Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1959, p. 5

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A ratepayer asked if Vaughan Council had asked them to “get it out!" To which Councillor Anstey replied there are 15,000 people in Vaughan Township “and we have only the views of 500 so far. At this SLage of the game I have not enough information to say whe- ther I am for it or against it. We have a map showing where it is going but that is not enough in- formation to say whether it is good or bad." _‘ '__ . an. Another “ratepayer exclaitfiéfl indignantly, "We know' where It is going! That is why we ask if Vaughan Council really wants it!" Councillor Anstey continued, “I would like to know how much assessment it is going to mean to the township; how many build- ings, etc.: over-passes, the num- ber of cars. They have intimat- ed there will be 1,000 people em- ployed.” At this the ratepayer said. “It is our understanding the railroad and yards will carry 6.000 cars daily." When this rate- payer said Markham .Planning Board was not for it Councillor Mr. Hubbard asked what coun- cil felt about the yard, to which Mr. Ryder. replied, “We are here to represent the majority of the people in the township. The C. N.R. claims it hurts the least number of people in the township in the area chosen." When Mr. Hubbard asked why the line could not be moved further north. Mr. Ryder said it would not service Toronto, if it was too far away. Councillor Anstey said "We have no details or data as yet and have asked them that in the interests of the people they could move certain things to certain areas for the benefit of the people, and they have prom- ised to study our suggestions.” Councillor Anstey advised there was no sense getting into a hassle, that they must ask intelligent questions and they would get intelligent answers. It would be strictly an information meeting, “Not like the one at Thornhill, and I think we’ll get much further this way,” he said. Mr. Hubbard asked what coun- Anstey said, “Apparently you did cil felt about the yard, to which not read “The Liberal" tonight. Mr. Ryder. replied, “We are here “The Liberal” carried a full story to represent the majority of the on Markham Council's reaction people in the_tov_vnship,_ The C. t. the C.N.R. in the April 2nd is- Deputy-reeve Vic Ryder. who chaired the meeting in the absence of the reeve, said Mr. Perry had asked him to tell the ratepayers the C.N.R. officials would like to show films on the operations of its marshalling yards and to ex- plain by word and pictures the true situation before all ratepayers concerned at a public meeting. This would not be an open meeting, but representatives of those attending would have the opportunity at a later date (“a week later” was quoted) to meet in the council chambers with C.N.R. representatives, when questions would be answered, “at that time”. A delegation of 35 members of the newly formed Markham-Vaughan United Ratepayers’ Association ap- peared before Vaughan Township Council 'on Thursday evening last week to ask for “Strong leadership from our elected council, and Vaughan’s stand on the proposed plans of the C.N.R.” A vice-chairman of the group, J. R. Hubbard of Vaug- han. opened the hour and a half long buzz session by ask- ing. “What ha_s council in mind as regards a meeting along information lines, for the people in our area?” Eye-catching and pretty as a picture are the new chapeaux at Madeleine's. Irresistable gay flowers high- light our wonderfully wide col- lection of frivolous and tailored chic styles that include cloches. Bretons, sailors, profiles and brlms. . - The colourful 'shades to look for â€" blazing poppy. steamer blue, green grass. daffodil yell- ow; bright pink, turquoise and carnation red. Handbags are larger this sea- son and reasonably priced from $2.99 to $16.00. I Come in soon for th ‘ lactic“. e beat se‘ Theme Suggested After Owners See Council “C.N.R. To Meet Publc" - Perry Monday, Aprii 13W Richmond Hill Lions Hall Mariel/Line Millinery 5 Accessories 3319 YONGE 81‘. m mum» nu. 8-5408 3 bus stops below city limit: . ‘Macleflaine; W” '9 min-6:30 pm. Fri. to 9 p.111. OVER 1000 New Sp" “Oh! The Railway's Going Thru The Middle Of My House" Q! He stated he had asked at the time of the official announcement of the location why it could not‘ be further north. He said he had been told it couldn’t go north» ‘due to gradients”. Mr. Laurin believed Mr. Bren- nan‘s statement that Mr. J. L. Cann of the ONE. had express- ed the desire for a satisfactory solution to the various problems arising across the proposed