The speaker of the afternoon. Rev. Calvin Chambers of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church, gave a most inspiring and challenging address. He was thanked by Mrs. J. Matheson. A delightful social hour fol- lowed. ' Mrs. J. R. Morris, leader. was hostess to the members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Mission Band on Saturday. Jane Morris, the president, opened the session with a hymn. The Mission Band prayer followed and the scripture reading was given by ' Phone Maple The meeting opened with pray- er by the president. Mrs. J. Klngsburgh. The hymn "Near the Cross" was sung, after which Mrs. Kingsburgh welcomed the guests. Roll call and minutes of the February W.M.S. meeting were read by the secretary. Mrs. J. R. McGinnis. The Easter hymn “Christ the Lord is Risen Today" .was then sung and Rev. Chambers pron- ounced the benediction. Next meeting of the W.M.S. takes place on Wednesday, April 15. at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. Robson. The roll call will be answered using a scripture verse containing the word "Wit- ness." Mission Band Meditation on the Easter théme was given by the president, fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs; F. Brice and the scripture reading, from Matthew 28, by Mrs. J. R. Morris. - - - Mrs. Constable and Mrs. E Magee very beautifully sang a dug. “'I:he_01d Rugged Cross" The offering was then received by Mrs. G. Ingram and Mrs. V. Orr, acting as ushers. Mrs. Kingsburgh gave the dedicatory prayer. ‘ The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Keele Street Maple, Ont. The Easter Thankoï¬'ering of the Women’s Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday afternoon at the church. Joining with ladies of St. Andrew's were societies from St. Stephen‘s An- glican Church, Maple United Church. and Zion Lutheran Church, all of Maple. St. Paul’s Vaughan; St. Andrew’s. King: Richmond Hill Presbyterian and Thornhiil Presbyterian Churches. Mrs. T. Jackson read the study book. taking the chapter on “Can- ada." written by Rev. A. C. For- rest. It gave an interesting re- port of what part our churches are playing across our vast dom- inion, bringing teaching and healing to those in need, and that its doors are ever open to immigrants seeking to ï¬nd a fu- ture in a new land. Rev. Davis installed the newly elected offi- cers for 1959: Past President, Mrs. H. Jackson; President. Mrs. R. A. Blgford; lst Vice-President, Mrs. T. Jackson: 2nd Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. E. Hemphill; Record- ing Secretary, Mrs. M. Woods; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. D. Jarrett; Community Friend- ship Secretary, Mrs. L. Wiltshire: Treasurer. Mrs. E. Smart; Chris- tian Stewardship, Mrs. L. Palmer; Supply Secretary. Mrs. H. Jen- nings; assistant, Mrs. F. P. Rumble; Pianist, Mrs. G. Watson; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W. Keffer. Mr. and Mrs. Kinnee showed some very beautiful col- oured slides of the Canadian West. taken by Mrs. Kinnee on her trip last year through Wes- tern Canada which were very much enjoyed Refreshments were served and a social time spent to- gether. Thankoflerlng Service We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts ' Unfled W.M.S. The March meeting of Maple United Church W.M.S. was held Tuesday evening, March 17, 1959, in the church parlor. Mrs. Laura Wiltshtre acted as chalrlady. Mrs. R. Hunter gave a portrayal of the Easter story (or the devotional taken from scripture verses in chapters 27 and 28 of Matthew. GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ' ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. lst and 2nd Mortgages Arranged Maple, Concord Edgeley istricts 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario., Thursday, March 26, 1959 PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS Johnny longo Real Estate Ltd. RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL‘ "Flowers For All Occasions†Property Wanted 31 Yonge St. N. â€" Northern Building Phone AV. 5-5301 or Mr. Steffan. TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill Maple Notes “The Liberal†is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. R. Manning. Maple 621124: in Concord, Mrs. Ruth Kefler. AV. 5-2375; and in Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934. M. Jenkinson \of Teston United Church, officiated at the funeral service held in the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Interment followed in Edge- ley Cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. Roland Keffer. Frank Piercy, John Kyle. Garnet Dice- man. Lawrence Keffer and A. Beasley. A regular meeting of the Unit- ed Lutheran Church Women was held at the Church on Wednes- day. March 