Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1959, p. 4

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In the midst of an opening discussion of the overall picture Trustee W. Middleton put forth a motion for a 25 per cent increase across the board, but found no seconder. Thefirst motion to pass was that accepting a new group- ing system based on qualifications, establishing four groups for teachers. The York Central District High School Board author- ized an increase in principals‘ and teachers‘ salaries am- ounting to $20,000 for the year 1959 at last week‘s meeting at Thornhill High School. Based on recommendations put forward by the chairman of the management committee, Trustee E. Axelson, after consultation with a teachers’ ne- gotiating committee, the board passed resolutions step by step to cover each aspect of the new schedule. On the whole the trustees seemed to feel they were being pressur- ed into such a scale by prevailing conditions, but they were optimistic again this year that the teachers might have reached their basic aim after six years of negotiating, and that a favourable position with relation to Metro salaries had been achieved in that maximum salaries were higher in three categories than those of most Metro boards. At the request of the business administrator. D. J. Ashworth, and the secretary-lreasurer, Mrs. E. McAlister, these salaries were discussed in a committee of the whole after the meeting adjourn- ed. As a result an increase of $1,300 for this year with an an- nual increment of $500.00 to a maximum of $12,000.00 for the business administrator. and an increase of $300.00 this year with an 'hnnual increment of $200.00 to a maximum of $5,500.00 were .recommended by the manage- ment committee. All trustees attended the meet- ing with the exception of M. Kin- nee and Snider. The principals reported lowered attendance be- cause of sickness. 91.6 per cent at Thornhill. 91.4 per cent at Richmond Hill, 94.3 per cent at Woodbrldge Schools. Attendance at. Thornhill High School had dropped by five to 652. four had dropped out at Richmond Hill High School and one at Wood- h‘ridge, but one new student there left the registration at 204. Prin- cipals reported themselves in the process of hiring teachers to re- place a few resignations. Prin- cipal Morrison of Woodbridge mentioned that Mia's of prizes and awards from businessmen in the area served by the school. were being received and would be discussed later with the board. Thornhill‘s Principal Elson re- ported thc closing of the night Dist. High School Bd. Approves New Salary Schedule Thornhill and THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hi“, Ontario, Thursday, March 26, 1959 Three Categories HigherThan Metro hool on M 19 closing of the night tor by March 11. and the suc- $51,000 he Thornhill H.S. entry lower scent Simpson Drama. Weston in which it placed sec-Schools. TELEPHONE AV. 5-3555 Trustee J. Howes reported as chairman of the property com- mittee that $3,060 was to be spent at Thornhill H.S. for septic tank, doors. drapes and equipment for a new commercial room. A balance in Richmond Hill H.S. account would leave a residue of about $3,000 after finishing of the boiler room. tiling, providing furniture. drainage repair. as- phalt. fences, sod, cafeteria chairs. more equipment for in- dustrial arts and science labs. drapes. were completed. The Woodbridge account was not set- tled yet. i A management committee recâ€" ommendation that travelling ex- penses for teaching staff should be paid only when expenses were incurred on direct school business and authorized by the principal was passed as a motion. After some discussion it was decided (a defeated amendment by Trus- tee Axelson) that the rate for mileage should not be set at 7c as for board members, but should remain at 10c. Permanent Staff 0nd Thornhill â€" Messrs. Anderson, Fidler and Hopkins, Miss Mcâ€" Conaghy. Mrs. Eschenlohr. Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Cantelon; Richmond Hill â€" Mrs. Berg. Mr. Hearn, Mr. Hutcheon, Mr. McCartney, Mrs. Strangways: Woodbridge ~â€" Mr. Chevreau, Mrs. Fellders, Mr. Frame, Mr. Olds. Mr. Morrison is to be appointed to the permâ€" anent staff at Woodbridge, as principal, effective September 1, 1959. Mrs. Bender will be ap- pointed to the permanent staff at Woodbridge as soon as she is qualified: ' The following teachers were appointed to the permanent staff effective September 1, 1959:, The board approved a commer- cial option to become available to grades 10, 11 and 12 at Wood- bridge High School in Septem- ber. Principal Morrison said he hoped to start with the option commercial course, and see what developed from there. Considerable discussion cen- tred about a request for payment for overtime work done by Mr. Centa and Mr. Hearn in connec- tion with setting up shops for their classes at Richmond Hill High School. Principal Morrow explained the shops had not been left in good shape and the teach- ers had had to order equipment. supervise its installation. and generally prepare the shops. The teachers had reported to the management committee that they had spent 80 hours overtime each on this work. Some trustees felt that this sort of thing was to be expected of a professional per- son with a fixed salary. Princi- pals and others spent 'many hours‘ overtime without extra pay. How- ever a motion by Trustee L. Wainwright that they be paid $100.00 each carried. Campsite W. J. Babcock appeared before the board to ask that he be al- lowed the use of the Richmond Hill High School grounds as a campsite next summer. He would have 60 campers under the dir- ection of Richmond Hill students as councillors. Children would not use the school except for washrooms. and the gym on rainy days. always supervised by coun- cillors. Some trustees felt the school was a public building and its facilities should be made av- ailable for such a public project in view of previous favorable ex- perience with the group. Permis- sion was granted. The board passed a by-law au- thorizing the secretary-treasurer to borrow up to $350,000.00 for the year as needed. Mrs. McAlis- ter reported an increase in the bank interest rate to 51;; per cent effective March 1. Auditor‘s Report Mr. Ashworth. business admin- istrator, presented the auditor's report of December. 1958. which showed a balance of $97,000. This figure included $21,000 in superannuation funds which will be deducted from next year‘s provincial grant. and the size of the balance could be accounted for by receipt of a tax levy of $51,000 higher than expected and lower outlay than expected to Weston and other Toronto The Liberal ls always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill are: . . . . Our representative in Thomhill is Mn. Donald Smeme. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-3555. The important dates for the Footlights Club of Thornhill are April 1st. 2nd and 3rd. The Club members are hard at work put- ting the finishing touches to this year’s production “When We Are Married," a Yorkshire comedy by J. B. Priestley. How would you feel if you were one of three couples cele- brating your 25th wedding anni- versary and you discovered none of you were really married at all? This is the first time the play- ers have had to cope with an ac- cent! The period is 1905. The women’s costumes have been lent by Mrs. C. P. Stowe's family â€" the Trees. Toronto. and are auth- entic. The cast of fourteen can boast of four school teachers. Ed Gillan of Thornhill High School, Marian McGowan of Henderson School and Pat Trant and Eric Gleave who teach in Toronto. The latter is an exchange teacher from England. New to the group also is Pamela Boulden. The othâ€" er well remembered members of the cast are Edith Jones. Jane McLaren, Joan Iddon. Elizabeth Jennings, Ruth Collins, Bob Tickets :â€" Doug Wilson, Reg Allen, Mrs. E. Lean, Mrs. C. De- vey. Stage -â€" Ed Lean. Frank Bax- ter, Harry Iddon, Peter Priest- man and Dunc Ball. Lighting â€" Frank Baxter. Costumes â€" Mrs. L. T. Redv man and Mrs. E. Ryan. The play is produced and directed by Bet- ty Priestman. This year all proceeds are going towards the building fund for the new parish hall for Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Jennings, Ruth Collins, Bob Priestman, Bert Funnell, Frank Jennings and Roger Priestman. A letter from Thornhill United Church was read thanking the board for their use of the high school parking lot. Joan M. Price wrote the best letter describing a visit hy Thornhill commercial students to a business machine establishment and as part of an incentive plan at the school her letter was read to the board. The meeting closed with the lowering of the flags and the Lord’s Prayer. Priestley Comedy By “ Footlights " SCOUTS The Scouts met last Monday evening in the Thornhill United Church. After the opening service the boys played a few games and then tried to pass tests for Tenâ€" derfoot, 2nd Class and lst Class. The Scouts are also trying tests each Friday evening at 7 o’clock at the Scout Hall in Thornhil] Park. Chairman Sayers called a spec- ial