To Customer Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. LTD. ‘ =2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 'Your local typewriter upeclalist’ Typewriters . Adding Machines All popular makes on hand See Portable models at Wight’s Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. S. or Call TU. 4-1745 day or night OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER â€" TU. 4-1745 â€" 88 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS ~“_-_sn- Dim-0.“. AV. 5-2851 TU. 4-3653 STEEL LINTELS ‘ I BEAMS Cedar Avenue, Langstaff Suburban Radiators MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY Van Johnson Victor Draper April 15-17 Wed., Thurs. Fri Sat, Mon., Tues. Open 7 a.m. - 12 Midnight DAILY Oak Ridges SAME DAY SERVICE April 11-14 ov PLUGGED Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING L91: us clean and repair yoqr ndlator today. Our service 1: fast. our work guaranteed. A plugged or leaky radiator cgn mean loss of engine effi- ciency, costly repairs, a spoiled vacation. RELIANCE SERVICE STATION SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS (Cinemascope) (Technicolor) Jane Powell RADIATOR! Special Student Bates Radio â€" Washer TELEVISION Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle HIGH FLIGHT Cinemascope Ray Milland Helen Cherry Agencies (Technicolor) Glenn Ford PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 COWBOY Cartoon Cartoon on Ontario Many mothers volunteered to work on the costumes and in our area Mrs. Jas. Wilson and Mrs. W. G. Baker of Westwood Lane sewed many hours with very gratifying results. New Minister For Emmanuel Owing to pressing duties with his. Beverley Acres Church, Rev. Several girls from our area took part in the 4th annual car- nival of the Richmond Hill Fig- ure Skating Club last week end. Barbara Wilson and Ann Baker of Westwood Lane, skated in “Jap- anese Splendor" wearing fushia colored satin jackets in the Jap- anese kimona style with sequins down the sleeves and carried fans. Margaret Jean Sheridan, Westwood Lane and Carol Barker of Maryvale Crescent were in “Military Magniï¬que" and were dressed in black and white and silver costumes with pretty mil- itary head-dresses to match. Joan Shaw. Maryvale Cres., skated in the “Wedding of the Painted Doll.†while Erica Dair. Scott Dr.. wore a sequin studded costume for her "Skating in the Rain†number. lst Langstaff Keego pack cubs took a trip to the Department of Lands and Forests in Maple. Sev- eral mothers provided cars for transportation on Tuesday after- noon, March 31. While there. the boys were shown many interest- ing pelts and skulls of animals. showing the different jaw and teeth formation for each animal and had explained to them why they were different, e.g. scissor type and grinding type. Also interesting to the boys was the breeding of two well- known types of ï¬sh to produce an entirely different variety. Skating Carnival O.R.B. league scores: Pauline Price 211, Gloria Searle 228, Marie Lawson 217 Orpha Stone 244. 257, John Sim 288, Earl Freeland 249. 247. Tom Lemperg 234, 215. 206. George Lawson 235, 242, 455. High three flat: George Lawson 832. Cubs 0n Outing Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Ellard. Carr- ville Road. who passed away on Good Friday. 7 Mrs. Percy Johns spent a very happy Easter week-end with her family on Yongehurst Road. Last summer Mrs. Johns was serious- ly injured by a falling tree and On Monday evening she returned has spent long weeks in hospital. to Lyndhurst Lodge. We are all very glad to see that a start has been made in the complex installation of traffic lights on Yonge Street at Carr- ville Road. It will be a boon to pedestrians and motorists alike, who must wait for breaks in traf- ï¬c to get across Yonge Street. Baby Bruce Butler, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Butler, Spruce Avenue, was taken sud- denly 111 with appendicitis Sun- day night and taken to hospital where he was successfully oper- ated on, on Monday morning. ‘ 1st Girl Guides On Saturday afternoon Ist Richvale Girl Guides visited the Orange Home, just north of Rich- mond Hill, and were conducted on a tour of the buildings. After- ward they -enjoyed a visit with the children, and have been invit- ed by the matron to make anoth- er and longer visit in the near future. Socials In short the route should go through areas that will permit the development of industry where the township wants it. not where the township wants houses and schools. It is also, short sighted planning to build the line so close to the rapidly expanding Metro area. The proposed route ignored and destroys the careful planning for the orderly growth of Markham Township, which has taken years to develop and which has the full support of the community. The loss in property