Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1959, p. 7

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Raglan Hairdressing Studio Congratulations to Barbara Bain, Mill St., and Joanne Roy. Baker Avenue. on receiving their gold cords. the highest award given in the Girl Guide move- ment. It is awarded for all round efficiency with special emphasis or. service to the community. The girls received their awards from Mrs. J. Keiller MacKay who is the Honorary President of the Ontario Council. Girl Guide As- sociation, at Convocation Hall last Thursday. April 2nd. Attend- ing from Richmond Hill were the girls' parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bain. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roy. Mrs. Norman Glass, Gerald Roy. Mrs. George Johnson. Miss Ruth John- son, Division Commissioner H. D. G. Currie and District Commis- sioner H. Yerex. Mr. Jack Hollowel], Oxford St.. building inspector for Richmond Hill. is attending a three day Building Officials Conference in Vancouver. Two debutantes were discussing a mutual friend at the country club ball, when one said: “Sylvia is one of those sweet. shy, unassum- ing girls.” Second Deb.: “Yes. I know. a real phony." H’mm â€" tlia second Deb‘s claws are showing. And you know some- thing? Your clothes are showing, too. whenever you meet your pub- lic. If you don‘t always feel as well-groomed as you'd like to . . . then start sending your clothing to us for faultless dry cleaning care. Expert dry cleaning does make a difference! SPRING FAIR 25 Lorne Ave.. Richmond Hill TU. 4.1342 Permanents from $7.50 I98 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill you under-insured 40 .LEVENDALE RD., RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-5621 Make sure your fire in- surance is in line with today's rising property values. Play safe . . . you won’t be sorry! (‘nll us soon. W. J. HAGGART Insu ran ce A gent Richmond Hill . . Including" Cut, Shampoo and Fingerwaving Ge! a HEAD START GALBRAI'I‘H JEWELLERS REPAIRS FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE EXPERT WATCH ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED TU. 4-2277 For Spring At ST. 8-5361 Residence "The Liberal” is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to 'I‘L’rner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news report: about church organizations. women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- ropted up to Wednesday of each week. it I: desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure lb publication. =SHIRT seam Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Seymour. Hillsview Drive, are celebrating their first wedding anniversary on April 12th. Mrs. Seymour was formerly Mrs. Thompson and is well known as the foremost nutria breeder in Canada. Mr. Francis Redelmeier. Don IIead Farms, was a guest on the T.V. programme “Country Cal- endar” last Sunday when they presnted a feature on the Agri- cultural Institue of Canada. which is a professional body of grad- uates with a degree course from the Agricultural College who are r- :king their careers in agricul- tural science. Mr. W. M. Cock- burn. the agricultural represent- ative of York County was also a member of the panel. which dis- cussed many items of interest pertaining to educators and men in industry. Mr. and Mrs. S. Shadoff. Mr. and Mrs. R. Owen, Miss Shirley McEntee, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones, Aurora. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Maxwell. Kerrybrook Drive following the Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club Carni- va . Mn and Mrs. W. Malone and their children Linda and Johnnie, formerly of Kerrybrook Drive and now residing at Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kirkpatrick, Kerry- brook Drive. The Green Ream party follow- ing the final curtain of “Kind Lady." the Curtain Club’s spring production, is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. H, Redelmeier, Bathurst St. Mr. J. Stalilerass is at present in Toronto General' Hospital where he is progressing very sat- isfactorly following eye surgery. “The Liberal" joins with his many friends in wishing him a speedy recovery and hope to see him home again very shortly. An open invitation to attend lhe April meeting of the York Central District High School Board is extended for next'Mon- day evening, April 13, when the board, under Chairman Harry Sayers. will meet at, the Rich- mond Hill High School. During a recent visit to the “Sun Coast" of Florida, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lamb, 19 Church St. North. enjoyed seeing Sarasota Jungle Gardens. The visitors mingled with flamingos and other exotic Wildfowl roaming uncaged amid some of Florida’s finest scenery. During their trip the visitors walked through jungle trails bordered by huge Royal Palms, saw hundreds of different tropical plants, and watched bees actually make honey. The next lst Beverley Acres L .dies Auxiliary meeting will be held on Monday, April 13, in the school at 8.30 pm. The pen- ny auction to help raise money to send a Queen’s Scout to the world jamboree will take place then. We hope as many as possible will attend. For any in- formation, please call Mrs. C. Lister, at TU. 4-1444. Returning from a vacation in Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco are Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Wilson, Church St. A!