Following their wedding in King City United Church, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carl are seen about to cut the wed- ding cake at the reception held at the Four Winds restaurant. The bride is the former Carol Dorothy Busby, dau' Winners will have opportunity to Audition for T.V. Appearance Starts April 18 at the Legion Hall, King Sideroad, Oak Ridges. Contest, held during regular Saturday night dances, 8.30 pm. to 11.30 pm. ADMISSION $1.00 TO ENTER THIS CONTEST â€" YOU MUST 21 YEARS OF AGE 0R OVER â€" AND LIVE WITHIN 15 MILES OF OAK RIDGES. AM'ATEUR TALENT CONTES'! $100 IN 9RIZE§ EXTRA VALUE USED CARS S P EC I A I. Call Pr. 3-5215 or write P.O. Box 432, Oak Ridges. Canadian Legion, Branch 570, Oak Ridges (Chev.-Olds. Dealer) King City, Ont. Ph¢ 3 TO CHOOSE FROM leslie Motor Products Ltd. King City, Oak Ridges ake Wilcox “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of inter» est regarding people and event; in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone King 205M; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Ruth Mo- Fadden. Elmgrove Avenue. phone PR. 3-5567. LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday,.'Apri1 9, 1959' 1959 Chevrolets ghter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Alfred Busby of Kinghorn and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Carl of Toronto. Following a wedding trip to Florida the happy couple is now'residing in Toronto. â€"â€" Photo by Lagerquist (by Mrs. Milton Wells) On Thursday evening, April 2. friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macklin in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Folliott, who are leav- ing Tre‘mperance‘ville this week to take up residence in their new home on Connaught Ave., Aur- ora. It Is with regret we see these ï¬ne people leave our community, but wish them every happiness in their new home. Frends Bade Fareweil To Mr. 8. Mrs. A. Folliott Mr. Folliott has spent his life on the farm they have sold to Mr. Matthew Heron. Mrs. Folliott came there 43 years ago as his bride. They have been devuted In Temperanceville Community King City residents were shock- ed by the Sunday night level crossing accident in the heart of the village, which claimed the life of 17-year-old June Knight of King City and sent her 19- year-old high school classmate, PhilipTuekley of Aurora, to hos- pital with sevene injuries. 'The ï¬fth year students of Aur- ora and District High School were heading westward at the jogged intersection of Keele St. and Springhill Road, when the beige Volkswagen Philip Tuckley was driving was tossed 49 feet at the Springhill crossing by the north- bound super-c’ontinental flyer, Train 51. Fatal Car Crash Takes Young Life Of King Resident The tractor was hit by a sta- tion wagon from Timmins carry- ing seven passengers, the station wagon in turn being struck by a car attempting to pass. Thrown 79 feet by the impact, June Knight received a fractured skull, fractured right arm, mul- Mr. Finch and his 14-year-old son, Ralph, were returning from the chopping mill to their farm at the corner of the townline and the highway when Ralph started to make a right-hand turn west at the townline. church workers during these many years. During two different terms, Mrs. Folliott has acted as superintendent of the Sunday School at least 15vyears. She also ,seryed as teacher for the adult class. For many years she was organist for the church and pian-. ist for the W.A. and W.M.S. or- ganization. In September 1957, Mrs. Folliott became a life mem- ber of the Temperancevllle W.A. whenethe ï¬ftieth anniversary of the association was celebrated. Bot-h members of the church, Mr. Folliott has been on the board all through the years and has been an elder for many years. Eldon is the only member of the family who has been living at home. Station Wagon 8. Tractor In Crash Mr. Whatley Finch. of R. R. 2 King, is in York County Hospital with a broken leg following a Highway 40 collision involving his tractor and two cars. No one else was injured in the southbound three-vehicle pile-up in the fog. Collision With Flyer The evening was climaxed by the presentation of a beautifully ï¬nished step end table, a lovely grey leather hassock and a plant of potted mums to Mr. and Mrs. Folliott who were overjoyed with the gifts and kindly thoughts ex- pressed in the presentation speech given by Wilbert Jennings. Aur- ora is but a short distance