18, with the presi- dent. Mrs. Ross Percival, presid- ing. "Thé Liberal" joins the com- munity in extending condolences to the famfly at this time. A service with Holy Commun- ion at 10:30 am. will be held on Good Friday in Zion Lutheran Church. On Easter Sunday morning at 9 o'clock early morning Easter service with Holy Communion will be held. Rev. Harold Lindeman will conduct the services. ‘ Lutheran Women The ladies 'are now busy pre- paring another‘layette for the Lutheran World Relief. In support of the topic, a film on theme of Christian Responsi- bility was shown. Mrs. Earl Boechner read a chapter from the book “What the Bible Says," explaining that we should grow in faith and life and over against God and against our fellow men. Only through Christ can we fulfil our Christian re- sponsibilities and what special responsibilities' we have, why we have then, and how we can ful- fil them. A resident of_ Véugharhi V’fown- ship all his life, the late Mr. Eenwlclg was born on the 6th Concession south of Vellore. Aprii 16, 1883, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fenwick and was a faimer until his father’s death in 1930. Rev. H. Lindeman of Zion Lu- Elzergn _Qhurch\, assisted by Rev. Socials Twelve members answered the roll call. Three quilts were sent to Wat- er1_o_o Sgenginary. Several members attended the Thankoffering Service at the Presbyterian Church in Maple on March 18. â€" Mrs. George Reid and Mrs. Boeckner were the social commit- tee. Handicapped from birth and an invalid for many years follow- ing a heart attack five years ago, John William James Fenwick died on March 9, 1959, at the home of his brother-in-law, Wil- 11am Snider, Maple, Ontario. A member of Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood, Ontario, since 1901, Mr. Fenwick is survived by his sister Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Snider) Maple. and Susie (Mrs. Anthony Dixon) of Whitby, On- tario. - The meeting was closed with prayer. ' The chairman of the fund- raising campaign reported that plans for the April drive were progressing satisfactorily. Of each dollar that is donated to the soc- iety each year. 40c is given by the society to various research in- stitutions to aid in the never- ceasing search for the cause and cure of cancer. J. Fenwick Passes“ In His 76th Year The Transportation Commit- tee reported one trip to Toronto with a patient. The Women's Services Committee, reported a regular meeting to make dress- ings. The Vice-President, Mrs. Geo. Miller, reported on the Richmond Hill and District Unit meeting shslatteniied recently. The monthly meeting of the executive of the Maple and Dis- trict Cancer Society was held on March 19, at the home of Mrs. R. A. Bigford. The meeting ended with the singing of a hymn and the bene- diction. Refreshments were then enjoyed. April 4, Saturday. a work meeting will be held at Mrs. E. Kefler’s. The roll call answer will contain the word “workâ€. Cancer Society After singing a hymn, Mrs. Morris led the study for the af- ternoon from the book “Leo of Alaska.†An interesting story "Whale Hunting in Alaska†was read by Jane Morris. a verse of scripture containing the word, “Goâ€. Sheena McDonald, assisted by Frances Doorduin. gave the ï¬n- ancial report. The secretary's minutes were read by Lynda In- gram, assisted by Mary Lou Dar- ker. Roll Call was answered by Mrs. Morris Sherwood News The members are very sorry to 'say goodby to Mrs. Campbell. who has worked so faithfully and well in the interest of the As- sociation. While in our midst, Mrs. Campbell made many friends who will miss her very much af- ter she moves to her new home in Barrie during Easter week. On behalf of the members, Mrs. El- don Fierheller presented Mrs. Campbell with a tea set. “We cannot be against gration and be consistent,’ one forum, “since most of I from immigrant ancestors. judging by the calibre of Canadians who have helps make Canada in recent yea: feel Canada’s present policy be good." Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Keffer at- tended the Folk School at Cherry Hill Farm, Unionville, from Thursday until Sunday of this past week. The theme for discus- sions. etc., was “Know Your Canada." WJ. Your correspondent regrets that at the time of writing a re- port is ndt available on the find- ings of the Edgeley Farm For- um meeting of March 16 when the topic for discussion was “Im- migration and Emigration.