Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1959, p. 1

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EVERY TUESDAY, Bingo 8 pm. It the Legion Hall, King Side Road, Oak Ridges. Cash prizes and jackpot. tfc3l BINGO every Wednesday after- noon at 1.15 pm. at the Canad- Legion Branch 375, Carrville Rd. West, Richvale. tfc39 BINGO every Thursday, 8 pm. in Orange Hall. lst house north 1f Loblawa. tfc2’7‘ EVERY FRIDAY night â€" at 7.45 pm. Bingo â€"- Community Hall. Spruce Ave. Stop 22A, Yonge St. tfc36 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHTâ€" 9.00 pm. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron's Orchestra, at Canad- ian Legion Hall. Carrville Road. Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hill Branch 375, Canadian Legion. 75c per_p¢rson. tfc36 APRIL 9 â€"- Thursday, 8.00 pm. sharp. A gala bingo and bridge party at Walter Scott School is planned by the Allencourt Rate- payers' Association. Prizes and luck) draw, bridge facilities for those who wish to play. Refresh- ments afterwards. Come â€" bring your friends â€" and enjoy a real sociable evening. Everyone wel- come. c2w40 APRIL 11 â€"- Saturday. Euchre. Members of L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. will hold a euchre at the Orange Hall, 1st house north of Loblaws on Yonge St. at 8 pm. sharp. Admission 50c. Lucky door prizes, draw prizes and good euchre priz- “a-.. es. Lfmch. APRIL 11 -â€" Saturday 2.30 to 5 pm. The annual Spring Tea and Fashion Show by the‘Ladées' Auxiliary 2nd Richmond Hill Scout Group at Our Lady Help of Christians School. Bayview Ave. Admission 50c. c2w40 APRIL 11 â€" Saturday 1 pm. Rummage sale, Richmond Hill United Church under the auspic. eg of Woman's Association. For pick up of donations, call TU. 4- 1718 or TU. 4-1382. c4w38 APRIL 18 â€"- Satux‘day 2.30 to 9 .m. Richmond Hill Horticultural ociety Spring Fair. No admis- sion fee. All welcome! c2w41 APRIL 18 4- Satur‘day. Rummage Sale -â€" sponsored by St. Mary's Anglican Evening Guild, in Wrig- k Coming Events APRIL 13 â€"â€" Monday. Square dance with Richmond Hill Com- munity Swing. Only two more dances this season Come early, dancing starts at 8.30 sharp. Mc- Conaghy Schooi.‘ A clw41 APRIL 18th â€" Saturday, 11 a.m.. A sale of baked goods at Mrs. Walker’s Store, Maple. by the Women’s Association of St. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church. APRIL 18 -â€" Saturday. Public skating at Richmond Hill Arena, 8 to 10 p.m._ ‘ _ _ c1w4l on Hall. 104 Yonge Street south. at 2 pm. For pick-up please tel- ephone Mrs. Donaldson. TU. 4- 1559 â€"- or any member at the Evening Guild APRIL 18 -- Saturday night 8.30 to 11.30 pm. TALENT CON- TEST, $100 in prizes. Winners have opportunity to audition for TV appearance. Held during reg- ular Saturday night dances at the Legion Hall, Oak Ridges. Admis- sion $1.00. Call PR. 8-5215. or write PO. Box 432. Oak Ridges, Canadian Legion Branch Oak Ridges. APRIL 22 â€" Wednesday, 1 pm. Spring luncheon sponsored by the Women's Association of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church. Speaker. Mrs. Elsa Jenkins, man- ager of Women's Activities, Can- adian National Exhibition. ,Ticâ€" kets $1.00. available from Mrs. A. E. Tyson. TU. 4-2432. APRIL 25 â€" Saturday. Rummage and baking sale. 1.30 to 4.30 p.m., sponsored by St. Matthew's Unit- ed Church W.A., Crosby Ave. Richmond Hill. Afternoon tea will be served. Rummage contri- butions may be left at 270 Mc- Convey Drive. *3w40 APRIL 25 â€"â€" Saturday. The lst Richmond Hill Scout Mothers’ Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale in the Presbyterian Church Saturday, April 25. at 1 o'clock. For pick-up of any rummage, call either TU. 4-2617 or TU. 4-?‘5‘3. LPRIL 29 â€" Wednesday even- ing. Music Festival by senior grades of Richmond Hill Public 8310013, in Crosby Heights Audi- tot-tum. APRIL 30 & MAY 1 â€" Music Night '59 presented by the Rich- mond Hill High School Music Club, featuring the Junior Band, Senior Band. Choir. and eXcerpts from H.M.S. Pinafore. Admission 50c. c3w4_1 MAY 5 â€" Tuesday evening. Mu- sic Festival by junior grades of Richmond Hill Public Schools, in Crosby Heights Auditorium. NEWMARKETz: N e w market Council will stand by its ultimat- um to the police department of- fering police officers a ‘our per- cent annual raise A motion by Councillor George Knapton offering the Police As- soclation a six percent increase was defeated by council five votes to four on Monday night. ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMOND HILL 1959 FATALITIES 0 ACCIDENTS INJURIES 33 3 02w41 c2w41 57o, c2w41 ffc33 clw41 c3w~11 c5w39 c5w39 ds Up hool Deman ‘C ‘0 . N 4'» §no A ,fl 5 by ‘ It’s getting‘close to budget day for Richmond Hill Town Council, and Mayor Tomlin and members of the fin- ance committee are busy these days with town officials going over estimates of the various departments. Last year with re-assessment town council was successful in holding the tax line but there are strong hints that a fairly substantial tax rate boost may be expected this year. Early in the year there were suggestions of a one or two mill increase but now there have been indications the rate may rise by five, six or even seven mills. A seven mill boost on a $5,000. assessment would mean an increase in taxes of $35.00. , ' Forecast Boost In Tax .RaieS For Richmond Hil School board budgets were pre- sented at the council meeting last Wednesday night and pretty well exploded any hopes of holding the tax line. The public school levy in Richmond Hill requested by the board totals $442,799.51 which would require a mill rate of 20.21 mills, compared with just less than 17 mills last year. District High School Boards budget calls for a levy of $168,~ 088.78 in Richmond Hill which is up about two mills over last year. The public school is part of a union school section which in- cludes small areas in both Mar‘k- ham and Vaughan Townships. However Richmond Hill ratepay- ers must bear 96.82 per cent of the cost, Vaughan 2.51 per cent and Markham less than one per cent.- The two budgets were refe'rred to the finance committee and from comments of council mem- bers' there was indication school costs will come in for close scru- tiny and some criticism. V015."- J LXXX, NUMBER 41 Mayor Tomlin advised council that the Finance Committee would be meeting several times this week and that budgets of all departments would be considered. He remarked that "headache tabâ€" lets would be provided tor the " " "‘ o oâ€"‘é-i'b‘a‘. In 3 Mumupfilfle$ New Dog Catchew Takes 0%? Maw The three neighbouring municipalities of Richmond Hill, Markham Township and Vaughan Township have for many years grappled with the problem of controlling dogs, and after years of unsuccessful effort to devise a system of by-law enforcement as individual municipalities have now decided on a joint undertaking. The three municipalities will co-operate in the establishment of a dog pound and the employment of full time dog catchers. Richmond Hill Council agreed to the plan at a meeting of coun- cil this week and the cost to the town will be $3750. per year, plus $1.00 for every dog registered in the municipality. Last year the town's dog population numbered 960. - Thé pbund will be in Vaughan Township and the con- tracting dog-catcher will be Ronald Herd, of Richmond Hill. Vaughan Township will pay $5,000 annuany and Markham Township an equal amount. In addition to the amount specified to be charged each mun- icipality the dog catcher will re- tain all pound fees. and proceeds from the sale of unclaimed dogs. The new official will be vested with full authority to enforce the municipal by-laws. For a start the service will be onerated by two men, one being on duty all the time at the pound to take care of the animals. The other man will answer complaint calls and patrol the area which in all cov- ers 240 square miles. - Mr. Herd said that for the first few months he expected to be so busy answering complaint calls that he might not have much time for patrolling. 'If one man and truck is found to be inade- quate to give service he said a second man and another truck would be secured. The pound will be a new build- ing equipped with eighteen to twenty-two steel pens. It will be heated and provided with sani- tary facilities so the quarters will be kept as clean and disease-free as possible. In introducing the proposal for a joint effort in dog control Councillor W. J. Haggart said he was very impressed by Mr. Herd‘s qualifications. He said he is a member of the Kennel Club and has had lots of experience with animals and pets and he had as- sociation with the Humane Soc- iety and the Society for Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals. Mayor K. W. Tomlin in ex- pressing approval of the propos- al said the problem of dog con- trol had been a thorn in the side of councils for many years. Councillor Bradstock said he thought dog owners should bear the brunt of the increased costs for dog control. members". The Finance Committee which is headed by Mayor Tomlin in- cludes Reeve.F. R. Perkins and Deputy-reeve S. F. Tinker. The mayor made it clear that while the Finance Committee will pres- ent the budget and make recom- mendations the responsibility for its adoption will rest with the whole council. 'So that council may be more familiar with all details of school board, council on motion of Coun- cillors Ross and Paterson will ask that copies of minutes of both public and high school boards be provided to the council. Erucin Von Mehleim, of 281 Browndale Crescent presented a claim for $4,178. damage as a result of flooding in his home on four dates in March. The claim was referred to the town’s in- surance company.’ Solicitor J. L. Lucas reported to council on the legal steps nec- essary to have the present pub- lic school trustees and high school trustees replaced by a Board of Education to administer educa- tion within the town limits. Coun- cil took nO‘action pending a re- port fro'm the auditor on the fin- ancial implications in such a pro- posal. Mayor Tomlin intimated that council might give consideration to an increase in dog license fees to help defray the expense. “If we are to have a raise in the dog licence, that is a matter for coun- cil to decide,” he said adding that the finance committee might have some recommendation. Reeve Perkins expressed the opinion that Richmond Hill on its own could not launch a system of dog catching as economically as the amount involved in the joint efi'ort. He said the town realized $2126. from dog licenses last year. A motion by Councillors W. J. proposed location of the Hagga‘f and R. P. Ross that Rich- three concessions of the 1 mond Hill co-operate in the plan - . - ‘ was given unanimous support. TownShlp council Intatie Councillor Bradstock while sup- way agree to Suppor e porting the motion observed that alternate route. perhaps tenders should have been . called, and moreover there were Reeve W. L. Clalky D other undertakings which might cillor J. MacNeil will serve have to be left out of the budget work with the Markham which he thought were more im- POrtant than a dog catcher. Commlttee' . 7 Council membefs expressed the hope that the joint efiort will bring a solution to the problem of controlling dogs running at large. It was stated that last year Vaughan in an experiment with its own dog catcher expended $6,200. in nine months and the record showed 130 dogs caught. Richmond Hill's first dog con- trol by-law was passed in 1928. It provided that dogs be kept tied for the summer months. Later this was revised to make it un- lawful for dogs to run at large any time in the year. That is the provision in the by-law now in force. but it has been disregard-1 ed by many dog owners and pol- ice efforts at enforcement have not brought satisfactory results. The new agreement comes into 'force May 1st. and come that date stray or wandering dogs in Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan are apt to get quick transportation to the dog pound. At least so hope thousands of dis- trict householders who through the years have been harrassed by romping canines destroying their shrubbery and toppling over their garbage cans. “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity.” The Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society will again herald the advent of Spring to Richmond Hill. Saturday. April 18, with the presentation of their popular Spring Fair from 2.30 .to 9 pm. The Lions Community Hall will be the setting of a delightful and colourful spectacle to please the eye and taste of every age. This year the fair will include flower arrangements, house plants, nat-y uralists' display. garden litera- ture, home baking, movies. tea garden and prizes. An added at- traction will be a display featur- ing three stages of artificial light- ing for plant growing. Mayor Ken Tomlin will officially open the fair at 2.30 pm. Make a date to meet your neighbors and friends at the Spring Fair. Newcomers to Rich; mond Hill will feel at home in a friendly informal atmosphere. Everyone is most welcome and there is no admission charge. Plan Spring Fair Apr. 18 On New Sub-divisions Richmond Hill Town Council this week asked Planning Board to repeal its recent motion freezing subdivision