In his opening remarks he said that the residents were quite up- set in view of Dr. King's report which was not good. He said that the owners were most anxious that council take some action to supply the area with water ï¬t to drink and ar- range for some form of sanita- tion that would prevent all the soil from outside privies being washed into the lake. A large number of persons had moved into the area, he said, and there were now 587 dwellings and 2293 persons. Many had built better homes on larger lots but the smaller ones remained and these in many cases had fallen into the Mr. L. Hanson. chief speaker for the group. presented council with a petition containing signa- tures of some 300 residents. He said that. he had another sheet containing another hundred names which was not handed in: .4. He recommended to council that they arrange to drill at least two deep wells for the community. Dr. King’s report was brought forward at a meeting of council attended by'a large delegation of ratepayers from Lake Wilcox. â€"v 1.. van"-.. t'uAus‘s-‘regards théhéllghe éaidvthat most of them were shallow and were polluted from the sanitation or lack of it. in the area. He said this was not an area that was alone with this condition. _ . The water in Lake Wilcox is only ï¬t for bathing, and should not be taken internally unless boiled. The water contains a large amount of nitrate and boiling only increas- es this content, thus it is not ï¬t for infants’ formulae. This was part of the statement made by Dr. R. King of the York County Health Unit, speaking before Whitchurch Township Council on Thursday night of last week. 1 A LL __A_ _._.4_ Water & Sanitation Condi‘tians At Lake Wilcox Said Critical Due to the unusual weather conditions some streets in the town are in impassable shape and have had to be temporarily closed. All necessary repairs will be made as quéclcly as possible and practical. In the meantime a stand-by staff of the Works Department is on duty to cope with any emer- gency, and in such cases residents are asked to contact the Police Department, TU. 4-2123. The co-operation and indulgence of all citizens is invited during this period of temporary incon- venience, in anticipation of which we thank you. K. W. TOMLIN, MAYOR TGWN 0% RICHMOND flii$ TO CITIZENS OF RiCHMOND HILL Mr. Hanson said that the rate- ï¬ayers’ association had no de- sire to put any person out of a home but he stated as a place that was inferior became vacant, coun- cil was asked to have the building inspector declare it “unï¬t for habitation." He said the health unit had coâ€"operated and 16 homes had already been con~ demned. Col. S. C. Snively supported Mr. Hanson in his statements ab- out the non-existence of proper sanitation. Douglas Nash, another member of the deputation, said that many families of low income were pay- ing ,high rents to absentee land- lords. He thought these owners should be compelled to clean up the property they owned. hands of non-resident landlords who charged high rents and pro- vided little service, S. F. TINKER, CHAIRMAN WORKS COMMITTEE “That is something the people will have to decide themselves.†remarked Reeve W. L. Clark. Mr. Clark said the Village of Ag incourt was dissolved after the formation of Metro and had ex- perienced no hardships as a re- sult of this action. It was report- ed Vaughan Council favoured the idea of dissolution. Thornhill Paving Thornhill Trustee P. McTag- gart-Cowan waited on council to clear up any points regarding the trustees’ proposed $56,850.00 road paving program. Markham’s share will amount to $13,700.00 and Vaughan’s to $43,150.00. Mr. McTaggart-Cowan concurred with a suggestion of the township en- gineer that certain streets have two or three inches of pavement instead of jUSt surface treatment. Some streets that have heavy traffic such as Elgin Street will get permanent pavement, while other less busy streets such as Colborne Street will receive sur- face treatment. The Department Councillor J. MacNeil informed Markham Township Council Monday there is a strong possibility that the Mark- ham residents of Thornhill may follow the lead of Vaugh- an Township residents and request a dissolution of the police Village. Mr. MacNeil reported that several Markham residents are gathering information and may approach council on the matter shortly. “The police village served its purpose 30 years ago,†stated CouncillorMacNeil. “The province told us 10 years ago to either beéome an incor- porated town or revert back to the townshipâ€, added the speaker. Both Deputyâ€"reeve W. Dean and Councillor Mac- Neil are residents of Thornhill and former members of the village trustees. The fourth annual carnival of the Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club to be presented at the Richmond Hill Arena April 2, 3 and 4, promises to be a gala and exciting event. An interestian number on the program features “Rover the Wonder Dogâ€, and skaters Ian Ross and George Graham. ‘ â€"- Photo by Lagerquist Expect Markham Peopie To. Seek Dissoluton Thornhill Village Regarding a suggestion of De- puty-reeve Dean that the part of John Street lying within the pol- ice village limits be included in this year's paving program, Mr. MeTaggart-Cowan stated that the Department of Highways had ex- amined the road and reported it lacks a proper base. It would therefore be foolish to spend any more money on it until a new base has been laid. He estim- ated it would cost $30,000.00 to rebuild and pave it properly. Due to the large sum of money involved, Mr. McTaggart-Cowan stated the trustees planned to in- clude it in a future program. He felt if seal coat was put on the street this summer and‘any pot- holes patched at once it could last for another ï¬ve years. of Highways has agreed,to such a program. Mr. McTaggart-Cowan assured the members that the residents of Markham will pay only tor their own share of the workrlt 'is planned to handle the work under the terms of the Local Im- provement Act. $32,000.00 Surplus Clerk-Treasurer H. Crisp In-‘ formed council that preliminary reports indicate the township ï¬n- ished 1958 with a $32,000.00 sur- plus. A complete statement will be available by March 31. “The auditors are very, pleased with our ï¬nancial positionâ€, stated Reeve Clark. Both the ï¬re and roads departments overspent their budgets in 1958. A suggestion by Deputyâ€"reeve Dean that council budget for a surplus in 1959 and future years and to save the sur- plus each year towards the cost of building an additibn to the municipal offices ran into opposi- tion from the other members of council. “I certainly wouldn’t ag- ree to using the taxpayers’ money in that way,†stated Councillor MacNeil. “If there is to be any surplus then let’s reduce the mill rate," added Mr. MacNeil. The province permits a municipality to budget for a surplus equal to the amount of any outstanding taxes. Reporting on a meeting held last week with the police com- mittees of the Townships of Markham, Vaughan and the Town of Richmond Hill regarding the perennial problem of dbgs run- ning at large Councillor L. Mleâ€" berson stated they_may organize a central dog pound to serve the three municipalities. A repres- entative of the humane society who was present at the meeting stated the society would not as- sume the onerous task of acting as dog catcher. It was estimated a central pound would cost ap‘ proximately $10,000.00. _The water committee was re- quested to bring in a report on what people outside the water area should pay for water. The case concerns people on John Street where the main passes their property. Indications are they have‘to pay double the rate prevailing within the water area. PHONE TU. 4-1105 authorized the uglas Flood, 18. for the He Council'has words of praise for the work done by the County on Markham Road. “I believe in giving credit where due," said Mayor Tomlin. “They did look after Markham roa‘ after it was forcibly drawn t9] their attention by this; coun- c1 .†Reeve Perkins â€" “They did a | good job on Markham Road." (Continued from Page 1) Councillor Paterson said he was not being critical but he \sould like an outline of what is being done in the E1mwood~ Harding area where conditions are particularly bad due to work done last fall. He asked if the sewer contractor had any respon- sibility. It was stated the con- tractor is still required to do some work but if asked to do it now it would just be wasted. It was suggested a special effort will be made to keep north and south roadways open. Councillor Ross said he appre- ciated the Works Department is doing its best to meet the diffi- cult conditions, but he still thought ratepayers had the right to complain. Councillor Haggart. Police Chairman, said hauseholders who are forced to park cars on road all night will not be given park- ing tags. - Mayor Tomlin recalled that people in other parts of town ex- perienced inconvenience when sewer; were installed. “I well remember.†he said, “cars being bogged down on Richmond Street.†Deputy-reeve Tinker expressed cancern for the large expense of the remedial measures. Our pumping charges are running to a substantial sum each day, he said. The discussion closed with a council appeal for patience and consideration on the part of the ratepayers during this very difi- cult spring period. There are many suburban areas much worse than Richmond Hill, said the Mayor. “I can stand it all ex- cept those who say nothing has been done," said Deputy-reeve Tinker. Town Works Department â€" Councillor Bradstock asked for a detailed account for emergency measures during the flooding in the Beverley Acres area. A re- plrt will be prepared by the Works Commissioner. It was made clear that the works department would always be standing by for call in case of real emergency when it is neces- sary for ambulance or fire de- partment to get through. Dog Complaints “Our complaint is not against dogs, but against dogr owners who show no concern for town regula- tions or the rights and property of others." said Councillor W. J. Haggart in asking council’s views on a co-operative dog pound and dog catcher to serve Richmond Hill and neighbouring municipal- ities. “I am agreeable to a mutual pound. but I think we need a full time dog catcher," said Council- or Paterson. Reeve Perkins questioned the need for a full time dog catcher. In a year at the rate of 3 a day he'd catch all the dogs in town, he said. All members expressed concern action be taken to clean up the dog situation. They,agreed the by law is being ignored by too many people. Councillor Pat- erson said the dog Catcher drove right by six loose dogs on Paliser 1151“, u‘y ajn vaqv “v v. - ....___ Crescent and did ngghin-g about them. Councillor Haggart will meet again soon with representatives of Markham and Vaughan in an effort to come to some agreemqnt for a mutual pound and some ar- rangement for a dog catcher to enforce local byâ€"laws. _ Mayor Tomlin said the police department continues to get many complaints of dogs running at large. ‘ Courtesy u- “flu, Councillor Haggart said he had three complaints of the phone manners of town employees. A lady phoned to ask when the large pile of dirt on the green belt would be removed and was told it made a good slide for the kids. Two other complaints con- cernedï¬alls to the Police Depart- ment and had been referred to the Chief. “When taxpayers phone our town offices they are entitled to polite replies," said Councillor Haggai-t. Mayor Tomlin said any such complaints should be referred at once to the clerk. Engineers â€"â€" - ,,1_:._-.I 12215 llluvl a Councillor Haggart complained that Proctor and Redfern, \town consulting engineers, are working for subâ€"dividers. ‘ r A-.. Electioneering Banned For All Municipal Staff Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night passed a lengthy by-law outlining in detail the du- ties of all municipal employees and specifying working rules and regulations. ' Among the long list of regula- tions is one that municipal em- ployees are barred from taking part in municipal elections. A municipal employee must take no part in municipal politics other than exercising the franchise. It is permitted to attend election meetings, but not to take part in them. Penalty for infraction of this rule is dismissal from the municipal service. Local munici- pal politics is deï¬ned as applying to election of both municipal council members and members of the school boards. Another regulation provides Imited to ten minutes. Richmond Hill municipal em- ployees new number seventy. oun [1 case_ of case of any existing grievance. : must ï¬rst see his department ad, then the clerk and has the ght of ï¬nal appeal to municipal her regulation provides ps an employee must take ‘ nf anv existin! grievance. for employees is tainer fee is paid. He saw no ob- jection to them taking work for sub-dividers as long as they did not do the inspection Work. Council passed a motion by Councillor Haggart and Reeve Perkins that Proctor and Redfern be not engaged to inspect any work in a sub-division where they work for the sub-divider. Councillor W. J. Haggart con- tended that flooding in some six homes on Demaine Crescent 'was some town responsibility as some of the water came from municip- ally owned property. He said the basements in question were filled with water. On motion of Reeve Perkins and Councillor Haggart Works Commissioner Whalen will bring in a report on what can be done to remedy the situation. Fire Chief Alfred Stong was authorized to have the local Fire Brigade represented at the reg- ional fire