Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1959, p. 17

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_ per bushel Potatoes, 75 lb. bag . . $1.75 Carrots, 6 qt. basket .. 35c 80c per gallon. plus container Large Supply - Prices Right I Spies $2.75 Ontario Delicious . . . . $2.75 Macintosh. lsls . . . . . $2.50 BlenheTms . . . . . . . $2.25 Richmnnd Hill & District Unlt Stop 21A loughlin Home Supply and radio tubes tested HERRIDGE ’ Elfic'mfi NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET 9 am. to 6 pm. including Sat. IIU. 8-8949 For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes ‘Eortable Welding & Repairs i-Phgne AV. 5-4421 Evenings AV. 5-3678 fl LDA LUMBER DEALERS ALLIANCE I See Richvale - Ornamental Iron Works AUTOMATIC DELIVERY 5:- F. L. Lowrie, R.0. OPTOMETRIST Topper's Farm CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY For lnfor'mation call Riflhmond Hill TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3463 Thornhill AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple 247W AV. 6-2406 Unlonvfllo 239 North Richmond Hill Evenings by appointment 53 YONGE N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3211 In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre APPLES Richvale, Ont. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs CIDER Yonge St. ‘ $12,900.00 Richmond Hill, lovely white clap- board ranch bungalow on lot 68' x 268', with many fine trees. Fin- ished recreation room, hot water oil heating. West of Yonge on older residential street. Low down payment. MRS. D. CARTERâ€"AV. 54905 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD., REALTORS 6-ROOMED solid brick ranch- style corner bungalow. Aluminum storms and screens. fully decor- ated and landscaped. Custom built recreation room and kitch- en. Private sale. 127 Cascade Circle, Richmond Hill. I"4w39 $990 DOWN â€"- Attached garage. N.H.A. ranch bungalow, detached brick, 3 huge bedrooms. ultra- m;dern kitchen. 4 piece coloured tile bath. Immaculate home. pri- vate drive. corner lot. A real snan â€"-many extras free. Call AV. 5- 3642. Look Real Estate Ltd. NJLA. RESALE ~ $2,900 DOWN buys this 6 room- ed solid brick bungalow. Beauti- fully decorated with finished re- creation room. Completely fenc- ed and landscaped. Carries for less than rent. Close to public and separate schools. Many extras Call Mr. Garnett._AV. 5-1482 RANCH BUNGALOW $16,900 â€"- attached garage. stone front. situated on huge lot with 66' frontage. one block to Yonge St. and subway bus, L-shaped living-dining room, ultra-modern kitchen, three good sized bed- rooms and divided basement. Call Mr. V. Ledwith. AV. 5â€"1482 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE $15,100 â€"- Splitâ€"level entrance. Choice location. 6 room solid brick bungalow. Interior trim na- tural finish. ‘ 5 ROOM modern bungalmv,_vic- ' ity Bayview and No. 7 Highway. 011 1,-';-acre treed lot. $9.000 cash t» first mortgage of $3,200. Phone AV. 5-3106. c1w39 $990 DOWN â€"‘ 6 room detached brick bungalow. Richmond Hill. Family sized rooms. recreation room, storms and screens. Big fenced lot, oil heat, many extras. Call AV. 5â€"3642, Look Real Es- tate Ltd. c1w39 Call Mr. Garnett. AV. 5-1482 J. F..COOPER REAL ESTATE RED HOT â€" $395 Down â€" N.H. A. brick bungalow, 3 huge bed- rooms, ultra-modern kitchen. 4- piece bath, immaculate home. private drive. extras free. A real énap. AV.,5â€"3642. Look Real Estate Ltd. c1w39 BAYVIEW-SHEPPARD, $8.900 - 4 large roomed cottage, beautiful treed lot. close to all schools. bus, shopping. No down payment. Private. BA. 5-1469. *1w39 166 Maple Ave. Member of Toronto Real Estate Board ENTHUSIASTIC? YOU BET WE ARE! About this two storey brick veneer home. with attached ear- port. The interior is immaculate and features seven spacious rooms plus two sun rooms. Excel- lent location on paved road in Maple. 6 ROOM bungalow, 5 minutes to school. high school church and bus, Elgin SL, Thornhill. C. Brouwer. *4w39 6 ROOMED solid brick ranch- style corner bungalow suitable for doctor. Aluminum storms and scre ns, fully decorated and land- scaped. Custom built recreation room and kitchen. Private sale. 172 Cascade Circle, Richmond Hill. *4w38 Charming storey and a half home with six tastefully decorated rooms plus breezeway and garage. Landscaped corner location. $9,900 with terms KING We have a choice selection of hom:s in King and we invite your enuiries. Call Peter Kitchen PA. 7-5076 17 ACRE market garden lots. 4 to 6 ft. of well drained black muck on 400 Highway. Ready for planting. Taylor's Sawmill, R. R. 2 Aurora, AV. 5-4231. c4w38 FOR FREE' appraisal, call J. F. Cooper Real Estate, AV. 5-1482. c1w38 ing Chinchilla, but you must make a start. RU. 2-6806. Stonehouse Chinchilla. 