values will be tremendous, and the noise and nuisance that hundreds of resi- dents adjoining the by-pass will have to contend with would be pathetic and tragic. Also, the proposed route is dangerously close to five or more public schools right in this area. which will affect and endanger the flies of our children. A hospital is also close by. I join with the majority of the residents in this lovely green belt area, in an organized public disapproval of the proposed route. Especially, since the C.N.R. offic- ials have admitted that there are alternative Yonge Street crossings to the one currently proposed. two of which would go through sites already zoned as industrial: These comments are directed against the C.N.R. by-pass route as it is at present planned. through densely populated resi- dential areas in Markham Town‘- ship just north of Metropolitan Toronto. It is not to criticize the merit of the whole plan, but the route that has been chosen. Opposes C.N.R. Route Dear Mr. Editor: In view of the fact that they have alternate routes through zoned industrial areas farther north, I would like to suggest that these routes be given some very careful attention. Yours truly. The C.N.R. admits Metro To- ronto will have to expand to the north, consequently in a matter of a very few years, and at great expense to the taxpayers. they will have to build still farther north. 1‘2a1' Mr. Editor: I am appalled at the short- slghtedness of the C.N.R. plan- ning board, in regard to their pro- posed route thgough Enormgll. 161 Spruce Ave. CORRESPONDENTS: MRS. B. I. SPEARS 17 Roosevelt Drive Phone A “Dear Mr. Editor†Claims Choice Is Short-Sigth S. BAUJARD. RR. 1, Thornhill. RICHVALE NEWS MRS. M. E. TAYLOR During the cubs' meeting. Gary Masters passed the tenderpad test. At the meeting of lst Richvale Cubs and Scouts on Tuesday, March 31, former Scoutmastar Fred King from England, was welcomed at the close of the boys‘ activity. Following the meeting, Mr. Alex Bain. chairman of the group committee addressed the boys and thanked them for their eï¬orts on the paper drive. The boys enjoyed a treat of hot dogs. cookies and pop from the Ladies‘ Auxiliary and the Group Com- mittee wnich was given in recog- nition. The prize of a pen and pencil set was won by Jimmie Hazelwood. V ‘ 665. Cliff Ross 707. H.T.H.: Marion Blanchard 722, C116 Boss 752. Team standing: Okey Dokes 57, Fireflies 53. Flying Tigers 48. Swedes 45, Screw-balls 36, All~ ey-cats 34. 200 and over: Jack Jellicoe 207, 249, Bob Webster 212, 237. 238, Cliff Ross 215, 233, 259, Marion Blanchard 243 251, Betty Easton 209, Ross Clark 215, 219, Bill Weir 202, Norman Winterï¬eld 251, Jean Ross 214, Norma Web- ster 207, Tom Easton 203. Oke BIOomquist 200, Les Markle 204, 206. . H.S.P.: Marion Blanchard Cliff Ross 259. H.S.H.: Marion Blanchard Cliff Ross 274. An executive meeting for the Charles Hewitt Home and School will be held on Monday, April 13 at the home of Mrs. J. Wilson, Westwood Lane to discuss the April meeting ,and the travelling bake sale planned for April 17. All members will be contacted by phone about the bake sale by the grade mothers. lst Langstaff Mothers’ Auxiliary An executive meetlng of the Mothers' Auxiliary for Cubs and Scouts was held at the home of Mrs. Wa‘ 51' Ellis, Westwood Lane, to discuss the April meet- lug. Lanrioh Bowlers Many people in the area are on the sick list, the ’flu has made its rounds and taken its toll from many households. Still ill after four weeks is Mrs. G. Everall- Newman, Pearson Ave. and Mrs. Norm Winter-field, who has been confined for two weeks. Do hope with the coming of spring weath- er we will see everyone up and around again. Evening WA. Mrs. C. A. Jesson, MacKay Dr., had the Evening W.A. meeting for Emmanuel Church at her home on Tuesday. April 7. A work shop was held for the bazaar. Charles Hewitt Home and School Newton-Smith will preach his last sermon at the Anglican Church of Emmanuel on Sunday, April 12. Rev. E. Morley will be relieving him from now on. Neighbourhood Bowlers 200 and over flat: Eleanor Ed- wards 210, 204, Pat Mills 234, Muriel MarkLe 225, Mary Robson 220, Betty Campbell 215, 208, Joyce Mills 263, Norma Webster 235. During the next two weeks the bowl-offs will be held with a ban- quet for all players on April 29. H.T.H.: Pat Mills 691. Final team standings: Lark- spurs 117, Roses 106, Hollyhocks 99, Camelllas 92, Asters 87 and Marigolds 85. Perhaps the residents of Vaughan Township are in the same predicament. If they are a new municipality consisting of the southern areas of the two townships would be able to better control development if this line goes through on its present route. If we can't have the rail line moved farther north. this sug- gestion may be our next best move. At a recent meeting of the Markham Township Council. Councillor S. Watson suggested that the southern part of the township might become affiliated with “Metro.