MARCH 28 â€"â€" Saturday Euchre. Members of L.0.L. and L.0.B.A. will hold a euchre at the Orange Hall, lst house north of Loblaws on Yonge St. at 8 pm. sharp. Admission 50c. Lucky door prizes, draw prizes and good euchre priz- es. Lunch. tfc33 EVERY FRIDAY night â€" at 7.45 p.m. Bingo â€"- Communif Hall. Spruce Ave. Stop 3}"? Yonge St. . _.~r'. $- EVERY SATURDAY 366$?! â€" 9.00 pm. - 12.00. Daroue“, Max Cameron's Orchestra;’»,§> Canad- ian Legion Hall, Carnnle Road. Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hill Branch 375. Canadian Legion. 75c per person. tfc36 MARCH 31 â€"- Tuesday. A card party being held at the Lions’ Hall at 8 pm. sponsored by the Kinette Club. Excellent prizes, good food. Call TU. 4-123Q fgr feserve tickets APRIL 1, 2. 3 â€" The Footlights Club of Thornhill present J. B. Priestlcy’s delightful Yorkshire comedy, “When We Are Married" at Trinity Anglican Church. Thornhill at 8.20. Tickets AV. 5- 1320. c2w38 t It i ll APRIL 1 -â€" Starting April lst, Bingo every Wednesday afternoon at 1.15 pm. it the Canadian Le- gion Branch 375, Carrville Road BINGO every Thursday. 8 pm. in Orange Hall. lst house north )E Loblaws. tfc27 West, Richvale EVERY TUESDAY, Bingo 8 p.mi at the Legion Hall, King Side Road. Oak Ridges. Cash prizes and jackpot. t£c31 APRIL 1 â€" Wednesday. 5.30 to 8 Oyster Supper (cold meat and scalloped potatoes alternative), Carrville United Church, spon- sored by the Young People. Ad- ults $1.25.' children under 12, 75c, pre-school childrenLh-ee. c2w38 APRIL 7 â€"â€" Tuesday at 8.15 pm. Cont‘CJt by the famous Accordian Cmï¬zcstra, including the Canad- ian Champion, Ernest Manfredi, under direction of Professor E. Borgstrom will give a concert at Bloor Collegiate Auditorium, Bloor & Dufferin. 1141 Bloor St. W. The concert is sponsored by the Danish Lutheran Church in Toronto to the beneï¬t of the Building Fund. Tickets $1.25. Children 509. For further in- formation call TU. 4-1215. 62w39 APRIL 4 â€"- Saturday 1-4 pm. Rummage sale and baking sale held in the Community Hall, Spruce Ave, Richvale. Held un- der the auspices of the Vaughan Women Workers. c2w39 APRIL 2 â€" Thursday at 2.30 in Richmond Hill United Church, the Harriet Taylor Auxiliary W. M.S. Easter Thankoflering meet- ing. Speaker. Miss Etta, Hart, deaconess at the Fred Victor Mis- sion. *1vi39 APRIL 4 -â€" Saturday. Rummage Sale sponsored by the Young People of Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church, at 1 o'clock. APRIL 11 ,â€" Saturday 1 pm. Rummage sale, Richmond Hill United Church under the auspic- es of Woman‘s Association. For pick up of rdonagiioins, call TU. f1: "1713 oi- TU. 4-1382 APRIL 22 -â€" Wednesday, 1 pm. Spring luncheon sponsored by the Women's Association of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church. Speaker, Mrs. Elsa Jenkins, man- ager of Women’s Activties, Can- adian National Exhibition. c1w39 APRIL 25th â€" Saturday. The lst Richmond Hill Scout Mothers‘ Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale in the Presbyterian Church Saturday, April 25th, at 1 o’clock. For pick-up of any rummage. call either TU. 4-2617 or TU. 4-2688. c1w39 APRIL 29 â€"â€" Wednesday even- ing. Music Festival by senior grades; of R_ichrpon§_ Ppbljp §Ehbbls, in Crosby Heights Audi- torium. MAY 5 â€" Tuesday evening, Mu- sic Festival by junior grades of Richmond Hill Public Schools, in Crosby Heights Auditorium. MAY 9 â€"â€" Saturday Daffodil tea and bake sale, sponsored by the afternoon branch of the WA. of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. will be held Saturday, May 9th, in erxon Hall. c1w39 NEWMARKET: There are now 253 Avro and Orenda employees registered at the Newmarket of- fice of the national employment service, H. D. Whyte, manager, reports, -vrv- __ The 'figure. which covers the entire North York district. is still well below the estimated 300. WOODBRIDGE: A demand for annexation reports was made by Woodbridge council at a recent meeting. Council members felt that the village‘s engineering consultants were taking too long to prepare their briefs. which the village must have in order to ob- tain an annexation proposal hear- ing. A- .. . , M 7,4“ Another firm to come under fire from the council. is Town Planning consultants. headed by Dr. E. G. Faludi. noted town