Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1959, p. 7

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Th directors of the Canadian "Encore", the newly opened Nutn Breeders was held at the: store selling nearly new clothes horn of Mr. anC Mrs. Norm wort, Colonial Nutria Ranch, Hill'iew Drive on Saturday of IastweEK. Arrangements were mat' for a general meeting to be 21d in the Armouries, Elora, Onrio, on May 2nd when there wii‘be a demonstration of fur- grang by a government fur graar. Coffee will be provided anteveryone interested is cor- diay invited to attend. Ep- ' for the entire family is moving from its present location upstairs at 55A YOnge St. South, to lar- ger'premises at 67 Yonge Street North, just south of the Catholic Church. Mrs. L. Sargeant, the genial proprietor. invites anyone to come in and browse around and see the many bargains in clothes and miscellaneous ar- ticles. i Nw located upstairs 55A Yonge Street Suth, will be moving after Easter to lzger premises at 67 Yonge St. N., just south of Catholic Church BARGAINS GALORE Ir NEARLY NEW CLOTHING, C'STUME JEWELLERY, CAMER- 'AS, PURSES, HATS, ETC. AL CLOTHING BROUGHT IN FOR SALE MUST BEAR CLEANERS’ TAG i a Q '4 --uu-u-u-u-u.« - . “Ow- 'onge St. Ri:hmond Hill . . . TMORLEY' ‘W‘ MRGARINE N‘COA It a Measure to shop at Marley's KDANA N W FORMULA RB CLIFOPN‘A ELERY (ABBAGE CTLIFORNIA ISPARAGUS fimaduy, March 301k lichmond Hill Lions Hall EXAS GREEN 32$ BAGS MWWWWWWWMWMW“55“““5‘55555‘7‘55‘5 c c a " \_. pvyywynyVVV-VW Kay & Warwick Butt “FOR WOMEN WHO DESERVE THE BEST” {91711.9 (:5 U1 “The Liberal” is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations. women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if passible to ensure Its publication. TU. 4 - 334] RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA For Your Exciting 14 Levendale Rd. {£5 [2" t/te drop into Richmond Hill 2 for 25: 2 for 49¢ 2 for 65¢ 2 for 33¢ Large Staalks Large Pkgs. 1 lb. Ctns. 100 Pkg. Pound Heads 79c 35c Entertaining for Miss Elean- or Brodrick prior to her marriage to Mr. James Scott on Saturday, March 23th, at St. Mary's Angli- can Church were: Miss Sandra Spencer, brides- maid, and cousin of the bride, combine" w’fh Mrs. P .W. D. Brodrick and held a supper party at her home in Toronto. Rela- tives and university friends were present and the bride received many lovely gifts for her kitchen. Reverend James O'Neil on be- half of the Sunday School teach- ers of St. Mary’s Anglican Church of which Miss Brodrick was the superintendent of the Be- ginners Department, made a sur- prise presentation of a mixmaster during the regular meeting held at the home of ‘Mrs. D. Fettes, Lucas St. Miss Joan Wade, maid of hon- our and Mrs. Frank Baxter, held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. William Wade, Thornhill. Many of Miss Brod- rick’s former high school friends were present on this occasion and they enjoyed this very pleas- ant reunion. A card table and chairs were presented to the future bride and groom when Mrs. Stanley Os- mond, Lucas St. held a supper party for the families and mem- bers of a mixed bridge club, of which Mr. and Mrs. Brodrick, parents of the bride, are mem- bers. A Scott - Hunter family party was given by Mrs. William Jam- ieson of Scarborough. About fif- ty guests were present, and the happy pair received many varied and useful miscellaneous gifts. On Saturday, March 21st, 3 trousseau tea was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brodrick, Mill St. Receiving the guests were the hostess, Mrs. Brodrick and her daughter Eleanor, assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs. Earl Scott and her mother, Mrs. JamesHun- ter. Postmaster E. T. Willis an- nounces the following postal ar- rangements for Richmond Hill Post Office during Easter sea- son. Good Friday, March 27: general delivery and stamp wick- et open from 8 to 10 em. No money order business. no letter carrier delivery. On Easter Mon- day, March 30: general delivery, stamps and money orders will be available from 8 am. to 12 noon. Letter carrier and letter box col- lection