The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street Maple, Ont. It was also,decided at the meet- ing to draw up a constitution for the Keffer Subdivision Ratepay- ers' Association. Regular meet- ings will be held each month and emergency meetings should any serious problems arise. Attend- ance was poor at the last meet- ing, with only 37 homes represen- ted. about one-third of the total. Notice of the next meeting will appear next week. Let’s have at least seventy per cent attendance, Cubs And Scouts About one hundred and fifty dozen hot cross buns were sold this year by the Scouts and Cubs in Concord. A yearly endeavour, the sale is always a success. and is a real help to the local groups in raising money. Guides and Brownies _ .. B. W. Miller The ratepayers' association of Keffer subdivision met last Wed- nesday evening, March 25. at the school. Minutes of previous meet- ings were read and adopted. It was decided to add two more members to the executive. Mr. John Pepper and Mr. Robert Haines were the two men voted in. Roads and railways were still the chief topics, and much discussion took place on each sub- ject. It was mentioned that many who wrote letters protesting the railway had already received re- plies to them. Reports were giv- en on the general meeting last week in Thornhill High School. Ratepayers' Meeting Maple, Concord & Edgeley Districts isinoï¬Vbé outdone by the boys, GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. 1st and 2nd Mortgages Arranged Johnny Longo Real Estate Ltd. Prin '. mg Property Wunfed THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 2, 1959 31 Yonge St. N. â€" Northern Building Phone AV. 5-5301 . or ' Mr. Steffan, TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill 'oncord Socials “The Liberal†is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative in' Maple in Mrs. R. Manning. Maple 62R24; in Concord, Mrs. Ruth Kefler. AV. 5-2375; in‘ Maple is Mrs. R. Manning. Maple 62R24; in Concor and in Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. If It’s Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr. Geof- frey and Barbara, are spending the Easter holidays in Saint John, N.B., with Mr. Orr‘s mother and sister and her familyl March and April bring a bump- er crop of birthdays for Concord. Among those marking off another year are: Nancy Bowes, Pat Knowles and Mrs. Ken Poole, all celebrating on March 14; Vicki Watt and Mr. Douglas Keffer. March 20; Eddie Nuttall. March 22; Laurie Day. March 24: Loren Whaley, March27; Valerie Sim- mons, March 29; Mr. Ed Sim- mons, and Bruce McClymont, April 2; Patricia and Carole Kefâ€" fer on the sixth and eighth of April respectively. Happy birth- days everyone! Mrs. Jackie Barrett. Vaughan Blvd., has been ill with a strep throat for several days. Hope she has a speedy recovery. Bowlers in Concord-Edgeley league are reminded that bowling begins again tomorrow, Friday, April 3. Thursday, April 2nd, at Convo- cation Hall, University of Toron- to, will mark the annual award night for Gold Cord Guides. Two Thornhill Guides. Gillian McTag- gart-Cowan and Patsy MacDon- ald. will receive their Gold Cords, and two ex-Concord Guides. Sher- ry and Carol Sissons. will be in the colour party at the ceremony. Anyone who is interested in see- ing Toronto and district girls re- ceive Guiding’s highest award is welcome to attend. Doors open at 7:30 pm. and the affair begins at 8.00 pm. Bowling Socials the Guides and Brownies were out bright and early last Satur- day morning getting orders for their annual cookie day. Although this is a provincial affair, the 10- cal groups make a good profit on all orders taken. This helps to buy any supplies the girls ‘may need, as well as helping to pay for their annual mother‘ and d:-ughter banquet. -------lâ€"â€"-_-- Office Forms, Billheads, Statements Forms (ruled), Business Forms Quality letterheads, Business Cards, Envelopes Unusual Programs, Booklets, Menus Admission Tickets, lucky Draw Tickets labels, Gum Labels, Receipt Forms Invoices, Dodgers, Handbills, Posters Tags (Shipping), Wedding Invitations Your Personal Stationery You will find the quality, service and price right. 