111 Haddington Ave., Toronto 12. tfc36 NHA RESALE â€" 3 years old. 6 room brick bungalow. Decorated, stonms and screens. landscaped and fenced. 5 per cent lst mort- gage. Carries for $63.00 per month. Save commiasion. Private sale. Phone TUrner 4-3908 any- time. tfc36 EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker and General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N. A MOST HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. REALTORS YOU TOO can NURSING ACCOMMODATION GRADUATE NURSE modation in own mond Hill home. with bath. up pati give nursing care i We have a number of low priced homes and building lots: also a few new homes List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr. Hudson, phone TU. 4-2822 or flu 3-4343. tfcll service. nice living room. TV. Ev- ery kindness given to old folk. either ladies or gentlemen. rea- sonable rates. Write Box 146 “The Liberal." “C33 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PRUDENTIAL TRUST C0 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONLY 514.500 with terms OAK RIDGES ke money rais- E has accom- private Richâ€" n main floor. nts only. Will Aurora clw39 clw39 02w39 c1w39 OLD CARS, trucks and scrap wanted. TU. 4â€"2677. ‘ c1w38 SATURDAY, MARCH 28 â€" Ex- tensive auction sale of farm im- plements, Ford stake truck with hoist, Ford late model 800 trac- tor. PTO tractor rotary mower, rear end scoop, rear scraper blade, tractor plows, PTO chain saw, Cockshutt self-propelled combine, tools. poultry equip- ment. household furniture includ- ing deep freeze, refrigerator, pro- pane gas range, dishes. glassware, and many other useful articles. 011 Markham Township- Scarboro Townline (Steeles Ave. East). be- tween 10th and 11th Concession of Markham. Property of Estate of the Late Ernest G. Reesor. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham 346. Easy, profitable and inexpensive to start. For information phone or visit N. Epworth, Colonial Nu- tria Ranch, Hillsview Drive. Rich- mond Hill. c6w34 Anv size or make. pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419. collect. tfc3 GOOD HOME.\vanted for Ger- man Shepherd, female. 10 11105., preferably on a farm. TU. 4-4010. c1w39 CAPONS and fowl. highest pri- ces paid Don" sell until contact- ing W S. Appleton‘ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc27 ‘."“.D., APRIL 1, 1959 â€" Auction sale of 28 head of Holstein cattle, fresh cows and springer heifers and calves, 4 brood sows, Case tractor, Standard D, new in 1952; Case tractor manure spreader on rubber, also ‘ull line of imple- ments, 2 unit Surge mllker, poul- try, baled hay and straw, at Lot 33, Con. 4, Whitchurch Township, 14 mile south of Newmarket town line. (The above cattle are all negative to blood test). The property of Wm. Dobson. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Alvin S. Farmer, Auctioneer. Rex Smith, clerk. Phone Gormley 5311. REGISTERED baby budgies from talking strain. also breeders TU. 4â€"2205. tfc23 RAISE NUTRIA - THE COMING FUR A WANTED â€"- SMALL farm, pre- ferably with good potato land. Please reply giving details, to Box 173 “The Liberal". DAYOLD and some started dual purpose pullets and cockerels prompt shipment; Some Ames pullets. Dayold heavy breed cock- erels. Order now April-May broil- er chicks. Request price list. Bray Hatchery; J. C. Enns. Brampton, Glendale 1â€"3506; and Glendale 1-5218; Fairbank Feed. R. R. 1, Maple, phone AVenue 5-2954. SALE REGISTERS lc1 INEXPENSIVE Richvale area home wanted for waiting buyer. Call Mr. Ellison. AV. 5-1176, Da- vid McLean Ltd., Realtors. RICHMOND HILL. 3 bedroom house wanted for out of town client. with good cash payment. Call Mr. Jeffries. AV. 5-1176, David McLean Ltd. Realtors. SAT., APRIL 11, 1959 â€"- Exten- sive auction sale of Holstein cattle. farm stock, implements, threshing machine, hay. grain, furniture, etc., on Lot 25, Con- cession 7. Vaughan Twp. Prop- erty of Elmer Witherspoon. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, Auctioneers. FARMS WANTED We have three buyers with large cash payments waiting for farms close in on Bathurst, Duffel-in, Keele, Bayview or Leslie Aves. Call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176, David McLean Ltd., Realtors. distrlc‘. salary and commission. Evening work. Apply TU. 4-4501. *2w38 SAT., APRIL 18, 1959 â€" Auction 53?: of modern farm machinery, tractors, power mower. pickup baler, elevator. combine. post hole digger. PTO sprayer. etc., on Lot 20. Base Line, Pickering 1,4; mile east of Frenchman's Bay and 1,5 mile west of Brock Road (south of Kingston Road). property of George Plitz. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Sale at 1.30 pm. sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice â€" Aucticueers. I HAVE clients with various‘dgwn payments interested in buying i the Richvale and Richmond Hi areas. For courteous efficient ser- vice, call Mr. Rayfield. BA. 5- 7711. J. M. Farquharson, Real Estate. tfc34 Daniel Defoe, creator inson Crusoe,” “Tote books in the last four his life. DAVID McLEAN LTD. NEED MORE HOMES REAL EST I TE WANTE A HIGHLAND DlNCE TEACHER PHONE KING 1R2 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SMA POULTRY FOR SALE PIANO .‘VA NTED POULTRY W ANTED WANTED Richmond Hill of “Rob- some 30 years of c3w39 c4w36 c1w39 c2w39 c2w39 c2w39 c2w39 On Saturday, March 14th, the Langstaff Home and School Asso- ‘ciation held their annual dance at the Uplands Golf Club. This is an event looked forward to by all who have attended the (lanc- cs in the past and each evening seems to be even more pleasant than the last. The committee in charge of plans for the evening under the competent convenor- ship of Mr. Neal. ably assisted by Claire Moore, Stan Turnpenny, and Ross Jollifl’e. are to be con- gratulated on their planning and organization. Refreshments provided by the ladies of the Home and School Association were enjoyed by all. Another success for the Langstaff Home and Schoo. Asociatlon. Langltaft Baptist Church Easter Sunday will be a day of special music at both services. At the 11 o’clock morning service,‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson, will be at the piano and organ and the soloist will be Mr. Stan Carter. In the evening, the choir will pre- sent a Cantata entitled “The Liv- ing Redeemer" by H. Lillenas. Pastor MacSpadden will preach at both services. 'Mark Vaun Women’s Institute Gay murals in the spring mo- tif, brigh‘. table decorations, streamers and balloons gave a festive air to the hall. and Art I-Iallman’s Band played pleasant music for dancing. A committee 0'" eight was elec- ted to represent the residents of Highland Park and Doncaster at the open meeting. All present proposed to attend the open meet- ing, but the committee, in con- junction with similar groups from other affected communities, would act as official spokesmen. The meeting then formulated a series of questions to be placed before the railway representatives. Pro- minent among these were: the reason for the choice of the pre- sent route; whether alternate routes did not already exist; an what compensation, if any, coul be expected by residents whose puperty declined in value be- cause of the proximity of the railway. There were individual favors for each couple as well as many wonderful door prizes. A veryvsuccessful euchre and bridge was held at the home of Mrs. N. Hicks. Essex Avenue, on Monday of last week. Five tables of euchre and one of bridge were enjoyed by all. It was realized that any firm opposition on the part of district residents would involve legal ex- pense for legal counsel and other expert advice. To this end. there- fore, the hat was passed and the The April meeting of the Insti- tute will be held on Thursday, April 2nd. at the home of Mrs. Mary Jones. Garden Avenue. The roll call will be “A Hat made from Kitchen Gadgets.” Annual reports will be read and election of officers for the coming year will be held. Members are re- minded to bring donations for the “Cancer Cupboard.” This meeting marks the 8th birthday of the Mark Vaun Branch and all members are urged to attend. lst Langstaff Scout and Cub Mothers’ Auxiliary The meeting first voted to peti- tion the C.N.R. to find an alter- nate route which would cause less disruption to residential areas. It was the strongly held