as usual. Miss Edna Izzard and Dr. Lil- lian Langstafi will be spending the Easter holidays in Tucson, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs; F. S. Rumble, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sanderson left on Tuesday for a holiday in Florida. Congratulations to Mr. S. R. C. Hamilton of 343 Browndale Cres-. cent on having been made a reg- istered professional forester by the Ontario Professional Forest- ers' Association. The Association is the registration body for the forestry profession in Ontario and seeks to provide a better knowledge and understanding among the general public of the aims and objectives of forestry and the role played by members of the profession. Mr. Hamilton is a Reforestation Supervisor and is empfiyyed at the Department of Lands and Forests, Maple. Mrs. M. H. Seigerman, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. D. V. Bergin and Mrs. G. C. Crack attended the premier performance of “The Torchbearers” at the Central Technical School, Toronto. At the,home of Mr. Arthur Ad? ler Sunday night, March 22, a meeting was held of all the Jewâ€" ish families of Richmond Hill. It was unanimously decided to form a committee to further the obser- vance of religious practice in this area. The committee is made up of Chairman Mr. Arthur Adler, Treasurer Mr. Dennis Erstein, Secretary Mr. Cyril Sherman and Committee Mr. Sam Gordon. Every endeavor will be made to locate suitable premises for wor- ship services. In addition to his duties as teacher to the children, Mr. Alan Jacobs was appointed lay minister. gong'ratulations to Eric Pros- sen‘. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Presser. Felix Avenue, Richmond Hill and John Winter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winter, New- market, on having won as a prize for getting a record number of subscribers to the Globe and Mail, an all expense trip to New ank by chartered plane for the Easter holidays. While in New York the boys will be staying at the Governor Clinton Hotel as guests of the Globe and Mail, and will also enjoy a planned tour of New York City. \Communion service was held and ‘ ‘the following adherents were ad- mitted to full membership in the ‘local congregation, taking their first Communion on Sunday. By profession of faith: Mrs. E. Zol- tai, Miss Georgina Gibson. Miss Penni O'Connor. Miss Faye Sni- der. and Mrs. Harry Nelson. By certificate from other churches: Mr. and Mrs. R. Prater, Wexford Presbyterian Church, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O’Hagan, Church of Scotland, Lochwinnoch Parish. |Followlng their reception on Fri- day night the new members par- ticipated in a social hour and met the members of the congre- gation. as guests of the Women’s ,Auxiliary. If you have not been already convinced that Spring is on the way, one look at the window of Warwick House should be enough to convince you. Once again the proprietor, Mr. Warwick Butt. has displayed his artistic talent in producing a window display worthy of mention.. Taking the centre of the window is a charm- ing Chinese bamboo wooden bird cage. with its new occupants, four gain coloured budgies. This is flanked on either side by two large pots of daffodils. and com- pleting this delightful picture are some lovely boughs of real white apple blossom, and one solitary dress, the colours of which blend so beautifully with this touch of Spring. Mrs. Dorothy Downing, prov- incial organizer for the Conser- vative party, was guest speaker at a well attended meeting of the local women's group. Representa- tives from the Young Conserva- tives who are now organizing, took part in the discussion per- iod that followed. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. W. E. Morris. Miss Etta Hart. deaconess at the Fred Victor Mission will be the guest of Mrs. W. Dodds, Har- ding B1vd., next week, while she is in town as speaker at the Eas- ter meeting of the Harriet Taylor Auxiliary W.M.S. at the United Church on Thursday, April 2. Mr. Joseph Rabinowitch is at present enjoying a pleasant change holidaying at Sarasoto on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Friday night aiprej Mr. Robert G. Langford, in- dustrial commissioner for Rich- mond Hill was the guest speakgr at the Rotary Club meeting in Renfrew, Ontario, at which the Mayor of Renfrew, councillors, and officials were present. Mri Langford's topic was “Industrial Development at The Municipal Level”. In observance of Holy Week. Richmond Hill Churches of all denominations commenced their series of religious services on Palm Sunday, extending throuqh- out Easter. Day and night serâ€" vices in the Roman Catholic churches of St. Mary Immaculate. Richmond Hill, and in Beverley Acres and Oak Ridges have been arranged by the Rev. Frederick J. MEGinn’. RR, and Rev. .1, Basil Breen, with the annual Holy Week Retreat conducted by Reverend Father James McAg- han. OP. The Richmond Hill United Church, St. Matthew’s United Church on Crosby Avenue, St. Mary's Anglican Church, togeth- er with St. Gabriel Anglican Church in Beverley Acres, also the Presbyterian, Baptist, Free Methodist and others all feature special services and appropriate music throughout this Easter week. A complete listing of these services may be found by refer- ring to the church notices in this issue of “The Liberal". The Easter theme was very much in evidence when Susan Thompson, Kerrybrook Drive, celebrated her seventh birthday party on Wednesday, March 25. Among the guests were: Kathy Maxwell, Vicky, Shelley and Meredith Scott, Susan Kirkpat- rick. Susan Coxford, Mary White, Frances Rowe, Mary Coughlin. Colleen Fraser, Pattie Boone and Kathy Savage from Islington, who will be remaining as Sus- an’s guest during the Easter week-end. Making a very attrac- tive centrepiece was the birthday cake in the shape of an Easter bunny. and scattered among the festive fare Were numerous little gain coloured flufi‘y chickens. Numerous games were enjoyed and favours given to each small guest before leaving for home after a most successful party. Assisting the hostess, Mrs. Thom~ pson, was Mrs. T. Pierce, who was ;also celebrating her own birth- ‘ day. STONE â€"â€" BRICKWUKIS NATURAL STONE FIBEPLACES EXPERTLY BUILT 277 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill coweuuon $300 5 STARTING TIME-8PM. i NUMBERS $110 JACKPOT NUMBERS CALLED TU. 4-3910 or TU. 4-3341 LESLIE SARGEANT Council Reverses Decision 0n Night Sale Of Gasoline Richmond Hill Town Council will take no action on the request of one service station operator for permission to keep open all night. until a change in existing byâ€"law is requested by the ma- jority of service station operat- ors. It was pointed out that reg- ulations were embodied in a by- law at the request of the operat- ors and that any changes should be at the request of the same body. At a previous meeting council under the impression the existing byâ€"law gave authority for grant- ing of one all-night permit grant- ed the request of the Fina Sta- tion. However, it was found an amending by-law would be neces- sary and when Clerk Lynett read it Monday night council agreed to table it until a request is made by the operators. Councillor Jos. Paterson said he had received some complaints from residents living near the service station. It was feared all night Operation would prove a nuisance. Reeve Perkins said some ser- vice station operators had ex- pressed opposition to the council action. “We will wait until we get of- ficial word from the operators,” said Mayor Tomlin. Council pas- sed the original regulatory by- law after a request from the service station operators. 