Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1959, p. 4

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Thornhill' and istrict News Mrs. Albert Stunden Passes Mrs. Albert Stunden, a resi- dent of Thornhill area for approx- _.imately 35 years passed away on Wednesday of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Williams, Yonge Street. 'l‘he funeral was held Friday from Thomhill Presbyterian Church with Rev. Calvin Cham- bers officiating. ~ The late Mrs. Stunden is sur- vived by her husband Albert Stunden, and 10 children: Clar- fence of Richmond Hill, Mrs. A. Bentley (Annie) of Barrie; Har- ~_bld of Weston: Mrs. E. Judd (Ir- ene) of Thornhill; Clifford of To- ronto; Mrs. Wm. Martin of Tor- onto (May); Jack of Willowdale; ‘Mrs. G. Jackson (Blanche), Mrs. G. Williams (Jean) of Thornhill; Mrs. G. Peters of Richmond Hill jHelen). A son William of Oak Judges predeceased her two yegrs ago. Sympathy Is extended to Mr. ,Tom Pherrill, John 817., on the assing of his father, Mr. Arthur = hex-rill of Markham on Wednes- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Birchall of Thornridge Dr., have returned from their winter home in Gran- ada, the West Indies. ' John Lennox of New Bruns~ Mick, formerly of Thornhill, .gipent last week with Charles Sposby, Colbourne Street. Mr. and Mrs. William Matheson are holidaying in Florida. » Mr. Oswald Jones has returned honie from a holiday in Florida. "v‘: Mrs. L. Harper, Elgln Avefiâ€"sv Spending a couple of weeks with her .daughter in Edmonton. 3* ' Mrfand Mrs are holidaying '- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fugler have returned from a holiday in Flor- ids. 2 Mr. and “11%. turned from a tion in Jamaica Mr. and Mrs. John Maver are spending several days in Newark. New Jersey. lst Thomhill Brownies . Brownies who recently won their Golden Hand badges and found them in the pot-of-gold at the end of the rainbow are Jan- ice Crouter, Gail McCrea. Ruth Harrington. Donna Bradley and Ann Cameron. Ruth Harrington was recently awarded her skaters‘ badge. and Marion McDonough and Christine Moore their house orderly. The two latter badges were presented by Grey Owl as she had prepared the girls for their test. Gail McCrea will re- ceive her dancer's badge at the first meeting after the holidays. There was no meeting as such, Easter week. Instead the pack saw “The Shaggy Dodg" at the G ouped around the Rt. Rev. R. F. Pierce, Bishop of Athabaska, the Rey». W. E. Askew, the rector, and the Rev. D. L. Varey, curate, are the recent confirmation candidates presented at Holy Trinity An- glican Church, Thornhill. The candidates are (left to right) : Back Row: Alan Tutty, John Thackway, John Kiddey, Robert Cox, Donald Stewart, Robert Shearer, Donald White. Middle Row: Mary Carswell, Penelope Umphrey, Jacqueline Bar- bour, Susan Mott, Linda Marks, Sandra Henry, Marjorie Stevens, Jane Redman, Sharon Spurgeon, Judith Stewart, Beth Donkersley. Total Fitness Vs. Good Health Total fitness means the real- ization of a person's highest degree of well-being with- in the limits of his potential, not just strength, big muscles, bones. activity. In other words. it’s an active, dynamic moving thing, whereas health is often re- garded as a passive, static thing, but Good Health is an active, dynamic, positive thing. Therfore the terms are synonymous. Let‘s enjoy both states. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H‘ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aprfl 9, 1959 flo/y jim' Thornh ill Notes Bruce Henderson in Florida. D. Thike have re- three week vaca- TELEPHONE A‘. 5-3555 Eglinton Theatre. The leaders and girls are very grateful to Mrs. W. C. Laycock, Mrs. G. H. Mowat, Mrs. F. G. Smith and Mrs. E. W. Wood, who; with Taw- ny, provided transportation, and who deserve medals for standing in line with the pack for so long. United Church The Men’s Club of the United Church held their March dinner meeting in the auditorium Tues- day evening of last week. Robert Gibson, the president, was in charge of the meeting. There were 45 fathers and sons present. Guest speaker was Gerry Dou- cette of the Argonauts who led in a question and answer period on football which was greatly en- joyed by all. Now that the nicer weather has arrived the men of the men’s club are looking forward to do- ing some more landscaping work around the church. The April meeting