View of many present that such an alternate route could be found. In View, however. of the open meeting scheduled for the follow- ‘ing Tuesday, at which C.N.R. rep- resentatives were to state their case. it was decided to withhold the actual circulation of any pe- tition until after that time. nf Henderson Avenue School on Friday evening, March 20. The meeting. called to discuss the proposed railway through Don- caster was sponsored by the Don- caster Ratepayers' Association; but a number of Highland Park residents attended and took an active part in the proceedings. Despite the obvious fact that almost all regarded the coming of the railway as little short of a disaster to community life in the district, there were relatively few acrimonious remarks. Rather, there appeared to be a firm de- t"mination to oppose the rail- way with all the resources of community effort. Mrs. E. Sand,'Maryvale Cres- cent, was hostess for the March meeting of the Auxiliary. After a short business meeting, a hap- py time was spent by those pres- ent in making an Easter bonnet out of edible products. The am- using results were judged by Mrs. Fyfe who announced the winners, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Brash, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Clark. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Howard on Wednesday, April 15th. The annual Ladies‘ Night of the Patterson Lodge, A.F. and A. M., of Thornhill, was held at Northview Heights . Collegiate on Saturday evening, March 2lst. The dinner tables were decorated with spring flowers and a lovely dinner was served. This was fol- lowed by an evening of entertain- ment, including dancing and cards. Many Langstaff residents were in attendance. Personals The largest throng of ratepay- ers seen in many years in this disgrict jammed the auditorium Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Hicks, Essex Avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hicks. Shirley and Lorna from Pic-ton. C.N.R. Line "fiftfie Susan Clark. Denham Drive. did an excellent job of modelling for the Tinkerbell Shop, Thornhill, at the Easter Bennett Tea of the Thornhill Uni- ted Church held on Saturday. March 14th. HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 23 Highland Pnrk Blvd., phone AVenue 5-2795 LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J._ROY Phone AVcnue 5-2806 The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. Kattie Duncan on the death of her hus~ band, Albert. who was well known to many Langstaff resi- dents. Town Council Approve Plan Flood Control Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night approved in prin- ciple the Flood Control and Wat- er Conservation Plan of the Met- ro Conservation Authority. The action was taken on motion of Councillors Haggart and Brad-‘ stock after a detailed explanation of the project by Grant Hender- son of Woodbridge. Mr. Hender- son who represented the Author- itylwas accompanied by S. F. Lunn, secretary-treasurer. The summary presented Mon- day night pointed out that con- servation measures planned would be of benefit to Richmond Hill but the benefits would be of an intangible type rather than tangible. It was stated that Flood Control and Water Conservation is a comprehensive plan that would affect the economy of the entire region and benefits would accrue to every member munici- pality. On this basis the Author- ity proposes a levy on all muni- cipalities proportionater accor- ding to population. to cost more than forty million dollars. It is hoped that the Federal and Provincial govern- ments each will contribute 371,12 per cent, and that of the remain- irg annual levy of $865,000. Met- ro will pay more than $800,000. The balance will be shared pro- portionately on a per capita bas- is by all municipalities in the conservation area which covers 950 square miles. Mr. Henderson said estimates were based on a ten year plan but it might take up to fifteen years to complete. The flood control and water conservation prpjectris' estimated First comes the stage of “man- ipulation.” when the child. given a brush and some colour, is mereâ€" ly learning to handle his mater- ials. When the child gains some command of his tools, the first signs of organization and design appear. Then follows the first recognition by the child that his painting can have a subject. The