I Yonge & Bénson V-I-I-I-II-I-I-I Have your machine overhauled, condi- tioned or tuned up now. WE SUGGEST HAVE YOUR MOWER PRECISION SHARPENED PLUS A MOTOR TUNE-UP. FOR YOUR GARDEN I‘RACTOR A TUNE-UP AND LUBRICATE. ALSO MAJOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED. AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER FOR LAUSON AND POWER PRODUCTS MOTORS. 201 Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service R. R. l Willowdale HU. 5-1313 ME Mart Kenney's Ranch DIRECTIONS RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE NATURAL STONE FIREPLACES EXPERTLY BUILT 277 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill t: No City Driving «13» Free Parking f; Enquire for Special Student and Party Rates wk Table Reservations For All FRANK PASSER PICKUP AND DELIVERY STONE MORAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY During April, religious leaders of all faiths throughout Ontario will stress the moral aspects of the trafï¬c accident problem. They will be asking you, as a motorist or pedestrian, to accept indi- vidual responsibility for obeying the trafï¬c laws and the rules of the road. This personal appeal to the users of our streets and highways is the basis of the Moral Responsibility Campaign spon- sored by the Ontario Department of Transport. It is receiving enthusiastic endorsement and active support from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and from local safety councils, police departments, service clubs, women’s groups and other community organiza- tions. You can help the Moral Responsibility Campaign achieve success by practising the Golden Rule of trafï¬c safetyâ€"drive and walk as you would have others drive and walk. TU. 4-3910 or TU. 4-3341 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT LESLIE SARGEAN T Hi Neighbour It’s Fun to Dance at 'ru. 4-2818 “4y )Co-«vmmmm ‘ EVERY SATURDAY HIGHWAY SAFETY BRANCH TU. 4-0009 BRICKWORK ME. 5-1000 Richmond Hill | 90H The roll call will be answered by fees being paid for 1959-60, also written suggestions for next year’s programs. The annual re- ports will be given by all conven- ors and the secretary-treasurer. Members are asked to place art- icles on display which they are interested in as a hobby. Mrs. Thomasson will present a skit. The hostesses are Mrs. W. G. Turner and Mrs. H. Routledge. Millinery Course The Temperanceville Explorers Group enjoyed a very pleasant evening on March 26th when they had as their guests the Wesley Explorers; Mrs. McCloud of Woodbridge and Mrs. McClelland of King. The Wesley group op- ened the meeting after which Mrs. McCloud showed the film on “Refugee Children of Europe.†This showed the terrible condi- tion of skin diseases which are prevalent among refugee childâ€" ren. A little penicillin (as little as 2c worth) if available, will clear up these deplorable skin diseases. Unicef is doing its best to provide this necessary drug. The film showed the children, happy and free from disease after its use. The meeting was closed by the Temperanceville Explor- ers. They were very happy to have the Wesley group present as well as parents and friends in this community. Many thanks to Mrs. McCloud and Mrs. McClel- land for arranging for the films. The fourteen ladies who at- tended the millinery course unâ€" der the direction of Mrs. Mulliâ€" gan of the Department of Home Economics ‘were all delighted with their accomplishments. Be- sides being most enjoyable the three days it took to complete the course was most advantage- ous to those attending After se- lecting a hat form suitable to their particular style the ladies proceeded, step by step, to create what proved to be very becoming Easter finery. The materials and trimming brought by the instruc- tor provided a great variety of choice for the different styles which were chosen by the ladies. Blocking of material to fit the form, shaping the brim, glueing or shellacking materials, placing in the wiring where necessary, choosing, making and shaping the lining, placing in the head band and sewing each intricate part as it proceeded all made this an intriguing adventure. The choice of trimmings and the placing of them to best advantage added an artistic touch to this work. Mrs. Mulligan also demonstrated the covering of wire for stems, etc., and the making of a scotch thistle and tiny umbrella shaped ornaâ€" ment. Each lady completed at least one