planner. The village will need both reports if it is to seek an- nexation from. the Ontario Munic- ipal Board. and since the board usually adjourns for the months of July and August. speed would seem to be of the essence. FATJLITIES 0 ACCIDENTS INJURIES 31 3 Coming Events ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMOND HlLL 1959 c1w39 c3w38 c4w38 tf039 c5w39 c5w39 A crowdof almost 1,000 attended a public meeting in Thornhill High School auditorium Tuesday night called to allow citizens an opportunity to hear C.N.R. officials give details and explanation of the new proposed rail line which is to cross Yonge Street just south of Thornhill. The tenor of the meeting was plainly hostile to the plan and nothing good about the proposed route was heard from any but C.N.R. officials. It was suggested organized op- position to the plan will come from Ratepayers’ Associations and that a determined effort will be made to change the announced route for the rail line. The size and spirit of Tuesday’s meeting indicated the opposition will have widespread support. the plan. “We challenge the route. not the idea,†he said. Thomas Clements, president 01 Doncaster Ratepayers said the line would mean a reduction in assessment and higher taxes. He said it would mean his whole dis- trict would become derelict. “I1 means,’ he said, “the C.N.R. i: Publie Meeting Shows Hostility Te Rail Project C.N.R. representatives explain. ed the need of the new rail line to serve the expanding needs of the Metropolitan area and sugges- ted the results to the area might not be as bad as anticipated. The route chosen is the most economâ€" ical both from the standpoint of construction and operation. They gave assurance owners of land re- quired would be paid at fair market prices. It was likely it will be four to ï¬ve years before the ï¬rst train runs over the pro- posed line. F. H. Brennan, Markham Town- ship Planning Board Chairman presided at the meeting and in his opening remarks made it clear that while his board had some intimation of plans for a rail line they were not consulted as to the choice of route.‘ Mr. Brennan said consideration must be given at once to further am- endments to the Township Plan in the light of the new develop~ ment. After hearing from C.N.R. representatives the chairman threw open the meeting for ques- tions and every voice heard from the audience was in opposition to the plan and every jibe at the C.N.R.. Donald Gordon, and “Big Daddy" Metro Chairman Gard- iner was loudly cheered. Main criticism centred on the location of the line. Why, it was asked was the line to pass through a highly desirable residential area. Many times it was suggest- ed the line should have gone “farther north" at Langstaï¬. An oï¬icial stated there were three possible Yonge Street crossings for the line. The one chosen, one at Langstaif and one at Richvale. All were carefully considered and the present route chosen because it was closer to Metro and more economical. The route through Langstai‘f. it was said, would cost ‘an additional four million dol- liars. Lu; nu, nu». AQVMVIV y... Bayview Ave., questioned the of: "Anzirtï¬rné'nts in the new build- ï¬cials and assured them there ing will rent at from $100. to would be organized opposition to $115. per month. “The Circus Comes To Townâ€, is one of the feature numbers to be pres- ented at the Richmond Hill Figure Skat- ing Club 4th annual Carnival at the Ar- ena Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 2, 3 and 4. Taking part in this number will be the “Tigers,†shown above: back row (left'to right)‘ Lynn Hamilton, Nancy McNaughton, Barbara Hayes; 2nd row (left to right) Susan Hannah,.Catherine Walsh, Karen Hoop- There was criticism that local councils and planning boards were not consulted in the plan- ning of the route and there 27;: apparently hostility to the power of Metro in the matter of plan- JME LXXX, NUMBER 39 ad its bo iby Séaflnq Carniva/ 74¢ was little 110‘ tion except i aertv is need‘ leading o in deter and c‘ the plan. "We challenge the route, not the idea,†he said. Thomas Clements, president of Doncaster Ratepayers said the line would mean a reduction in assessment and higher taxes. He said it would mean his whole dis- trict would become derelict. “It means,’ he said, “the