product here may look like a scribble, but it is a “named scrib- ble;” to the child, it represents r.meone doing something. where the previous stage was just a de- sign. Then follows the symbol stage, with the human figure being usually the first symbol. And finally comes the final stage of the "symbol in an environ- ment" -â€" which is basically the stage of even the greatest paint- ers. . Art. Dr. Gaitskell concluded, is a means of organizing thought and conveying it: if the child,, through his painting. can organâ€" ize his thoughts and convey them, tlaen he is to that extent educat~ e . Birthday congratulations to Mrs. J. Honor, Morgan Drive. who celebrated her birthday on Monday of this week. Dr. Gaitskell illustrated his talk with a series of slides. select- ed from the work of 10.000 child- ren to show the normal or aver- age product of children at var- ious levels of development. The levy proposed for Rich- mond Hill is $4,417 each year for ten years. beginning of a “fighting fund" was collected. Powell Road Home 8.: School Powell Road Home and School Association held their regular monthly meeting in the school on Monday evening. March 23. Dr. Gaitskell. director of art for the Ontario Department of Education. was the guest of honor. Dr. Gait- skell described the revolutionary changes which have taken place in the art program in the schools during the past twent" years. He emphasized that the Department is firmly behind the teaching of art. on the principle that the child who is not adequately in- structed in this regard is not ful- ly educated. The Department runs an art school for qualified teachers at the College of Art: and also holds summer “colonies” in other parts of the proxince. Research programs are carried out; and Ontario, at the moment, is considered to be a leader in art education. Mayor Tomlin said all munic- ipalities within the area should endorse the plan. “This great area. which is the industrial heart of Canada, must be protected from disaster," he said. NORTH END LEAGUE Friday, March 20 Top score for the night was bowled by Mabel Havland - 233, 231, 248, Bob Karsh 630'- 284. 151, 245, Art Gibson 639 - 257 205, 177. Fred Harrell 620 - 196, 172, 252. Wilt Young 612 - 184, 230, 198, Madelein: Leech 606 - 159 232. 215. Austin Everett 206, 207 Eunice Bonne 240, Har- old Bennett 240, Eddy Demaniuk 231. Fred Leech 226. Madge Beu- nett 222, Dot Baker 221, Bert Hunt 221. Irene Léech 217, Bert Cook 217, Len Emberley 213, Stan Worsdale 211 Bowen 204. Team Standings with two niguts remaining in final series: Rebzls 37, Fireflies 32, Alley Oops ‘28. Bloopers 23. Wanderers 23, Hula Hoops 22, Crack Pot: 20. Bird Dogs 11. " and’ Julie “AS HE SAID” Music: The Teen Trio 7 p.m-. â€" Evening Service "AS YE HAVE SEEN HIM GO" Girls’ Club The young ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A., B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Service 9.45 â€"â€" The Church School 11 am. -â€" Public Worship Nursery and Kindergarten meet at hour of Worship 7.30 pm. -â€" Young People’s Union I _ Anglican Richmond Hill East Beverley Acres School Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith. 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 0rganist:‘Mrs. E. V. Collier. A.T.C.O. , SUNDAY. MARCH 29, 1959 Easter Sunday 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Nursery and Jr. Con- gregation 11 am. â€" Holy Communion 2 pm. â€" Holy Baptism Service 2 pm. â€" Bible Class ai. the Rec- ' tory 3 pm. â€"â€"- Confirmation Class for boys and girls at the Rectory Holy Weel: Service Friday. 10.30 am. â€" Morning 1 Prayer and Sermon ‘ RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Irvin, B. Th.. B.R.E. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Services 9.50 am. ,â€" Bible School for all Attendance contest concludes. Filmstrip: The First Easter. 