route, was the indication of some better solution to the matter as well as Markham Township Coun- cil co-operation, as declared to- night. Mr. Laurin also pointed out “the first and second con- cessions of Vaughan Township are hurt just as much as we are. The reasons should be made pub- lic if they don't change the route,” contended Mr. Laurin. Objections From North Metro Planning Board’s rep; resentative from Markham, Mr. Cy Laurin, was present and ex- plained his position to the rate- payers. He contended he had voted with the Metro Board in a unanimous request that meetings be set up to study the proposed plan of the C.N.R. by Mr. Mur- ray Jones of the planning boardL in conjunction with the munici- palities involved. (He spoke also of a meeting planned for April 14, which Mr. H. J. A. Chambers of the Markham-Vaughan Rate- payers’ Committee will attend with C.N.R. ofl‘icials.) (Continued from Page 1) turn down anything we do." A gentleman present fromIthe more northern part of the town- ship asked ‘What industrial area to the north do you have in mind." He indicated there would be vigorous objection “to the north” if the rail route were placed there. Mr. Laurin commented, “Far- mers might object too if their farms are split in half." Wants C.N.R. To Change Route A number of ratepayers heated at this. stating, ‘not at the prices we hear they are getting." Councillor McNeil stéted one farmer had informed him he had a week to decide whether or not to sell at $20,000.00 an acre for six acres. Some ratepayers expressed skepticism at Toronto press re- ports one farm in the area pro- posed for the marshalling yard had been sold for $400,000.00. Urge Telegram to Hees ‘ Mr. T. Clements of Doncaster urged Federal Transport Minister George Hees be telegraphed im- mediately and asked in the name of all those present “not to sign a private bill authorizing con- struction of the proposed C.N_R. rail route." Reeve Clark said he understood it would be some time. perhaps a year, before the bill would come up. Mr. Clements pressed for immediate action, ‘He, (Donald Gordon, C.N.R. President),might slip something through." It was suggested Reeve Clark go to Ottawa to personally pro- test the location. Reeve Clark suggested Mr. J. Binch. a lawyer, of the Markham-Vaughan Rate- payers' Committee, might be a better choice of advocate. Councillor S. Watson wanted A. A. Mackenzie, the member of the provincial legislature for this area, also be sent a letter pro- testing the present location of the route. Reeve Clark several times men- tioned he believed alternative routes to suggest to the C.N.R. personnel was of first importance. Mr. Robert Cameron of the joint Markham-Vaughan Ratepay- ers’ Central Committee expressed pleasure on having Reeve Clark, Another point rought up by Planning Board hairman Bren- nan was amendment five to the overall planning by-law of the township. This amendment in- volved land south of No. 7 High- way and west of Don Mills Road. On April 2, 1958, the amendment allowing subdivisions in this area was approved by a ratepayers’ meeting in the Thornhill High School. On June 10, 1958, it was turned down by Metro Planning Board. Though no official pro- nouncement was made, through strenuous efiorts on the part of the planning board and council it was ascertained there were ru- mours of a C.N.R. line through the township. Among the points brought for- ward by the ratepayer groups ob- jecting to the proposed route were fear of the railway spoiling the residential area, with noise, depreciating property values. oily fumes, and cutting communities in half. Representing the rate- payers were: T. Clements, Donâ€" caster; Gerry Phelan, Dove Lane; Doug Dobson, Highland Park; Don Jackson, Bayview; Jim Stock- ton, new resident; Alex Brown, Elgin St.; Rob Boyter, Johnson Ave.; and J. Loughren, John St. Amendment 5 Discussed Deputy-reeve Dean. and Council- lor McNeil serve with the com- mittee. Objections Raised Mr. Jackson Taylor, a member of the school board for School Area‘ No. 1 Markham-Vaughan, who was present at the meeting, said that two schools in the vicin- ity of the proposed line will have to be moved and that there are five schools in the area. Mr. Ry- der then said he believed the line is being moved to take care of this. “There may be one school effected but if they move the line. how about other people who will be effected?” A man answered. "It should be moved right out of the township. We would like to see the council take 'the lead in seeing what When in September 1958, it was decided to appeal the decisâ€" ion of the Metro