of the W.A. of Thornhill United Church was held Thursday afternoon of last week in the church narthex. The president, Mrs. Ralph Thompson, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Ralph Whatley gave the de- votional. The guest speaker, Mrs. L. Best was introduced by Mrs. Don Smellie. Mrs. Best gave a very interesting and informative book review on “Ben Hur" which was so appropriate for the Eas- ter season. She was thanked by Miss Sydney Baxter. Reports were given by the various secâ€" retaries. A social hour followed. Holy Trinity Anglican Church The Girls Auxiliary held its regular meeting Tuesday at 1.30 pm. in the church hall. Mr. L. Varey reviewed the mission notes with the girls in preparation for their examinations. Following freshie and cookies they finished their sewing for the mission badge. Ecumenical Sunday Bishop Wilkinson of the Dio- cese of Toronto has requested the various parishes to obscrv: Sun- day. April 12, as an Ecumenical Sunday when they invite mem- bers of other congregations to join with them in worship. The men of Holy Trinity invite the men of the various congregations to join them at breakfast on Sun- day at 8:45 am. The speaker will be Herb Mowat of Toronto, an Anglican layman active in the work of church reunion. At 7 pm. the members of the congregations of the village are invited to attend evening prayer at which time the speaker will be Dr. E. B. Eddy of Thornhill Unit- ed Church. ‘ Presbyterian The Young Life Club held a spring party in the church hall on Saturday evening. The decorating committee were Carol Martin, Pat Mountjoy, Cindy Perry and Wayne MacCrae. Games, films and refreshments were enjoyed by all. Following this very enjoyable evening refreshments were serv- ed. The Fortnighters held their regular semi-monthly meeting in th church auditorium Monday ev- ening. Mrs. Gerald Culley the vice-president was in charge. De- votions were conducted by Mrs. Wm. Hazel. The meeting took the form of a “musical evening" which was planned by Mrs. James Boyd. A singing group rendered several numbers, Two solos were sung by Mrs. Gordon Patterson. Mrs. Hugh Anderson presented “The Value of Music in Therapy" which she demonstrated with re- cords. 'rinify The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Donuld Smellle. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-3555. nqucan k by Doris FitzGerald . When Alderman Joseph Helliwell, Councillor Albert Parker, and Herbert Soppit interrupted their silver wed- ding celebration to call their church organist Gerald Forbes to account for being seen ouMlate with a girl, they precip- itated a most distressing situation for themselves. Mild mannered young Forbes drew from his pocket a letter, lately received from a clergyman whom he had met while on holiday in Wales, and, which spoke of his concern about having married several couples in Clecklewyke before he was qualified to do so, 25 years ago. Horrified by the realiz- ation that they, and their “wives” were three of the coup- les referred to, Alderman Helliwell and his friends go off to discuss their predicament in private. However Mrs. Nor- thrup, who had come to assist with the dinner, had been listening at the door, and had broken a plate in her ex- citement. While the women wait the return of their men for a game of cards, Mrs. Northrup appears to say good- b e, and being told that she will have to pay for the broken pate, divulges everything, and goes off in a hufl“ to the village to spread the news. The plot thickens‘with the dramatic arrival of Lottie Grady, a Blackpool acquaintance of the worthy alderman, and a number of serio-com‘" sit- uations develop. However, after poking a bit of fun at the foibles of the best'of us. author J. B‘ Priestly wisely allowed good solid affection, and twenty five years of “give and take" to triumph in the end, and when the curtain fell on “When 'We Are Married". it was on a happy group singing around the piano. The play was presented on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day evenings of last week by the Footlights Club of Thornhill, in Holy Trinity Church Hall and was most enthusiastically receiv- ed. A bunch of tulips, presented to Mr. Pat Trant by little Marilyn Hunter, on behalf of four admir- ers, on opening night brought down the house. Actually all the plamrs deserve verbal bouquets for excellent performances. and