Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1959, p. 4

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Thornhill Pharmacy C. E. STONEBURG Irresistable gay flowers high- light our wonderfully wide col- lection of frivolous and tailored chic styles that include cloches, Brelons, sailors. profiles and brims. The colourful shades to look for are blazing poppy. steamer blue, green grass, daffodil yell- ow, bright pink. turquoise and carnation red‘ ' Handbags are larger this sea- son and are reasonably pricetl from $2.99 to $16.00. 1000 New Eye-catching and pretty as a picture are the new chapeaux at Madeleine's. Chemist & Druggist 'AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. I am a resident of the Bay- vlew area. north of Steeles Ave- nue. Toronto, and on behalf of loughlin Home Supply Stop 21A Mr. Frank McGee, M.P., Ottawa. Mr. Gréfs’troin’s letters to the federal member are as follows: ' ‘ Mr. McGee is the Conservative representative in the federal parliament for the riding of York Scarboro, which includes Markham Township south of Number 7 highway. Vaughan Township south of Number '7 highway is in York Centre riding represented by Fred Stinson MP. The marshalling yard north of Number 7 highway is in York North riding. prepresented by C. A. Cathers MP. Mr. Grafstrom contends that the route chosen dem- onstrates a remarkable lack of foresight and “slashes” through a highly developed area with resultant deprec- iation on property values. Strong opposition to the route of the proposed C.N.R. by-pass‘is expressed in two letters by V. F. Grafstrom, a a resident of the Bayview district. addressed to Frank McGee, the Member of Parliament for York Scarboro. Vigorous Opposition Promised Present Plan Fears Property Depreciation Thornh! and District News LettersTo Federal Member Protest Route C.N.R. Line 9 a.m.-6.30 pm. Fri. to 9 pm at Fairlawn) 1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Ontario, Thursday, Apri‘l 2, 1955 W Millinery & Accessories bus stops below city limits Max Factor Cosmetics Prescription Service View-Mast er Expert Drug Service Mantle/cine 8319 YONGE ST. [A Yonge St. Richvale, Ont. Vitamins Thornhill TELEPHONE AV. 5-3555 I’ll! HU. 8-5406 “M9 Hats Reels 9/ We understand that the engin- eering surveys made developed five alternative routes for the railroad and the one chosen is the one which is farthest south and closest to Metropolitan Toronto. It is our view‘ that this selection demonstrates a remarkable lack of foresight in that it will un- doubtedly before very long be overtaken again by the growth of the city thus requiring an adâ€" ditional by-pass railroad. More- over, the route selected “slashes” through a large amount of de- veloped property and owner-oc- cupied housing. Without a doubt. the construction of this railroad will result in substantial deprec- iation of property and home val- ues and. as a practical matter, the owners will never receive compensation because of the in- ability to produce “adequate proof" of loss of value. This would undoubtedly be so even if the owners of property not ac- tually expropriated could afford to undertake the expensive litiga- tion which would be required and which would be opposed by the C.N.R. management. financed as it is with public funds. We do not have adequate infor- mation as to the alternative routes but these would undoubt- edly be available to you and should be available to the public since they were purchased with public funds. However. it is ob- vious from a glance at the map of the relevant area that any of the nor"erly routes must follow a course which would avoid the de- struction of any appreciable amount of developed property values. In fact, the alternative routes would be largely through undeveloped areas and, in that case. it is reasonable to assume that the property values would be enhanced if they are in the.vicin; ity of the railroad route. ‘ It» is our understanding that the matter is to be submitted to Parliament for a Special Act. We trust that you will be giving this matter your attention and we hope that you will be able to do something to protect the interests of the Province and of a great many of your constituents who would be very badly affected by the proposed route. I wish to make it quite clear that we do not oppose the by-pass railroad as such because it seems to us that it is something which is inevitable and will be very benficial to Metropolitan Toronto on particular. Our opposition is only to the route which has been selected. Accordingly, we are of the strong view that the wrong route has been selected and the selec- tion of the wrong route results in the maximum amount of da- mage to developed property and owner-occupied homes. The se. lection of the route has, it apâ€" pears, 'been carried out in a most undemocratic manner without consultation with any local gov- ernmental