budget meeting of the board for 8 p.m., March 23, at Thorn- hill High School. The trustees de- cided to hold the April meeting at Richmond Hill High School and the May meeting at Wood- bridge High School. Chairman Sayers reported he hoped to atâ€" tend a meeting at Richmond Hill at which he understood the Rich- mond Hill Public School Board and representatives of the De- partment of Education would be present to investigate the possi- bility of setting up a board of education in Richmond Hill. New School Site Given in marriage by her fa- ther ,the bride wore a floor length white satin-brocade pryinâ€" cess gown. Her veil was shoulder length and she carried a prayer book with gardenias and hyacinth On Saturday. March 14, seven boys turned up for a hike. Spring flowers with forsythia and pussy-willows decorated the Richmond Hill United Church for the wedding of Miss Mary Catharine Clement. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon C. Clem‘ ent. Thornhill, to Mr. Bruno Ernst Eh'rismann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Ehrismann of Winter- thur, Switzerland. Rev. Charles Higginson officiated. ViceTChairman S. Rumble. chairman of the planning com- mittee. reported satisfactory meetings with Woodbl‘idge and Vaughan Township Councils, both of which approved the Vaughan Township Councils, both of which approved the Markham Township site for a new school. but the Woodbridge reeve was doubtful about getting approval for the use of this site at Bayview Ave. and Markham Road for a school because of the status of these roads. Mr. RUmble had not heard from Markham Township Council and its appro- val would be needed to develop the site. The board carried Trus- tee Rumble’s motion not to op- pose the Sprjng Valley Acres Subdivision in Vaughan Town- ship, provided. as agreed, resi- dential development did not ex- ceed industrial. Trustee Rumble reminded the board that con- siderable piecemeal residential developmnt had occurred in Richmond Hill and he thought the board should consider furâ€" ther plans there in the same light as that in which they had re- viewed the Spring Valley propos- Miss Mary Catherine Ciement Bride Of Bruno Ehrismann School â€" Mrs Mr. Weitzman High School â€" Miss Walneck. Resignations from g teachers were 2 gret on'a motion 1 "mks: from Richmo Id! jAorn/u/f 3 strict News Huckle, Mr. Kyle, from Thornhill - Mrs. Paulin and the follow- :epted with Hill H Mr. K: could an A good time was had by all at Thornhill Public School on the evening of March 18 and 19, when the juniors held their annual concert. A capacity audience of parents, grandparents and friends thoroughly enjoyed the two op- erettas, the rhythm band, and playlet, but probably no whit more than the young performers who played their roles with smil- ing enthusiasm. For the teachers it was the proud culmination of weeks of- rehearsing. and costume making, the latter in conjunction with the mothers. A musical version of Peter Rabbit was given by the kindergarten under the direction of Mrs. Buckingham and Miss Linton. (The morning class per- formed on March 18 and the af- ternoon class on March 19.) This was followed by Grade 1 Rhythm Band directed by Miss Geraldine Wesley. and a playlet acted by Miss Cleverdon’s grade 1. “The Early‘Bird Catches The Worm", was presented by grades 2, 3 and 4, who were coached by their teachers, Mrs. Acheson, Mrs. Bow- en. Mrs. McBride and Miss Uro- witz. . . The songs and music under the direction of Mr. Hugh Martin, area supervisor, were tunefu.‘ the farm yard setting painted ug- der the supervision of Mrs. Kat - leen Elliott, area art director, most effective, and the costumes of rabbits, birds, rhythm band, etc.. were all very colorful and interesting. Thornhill School Juniors Concert it may 7be summer Befoi‘éflthégé awful ljoads get right At the Lefiten Study Group’s meeting last Wednesday, Mrs. Freeman Barker took the chapter on Jezebel in the section on AVA arice. It was a distinct pleasure to have Mr‘ Binnington’s Palm Sun- day message of “Friends of the King" and our choir’s rendition of the old and wellâ€"beloved “Open the Gates of the Temple” left nothing to be desired. The Cubs met Tuesday even- ing in the Thornhill United Church. After the opening service the Cubs played a few games and practiced basketball, signalling and tying knots. Thé nieeting closed with the Grand Howl. Happy Scouting and Cubbing, boys. The happy couple will reside in Stratford, Ontario. We were happy to welcome Mrs. Harry Burton's sister from Rich- mond Hill to our Sunday morn- ing