1113132 liberal. PRINTERS FOR THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1878 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1105 Counter Check Books always in stock â€" Plain, or printed with your name and address. The theme was “Know Your Canada," with sub-headings, “Our Land, Our People. Our History and Our Canadian Writers." Great credit is due the leaders in demonstrating different methods of presentation, orally, through films and records and the varied treatments of group discussion thereafter. An exercise in lead- ership training proved interesting and enlightening to the partici- pants and demonstrated the ex- ceptional ability of the leaders. Mr. Smith has recently return- ed from five years in Thailand, where he was in charge of train- ing natives in improved sanitary and nutritional practices. Pic- tures of people with their living and working conditions pointed Folk School Cherry Hill Farm. Unionville, was the locale of the York-On- tario Folk School, March 19th to 22nd. Under the direction of Victor Morrow, fieldman, and David Smith as resource person, the school was voted by the parâ€" ticipants to be a very sucessful and enriching experience. Topics discussed this past sea- son that they would like to con- tinue further next season are production costs, farm manage- ment, equality for women. immi- gration and emigration and land acquisition. The forum members indicated that they liked topics in series similar to the series this winter on vertical integration. They sug- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Jackson was the setting for the final meeting of the Edgeley Farm Forum on Monday, March 23rd. when the members review- ed the past season and considered topics that they wish to discuss during the 1959-60 season. Hold‘ Final Meeting Edgeley Farm Forum AV. 5-1934. Edgeley Socials Last week first year stars were received by Carlo Cappy and Cor- nelius Sommers. Ronny Saul, Tommy Russell, Cornelius Som- April is the month when the Canadian Cancer Society puts on its drive for funds and sometime soon a canvasser will be calling on all the residents of this dist- rict. Everyone is aware of the Society's need for funds to carry out its extensive program. Be as generous as you can. ‘ lts Jefferson Cubs, Scouts and Brownies up the tremendous difference be- tween Thailand and Canada. The Edgeley Farm Forum members feel that they have ben- efited from the Farm Forum program this winter. It has solv- ed some of their problems. broad- ened their outlook ,and has indi- rectly helped them financially. They also benefited considerably through the regional broadcasts on farm machinery and land ac- quisition. _ The Edgeley forum indicated that they want television forum on the local TV station and that they were willing to help organ- ize the project. We may appreciate and know our Canada better by knowing what is happening elsewhere in the world. , gested that a discussion on legal problems would be helpful to the members of this forum. ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church I _â€" TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 After working on an Easter gift to take home the Brownies all enjoyed a delicious cake made in the form of a handsome Easter bunny. During the holidays the Brownies will be calling on neighbours to get orders for Brownie cookies which will be delivered early in May. Jefferson School At the March Women‘s meet- ing held in the school on Wed- nesday evening, March 25th, Mrs. G. Stanley Robinson of Concord took the ladies on a delightful trip to Scotland. England. Wales and the continent. It was very interesting to listen to Mrs. Rob- inson read from her diary her experiences and impressions dur- ing her 2% months trip last summer. The pictures taken in the different countries were also very interesting and brought back fond memories of the homeland to some of the ladies present. Mrs. C. Ratchford voiced the appreciation of all to Mrs. Rob- inson for the enjoyable talk, after which refreshments were served. Happy Birthday Many happy returns of the day to Margaret Hanson on April 3rd, and to Michael Terry on April 6th. Belated greetings to Jim- mie Ford who celebrated his first birthday on March 26th and to Rhonda Ford on the same day. St. John’s Church News Everyone interested in cubbing will be welcome at the Open House being held by the Cub pack at the school on Monday, April 13th from 7 to 8.30 pm. The District Commissioner for York Summit, Mr. Tom Harring- ton, will be present. At the Brownie meeting last Wednesday Peggy Ratchford, Marlaine Hannah, Karen Greig, Heather Evison and Debbie Cork- in, were welcomed into the pack as Brownies. mers and Carlo Cappy were pro- moted to seconders. Maple W.I. will hold its reg- ular monthly meeting next Wed- nesday night. April 8, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. H. Stephen- son, when reports of standing committees will be given. The e1- ection of officers will also take place at this time. - Even a tombstone will say good things about a guy when he's down. On Easter Sunday the Sunday School pupils were present for the first part of the service. Dur- ing the singing of one of the chil- dren’s favourite hymns. ‘Jesus Loves Me.’ they brought their Lenten mite boxes to the chancel steps, where they were received by the rector, the Rev. D. C. H. Michell. The March meeting of Maple United Church W.A. was held Tuesday evening. March 24, in the church parlor. Mrs. D. Jar- rett presiding. The program was in charge of May Evan's group. Mrs. H. Jackson read the scrip- ture for the worship and Mrs. W. Bowes took as her theme “Loveâ€. Ken Jarrett sang two solos. “0 Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go.