organizations or per- sons affected. Mr. Frank McGee. MP Parliament Buildings, Ottawa. Canada. Dear Sir: Further to my letter of March 24th, a mass meeting was held Tuesday night in the Thornhill High School gymnasium at which representatives of the Canadian National Railways were present to explain the plans for the by- pass railroad. You will, no doubt, have had reports of this meeting and, as a result. are ..vare that the gymnasium was “packed to the rafters" by your constituents who voiced unanimous and vio- lent opposition to the route selec- ted for the by-pass railroad and. in particular. to the dictatorial and undemocratic manner in which the whole project was being carried out. You will also the ratepayers of that area, I wish to register our protest to the route selected for the Toron- to by-pass railroad. New - Renewal - Gift Yours very truly MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Derry Giles AV. 5-2241 v'. F. GRAFSTROM March 25, 1959 The Liberal In uwayl pleased to publish Items of Interest contributed by It: readers In the Thornhm uea . . . . Our representative in Thornhill Is Mrs. Donald Smelua. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-3555. The many people in the entire affected area are continuing to organize in order to present an increasingly vigorous and united opposition to the proposed route and you will be kept advised of development_sZ "WE’- should appreciate your views and assistance in the mat- ter. By Doris M. FitzGerald Recently it was reported in “The Liberal” that a group of ten Thornhill ratepayers had addressed a petition to Vaughan Township Councillor E. W. Anstey requesting that an investigation be implemented into the advisability and possibility of dissolving the Police Village of Thornhill and having the Township of Vaughan take over the por- tion of the village which is located in the township. “It is understood that the present service enjoyed by the village would continue, that is street lighting, road maintenance, sidewalk maintenance, sidewalk snow plowing and road plowing, and other services required from time *3 time, such as police and fire protection,” and the petition contin- ued, “We the undersigned believe that we are representing many who would welcome such a change because it would be instrumental in tax reductions, and would be an all round advantage.” This coupled with a rumour that a sim- iliar petition would be presented to Markham Township Allan R. Sumner. Chairman of the trustees of Thornhill Police Village said he had not been not- ified, and knew only what he had read in the press. Ratepayers. he thought would do well to study their tax bills. especially in Markham Township where the village rate is only about one mill higher than in the township. The rate in Vaughan is about four mills higher. For this village res- idents receive lights, sidewalks. and snow clearance, park main- tenance and general clean up work, and the library. Councillor Anstey said that the implications of the petition were being studied by Vaughan Town- ship but no conclusions had been reached yet. Before any change could be made the matter would have to be presented to the Mun- icipal Board. and he also favoured a vote by the people. On January 1, 1850. the Town- ships of Vaughan and Markham became organized municipal cor- porations. J. W. Gamble was the first reeve of Vaughan, and Dav- id Smellie. the first deputy-reeve. The first reeve of Markham Town- ship, Amos Wright, later became a member of parliament and one of the Fathers of Confederation, The first deputy-reeve. David Reesor, founded the Markham look Counéil has aroused considerable interest among other residents who wonder whether the village would receive the same attention under such an arrangement. The C.N.R. representatives stated that the route which slash- es through developed housing areas and interferes with numer- ous schools was selected in pref- erence to a northerly route in order to save up to $4,000,000 in out-of-pocket construction costs on a project which will involve an over-all expenditure of from $80-$100,000.000. Some impartial expert put the figure at closer to $2.000.000. We are naturally appalled at this admission beâ€" cause it indicates that one or the other of the following supposi- tions must be true: (a) An inhu- manly ruthless and dictatorial de- cision has been made to destroy and sacrifice millions of dollars in property values, to say nothing of human values. none of which will be compensated for, in order to save far less in out-ofâ€"pocket construction costs: or (b) There is a secret, underhanded "deal" of some sort in the picture which has not been revealed and which if it is brought to the light of day will no doubt have neither a pleasant smell nor a pleasant Some of the signers could not be reached for comment, but the others were in general agreement that taxes might be lower. Two who lived in subdivisions said they each paid $25.00 more than neighbours in the townships, and couldn’t see that they were getting any more for their money.