming to the Ontario Council in 1953 she had been the assistant exec- utive director of the_Canadian Welfare Council with headquar- ters in Ottawa for five years. There she did two special assign- ments'of great interest to the public. The first was a study or welfare services in New Bruns- wick and the second was when she undertook the direction of- the welfare services of the Red Cross disaster operation after the Winnipeg floods. ’ Municipal Bd. Adjourns Markham Hearing June ' Refl‘eshments were served by members of the Langstaff Home and School Association. South-West Corner Miss Touzel 55 Guest Speaker At Welfare Service Public Meeting STOP 24 YONGE STREET RICH - HILL BEHIND THIS was approv- At that time Behind this door is a car! But this is more than just a car, it is a tradition. For ï¬fty-eight years now, people have used its name . . . Buick . . . as a synonym for excellence. Now, this car has excelled even itself. In pride and prestige, in beauty and mechanical perfection it has surpassed every great thing its name has ever stood for. Truly, Nineteen-Fifty-Nine is Buicle’s vintage year. A year in which one thing is certain . . . better automobiles cg: being built. . . and Buicle~ is building them. Drive one . . . ten minutes will tell. The proposed amendment was submitted to the ratepayers at several public meetings and two individual objections were filed with the planning board against the proposed amendment. Mr. Lucas stressed that contrary to reports the plan has never been altered since that time. the south-west corner of the township was temporarily “froz- en" to any further development when Metro objected to the est- ablishment of a sewage disposal plant. Later Metro agreed to de- velopment of the area when it was decided to extend the east Don Trunk Sewer into Markham and Vaughan Townships to serve a limited population. The proposed amendment in- cludes a change in the industrial area from John Street to the Don Mills Road. The jail farm indust- rial area at Langstaff remains un- changed. The Yonge Street area will be zoned for the main part as highway commercial with some retail commercial centres. Urban development will be permitted on 50 foot lots. When the proposed amendment was held up by the Minister of Planning and Development two of the larger property owners in the area were asked to have the matter referred to the Municipal Board for a final decision so that devlopment of the area can pro- ceed. Mr. Forrest promised once the changes necessitated by the C.N.R. line. the new location of No. 7 Highway and the Don Mills Parkway are completed the plan will again be re-submltted to the ratepayers before the June hear- mg. The town of Richmond Hill will have Mr. Mack Clement as The south-west corner lies in an area bounded by Steeles Ave- nue, Yonge Street, No. '7 High- way and the 5th Concession. Speakers’from the different members of these partnerships will be introduced to the meet- ing and will be available not only to speak on points of in- terest but also to answer ques- tions from the floor. The operation of welfare ser- vices involves not one but two partnerships. The first is a part- nership of three levels. munici- pal, provincial and federal. The second is a partnership between the public agencies and the pri- vate, as exampled by the ser- vice clubs’ welfare activities. the Canadian Mental Health Assoc- iation and the Women's Insti- tutes. Her recent study of welfare services in Peel County is the first such study of its kind in Canada. and is of special interest because of the nature of Peel County. SEE YOUR LOCAL BUICK DEALER SOUTH of RICHMOND HILL TEL. AV. 5-4351 Dot Boyer topped the women with 138. 141. 128 in a 407 series. Grace Lusignan was close be- hind with 406. Barbara Bone had high single of 151 in a 397 total. George Luslgnan was bowler of the week with 210, 170, 191 for a 571 series. Gary Champ followed with 562, and then came B'ob Breedon with 203 in 519, Paul Wright with 514. Harry Waugh with 511 and Ray Rich- ards with a second high single game of 209. 