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL ST. MARY'S _ ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil MAUNDY THURSDAY 7.30 pm. â€" Holy Communion GOOD FRIDAY 10.30 am. â€" One Hour Devotion and Sermon (Nurserv and Jr. Congregation) HOLY SATURDAY 8.30 am. â€" Morning Praysr 7.00 pm. ,â€" Evening Prayer and Preparation for Easter Commun- 1011 EASTER DAY 7 am. â€" Holy Communibn 8 am, â€" Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Choral Communion 9.30 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 a.m.râ€" Choral Communion (Nursary and Jr. Cong"egation in v’Pai‘ish Hall at 11 am.) 7 p.111. â€" Festal Evensong :THE LORD IS RISEN KEEP THE EASTER FEAST AS ' A FAMILY RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Sunday 2.45 pm. â€"- Open Session of Sunday School with children par- ' ticipating 7 pm. ‘â€" The Easter Gospel Hour Thje~ glorious Easter hymns and message by the pastor we welcome youto the fellowship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodism. Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill SUNDAY, MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Sunday 3 p.m. â€"â€" PUBLIC LECTURE EVERY THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE March 27, 11 am. “The best Way to get ahead is to use the one you have" 7.45pm. â€" Service Meeting 8.45 pm. â€"'Ministry School NO COLLECTION TU. 4-2677 ALL WELCOME RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Sunday 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a.m. â€" \Iorning Worship 11 11 am. â€" Nursery Department RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Good Friday Service 11 am. â€" Rev. A. F. Binnington . Easter Sunday 8.30 am. â€" Communion 9.45 am. â€"â€".Sunday School 11~a.m. -â€" Worship Service (Broadcast CJRH) 7.p.m. â€" Easter Cantata “God's Only Son" Maple 10.15 11.30 10.15 am. â€" Church School 11.30 am. â€"' Easter Service of Worship with Special Music Hope 10.30 11.15 11.15 am. â€" Churc Edgeley 1.30,. p.111. â€"- Church 2.30 p.m. -â€"‘Easter Worship UNIONVILLE : Uniondale Devel- opments Ltd. proposas to develop a 1.400 foot frontage on No. 7 Highway just east of Unionville. Preliminary discussions on the necessary rezoning have already taken place with Markham Town- ship Council and Planning Bond. MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A.. Minister Music: The Teen Trio Filmstrip: The Living Christ. Monday at 7 pm. Boys’ Club - 8 to 16 years old Wednesday at 8.30 pm. Mid-week “Hour of Power" Thursday ‘at 7 p.m. IF CHRIST BE NOT RIS‘EN SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1959 Easter Sunday KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES â€"-â€" A11 girls church with Message! â€" Easter Service of Worship â€" Church School Church School THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario., Thursday, March 26, 1559 Sunday Services Service of 8 to 12 the old Oak Ave SUNDAY. MARCH 29, 1959 Easter Sunday 9.30 am. â€"- Breaking of Bread 11 3.111. â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service Mr. Colin Anderson Special Easter Music Tues, 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bibl: Study Friday ~â€" 7 pm. -â€" Girls’ Craft Class / 7.30 pm. â€"â€"- Boys‘ Club 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples Meeting THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA EMMANUEL CHURCH Richvale Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 4-4236 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School Services in Charles Howitt School Pearson Ave. Holy Communion second Sunday of each month GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Banking. Minister 3.45 am. â€" Broadcast CJRH 1300 r 10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL GOOD FRIDAY 11 51.111. â€" Dcxoiional Service 8; children‘s service in Parish Hall EASTER SUND‘Y 7â€"8-9 a.m. â€" Holy Communlon 11 am. â€" Easter Day Servlca. followed by Holv Communion. Sermon - The Rector 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Holy Communion ST. MARK'S ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yongc at Elm Grove GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Litanv & Intercessions 9.45 am. EASTER DAY, MARCH 29' Holy Communion 9.30 am Finch Ave., East Public School Finch Ave. E.. just west of Bayview Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 a.1 Worshin Sarvice . . . . . . . . 11 a.1 The Rev. Karl J. Schweder. B.D.. M.A., Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1.8900 Yonge at Jefferson GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Litanv 8: Intm‘oossiom .. 