- Another felt “the set up" would be less cumber- some. At present village trustees must conSult with both Vaughan and Markham Townships before making decisions that affect the village as a whole, and this can be a time~ consuming, delaying and frustrating procedure. Our system of local govern- ment has evolved slowly since the first recorded meeting of York Township in 1799. when Stilwell Willson was elected overseer of highways and fence viewer on Yonge St; from lots 26 to 40. and Balser Munshaw was appointed constable for Vaughan and the lst concession of Markham. One of the resolutions adopted at that meeting was that no hogs above three months old should run at large, another was that lawful fences be five and a half feet high. There were then only 224 people in the whole “Home Dis- trict." ~ In those early days every free- holder was expected to attend the annual 'meeting of York Town- ship which was held on the first Monday in the new year. undoubtedly have been advised of the unbelievably weak case preâ€" sented by the ONE. representa- tives for the selection of this par- ticular route and I will confine this letter to only one of the many points carried away from the meeting. jéorn/zif/ :DZJrJo/ulion .Saaréd fieéale Sincerely yoursi 'v.' F. GRAFSTROM On Sunday, April 5th, at 11 a.m.. members and friends of the Church of St. Luke - Lutheran, will gather on the church site for the historical sod-turning. The site is located at the intersection of Bayview and Finch Avenues, Willowdale. and includes the 5% acre northwest corner. The ma- jor feature of this event is that l, 1931. with Mr. Francis. Mr. Wm. Riddell, and Mr. W. C. L. Ball, now three of our respected senior citizens. as the first trus- tees. Their bud'get for that year was $800.00 and one of their first bits of business was to lay some cement sidewalk on Yonge St., and each year for some time, ad- ditional pieces were laid ‘to re- place the cinder paths and plank walks. The policy of the village was strictly "pay as you go". and it was unprepared for the sudden gost war expansion. During the rst few years subdividers were not required to contribute so much a lot towards school and local improvements. As the trus- tees were unwilling to saddle the village with additional expenses. the boundaries established in 1931. were not enlarged. The re- sult is that probably more people who give Thornhill as an address. live in the Townships of Vaughan and Markham, than in the village itself. Many felt that incorporation as a village would offer a solution. but they were opposed by others who were sure such a step would result in increased taxation. be- cause of the expense involved in duplicating equipment and public and administrative services cur- rently supplied by the townships. In any event a petition to incor- porate was turned down by the Municipal Board in 1950. About two years ago the vill- age trustees engaged a planning consultant at some expense. to make a survey of the situation. and his report indicated that the assessment in the proposed. much enlarged, area, would still not justify incorporation. One question now might be “Will the townships want the village back on their hands?" About 1930 a group of ratepay- ers. headed by J. E. (Ed) Francis, thought the time had come for Thornhill to manage its own af- fairs. The police village of Thom. hill came into being on January first advocateid in Efigland in 1907. “Economist.' in 1856, and later became a senator: NORTH YORK : At present 20 persons ranging in age from 31/2 to 80 take part in a Wednesday night swimming class for the handicapped in the therapeutic pool, Yonge Street. Anyone who would like to take part can se- cure an application form from the Red Cross office in the com- munity hall. When the maximum capacity is reached. it is felt the program will be restricted to North Yorkers, but until then any handicapped persons is in- vited. The Scouts met on Monday ev- ening in Thornhill United Church. After opening service the boys worked on their tests, a few games 'vere played, election of new patrol leaders and arrang- ing of patrols: Lashin‘g and splicing were also demonstrated. Don‘t forget to pass your test Friday evening at the Scout hut. The’meeting closed with the lowerifig of the flags and the Lord's Prayer. - I April 5th Sod Turning St. Luke Lutheran Church Scouts Use of daylight saving time was Happy séouting, boys. Idf j/zm'n/zif/ (out (Ml/.5 The structure of unique design will be ere ted on this site with- out distur ing the . outstanding natural beauty. This spacious area is wellâ€"wooded with large and outstanding trees. The site includes an expansive green-belt area ideally suited for