de- velopment, and directed that in future any such policy decisions be submitted to municipal council. Mayor Tom- lin and members of council were critical of Planning Board action and it was pointed out that as an elected body res- ponsible to\the ratepayers the council is the only one with legislative reSponsibility. The Planning Board action freezing subdivision. development pendin’ megah- f'clarifi‘cation- «of ‘13 court so regarding payment of. money 'to municipalities under subdivider’s agreement. ' ' Mayor Tomlin said he was quite aware of the situation and had discussed the implications as far as Richmond Hill is concerned with the town solicitor and decid- ed freezing was not necessary. He was surprised when he learned of Planning Board action. It was, he said, a matter of policy which should have been decided by coun cil. Council Drecis Plannng Board Repeal Freezing Councillor R. P. Ross, council representative on Planning Board said there should be a clear def- inition of the Board responsibil- ities the Mayor Councillor Ross â€"- Subdivisions were frozen in Metro and the Planning Board acted in good faith doing what it thought in the best interests of Richmond Hill 400 At Protest Meeting Madman Wants (NR. % Change the 0% Lme Over 400 Markham Township ratepayers met Monday evening with Markham Township Council to protest the proposed location of the C.N.R. bypass across the first three concessions of the township. They heard Markham Township Council in a reversal of policy toward the rail- way agree to support the ratepayers in their fight for an alternate route. Reeve W. L. Clark, Deputy-reeveW. pean and Coun- , A3] L- The gathering of representa- tives from eight ratepayer organ- izations, as well as individuals. with council and planning board had to be held in Buttonville Wo- mens Institute Hall due to the overflow crowd. Planning Board Chairman Speaks Chairman of the township plan- ning ard, Mr. F. H. Brennan. conten d in a prepared report to the ratepayers it was inevi- table that a railroad line circum- venting Toronto must traverse this township but "‘we do most strongly advocate that council exert its influence'in urging both the C.N.R.. and if need be, the Federal Government, in reâ€"ex- amining. and reappraising the implication of re-routing the pro- posed access line in a northwest. erly direction." Urge Alternative Route -_.,- __, Councilior L. Mumberson and Councillor MacNeil then gave their support and council its un- animous approval to Mr. Bren- nan‘s proposed motion. request- ing “the President and the Board of Directors of the C.N.R. to give urgent consideration to selecting __ a-“ _ an altei-héié route thr‘ough the first three concessions of this 2"iht’s outlined in the Act”, said Mayor Tomlin â€"- The Planning RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1959 L. Clark, DeputSr-reeve W. Dean and Copn- 1 will serve as a committee from council to e Markham-Vaughan Ratepayers’ Central STOUFFVILLE: More than $300 worth of mechanics’ tools and other articles were stolen from the Fina Service Station, op- erated by Mr. Dennis Robbins, No. 7 Highway at the 5th Con- cession in Markham Township re- cenfly. . Markham Finishes ’58 With $32,237.40 Surplus Board is not a legislgtive bod}: .. Councillor W. J. Haggai-tyne monsowd the inat‘mn caillng‘for :iapeal of the “freeze.” said P an- ning'Boat'd‘had gone beyond he realm of its authority He séid several small subdivisions were at various stages of planning and the freezing order was unfair to those who made plans. Councillor Paterson said he felt the Planning Board had act- ed in good faith. Councillor Bradstock said it was a matter of expediency. ‘ -“r V W, Mayor Tomlin contended there has been some confusion in the last few years due to the lack of adequate liaison between the board and council. He said he hoped this would be corrected by the appointment of an advisory committee to include the town clerk, assessor and building in- spector. The motion asking for repeal of the “freeze” and directing that all matters of policy be submit: ted to council was moved by Councillor Haggart, seconded by Councillor Paterson and carried. Deputy-reeve W. Dean, chairman of the finance com- mittee informed Markham Township Council Monday that the municipality finished 1958 with a surplus of $32,- 237.40. Mr. Dean presented the auditor’s report as pre- pared by the township audi- tors. Wilton Eddis & Com- pany of Toronto. Current assets exceeded current liabilities by $75,â€" 452.33. The debenture debt of the municipality stood at' $1,895,736.76 as of December 3lst. The reserve for uncoll- ectable taxes was set up at $4,000.00. Clerk-Treasurer H. Crisp reported that tax col- lections for 1958 were up considerably over previous years. township that will affect a mini- mum of dislocation to existing property and to the development that has been planned by the township to effect an economic balance within the township." The first speaker'for a rate- payers’ group. Mr. S. W. Well- am of South Thornhill, stated he did not believe the council had the interests, or knew the temper, of Markham Township ratepayers, if they approved the proposed rail line. He stated his fight was “not against the railway, we want industry but feel it can be ach- ieved with less loss by having it further north." He emphasized “We shouldn't leave our indusL try on Metro's doorstep." He pointed out the fact of present high priced residential assess- ment against “nebulous” indus- trial assessment. only promised". Markham Planning Under Metro Later in the evening, Mr. Well- am charged some members of the planning board with being ‘more Metro minded than Markham minded.” Reeve Clark pointed out Markham was in fact under the jurisdiction of Metro and said, “Metro Planning Board can (Continued on Page 5) Vaughan Reduces Rate Twp. Needs Richmond Hill Town Council Hears Auditor's Report I958 ._.__._-â€"â€"â€"' zigzticzzzééiiid School Surplus Public Invited O The district high school board will hold its regular monthly meeting at Rich- mond Hill High School nex v Monday night. April 13. at . ' pm. If you have been mean- ing to attend a meeting 0 the York Central Distric I r High School Board, this :ihould - encourage you ‘to on» FOP“. Vaughan Township Council met this week and adopted its 1959 budget with an estimated expen- diture of $647,900. for township purposes. This will require a rate of 14.9 mills which is a re- duction of one tenth of a mill compared with last year. Although the council has been successful in reducing the rate for township purposes, increases in county levy and education costs will mean Vaughan ratepayers’ total taxes will be up from last year. The total tax rate will be determined at an early meeting. The budget for general town- ship taxation is as follows: Township General ........ 14.9 Revenue Taxation . . .y . . . . . . . . . 5368.670. Licenses & Permits . . 20.230. Grants 8; Subsidies . 32.050. Hospitalization é‘; Welf’e 1,600. Refund of School Audit 600. Sundry Income . . . . . . . . 6,750. Fines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.000. Highway Receipts . . . 188,000. Interest 8: Penalties . . 18,000. fixpendim‘u' ‘ Y‘ i‘cecutive Salaries . . . Administrative Salaries Administrative Exp. . . Fire Protection . . . . . . Police Protection . . . . Road" Expense . . . . . . . Extraneous (Road De- benture, new mach- ery) Welfare . . . . . Debt Charges . . . . . . . . Crowds At Openng of New Store Marley’s new Foodland opened this morning and Richmond Hill’s newest food market was given a rousing and enthusiastic welcome by people of the district. Hund- red-s of eager shoppers were on hand for the shopping bags which were given away free to first customers. The new Foodland is spacious. bright and attractive and fitted with the newest in shopping facil- ities. It delighted visitors this morning and Mr. Morley Hall and Mr. Warren Hall are receiving enthusiastic congratulations. ‘ yuan....u....--- - v“ Record crowds are expected for the big week-end shopping as the opening is featured by many at- tractive bargains as well as fa- vors, prizes and free draws for prizes. . Representative Not A ‘Rubber Stamp? The district high school board will hold its regular monthly meeting at Rich- mond Hill High School next Monday night. April 13, at 3 pm. If you have been mean- ing to attend a meeting of the York Central District High School Board, this should - encourage you to 80me out and observe for yourself just how your high school board, under Chair- man Harry Sayers, operates. A cordial invitation to attend the meeting is extended to all parents and ratepayers. The little man who wasn't there caused a hilarious break in council’s agenda at Vaughan, when Reeye John Perry said he had received a letter from an irate man on Monday, “which was a clas- sic" but “I am not going