9.00 pm. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron's Orchestra, at Canad- ian Legion Hall, Carr-ville Road. Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hill Branch 375, Canadian Legion, 75c per person. tfc36 APRIL 4 â€" Saturday Euchre Mem ers of L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. will 11, 1d a euchre at the Orange Hall, lst house north of'Loblaws on Yonge St. at 8 pm. sharp. Admission 50c. Lucky door prizes‘, draw prizes and good euchre priz- es. Lunch. tfc33 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHTâ€" EVERY FRIDAY night â€" at 7.45 pm. Bingo â€" Community Hall. Spruce Ave. Stop 22A, Yonge St. tfc36 EVERY TUESDAY. Bingo 8 pm. at the Legion Hall, King Side Road. Oak Ridges. Cash prizes and jackpot. _ _ tfc31 BINGO every Thursday. 8 pm. in Orange Hall, lst house north )f Loblaws. tfc27 APRIL 4 â€" Saturday 1-4 pm. Rummage sale and,» baking sale held in the Community Hall, Spruce Ave., Richvale. Held un- der the auspices of the Vaughan Women Workers. c2w39 APRIL 4 â€" Saturday. Rummage sale sponsored by the Young People of Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Chumh at one o’clock. For rummage collection, please phone TU. 4-3583, TU. 4-3402 on or before Friday, April 3. *1w40 APRIL 6 â€" Monday 8 pm. The Women's Association of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church will hold its regular meeting at 8 pm. Everyone asked to attend as ï¬nal plans will be made for the spring luncheon on April 22. APRIL 7 -â€" Tuesday 4.30 pm. at MacKillop School, the Kinder- garten teachers are beginning anâ€" other series of six lectures. Lec- turer. Mrs. thmora Cornell B.A. Anyone interested welcome. Fee $1.00 a lecture. c1w40 APRIL 7 â€" Tuesday at 8.15 pm. Concert by the famous Accordian Orchestra, including the Canad- ian Champion, Ernest Manfredi. under direction of Professor E. Borgstrom will give a concert at Bloor Collegiate Auditorium, Bloor & Dufferin. 1141 Bloor St. W. The concert is sponsored by the Danish Lutheran Church in Toronto to the beneï¬t of the Building Fund. Tickets $1.25, Children 50c. For further in- formation call TU. 4-1215 *2w39 APRIL 8 â€" Euchre in the Vicâ€" toria Square community Hall at 8:15 pm. It is being sponsored by the Victoria Square Park Committee. Ladies please prov- ide lunch. Come and give your support. ‘ > ‘ ‘ c1w40 APRIL 8 â€" Wednesday. The St. Cecilia Choral Group of Richmond Hill will stage a repeat performance of their highly sucâ€" cessful Concert and Variety Show, in the High School Auditorium, 51 Wright Street. Tickets avail- able from chorus membersand at the door for 50 cents. Advance reservations can be made by phoning PR. 3-5829, TU. 4-3493 or TU. 4-4007. You are guaran- teed three hours of thorough enâ€" }oyment. _ _ _ c1w40 APRIL 9 â€" Thursday. 8.00 pm. sharp. A gala bingo and bridge party at Walter Scott School is planned by the Allencourt Rate- payers‘ Association. Prizes and luck) draw, bridge facilities for those who wish to play. Refresh- ments afterwaids. Come â€" bring your friends â€" and enjoy a real sociable e hing. Everyone wel- come. (~2w40 (Cont Jed on page 9) Coming Events c1w40 Marley's Faodland Opens April 92%: VOLUME LXXX, NUMBER 40 Mr. Morley Hall came to Rich- mond Hill in 1930 and has been an almost continuous resident ever since. In May. 1942, he took over the 01d established Skeele busi- ness and founded the popular self-service store known as MOR- LEY’S which has through the years enjoyed generous patron- age. For the past twelve years his son. Warren Hall, has been associated with the business and the father and son combination is now launching an ambitious ex- pansion program taking over the spacious Mortson Building. next door south of the old stand. open for business next Thursday, April Keeping pace with the growth and development of Richmond Hill, MORLEY’S FOODLAND will open next Thursday, April 9, in the new modern quarters on Yonge Street, just south of its present location. A popular shop- ing centre for town and district, Marley’s was established in its present location in May. 1942, and for many years previous was known as the Skeele Grocery. Selling space will be more feet and equi; the most mode ment. A greaw food section