hat, some worked on several. These were inspected by Mrs. Mulligan before her de- parture on the third day. A gift of a pair of nylons to our instruc- tor was a gesture of appreciation. The Sunday School will observe their monthly missionary Sunday on April 5th. Mrs. D. Chalk and Mrs. F. Hare will be on hand for this part of the service. Please bring extra collection for the M. and M. fund. On Wednesday evening, April 8th, at 8 p.m., the Temperance- ville W.I. meeting will be held in the Sunday School room. On April 5th, we observe the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. New members will be received during our Church service. A communicant's call for those 12 and over will begin soon. Any- one wishing to take theSe cla‘ss- es please contact Rev. Kennedy. This group will be received as members of the church in June. The special Easter music rend- ered by Temperanceville choir with Mrs. Ruth Beynon as organ- ist, was greatly enjoyed and ap- preciated. Despite the early hour of Tem- peranceville United Church Eas- ter service, it was very well at- tended. It was a pleasure indeed. to have with us a number of visitors. We are also grateful for the beautiful Easter lily plac- ed at the altar with all its sim- plicity and purity. The children’s Easter story told by Mr. Kennedy, “Dr. Carpenter is Upstairs," por- trayed the devotion of a talented and Christian doctor to his needy fellowman and the respect of those people shown him at his death. The Easter Message, al- ways one of reverence and hope and triumph, was beautifully ex- pressed in Rev. Kennedy's mes- sage, “Christ Triumphant." All other members of the W.I. were invited to come and see the hats which the girls had made and enjoy a cup of tea with them. Among our members is Mrs. Broul who, with her family. is leaving for her native land. Scot- land, on April lst. As a farewell gift, Mrs. Stewart Paxton, on be- half of the W.I. members, pre- sented Mrs. Broul with a W.I. Easter Service Victor Draper SAME DAY SERVICE Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight. DAILY Oak Ridges Ontario PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Radio â€" Washer Repair Service TELEVISION Conversion To 60 Cycle Agencies An architect has been engaged to prepare preliminary plans and sketches for a new home for the aged of York County, Warden William Hodgson, Reeve of King Township, announced this week. A meeting will be held at the County Building April 2nd, with representatives of the Provincial Department of Welfare to discuss current problems related to York Manor, he said. A special welfare committee was named at the January Ses- sion of York County Council to investigate the need for a new home for the aged in the County. At its initial meeting, Irving Boigon was engaged to prepare preliminary plans. Mr. and Mrs. John Umehara were thrilled to have all the fam- ily home for Easter. Dr. and Mrs. James Reese. Elliott Lake, MiSS Millie Umehara. Hamilton and George Umehara, Toronto. Elaine Paxton entertained Mary Broul on Wednesday even- ing when she had a group of twelve guests to bid Mary fare- well before her departure to Scotland. The Temperanceville group who attended the meeting at Schomberg for stewards and eld- ers were Mr. W. Jennings. W. James, W. Herrema, F. Hare, M. Wells, W. Mitchell and F. Boys. “York Manor, in our opinion. has been critized unjustly in the past year,†said the Warden. The worst possible picture of this in- stitution has been presented to the public through the press with little attention being given the many improvements made at the home in recent years. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bailey and Mrs. John Thompson, Toron- to, 01 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wells and family were Easter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levison of Shanty Bay. Mr. arid Mi-s. Fred Boys Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Allister on Easter Sunday. York Manor ls Old But Com§ortabe Says York County Warden Hodgson The home, in its present con- dition, is more fire proof than it \was prior ’r) the division of the County. Since January, 1954, many improvements have been made, all of which have lessened the fire hazard. Prior to the passing of the Mu- nicipality of Metropolitan Toron- to Act, the old County had plan- ned to replace York Manor. Only basic maintenance work had been done there for sometime. With the formation of Metropolitan To- ronto and the decision to build the new home for the aged, Greenacres, as a Metropolitan To- ronto Home, the continuing County began extensive renova- tions at York Manor. These were planned to make the residence more comfortable and safer for the county’s senior citizens until 1s)uch time as a new home could be uilt. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson and Billy attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snider in Victoria Square United Church on Saturday, March 28th. The reception was sponsored by But- tonville W.I. and held in the But- tonville W.I. Hall. Mrs. Snider was the former Miss Janet Oakes of Buttonvllle. cup and saucer. We are all very sorry to have the Brouls leave this community, but wish them every happiness and prosperity wherever they may be. We do hope Mr. Broul’s health will vast- ]y improve in the near future. The Auxiliary for the York Manor Home are sponsoring a Tea and Bake sale on Wednesday, April 15th. The proceeds will be used to enable these aged citizens to continue with their handi- crafts. We in Temperanceville are very interested in these aged people and hope contributions of baking will be forthcoming to make this a success. Personals Since 1954, there has been $34.- 000 spent at York Manor for a new fire alarm system, fire doors and the fire proofing of floors, ceilings ,and stairways," the War- den explained. A heat actuated system was inâ€" stalled in 1955, connected direct- ly with the Newmarket Fire De- partment. It is extremely sensi- tive. On January 28th, when a workman, welding pipes with a blow torch in the laundry room set off this fire alarm system, the The first oil well in the US. was built in Titusville, Pa., in 1859. To Customer Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LI'NTELS I BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING 2 Otonobee The need for parents to exert their influence by encouraging their students, being reasonable in their demands, and remaining firm on their decisions, was shown by the speaker who cited cases of students where children had got off on the wrong track by the lack of these traits in their parents. _ It was the place of the par- ents to tell the student to go York Manor is supplied by wa- ter by the town of Néwmarket. It was linked with the town’s water system in 1957. Prior to that, water from York Manor was piped over a mile from a spring on the Second Concession of King Township. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilde were appointed Superintendent and Matron of York Manor in Jan- uary, 1954. Each year since then the reports from the Department of Welfare inspectors have prais- ed their work and the general conditions at the home. Follow- ing Mr. Wilde’s appointment, a night nurse was employed. The building is patrolled on an hour- 1y basis by the nurse. A man keeps a close watch on the fur- naces at all times. r Thornhill High School, in his address before the Richvale Home and School Association last Monday evening. Learning to do a small amount of homework well and quickly in public school would stand the student in good stead when he entered high school, Mr. O’Beirn said. He felt that it was unfair for a student to have to work for five hours on homework when he should be able to get over it, even in grades 12 and 13, in three to four hours. Newmarket brigade was at York Manor in four minutes. A false alarm in 1958 required the evacuation of all residents from the home. This was com- pleted in less than five minutes with little commotion and no pan- ic. Five bedridden patients were carried from the building by members of the staff. Several breakâ€"ins were report- ed in Richvale over the weekend. Mr. B. T. O’Beirn Addresses Richvale H. & S. Attributes which contribute to- \ :rd the development of success- ful work habits carry a student farther along the road to a fuller education than sheer brilliance without good work habits. This was the theme underlying a dis- cussion of persons and problems. arising throughout high school days. by Mr. B. T. O'Beirn, vice- principal and guidance counsellor ’MrI Peter anith flew to Chi- cago last Thursday night on bus- iness and returned Monday even- ing. In January, the County em- ployed Frost-Granek Associates, Consulting Mechanical Engineers, to examine the heating system at York Manor. This