C.N.R. is downgrading the whole district to the ï¬nancial loss of every home owner’. Mr. Clements said the C.N.R. has no right to treat the Township Plans as scraps of pa- per. Roy Bick, Township School Area Chairman, protested the proximity of the line to several schools. He said trains would in- terfere with studies and the line would be a safety hazard. Mr. Dobson of Highland Park. Bill Menzies, Mrs. Reuther and Mrs. MacKenzie all spoke strongly against the rail line proposal. Of- ï¬cials said there would be no level crossings and the right of way would be protected by safe- ty link fence. Markham Planning \Board Chairman Brennan said the scheme reminded him of a wal- nut. Mayor Nathan Phillips of Toronto was the sweet meaty. core, Metro Chairman Gardiner the hard shell on the outside, and “we are the green husk on the outside for whom nobody gives a damn". , The regional vice-president of the C.N.R. stated the railway “could not toLerate organized op- position to the project’. If there is that kind of opposition the whole plan might have to be abandoned. GrantPermit AptBuiIding Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night unanimously ag- reed to grant a permit for the construction of a thirty-eight suite apartment building at the corner of Markham Road and Es- sex Avenue. The‘ builder will be Joseph Meisner. The permit has been pending for some time as the proposed building with a two apartment penthouse exceeds the height limit required by local regula- “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty: in all things er; front row (left to right) Susan Cox- ford, Loraine Barker, Cathy Maxwell, Kim Perdicaris. There are sixteen numbers on the carnival program with the cast rang- ing from the small types of three years of age to the adult skaters. Group num- bers, solos and specialty routines will be featured and the club instructor Chuck Kiel will solo in a selected numâ€" ber. -- Photo by Lagerquist RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1959 the build- ' ï¬reproof as limited. arable dis- the height claimed is 8X l Caution Needed To Avoid Boost In Town's Taxes At Monday night’s regular Town Council meeting Mayor K. W. Tomlin warned members against making any substantial fi- nancial commitments until con- sideration could be given by the Finance Committee. All expendi- tures must be viewed he said in the light of the over-all budget- ary position. “If we don’t do this," said the Mayor, “we will have difficulty in! keeping the tax rate‘ from making astronom- ical leaps.†The Mayor was replying to Councillor Bradstock who was ur- ging authorization of a $2,500 ex- penditure for architect’s drawing of arena addition and alterations. The estimated cost of planned arena improvements is some $85,- 000, and the MayOr expressed doubt that the budget will permit the work to be undertaken this year. Councillor Bradstock suggest- ed that the time element is imâ€" portant and if it was found the work could be done this year, it would be good business and save time to have the drawings pre- pared. In his words of caution as to the relation of expenditures to a possible tax rate boost the Mayor said the $60,000 in the number 2 account is pretty well earmark- ed. “We now have a No. 3 ac- count,†he said, “amounting to $107,000, but it is frozen. Expen- ditures must have Department of Municipal Affairs approval.†The No. 2 and No. 3 account are funds from payments received from subâ€"dividers of new developments. The annual Spring Music Fest- ival'of the Richmond Hill Public Schools will have two performanâ€" ces this year, to be presented in the new Crosby Heights Auditor- ium. On Wednesday evening, April 29th, the senior grades will be represented by choirs from each school, and small instru- mental and choral ensembles. On Tuesday evening. May 5th, a sim- ilar program will be given by choirs, folk dance groups and rhythm bands, from the junior grades. Locai Public Sch. Plan Two Nights Music Festival There will be altogether over 500 pupils taking part in these unique and interesting eyents. Close Patterson School Influenza Outbreak Pupils attending Patterson School located in Vaughan Township are enjoying an extra long Easter holiday due to an influenza outbreak. So many of the pupils were stricken with ’flu