mmmmuuu11mmm\um“1mun“ummuumuuummumuumuumunmmmummmuuu\mmum““umumuummwuum1mm CUSTOM CAR RADIOS A limited number of memberships and reservations for tournaments are being accepted now. Arrangements may also be made for banquets and private parties in our newly expanded and renovated Club House. These will be dealt with in the order in which they are received. To be assured of a membership or a golf tournament on one of the ï¬nest courses in the area. write or telephone direct to the (‘luh 0“ te!3“'.mn': the Secretary at the winter office in Toronto. HU. 5-2068. 71 Centre Street East LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS Richmond Hill I‘Umer 44312 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRlCH SONS LIMITED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Various Sizes 2500 sq. ft. to 6000 sq. ft. EXCELLENT LOCATION IN RICHMOND HILL JUST OFF YONGE ST. FULLY SERVICED LAWRENEEHENSERUCTION Sheppard and Gill Lumber Co., Ltd. Stop 22 Yonge Streéf AV. 5-2669 m .1..- »--:.u.« -- . -v-;m---- FACTORIES FOR RENT HERBERT R. BUTT - RADIO - Hi-Fl T.V ANTENNAS msw v '0 co. LIMITED 765 Mt. Pleasant Road HU. 7-1591 Builders’ Supplies RICHVALE ELECTRONICS Dependable Associated With Service Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto 0.0.1--.-“ Toronto EMpire 2-3456 TU. 4-1361 I a o Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Russell who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Easter week-end. The day was spent with members of their family and a few friends. Mrs. Selders has been looking after the Morley household re- cently, while Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Motley are vacationing in New Orlean. Miss Dorothy Hood attended the York Presbytery YPU din- ner held in Keswick United Church Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. A. W. Miller is nursing a broken wrist since falling as she entered Brown's Corners United Church Easter Sunday morning. The {all did not hinder her sing- ing a ï¬ne solo in the choir an- them. The last of the Florida winter holidayers returned home toward the end of March. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walton spent three months at Lakeland where they enjoyed wonderful weather during the whole season, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham. who went south In Feb- ruary also report a good holiday except for a stormy trip home. Neighbourhood Note; At the communion service held at Brown‘s Corners church last Sunday morning there was also a reception of new members. with- Rev. A. F. Binnington conducting the service. Among those joining the church were Misses Sandra Burr, Janet Craig. Carol Cole- man, Ann Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Halkes. Bryce and Mary Jacksie are to be congratulated on the arrival of their chosen son. Much hap- piness toAthen}. Cancer Society canvassers are out in full force this month and look forward to the annual cam- paign. They have been received most cordially in the past and enjoy meeting their neighbours. WJ. Euchre 7 There were 12 tables of play- ers at the Buttonville W.I. Hall on Friday evening of last week. Winners were Mrs. Charles Hoo- per. Mrs. Alick Gardner. Miss Della .Stephenson, Messrs. Chas. Sweet, H. Mizen and Jim Cum- mings. Mrs. Russell Burr and Mr. Howard tied for third prizes but lost the draws. The lucky draw, a chicken, was won by Mr. Jae. Rodick. Hostesses for the even- ing were Mrs. Charles Hooper, Mrs. A. Gardner, Miss Elizabeth French and Mrs. Fred Leaf. The next game will be played April 17 at Buttonville Hall. Home 8: School Euchre Euchre, Bridge and Snap! The posters will read. With a bill like that there is no reason for any- one to miss the Home and School party because they can’t may bridge or euchre. Anyone "Can play Snap! Enjoy loads of fun and prizes â€"â€" Tuesday. April 14, at 8 pm. at the-school! Executive Meets ~ When Home and School As- sociation executive members met at Buttonville School on Wednes- day evening of last