Planning Board to the Ontario Municipal Board by the subdividers, township offi- cials tried, it was stated in Mr. Brennan’s report, to discourage them from spending money need- lessly, but having no official in- formation could only do so in- directly and their advice was not heeded. After much delay final disapproval of amendment five was forthcoming from the OMB on March 23, 1959, 11 days after the C.N.R. announcement. - Deputy-reeve Dean and Coun- cillor Watson advbcated Mr. Bren- nan's motion, which was unani- mously accepted by council. It read as follows: “This council while recognizing the wisdom of the Metro Planning Board in set- ting aside amendment five to the Ofiicial Plan of Markham Town- ship until a decision was reached as to the final location of the proposed C.N.R. by-pass, now re- quests that consideration be given to granting interim authority. pending resubmission of a revis- ed amendment five to enable im- mediate commencement on a pre- sewered basis â€" preferably with sewage disposal by temporary timber-tank of the following sub- divisions, Yonge Heights, Don River Heights and the remainder of Lot 26, Con. 1, Steele Valley ‘Acres No. 2, Colmur Develop- lment. ' Again a ratepayer broke in, to say this time, ‘You tell us one thing and then tell us something opposite. You tell us one thing," to Mr. Ryder. “and Mr. Anstey tells another." Mr. Madden: “Because they have been planning this secretly for two years and I don’t care if it's good or bad, I don’t want it." Mr. Madden said property would depreciate around the railway, to which Mr. Ryder replied that in Etobicoke homes next to the railway haven't depreciated. An- other ratepayer stated that Cent- ral Mortgage won't lend money to a home owner within 500 yards of a railway. Deputy-reeve R y d e r s a i d Vaughan Council feels the C.N.R. should be allowed to show their operations, on film. “We have already asked for certain chang- es and they are under considera- tion." Mr. Ryder: “I would like to ask why you want it thrown out?” sue, when Deputy-Reeve Wilfred Dean was the only dissenter to the plan. In speaking to the motion, Deâ€" puty-reeve Dean stated he had been opposed to amendment five in the beginning, feeling that it kept down assessment in School Area No. 1, where commercial assessment is needed. He pointed out for example. Beamish Con- struction Co. at Thornlea was only taxed at a residential rate. Mr. Dean also stated he felt the fntastic prices for land due to the rail line might result in a scandal greater than that engen- dered by the old Markham Canal. He finished, "They'll pay a good price to the farmer, not consid- ering the small home owner who has to live, too.” Mr. Dean stated, ‘The Reeve said he had received no opposition to the line from east of the third concession.” Councillor Bryson remarked that “we have to keep an open mind. After all these things are all part of progress in our coun- try.” He spoke of hydro lines stating, “If it wasn’t for hydro poles or lines on the property of people who didn’t want them, other people would be without light.” This caused an irate rate- payer from Maple to explode, "I hate that word . . . Progress!" Laughs followed another man’s remark, “We all want progress but I don’t want it to go right through my back yard." The con- census of the ratepayers’ opin- ions were that “A marshalling yard for any town is bad â€" per- iod.” . h nu... The United Ratepayers intend to canvass for a $50,000 fund in order to fight fhe railway and will take it to C. A. Cathers, fed- eral representative in this‘ area.) was“ avr-v-v_..w Others said it would need a George Hees or John Diefen- baker to carry weight. Mr. Ryd- er said, "We are just a little bit sorry that Metro is over all of us here" (in authority). u» u” ..'..__~,, The delegaticn closed its de- bate following Mr. Jackson's plea, “I want you to get that railway to go; right through mylhousa or get it out altogether. I will buy a home somewhere else.” The secretaries of each group then left their names and addres- ses with Clerk McDonald, to be notified of the meeting date with the C.N.R. and then the delegates adjourned. Following a fifteen minute re- cess the board reconvened for regular council business with Reeve Perry in the chair. Referring to the many times in the past Vaughan Council has sought to uphold the wishes of the majority of ratepayers, Coun- cillor Anstey referred to the battle of the pipeline when Vaughan Council opposed such a measure â€" but it still went through. He implied this might happen with the railway too. “I think the meeting