†Instead. here is a report on the judgment of the majority of farm forums across the province: Canada should continue to ex- ercise discrimination against im- migrants on the basis of color. nationality, education. religion and health, the forums report- ed. A substantial number of for- ums would not have discrimina- tion on the basis of color and nationality. but think some firm- ness should be exercised with respect to character. health and education, and another substan- tial number of forums thought discrimination was most import- ant from the health standpoint. There was very little bigotry ev- ident in the reports as to discrim- ination on religion. or coloured grounds. but the general trend of thought among the forums ap- peared to be that extreme care must continue to be exercised on most grounds. Mrs. Garnet Keffer and Mrs. R. J. Darlington were the social committee. Among those who are celebrat- ing a birthday this week are Bill Bagg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bagg who will be three years old on March 25 and Ross Burns, whose birthday is March 26. Many happy returns of the day to you both. The annual meeting of the Edgeley Women’s Institute will be held on Thursday afternoon. April 2, at the home of Mrs. James Spencer. Maple. Mrs. Garâ€" net Keffer and Mrs. Charles Summerfeldt are the nominating committee. Farm Forum In response to the roll call each member quoted a Bible verse copï¬aining the word “Love.†Mrs. Arthur Avery read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs. Boake read the Lesson Thoughts. The topic for worship was "The Triumph of Love.†A’ very special treat was in store for the meeting when Mrs. Peelar played a recording of her niece, Miss Donna Risebrough, of Mount Forest, telling “The Easter Story.†Special Easter Sunday services will be held at all points with special music. The sermon "Ris- en Indeed.†Mrs. C. H. Boake was hostess and Mrs. C. A. Peelar was the convenor for the March meeting of the Edgeley Women's ‘Assoc- iation. 0n Good Friday there will be a special service of meditation on the Crucifixion at 10.30 am. at Maple. The sermon, “The Cross, Then and Now." Rev. Harold Davies will con- duct the services. The church services on the Maple pastoral charge for the Easter season included services of Holy Communion on Palm Sunday at the regular hour of worship. We are told that the new pro- ject will be one of the marvels of the electronic age. Air pollu- tion and undue noise is not ex- pected to be a problem. , Mr. Donald, Gordon, C.NR. president, has given assurances that everyone whose land is re- There is a strong feeling that had a full program of public in- formation been submitted at the same time that the announcement was made. that much apprehen- sion regarding the effect of the terminal project would not have arisen. By Mrs. Raymond Stuart Now that the impact made by the announcement that the mar- shalling yardds to be located mainly in Edgeley has lessened somewhat and we can now view the situation in a little clearer focus. it seems that perhaps these new‘facilities may not be as obâ€" noxious to the residential part of this and the neighbouring com- munity as was first feared. Sé far as nationality was con‘ Feel C.N.R. Marshalling Yard Not Be Too Detrimental To Homes Aerirst Thought Edgeley Socials t immi- t," said E us are 5. But of new ped re- nu Mr. and Mrs. Cy Williams Downsview, visited Mr. and Mrs Fred Orr on Sunday. Mr. Doug Sheppard, Humber Summit, and Mr. Nelson Feeney, Woodbridge, visited Mr. John Witney on Sunday afternoon. High scores for the week were â€"- Dave Young 328, Mary Pem- bleton 310, Don Mitchell 289. 286. Eva Ash 253, 279, Mary Heise 262, 307, Jerry Darlington 280, John Witney 282, Percy Ash 277, Jack Fitzgerald 263, Cecil Smith 260, Carol Reid 262. Last week, Roy Espey’s score was 346, not 246. There will be no bowling on Good Friday. Bowling will re- sume its schedule on Friday, April 3. Team standings are: Hornets 104. Wildcats 94. Tigers 86. Ind- ians 85. Bruins 91; Lions 79, and Cubs 79. Socials The time is here again when when the girls in blue and brown will be going door to door selling cookies. This Saturday. March 28, the girls will begin their campaign for this year. In addi- tion to our own groups making a profit on this endeavour, Girl Guiding all over the province be- nefits as a certain percentage of money raised goes to help in equipping camps and various other provincial buildings. Cook- ies will be delivered May 9. Please help our Guides and Brownies to earn money for their own supplies. Cookie Day is their one big way of doing this, so let’s help them out (and get a good box of cookies besides). Bowling It should also be mentioned that since he took office on March 13. Mr. Henry Nordin, pres sident of the association, has been very active in an effort to find out all he can for us regardâ€" ing the railway problem. By del- egating various residents to at- tend meetings which were held in Thornhill and Maple, and by doing a lot of work himself, Mr. Nordin has already proved to be a