action was taken following reports of tem- perature readings in the 30's at the home. This firm reported that: The oil burner capacity is adequate to maintain the heat in the build- ing, but has no reserve. Oil firing the third boiler would provide adequate reserve capacity and emergency stand-by. The pres- ent controls for the burners are independent and should be inter- connected for proper operation. In general, the radiation is ade- quate but certain areas (the first floor lounge for example) re- quires additional units. While no attempt was made to check the circulation of the system, it was noted that most radiators were heating, indicating that water cir- culation was satisfactory. Mr. Stanley Baker was sudden- ly taken ill last week and is in St. Michael’s Hospital. His many friends join in wishing him a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Korn on the arrival of their little daughter born in New- market Hospital on Saturday morning. “No action has been taken on this report pending the investiga- tion by the Special Welfare Com- mittee," continued the Warden. “It is true that the building is old but except under extremely adverse weather conditions ac- companied by high winds. it is comfortable. The Special Wel- fare Committee will report to County Council at the June ses- sion. It will be the responsibility of York County Council to reach a decision at that time,†he said. Glen~El-Tee‘s (Yonge Street, Bond Lake) “Golden Joy," 3 Shet- land sheep-dog, pup of eight months did herself proud at the recent Sportsmen’s Show. Enter- ed in the second show, she plac- ed first in open female, winners female best opposite sex, best Canadian bred in breed, and best puppy in breed. Dog Winner - At Sportsmens’ Show At the fourth show, which was .a specialty show, Joy placed first in her class and was reserved winners female in strong compe- tition. At the third show. Glen-E1- Tee’s “Little Black Gem†â€" who has completed her American Championship, was first in open female, best of winners, best of breed and best Canadian bred in breed. Gem is owned by Mr. Fagan of Ithaca. New York. CORRESPONDENTS: MRS. E. E. SPEARS 25 Roosevelt Drive Phone A‘ 94 Spruce Ave. RICHVALE NEWS MRS. M. E. TAYLOR The importance of parental exL ample in developing honest. truth- ful, not half-truthful, characters Regarding University, Mr. O‘Beirn stated that where there is a will there is a way. Thorn- hill High School has several bur- saries which are available for those who really want to go to University and have the required marks. “This is a competitive world," Mr. O’Beirn pointed out. “and to get into Ryerson Institute of Technology a student has to have 60 per cent in some courses, 66 per cent in others, and in most engineering courses 75 per cent is required. They won‘t accept students with less than the re- quired standard. They don’t have to. They can get lots of students with a 75 per cent average.†To illustrate his point Mr. O’Beirn mentioned the case of two stu- dents who were trying to get into Ryerson. One student had a mark of 59.5 per cent and the other a mark of 58 per cent. Both students were turned down, Mr. O’Beirn said. A child who had developed into a good clean-living student and had acquired good work habits had perhaps the best preparation for high school, Mr. O’Beirn said. He urged parents to interest themselves in the work their chil- dren were doing in school, and occasionally to check up on their homework. He suggested such a question as: Johnny, have you done all your homework? rather than: Have you done your home- work? The speaker emphasized the advantage of having a sched- ule for doing homework. Mr. O'Beif‘n discussed individ~ ual queries regarding entrance requirements for different cour- ses. Concluding his remarks Mr. O'Beirn said that both the prin- cipal and himself welcomed par- ents’ enquiries either by person- al interview or by telephone. Financial Campaign For Scouts The Group Committeeï¬or lst Richvale Scouts and Cubs reports a most successful financial cam- paign and wishes to thank every- one who helped to make it so. Three hundred and fifty dollars and fifty cents was contributed and a further thirty-five dollars was realized from the sale of newspaper. Another paper drive is planned for the latter part of May. This collection will also in- clude pop bottles and six quart baskets. There are now twelve Scouts