week, exten- sive plans were made for the an- nual H & S party to be held in the school on the evening of Ap- ril 14. Other business included the appointment of a nominating committee and plans for the pro- gramme of the May meeting. ‘ Present were Mrs. John Storey, ‘president; Mrs. R. Bauthus, sec- retary; Mrs. Ray McTavish, treas- urer: and executive membem Mrs. Jack Harrott, Mrs. S. R. Patterson and Mrs. Davidson Davidson Mission Band Mrs. S. R. Patterson will ar. range a devotional service and tell a story when the Davidson Mission Band Thankoï¬ering ser- vice is held at Brown's Corners United Church on Saturday af- ternoon, April 18. Mrs. Turner has a ï¬lm strip for the very small chuck-em. and mothers 'are invited to attend this meeting. Easter Thankoflerlng Miss Haslam of the Elizabeth Fry Society was guest speaker on Wednesday afternoon of last week when ladies of the Victoria Square charge met at Brown's Corners United Church for the Easter Thankoï¬'ering service. Mrs. Wm. Rodick presided and Mrs. S. J. English was organist. During the business discussion, it was announced that Miss Stephen- son is the missionary for prayer this year. ‘ Invitations to thankoï¬â€˜ering ser- vices at Stouflville and Union- ville were announced for April 2 and April 9. The scripture was read by'Mts. John Wilkins and Mrs. F. Leaf read the comment. Mrs. Gordon Purves sang two solos, and offer- ing was received by Mrs. E. Full- er and Mrs. D. Hood. In her talk, Miss Haslam told of the ï¬rst woman, Elizabeth Gurney Fry, who interested her- self in the plight of women pris- oners in England. In Canada no interest was tak- en in women prisoners until the late Agnes McPhail investigated ii. the early 30’s, and made her- self the champion of better con- ditions for the woman who must go to jail. Seven years ago a‘ small group of women met at the‘ Unitarian Church, Toronto, and formed a group to aid in re‘ forms at the Mercer Reformatory.‘ The group comprised women from all religious and profession- al groups. and they received no government aid and very little interest. In 1953 an office was opened, and a social worker, Miss Haslam, was engaged. Now there is a haven on Yorkville Street, with seven staï¬ members, in- cluding a housemother. where women leaving prison may seek lodging until they become estab- lished; where they are aided in seeking employment, and where older women pensioners are as- sisted with ï¬nancial difliculties. Following Miss Haslam‘s talk the meeting was closed with a nymn and benediction. Tea was served in the church parlours. with Mrs. Alick Gard- ner as hostess. CORRESPONDENT: Mn. F. G. LEAP R. R. 2 Gonnley - Phone AXminster 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS l siecutive Harrott, 1 Mrs. Bert Bert Leaf. s for the 'pro- v meeting. . John Storey, Bauthus, sec- :Tavish, treas- jve memben Mrs. S. R‘ Gardhouse MAW-LEMON A wedding of local interest was solemnized at Fallingbrook Heights Baptist church Saturday afternoon of last week when Linda Jean Lemon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lemon of West Hill became the bride of Derek Maw, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maw. Buttonvilie. Rev. John McLeod performed the ceremony and Mrs. John Mad- den played the wedding music. The soloist was Miss Patricia Armstrong. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and was beau- titul in a white ballerina gown of lace and nylon over taffeta with ï¬tted bodice and bouffant skirt fashioned with three tiers o! scalloped lace. Her ï¬ngertip veil was caught to a tiara of ir- ridescent sequins, matching the trim on her gown, and she car- ried a white bible with red roses. The bridal attendants were the bride's aunts, Mrs. Shirley Arm- strong and Miss Sandra Arm- strong as matron of honour and bridesmaid, and the grooms sis- ters, Misses Marie and Jean Maw as bridesmaids. They wore bali~ erina length gowns in pastel shades of turquoise. blue. pink and lilac with ï¬tted bodices and boufi’ant crinolined