planned. with varior‘ representatives of the ratepayers preparing briefs and then asking for council’s sup- port, will help. I will guarantee you my support if there are enough people in that area who do not wish the railroad and who will attend the meeting.” Birthday congratulations are in order for Diane and Dorothy Gain of 26 Henderson Ave., who cele- brated their sixth birthday on Wednesday, April 8. The Henderson Ave. Public School Home and School Assoc- iation will meet on Monday, Ap- ril 13, at the school. The highest score so far in the Doncaster Community Ladies’ Club’s euchre marathon which got underway this week, was turn- ed in by Mrs. H. Morrison and Mrs. Martin. Birthday greetings are extend- ed to Linda Garvey, Henderson Ave., who celebrated her third birthday on Sunday, April 5. Vice chairman (Markham) D. K. Jackson asked what possible good could come to Vaughan Township. “The people are ask- ing why is Vaughan Council sit- ting back and doing nothing.” Mr. Ryder: “I wonder what the possible industrial advantage will be?” Then he advised. “The C.N. R. doesn't look for industry -â€" in- dustry looks for railway loca- tions.” Councillor Ralph joined the de- bate to state. “You people are here tonight objecting to the rail- way. and ask for action in pre- venting the railway coming in. There is also another aspect â€"â€" how many people are in favour of ousting the railway?” Regarding the railway situation. the Doncaster Ratepayers Assoc- iation will hold a public meeting at the Thornhill Public School on Friday, April 10 at 8 p.m. Henderson School is not available. Coaches Bill Menzies and Dave Barbour of the Thornhill and Dis- trict Hockey Club house league are proud of their champion teams after the play-offs last Sunday at Aurora. Bill piloted his junior squad through the whole season, undefeated. His son, Bill Jr. was the president of the champion Red team. Mr. Clow‘s White team was the run- ner-up in the junior division. value the road and yard is giving to Vaughan. We think it’s up to council to do this." Dave Barbour’s Yellow team, in the intermediate play-offs. up- set the highly favoured Green team of Bob Mason, also of Don- caster. The Greens were previous- ly undefeated. Visiting Sandra Richardson. 43 Clarke Ave., during the Easter holidays was Gerry Stewart. 11, of Toronto. MARKHAM: There is one less “big, bad wolf” roaming the wilds just north of Markham Village. Big Chief Ronald Fincham, an M.D.H.S. student who lives just north of the village fired the shot that laid low the marauder. He was accompanied by his younger brother Neil in the hunt- ing ekpedition DONCASTER GOLDEN LION STARTING TIME - 8 PM. Isfmgn NUMBERs $50 57 NUMBERS CALLEQ Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Mrs. Sorley, who was born at Fairbank on Dufferin St., now lives at 21 Glengrove Avenue, Toronto, has been a widow for 60 years and has been blind for the past five years. but does not allow this to interfere with her otherwise very active existence. Last Thursday she attended a luncheon in her honour at the Granite Club given by her long time friend Miss Helena Curry. Friends attending the luncheon were: Mrs. G. A. Vicars, Mrs. En- nis Hartin, Mrs. A. M. Bowater and Mrs. J. A. Bales. Mrs. Sorley’s barents, Phillip Ross and Hannah Bales were mar- ried in St. John’s ‘Anglican Church, York Mills, on June 20th, 1847, and she is now the third centenarian in her family. An aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Balesâ€"Powell, pased the' 100 mark and an uncle, John Bales, reached 104 years. The surprise birthday party at her home was attended by Mrs. Joseph Bales, Rev. and Mrs. Eg- erton Young, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McGregor, Mr. J. H. Bales, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bales. res- idents of Richmond Hill for the past 37 years, joined many rela- tives in celebrating the birthday of Mrs. Wm. Sorley (nee Marian Ross) who- was 100 years old on Tuesday, April 7th. Fifty-six members and adher- ents were present at St. Paul’s for the congregational meeting under the chairmanship of Inter- im-Moderat‘or, Rev. Robert Man- ning of High Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Rev. Manning will present the call to Tuesday evening’s session of West Toron- to Presbytery at Bolton Presby- Members of St. Andrew’s Pres- byterian Church, Maple and St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, 7th Concessions of Vaughan Monday evening, voted to issue a call to Rev. B. F. Andrew of Hanover, and Ayton, to accept the two pul- pits open since last October. Si. Paul's and Mape Pretherian Churches Cal New Mnister 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan has constructed as a Local Improvement the paving of Thornridge Drive between the West limit of Brooke Street -to the West limit of registered plan 4061. 