- ter enjoying 10 days in Phoenix, Arizona. where they stayed with Mrs. Wilson’s sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tarbox, wit- nessing the very colourful rodeo parade. they spent a few days in Los Angeles before going to San Diego visiting with Mr, and Mrs. A. Pearce formerly of Richmond Hill. They then completed their vacation with a quick visit to San Francisco before their return trip home. The Friendship Bowling League had a birthday party for one of their most beloved bowlers, Mrs. Maude Benjamin, on Tuesday at the ABC. Alleys. “Maudie” was celebrating her 70th birthday. Ethel Carlisle had baked a lovely birthday cake f0" the occasion. PHIL. EARTH ‘Hfinllflllflfimll illllfilfl TUmu, 4-4“ I The regular monthly meeting of the 3rd Richmond Hill Ladies Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Dearling, Paliser Crescent. on Monday, Aprf‘ 6th. The meet- ing opened iwth the “Mothers’ Promise.” followed by the readâ€" ing of the minutes. Plans were started for the garden party to be held in June. At the close of the meeting. a social hour follow- ed, followed by a guessing game which was won by Mrs. J. Lay. The serving of refreshments end- ed the pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gil Clubine spent the Easter weekend in Powassan and North Bay. Travelling by car, they were accompanied by Mr. Wilfred MacCharles on the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. William McDougâ€" all of Wright Street, accompanied by their daughters Heather and Rebecca travelled by car to De- troit, Michigan, and to London and .Windsor visiting relatives and friends during an enjoyable holiday week. A very enjoyable and educa- tional outing was provided for the 4th Richmond Hill Cub Pack on April lst through the courtesy of Mr. Arnott of the Coca Cola Company who sent a chartered Gray Coach to convey the group to Toronto and back home to Richmond Hill. The boys were ac- companied by their Akela Mrs. Joan Deschamps. Bagheera Mrs. Emily Glover. Mrs. Freda Mc- Vean, Mrs. Marjorie Weeks. and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Dunn. 47 in all. On arrival at the plant at Turnberry Avenue. the party wer treated to king size beverage. then shown a film which depicted the original soda fountain. and steps of progression through to the present, methods of producâ€" tion. Following a tour of the plant. the group were entertain- ed by the showing of an excel- lent film of the Scout Jamboree in England. A very happy group of boys left the plant. each with a gift of a ruler. book cover. and miniature Coke bottle. and board- ed the coach for home. At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Sunday. April 15. Col- leen Elizabeth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Orr, Richmond Hill, and Donald Cormack. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Ross. also of Richmond Hill received the Sac- rament of Baptism. New Testa- mznts were also presented to the children from the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrington of Richmond Hill were the god- parents for Colleen Elizabeth Orr. The Couples Club. Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. held their monthly meeting in the form of 3 ‘Bowling Night.t’ Top honours went to Bev and Jim Anderson. Business meeting and refreshments followed in the new hall. The next meeting of the club is scheduled for April 25th, 8.00 pm. Mr. Morley Hall and Mr. War- ren Hall are receiving hearty congratulations this weekend on the opening of Richmond Hill’s newest and most modern shop- ping centre. Mr. Peter Purvis spent the Eas- ter vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purvis. Bridge- At their meeting on Monday night. April 6th. of the 4th Rich- mond Hill Cub Pack, Simon Lunn received his 2nd star. and Doug- las Acomb his lst star. This is the only yearly public appeal made by the Guide move- ment and the proceeds of sales benefit each Guide Company and Brownie Pack enabling them to carry on their work. port St Mrs. A. Chapman and Mrs. Charlie Graham are leaving" Friâ€" day morning for a short holiday in Buffalo and Rochester. The Women’s Association of the Richmond H ill Presbyterian Church held their regular meetâ€" ing on Monday night. Final plans for the Spring Luncheon, April 22, were made. The speaker will be Mrs. Elsa Jenkins. Tickets can be had from Mrs. Tyson at TU. 4- 2432 or any members. There will also be a spring luncheon on May 14 at 12 o‘clock. Barbara Sclu‘ader 15 and Cher- yl Schrader 14, daughters of Mrs. Eileen Schrader, Centre St. W.. are in York County Hospital in a sex-ion: condi"0n i'ollou'im,T a car accident on Yonge St. near Aurora Sunday evening. Several others received injuries in the accident when two cars were in- volved. The Guides and Brownies of the East and West Division of Richmond Hill are eagerly sol~ iciting orders for their annual cookie day. Cookies ordered will be delivered on Saturday, May 9th. When you watch a Guide com- pany solemnly present their col- ours at a church sern‘ce or a Brownie pack sweetly singing. you will know that here is a movement which is a wonderful character-builder for Canadian girls and worthy of the encour- agement of public-spirited people. Support cookie day! Mrs. Irene Thatcher. stafl‘ mem- ber of the Richmond Hill Lil)- rary, has now returned home af- ter a two weeks‘ visit to London. England. Immediately on receipt of a cable message, Mrs. That- cher flew by TCA to London shortly before her mother passâ€" ed away. This visit is the first in six years. since Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher. Michael and Wendy ar- rived in Canada. Guide Notes R. H. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Saturday, April 18th LIONS COMMUNITY HALL 2.30 -9.p.m- Admission Free - All Welcome The Jaycettes of Richmond Hill held their regular dinner meet- ing on April lst at the Summit View Restaurant. Pronounce- ment of grace and toast to the Queen was offered by President Mary Williams. After the chick- en dinner was enjoyed by the group, the guest speaker for the evening, Mr. F. C. