Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1959, p. 16

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Enummmmmmmuluummmummmmmum“uummmmumuuuumauummummmmluuuummml1mlmuumumuxmmm1IE 'nnun1lumumllmlmununmmuuuuumnmmunlnun“mummunumm11l\munummmmmummumqunuuuummumum‘ LET "5 DO IT NOW! g‘ukm1\mumm1\\m1uunuuumuuuuluummuuummmnumunmlmumum1mm“\uuununuunuuunmummmmmmg STOP 22 YONGE ST. AV. 5-1031 (between Thornhil] and Richmond Hill) ; “The Friendly Store That Saves You More” memmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmwwmm WWMHIIW 4mm“IIunmmmmmunw ' CANDRON CONSTRUCTION LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS gmunnmuumlm1mumuun“1mmmmunmuumulmmuunmunumu11nm1unmmmumnmluuuumnmmuummmuumm“mug Painting, Decorating, Tile Flooring, Bathroom, Kitchen or Basement Expertly Tiled Call g AV. 5 - 2698 or TU. 4 - 4269 SERVICE VTU.4-2515 CALL CANDRON 16 ALTERATIONS REPAIRS BUILDING EXTENSIONS PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL WORK Reasonable Rates Free Estimates for one and two bedroom apartment building ready for occupancy by the fall of 1959. Located in Rich- mond Hill. Fully serviced. VALLENTINE FRANK 8. BURDA E 28 Industrial Rd. TUrner 4-2613 For Prompt Courteous Service Call Rentals - - - one bedroom $68.50 Two bedroom $75.50 Income requirements $2,500.00 to $3,600.00 :1 year. Write or phone IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Various Sizes 2500 sq. ft. to 6000 sq. ft. EXCELLENT LOCATION IN RICHMOND HILL JUST OFF YON GE ST. FULLY SERVICED LAWRENCE CONSTRUCTION We invite inquiries “I! AND AUTO SUPPLY “Kl?” MOVING PACKING STORAGE , & LOCAL AND LONG ( A R TA G [DISTANCE MOVING ‘7 ann‘rl’nn No Job Too Small Naughton Drive Elgin Mills THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aprfi 2, 1959 FACTORIES FOR RENT REAL ESTATE BROKERS HU. 9-2517 or HU. 9-2807 1745 BATH URST STREET TORONTO for co. LIMITED 765 Mt. Pleasant Road HU. 7-1591 STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Electrician Tuesday. It takes 10 inches of snow to equal an inch of rain. Refreshments of course will be served by Mrs. Maud Benjamin’s CJpable committee. 7 In addition the president. Mr. A. E. Plewman, will make an an- nouncement of interest to every- one concerned with the club. and he hopes for a full turn-out to share the news. The feature of the afternoon will be the showing of a moving picture sponsored by the Public Health Unit depicting the inter- esting things that older people participate in, and how they en- rich their lives. Anyone desiring transportation is asked to get in touch with Mrs. J. H. Tilley at TUrner 4-1024 by The monthly social meeting of the Senior Citizens’ club of Rich- mond Hill will be held in the education building of the United Church at 2.00 pm. on Wednes- day. April 8th. April 8 Meeting Senior Citizens' Phone TUmer 4-2881 DAILY SERVICE TORONTO AND AREA AV. 5-5101 n.0-o-o-o-olx Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was lovely in a full-length gown of faille and A1- encon lace in candle-white shade. The bodice of her gown featured Empire lines to the circlet neck- line, which was sprinkled with leafy lace appliques; the long sheath sleeves of the bodice for- ming points over the hands. Her bouffant skirt was fashioned in princess flaring panels and her veil of tulle illusion caught into a wreath of orange blossoms was a heirloom worn by her maternal grandmother at her own wedding 50 years ago. The bride carried a bouquet of white orchids and white hyacinths. The bridal attendants were all gowned alike in short dresses with bouffant skirts and puff sleeves in flowered nylon organ- za over net and taffeta. The maid of honour, Miss Joan Wade, wore forsythia yellow print on white background over taffeta, while the bridesmaids, Mrs. William Baker and Miss Sandra Spencer wore lilac fleurettes on white. All the senior attendants’ gowns were fashioned with a matching taffeta sash with large back-bow falling into a bustle panel, and they all carried yellow carnations with accents of mauve in the accom- panying hyacinths. The little flower girl, Carolyn Scott, wore yellow and carried a bouquet which was a miniature of the bride’s, St. Mary’s Anglican ChurchJ with matching hat and a corsage Richmond Hill, was the scene of'of matching roses. a beautiful spring wedding on Saturday afternoon, March 28, 1959, with the church decorated in white carnations, snapdragons and Easter lilies when Eleanor Jean Brodrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Brodrick, Mill St., became the bride of James Marvin Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Earle Scott, King. The Rev. James F. O'Neil, assisted by Rev. A. A. Chote, officiated at the candlelit ceremony. Miss Dor- othy Armstrong was at the organ and Grant Mowatt was soloist. For a honeymoon trip to Wash- ington DC, the bride chose an oriental blue dressmaker suit with bone white hat. coat and accessories and an orchid corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Scott will reside at 873 Avenue Road, Toronto. Among .the guests were: Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Scott and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hadwen and Mr. Lewis Hadwen, and Mr. and Mrs. James Watson of King (“'4‘ Tmmnfl i ntn rn‘l