2. The cost of the work is $8,800.00 of which $2,217 .13 is to be paid by the Corporation. The special rate per foot frontage is $1.53. The special assess- ment is to be paid in 10 annual instalments. 4. A Court of Revision will be held on the 27th day of April, 1959, at 7 o’clock pm. in the Council Chambers at Maple for the purpose of hearing com- plaints against the proposed assessments or the ac- curacy of frontage measurements and any other com- plaint which persons interested may desire to make and which by-law is cognisable by the Court. Dated at Maple, This 7th day of April, 1959 TOWNSHEP OF VAUGHAN Ce/eérafeé 7001i. WWW Naice Wm? The estimated lifetime of the work is 10 years MRS. WILLIAM SORLEY The house was gain decorated with a profusion of flowers, cards and telegrams from literally hundreds of friends with a special place of honourbeing given to a cablegram of best wishes from Her] Majesty the Queen, and tel- egrams of congratulations from Prime Minister Diefenbaker and Mayor Nathan Phillips. and Mrs. Dalton Bales, Mr. Earl Bales, Mr. J. Bales, Mr. Douglas Bales, Mr. and Mrs. David Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Goulding, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Miss Helena Curry, Miss Betty Mur- phy. Mrs. C. P. Johns, Mrs. Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. Broderick, Mr. and Mrs. L. Willis, Miss Tan- nis Malabar, Mrs. J. B. Armour, Archdeacon McCollum of St. Johns' "ork Mills. Miss E. Mc- Cracken, Miss Sidney Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Godfrey, Mr. G. Vicars, Miss Mary Vicars, Miss Marian Bales, Mr. Graeme Bales and Mr. Allan Bales. Hostesses on this auspicious occasion were: Mrs. G. J. Vicars, Mrs. Douglas Bales, Mrs. Earl Bales, Mrs. John Bales and Mrs. Allan Bales. “The Liberal” joins with Mrs. Sorley’s many friends and rela- tives in wishing her continued good health and many' happy birthdays to come. terian Church Appearing on behalf of the call will be Mrs. J. Kingsburgh of Maple, president of the WA. and W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s, Mr. Gordon Ingram, member of the Board of Managers, Mr. Archie Cameron, Clerk of Session, and others. J. M. MCDONALD, Vaughan Township Clerk Nearly New Clothes for the entire family TU. 4-3341 67 Yonge St. North ENCORE THE LIBERAL,,Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 9, 1959 “The Friendly Store That Saves You More” E iuunuummmmm\mlmmmmmml1mumulnmmumummmnumu1lmunullu1111mml\nuu\mummnmmummnmlmmm When you come right down to it, the ‘best place to buy a used car is from a new car dealer. And when you live in a smaller town, you are in a good position to know the reputation of each dealer in the town. In a town like ours, your new car dealer HAS to live up to his reputation . . even on his used oars. In fact, many of the used cars we sell are cars that we sold new,serviced, then took in on trade. Even when you pay a little more, those ‘are the best Don Lime buys. And when we take m a car of a different make. we really'give it a going over. Do you know what we do with the used cars we are not sure of? We whole- sale them to the city lots!! So when you want a GOOD used car . . . a car you can depend on for miles and miles of economical transportation. come and see us. We’ll be glad to help you find just the right car. A Now, I’m not suggesting that you can’t buy a used car in the city. You can . . . and you can buy a good one if you know what you are buying. But to buy a car in the city. you should know quite a bit about used cars . . . ,and on some of the lots that deal in used cars only, you have to know some of the tricks that some dealers can pull to make a car look and sound better than it usually is. STOP 22 YONGE ST. Temporary TIRE AND All'l‘O SUPPLY MMI'I'ID «noun no. a Mr. Wm. Hodgson, Warden of the County of York, announces the ap- pointment of Mr. Marshall McMur- chy as Civil Defence Co-ordinator for the County. The position has been made vacant due to the resignation of Mr. John Perry, Reeve of the Township of Vaughan. Mr. Perry stated that a full time co-ordinator is required and a reappointment was made at his request. 1. L. SMITH, CLERK. COUNTY OF YORK. (between Thornhill and Richmond Hill) em}. BEFENCE APPOINTMENT COUNTY OF YORK AV. 5-1031

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