that when teacher Miss Sandra Hilliard fell victim, it was decided to close the school until after 'One of the smallest schools in York County, Patterson is certainly the quietest right Town Works Department Battling Sprng Floods And Muddy Roads Stick Neck Out Now Or Give Up Industry Race At Monday night’s Richmond Hill Town Council meeting Coun- cillor J. W. Bradstock made a strong plea for immediate action on some program of industrial ex- pansion. “Spring is here and we still have no constructive pro- gram. Industrial opportunities are passing us by and we have no land to sell while competing mu- nicipalities have cheap land to offer prospective industries,†said the councillor. In urging council to “do something now," Council- lor Bradstock said "the matter is urgent, so let’s stick our neck out .if necessary. We have to do something now or give up the race.†Mayor Tomlin and other mem- bers of council agreed with the urgency of the question and it was decided to hold a committee meeting Wednesday afternoon. A meeting time of 4 pm. was sug- gested and Councillor Paterson urged an earlier hour as the dis- cussion might be long and contro- versial. “I don‘t think it will be: controversial,†said the Mayor, Ask Public Co-Operuiion Study Master Plan: For Industrial And Residential Development At the request of Vaughan Township Council, Mr. Derek Little of the Municipal Planning Consultants met with the township planning board and the council Monday exeni-ng to‘routlinet'hevscope of 'a Master Plan of industrial a\nd residential development for the township, and the ï¬hancial outlay required by the township for such a plan. [later Council decided to delay decision on acquiring such a5 plan until after consultation with the tOWnship engin- eering ï¬rm, Keith-Hopper Associates. As “no terms of-i'eference were established†by the council for the study, Mr. Little stated his proposals were modiï¬ed to encompass township needs east of Highway 400. He pointed out the availabil- ity of-the Don River Watershed, east of Highway_400. On this water course several sewage pro- jects were possible, as there could be several on one system. Their strategic locations could be to the north at Maple, and to the south near the railway and the marshalling yard. Another potential site of needed services was the large tract of vacant land in the township south of Richmond Hill. A sewage plant near the latter location could aid in solving the development prob- lems of the First Concession. “Fairly Expensive’ â€" Little The planner cited that it was his opinion deyelopment was dependent on water and sewers. “While such a water system would be fairly expensive,’ said Mr. Little, “It could be done in stages.†Mr. Little stated that if his ï¬rm was chosen to act as plan- ning consultant, the following would aid in forming a basis for development recommendation, ef- fect of ONE. railway, the oï¬icial plan proposals of Metro Toronto. future overall water supply and sewage system, existing land use, existing public school areas, res- idential areas, parklands, future development property and addit- ional services required. He noted the planners would need access to all available township plans and records and township staff operation. Fees Estimated Estimated cost of the master plan project would be between $4,000. and 736,000. _ On a per diem basis senior con- sultants and engineers would be paid $54.00; assistant consultants, $36.00 per day; draughting staff, $25.00 per day; and clerical help, $20. per day. The payment sche- dule would not include printing, reproducing of material, tele- phone or travel expenses. How- ever, the latter were included in the over-all estimate. Mr. Little said it was believed it would be more desirable to both parties concerned to proceed on a time basis rather than a lump sum ba- ‘515. “A complete report to guide future development," Mr. Little called the proposed Master Plan. Chairman, of the Planning Board, Mr. D. McCowan said, “While planning board agrees with the procedure, it is a mat- ter for council to decide.†“It is hard to estimate how hard and how fast industrial growth is going to hit us.†was planning board member, Darrell Goulding's remark. “The “ country-wide publicity given the C.N.R. plans has cre- ated a psychological interest,†Charity.