7' The Bloopers moved into a second place tie with the Hot- Shots while the Jets moved 1% points behind the fourth place Crlpples and the last position for the ï¬rst division play-offs. COMMUNITY LEAGUE March 16 Best game this week: Egan Jen son 297. Other good games were: Jim Bisson 222. Gene Maynard 261, 266 Bob.Correa 235. 212, Les Mayhew 209, 252, Lloyd Quance 217, 215, Don Lawrie 230. 217, Egan J‘enson 297, 223, Nora Hues- tis 281, Harry Bennett 209, 209. Jim Beuch 202. Jack Holtze 207. Jack Slater 206, Eddie Cooper 205, 255. Bill Huestis 210, 220, Bob Jones 211, 206, 210, Chuck Representatives of the Home and School Association who were the initiators of the first "welfare" meeting have been invited as special guests by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, as have the school principals. doctors, min- isters, representatives of the service clubs and the Jaycees, as well as the W.A.s and W.M.S. members from all the Churches. Mrs. Grace Jackson, formerly social service consultant to the Civil Service Health Division. Ottawa. will be asked by W. A. President, Mrs. Travis Hutchi- son. to take over the chair for this meeting and to act as com- mentator as she did at the "c- Conaghy Home and School As- sociation meeting in January. Jesson 250, Keith Sanderson 217 A.B.C. MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE A.B.C. Bowl No. 2 and Italy are tired [or ï¬rst place with 30 points each, Hall’s Fuel Oil 27, Davis and Day 25. Richmond Bowl 25, Western Tire 19, Twin Boys 18. K 8; M Spltï¬res 18, Young Bros. 18. Jack Blyth Real Estate 15 ABC. Bowl No. 1 14, John’s Boys 13. Following the' discussion per- iod refreshments will be serv- ed. . Top bowler for the night was Frank Price Jr. with a nice 854, B. Clephane 834, 1". Price Sr. 804. A. Skretteberg 777. B. Haan- paa 749. D. Trimble 733. H. Fin- bow 729. J. Hall 723, E. Martin 722, S. Dacks 722, B. Hutchinson 711, B. Costoff 704, G. Margerum 701. phane 229, Earl Martin 228 Skrefwberg Mm 242, Tim Saul 236, Hank Searle 235. Bill Cle- their representative; Miss J. M. Glroux and Mr. W. H. Bury. di- rector of child welfare services for Ontario. who has been in- terested in this meeting since its inception. will represent the provincial level. and Mr. Fred Jackson. director of Family' Al- lowances and Old Age Security. Ontario region. will clarify the federal role. RICHMOND TEN PINNERS High averageris heldriby Arm? LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario., Thursday, March 28, 1959 A.B.C. MEN’S MAJOR LEAGUE -'A.B.C.TBOW1’;~N5917m . elf top spof (vitli' 27w'poi’ï¬tsrrfa‘ly' 6; Hall‘s Fuel Oil 24, Davis and Day 21, Richmond Bowl 21. Western Tire 16, Twin Boys 16, K & M Spitï¬res 14. Young Bros. 13. Jack Blyth Real Estate 13. A.B.C. Bowl No. 1 11, John’s Boys 8. Vic Grove led thé men with a nice 798, A. Skretteberg 793, E. Martin 785. A. Bedford 761, Hank K. W. TOMLIN Please take note that there will be no garbage collection on Good Friday. Garbage normally collected on Fridays will for this week be collected on Sat- urday. ‘ ‘i TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL An accidethzx. a sudden illness . . . One of the ï¬rst things you do is summon medical help, by telephone. ‘ In an emergency your telephone gives you prompt and priceless aid. Just knowing it is there, ready to serve..you day or night, is a comfort in itself. It’s‘liégdift‘b put a value on these things. Yet your telephone provides them allâ€"and moreâ€"at minimum cost. “So we phoned the doctor and . ; . †.‘ T 'I Y"! IILL TBLIPHONE COMPANY OF cANADA MAYOR NOTICE Searle 746. B. Costoï¬ 741, D. F “9572?â€. WIT. Tom L'gmpeié‘i‘ '75“ .mma.~'r1o,‘ L. Rizzi 710. F. Munro 707, Mel: Raw- llnson 704. 5 High average is still held by Arne Skretteberg with 242‘,'Tim Saul 236, Hank Searle 235, Earn Martin 228. Bill Clephane 227. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 ? R. LYNETT CLERK