Trustee H. Sanderson of the building committee felt ï¬ve years was too long for a caretaker to have to wait to obtain his maxi- mum salary. (Increment is now $200.00 per year for ï¬ve years. Minimum is $3,050.00 to maxi- mum $4,050.00 for straight care- taking.) After some discussion the board decided the building cam- mittee will discuss the matter further with the caretakers. Richmond Hill Public School Board has hired Mr. Frank Moor- ley as carpenter for the board. Salary range is $4,200 minimum. with a maximum of $4,700. Trustees To Study Salary Caretakers Educators from Richmond Hill district â€" comprising inspectors, public and high school principals and teachers, attended the 99th annual convention of the Ontario Educational Association held in Toronto from March 30th to Ap- ril 2nd. Many outstanding edu- cationists from various parts of Canada and the United States participated in this convention, which was the largest educational conference ever held in the Do- minion. During the four days, th: delegates discussed a variety of topics dealing with all phases of education. Plans were discus- Isn’t It The Truth Children are interested in learning what progress they are making toward achieve- ment of goals set by them- selves or by others. Help them to understand how well they are doing. motivate them toward greater effort and guide them into other activities which require special aptitudes. You and your children will be great- ly satisfied. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. Attend 99th Convention Ontario Educational Assoc. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conser- vation Authority will continue its policy this year of providing assistance for tree planting on private lands. The terms of this assistance are as follows: â€" (I) Will provide men and machines on request, for tree planting at a cost to the landowner of $5.00 per thousand trees. (2) Will pay a subsidy of $10.00 per thousand to the landowner when he plants the trees himself. (3) Assistance will be given for not less than 2.000 and not more than 30,000 trees plant- ed in any one year. (4) The subsidy or assistance on Scotch Pine is limited to one Scotch Pine to ten of all other species planted. (5) Trees must be obtained by the landOwner. The Authority does not supply them. Woodbridge, Ontario Phone ATlas 8-1123 METROPOLITAN TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY CARBEE HOME TREE PLANTING SPRING 1959 50 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-4841 the Harding Festival of Carpet Ezslzz'ans SPECIALTIES High Fashion Weavas, Patterns and Colors spectacular S pring On Easter Sunday, the year's meanest thieves to date broke in- to five houses in the Richvale area, while the owners were pay- ing Easter calls and ransacked them completely, looking for mo- ney. It is not known just what losses are entailed. but Vaughan police are investigating. Early Friday morning there was a break and entry at Mathewson Marine, on Highway No. 7 near Keele St. Four outboard motors were stolen. 7 at Keele St., wiped out that historical building. It had been intended to move the tiny former school house to the Dalziel his~ torical site at Jane St. but as the result of the bonfire, and burning rubbish which blew across ignit- ing the framework building, one more link with Vaughan's early history has been lost. c'ix-r-é'lE-s's bonfire at a farm ad- joining the old school house on Alf Bagg’s fagm on. Highway 3170‘. While Markham Township pol- ice enjoyed a very quiet holiday week-end, the police and fire de- partments of Vaughan Township had one of their busiest periods this winter. » _ Vaughan Police Have Busy Time Organized in 1861. the Ontario Educational Assoclrtion has. as its chief aim. the advancement and betterment of education in this prevince. Other highlights included a verse speakl g competition. a musical conce t, a dramatic pro- gram, displays of audio-visual aids and a musical program fea- turing secondary school students. In addition to talks by author- ities in specialized lines of educa- tion and panel discussions. the program included displays. exhl- bits, physical culture demonstra- tions competitions and-other fea- tures. Among the highlights of the convention were the finals in a province-wide public speaking competition. Winners of school, township and county contests, which have been held during re- cent months. competed in these finals in the King Edward Hotel on Wednesday, April 1st. se.'. for big-scale centenniai cele- brations in 1960. now ‘on view at Showing of F. L. Lunn Secretary-Treasurer Birthday congratulations to Bradley Mathieu, son of Tom and Yvonne Mathieu, who celebrated his ï¬rst birthday on Monday of last week. Ladies! set aside the afternoon of Monday. April 20. That day a beneï¬t euchre will be held at the Buttonville hall in aid of the fund for Retarded Children. Sponsors are Buttonvllle W.I. Fathers' Nizht Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington whose dau- ghter Ann presented them with a grandson last Week. We hear his name is to be Andrew. H iMr‘s. Beth Lalng and Mr. Bert Oakes of Winnipeg are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Oakes this week. " ME. Mary MaePherson of Tor- onto was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roddick last weekend. Home and School Association fathers shed their work-a-day dig- nity Wednesday Evening of last week, in favour of some light slap-stick, and the result was hil- arious according to those parents present at the March meeting of Buttonvllle Home and School As- sociation. V iMi‘ihrnd Mrs. Bruce Jones and Gary visited Bruce‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones during Ens- The talent was remarkable. the costumlng appropriate to the Ja- maican climate (if not enhancing to the characters) and the results completely hilarious. Members of the cast were: Messrs. 