to divulge his name to the press." The reeve said that the letter had complained that “Arnold Ave. is almost impassable. It needs some drainage work immediately.” The writer had then com- plained that the Metro rep- resentative to the planning board was not present at a meeting he had attended ‘the other night" and that the representative was “no- thing more than a rubber stamp." Councillor W. Anstey said, “I see no reason for withhold- ing his name, Mr. Reeve". Mr. Anstey is Vaughans representative on the Metro Board. To which Reeve Perry re- plied, “Well I do, because he phoned me today to apolo- gize and say, ‘Our represen- tative was at that meeting â€"â€" I dialâ€"ft see him. but he was there . . and he’s not a rubber stamp!" HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10c $647,900.00 $647,900.00 I 12,000 71,920 54.545 23.260 73,175 345,000 20,000 30.000 18,000 The Audior’s report for the year 1958 was presented to Richmond Hill Town Council Monday evening by the Aud- itor S. Stewart Joscelyn. The statement for last year showed an excess of expenditure over revenue of $21,197. but this was accounted for as being due to staff additions which had not been anticipated when the year’s budget was adopted. Mayor Tomlin and members of council ex- pressed satisfaction with the report and commended Aud- itor J oscelyn for his splendid services to the municipality. The record of tax collections over a ten year period gave a clear picture of Richmond Hill‘s rapid growth and development. Ten years ago in 1949 the total village assessment was $1,282,669. and the amount of the tax roll $54,454.66. In 1958 the town orized by Municipal Board. there is an amount of $107,388.75. Only expenditures during the year from this account were for water- mains, paving, sewers. pump house, engineer‘s fees and road grading. Road lmpassable The record of tax collections over a ten year period gave a clear picture of Richmond Hill‘s rapid growth and development. Ten years ago in 1949 the total village assessment was $1,282,669. and the amount of the tax roll $54,454.66. In 1958 the town assessment amounted to $2,891.- 517. and the tax roll $828,890.47. Tax collections were reported as very satisfactory. The percent- age of collections at the end of the year was 94.08 per cent, and Treasurer Russell Lynett stated that more than half of 1958 ar- rears have been paid since the first of the current year. ‘ Education costs last year ac-l counted for 61.4 per cent of the‘ tax-bill. The auditor's report showed the Public School Board and Separate School Board ended the year with a surplus. The operations of the Public School Board for the year ended Decem- ber 315t, 1958, showed an excess of revenue over expenditure of $32,013.18 and the Separate School Board surplus was $9,- 635.65. Councillor Paterson com- mented on these surplus amounts and Questioned the practice of school’boar‘ds' budgeting tor con- tingencies. ‘Mayor Tomlin agreed tthat. budgeting for Contingencies was in reality budgeting for a sur- plus which is not in his opinion good practice. Councillor Ross ‘said the Public School surplus was contributed to by an addi- itional provincial grant. and re- ‘ceipts from supplementary assess- ‘ment. Ri'éhmond Hill's total revenue last year was $1,143,542.15, and of this amount $828,890.47 was paysâ€" ed by the tax levy. Other receipts included: dog licences, $1.956; building permits. $6,616; fines, $3,041.68; parking meter revenue, $4,195. . A“: a1 1") Viy‘vv- Expenditures totalled $1,143,- 542.15 and included $496,929. for education, public works and high- ways $112,627. county rate. $72,- 481, debenture payments $164,- 337. - Public welfare for the year to- talled $17,346, which included $10,049 for direct relief. . »-‘ Anâ€"nnf, .p;v.u Av -V The cost of the police departâ€" ment last year was $523.97. and garbage collection cost $24,185. The deficit on _the operation of an znn uc uy;u,.~ v-- . 1- â€"~â€" 7. the local bus line was $3,500. and the profits from the North Yonge bus operation more than $25,000. No.2Accouut -_ ‘ H L 1‘ u. u anvu..