†This would mean that the area would secede from the township and form itself into a new municipality. The idea is not new and has been favoured for some time by some residents. It is obvious that the southern districts are predominantly urban in interests and requirements while the north is agricultural. Those council members from the northern area seem to have little concern for the interests of the southern residents. This has been the case for several years and is illustrated again by the at- titude of the majority of council towards the new C.N.R. bypass. Dear Mr. Editor In closing we suggest the C.N. R. reconsider the proposed route, by discussing it in a democratic and commonsense manner with the representatives of the people concerned. The alternative is an aroused public opinion, forming an organized opposition to fight for their rights as citizens in a democratic country. Yours very truly. The C.N.R. has acted in a very undemocratic way during this whole proceeding, by not consult- ing with our council, and not al- lowing our representative on Metro Planning Board to view the proposed route thoroughly before it was released to the public. The C.1‘I.R. being a publicly owned company is very vulnerable to the co-ordinated opposition of public sentiment. Do not let it lose sight of the power of public opin- ion. We cannot and will not tol- erate the dictatorial attitude it has shown in this case. Sincerely, Suggests Possibility New Township ' R. MAYOR. RR. 1, Thomhm. A. JIWINTER, RR. 1, Thornhiu Phone AV. 5-4293 Phone AV. 5-3116 Marion Blanchard 270, 251, In response to a question from the floor, Mr. C. J. Lam-in, Mark- ham‘s representative on Metro Planning Board, said that local planning boards have nothing to say about railway expropriations. He also stated that he had attend- ed all meetings of Metro Planning Board since his appointment to that body and that nothing was known officially about the rail- way by-pass until March 12, when Mr. Donald Gordon, president of the C.N.R., announced the route and stated that expropriation not- ices had been filed. The whole atmosphere of the district would change, said Mr. Loughran. Mr. Dobson of Highland Park urged that copies of council’s res- olution be immediately forward- ed to Mr. D. Gordon. to Federal Transport Minister Hees. and to local MP.’s F. McGee, C. A. Ca- Mr. Doug Dobson. of Highland Park. said that Highland Park, while not as directly involved as Doncaster. was just as deeply concerned. He mentioned the case of the Meadowview resident, who had purchased a home after receiving assurance that the field across the street was zoned for first class residences. only to find now that he could look forward to watching freight trains. Mr. Dobson also pointed out the close proximity of the proposed line to schools attended by children from Highland Park. Sound le- vel readings in the possesion of the school board, said Mr. Dob- son, indicated that train noise in- side our schools would be at least as intense as the teachers voice. with consequent interruption of teaching. Mr. A. Brownflof Elgin Street, objected to the general disruption of community life. The noise close to the tracks would be com- parable to that in a boiler fac- tory, or in the press room of a large newspaper. He had also cit might take as long as five minutes to pass â€" and he noted that the C.N.R. were planning to operate from 35 to 40 trains a day. Mr. Brown also asked council to stand, if they really meant to protest the route of the railway. All stood. Mr. Phelan. of Dove Lane. Mr. Mayer of German Mills, and Mr. Boyter of Johnson Avenue all supported the joint submission. Mr. J. Loughran, of John Street, remarked that~ 20 years exper- ience in the industrial areas of Scotland and England had taught him what it meant to have a rail- way drive through a residential district. Mr. Don Jackson, of Bayview, felt that the presence of the rail- way would lower assessments and ge""1‘al‘y downgrade the area. Mr. T. Clemence, speaking for Doncaster, pointed out that N. H. A. will not lend money for con- struction of homes near a railway. He also reported the case of one home owner, who had had his house valued last December with a view to possible sale this spring. and who had now been advised by the realtor to lower his price by $2,500 because of the railway. Mr. S. Wellum. of Sprucewood Drive. presented the main brief of the joint delegation. Much of it, he admitted, was mainly a re- iteration of the various points cit- ed by Mr. Brennan. But he cautioned- council about industrial development along a rail line so close to Metro boundaries as the proposed one. “Industrial assess- ment," said Mr. Wellum. "is an enticing prize, and we should not leave it on Metro’s doorstep.