3rd Richmond Hill Troop On Friday last, Mike Howard, Eagle Patrol Leader, gained his lst class swimming test at North- view swimming pool on the troop weekly swim night. Tony Loftus also passed his swimmer‘s profic- iency badge requirement. On the week-end, all patrols were rep- resented on the troop’s third hike of the year. All patrols started from widely separated points and converged on a common camp site according to sealed orders issued the day before. Biggest er- \ror over the one-mile cross coun- try course was 100 yards. This was achieved on Sunday morning with the temperature around zero and a stiff breeze blowing and without help from the adult lea- ders. After Scouts’ Own service, all boys cooked their own meal over their patrol fire where Winston Chan passed his fire-lighting and cooking test, and after a few warm-up games the camp site was cleaned up and the three miles homeward journey was started. The going this time was tougher for the sun had melted the ice crust on 18 inches of snow and every third step or so one broke through the crust up to the knees. Nevertheless a very enjoyable hike resulted. 3rd Richmond Hill The 3rd Richmond Hill Cub “A” Pack held their regular meeting on March 17 in the Wal- ter Scott School. During the ev- ening Richard Parker received his first star, and Jame: Docherty his team player‘s badge. Bill Mitchell, a new chum. was wel- comed into the rack. Steven Lay his 2:: tv'itisferred to “B” Pat‘s, and P._ul' Armstrong has httn tran’fer‘md to Detroit. Mr. , Four Cubs from “B” Pack mo- ved up to Scouts on Tuesday ev- ening. The official Going Up Ce- remony was held at the regular meeting of the lst Richmond Hill Troop. The new Scouts are Rich- ard Sinclair, Terry Thiel. Bob Thomson and David Walsh. Two of these boys, Terry Thiel and David Walsh, were awarded their 2nd Stars at the previous meeting of Cub Pack “B”. This is an im- portant award for new Scouts to bring with them since it automa- tically qualifies them as Leaping Wolves. Cubmaster Danny Cram- pton and all the Cubs of “B” Pack wished their old Chums well with a last Grand Howl. httn tran’fer‘md to Detroit. Mr. Goddard, the A‘teia, took five boys from the Yellow Six down to the Ontario Museum on Sun- dav as a reward for the highest mints for the month. There will be no meeting next week. lst Richmond. Hill Group New Chums recently invested in “B” Pack are Billy Curtis, Douglas Collier, Michael Jones, Terry Wilder and Ming Wong. It has been a very busy month for “B” Pack with regular train- ing, recreation, investitures, pres- entation of aWards, and the Go- ing Up Ceremony. BRICKWORK seal,» MRS. J. J. BAKER After a lingering illness, Mrs. John Baker passed away at The Villa Hospital on March 16 in her 85th year. Rev. C. G. Higginson, assisted by Rev. E. B. Eddy, con- ducted the funeral service in the Wright and Taylor Chapel where relatives and long-time friends gathered to pay their last res- pects. Burial was in Richmond Hill Cemetery. Honorary fiallbearers were: Dr. Rolph Langstaff, Mr. J. C. Ellis, Mr. Walter Reaman, Mr. Henry Winger. _._ A ‘,_ Acting pallbearers were: Mr. Rolph Baker, Mr. Clare Baker, Mr. Everett Baker, Mr. Donald Whitney, Mr. Whitney Johnson, Mr. Norman Anning. Mrs. Baker had been a highly esteemed resident of Richmond Hill for the past 35 years. She was born in Edgeley and after her marriage to her late husband lived in the Carrville district for many years. She was a quiet wo- man who derived much pleasure from her family and friends. Un- til one year ago she kept busy with reading, sewing and braid- ing rugs. - I A d _.\._.. _.._C, .. ._ She is survived by two sons. Leslie of Richmond Hill and Lloyd of Markham; three daugh- ters, Mrs. Edgar Anning (Mae); u“ u, .u- .. Mrs. Wm. Horner (Irene) and Dorothy at home; three sisters and one brother, Mrs. Chas. Whitney and Mrs. Frank Thomp- son of Toronto; Mrs. Thomas Johnson of Gormley; and Mr. Jack Snider of Rexdale; eight grandchildren and eleven great- grandchildren. HOLLAND LANDING : Spring flooding of the I-{qllani'Riveyin VUuAA-a v- -.-V 7,, the Holland Landing- Riverdrive Park district, could seriously jeopardize the source of drink- ing water of that area, said Dr. Robert King, director and medi- cal ofiicer of health at the York County'Health Unit. Church, Sunday School and Christian Home Supplies. Witness with games, toys, puzzles, key-rings, cards, stationery, etc. Phone or write, D. M. Malloy, 236 Moore Park Ave., Willow- dale. JESUS SAID: “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” The young wife was the beautiful but dumb kind and her husband was considerably upset: “You’ll have to watch it, darling. The bank just returned the last two cheques you wrote." Wife: “Well, it’s about time. Think of all the ones that just disappeared!” Unlike the beautiful but dumb,u wife you’ll be money in the bank,’ when you entrust your dry clean- ing to us. Your clothes will look better, last longer, when they receive proper dry cleaning care.