for their convincing Yorkshire ac- cents. In his role as the garru- lous, bibulous, flashily dressed Henry Ormonroyd, the press pho- tographer, Pat Trant proved him- self a master of comedy, and a valuable new addition to the Footlights Club. His best friends would have found it difficult to recognize Bob Priestman as the portly, dark haired. and moust- ached Alderman Helliwell, Bert Funnell, as unctions Councillor Albert Parker, and Frank Jen- nings, the henâ€"peeked husband, Herbert Soppitt. whose remarks are laconic but pointed. Edith Jones as the hostess, Maria Helliwell. gave one of her usual finished performances. Jane McLaren was excellent as the beautiful but demanding Clara Soppitt, and Joan Iddon, as the forbearing Annie Parker, who truth to tell. had found her hus- band’s virtues rather boring. Ruth Collins who can always be count- ed upon. whether for a charac- ter sketch, or humorous role, took the part of Mrs. Northrup. Eliz- abeth Jennings was good as the Stl‘ikil‘j, and coquettish interlop- er. Tall Eric Gleave was the re- porter on hand to write up the triple celebration. Marion Mc- Cowan was the pretty maid, with just the right amount of pert in- quisitiveness, and Roger Priest- man had a too small role as the Rev. Clement Mercer. The young love interest was supplied by Ed Gillan as Gerald Forbes, the or- ganist, and Pamela Boulden as .Nancy Holmes, the Helllwells’ yorédéire Comea anléudiadfica Second Row: Vivien Mott, Elaine Ackehurs’t. Jerry Taylor, Robert Stewart, Frank Kenwell, Brian Wilcox, Garry Dowker, Rodger Ball, Gordon Thompson, William Spurgeon, Yvonne Robinson, Helen Ed. wards. Front Row: Rev. Wm. E. Askew (Rector), Pamela Boulden, Lynne Booth, Susan Alcock, Audrey Simcoe, Janet Alcock, Gillian Iddon, Rt. Rev. R. F. Pierce (Bishop of Athabaska), Marilyn Deney, Jan Cruise, Lynda Henry, Gail Howe, Penelope Edwards, Rev. D. L. Varey (Cur- ate). on firmalion [/y leeceiuec! The play was under the able direction of Betty Priestman. Among others who contributed towards the very successful pro- duction were the stage manager. Ed Lean, and his assistants, Dunc. Ball. Frank Baxter, Frank Jen- nings; Peter Priestman, and Har- ry Iddon; Frank Baxter who look- ed after the lighting as usual, and Elizabeth Redman, and Holly Ry- an were in charge of costumes. The authentic, high style women’s dresses were loaned by Miss F. Trees. Toronto, and Miss K. Mc- Murrich. Thornhill. Several homes must also have been raid- ed to obtain the Victorian furn- ishings for the single set â€"â€" the sitting room in the Helliwells’ house. niece hew parish hall of Church. Proceeds of the produntion will go to the building fund for the new parish hall of Holy Trinity In last week’s article on the p r o p o s e d dissolution of Thornhill Village one import- ant item, which is included in the village assessment. was inadvertently omitted, name- 1y garbage collection. The others include sidewalk con- struction and repair, snow clearance, and general clean up work. and maintenance of Thornhill Park and Oakbank Park (and skating rink). Though it was mentioned that the trustees have to deal with two townships on all major decisions. Chairman Allan Sumner says that the trustees are not unhappy about the arrangement, and they get on reasonably well with Vaughan and Markham Townships. While the village trustees have to approve expenditures for street lighting and the Thornhill Library these two appear as separate levies on the tax bill. Nearly New Clothes for the entire family ‘ TU. 4-3341 67 Yonge St. North Corrections ENCORE ’riedf/e Mrs. Ray Jones of Montreaand her brother, Cummer Lee, visited for the week of Easter and his family. with her father, Mr. Fred Lee' Bobby Lee spent the week a “,A.,,, u,,nu,‘,,,, ,,,-LL 1.: _ A A _ _ _ .1... Library Week At Thornhill Library To celebrate Canadian Library Week, the following is a list of new books at Thornhill library. “Flight into Danger” by Haley; “Position at Noon.” by Linklat- er; “The Roundhouse,” by Arkell; “A Day in Monte Carlo,” by A1- brand; “Unfinished Crime,” by McCloy; “The Serpent and the Sta-ff,” by Yerby; “The Great In- vasion,” by Cbtterell; “All For a Beaver Hat,” by Drury; “Side Door,” by Hood; “A Painter’s Country,” by Jackson; “There Shall be Wings,” by Roberts and “St. Louis Women” by Traubel. NEWMARKET â€" Ontario Mu- nicipal Board hearing on the town’s