away and we hope to have both Mr. and Mrs. FolIiott back with us on many occasions. Ruth is in Toronto, Mrs. Warren Barnard and her husband in Na- panee and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Folliott and their two daughters near Montreal. During the evening’s enter- tainment Wilbert Jennings show. ed his slid-es of a trip to the west coast, local scenes and various points of interest to this commun- ity. These were thoroughly enjoy- ed by all present. Miss Jean Cairnsl Funeral Tuesday] A beloved village resident and faithiul church worker, Miss Mary Jean Cairns, died early last Sat- urday morning in St. Michael's Hospital. a few days after 'she had a throat operation. 7 Rev. Edward Bragg of Aurora Presbyterian Church conducted the funeral service Tuesday af- ternoon at Aurora parlours. In her 65th year. Miss Cairns was buried in King City Cemetery. She was a life member of the Presbyterian Church W.M.S. and became a charter member when St. Andrew’s W.A.. King City, was formed early this year. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cairns of King. she is survived by her brother, Far- ren, with whom she lived in their King St. home; a sister. Mrs. Ar- thur Morning (Minetta) of Aur- ora, and numerous relatives in the district. A brother. Eldon. of 11.1.03 Angeles, Calif., predeceased era tiple face injuries 'and internal injuries. Treated at the scene by Dr. P. L. Milne of Nobleton, she never regained unconscious- ness and died in an ambulance on the way to Toronto General Hospital. Tossed 50 feet from his front- battered car, Philip Tuckley suf- fered shock, a dislocated right shoulder, broken left arm, head and face cuts. A few hours later he underwent an operation for internal injuries Monday morn- ing in Toronto General Hospital and was reported in good condi- tion despite his serious injuries. Kingcrafts members are invit- ing their friends and afterwards refreshments will be served by the smacking group. Summon-ed by a local telephone operator, Corporal Bruce Pratt and Const. Roy McDonald of Van- dorf, O.P.P., arrived a few min- utes later. While waiting for an ambulance to come from New- market, two volunteer ï¬remen; Jim Sim and Donald McCallum hurried to the ï¬re hall for the brigades stretcher. They spoke encouragineg to calm the young driver and carried him into the nearby corner house of Postmist- ress Mrs. W. F. McDonald. Later in the month, Dr. G. Ross Lord. chairman of Metro Conservation Authority, will ad- dress the April 22 open meeting at Kingcrafts House. The by-law points out. “Any dog found running at large and impounded may be sold after im~ pounding unless the dog is claim- r ' within five days and all ‘costs incurred in the impounding of the dog paid to the poundkeeper." Conservation Talk . . Signals Working Police said there was no ques- tion about whether the wig-wag signal was operating. Train en- gineer Leo Canahan of Lake- shore Road,.Mimico, told police he spotted the small car seconds before it was struck. He said the wig-wag was flashing and the train whistle blowing for the sec- ond, Keele St., crossing. Numerous complaints from dif- ferent sections of the Township prompted the move. Mr. Low began his duties April 1 and is to receive $20 a month for the use 'of his kennels in sheltering dogs rounded up, and an additional $5 for every dog claimed either by the owner or Township. Township’s Bylaw 1178 prohib- its dogs running at large and any dog found on a highway or other public place not under con- trol of any person “may be seiz- ed and impounded and may be destroyed either before or after impounding." Mr. Canahan halted the »train just north-east of the doubLe level crossing. The seven-car super- continental, carrying passengers. mail and express. was delayed an hour in its cross-country trip west. The streets were wet with lightly-falling rain as the young couple, who had been “going steady,†were on their way to a church meeting at the Kinghorn home of Mr. and Mrs. James Flucker. King Summit Farms, about 1% miles west of the vill- age. Many teen-aged friends, includ- ing fellow Guides and school chums, mourned with June’s Scottish family at the funeral service yesterday, led by Rev. Martin Jenkinson of King City United Church. Many of her ac- tivities were connected with the church. It was there she carried on Guide work. this year as a counsellor assisting the Captain, Mrs. Donald Laing. The meeting was