very capab1e_officer, and will undoubtedly continue to do so. Guides and Brownies The rest of the meeting was taken up with business pertaining to the subdivision itself, and Mr. Ralph again proved to be very helpful in answering questions on various subjects. Many thanks to him again for his willing asâ€" sistance. ' The second meeting of the Kefâ€" fer Subdivision Ratepayers’ As- sociation was held on Friday ev- ening, March 20. at the school. Guest speaker for the evening was Councillor B. Ralph, member of Vaughan Township Council. Mr. Ralph was able to give an- swers to many questions regard- ing the proposed marshalling yards and the effect they would have on this area. He felt that. although the railway itself would probably be an asset, the marsh- alling yards would not benefit the township whatever. Mr. Ralph also gave information which will be helpful in submitting a pro- test against the location of the yards, and he felt that Vaughan Council would give the residents its full support in such an issue. Asked as to whether or not our tight control of immigration was a good thing, the great ma- jority of forums said “yes.†Some forums stressed the need for con- trol in the face of rising unem- ployment, others mentioning the need to be able to absorb new- comers properly. A number of forums thought present policies were working well. A few forums thought present controls were not tight enough, while others recognized a need for more people to help in de- veloping Canada‘s future. Ratepayers cerned, some forums emphasized that more British stock should be encouraged to come, as well as those from the more northern European countries, who are more likely to adapt themselves readily to Canadian ways. With such assurances it looks as though many fears experienc- ed by property owners in the area should be set somewhat at rest. It looks as though the good that the proposed project Will do to the areas involved far outweighs any small disadvantages, if any. He has also stated that the rail- way has undertaken to provide speakers for any community group which might like to have their proposed plan explained in detail. quired for the project will be paid a fair price for it and that the C.N.R. is prepared to enter into discussion with any other residents who feel they have claims for damages. Mr. Gordon has said that he "is anxious to do everything possible to make it clear that the Canadian National proposes to continue working closely with the various commun- ities involved and to deal in a fair manner with all property owners in the area in question.†Concord Socials Mayor Tomlin said any widen- ing program which would involve removal of existing buildings on Yonge Street was a remote possi- bility: He said a ten foot widenâ€" ing can be accomplished by using the existing boulevard. ~ Councillor Paterson contended the applicants were within their rights in asking a building per- mit and council had no right to refuse under existing regulations. His motion to grant the permit was seconded by Deputy-reeve Tinker and carried. Mr. Paterson said council had no right to en- Councillor Bradstock asked for some expert consideration of the proposal. “We’re being stamped- ed to take action which will allow indiscriminate building on Yonge Street. We're discarding the whole idea of Yonge St. widen- ing,†he said. Councillor Haggart -â€" “I must side with the Mayor. The 17-foot setâ€"back is not practical, more- over it would reduce the off-street parking space available which is an important factor.†Mayor Tomlin said the set back plan might be alright in the sec- tions of Yonge Street still unde- veloped commercially, but cer- tainly not in the two established business blocks. ’ * “I disagree in principle," said Councillor Bradstock, pointing out some thought must be given to future‘ widening needs. Mayor Tomlin referring to a re- cent motion of council requiring a 17-foot setback, said he couldn't go along with it. because in the established Yonge Street business section it was a bit ridiculous and not practical. He said many of the buildings are comparatively new and are on .or near the street line. It was ridiculous he con- tended to make an owner now contemplating building to set back a distance of 17 feet. The building inspector appear- ed before council asking for di- rection as to how he should deal with the two requests for build- ing permits. Existing regulations provide the b leings must be constructed in line with the majority of estab- lished buildings in the block. Building Inspector Hollowell was authorized to engage a surveyor to assist him if necessary in de- termining the existing line. Monday night council did not rescind the motion but did re- verse its policy and passed mo- tions granting permits for two buildings in the Yonge Street business section. One was for a new building, store with offices upstairs, on the present site of Powell Furniture, the other for an addition to the Minerva Beau- ty Parlor. Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night changed its policy on set-back requirements for new buildings on Yonge Street. Some weeks ago council adopted a motion by Councillor Bradstock that any new buildings on Yonge Street be built at least 17 feet from street line to provide for any future widening program. The resolution provided that council must be consulted before issuance of any Yonge Street permits. Council Revises Views On Yonge St. Set-Back Permits Granted ril 8th, and the guest speaker will be Mr. McIntosh of {’he Hy- dro Electric who will speak on “The St. Lawrence Seaway.†It is hoped all members and friends will be in attendance. Mr. Peter Whittal, Mr. Fix-It of TV fame, was the main speaker of the evening. He spoke of a book which he has written which will soon be aVailable to the pub- lic. He told also of the many problems in televising the pro- gram, and showed pictures of recreation rooms, giving helpful pointers on this type of do-lt- yourself projects. The mbnthly attendance prize wasrwon beriss Ropac's class. The Apfil meetiné will be held in the school on Wednesday, Ap- A representative of the Cancer Society, Mrs. Purvis, spoke very appealingly of the work of the Women's Service Committee of the Society, telling how they dis- tribute gifts and other necessary articles to the patients. The Mrrch meeting of the Thornlea Home and School As- sociation was held in the school on Wednesday, March 10th. The president, Mr. Wilkins, presided over the meeting. Councillor Paterson contended council had no alternative but go by the terms of the existing regu- lations which state the street building line is determined by the majority of existing bulld- ings. “We have to be guided by the by-law." he said, “we just can't play army poker rules." Reeve Perkins who opposed the Paterson motion said “we are getting into hot water here to- night.†Reeve Perkins said that council had given direction as to the de- sired street line and had been ac- corded coâ€"operation. He suggestâ€" ed the street line of the Rich- mond Theatre Building be adopt- ed for Yonge Street south to the Markham Road. “I think we should discuss this matter with the owner and tell him our wish- es," said the reeve. “He’s human, and I think would co-operate." “I’m not here to discuss hu- manities," said Councillor Pat- erson. force a set-back unless it was con- firmed by by-law. PEFFERLAW : A chicken hatch- ery ï¬re on the farm of Bohume Kejkliceek. ï¬fth concession, Geor- gina township, resulted in an es- timated loss of $16,000, includ- ing 500 laying hens. THORNLEA ' Correspondent: Mrs. J. C. Donnelly Phone AV. 5-1777 53 Austin Sedan $299 We’ve got a few on our lot right now that you can drive all spring and summer for cents a day. ‘ We can’t offer you 3. Bugatti Royale (I just'pan out and checked) but we‘ve some old timers thattan be good transportation. We often have good “as is" models, older ars that need the do-it-yourelf touch of someone wh a greasy thumb. 0r, quite often, we get a car thatan be run for a year or a. summer without ï¬xingm then tossed on the scrap heap, offering transportaiyn‘ that’s almost cheaper than shoe leather. This car, in the language oicar dealers, was a “clunkerâ€. Most zal- ers run across clunkers now and ten, although few ever have the tlill, v ~ or the misfortune, to acquire 3 id- Don Little den gem like the Bugatti Royalt‘ But the “as is" car can be a godsend for the 12111 with a little mechanical knack, or the time amin- terest to patch and mend. An old car though,s a problem for the car dealer â€" he knows that th<car is basically sound, but the price it would bring ven in top shape isn’t worth turning skilled mechaics loose on it. ' He paid the unsuspecting junk dealer $350 fol it â€" and thereby got the world’s rarest and most valuable classic car. It was a Bugatti Royale, made around 1927 by a strange feudal sort of auto maker in French Alsace-Lorraine. Every piece of the in‘ tricate, '130 mile-an-hour beauty was hand made and to antique car collectors the $350 junk was priceless.( It is to car collectors what a rare stamp is to stamp collectors. In a New York junkyard of old cars not so Ion. back, a man with a sharp eye for antique autos foun‘ a delapidated hulk that appeared to be of European vintage. History's Greatest Used Car Bargain l $299 ' 51 Pontiac Sedan $99 50 PLYMOUTH $99 Originally the car cost $40300 â€"- for the engine and chassis, 39d King Alphonso of Spain, its orinal owner, paid extra for the coachwrk.