‘ We've even been known to re- store garments that were given up for lost . . . because making stubborn spots and stains DIS- APPEAR is our specialty. _£uln'l' ennul. I98 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill Mrs. Donald Hay of 142 Driscoll Road, Richmond Hill, try a donkey-eared hat from Nassau’s straw markets on their daughter, Maureen. The family will re- SHOPPING IN NASSAU â€" Mr. and FAMILY BIBLES @hituarp THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario., Thursday, March 26, 1959 5?" flo/za/g H jn 349 " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon Burbidge wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel Elizabeth, to Mr. William Albert Hawman, son of Mr. Tho- mas and the late Mrs. Hawman, Kleinberg. The marriage will take place April 11, 19592 at 3.30 p“1.,â€" St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Vaughan. *1w39 CARD 0F THANKS BAKER â€"â€" We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and apprec- iation for the many acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received during the illness and bereave- ment of a loving mother, from relatives, friends and neighbours, especially thanking Rev. C. G. Higginson and Rev. E. B. Eddy for their consoling words. Many thanks to Dr. Jas. Langstafi, V. ON. and Wright and Taylor Fun- eral Home. Leslie, Lloyd and Dorothy Baker, ‘Mrs. E. Anning, Mrs. W. Horner SHIRT SERM MEADOWOOD HOLSTEIN DIS- PERSAL - TUESDAY, MARCH 3lst at 1 pm. Owned by Estate of J. E. Chandler, Hudson Heights, Que. Selling at HAYS SALES ARENA, OAKVILLE, Ont. Mr. Chandler was former Manager of famed Mount Victoria Farms, and this Dispersal is of intense Mount Victoria breeding. The entire her'd trace to MEADOWOOD STERLING, whose daughters av- eraged 82% GP 8; better. Those selling average 537 ’Fat. with their dams averaging over 500 ’Fat. Included is a 7-yr. “Excel- lent” daughter with three heifer records averaging 117-120% BC A. 60 HEAD offered, many GP & VG, mostly full ROP pedigrees and desirable service dates. An important sale to attend. HAYS FARMS LIMITED, Sale Manag- ers, Box 490, Oakville. Ontario. DISPERSAL SALE (Engagementg BY PRUNING NOW Old Country Gardener LOUIS BERTA AV. 5 - 2296 ENSURE A GOOD CROP Now Is The Time *mfi' turn home Saturday, after vacationing at the new ocean-front Nassau Beach Lodge in the Bahamas. Mr. Hay is see- retary-treasurer of W. G. Grant Ltd. ‘IMIIEIMMIWHI TUmer 4-44“ FORSTER â€" Harold and Joan (nee Murphy) are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their son, David James Morley, on March 22. 1959, at Newmarket hospi- tal; both well. c1w39 , , , Although we hear a great deal about the motor accident toll, CANCER KILLS AL- ‘ ‘OST SEVEN TIMES AS MANY PEOPLE EACH YEAR AS ARE KILLED IN AUTO- MOBILE ACCIDENTS. . . . If cancer had been con- quered ten years ago, CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit FACT FOR THE WEEK: . . . Approximately 190,000 people would not have died of the disease: . . . Approximately 90,000 wo- men would not have died of cancer. Many research leaders are confident that we will ulti- mately conquer cancer. It is just a matter of time. Public donations can help shorten that time. cer. . . . Many of these were busi- ness, political and profession- al leaders. . . . Approximately 3,000 child- ren under the age of ten would not have died of leuke- mia and other form" of can- Who for accidents ? The cost of auto acci- dents can run into big money. But you won’t have to pay it if you’re adequately insured. Cost is small. 40 LEVENDALE RD., RICHMOND HILL ‘ TU. 4-5621 GALBRAITH J EWELLERS W. l. HAGGART EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Insurance Agent TU. 4-2277 {girths accidents ? % 4 ./ é

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