wants of the 1 rict. There will ‘ to the staff it already menti Baskerville ani The new store will be modern in every respect and will include a meat section specializing in a full line of fresh and cooked meats. There will be both self- serve and personalized service in the meat department which will be under the direction of Ray Stunden who will be assisted by Ted Mansbridge and Ross White. Mr. Mansbridge after many years in business sold his Yonge Street store to the F. W. Woolworth Co. and Mr‘ Stunden and Mr. White were members of his staff. The new Foodland will give the owners accommodation to catty a greatly enlarged stock. FATHER & SON business expands. Shown above are Morley B. Hall and Warren Hall, proprietors of the new MORLEY’S FOODLAND which will Selling space in the new store will be more than 3,200 square feet and equipment will include the most modern in every depart- ment. A greatly enlarged frozen food section will cater to the wants of the people of the dist- rict. There will be other additions to the staff in addition to those already mentioned and Beulah Baskerville and Dorothy Loeffen, long time employees atAMorley's. {he opening «it Foodland néxt Thursday marks an important milestone in the business life of Following a recommenda- tion of the Department of Education the Richmond Hill Public School Board has de- cided to engage its own in- pector. In the past the prov- ince handled all the inspec- tion services associated with the local public school sysâ€" tem. Chairman L. Clement stat- ed that the board believes “this move to be in the best interests of our educational system". The new appoint- ment will be effective next September lst. Mr. Clement reported that Supervising Principal D. Rose will take over the principalship of the new school planned for Pleasantville. Town School Rd. To Hire Own Inspector “In Essentials Unity; in Non-E3sentials Liberty; in all, things Charity.‘ 9, at 10 am. Morley Hall has been in business here since 1942 and his son Warren has been associated with him in business for the past twelve years. â€" Photo by Lagerquist RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1959 the community and will be mark- ed by many special features. There will be favors and lucky prizes and many attractive spec- ial opening bargains. The new FOODLAND will of- fer Richmond Hill and district ci- tizens the latest in shopping con- venience, and a continuance of the policy of quality merchandise and courteous pleasing service which has through the years con- tributed to the continued success of this independent food market. The Hall‘s, father and son. are highly esteemed local citizens who through the years have been active supporters of all worth- while community undertakings. Mrs. Kay Hall as been an active partner with her husband from the beginning of the business and we include her in our congratula- tions on this occasion. Everyone is invited to visit the new Food- land when it opens next Thurs- day, and we join with the people of the community in extending best wishes for success in the years to come. Ample parking space is avail- able at the rear of the new store for the convenience of customers. FATALITIES 0 ACCIDENTS INJURIES 33 3 ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMOND HILL 1959 Deputy-reeve W. Dean took a ï¬rm stand Tuesday ag- ainst the proposed new route of the ONE. At the weekly meeting of Markham Township Council Deputy-reeve Dean failed to gain any support when he attempted to have council request the railway to seek an alternative route. “I think it’s the duty of council and planning board to sup- port our ratepayers in forcing the railway to seek another routeâ€, maintained Mr. Dean. arkham TWP-A Depuw Leads Fight Against Route Of C.N.R. By-Pass own! To Meet" Ratepayers Mon. Deputy-reeve Dean’s continued criticism of the railway prgcipi- tated a verbal battle with Coun- cillors Mumberson and Watson. Councillor Mumberson - “Are the people approaching the railway or just running to the pr Councillor Watson .N “The rel won’t be as noisy as 'a highv Deputy-reeve Dean’s state] that the smoke from the dl (Continued on Page 3) Do West Side Town First Deputy~reeve" Dean met strong opposition from Coun- cillors