11 mm EASTER DAY, MARCH 29 RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 10 am 1 Neck east of Yongo Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan. B. Th. Student Assistant. Mr. R. Thistle THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Bunk. B.A.. B. Th‘ 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto‘ 1'3. Ont. HU. 1â€"3142 SUNDAY. MARCH 29, 1959 Eas’er Service Specia) Easter Choir Sunday, April 5 â€" Foreign Mis- slows Wednesday. April 8 â€" Supper & Than“nfleri11g Sunday, April 12 â€" Home Mis- \Sions Friday â€" 7 pm. â€" Happy Hour 7.30 pm. â€"â€"'L‘ve Wires (Club for boys 10-13 years) EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€"â€" Bible School ll â€" Morning Worship “Christ is Risen" Two choirs. Soloist - Sandra Martin 7 â€" Evening Service “Results of the Resurrection” Two ’choirs Fireside Fellowship -â€" coloured pictures on “The Resurrection" “The Church that is looking Ahead" THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. 3A.. B.D.. Tb. D. SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Sunday 10 am. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€"â€" Church Worship and Church School THORNHILL PRESB YTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Sunday 11 am. â€" Sermon “The Trumpet of the King" .30 p.m. â€"â€" Young Adults Easter Vesper Service Mom. 6 pm. â€" Young Life Club Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Fellowship at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook, 95 Rumble A\'e., Richmond Hill 7 7 pm. â€" Sermon k‘im- 1-3. .0- w THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN See the 1959 Canadian Champion Jr. Pair. Debbie Wilkes and Guy Revell; Louis Stong, 2nd Jr. Men’s Singles, 1959 Canadians; and Club Professional, Judy Anne McArthur Over 90 members glve glamorous glimpses of such tar-away and exciting places as Hawaii. South America, the Land of the Bullfight, Holland, London Paris back home with the Mounties â€" and the fantastic land of Mother Goose! (Sanctioned C.F.S.A.) Children 12 and under 50c; Rush Seats $1.00; Reserved Seats $1.00 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES .- - “4v..-u-r..u.c-m-om.o-c-m - Rev. D. L. Var Wednesday Holy Communion The Stouffville Figure Skating Club SPRINGTIME ICE REVIEW 8 pm. sharp -â€" in the STOUFFVILLE ARENA SATURDAY, MARCH 28 ign Mis- arey 3.0.4-).w-1M0. »-_o.d- SPRING IS HERE We have buyers! We need properties! GOOD FRIDAY March 27, 1959 10.30 am. â€"- The Service with Holy Communion EASTER SUNDAY March 29, 1959 9 am. â€"â€" The Service with Holy Communion 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindemln, BA. Phone Unlonville 361 11 am. â€" Mornin 6.30 pm. â€" Prayt 7 pm. â€" Gospel Wed. 8 pm. â€"â€" Pr Study' Thurs, 1 pm. â€"- Women's Miss- ionary Fellowship Thurs.. 8 pm. â€" Evening Mls- slon Circle 2nd And 4th Thursday of each month Frl.. 7 pm. â€" Lamplighter: and Teen Fellowship Fri., 8 pm. â€" Choir Practlce' Willbughby LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St., Lanzstaff Minister: Rev. B.‘ T. McSpadden 10 am. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class .V [1 am. â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm. - Prayer Meeting LIST NOW WiT’H CARRVILLE UNITED (‘ Hl CHURCH OF CHRIS” Meeting in Concord Sv‘hool Hnusc Each Lord's Day Evening at 7 nm. G‘siml Message . Fun: in C'KEY (530) at 035 am. Sunday mornings And JL‘EL'S sunk: unto them. north of Concord) 10 a.nL â€" Sunday School 11.15 a.m. â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor ’l‘el.: Gormley 5544 10.30 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting 2.30 BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent. Pastor Tei.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4~3155 SUNDAY. MARCH 29. 1959 Easter Sunday Helse Hill (Gormiey) 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.30 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (SI-d Com. 2 miles PARISH OF KING & MAPLE (Ang‘icrn) Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings. D.D. Tel. King City 8‘3 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints' Chuvch - King City 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Comm'minn 10 am. â€"â€" Mrrnin'z Praycl' 11.10 am â€" Sunday Selma! Rev. Earl I). F SUNDAY. R'A SONS LTD.. REALTORS 46 EGLINTON E., TORONTO TYOUSES. FARMS, SMALL HOLDINGS FARMS â€" SUBURBAN PROPERTY SPRING CATALOGUE SENT FREE HARRY P. CHARLES MRS. D. CARTER AV. 54935 OLDER HOMES E351“: AV. I'A‘K‘H 3‘ 9‘? Sunday Worship : H Service - *ayer and élble mice (mun [3.0. 1930

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