registered. Mr. ‘Jim Dawson, the new Scout Master, has been in- strumental in organizing and es- tablishing three Scout troops. He has lived in the district for ten years, and is a former army instructor. to bed at ten-thirty and not al- low him to stay up till twelve and one o'clock in the morning, study- ing for an examination. in their children could not be stressed too strongly, Mr. O’Beirn said. If Dad or Mother breaks the law by failing to stop at a stop street, or by speeding five miles over the speed limit, when Junior has the car, he's going to do the same â€"â€" only he won’t speed five miles over the limit -â€" he'll speed twenty-five. He is not breaking the law any more than his parents. Mr. O'Beirn went on to de- scribe different courses in High School. pointing out that not ev- eryone is gifted in mathematics or the sciences. They may excel in languages. or some of the other subjects. There are twenty-six Cubs, and a waiting list for both groups. The only thing which prevents the ex- pansion of the Cubs is the need for assistant leaders. An appeal is made to anyone who would like to give the Cubs a boost, to offer their services as assistant lead- ers. The chairman of the group committee is Mr. Alex Bain, AV. 5-4490. Vaughan Women Workers The Vaughan Women Workers, whose pet project is the Com- munity Hall on Spruce Avenue, at: holding a rummage sale and h .ne baking sale there, on Satur- day. April 4th from 1 to 4 p.m._ 0.R.B. League scores: Hilda Leece, 210; Marie Lawson 275‘ Gloria Searle 221, 217, 222; Paulâ€" ine Price 242, 212, 292; Tom Lem- perg 209, 219; Bill Stone 207; George Lawson 255, 304. High three flat, Pauline Price 746. Mr. Don Heuistis of Elliott Lake came home last week to visit his father. Mr. Gervais Heu- iï¬tis, who has been on the critical list for some time, in Sunnybrook Hospital. Mrs. RXW. Miller was an Eas- ter weekend guest at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R enue. A farewell party was held at Richvale ‘Chapel last week hon- ouring the superintendent of the Sunday School and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Price. Mr. Price has been transferred by his firm to Elliott Lake. About fifty per- sons were present. Mr. and Mrs. Price were presented with a lamp and two long-playing records in appreciation of their work in the Assembly. Afterwards refresh- ments were served. The table was tastefully decorated with daf- fodils. Mrs. Gordon Purves of Button- ville, campaign chairman for the Cancer Society in the district between Stouffville and Woodâ€" bridge, will be the speaker at the Richvale Home and School meet- ing on April 20th. Her talk will be accompanied by films. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone in the community who is interested, to hear Mrs. Purves. Congratulations to 11-year-old Jimmy Lawson who won the Clarke Pharmacy award for the oustanding player on the Ranger hockey team. The award was made in Richmond Hill on Friday night. Cancer Campaign Chairman . . To Speak .. Miss Wanda Smith and Miss Ann Watts flew to Jamaica last Wednesday for the Easter holi- days. Award Phone AV. 5-3116 Phone AV. 5-4293 J. Miller, Birch Av- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Ontario. Thursday, April 2, 1959 lllllllllllullllllll\\l\ll\ll“l\“\“lllmllllllll‘llllllllllllnlflll|\\llllllllllll“ll“l\\\\lllllllll\\|l\l\“l\lll\llllllllll“ll““\lllll“ll|lll“\1llll“!\\\ll\\ll\“\“lll\\| CUSTOM CAR RADIOS m---“v.o.¢-n.4-n.n.o-o-A v-u- -4)-u-u-0-4 --_u-0-1 ‘ IN NEARLY NEW CLOTHING, COSTUME JEWELLERY, CAMER- AS, PURSES, HATS, ETC. ALL CLOTHING BROUGHT IN FOR SALE MUST BEAR CLEANERS' TAG LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS ' 71 Centre Street East WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF UFE SINCE 18W Richmond Hill Branch: DONALD ROSS, Manager 67 YONGE STREET NORTH Sheppard and Gill Lumber (0., Ltd. BANK OF MONTREAL W 7% 3m Sfop 22 Yonge Street 'AV. H’s easy to save when you bank by mail at “MY BANK" You can get full details without obligation at your nearest B of M branch. Why not call in or write today? They bank by mail the B of M way. at. . BANH save and MONEY Busy People Just South of Catholic Church BANK- BY- MAIL ENCORE - RADIO - Hl-FI T-v and shoe-lealher. Speedy Way to Builders’ Supplies BARGAINS GALORE RICHVME ElEETRONICS TU. 4 - 3341 HUI/01 (IUD/III ANYENNAS INSTALI 9') TU. 4-1361 '. 5-2669 . . . . . . . . $49.95