L. Mumberson and S. Watson who were in full sup- port of the railway. Councillor J. MacNeil, the other rep- resentative from the Thornhill area was absent from the meeting. Reeve Clark who was more willing to comprom- ise than either Councillors Mumberson or Watson, agreed council could ask the railway to consider an alternative route if one was available. ' “In that case the railway will never be builtâ€, answer- ed Reeve W. L. Clark. “We are not qualiï¬ed to say what is the best route. Any location would interfere with some property ownersâ€, added the reeve. “The proposed line is going through some very valuable land, it’s up to this council to take a stand,†maintained Deputy-reeve Dean. The speaker felt the large turnout at last week‘s meeting held at- Thornhill High School was indicative of the general op- position to the line. “There was only small opposition at that meeting", retorted Councillor Watson. “Only a quarter of the people there were actually oppos- ed to the railwayâ€, stated Mr. ‘Watson. “The people were opâ€" posed to Metro and not the rail- way," said Councillor Mumber- son. Meet Ratepayers During the course of Tuesday’s meeting Reeve Clark announced that council will meet with rep- resentatives of the ratepayers op- posed at a special meeting of The question of payment to those elected to serve on school boards which has re- ceived some publicity lately came up at the local public school board meeting Thurs- day of last week. When Board Secretary Mrs. Dorothy Street asked if there were any questions the mem- bers would like to submit to the Rural and Urban Trust- ees' Convention in Port Credâ€" it on May 6. Trustee C. Wil- liams asked. “When are they going to start paying trus- tees?†Trustee Mrs. Margaret Southwell wondered, “when should we start putting in our expense accounts like they do in Metro?" “‘You can," answered Trusâ€" tee H. Sanderson. Discuss Salary School Trustees council to be held next Monday, April 6, in the council chambers. Councillor Watson suggested that the ratepayers be required to present a proper brief.‘ “There will be no confusionâ€, replied Reeve Clark. “We'll conduct the meeting in an orderly fashion.†The above scene taken from ,the Curtain Club’s Spring production “KIND LADY†shows the conï¬dence man’s sick wife being carried upstairs by the doctor. The only tr‘ouble is that HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SW A survey of pre-school children is expected to be undertaken during April by the Richmond Hill Public School Board to learn the ages and locations of local pre- school children and to ascertain their school accommoda- tion needs during the next few years. The west end of town is expected to be surveyed ï¬rst in order to aid the board in deciding whether a 10 or 12 room school is needed on the Pleasantville site. Also to be decided is whether or ndt to add three more class- rooms to the M. L. McConaghy School. In regard to the latter, the board agreed to allow the Building Committee to investigate getting an architect to plan the addition. Trustee H. Sanderson was of the opinion the advantages of the addition to McConaghy outweigh- ed the disadvantages of placing it in this location. Public School Inspector W. J. McLeod felt Local Trustees Plan Pre-School Survey 'I'HE lIBERAI. Your Home Paper Delivered by Carrier in Richmond Hill EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON 10c PER WEEK BY MAIL $3.50 PER YEAR he is not a doctor, she is not a wife, and neither is she sick. For a solution to this mix-up, see the play at the Lions Hali on April 9th, 10th, or 11th. -â€" Photo by Thomson-Gibson or just running to the press". Councillor Watson .h “The railway won’t be as noiSy as ’3 highwayâ€. Deputy-reeve Dean’s statement that the smoke from the diesels (Continued on Page 3) there were certain disadvantages of adding to the older school. “Listen to the traffic.†he exclaim- ed. However, he stated it was en- tirely up to the board to decide where they wanted to build, then submit the plans to the Depart- ment of Education. Trustee C. Williams asked In- spector McLeod if alterations to McConaghy were grantable. “Not now,†said Inspector McLeod. “The policy has been not to give grants on old construction."