school to be held in Aurora April 13th to April 17th. Council laid over for further consideration the request of County Civil Defence Chairman John Perry that a local co-ordin- ator be appointed. There‘s a change in regulations pending, said Deputy-reeve Tinker. let's withold action until they are clar- ified. Chairman Perry said that to date only 4 municipalities in the County have heeded his re- quest for appointment of a local u ordinator. Approval was expressed by members for the proposed con- struction of a 22 unit apartment building on Benson Ave. One bed- room suites will rent. for $68.50 per month, and 2 bedroom suites for $75.50. "We are in agreement as long as the building conforms to our by laws."‘ said Councillor Haggart. Mayor Tomlin said there is a keen local demand for rental accommodation. Board of Education A communication from the heads of local Home and School associations asked council for some directive on the proposal to form a Board of Education for Richmond Hill to take the place of public school trustees and the York Central High School Board in school administration in the town. The letter pointed out that a recent meeting discussed the proposal and that among the ad- vantages an elected Board of Ed- ucation wole be more demo- cratic than the present appointed High School administrative body. It was stated the proposal also would facilitate the adoption of the tri-level system and tend to a more co-ordinated and improv- ed -curriculum. Councillor Ross, a former pub- lic school board chairman, said the discussion of the proposal had proven very interesting. There were, however, quite a few problems and the financial impact of the change would need careful study. Councillor Haggart said the fi- nancial aspects of the proposal should have thorough investiga- tion, but he had no objection to such investigation being carried out. He moved that the town auditor and solicitor be asked for a detailed report on the Board of Education proposal. The motion was seconded by Councillor Ross -and carried unanimously. Proctor & Redfern reported that work in the new sub-division at Elgin sideroad was so prolong- ed the amount of money avail- able from the sub-divider’s agree- ment would not be adequate to continue full time inspection, Council members agreed full time inspection is necessary even if the town has t1 bear the expense. It was suggested Works Commis- sioner V'halen engage inspectors as it would be less expensive than if supplied by engineers. Inspec- tion costs under the engineers would cost an estimated $50 per day. The work may continue on until next fall, the Mayor said. Ami! H015 {sme PRATT 8. [AMBERT mums REDUCED FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY OUTSIDE WHITE AND PRIMER . . . . . . . ALK YD FLAT VIPEX “WATEREMULSION†30 BEAUTIFUL COLORS â€" Reg. 57.85-58.65 YONGE ST. CELLUTONE SATIN THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 01112140., Thursday. March 26, 1959 10 BEAUTIFUL COLORS Reg. $7.45 Reg. 38.65-89.35 ALKYD BASE â€" 14 COLORS PLUS INTERMIXES â€" SIMMS BRUSHES - - - ROLLER COATERS POWELL FURNITURE WAREHOUSE SALES gé UlDLCu ALLLJLIILCU. vuvuuluuvu /HWW\CWW, wwmmwwvmvw ..auu\luunnmm1m\\l\u\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mmulunmummmumunuumuunummmmmmunlm1mn1m1xl\u1uuuumuuuumumuu“mi ‘1‘;va mvwmvwwwwwwwwwwmwwvw wwv v‘a‘avvv‘lw vvv . [lmmmuuuumumunmmmmuummumnmummmmmmmuummumuuumummmmuuumumnmumuuuuInuu' ; Must be cleared - - regardless of cost. N0 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! SHOP IN COMFORT AT HOME Men’s Custom Tailored Suits .. $47.75 Ready-to-wear Suits . . . . . . . . . . $31.95 Top Coats, Sports Coats, Slacks, Shoes Boys’ Suits, 6-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 Boys’ Suits. 11-16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.95 LADIES’ SLACKS. SLIM JIMS. JACKETS, ORLON SWEATERS ‘ 276 Melrose Ave. Listed BRUBACHERS, BRIDGEPORT, Ont. 33 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill ‘Before you buy â€" it will pay you to give us a try' BUILDING SOLD! LAST 3 DAYS - - MUST VACATE Wednesday, Apri ï¬st WHIT'I'AKE R05. AV. 5-1833 A. B. BRUBACHER Sz SON, AUCTIONEERS 'Angus Brubacher, Sales Manager Dispersai Saéie Now on sale FURNITURE TWN VALLEY HOLSTEINS DOWN SVIEW, ONT. Sale price {I Our Entire Stock of CALL TU. Accudited 64 HEAD AT 1.00 RM. OWNED BY SALE AT Sale Price $6.75 - $7.55 $7.50 - $95 THORNHILIJ 4-1250 Kitchener, Ont. ice $5.25 TU. 4-2922 Vaccinated $34.95 Shoes $14.95 $17.95 muuuu Olav/“7.7 .I/))\I)I(In Wcé v†‘2')