service. A very cordial invitation has been received from Brown's Cor- ners W.M.S. for all the ladies of Headford to visit their Easter Thankoffering meeting on Wed- nesday, April lst. at 2.p.m. Miss Haslam of the Elizabeth Fry So- ciety will be guest speaker. and will speak on “Prison Reform." As this is one phase of work al- loted to York Presbyterial for this year. it should prove most interesting. The best man was Hans J. Blatler of Drummondville. Que., and ushers were Karl Dubec and William Washburn. After a reception at the church hall, the couple left on a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec City. Mrs. William Wellman, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman and Paul and Brenda spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A1- lan Wellman and family. bells‘ Bridal attendant, sister of the bride, Nancy Clement. wore a mauve swiss organdy dress with a harem skirt and carried a nose- gay of yellow roses. The Missionary and Mainten- ance committee of the charge met on Monday evening at Vic- toria Square to take care of mailing the Easter messages. We are happy to know Mrs. Deverell is recovering from her fall; or should we say “fall.” for she fell upstairs? Some of us wish we could ac- company Margaret Brodie and her mother at the \' ekend when they fly to Florida or the Easter holidays. They will set down in Tampa. and hope to join in the Easter sunrise service at St. Pet- ersburg. Mrs. N. Brodie. Cora and Don, attended the Meyers-Runk wed- ding in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church on Saturday last. Very many happy returns of her birthday to Mrs. Stewart Rumble, whose birthday this year happens to fall on Good Friday. The executive of Headford W. A. are at last able to announce their plans for the Annual WA. Evening Service. The date is set for April 26. when the guest speaker will be Mrs‘ William Hodgson of Kettleby. There will be special music. and Mrs. Mar- guerite Jones will be soloist. Spring is officially here. but Correspondent: Mrs. H. Acreman R. R. 2 Gormley. Ont. HEADFORD Phone TUrner 4-2236 CUBS A very outstanding and worth- while dramatized sermon was presented Sunday evening, March 22, in the United Church by the Sunday School teachers under the direction of Mr. Hal Demp- ster, assisted by Mrs. Nels Gage, superintendent of the Sunday School, The cast of Biblical char- acters, dressed in Biblical cosâ€" tumes, were: Bill Gage as a Greek merchant; Mrs. Wm. Ko- jola as Mary, the Mother of Je- sus, Mr. E. G. Tompkins as John the Apostle, Mrs. Robert Gibson as Martha, Mrs, Wm. Heron as Mary of Bethany, Mr. Alan Beck- with as Lazarus, Mr. Ed Gillan as a Samaritan, Miss Jackie Ho- ward as Miriam, daughter of Jar- ius; Tommy Tamblyn as a boy. David; Mrs. E. G. Tompkins, as Mary Magdalene; and Mr. A. D. Facey as Paul. The Girls‘ Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Anglican Church held its regular meeting in the church hall. The girls enjoyed freshie and cobkies and worked on their sewing for their mission badge. Mr. Logan Varey gave the girls mission notes entitled "Aging", and afterwards the girls acted out a short played which was follow- ed by the business part of the meeting. The meeting closed with a Lenten prayer. , Thornhill United Church News The young people of the cate- chumen class, who joined the church Sunday morning were: Sheila Craig, Lee Davidson. Joan Forester, Jacqueline Howard. Marilyn Pinel, Pat Watters, Bruce Clark and John Mollard. Holy Trinity Anglican The regular semi-monthly meeting of the parish guild was held in the church hall on Tues- day, March 17. Before the meet- ing the members met in the church for a short devotional ser- vice conducted by the Rev. W. E. Askew. After the service the members adjourned to the church hall. As this was past executives’ night, the immediate past presi- dent. Mrs. Betty Ball, took the chair. Interesting and humorous reports of the first ten years of the guild (1948-1958) were given by members and former members, who had served on past execu- tives. Rev. W. E. Askew then showed an excellent informative film on missionary work in Ugan- da, Africa. This was particularly interesting, as Mr. Charles Led- ger, the student assistant, is looking forward to spending his ministry in Africa. An informal social period followed, with tea, coffee and light refreshments served by the hostesses: Mrs. Au- drey Davis, Mrs. Phyllis Garland, Mrs. Irene Halliday and Mrs. Jer- ry Langman. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April '7, in the church hall. Those adults joining the church by letter and profession of faith were Mrs. Donald McCallum. Mrs. J. B. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snary and Mrs. J. L. Watters. Dramatized Sermon Mrs. Harold Craig and Mrs. A1- lan Martindale were in charge of costumes and Mrs. W. Buck- ler was in charge of make-up. The choir under the direction of Hugh Martin added to the sac- redness of the presentation with the singing of many familiar and favorite hymns. Mr. Hal Demp- ter was the narrator. A social hour followed. This play will be presented to the Sunday School children at an open session on April 5. Presbyterian Church News Sunday morning, March 22, saw the largest Communion Ser- vice in the history of the church. The new members who joined the church were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Yule, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooi, Mr. and Mrs. M. Weiland, Mrs. Pompili, Miss Julie Morrison and Mr. Kenneth Terry. Baptist Church News The Boys’ Club enjoyed a tour of the Globe and Mail Building Thursday night. They were un- der the supervision of their lead- ers, Jim Brown and Norm Terry. The Couples Club held a bowl- ing party Saturday evening at Richmond Hill and were after- wards entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Puddy. Communion Service ‘The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of the Thornhill Baptist Church was held Tuesday. March 17, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Lennie, Woodward Avenue. The devotion- al was taken by Mrs. Ross Knight, her theme being “Legend of Eas- ter.” Following the business sec- tion of the meeting, Mrs. Lennie introduced the guest speaker. Rev. James Smith of the Toron- to Religious Education Council. who spoke on the motivation in THURSDAY 7.00 - “Sheriff of Cochise” 7.30 - “Whirlybirds” 7.00 - “Tennessee 7.30 - “Behind Closed 7.30 - “Rescue 8” Ernie Ford" TUESDAY MONDAY FRIDAY T hornh ill Notes Doors‘ Christian Education of youth. which was very interesting. The meeting closed with prayer after which a social hour followed with refreshments being served by the leaders of the south group. The Rev. H. Trinier will be the guest speaker at the meeting on April 21. He will speak on his trip to South America and will show pic- tures also. All ladies are cordial- ly invited. Horticultural Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stunden cel- ebrated their 57th wedding anni- versary Sunday, March 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Williams in Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Stunden have been residents of this area for 35 years. The Ladies Auxiliary met Tues- day afternoon in Thornhill Un- ited Church. The President Mrs. Lambert thanked the social com- mittee. headed by Mrs. R. Low for a very well planned Father & Son banquet. At the March meeting of the Thornhill Horticultural Society, the president, Mrs. J. Bridges, an- nounced the appointment of a new treasurer, Mrs. Christine Fletcher, and a new director, Miss Muriel Dean. The librarian. Mr. A. Foster, gave a brief outline of hortiéul- tural bulletins available from the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, and pointed out that sam- ples could be found in the library. The secretary, Mr. R. Healey, gave a report on the recent O.H. A. convention at which Mr. and Mrs. P. Bone, Mr. Arthur Bone, Miss L. Wakeley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Henley, Mrs. Bridges. Mrs. A. J. Dolan and Mrs. L. Riley were delegates. Special mention was made of members who had en- tries at the convention â€" Mr. R. Poulter for his prize-winning slides of the flower show in Aug‘ ust, Mrs. G. R. Horton and Mrs. Dolan for their beautiful floral arrangement, Mrs. R. Byt‘ord for her poster, Mrs. W. Svenningson and Mrs. Riley for their essays on wild flowers. and Mr. Healy for the interesting miniature of his garden. Mr. Healey outlined several items of interest from the con- vention, ending with a demon- stration of rooting stem cuttings by using plastic squares. Mr. Foster introduced the spea- ker of the evening, Mr. Robert Calvert, landscape architect, who gave an interesting and amusing talk on landscaping the typical suburban lot. He was thanked by Mrs. R: Briggs. Mr. E. Kohler judged the daf- fodil arrangements. ‘ awarding prizes to Mrs. Bridges. Mrs. Do- lan and Mrs. Healey, with a spec- ial fourth prize to Miss Helen Fraser.- Personals Among guests who visited them were: Mr. and Mrs. B. Ben- tley with Bruce and Margaret, Mrs. E. Judd, Mrs. G. Jackson, Mrs. G. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. C: Stunden and Rev. C. Chambers. lst Thornhill Ladies Auxiliary The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the treas- urer’s report given. Discussions on the fashion show were held. Mrs. McCrea read an editorial on the book Scouting For Boys, which is to be read at each meet- ing. Mrs. McCrea then read two chapters. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. McTaggart-Cowan read a chapter each in this interesting book. The ladies then joined the Brownies to have tea at their ba- zaar. lst Thornhill Brownie News The meeting closed with the Scout Mizpah. The lst Thornhill Brownie Pack held a St. Patrick Day ba- zaar on March 17. in the Thorn- hill United Church. The proceeds’ from t is event are to go to the buildi g fund of the Thornhaven School. We are indeed grateful to the Brownie's mothers who were so generous with donations of baking and items for the ba- zaar tables. Mrs. P. McTaggart- Cowan, District Commissioner, opened the affair promptly at four o‘clock, and for an hour the RICH HILL MOTORS LTD. The Home of Trouble Free Used Cars. New Pontiac, Buick and Vauxhal! CARS AV. 5-4351 MANY SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN ALL DAY FRIDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Low Down Payments and Easy Terms Yonge Street Just South of Richmond Hill MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM IN OUR LARGE STOCK ALUMAKES AND MODELS And we will really sell them cheap. 57 Olds Super 88, equipped 57 Dodge Custom Royal, equipped 57 Meteor Rideau, like new 54 Chev. Belair Hardtop, equipped 55 Pontiac, excellent throughout si'er fiaie The leaders, Mrs. Grant Gib- son. Mrs. Tom Harrington and Mrs. Eric Boyden and the girls of lst Thornhill wish to thank those who attended and made this. their first bazaar, such an out- standing success. ‘ Thornhiil Dist. Girl Guides STOUFFVILLE : Mr. Milton Fox-far, a former Stouffville resi« dent, recently caught a multi- coloured “Trigger Queen" in the waters of the Gulf Stream near Miami Beach. Florida. Only two other similar fish have ever been caught. The fish measured 18 inches in length. The Pack would like to thank the mothers group which provid- ed a very attractive tea for the adult shoppers. Mrs. H. Echlin. who supervised the bake table and Joan Gibson who took charge of the lucky dip and candy sale. Busy Brownies were everywhere, efficiently acting as salesladies, waitresses and baby sitters. When all was over and the receipts to- talled, it was found that the pro- ceeds were more than double what had been anticipated by ev- en the most optimisltc Brownie. The Brownies and Girl Guides will be much in evidence during the next few weeks as they begin on Saturday, March 28, to collect cookie orders for delivery on Cookie Day, May 9. Thursday night, April 2, is the Gold Cord ceremony at Convoca- tion Hall, University of Toronto. This is a big night for Thornhill as two Guides, Patricia MacDon- ald and‘ Gillian McTaggart-Cow- an will receive their Gold Cords Certificates from Mrs. J. Kelller MacKay. wife of the Lieutenant- Governor of the province. shamrock and poster bedecked room was the scene of great ac- tivity. During the holidays many of the Guides will be giving more time to badge work as Badge Day is April 12. The Brownies and Guides are busy working toward their pur- chases of square inches in the new Canadian Headquarters bull- ding to be built in Toronto in 1960. the Jubilee Year of Canad- ian Guiding. I. MCDONALD PROC'LAMATION EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 30th, 1959 By virtue of a resolution passed in Vaughan Clerk MUNICIPAL HOLIDAY TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN has been declared a Township Council for the Just south of traffic lights Open 1-6 Phone mornings DUTCH CUPBOARD, DRY SINK, BED TABLE CHEST. ETC., AL- SO COPPER. BRASS, IRON- STONE Cat's Whiskers Antiques Colborne St. at Yonge WA. 4-2962 In North Torontd Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 p.m. including Sat. HU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment Thornhill Pharmacy C. E. STONEBURG Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Eyes Examined Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET F. L. Lowrie, R.0. EARLY CANADIAN PINE FURNITURE Max Factor Cosmetics J. PERRY. Reeve Township of Vaughan Prescription Service View-Master Expert Drug Service TU. 4-2864 Glasses Fitted Thornhill Vitamins Reels

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