Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1959, p. 6

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Ca 01 Orton. hree Brownies will receive their golden bars. They are Rose- ‘anne Harrison. Lynda Taylor and Doreen Tlnkler. Collectors’ badâ€" Eleven new Brownies will be enrolled at the regular weekly meeting on Thursday afternoon. They will be enrolled by Brown Owl, Mrs. L. Porter in the ab- sence of the District Guide Com- misioner. Mrs. J. Smith. Mrs. Porter will be assisted by Mrs. G. Taylor and Mrs. H. Peschel. The girls to be enrolled are: Linda Nicholson, Susan Larkln, Susan Broad, Pat McGuire, Bar- bara McLeod, Margaret Arnold, Irene Rule, Connie Coleman. Peg- gy Loxley, Elizabeth Howell and Carol Orton. The Scout and Guide Ladies' Auxiliary members were pleased with the results of their St. Pat- rick's tea and bake sale held last Thursday, Four members of the Girl Guides served the tea and lunch. They were â€" Lydia Gar- butt, Dorothy Jean Hadcock. Ma- ja Flubacher and Sharron Kings- ley. Assisting in the kitchen and bake table were: Mrs. G. Rowe, Mrs. S. Cook, Mrs. G. Marr, Mrs. L. McFadden, Mrs. D. Garbutt and Mrs. Kersey. Winner of the door prize was Mrs. C. Smith. Brownies A meeting of the Theological Club was held at the home of Rev. G. Winch recently. 'with Uni- ted Church ministers from all over North York present. This club is made up of a group of ministers who attempt to give the Bible 3 better interpretation. The talk centered around the Book of Revelations. Rev. Winch ex- plained that it was hard for the churchman to make the message of the Bible relevant to today. The next meeting of the club will be in Keswick. Ladies’ Auxiliary . . $1,400 Budget King Library A $1,400 budget was set last week by the new board of King Memorial Library. The purchase of new books is the largest single expenditure in the 1959 forecast. Among improvements the exec- utive hopes to accomplish this year is altering the library's back room into a children's section; adding 'a false roof to improve the building’s appearance, and solving the prob em of water flooding the-tile flooring be- cause its level is lower than the land frontage. r ' A special service will be held at St. Mark's Church on Good Friday starting at 9:45 am. The church will be decorated on Sat- urday for the Sunday Easter Ser- vice. Rev. Michell will take both services. Every family In the dis- trict is welcome to attend. The Easter Sunday Service will be- gin at 9:30 am. Theological Club Mr. Harry Cheetham of Clear- vlew Gardens is chairman of the library board and Mrs. George Berry has undertaken the office of secretary-treasurer. The staff of eight librarians headed by Mrs. A. E. Jarvis has been asked to continue their voluntary ser- vices. Also on the board are Mrs. N.‘J. Coe, Mrs. Jack Car- gill. Mrs. Harvey Malcolm. Mrs. J. R. Jones and Mr. Donald l‘ind- lay. They decided to meet the same as the association library board did. on the first Monday evening of alternate months. u-‘n\\\\\\\\\u\u\u\\m\u\umnuumu\umullmun“ummmm“\muumummumuuumuluuuuumlm\\mmmmu\\mumumuuuuumug E 'â€" . u-mmm\mu“mma\1nunummmmummwummm“mmmum“um“\\m\\1\um\\\\\m\\\1\\u\\\\u\u\\\\\\\\um\uuu\\m\u~h l J all car €11 Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Socials HELP WANTED EXTRA VALUE USED CARS S P, EC I A I. One Cub Leader (male or female) for the local Pack THE LIBERAL, Ricfimond Hm, Onta‘rfo., THursday, March 26, 1959 If you have had any experience as an Akela, please contact anyone on the group committee or phone Mr. Archie Macnaughton, King 355. (Chev.-Olds. Dealer) King City, Ont. Ph1 Leslie Motor Products Ltd. 54 Chev. Sedan Delivery $595 Thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed Check us for other used car values King City, Oak Ridges “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of inter- est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake I Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone King 205.“; and ln Oak Ridgesâ€"Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Ruth Mc- Fadden, Elmgrove Avenue, phone PR. 3-5567. The ladies are busy working on articles for their bazaar to be held in November. A spring rummage sale will be held on Saturday. May 9th. Mrs. S. Parker and her two children, Randy and Cinda of Sundridge. spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Etta Burns and her brothers and sisters last week. A decision to retain the “deci- mal” numbering system already existing in older parts of the vi]- lage, was reached by King City Village Trustees at a special meeting in the Fire Hall with some 20 interested ratepayers present. each night. The theme virill The Christian Way of Life. A special guest at St. Paul's W.A. “Missionary Meeting" held recently was Miss Mewhort. an ordained minister. She showed colored movies taken in India where she spent many years. She also talked of her travels and ex- periences among the people. "‘K’ih'i'ssibn m be ‘hela at the church from April 26th to May 3rd. Rev. Doug. Sloan of' Oak- ville will be the guest speaker The Oak Ridges Lions Ladies met recently to discuss plans for the Hard Tymes Dance to be held on April 4th in aid of the Thorn- haven Retarded Children's Fund. The Legion and Lions are spon- soring the dance with the ladies of both organizations looking af- ter the refreshments. Over one hundred vouchers and prizes have been donated By local bus- iness men for the dance. The dance will be held in the Legion Hall. King Side Road. St. Paul's W.A. Make Changes Stre’et Names Among those joining in the dis- cussion to clarify house number- ing were representatives of Ciearview Gardens' Home Own- ers' Association, Heritage Park Ratepayers’ Association, and King City Lions' Club. To eliminate some of the con- fusion in newer subdivisions. trustees hope to proceed with house numbering this Spring. Changes were made in several street names. Heritage Pai-k rate- payers had requested their street names be altered. The entrance will be called Heritage Park Road. Hambly Ave. is unchang- ed, but the remaining three-part road will be known as Humber Drive. Special services will be held at Brethren in Christ Church on Easter Sunday. Children from the Sunday School classes will take part in the program. All parents and friends are invited to attend. Lions Ladies ges will be awarded‘to Madeline Cole and Joanne Comfort. Jenni- fer Hopkins will be presented with her swimmer's and skater’s badge. There will be no Brownie meetings during the Easter holi- days. Easter Services .. Along King St.. Patton Lane becomes Patton St. Near the eas- tern limit, King Boulevard is being altered to Garrow Road, after the original farmer owning the property. In Clearview Gardens, Clearâ€" view Crescent is eliminated, be- coming a continuation of Clear- view Heights. The brief street off Station Road was named Eric St. Phone 50 Rev. Martin Jenkinson will con- duct an hour-long Good Friday service tomorrow morning at ten. On Easter Sunday, special music by the choir has been arranged for the ten o‘clock service. Book Week During Canada Book Week from April 12 to 18, King Memâ€" orial Library will be open daily at certain hours: Monday evening ........ 7 to 9 Tuesday afternoon . . . . . . 3 to 5 Wednesday ... . . . . . 2.30 to 5.30 Tuesday afternoon . . . . . . 3 to 5 Wednesday . . . . . 2.30 to 5.30 and from 7 to 9 Thursday evening . . . . . . 7 to 9 Friday 2.30 to 5.30 Saturday . . . . . . . . . . 3 to 5 All week there will be a lucky draw for adults, the winning num- ber to be drawn Saturday at 4 p.m., when refreshments will be served to adults. Posters in the stores and red arrow signs will encourage peop- le to visit the library, where in- teresting old books will be on display. Featured will be the work of King Township authors, Miss Julia Jarvis, Mrs. Douglas Hen- derson. Sir Ellsworth Flavelle, Mrs. Bruce Davis, Mrs. W. J. Pearson, Lady Eaton. Mrs. Dora Hood, Miss Blair Burrows and Mr. Frank Fog. Shower Newcomers to the district were invited to 'the “Friendship pot luck supper” sponsored by King City United Church W.A. Tues- day evening at the church. The congregational gathering was addressed by Rev. Gordon Hunter. Postman Ill King residents along rural route two missed the daily visits of their postman, Mr. Ernest Cum- mins of King City, who was taken ill with pneumonia. Easter Services After being in the communi- cants' class for six weeks prior to the service, the following joined by profession of faith. Alexander Currie. Andrew Currie, Joan Flucker, David Flucker, Barbara Patton. Ross Rumble, Sharon Simpson and Leonard Simpson. Friendship Supper Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dawson of Clearview Gardens transferr- ed from Emmanuel United Church in Windsor, and Mrs. James Forsylh. from Woodbridge United Church. Three adults joined King City United Church by transfer of church memberships at the Com- munion service on Palm Sunday. Eight young people joined by profession of faith. Mrs. Alex Campbell of William Street entertained at a stark shower in honor of Mrs. Roy Wal. ton, King Street. In a doll car- riage, gifts were placed by the neighbours, Mrs. Alex Currie, Mrs. Harold Millard Mrs. Jim Sim, Mrs. Al LaPlante, Mrs. Rob~ ert Walker, Mrs. Glen Urquhart, Mrs. William Clubine, Mrs. Will- iam Derrick, Mrs. William Mc- Lorinan, Mrs. William Sparks and Mrs. Frank Powell. Eighth Birthday To celebrate Shirley Walker’s eighth birthday, her friends were entertained at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker. William St. Youngsters invited were, Deb- bie Jamison of Toronto, Delinga Paton, Barbara Clubine, Laura Urquhart, Marion LaPlante, Anne Seymour, Mary Evans, Beverley Angliss, Laurie Orr, Linda An- derson, Susan Scott, Lorna Hous- ton Paulette Bice, Anne Heaslip, Mary Lou Doner, Muriel Adams, Denis Hall, Marilyn Billings of Aurora, and Shirley’s little sis- ter, Susan. ' Easter Services Among the special Easter ser- vices at All Saints’ Anglican Church will be the confirmation service Wednesday evening, Ap- ril 15, at eight p.m. Right Rev. G. B. Snell, Sufi'ragan Bishop, will receive the 14 candidates and will also, dedicate the stained glass window recently presented to the church by the W.A. In the confirmation class is a mother and daughter combina- tion. Mrs. William Derrick and Nadine. - Final Wednesday Lenten ser- vices were held in the morning and evening. For Good Friday, Rev. Dr. W. Bruce Jennings will conduct a service lasting a little over an hour, tomorrow morning at ten. 0n Easter Sunday there will be celebrations of Holy Communion at eight and ten am. at All Saints Church. Church Supper The congregational pot luck supper. sponsored by the WA. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church has been postponed until Friday, April 17. New Baby Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Folliott upon the ar- rival of a daughter at York Coun- ty Hospital, a sister for Joan, Bruce and George. Birthday Party Mrs. David Anderson. Third Concession Line. entertained friends of her daughter, Susie, in celebration of her ninth birth- day. Young guests enjoying the games and refreshments includ- ed Mary Lou Doner, Billy Walk- er, Susan Heath, Diéky and Bas- taian Van Willigen, Sandra and Linda Wade, Jenny Wilson, Mary Evans and Scott Anderson. Children's Party ' Mrs. J. H. Evans, King St.. had an after-school party for friends of her daughter, Mary. on the occasion of Mary‘s ninth birthday. Among those attending were, Shirley Walker. Susie Anderson. Beverley Angliss. Laurie Orr. King City Notes 11, Lama Houston. Mary 1g . . . . . . 7 2.30 to . . . . . . . . . 3 The president. Mrs. Robert Berwick, called the table changes for the progressive games. Neigh- bours from nearby Laskay, Oak Ridges and Temperanceville were present. McPhee, Kendra Lawson. Joanne Baxter and Bonnie McDonald. Sale of Paintingsv Mrs. A. E. Jarvis is again con- vening the sale of paintings to be held by members of King- crafts Art Group on Saturday, April 11 from 11 am. to five. Anniversary At the King City Firemen's Women's Association euchre par- ty in the Fire Hall last week, the card players giecided to have an- other euchre on Thursday, April 2, in the Fire Hall. While sandwiches, cup cakes and coffee Were being served. prizes were awarded. Mrs. Fred Judge had the ladies' high score of 88 and Mr. Charles Henshaw. the men's top score of 83. Second priz went to Mrs. E. McCoy, with 86 points, and Mr. Murray Judge. a score of '77. Scores were tactfully kept a secret for consola- tinn prizes going to Mrs. William Houston and Mr. Paul Beaupre. Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest Hollins- head of Kinghorn are today quietly observing their forty- sixth wedding anniversary. In Defence Group Members of the Evening Branch packed a bale this week at the home of Mrs. Ross Walk- er. sending to Toronto a layette, knitted wear, good used clothing and children’s books and toys. At their jneeting last week, the Branch made donations to the Canadian Cancer Society and to the Dorcas. Members planned to attend the Easter Thankoffering meeting this evening of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church W. Ms. A few representatives will go to the Diocesan W.A. annual meeting in Toronto early in May. St. Patrick’s Euchre King Township Council has ap- pointed Mr. George Shoults of Schomberg. divisional director of the RCAF Ground Observers‘ Corps. as its representative to York County Civil Defence Com- mittee. Open Meeting The public is being invited to an open meeting of All Saints' Anglican Church. E v e n in g Branch WA. on Thursday even- ing, April 23, to hear Captain Morris speak of his work among boys at Beverley Lodge. Pack Bale ~v....__.i _ _, The setting up of All Saints’ Church district as a parish sep- arate from Maple will likely be delayed \until the Fall. according to Rev. Dr. W. Bruce Jennings. Mrs. Floyd Wilson of Temper- anceville won the special prize donated by Mrs. Laura Rolling. a decorated layer cake topped with hurp and Shamrocks. Separate Parish Plans are proceeding for the erection of the new church and parish hall‘ with architects pre- paring final drawings and sketch- es before tenders for construction are called. “Already we are beginning to plan the Sector Project for ;he Autumn. It is a great satisfaction to know our budget increases each year through this project was the highest in the whole Dominion,” Dr. Jennings announced. Cookie Day An indication of the rise in local population is the increased number of boxes ordered for Cookie Day. sponsored by King City