Mrs. Stephenson liberal Delegate Mrs. C. L. Stephenson, Yonge St. N., President of the York North Women’s Liberal Associa- tion. has been selected as 3 del- egate to the convention of the National Federation of Liberal Women to be held in Winnipeg. The convention will be held on April 27, 28 and 29. YOU CAN †CA ' By purchaZiEg A 40 or so lb. Bag of FertéiizeL when they Call Sat. April PROCEEDS FOR THE WORK OF THE BAND. 9 Wmmmmm3 Municipal councillors are more accustomed to brick- bats than bouquets. It was therefore with almost blush- ing countenances Richmond Hill Town Council members acknowledged two verbal bouquets read at the meet. in: of council last Wednes- day. One was from the Rich- mond Hill Recreation Com- mittee expressing thanks and appreciation for town help in making skating available to so many young people on the waterworks pond. The other was for similar efforts at the Glenbrae open air rink and was from the Glenbrae Ratepayers‘ Association. Your Fruit Trees â€" Ornamental Trees â€" Shrubbery, Vines, etc., need pruning once a year call the professional man and get your free estimate LANSING LANDSCAPE SERVICE Telephone TU. 4-1650 Bouquets For ’1 ‘own Council Wmmm‘ NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS é THIS IS THE TIME - DO IT NOW ROGER PROULX Impor‘lmaai AV. 5 - 2523 PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given BOX 408 THORNHILL Drop In Markham High School Mill Rate Although there Is a- size- able increase in the 1959 bud- get of the York Central Dist- rict High Schol Board the mill rate for Markham Town- ship taxpayers served by the York Central board will drop this year. Markham Town- ship residents will pay 13.4 mills in ’59 compared with 14.7 mills in ’58. The Markham Township representatives on the 'board will meet with Council short- ly to discuss this year's bud- get and the Bayview Avenue site for a proposed new high school.‘ ‘ Deputy-reeve W. Dean in- formed council Monday that the special roads committee of the county doesn't favour the Bayview site. With the planned development of Bay- vlew as a busy highway the county felt the road would not lend itself to heavy stu- dent traffic. Reeve W. L. Clark said the majority of the children would be coming from Rich- mond Hill as Markham has no plans for developing the area adjacent to the school. RICHMOND HILL 62 Crosby Ave. On recommendation of its po- lice committee (Councillors L. Mumberson and J. MacNeil) Markham Township Council Mon- day tentatively approved a new dog Control agreement with Mr. Ronald Herd of Richmond Hill. Under the terms of the agree- ment Mr. Herd will act as dog catcher for the three municipalit- ies of Vaughan, Markham and Richmond Hill. Markham’s share of the total cost will be $5,000.00 a year. Mr. Herd will purchase property in the first concession of Vaughan on which he will erect a pound. As a temporary measure he will erect prefabricat- ed kennels to handle 25 dogs. A permanent structure will be erec- ted next fall. He will also pur- chase a new truck. Councillor Mumberson forecast that he will be in business in five or six weeks time. This new arrangement will re- place part time dog catcher Bruce Taylor of Ringwood. Mr. Taylor previously handled the dog catch- ing for Markham Township. Markham Village and Richmond Hill. Vaughan Township at one time employed its own dog catch- er. As to costs it was reported Vaughan had spent $6,300.00 in nine months during the period they had employed their 0an dog catcher. The dog population of the three municipalities was set at 4,000 dogs. In addition to his annual fee from each municipality, Mr. Herd will keep all the pound fees plus any money from the sale of unclaimed dogs. ulnwlu.-.. Markham Council expressed dissatisfaction with their part time agreement with Mr. Taylor. In March the police received 43 complaints of dogs running at large. Council was critical of the lack of the proper dog pound records and the reported diffi- culty ratepayers experienced in getting in touch with Mr. Taylor. ran“ _.:11 Markham To Jain Dog Contra! Wan Indications ai'e council will shortly increase the dog license fees from $2.00 and $4.00 to $3.00 and $5.00. Reeve W. L. Clark expressed hope a standard license fee could be applied to all the municipalities within the county. Markham sold approxi- Three Municipa‘iï¬as mately 1.500 dog licenses in 19587 Mr. Taylor waited on council to object to their not consulting him about the change in plans. He offered to take over the dog catching in Markham on a perm- anent basis for $5,000.00 3 year. Councillor Mumberson said in their diSCussions the three mun- icipalities agreed thaq‘I any ser- vice to be effective ad to be available on a 24-hour basis. Mr. Taylor said he had made a mis- take when he offered to supply Richmond Hill on a part time bas- is. He felt Richmond Hill should have a dog catcher of its own: Council felt the new pound will be more centrally located to serve the area than was Mr. Tay- lor’s pound at Ringwood. A copy of a brief requesting the province to allow the fringe municipalities to make individual appointments to the Metro Plan- ning Board was presented to council. The brief, which was pre- pared by a three member com- mittee composed of district rep- resentatives, will shortly be pre- sented to the provincial govern- ment. At present groups of three or four municipalities are per- mitted one representative. The members of the committee pre- paring the brief were, Mayor Ken Tomlin of Richmond Hill, Mayor W. Parrish of Ajax. and Council- lor B. Bryant of Woodbridge. To make sure there is a ready supply of water available to fight any fires _council has signed a trial agreement with W. D. Clark. Under the terms of the agree- ment Mr. Clark will keep his 1.