†Newmarket Bus Willing To Operate North Yonge Line maintained Mr. Little. “We were approaching the point (before C.N.R. announcement) where industry was interested anyway,†commented Mr. Mc- Cowan. “The C.N.R. office told me It has parties interested in Vaughan development,†said Mr. Little. “Th5t remains to be seen,†an- swered Mr. Goulding. “It is easy to put in a spur line off the yards,†pointed out Mr. Little. It was also pointed 'out the north-south C.N.R. line was not far away from the nevOIy pro- posed yards. Later at the council meeting, planning board member Council- lor E. W. Anstey suggested a meeting with the township en- gineer before deciding on Mr. Little’s proposition. Markham Township Coun- cil received word Monday from Newmarket Bus Lines that they would definitely be interested in operating the North Yonge Bus Line for the municipalities of Mark- ham and Vaughan Townships and the Town of Richmond Hill. If the present T.T.C. agreement covering the oper- ation of the line cannot be renewed on terms satisfact- ory to the municipalities, Markham has suggested they seek bids from independent bus operators. The present T.T.C. agreement is due to expire in 1960. Reeve John Perry commented, “Keith (Mr. Keith Hopper, town- ship engineer) has already got most of this work done. However, we do need a professional plan~ net to go before the Metro Plan- ning Board." Markham is still waiting for Richmond Hill to call a meeting of the municipalities concerned to discuss the mat- ter of a new agreement. Richmond Hill is the major shareholder in the line. “I think we should meet the T.T.C. first,†remarked Reeve W.L. Clark. “I understand the Newmarket line is giving satisfactory service on Bay- view,†added the reeve. Metro Planning Bd. & Vaughan Discuss C.N.R. Line Markham To Seek Meeting on Yonge Street Zoning On the strength of a reso- lution moved and seconded by Deputy-reeve W. Dean and Councillor J. MacNeil, Markham Township Council decided on Monday to seek a meeting with Vaughan Town- ship Council to discuss ‘the problem of zoning on both sides of Yonge Street. Depu- ty-reeve Dean felt there was a definite lack of co-opera- tion between the two munic- ipalities regarding the im- portant Yonge Street area. Such a meeting could be a step towards a system of uni- form planning for the area. Members of the Metropoli. tan Planning Board met with Vaughan Township Council’s planning committee, Coun- cillor E W. Anstey and Reeve John Perry in the Vaughan Township offices on Monday afternoon to discuss the pro- posed C.N.R. rail line and marshalling yard in the township as well as various other aspects of industrial and residential development and planning for the town- ship. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10c Many Complaints Sometimes Funny Always Expensive Council meeting that he was nearing the point of distrac- tion in trying to satisfy the demands of ratepayers. Unusual weather conditions have given the local mun- icipal officials more than the usual spring quota of head- aches. Road conditions have been very bad and the flood- ing caused by recent thaws has added to the difficulties. In the Harding-Elmwood area where roads were torn up for sewer construction last fall the conditions are particul- arly bad and many citizens have been inconvenienced and concerned. Advocating a policy to discontinue expensive Over- time work in trying to do the impossible, Deputy-reeve S. F. Tinker, Roads Chairman, said at Monday night’s__Town The Works Department under Commissioner Whalen has made a valiant effort to cope with the extraordinary conditions, and men have worked around the clock trying to meet the emergencies as they arise. However, with a great deal of frost still in the ground and more flooding expected, conditions have reached the point where some .roads will just have to be barricaded. “I have found that there are several hundred people who know more about what shouldlbe done. than the roads department. I l d a very interesting week-1 end,†said Deputy-reeve Tinker.