Alina: nrnc- Following the wedding a large reception was held in St. Mary’s parish hall. which was decorated in easter-colour flowers, mauve, yellow and white. The bride's mother received the guests in leaf green shantung with match- ing feathered hat and corsage of pale pink and white rosebuds. As- sisting her was the groom's mo- ther. wearing orchid pink brocade The Carrville United Church Woman‘s Association will hold its April meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Middleton, Can-ville Road, on Wednesday, April 8, at 2 pm. The theme will be “Love Your Neighbour‘. The scripture will be read by Mrs. A. Read. and a paper by Miss E. Sheppard. Social convenors will be Mrs. R. Kirk and Mrs. J. Williams. All Among the routine matters re- ceiving the attention of Vaughan Township Council on Monday evening was establishing Easter Monday as a legal holiday for township employees. However. a day off for Christmas shopping during December for each em- ployee will be a thing of the past this year‘ “With stores open in the evening now. it is not nec- essary to take a day off for Christmas shopping," commented Reeve John Perry as council ag- reed. The pump at Carl-ville Water- works is expected to be put into its third stage of development this spring. This will give a flow of 350 gallons a minute. “Sum- mer is going to be on us and it should be done while there is a relatively small demand," said Councillor E. W. Anstey. Thomhill Water Contracts Mr. Bert Middleton, Mr. Mer- rill Wilson. Miss Mary George and Mrs. Bert Middleton are the teachers for April. Wears Heirloom Veil At Scott-Brodrick Nuptials Contracts approving the estab~ lishment of a water system for Thornhill are expected to be sent out to potential users shortly. Ontario Municipal Board approv- al to a large extent depends up- on consumer acceptance of the project. Conservation Costs Up The Woman’s Association plac- ed two Easter lilies in the church and after the service Mrs. A. Read received one for her work on the choir gowns. and Mrs. J. A. Baker was presented with the other in appreciation of her work with the choir in making the Easter service one to be remem- bored. Sunday School Further Deveiopment Carrville Waterworks The Metro Conservation levy this year is up in tho township The choir sang two anthems, “Sing Hosanna" and “Alleluia.' The sermon by Dr. Eddy was “The Easter Message”. The Sunday School benefited much from this large congrega- tion as there were 48 to go out to the Sunday school lesson. This Spring The services at Camille Unit- ed Church were lovely, the church filled to capacity to enjoy the Easter music. The new choir gowns were admired as Dr. Eddy explained that they were plan- ned and produced by a commit- tee of the Woman's Association under the direction of Mrs. Ad- am Read. We are very grateful to the association and to the la- dies who worked on the gowns. Easter Sunday CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 130m Among .the guests were: Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Scott and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hadwen and Mr. Lewis Hadwen, and Mr. and Mrs. James Watson of King City. Immediate relatives pres- ent included the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter and their daughters, Miss Vera and Miss Helen Hunter, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hunter and family of Laskay, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hill of Rydal Bank, Ontario. 6 New Lectures For Teachers Start April 7th The kindergarten teachers of Inspectorates 1, 2, 3 and 5 are beginning another series of six lectures at the MacKillop School, on April 7, from 4.30 to 7.30 School boards concerned are giving a half a credit for teach- ers who attend this course, when Mrs. Rihmora Connell, B.A., is ‘the lecturer. Anyone interested is welcome to attend and the fee For a honeymoon trip to Wash- ington DC, the bride chose an oriental blue dressmaker suit with bone white hat. coat and accessories and an orchid corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Scott will reside at 873 Avenue Road, Toronto. from approximately $4,600 In 1958 to $6,904. This amount is used to maintain established con- servation projects. Level Crossings is one dollar a lecture. Those at- tending are requested to take their own supper with them, cof- fee will be provided during the half hour supper break. C.N.R. level crossings are still being discussed by the council on two roads. Sherwood Sideroad and Kirby Road, engineering surveys are in progress. On an- other which is used extensively by dump trucks» near Maple, a flasher light is being considered. The C.N.R. pays 80 per cent of the flasher cost Maintenance of the present Maple crossing flash- er is approximately $1,600.00 a year with the township paying 50 per cent of the cost. It is checked every 48 hours. Bruce and Jimmy Read of Oro are spending Easter holidays with their grandmother and ncle, Mrs. Adam Read and Gol‘ on. Welcome Wagon Coming To Richmond Hill Soon Mrs. A. C. Baxter and her as- sistant. Mrs. J. C. McLeod â€" a long-time resident of Richmond Hill, have been appointed your Welcome Wagon Hostesses. The District Committee of the York-Summit Boy Scout Assoc- iation received a grant of the usual $50.00 from the council. Tenders for a township dump truck are to be called for on recommendation of Deputy-reeve V. Ryder. Street signs on Yonge St. alone are to be replaced with more vis- ible ones. Costing from $7.00 to $10.00 depending on quantity. Councillor Anstey made the mo- tion required for their purchase. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowding and Donnie, Alice, Roderick and Ronnie Rowding of Weston visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker. The Rowding child- ren attended Sunday School at Carrville with Brian Walker. Yonge St. Signs Reg. Thornton of Toronto is holidaying with Brian Walker this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and Nancy and Gretta Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton and Glen Middleton of Doncaster, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash of Edgeley and Mrs. John Ash Sr. of Con- cord all had supper Easter Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash and children. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson and daughters Myra Jane and Betty Ann Wilson of Toronto spent Easter week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton, Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and Bonnie Barton of Beverley Acres spent Sunday at the Jack Barton home. Your correspondent and bus- band had the pleasure of attend- ing several of the services held at the new Thomhill Presbyterian Church last week. and enjoyed the privilege of talking with Rev. Alan Ferris who was the guest speaker for the week. having known him through the Vaughan Township Sunday School Assoc- iation when it was active. Prof- essor Ferris is professor of church history at Knox College. Socials ladies in the community are wel- come. Holy Week Mission Three Brownies, Catherine Pounder, Eve Harwood, Dale Kinâ€" near, of the Seventh Pack, were ,tested by Mrs. Malcolm Thomson at Willowdale pool and passed requirements for swimmers' badge. A division badge day‘will be held on Saturday, April 11th in the basement of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Second Class Guides from Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Aurora and other cen- tres in the division of York North will be tested on first class re- quirements and on several profic- iency badges including needlen women, laundress, emergency helper and pathfinder. At a recent enrollment cere- mony on March 12th, Captain Taylor of the Second Company enrolled Joanne Flynn. Nancy Gunn, IaBuise Schell, Francine Watkins, eborah Anderson, Pen- ny Reid, Dorothy Bryden and Elizabeth Hutchinson received first year stars. and Carolyn Wallbanks received her second year star. Skaters badges went to Penny Reid and Deborah An- derson, child nurse badge to San- dra Pollard and second class badges to Wendy Fahey and Dar- ryl Gilbert. They will call on newcomers, and residents changing their ad- dress in Richmond Hill, and will carry into the new homes in their pretty baskets a letter of welcome‘ from our Mayor, Mr. Tomlin, in- formation and cards from the Churches of all faiths, and the friendliness of the whole com- munity. In their basket will also be gifts from civic minded business men and a great deal of informa- tion about all the volunteer ser- vices such as V.O.N._ the Canadian Red Cross, the Canadian Heart Association, the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, the Onâ€" tario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society. Theirs is indeed a business of building friendships, and will en- sure that newcomers to Richmond Hill will receive the same warm welcome as the early settlers in the first years of the town’s es- tablishment. STOU‘FFVILLE : Planning Board now has a complete subdivision plan of the 40 acres of farm land on the south side of Main St., in- cluding the Cain property and the A. E. Booth farm. Metro Planning Board has been asked to proceed with a complete plan of the agricultural land on the north side of Main St. and tak- ing in all the remaining open land on both sides of Stoufier St. It is estimated that some 300 homes could be accommodated on these two planned areas. méde. Welcome Wagon. which is an International Organization, has been in this business for nearly 31 years, and there are over 5,009 Welcome Wagon hostesses in Canada, the United States, and Puerto Rico, making over 1,000,- 000 calls annually. The service will be started within the next few weeks, and notice will be given of this in The railway company claims that it was impractical to con- sult township councils on the matter of the proposed route be- cause this would incur delays and encourage land speculation. As a result of this line of thought, the first intimation Markham and 'Vaughan Townsiph Councils had of the CNR plan was when it was released to the press on March 11. Subsequently it seems that the CNR has had a change of heart because a report carried in the Globe and Mail of March 26 says that the railway company is planning the link between Malton and the main line in con- sultation with Toronto Township officials. They have even con- ciliated to the extent of receiving and considering an alternative route proposal put up by the township council although they claim it