†Both recofnmeï¬datibns were adopteq unanimously _by council: Mr. Brennan injected a note of cautious optimism when he stated that conversations about the re- location of the railway had been going on with Mr. Carin. the C.N. R. project director, and with the engineering sub-committee of the Markham-Vaughan United Rate- payers’ Committee. As a result of these discussions. C.N.R. en- gineers are now working on a re-appraisal of various alternate routes. In conclusion. Mr. Brennan re- ported that planning board had passed two recommendations to council; that council should urge the C.N.R. to develop an alternate route: and that council should request Metro to permit several subdivisions in the area to go ahead on temporary septic tanks. Mr. Hugh Brennan. planning board chairman, at the request of Reeve W. L. Clark, reported on planning aspects of the situation. The C.N.R. line, said Mr. Bren- nan. would frustrate the plan- ning board's attempts to have homes of more than average assessment go up in the south west corner of the township; im- poved assessment In the Doncas~ ter area would probably not now be possible; and a drop in assess- ment in the Bayvlew-Doncrest area could be expected. On the positive side. however, he noted that the line might bring indust- ry in along the Don Mills roadâ€" if Metro approval were forthcom- ng. The meeting, originally called for the council chambers in But- tonville, had to be moved to the larger hall of the Women's Insti- tute building because of the over- flow crowds. This was a special meeting. arranged initially at the request of representatives of Doncaster, Highland Park. Bay- view and other areas affected by the proposed rail line, to receive a joint submission on behalf of residents of the areas involved. Markham Council and Markham Planning Board had. however, ev- idently been doing their home- work. The meeting opened with a report and a resolution which to a large extent anticipated and endorsed the planned objections of the ratepayers' groups at the presently proposed location of the railway. In what Mr. S. Wellum of Don- caster called an “abrupt change of heart," Markham Township Council unanimously resolved on Monday evening. April 6, to re- quest the C.N.R. to examine alter- nate routes through the township for the proposed r2"way by-pass: HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 22 Highland Park Blvd., phone AVenue 5-2795 A general meeting is being planned for the very near future. at which it is hoped that a new executive can be constituted. Any- one who might wish to aid in any way the rejuvenation of the as- sociation is asked to get in touch with the former president, Dr. A. A. Smith, at AV. 5-2795. Former executive members of the Highland Park Association, which has been dormant for the past few years. have been quietly holding conversations recently, with a view to reviving the as- sociation. It is the feeling of the executive. and of many of the once active supporters of the association. that the proposed railway will, if it goes through. cause far-reaching changes in the area; and that an active rate- payers’ group is necessary. if these changes are not to be for the worse. Mr. Clemence of Doncaster asked for personal representation to Ottawa by council. Mr. R. Cameron. of Bayview, speaking for Mr. Binch. chairman of the United Ratepayers Committee. stated that an extensive brief was now being prepared; that it would be submitted with all pos- sible speed; and that the rate- payers group would welcome the presence of council members when this was taken to the Fedâ€" eral government at Ottawa. Highland Park Association there, and F. Stlnson at Ottawa. Reeve Clark assured the meeting that this would be done. He also moved the appointment of a com- mittee of council, to consist of himself, Deputy-reeve W. Dean, and Councillor J. MacNeil, to act in conjunctlon with the United Ratepayers Commlttee. Electricity . . . only electricity . . . does all these things and many more that help to make today’s family living more pleasant . . . yet it costs just a few cents a day. There’s nothing like electricity . . . use it to the full because it’s yours to enjoy. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. Just try to name one thing other than electricity that helps bathe children, shave husbands, wash clothes, cook meals, refrigerate food and clean the house. Happy the homemaker who has electricity (and an eager young daughter) to help her about the house. always ready I to help q:¢‘W'mE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 9, 1959 13 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY A saucer of household ammonia left in the oven overnight loosens burnt- on-grease, makes cleaning much easier.