- 800 gallon capacity tank truck filled and ready to answer any emergency. He will be paid an annual retainer fee of $200.00 plus $10.00 for each fire call answered. As Mr. Clark is the son of Reeve Clark. the reeve did not take part in the discus- sion or vote in the resolution. The Municipal Board has set June 22nd as the date of a pub- lic hearing to discuss the propos- ed changes in Markham's offic- ial plan for the southwest corner of the township. At the request of the township the board ad- journed an earlier public meet- ing in order to give the planning Poem Though Spring is here Snow and ice there still is; Please tell us, someone, where The doggone good weather is. Birthday Party Supreme Place â€" Jeï¬erson Public School Date â€" March 31, 1959 Time -â€" 8.30 pm. Occasion â€"â€"- 5th birthday party for lst Jefferson Scouts, Cubs and Brownies’ Mothers' Aux. This evening was surely a crowning effort for this hard' wor- king group of mothers in this widespread area. There was a large and happy gathering at the school to help celebrate this mo- mentous occasion. The evening began with a social half hour, meeting old friends, making new. The meeting was then called to order. With the playing of “Mem- ories†by Mrs. E. Patton, Mrs. E. R. Jackson read the minutes of the ï¬rst meeting and recalled a few pleasant memories of that great event. Several of those pre- sent at the ï¬rst meeting were also present for this event. A recess was called and follow- ing a sing song led by Mrs. E. Jackson and Mrs. Patton’s play- ing, a game or‘two were gain carried through. Upon complet- ion of the games, the winners were: Mrs. A. Morrison of Tor- onto, Mrs. John Marshall of Lon- don, England, and Mrs. Molly Mumford of Stouï¬â€˜ville. Once again we settled down to the business at hand, and heard a very informal but interesting talk by Mrs. McNaughton of King City, district representative of mothers' auxiliaries in Yorkâ€" Summit area. At the close of her talk, Mrs. McNaughton presented Mrs. F. Waters with an immediate past president pin. Then Mrs. E. Ensor presented Mrs. Waters board time to make changes nec- essitated by the announcement of the route of the new C.N.R. line. Council will send Police Chief C. Wideman to a police course to be held in June at Western University at London. The course is designed to aid officers in the smaller municipalities. Road Superintendent T. Can- ning will attend a two day road school for road superintendents sponsored by the Ontario Good Roads Association and the De- partment of Highways. The school will be held in May. ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 with a lovely bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Scouts, Cubs and Brownies. Mrs. D. Crack'nell thanked Mrs. McNaughton for the ladies present. Next came the big surprises. To Skipper and Akela Ensor a gift and bouquet of roses pres- ented by Mrs. Cracknell on be- half of the Scouts and Cubs. Then a gift and roses presented to Brown Owl Thelma Gray by Mrs. Jean Lavender on behalf of the Brownies. To Mrs. Mary Terry a gift and flowers presented by Mrs. Lorraine Reid for Mrs. Ter- ry’s help with the Brownies. The president, Mrs. Ivan Petersen then presented a bouquet of roses to Mrs. Norma Jackson. Happy birthday to lst Jefferson Mothers’ Auxiliary and many more of them. Following a very sumptuous tea and cake, the evening came to a successful close. Mrs. E. Leno extended a vote of thanks from all of the mothers to the triumphant committee. This was very heartin seconded by all present. Birthday Greetings Speaking of birthdays, may we wish many happy returns to the following people for this time: to Elsie Anderson and Peter Le- Cuyer, who celebrate on April 10; to Paul Ratchford who will be three years old on April 13; and to Linda Locke who cele- brates on April 16. Open House .The Cubs and Scouts of the lst J eï¬erson packs wish to invite everyone to their open house on Monday evening, April 13 from 7 to 8.30 pm. at Jefferson Public SchooL ' Visitors In a short ceremony, the cor- nerstone of the new parish hall was laid on Saturday afternoon, April 4, by the Ven. H. D. Clev- erdon, Archdeacon of Scarbor- ough. Mary and Clifford Clarke vis- ited with their grandmother, Mrs. Clarke of Willowdale, during the holidays. Mr. Fred Troyer of Toronto spent Sunday visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sprague, Elgin Mills. Peter, Michael and Mary Jane Terry had an enjoyable visit with their grandmother, Mrs. H. W. Terry. during the Easter holidays. St. John’s Church News THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 9, 1959 ‘ The Rev. _Calvinr Chambers, Minister of Thorn'hill Presbyter- ' On Saturday afternoon last, the cornerstone of the new Parish Hall of St. John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges was laid by the Archdeacon of Scarboro, the Ven. H. D. Cleverdon, assisted by the Rector, the Rev. D. C. H. Michell. With the advent of warmer weather, considerable progress has been made with the masonry and brick work of the building. Plasterers and carpenters will take over as soon as this is completed and work on the interior will commence in earnest. Building ,was begun at the end of November last year. But the unusually severe winter greatly hindered operations which were at a stand-still for the greater part of the time. ’ As a result the church has car- rie'l on under difficulties all win- See 11y ‘5};Joén; fla// Ct WINNER? for Garages, Summer Cottages ' and Haynes. ter. The Sunday School and alâ€" lied activities were moved north to St. Mark's Chapel, with the kind co-operation of the wardens and congregation of St. Mark’s; the bus (Langdon's). which is chartered for the benefit of the Sunday School, playing an indis- pensable part each Sunday. The preacher at St. Mark'l Anglican Chapel, Oak Ridge: (Yonge at Elm Grove) will be the Rev. Thomas Maxwell of Toron- to Bible College, at the 9.45 am. service. Yam QI'J I one