cancelled when Hi-C Club members join- ed the gathering crowd and dis- covered one of the badly hurt ac- cident victims was June, their club president, who was due to conduct their Sunday evening fellowship session a few minutes later. Canine Confiner Dogs running at large are not. iceably scarce these days after word got around King Township Council has hired the services of Mr. Walter Law of Bradford for one month. Born in Scotland in November, 1941, June completed her Brown- ie training and was a Guide for a year in Montrose. Five years ago she joined the King Company when she came to King City with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Knight. her older brother, Tom, and younger brother and sister, Brian and Shirley. The whole family was close to- gether in their interests, the boys as Scouts. the girls as Brownies and Guides. Mrs. Knight as a Brownie Pack leader and Mr. Knight, an energetic worker in the lst King Scout Troop Group Committee. Earned Gold Cord Recently June’s friends named her president of their year-old Hi-C Club.‘ She taught Sunday School at the church. As evidence of her achieve- ments. June had the honor of receiving the Guides’ top award, the Gold Cord, which was pres- ented to her in mid-April a year ago by the Lieutenant-Governor’s wife, Mrs. J. Kefller MacKay, in Convocation HalL She was a rep- resentative to the International Girl Guide Camp at Doe Lake. The brilliant, beautiful student played on Aurora High School’s volleyball and basketball teams and was an enthusiastic memher‘ King City Notes The mothers will be making arrangements for Cookie Day May 2, for a rummage sale in Toronto May 9 and for the “Mo- ther and Daughter" banquet early in June in Aurora. Funeral The late Mr. Arthur Beynon who died at Gravenhurst, was buried in King City Cemetery f»“.owing~ the funeral service at Thompson’s parlours in Aurora. He is survived by brothers y’alt- er of Aurora a Sound. Join Kingcrafts A meeting of Guides’ and Brownies' mothers has been call- ed by Guide Commissioner Mrs. Ewart Patton for Thursday even- ing. April 16, at 8:30 in King City United Church following Brownies’ regular meeï¬ing. Mrs. Charles Leslie and 'Mrs. Neil Darrach are the newest members to join Kingcrafts. Agriculture Night . ,A_‘._ 1-1 5.3- .u‘..._- V . V .6. Farmer friends were guests of King City Lions’ Club at Tuesday night’s dinner meeting marking “Agriculture Night,†in King City United Church. ‘ __ --.u. “1 -2 The Association should have no difficulty balancing books, since Mr. Jack Barraclough. new man- ager of King City Branch, Can- adian Bank of Commerce, has consented to fill the office of treasurer for the coming year. Brownie Mothers guest éycancn, unc ytvb‘u... ~-_._c, in charge of Lions Gordon Orr, David Sutherland, “Wib†Jen- nings, Fergus Lawson and Stan- ley Kerr. ' Newest member joining' the club is Robert Walker of William St., who was sponsored'by Presi-' dent G. T. Thompson. Mr. Waik- er is managerof Kingholm Build- ,ers Supplies Ltd. r Holidays F .. WK “IEâ€"ember of Port Credit Uni- versity Women’s Club, she is on the National Unesco Commi_t_tee Tonight's meeting of the King City Home and School Associa- tion will feature an interesting panel discussion with the three school board trustees, Mr. A. J. Gordon, Mr. Gordon Tetley and Mr. Jack Whalley, participating. School Secretary Raymond Burt 1- expected to be present to an- swer any questions of parents. The new executive will be in- stalled this evening. Mr. Robert Seymour being re-elected presi- dent. LIA-nu.“ v"... v... Lion T. R. “Dick†Hilliard of the Newmarket Lions Club was guest speake‘rut‘he prggram being _.1-â€" n... HUI-“u; .. Sharon Harrison spent Easter holidays in Toronto with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. E. Beck of Kes- wick were in King City. visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. E. Harri- son. --. , Winn “Ami auu. Addressing Kingcrafts mem- bers on,’ “East-West Cultural Pro- gress,†Unesco representative Mrs. William Tucker stressed. “A craft can be a vital force in per- manent and lasting peace.†Mrs. Tucker told of the people she had met last summer when she visited Japan in a Unesco cul- tural mission. She showed sou~ venirs of her trip. illustrating both handcrafts and manufactur- ed articles, a plastic travelling case. a jewel case, head scarves used for carrying item, small car- ved ornaments, fansl lanterns. rice paper. and. different types of beautiful‘kimonos. - _ The president of Peel County Branch, Uniteg Nations’ Associa- tion. explaine the aim of such missions was “the better under- standing of other countries.