recreation- al activities. A great number of the residents of Willowdale are well-acquainted with this show- case of nature, designed as only God can do it. In order to take advantage of this beautiful pan- orama, the split-level church will be erected on the gentle northern slope. Located on what is already a major thoroughfare in_ North York, the objective in erecting this building is to make it a dis- tinct part of and for the com- munity. The membership is vitalâ€" ly concerned .about broadening its circle of fellowship to include all in the area looking for‘ a church home. i everyone present will be Invited to participate in the actual sod- turning. The first level of the building will include the sanctuary and offices: the second( level will in- clude the sacristy, Sunday School and fellowship area. a distinctive nursery, a small kitchen, wash- rooms and heating room. Wide use of glass will provide a full view of the natural setting at both levels. Culture, like custard when it’s overdone. Friendly drivers and metered trucks in- crease your satisfacâ€" tion, when you order your fuel oil from us. The congregation is currently using the facilities of the Finch ‘Avenue East Public School for its program. It plans to begin using the new building late in the fall. Pastor of the congregation is the Rev. Karl J. Schweder, 23 Bay- berry Cres., Willowdale. Two new school sites were bought during the year. one on 16th Avenue in Markham Town- ship and another in the Elgin St.- Clark Ave. vicinity, also in Mark- ham Township. It is expected that the necessity for portables will be much lessened by buildings on these sites in the near future. ‘ Charles E. Stade of Park Ridge. Illinois, developed the original design, which in turn was carried out by the Toronto firm of Weir and Cripps, Mr. Harvey Beecroft in charge. The general contract- ing firm is Eastbay Construction Company. The Church of St. Luke Is a mission project of the English District of the Lutheran Church â€" Missouri Synod. Funds for "the construction of these mission churches are made available by the District Church Extension Fund. This accredited fund, now in excess of $8,000,000.00. is made up of dollars loaned by members and friends which earn 4% per annum. _ The report shows that four kin- dergarten-primary rooms were opened for the first time last September with an enrolment of 265. The new Ross Dean School of six rooms was occupied in Feb- ruary 1958 and officially opened in May. The five portable build‘ tings thus released were moved to other schools in the area where they were needed. One new por- table was built and one was bought from the North York Pub- lic Library Bdard. ‘ Pupll enrolment in the eight schools in Township School Area No. 1, Markham and Vaughan, increased by 372 durlng the year 1958. Pupils registered as at Decem- ber 31st totalled 2336, compared with 1964 at the begin- ning of the year. The annual financial statement for the Area Board shows receipts for the year of $515,539.47 and a balance on hand at the end of the calendar year of $32,705.80. 1958 Year Of Growth Twp. School Area Pupil Enrollment increased By 372 HE USED OUR OIL, ‘ THEM GAVE A CHEER, HE 6A|D°PLEASE SERVE ME EVERY YEAR!” curdles Expenditures Teachers’ salaries ..$320,640.40 Instructional supplies 17,201.97 Administration . . . . . 15,881.98 Plant operation ..... 59,938.10 Plant maintenance ... 18,664.84 Auxiliary services .. 6,650.60 Fees to Richmond current funds . . . . Extraneous expendit’s Bank interest . . . . . . Balance at so it ered. DATED at the Township of Markham this 3lst day of March, 1959. Hill Board Transportation of pupils . . . . . . . . . Capital outlays from 9 The estimated cost of the work is $157,330.00 of which no part is to be paid by e..- the Corporation and is to be borne as follows: (a) An estimated amount of $92,753.25 is to beassessed against the lots fronting or abutting on the work. The estimated cost per foot frontage of this part of the total cost is $2.75. The special assessment for this part of the total cost is. to be paid in twenty equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is twenty four cents (24c). (b) An estimated amount of $64,576.75 to be assessed and levied on the rateable prop- erty in the said Water Area, excluding the land laid out according to Registered Plan No. 2446. The special assessment of this part of the total cost is to be paid in twenty equal annual instalments of $5,626.81 and the estimated annual rate of this part of the total 3. Application will he made by the Corporation of the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice file with the Board his objection to the said and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly upon the land abutting directly on the work and upon the following land which is immedâ€" iately benefited by the work, namely all rateable property in Water Area Number 1 of the Township of Markham established by By-law Number 1515 except all lands laid out according to Registered Plan 2446. cost is 2.302 mills. work being undértaken. TAKE NOTICE THAT teachers' salaries Local tax levy Fees from S. S. 2, Markham . . . . . . . . Department of National Defence . . . . . . . . . Repayment of loan to bldg. fund Rentals . . . . . . . . . Donations, refunds sale of scrap . . . . . . Superannuation deduc- ted by board The financial statement for 1958 was as follows Receipts Balance from 1957 ...