‘ He said the policy of trying to please everyone and take care of all complaints was running in- to an alarming amount of money and playing havoc with the roads budget. “The sad part,†he said, “is that we are accomplishing nothiufl We spend a lot of money on a ï¬oad and it’s just as bad to~ mbrrowï¬â€˜, *‘Hez-flsu ested that'imo ‘poSsibleâ€"areas 3% locked of! and 5 .11: provision made if possible for pedestrian traffic. By at- tempting the impossible we are not accomplishing much and we are spending a lot of money and getting little or nothing for it. The deputy-reeve said com- plaints were often bordering on the ridiculous. If they were not so tragic and expensive they might be amusing. A citizen complains one minute of dust and the next of mud. One ratepayer suggested boats be provided for. evacuation in flooded areas: Expert Advice Needed Delay in decisions by the Rich- mond Hill Planning Board were deplored at Richmond Hill Town Council meeting Monday night. Short Money Policy For Planning Is Criticized By Councillor Bradstock COUNCILLOR J. BRADSTOCK “For too long we have been geared to a philosophy that it's a sin to spend money.†“We are on the horns of a dil- emma,†said Councillor J. W. Bradstock adding that council was faced with requests for building permits and finds too late it could do nothing aboututhern. “Time is slipping past,†said Councillor Bradstock, “and we already have missed the boat on some properties." It was suggested Planning Board should consult more close- 1y with Town officials. and May- or Tomlin was critical of action last week by the Board in freez- ing all new sub-division. “Plan- ning Board is an advisory body and a matter of policy such as this should be the decision of councilff'jsgid‘the Mayor. The xiiâ€"“Ha _are 5th accomplishing CONSULTjAe Jne OLLDQPCL YOUR HOME TOWN PRINTER PHONE TU. 4-1105 FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN PRINTING anything I don't think it's good business to keep men working overtime until 2 a.m.," said Mr. Tinker, adding that he feared the W)rks staff just couldn't stand up under the pressure for too long. Works Commissioner Whalen said “we are doing the best wé can." He said he is concentrating on trying to keep the culverts open, and making a ditch so the water can get away. “Once the road dries sufficiently we can d3 something towards making it passable.â€_ . 4 _. . c 1,. Mayor. Tomlin and members of. council had praise for the Work: Department in their efforts to meet the unusual conditions of the spring scason. “We are fighting the forces of nature,"- said Councillor Joseph Paterson in appealing for pa- tience and consideration on the part of the people. He said he was sure when people realized that everything possible is being done and that some temporary inconvenience is necessary in this unusual year that they would be reasonable and understanding. (Continued on Page 5) freezing action was similar to that taken in several municipali- ties pending court decisions re- specting amounts paid by sub- di iders to municipalities under sub-dividers agreements. Councillor Ross who represents town council on Planning Board asked if the Board could be as- sured of funds for its 1959 bud- get. “We’ve already assured them of that,†said the Mayor. On ï¬ction of Reeve Perkins the Planning Board will be given written notice cpunci-luis _proviq- "A nu“... .ov .. ing a budge? 6t"$7,ooo far this year. Councillor Haggart asked if it might be advisable to enlarge the membership of the Planning Board. Councillor Ross said he was considering making such a suggestion. Councillor Bradstock said he didn't think it was a matter of numbers. He thought the trouble was the Planning Board is many years late in securing adequate professional help. “For too long we have been geared to the phil- osophy that it is a sin to spend money and now we are reaping the result." “We might as well face the fact,†said Councillor Bradstock, “that the day of easy_ tax {ate is over. We've been told tonight the No. 3 account is frozen and the No. 2 account is all used. Our present plight is due to a con- tinued short money policy with regard to planning." “When we want a job done in other lines we engage a specialist. We should do the same with our im- portant job of planning," said Councillor Bradstock, confessing to a feeling of some bitterness and frustration. Present members of the Plan- ning Board are N. A. Todd, chair- man; J .M. Brown, Ross Scrim- ger,_ Thomas Buchan and R. P. Rauncopncil representative.