application to annex 667 acres of Whitchurch Twp. has been set for April 2lst. Thornhill Pharmacy Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Get ready for the chilly spring weath- er ahead. Call us to- day for the finest fuel oil in York County. T. #7 â€" Photo by Barbour THE SPRING SONG .' Max Factor Cosmetics clic/c Prescription Service C. E. STONEBURG View-Master Expert Drug Service CORRESPONDENT: MES. H. ACRBMAN R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUrner 4-2236 Thornhil‘ Vitamins HEADFORD NEWS 'aleé Reels Mrs. Cummer Lee was not well for part of the Easter vacation. thus missing out on her intended visit with her mother. She is fully recovered now. however. Mrs. Acreman. with her sisters, Mrs. Gay and Mrs. Mel Jones, left on Thursday, to spend Easter in New York. It was reported to be the coldest Easter for more than 20 years. with fur jackets the predominating style in the Easter parade. The flowers in the churches, however, were exceed- ingly abundant and very beauti- ful. Mrs. N. Brodie and Margaret flew to Tampa. Fla., for the Eas- Ler vacation. They availed them- selves of a car rental and visited many of the most interesting spots. including Cypress Gardens. They had wonderful weather, ar- riving home by plane last Friday. Bobby Lee spent the week of Easter holidays with his cousins, children of Herb and ’Ciile Lee in Lansing. Mrs. W. H. Wellman and Mrs. Deverell along with Mrs. Acre- man attended the Easter Thank- ofiering service of Brown’s Cor- ners W.M.S. on Wednesday last. Mrs. Gordon Purves gave two lovely selections; and the guest speaker was Miss Phylis Haslam of the Elizabeth Fry Society. Miss Haslam stressed that although monetary support is most accep- table, as they nowhave a home for girls on Yorkville Ave. in Toronto; still the best thing one can do for these girls is to en- courage them by having faith in them and by adopting a tolerant attitude toward them. Word was received this past week of the death in England of Hal Acreman's oldest brother. Mr. Charles Acreman. He had lived retired from farming for several years, but in his earlier years, had had a military career with a calvary regiment; Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barker, Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, and Mrs. William Wellman, last Fri- ady evening attended the Toronto and District Ayrshire Breeders' Annual Banquet in the Lions Hall, Richmond Hill. Mr. Freeman Barker received the award for having the highest production in the two year class. The guest speaker was Mr. Dick Jones of the United Chu ch. A unique en- tertainment fea ure was a kitchen band by the women of Brooklin, in which they used. the wierdest instruments, from washhoards and tubs and cofieepots and other paraphernalia._ - uni-fl r..- _r..__-_ The ViEiBEia Square W.M.S. meeting for April will be held on Saturday, April ll, at 2:15 Eirniifiriwthewchufch. The w.M.s. will entertain the Mission Band and Explorers and their mothers, TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM local Impmvement Notice TAKE NOTICE THAT 1.' The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Markham intends to construct as a local improvement watermains on: Bayview Avenue and intends to specially assess a part of the cos the land abutting directly on the work and upo iately benefited by the work, namely all rateable the Township of Markham established by By-I out according to Registered Plan 2446. Thornlea Road Elgin Street Albion Close William Street Doncrest Road Rockwell Road Dudley Avenue Bayview Avenue 9 The estimated cost of the work 18 519'1,a;5u.uu 01 wmun nu paLo m w w y...“ .1. the Corporation and is to be borne as follows: (a) An estimated amount of $92,753.25 is to be assessed against: the lots fronting abutting on the work. The estimated cost per foot frontage of this part of the total cl is $2.75. The special assessment for this part of the total cost is to be paid in tWe! equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is twen Highway No. 7 (b) An estimated amount of $64,576.75 erty in the said Water Area, excluding the 2446. The special assessment of this part annual instalments of $5,626.81 and the c fdur cents (24c) . cost is 2.302 mills. 