$ 26,951.32 Provincial grants 200,779.72 Twp. grant on 1. The Council ofi the Corporation of the Township of Markham intends to construct as a local improvement watermains on: Venetian blinds installed on south rooms at Langstafir School. Doncrest Road Rockwell Road Bayview Avenue New fluorescent lighting in two rooms at Thornhill School. New radiators in the old part of Thornhill School. A start was made, on leve‘lling the playground at the Langstafi SchooL A considerable amount of plan- ting and landscaping was done at various schools. Dudley Avenue Albion Close William Street Highway No. 7 Major improvements and re- pairs in 1958 included: New roof and parapet on the front part of Thornhill School. New roof on the front part of Langstaff School. Several rooms renovated and decorated at Thornhlll School. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM local Improvement Notice Bayview Avenue Thornlea Road Elgin Street December 31, 1958 . 32,705.80 STREET The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing may appoint a. time and place when any objections to the said work will be conSId- $515,589.47 $515,589.47 29,880.00 209,934.60 34,840.62 559.16 2,119.20 19,233.42 16,872.94 1,898.38 6,271.80 3,438.63 6,040.48 115.00 55438 Elgin Avenue John Street No. 7 Highway No. 7 Highway No. 7 Highway 180 feet west of Bayview Bayview Avenue Yonge Street Elgin Avenue SteeIes Avenue FROM Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellam and children spent the week in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maw spent a few days in Buffalo this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Percival and three children have returned from a three week vacation at Verro Beach. Florida. The Young Adults were hosts to the East Toronto Presbytery Young Peoples Socletles at a Good Friday morning breakfast in the church hall. About 186 young people attended. The group convening the breakfast Dr. and Mrs. R. Elgie and fam- ily of Sault Ste. Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgkinson and family of Montreal spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. George Spring. Yonge St. Mr. and' Mr‘s. fir’ic Bé’r’eKhd family spent the week-end in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ecclestone and family spent Easter week-end injVashington. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pherrlll spent the week-end in Syracuse. Presbyterian Church News Socials Mrs. Frank Plaxton, John St. has returned from a two month trip through the south-western States. visiting with her brother in San Francisco. also motoring to Mexico and going by boat to the Hawiian Islands where she spent ten days. Thornhill Notes H. C. T. CRISP, Clerk 8400 feet north from Steeles Avenue, exc‘luding the portion thereof between John Street and Green Lane. 580 feet west from Bayview Avenue. 3340 feet east from Yonge Street. 720 feet southerly from south limit of Elgin Avenue. 200 feet south from Elgin Avenue 320 feet north 1250 feet north from No. 7 Highway. 1250 feet north from No. 7 Highway. 1280 feet north from No. 7 Highway. 3320 feet east from Bayview. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tobey of DEMS Ltd.. Thomhill. are most appreciative for all the expres- sions of sympathy extended to them with the passing of Hon. Sidney Smith. Canada‘s Secretary of State for External Affairs. who was a relative and close friend of Mr. Tobey's. Mr. and Mrs. r:‘obey were in Ottawa for the state funeral and were guests of Prime Minister Diefenbaker and members of the Cabinet. The Presbyterian Church re- ports that about 400 people in all attended the services of Holy Week with a varying attendance each evening. The special speaker Professor Allan Farris of Knox College delivered the message each night, music also being pro- vided by different guests. The committee in charge of the Holy Week Mission were Chairman Al- an McKecknie, Secretary Mrs. G. Patterson and Treasurer Wilfred Irons. The Young Adults held a spec- ial vesper service Sunday evenlng led by Mr. Kenneth Terry. A film “Gates of Glory” was shown. followed by refreshments. Holy Week were assisted by Mrs. E. Tan- quly. Mrs. F. Heydens. Mr. John Maver and the Young Life Club Breakfast was followed by a wor- ship service and Holy Commun- ion.

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