will cost more money. If the public conscience of this publicly-owned company has “twinged” sufficiently to make them consult with Toronto Town- ship Council, I feel that further Commissions are not paid on arggments won, but on sales The service within the ne: notice will be these columns At his news conference on March 11, Mr. Gordon claimed that Metro Planning Board had been fully consulted on the by- pass proposal and that it had their unanimous support. Our representative on this board is Mr. C. J. Laurin of Markham Township and in his case “full consultation" consisted of a pre- view of the proposed route some two hours before it was reveal- ed to the press. Admittedly the interests of Metro are predom- inant in this proposal but I do feel that the interests of the townships outside the metro area where the proposed route is lo- cated deserve more than the slighting consideration which was accorded to our representative. As a resident of that part of Markham Township affected by plans for the CNR by-pass line, I would appreciate the opportun- ity of space in your columns to bring public attention to some aspects of the issue which have not been adequately covered. Opposes C.N.R. Line Dear Mr. Editor: Guide Notes “Dear Mr. Editor” of the metropolitan area as a whole. The major partof the CNR route through Markham township traverses agricultural land However. as it nears Yonge Street, the proposed route takes an ominous "dip" down to within half a mile of the present Metro boundary. This dip is sufficient to put the line through the heart of the most heavily built up and most beautiful residential section of our township. We cannot help but feel this is shortsighted plan- ning on the part of the CNR. By the admission of their own pro- ject engineer, the northerly sec- tion of Metropolitan Toronto is ‘growing explosively." Why then locate by-pass line so close to the growth centre when suitable routes are available at a safer distance to the north? ‘ It seems to us that a great many mistakes and ‘ omissions have been made by the CNR in this proposal. Political pressures and private interests have un- doubtedly had a strong influence and your editorial interest in this matter would be appreciated. Yours |very truly. R. I. P. CAMERON. ; drindustriél areas so as to pre- serve the vital greenbelt interests It would seem, however, that the C.N.R. is more concerned with the shortest possible route than it is with the already ap- proved plan for development of the south-west corner of the townshi). This plan. developed over several years. has the full support of the community and the council. It calls for the or- derly development of residential At a meeting held in Thornhill High School on March 24, at- tended by Messrs. Bowra, Cann and Baird for the railway, it was admitted that there were alterna- tive routes through Markham Township to the one which is curently proposed. However. it was quite obvious from the con- tradictory and uncertain manner in which this area of the discus- sion was handled by the project engineer that the CNR had not given full and proper study to the alternatives. It is noteworthy however, that both the alterna- tive Yonge Street crossings re- vealed by the project engineer,’ were in areas which are already zoned industrial in Amendment No. 5 to the official plan of the Markham Planning Board. -route consideration in Markham and Vaughan Townships should be postponed until the railway has belatedly offered to consult with the councils of these town- ships on the possible alternatives which exist there. RR. 1, Thornhill, Ont. SAVE UP TO against blowout and manufacturing defects for the life of the car. Free M ufl‘er Inspection 15 Minute Installation C'T'c‘ - M951? Mufflers for Buick, Olds, Cadillac, VW’s and English Cars 3190 available CHECK OUR PRICES Chevrolet, 1948-53 (most) . . . . 5.18 Chevrolet (6-cyl.) 1954-57 (most) 6.70 Dodge and Plymouth (6-cyl.) 1949-57 (most) .. Ford, 1949-54 (most) Ford, 1955-56 (most) . Lifetime Guarantee 50970 BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Emergency Brake . . . ‘6' Pack front. wheel bearings . . . 4' Add approved Brake Fluid to Master Cylinder . . . Including â€" do Adjust brakes, including OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 A.M. Riveted & Bonded Lining available for all English cars Brake Drum Turning $1.50 MOTO-MASTER ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT QUALITY Special I .19 '25 Yonge St N. Richmond Hil TUrner 4-"96 MUFFLERS BRAKE & MUFFLE LlcenudMeclnniel Repairs To All Makes 0! Can Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups ff Texaco Products * Towing Sunk. ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1". CASH 0R TRADE No Finance Charges On $930 F 0 R I 2 M 0 N T H 5 SALE 'ENDS THURS. APR. 9th. Ford - Edsel - Monarch RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1105 ONE WEEK ONLY LITTLE NO FINANCE CHARGES For One Full Year 0N AI USED CARS‘ With 1-3 Down Payment EXAMPLE â€" 75 Ford Custom 2 Dr. $1399 Down Payment‘ OUR GKRAGE C.T.C. Mufiler Do-it‘ Mufiler Installed Yourself Installed With Tail Sale Price Price Pine 6.86 5.60 7.33 9.61 8.35 10.08 7.93 9.45 469 14.06 12.10 14.28 11.68 13.40

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