skirts. Their hats were feather bandeaux in matching shades, their shoes and gloves were white and they car- ried nosegays of spring flowers. Bob Armstrong {was best man, and the ushers were Messrs. Grant Armstrong, Bob Cunning- ham and Gordon Lemon. Receiving her guests at the re- ception held in the church hall. Mrs. Lemon wore pink flowered chiffon with gray accessories and a corsnge of red roses. Mrs. Maw chose blue ï¬gured nylon with navy and white accessories and corsage of t-ea roses. For a trip to Niagara Falls the bride travelled in a black wool dressmaker suit with ted hat and accessories and rose corsage. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Maw will live in West Hill. Wedding guests were invited to the home of the brides grand~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Arm- strong of Clonmore Drive, Tor- onto, following the church re- ception and among those present were friends from Noranda, Pet- erborough and other points, Dates to Remember April 20. W.A. and W.M.S. members of York Presbyterial will hold ,a meeting of general interest at Stouï¬ville United Church! 10 pm. On April 14, Mrs. ‘John Donâ€" aldson invites W.M.S. members to her home for a quilting, to commence at 10.30 "pin. "‘r Markham Concert Association, April 15. 8.30 p.m., in St. An- drews United Church, Markham. Radio and TV Service HERRIDGE ELECTRIC S E RV I C E TU. 4-2515 CALL CANDRON CANDRON CONSTRUCTION LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS BUILDING EXTENSIONE PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL WORK muting 53 YONGE‘ N. Richmond Hill No Job Too Small Reasonable Rates Free Estimates TU. 4-3211 Naughton Drive Elgin Mills for Church On Thursday. April 16. at 2.30 pm. the WA. and W.M.S. meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Kennedy. Aurora. The de- votional will be taken by Mrs. Wm. Turner (W.M.S.) The roll call will be a favourite spring flower. The program convenor is Mrs. Frank Bell. The lunch com- mittee is Mrs. W. Jennings and Mrs. Ray Jennings. Rev. Kennedy is planning a communicants‘ class to be held one afternoon each week probably shortly after (our o'clock. Mem- bers of Mrs. W. Jennings‘ class who are twelve or over and those of Mrs. Mllton Wells' class are asked to accept this opportunity of preparing to become members 3f Temperancevllle Church in une. Those who became members and were welcomed as such on April 5. were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson. Jack Macklln. Milton Wells and Stewart Paxton: by transfer, Mrs. J. Macklln and Mr. and Mrs. Hutton. Communion service followed this reception of members into the church. The Senior Sunday School pu- pils had the pleasure of hearing a missionary story told by Mrs. D. Chalk on India. The junior group were shown a flannelgraph story of a Korean child by Mrs. F. Hare. Many thanks to these ladies for their extra assistance in the Sunday school in the ab- sence of Mrs. Wells. The executive of 'he W1. met at the home of Mrs. C. Henshaw on Monday evening to go over the minutes in order to assist in making the ï¬nal reports by the convenors. The slate of officers for 1959-60 was also made out. There were eight tables 0! eu- chre on March 31. Mr. Charles Henshaw donated all the prizes which were won by Mrs. F. Wil- son, Mrs. Andy Armand and Mrs. Ken Robbins, Fred Hare, Bill Mitchell and Everett Phillips. The last euchre of the season will be held on April 14. At this time the season’s prizes will be given out. Trip To New York Three lucky girls, Joan Hare. Clara Herrema and Donna Jen. nings enjoyed last week in New York. The trip was sponsored by Aurora High School with Mr. and CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. 8. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 8-523. TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS SPRING IS HERE! PEAT MOSS Large Bales FAFARD SPHAGNIIM Turf Special 10-6-4 Turf Special 10-6â€"4 With aldrin added Garden Special 4-12-8 Milorganite ' ' FERTILIZERS So-Green 7-7-7 Golden Vigro 6-10â€"4 Sheep Manure Bone Meal Blood & Bone Meal Fertilizer 5-10-13 4.12-10 10-10-10 Superphosphate 20% Agricultural Lime lnstant SooGreen Fertilizer Spreaders for rent and sale. Discounts to Landscape Gardeners. Salt N uggets for Water Softeners Fine Salt Rock Salt VONâ€? STREETâ€"lst south of Farmers' Market THORNHILL CHECK THIS LIST FOR YOUR SPRING REQUIREMENTS Fertilizer, Peat Moss, Garden Seeds, Garden Trac Sprayers, Grass Seed, Insecticides, Pet Food Senior Bales Junior Bales 3 Packs Plastic Bag Bales Prices subject to change without notice. WILFRED R. DEAN Mrs. Roland Moddie as chaper. am. They stayed at Hotel Picca- dilly on West 45th Street, New York. They went to the top of the Empire State building. at- tended a play in Radio City Music Hall. took a boat trip around Manhattan. visited the United Nations buiiding and of course had a spree of shopping. The girls arrived home Saturday mor- ning. Mr. Jenson has arrived home after spending two weeks in Branson Hospital where he un- derwent two operations. A spee- dy recovsry is wished Mr. Jensen by his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. l". W. Burns of Klngï¬eld Farms are enjoying a two weeks holiday in Nassau. the Bahamas. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Har< mon and Mae Harmon. Toronto. spent Easter week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arwood Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cunning. ham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson of Hamilton re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred flare and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turner and Patti attended the wedding in St. Paul's Church on April 4. of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ash. The reception was held at the Ridge Inn. Don and his bride Runi will reside in‘Oak Ridges following their honeymoon. Large Supply - Prices Right Spies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 Ontario Delicious . . . . $2.75 Maclntosh. lsts . . . . . $2.50 Blenheims . . . . . . . . . $2.25 per bushel Potatoes, 75 lb. bag . . Carrots, 6 qt. basket . 80¢ per gallon, plus container Topper’s Farm North Richmond Hill APPLES DISCOUNT FOR QUANTITY ORDERS CIDER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 9. 1959 80 lbs. 80 Tbs. 80 lbs. 80 lbs. 100 lbs. 80 lbs. 100 lbs. 50 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 40 lbs. 20 lbs. 40 lbs. 50 lbs. 80 lbs. 40 lbs. 80 lbs. 20 lbs. 50 lbs. 50 lbs. 25 lbs. 80 lbs. 50 lbs. 25 lbs. 10 lbs. 50 lbs. 25 lbs. 5 lbs. 3 lbs $4.75 2.95 1.75 .75 4.40 2.85 4.95 2.90 4.95 2.90 1.90 3.80 3"!" «no so .w .01 Eamon: @9100 01:: 9" o O 2.90 2.75 3.35 2.50 1.25 1.00 3.75 $1.75 . 35c 2.1:) 1.50 1.85 2.10 GRASS SEEDS & MIXTURES Kentucky Blue Merion Blue Red Top Chewing Fescue Creeping Red Fescue Colonial Bent ‘ Highland Bent Perennial Rye Timothy White Dutch Clover Woodlawn‘ Grass Mixture Park Lane Grass Mixture Timothy 65%, Perennial Rye Grass , 25% and _A]sike 10% Mixture Licensed Mechanic. Repairs To All Makes Of Car. Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 1% Texaco Products 1: Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4.1773 DOG FOOD Master Master Master Master Master Master Purina Dr. Ballard’s Dog Food Champion Canned Dog Foodâ€"483 Horse Meat Canned Dog Foodâ€"483 Kennel Club Canned Dog Foodâ€"485 Champion Biscuits 25 Burgerbits 50 Burgerbits 25 Kibble 50 Midgies 50 PET FOOD Pigeon Feed Rabbit Feed Wildwing Bird Seed Seeds, Garden Tractors No delivery under $3.00. Dog Food â€"â€" Case 483 Horse Meat and Gravy 48:; Meat Stew 48s Dog Biscuits Dog Shows Dog Méal, cubes and pellets Dog Kibble OUR GARAGE .35 lb. .95 1b. 5 1b. bag 4.25 5 lb. bag‘5.50 AVenue 5-1344 50 lbs. 25 lbs. 50 lbs. 25 lbs. 5 lb. 50 1b. 50 1b. 50 lbs. 1 lb. @35 10 1b. 3.25 s .75c 2.75 .75 .65 1.10 .75 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 6.00 11.35 6.35 3.30 5.60 2.90 5.00 2.60 5.25 2.95 6.25 6.75 4.25 3.25 6.05 3.25 6.15 6.15