3. Application will be made by the Cogporation of its approval of the undertaking of the said work and after the first publication of this notice file w1th the work being undertaken. ered. DATED at the Township of Markham this slst day of March, 1959. H. C. T. CRISP. k being undertaken, but before doing 4. The said Board may approve of the said wor tions to the said work will be consid- so it may appoint a time and place when any objec STREET estimated cost of the work is $_1§'_7,330.00 of which no part is to be paid by Steeles Avenue Bayview Avenue Yonge Street Elgin Avenue Elgin Avenue John Street No. 7 Highway No. 7 Highway No. 7 Highway - 180 feet west of Bayview The regular meeting of Head- ford W.A. will be held on Tues- day evening. April 14. at the home of Mrs. N. Brodie. The word for roll call is "neighbour". Will members please remember to bring in their cent-a-meal lenten offerings? We would like to call attention to the joint rally to be held in Stoufl'ville United Church on Tuesday. April 21. This rally will put special emphasis on leader- ship, and is for all women of the church. not for leaders alone. This will also provide a clear in- sight into the progress to date of the proposed new Women‘s Or- ganization. There will be more about this at the meeting at Mrs. Brodies'. Belated birthday greetings to Rosemary Leek. who had a birth- day on April 6; and many happy Mrs. Roy Glover entertained Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barker at supper on Sunday last. Mr. and. Mrs. Herb Lee and fa- mlly and Miss Bertha Lee called on Mr. Fred Lee on Sunday. They brought Bobby back with them from his Easter vacation. Lorraine and Murray Acreman were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hill and their family. Sunday was the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cummer Lee; and along with Gordon and Gloria they spent it with Jean's mother, Mrs. T. McDougall. with members of these junior or- ganizations taking part in the program. There will also be a film. FROM " ONE STOP FLOWER 8. GARDEN SHOP " So-Green 7-7-7, 40 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So-Green 7-7~7. 80 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lb. Bone Meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 lb. Bag Sheep Manure . . . . . . . . . . . . l 40 lb. Bag Milorganite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cubic Feet Peat Moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Cut Roses, dozen‘ . . . . . . . . . . . Carnations . . . . . . . . . . . . Rose Bushes â€" hybrid teas- floribundas and climbers ... . . . . . . . . . . Rose Gardens 8- Flower Shop Full line of garden tools and also available rollers and wheelbarrows to rent {all Ul uuc yvuu u vu unlv nan“ w_"_,,.,._, v 7 work and upon tile ,following land which is immed- ‘ly all rateable property in Water Area Number 1 of lished by By-law Number 1515 except all lands laid 576.75 to be assessed and levied on the rateable prop- ng the land laid out according to Registered Plan No. ,3 part of the total cost is to be paid in twenty equal 1 the estimated annual rate of this part of the total Flowers For All Occasions Stop 22A Yonge Street the cost upon the land gbutztingdirectlty upon AVenue 5 - 42H ration of the Ontario Municipal Board for work and any owner may within 21 days with the Board his objection to the said 8400 feet north from Steeles Avenue, excluding the portion thereof between John Street and Green Lane. 580 feet west from Bayview Avenue. 3340 feet east from Yonge Street. 720 feet southerly from south limit of Elgin Avenue. 200 feet south from Elgin Avenue. 320 feet north 1250 feet north from No. 7 Highway. 1250 feet north from N0. 7 Highway. 1280 feet north from No. 7 Highway. 3320 feet east from Bayview. Clerk Richard Burton will be nine years old on April 14, and Keith will be ten on April 16. Birthday greetings to both. returns ‘to Harley Homer for April 9. A We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts for your place of business. truck lettering, sale signs. office door lettering. FAST SERVICE W. G. STREET. Prop. [ against the lots fronting or 5 of this part of the total cost cost is to be paid in twenty per foot frontage is twenty- SELL, BUY. BARTER THROUGH LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. #1105 “Flowers For All Occasions" PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICHMOND HILL RICE’S FLOWERS TU. 4-2213 T0 . . .. 49c. and 99c

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