- Cash on deposit in the number 2 account (contributed to by sub- dividers) at December 3lst was $62,556.41. Expenditures from this account during 1958 totalled, $174,922. and included $5,543. for office furniture, $25,424. for new Board of Works Building on Pugs- ley Ave., $4,848. for police cruis- ers, $1.215 for radar equipment for police, $12,837. for paving Crosby Ave., $7.704. extension to .sewwe disposal plant. $9,804. en- gineers' fees re subdivisions, $50,000. for new library. $14,782. for test drilling for water. Con- tributions to the account in the year were $22,500. In the No. 3 account (most re- cent payments by sub-dividers) which is a frozen account to the extent pavements must be auth- Next Sunday, April 12, has been set aside by the Bishop of Toron. to, the Right Reverend Frederick Wilkinson, M.A., D.D., as Ecum- enical Sunday within the Diocese. Congregations will be called upon hy prayer and exhortation to be mindful of the ideal of the Un- ity of the Church and of the strides that are already being made within the Ecumenical Movement and the World Coun- cil of Churches toward this end. The Bishop writes, “I sincerely hope and pray that this first Ec- umenical Sunday will be the be- ginning of a growing experience in Christian fellowship and co-op- eration between Christian people and churches in this Diocese.‘ As a demonstration of this con- cern and ideal a special Ecumen- Anglicans Observe Ecumenical Sunday on 5a e every j‘urdclay COLOURFUI. CU COMPLETE coverage 01 Donald Plaxton appeared be- fOre council on behalf of Metro Wreckers, Cedar Avenue, com- plaining about the condition of the road. Since March lst it was claimed it was practically impas- sable, A resolution by Council- lors Haggart and Paterson direct- ed that the road be made passable at once. “These people pay taxes and should ‘have a road,” said Councillor Haggart. Gas Station Hours Mr. Butchard. service station operator seeking a permit to stay open all night appeared be- fore council in support of his re- quest, but was told council would take no action unless a change iii the by-law is asked for by a ma- jority of the operators. Asked if he had discussed the proposal with other operators Mr! Butch- ard said he had on former occas- ions but “Igave up." ‘ 'Mote For Parks ' Council decided to take exprop- riation proceedings to secure the land necessary for development of a daylight corner at the south west corner of Centre St. East, and Church Street.’ Ask Report A letter from Glenbrae Heights Ratepayers Association urged council give support to a compre- hensive parks program. Expropriation nan. qurv On motion of Councillor Jos. Paterson council asked for a re- port on the houses being con- structed on Essex Avenue be. tween Paliser and Palmer. Planning .. . .. .,_1 A- l. Jul-unl-D Mayor Tomlin distributed to members of council copier‘of a brief on behalf of all fringe mun- icipalities asking representation of each municipality on the Met- ro Planning Board. It will be considered at a future meeting. The mayor pointed out that the difficulty of certain areas in re- gard to planning were complicat. ed by the practice of one person representing several municipalit- 1es. No. 5 Well 1,; “and. mu. .1 Ivy.- Mayor Tomlin reported that little progress has been made with» an agreement with Markham Township for the development of the new number' 5 well. The well discovered after lengthy drilling operations by‘ Richmond Hill is located in Markham Township. Formerly part of the MacKay pro- perty the well site has since been deeded to Markham Township. Mr. Tomlin said Richmond Hill is most anxious to get ahead with the development of the well but that so far he has been unsuccess- ful in arranging a meeting with Markham Township and Dr. Ber- ry of the Water Resources Com- mission. The mayor was instruct- ed to continue his efforts to ar- range such a meeting as soon as possible. It was intimated the town is prepared to take legal steps if a satisfactory arrange- ment cannot be made by negotia- tion. ical Service will be held in St. Marys Anglican Church. Rich- mond Hill, on Sunday, April 12. at 7 pm. The service will be held with local United Churches and St, Gabriel Anglican Church by their kind co-operation and in- terest. The preacher for the oc- casion will be a well-known Can- adian Church leader, the Rev. Dr. W. J. Gallagher, General Secret- ary of the Canadian Council of Churches. He is also editor of the week-end radio and TV program ‘World Church News’. Dr. Gall- agher is well versed in Ecumen- ical affairs and will bring a strong message to those whose conviction it is with the Lambeth Bishops of 1958 that “a divided Church can- not heal the wounds of a divided world”.

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