†Mrs. Ronald Fraser introduced the speaker, who received her B.A. at the University of Michi- gen, and teaches oral expression and speech communications at. the University of Toronto for the School of Engineering and Facul- ty of Dentistry. For business and professional people Mrs. Tucke conducts a University Extension} During the coming week, label- led Canada Book Week, King Memorial Library will be open Monday evening from 7 to 9; Tuesday afternoon. 3 to 5: Wed- nesday 2.30 to 5.30 and from 7 to 9; Thursday evening, 7 to 9; Friday 2.30 to 5.30 and Satur- day, 3 to 5. All week lucky numbers will be given to adults. the winning one to be drawn Saturday at 4 when refreshments will be serv- ed to adults. Trustees’ Panel Carol Gellatly spént Eéstéi h’olil days in New York City. Library Open 31-; C'a‘ï¬Ã©h'ién-Asian understanding, and intends to conduct a tour of Japan shortly. .. . .1 The speaker was thanked by Mrs. A. W. McLennan. president of York Branch, U.N.A.. who had invited Mrs. Tucker to address Kingcrafts members. Refresh- ments were served by the art group. In Hospital New York Trip On a schoolgirls’ holiday. Beth gellqtly. ABeverley Barker and course Mr. Len Robb has been in Sun- nybrook HoSpital the last few days. 3 Join Session Mr. Robert Arbuckle 51:, Mr. Charles Ross and Mr. John Tan- ner are ‘the new elders of the Session Board of St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church. They will serve with the three present members, Mr. Donald McCallum, Mr. Duncan Ross and Mr; Arthur Bovair. * Montreal Visit .. Little friends of Wendy Ben- net, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bennet, were happy to see her back at school ‘and All Saints' Sunday School after stay- ing in Montreal with her grand- mother. Mrs. L. M. Bennet, most of the school year. Wendy’s mo- ther made the trip to Montreal in Easter holidays to bring her home. of the school’s Glee Club 7 iPhViiirpr'i‘uckley is the son, of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuckley of Kennedy St. W. in Aurora. The demolished car was remov- ed to Leslie Motors where num- erous onlookers stopped to ex- Three days before the fatal accident. a Newmarket weekly paper featured her as “Aprils Personality of the Month.†6f Aurorérana Alex of Parry Next meeting of ees is schedulzd night. April 13, in at eight pm. Art Sale Visitors will be welcomed by Honorary President Lady Flav- elle, Kingcrafts President Mrs. James Baxter. and the convenor of the art group. Mrs. A. E. Jar- vls, who is also one of the ex- hibitors, Paintings are by 15 members from King City and district, New- market, Richmond Hill, Gormley, Aurora and Thornhill. Curtain Club No admission will be charged for the exhibition and sale of nearly 100 canvasses Saturday, April 11, at Kingcrafts House from 11 am. to 5 pm. In the Curtain Club's presen- tation of “Kind_Lady" tonight, Friday and Saturday nights. in Richmond Hill Lions’ H1311, King The "Fun Nite" sponsored by the local Cancer Unit was trans- ferred from Mrs. H. J. Davie‘s Fourth Line house to Mrs. D. M. Findlay's on Fisher St.. Monday night. The Davie driveway was found too muddy. Mrs. E. E. Harrison and Mrs. Ian Gilchrist assisted Mrs. Findlay in arrang- ing the bingo. Trustees Meet éify residents will be able to see localite Suzanne Grew in the role of a maid and companion. n a... - ., Adrian Hood was in Montreal for Easter, staying with her grandmother, Mrs. Emmett. Annual Banquet . . a“... ....- _ ____ First King Scout Troop Group Committee is making arrange- ments for its annual "father and son",banquet to be held in Maple Community Hall on May '1. The fathers expect to have their canvassing completed this weekend for the $1,100 Objective to carry on Scouting activities for the coming year. Campingfl'l‘rip_ ‘,_ __x._.. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grew of Springhill Rd., Suzanne worked with Ottawa Little Theatre Group while she attend- ed Carleton College. Visitors 7 :. Mr. and Mrs. William Willough- by of Dennison Rd. had as visit- ors Mr. and Mrs. John Willoughâ€" by of Sundridge. Train Trip Recovery Mr. Ernest Cumming made a prompt recovery from his bout of pneumonia and is back on the job, delivering RR. 2 mail. Paper Salvage Mr. Lloyd Brown has been named publicity chairman by the First King Scout Troop group committee. Canvassers Mrs. A. C. Macnaughton and Mrs. Henry Funke are calling on 22 houses in Klngcross Estates and King Summit Farms in the current campaign for funds of King City and District Unit of Aurora Branch, Canadian Cancer Society. Raise Money van... ___r King City Scouts are keeping their fingers crossed for good weather April 25 when 15 of them hope to take an overnight camping trip, accompanied by Scoutmaster David Lyon of New- market and the assistant Scout Leader. Leaders Needed .. Five youth leaders could be placed right away, working with village and district Scouts and Cubs. An Akela, or Cubmaster, is needed to take over the work of Miss Ethel Thomas of Maple, who recently had to resign when her mother died. An assistant scoutmaster is needed. and two or three to assist Cub Packs. Euchre Party _ - I 7 .2 ‘1-.. Next Wednesday evening Suf- fragan Bishop Right Rev. G. B. Snell will receive into the Angli- can Church 14 members of All Saints’ Confirmation class. At the eight o’clock service he will also dedicate the stained glass window presented to the church by the W.A. Publicity Chairman On Saturday. April 11, Scouts and Cubs will begin their village collection of bundles of newspap- ers. magazines and books at nine nun-nu - u. v, A turnout of six tables of play- ers ended the series of three euchres sponsored by King City Fireman’s Women’s Association. Prizes were won by Mrs. Wm. Windas, Miss Jessie Gellatly, Mrs. Fred Judge, Mr. Tom Walk‘er, Mr. Charles Fagan, Mr. Bob Ber- wick and, Mrs. Tom Walker. A $13.50 profit was reported. Scout Mothers A L- LL- DUUHB “Luv-av. u The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the First King Scout Troop is invit- ing all Scout and Cub mothers to a special sewing meeting on Monday evening, April 13, at the home of Mrs. Harry Lacey, corn- er of Patton St. and Hollings- worth Dr. in Valentine Acres. The mothers are asked to bring a needle. thimble, scissors and, if; Confirmation A general meeting of the Oak Ridges Legion' Branch will, be held on Thursday. April 9th. The entertainment cornmittee are planning to hold an amateur con- test and are now auditioning for talent. Allecontestants must be over twenty-one years of age and must live within fifteen miles of Oak Ridges. A prize of one hun- dred dollars in cash will be pre- sented to the winner at the finals in June. Anyone interested in auditioning may phone PR. 3- 5215 or write to PO. Box 432 and mark the envelope Amatuer Talent Contest. A dance held at the Oak Ridges Legion Hall in aid of the Thorn- haven Retarded Children’s Fund on Saturday evening proved to be a huge success. Over three hund- red dollars was raised for the fund. The dance was sponsored by the Lions Club and Legion of Oak Ridges. Adding to the suc- cess of the dance was the many prizes offered by district busi- ness men. Theme of the dance was Hard Times and the winners of the best dressed couple were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth, the best dressed woman was Mrs. Lil Atcheson. Music was provided by George Ker-off and his Melo- daires. The guest speaker at the’ Breth- ren in Christ Church on Sunday was Miss Mary Jane Shaolts. R.N. ,She ha§§pent some time in India Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Sociab vmagg VTrurst- for _ Monday the Fire Hall Leading Aircraftman and Mrs. Charles Clubine with their child- ren, Christine and Lisa, flew from Ottawa to visit hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clubine. Tannery Hill Farm, and brothers and sisters living in Willowdale. During Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clublne of Tan- nery Hill Farm had as visitors their grandchildren. Linda Clu- bine of Willowdale and Richard and David Bates of Lindsay. New Posting Mrs. John Phillips, Mrs. Walt- er Monkman, Mrs. John 011‘, Mr. Bob Ball and Mr. “Wib†Burns received door prizes. Twenty-two tables were played and refreshâ€" ments served. LAC Clubine '13 being posted with his family to Goose Bay. La- brador, on April 16. Mrs. Fred O’Brien and Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer convened the euchre. the prizes being looked after by Mrs. Frank Buddin and Mrs. Norman Etheridge. Mrs. Don Hutchinson is home after a holiday in Ohio. She trav- elled by car and returned by plane. being met at Malton air- port by neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shlpley. Easter Vacation Following the success of their euchre in the Hall last Friday evening, members of Laskay Wo- men’s Institute decided to have another on April 17 at the same place. The mystery draw prize donat- ed by Mrs. Buddin turned out to be a large practical garbage can, won by Mr. Fred O‘Brien. Tra- velling prizes went to Mrs. Charlâ€" es Hately and Mr. “Wib†Burns. Prizes for scores were won by Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. Charles Hately, Miss Janet Buddin. Mr. Leslie Glass, Mr. Floyd Diceman and Mr. Orville Dricemaq. yuuuu- “nay... Visitors were present from Wil- lowdale, Mr. and iMrs._J9l.m.Orr u on... Canadian Girls in Training with their mothers and leaders were guests at the regular meet- ing of Laskay United Church W. MS. in the church hall. . y "A: possible, a portable sewing ma- chine, for the making of scarves for the boys and for crest aprons to be used by mothers serving dinner at the “father and son†banquet, MayA7. in Maple. Two village stores. Crawford Welis' general store and Perry's Pharmacy. were broken into and merchandise stolen March 26. About $350 'worth of clothing and electrical appliances was missing from the general store after entry was made through an upstairs window. Const. John Closs of Vandorf Detachment, O.P.P., investigated. Money and cameras were taken fror. the drug store. manager Kenneth Sutton discovered next morning. Const. Robert Hart of Vandorf investigated and found entry had been made through a side window in the Post Office building. Mr. Albert Odell of Pricevllle, a former resident, attended the euchre party with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies. lUWualc, Aux. uuu u. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reid; from Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richards, and from Aurora and Richmond Hill. Laskay W.M.S: _ “1.9. All I. n n u y . . “ . _ . . . . W V V . Mrs. Jesse Bryson presided and greeted the 60 attending. Devo- tions were in the Easter theme and Mrs. Clyde Cairns read the Scriptures. Rev, Martin Jenkin- son led in prayer. Mrs. Jenkin- son announced the Youth Rally in Newmarket United Church this week and the W.M.S. and W. A. Spring Rally at Stouffville later in April. Mr. Laurence Scott showed a colored film, “Found a New World." explaining mission work t young people. The C.G.I.T. had a sing-song. before the social halfâ€"hour. Recovered New crests have been purchas- ed for the scarves and are being given to the boys at regular Scout and Cub meetings. Stores Robbed The general store has been robbed several times. Thieves who entered the Keele St. build- ing through an upstairs windmv and stole clothing and goods last October were not apprehended. Ohlo Holiday llnvvvv Vlvâ€" Miss Marjorie McMurchy was able to have the cast removed after breaking a shoulder bone in a fall on ice in Aurora a few weeks ago. ‘ Visitors v noun:- u Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacMurchy of the Sixth Concession Line, Strange. were Miss Hazel Cumming of Montreal and Mrs. MacMurchy’s son, Perry Teale of Halifax. as a missionary and gave an in- teresting talk op conflitiolls there. an“ Canvassers for the Canadian Cancer Society will begin their campaign in the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox district with a door to door blitz on Saturday, April 11th. Mrs. Alex Gallacher and Mrs. Jack Blyth are busy organ~ izing the campaign in this area with Mr. Jack Blyth in charge. Thirty-three canvassers will try to top the five hundred dollars they raised last year for the So- ciety. The campaign raises money for the Aurora Cancer Society and district unit which includes King City, Oak Ridges. Lake Wil- cox. Newmarket, Schomberg, Kes- wick, Sutton and Pefferlaw. The unit provides year round drivers to take patients from the area to the cancer clinic at. Princess Mar- garet Hospital. A mission and religious week will be held at St. Paul's United Church beginning April 26th to May 2nd. The guest speaker will be Rev. Doug Sloan, minister of the Maple Grove United Church in Oakvilie. Theme for the talks will be The Christian Way. A committee was formed to organ- ie the mission and are as follows: prayer, Mrs. Alex Gallacher; pub- licity, Danny Geary, Bonnie Mc- Catchen; music, Mrs. K. Farqu- harson; treasurer. Lloyd Red- fem; secretary, Mrs. Helen Lning. The chairman is Mr. Jack Blytht Laskay Socials