'John Brown. Murray Roberts, Ray Mc- Tavlsh, S. R. Patterson, Woods, Bert Gardhouse and John Storey. There was no business meeting but score was taken, and the senior room won the pennant for parent attendance. The March meeting of Button- ville W.I. was held at Buttonville hall on Thursday ‘afternoon of last week, with hastesses Mrs. Garnet Francey and Mrs. George Hooper in charge. Mrs. Richard Pralet occupied the chair and Mrs. James Rodick carried out secretarial duties. April 20 was set as the date for the euchre party to aid the fund for retard- ed children. The district annual was announced for May 14. at Clifl’crest United Church, Scar- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and Joel, Mrs. Horton and Michael were guests at a wedding in Pic- ton. Ontario, Saturday of last week. 7 A ten A beautiful colour ï¬lm on Ja- maica set 'the scene for what fol- lowed -â€"nameiy a skit featuring a trade commission from Jamaica discussing with the Canadian (Buttonviile edition) delegation products which might proï¬tably be exchanged between the two countries. During the social hour refresh- ments prepared by Mrs. Jack Harrott and her committee. Mrs, Musselman, Mrs. Lent and Mrs. Vidler, were served by the fath- ers present. Buttonvllle WJ. Mrs. Charles Hooper reported on the board meeting held re- cently in Toronto, and announced that at summary day, to be held this year in Newmarket. Button- ville W1. members will be res- ponsible with Victoria Square W. I. for a luncheon to be served (our part to be prepnration). The guest of the afternoori was Mrs. Maurice Hamill who demonstrat. ed cake decoration. which those present found most interesting. A reading by Mrs. Garnet Fran- cey, “The Lord's Easter Prayer", completed the programme. Foll- owing the meeting refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Gordon Purves will be a guest at the Lieut.-Governor's re- ception on April 6 when he will entertain for workers of the W0- men's Cancer Service unit, cele- brating the 10th anniversary of its establishment. SNIDER-OAKES A wedding of local interest was solemnized in Victoria Square United Church, on Saturday. March 28, when Janet Elizabeth Oakes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Oakas. Buttom‘ille, be- came the bride of Samuel John Snider, eldest son of the late Mr. The men in our community have been keeping the hospitals busy recently. We are pleased that Mr. Elnore Hill was able to return home from the Scarboro General early last week. but we were sorry to learn that Mr. Wm. McGimpsey is under observation there at present -â€" best wishes for a rapid recovery. ... . For the ï¬rst time this spring parents of small children (2-5 years) were invited to leave them in the church par10urs where Mrs. John Brown was in charge during the church service. Home for Easter vacation were Bob and Mary Lou Miller of Guelph. who are at the Miller farm: George Putnam of Kings- ton (Queen’s): and Miss Isobel Hood of London spent the week- end here with her family. At Brown’s Corners church on Easter Sunday morning there was a capacity congregation, with Rev. A. F. Binnington in the pulpit. The choir, under the dir- ection of Mrs. 5. J. English and Miss Dorothy new It the organ, sang two anthems ‘King of Kings' with soprano solo by Mrs. Aub- rey Stephenson. and ‘thieluja' with solo by Mrs. A. W. Miller. Easter services were largely at- tended 10cally. On Geod Friday choir members joined the choir at Victoria Square United Church for the special service held there; there were also many Brown's Corners church people attending. Rev. Higginson of Richmond Hill United Church was guest spegker. On Monday evening of last week Mrs. John Storey enter- tained at a miscellaneous shower for Lynda Lemon of Toronto, who will be Derek Maw‘s bride next Saturday. Lynda received the gifts and best wishes of friends from this community. Neighbourhood Notes mm: mm CORRESPONDENT: Mn. 1". G. LEAF R. B. 3 Gormley â€" Phone AXminster 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS Following the wedding rehear- sal on Thursday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Don- aldson entertained the wedding party at their new home, North Buttonville. Among those entertaining for the bride prior to her marriage were Mrs. Rae Donaldson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Don- alson; Mrs. Charles Hooper and Miss Mary Hooper for Button- ville Community; Mrs. D. Coutie for the Oakes family relatives and Mrs. F. Thompson of Downs- view for Snider family relatives. Cut-ofâ€"town guests attending the wedding were from Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto, Weston, Downs~ View. and'NeWmarket. Following a brief motor trip to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Snider will live at Victoria Square. For travelling, the bride chan- ged to a suit of mint green woolv small beige flowered hat and brown accessories. For the reception at Button- ville W.I. hall, Mrs. Oakes re- ceived her guests in a draped own of navy faille with pink ower hat and accessories. Mrs. Nelson Kerr. receiving for the groom, chose Dior blue silk with large navy hat and accessories. They were similar corsages of pink rosebuds and white hya- cinths. STOP 24 YONGE STREET SOUTH of RICHMOND HllL Bridal attendants were Miss Mary Hooper as maid of honor, and sisters of the groom, Mrs. Rae Donaldson, bridesmaid. and Mary Lou Snider, junior brides- maid. They wore Cyclamen taf- feta gowns, waltz-length. with wide skirts and ï¬tted bodices, matching bow headdresses and satin slippers. and carried nose- gays of hyacinths, pink rosebuds and cornflowers. Mr. Robert Kerr, cousin of the gréom, was best man, and the ushers were his brother, Alan Snider and brother-ln-law Rae Donaldson. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was lovely in a white tafl‘eta gown fashioned on princess lines, and appliqued with re-embroidered lace, featuring a bell-shaped hooped skirt which reached the floor. Her lace-appliâ€" qued ï¬ngertip veil was caught to a taffeta and lace head-clrclet and her flowers were a crescent of white gladloli and hyacinths with a light pink accent of rosebuds. and Mrs. John Snider, Victoria Square. The officiating minister was Rev. A. F. Binnington: Mrs. James Barker played the wedding music. and Mrs. Allan Orr was soloist. We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts “Flowers For All Occasions†PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICH - HM. MOTORS LTD. RICHMOND HILL A SINGlE MOMENT RICE’S FLOWERS Doni- Waste a moment... Take the freshness and exhilaration of Springtime, add the pride and joy of Pontiac. . .then sit back . . .the pieasure's all yours. 25 models In six great series: STMTO-CHIEF - LAURENTIAN - PARISIENNE - CATALINA 0 STAR CHIEF - BONNEVILLE see your POW/IO o’ea/e/~ today! Twelve members of the Thorn- hill nd district hockey club house league of Doncaster, will be seen competing for their league cham- pionships on Sunday, April 5, in the Aurora Arena, starting at 6 pm. They are: Donald Angel, Intermediate - white team. From the junior - white team Ed. Clowe, Gord Norwood, Doug Murphy, David and Bob Flewwelling, Mi- chael Noon and Steve Linklater. From the junior - red squad: Rill Menzies Jr., Brian Heer, Jamie Cameron and of the intermediate greens, Dennis Lopgheed. It is hoped that their friends and families will get out and root for them. Mr. A. Mazezow, 17 Proctor Ave., returned h0me from a 17- day visit with relatives in Los Angeles, on Easter Day. The next home and schobl as- sociation meeting will be held on Mggday, April 13. Visiting Doncaster, at the home of her girl friend Diana Kind- ness, 6 Henderson Ave., is Mar- garet McIvor, a former resident of_Doncaster, now of Whitby. The next meeting of the Don- caster community Ladies' Club will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Jordan, Morgan Ave., on Mon- day, April 6. Time, 8 pm. Every- one Welcome. The Bonnicis entertained Mal- tese friends from Toronto on Easter Sunday. They are Mrs. Mamo, with her 17-year-old daughter Joyce and son Manuel. also Mr. and Mrs. Parnls and two children. The Doncaster community 1&- dies‘ club report that 26 euchre partnerships have entered the euchre marathon slated to begin next week. A surprise party was held for Mrs. Steele. of Morgan Ave., by her friends from the Thornhill Presbyterian Church. It was on Thursday, March 26. the occasion â€" her 88th birthday. Birthday greetings are in order for Pauline Mitchell, who cele- brated her 9th birthday on Wed- nesday. March 25. Birthday wishes go out to Les- lie Clemence, who celebrated her 6th birthday on Tuesday. March 31. Parents will be asked to give the number of pre-school child- ren in each home and whether they are public or separate school supporters. Supervlslng Principal Duard Rose said this plan of assessing future needs for school accom- modation proved very worth- while in the past. since it is the incoming classes who dictate the need for additional schools. Soci; is The students will begin their canvass directly the five public schools close at 3.30 and it is ex- pected most will have their ‘errl- tory covered and be home again by 4.30 pm. Approximately one Grade 8 pupil per street, from the Rich- mond Hill public schools, will call at each home in town after school on Monday, April 6th, to assess the number of pre-school children in Richmond Hill. Pre School Assessment DONCASTER Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 AURORA â€" Miss Joanne Burl- ing has been named as deputy- clerk of the town. SHIELDS Richmond Heights Plaza 1 as Levendale Rd. TU. 4-53415 HIM/WNW live better ELECTRICAle THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aprfl 2, 1959 Just pennies a day! That’s all it costs to operate your electric refrigerator, range, water heater, washer, dryer, TV, radio . . . in fact, all your electric appliances. And electricity does all these jobs so wellâ€"better than ever. Electricity is quick, clean, safe, quietâ€"and above all, economical. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. RICHMOND HILL HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION gm HIM/l! 56 Yonge Street North â€" TU. 4-35" LT D. Catalina 2-door Hardtop 'M--u.o.v TU. 4-3714 DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS - WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK. MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - N0 JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prop. . . . the safe, clean, modern way! Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners TEL AV. 5 - 4351 Jim Hope P<1259C