†and ‘In Faith I shall Arise.†Rev. Davies showed the ï¬lm. ‘The Long Stride.’ One of the best ï¬lms showing the life and work of the church universal. it clearly pointed out the pressing needs. Our co-operation in giving to the overseas relief will give the church the opportunity to help these refugees with the ne- cessities to keep body and soul together. Miss Sharon Clegg play- ed the violin along with Mrs: R. Clegg on the piano for the sing- ing of the closing hymn. The meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were served. Women’s Institute The corner stone of the new parish hall will be laid on Sat- urday, April 4th, at 2.30 pm. in a brief ceremony conducted by the Ven. H. D. Cleverdon, Archdeac- on of Scarborough. The Evening Branch of the W. A. will meet on Thursday, April 9th, at the home of Mrs. Stanley Leno at 8.30 pm. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. E. Mathews and Joy have taken up residence at Mariday Farm. Joy is attending Jefferson Public School. Paul Mizen of Meaford is spending a few days of the Eas- ter holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs; C. Gould.“ "I‘m-:55}! S. Leno had din- ner on Eas‘ter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leno. * Th}? Miller family spent weekend at Dagny-531mg. ' ME'kén†Gamble left on Mon- day rfor _Wi_nnipeg.‘ “Rhondé‘ flirt-l e'ntertained a few friends on Saturday when she celebrated her 8th birthday. 351 in 55min “with Mr. and Mrs. J. Boughner and family before returning toiqeffexjson. HM}: VMrichael Black has ireturn- ed home after a business trip to the »West Coast. Mrs. Giles Kerswell is home after an absence of about three months. Mrs. Kersweu spent the Christmas season and part of the winter months with her daughter Mrs. Ray Holmes and her family in Falconbridge. 7 She also_ visit- .v.........° -- . Mr. and Mrs. A. McFee and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fogg of Willow- dale spent the Easter weekend in Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and family stayed with the McFee children. Wayne Fogg visited with them while his parents were away. “A, baby shower for Mrs. Stan Burns was held on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Ted Laven- der. United W.A. Janice Marritt of Scarborough is spending the Easter holidays with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones. Maple Notes the Organize Local Civitan Club and make them The members of the Civitan Club of East Toronto are current- ly campaigning for the formation of a new Civitan Club in Rich- mond Hill. Civitan is an inter- national service organization of 30,000 members in United States and Canada. operating under the motto, “Builders of Good CitizenA ship." Their members engage in many worthy service projects such as youth groups, handicap- ped folks. and other civic pro- jects. A meeting will be held in the Yangtze Pagoda on Wed- nesday. April 8th, at 7 pm. Those interested in service work of this value should contact Mr. Ivan Toutloft at TU. 4-5442. “MINERAL HUNGER†YOU KNOW It’s always good business to make minerals You need not pay a lot of money for a good mineral mixture. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle is a registered and guaranteed mineral mixture, containing ALL and ONLY those minerals presently known to be required by cattle. If your Dalry Herd has received supplementary minerals, SHUR-GAIN Essential Min- erals; all winter, they will not now be suffering from “mineral hungerâ€. SHUR-GAIN Minerals are the best money can buy anywhere â€" and it takes a lot less money to buy SHUR-GAIN than most other minerals. So satisfy mineral needs the ECONOMICAL way with SHUR-GAIN Cattle Minerals, available at our mill in 25 and 100 pound paper bags. ' " Ask The Man Who Feeds Shur-Gain" MAPLE, ONT. PHON _ Yonge Street Just South of Richmond Hill 'AV. 5-4351 TU. 4-2864 RICH HILL MGTORS LTD. The Home of Trouble Free Used Cars, New Pontiac, Buick and Vauxhall MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM IN OUR LARGE USED CAR STOCK ALL MAKES AND MODELS WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENTS. SHUR-GAIN ESSENTMI. MINERALS 53 Pontiac 2-Door 53 Chevrolet 4-Door 52 Oldsmobile Hardtop, automatic, radio 53 Hillman Convertible 52 Plymouth Station Wagon 52 Pontiac, automatic 52 Pontiac 4-Door Low Down Payments and Easy Terms Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, 011E. We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. ALVIN S. FARMER YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE CARS available, free choice. Make them available. Licensed Auctioneer for PHONE I67