Girl Guides and Brownies. Last year’s sale of 400 boxes has been upped to 660 _this year. King City United Church will be headquarters for the annual sale. The uniformed girls will meet at the church around nine a.m.’, most of them to visit the subdivisions, escorted by parents driving cars. Rummage Sale Mothers of Guides and Brown- ies are making plans for their rummage sale on May 9. In the previous week the girls will be collecting rummage from house- holders. A request is being made for spring and summer clothing, hats, costume jewellery and put- ses. A mothers’ meeting is schedul- ed for April 16 at King City Unit- ed Church, following the Brow- nies' weekly meeting to make further plans for the sale to be held in Toronto. AURORA : To eliminate traffic bottlenecking. Toronto and York Roads Commission is widening and repairing six small bridges on the Aurora-Schomberg road. Cost ls estimated at $10,300. To Customer Specifications PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 STEEL lINTELS | BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING Rev. Martin Jenkinson conduct- ed the service, during which the bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Ewart Patton presided at the organ and accom- panied the soloist, Mrs. Gordon Orr. The bride wore a lovely long white embroidered gown, fash- ioned with fitted bodice and bent- fant skirt forming a slight train. Her finger-tip veil was caught to a crown of seed pearls and she carried yellow roses with stepb- anotis. Miss Barbara Busby was maid of honour for her sister. wearing mauve flowered nylon organdy over taffeta with match- ing headband trimmed with net and carrying a yellow bouquet. Mrs. Bill Wilson, of Toronto. sis- ter of the groom. and Mrs. Jack Brydon f Schomberg were bridesmaids. dressed in pale yel- low flowered nylon organdy over taffeta. They had tiny matching headbands. trimmed with net. and carried bouquets in mauve shade. King City United Church was decorated with baskets of ,chrys- anthemums. gladioli and carna- tions for the wedding of Carol Dorothy Busby. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Busby of King- horn. and John Warren Cari. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Carl of Toronto. Mr. Gary Carl of Montreal was be-t man for his brother and ush- ers were Mr. Donald Busby. broâ€" ther of the bride; Mr. Raymond Carl, brother of the groom: Mr. Bill Wilson of Toronto and Mr. Herbert Pettipiere of Guelph. of the groom. Carol Dorothy Busby Bride Of John W. Carl Certainly. Other women do. And they use electricity for dozens of other household tasks too, because modern electric appliances make it so much easier to be a good housekeeper. Modern electric appliances can help you do all your work faster, more efficiently . . . whether you’re polishing floors, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, or washing dishes. It costs so little to enjoy the wonderful con- venience and freedom of modern electrical living. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. x 3% Me? Use electricity for this? A reception of 110 guests fol- lowed at the Four Winds Restaur- ant. Among those attending was the bride's great-aunt. Mrs. C. Chadwick of Toronto. For the wedding trip to Flori- da. the bride had chosen an olive green suit with beige accessories and apricot-toned corsage. The couple will be living in Toronto. where the bride will be recep- tionist in a medical office. After graduating from the Women's College Hospital in 1957, she re- mained on the staff. The bride's mother wore a soft green shantung dress. accented with flowered pink hat and pink rose corsage. The groom's moth- er was in a dusky blue dress with hat in matching shade and cor- sage of pink roses. Prior to the wedding a com- munity miscellaneous shower was given in the bride's honour in Kinghorn‘s new schoolroom. Her nursing classmates attended the shower given in Unionville at the home of Miss Marilyn Graham. Mrs. H. Carl. aunt of the groom, gave a family shower in Toronto. Richmond Heights Plaza '38 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-5341 SHIELDS M: mom 1 gm Ill! [AM/[V LT D. Sholdice Service & Supplies Ltd. Daily delivery of any machine parts you may need. Farmers in Richmond Hill Area - Please Note! BRAMPTON ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE SECURED THE SERVICES OF MR. DAVE MILLEN, AS PARTS MANAGER. Richmond Hill I‘Urner 4~1312 Phone SNelgrove 192 (days) â€"TU. 4-2397 (evenings) ‘WE SELL THE BEST - AND SERVICE THE REST’ 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED M assey-Ferguson Dealer HERBERT R. BUTT Dependable Associated With Keep vacuum attachments in a basket to carry with you to each room as you clean. Service Telephone “MAD no ' TTW" 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 2-3456

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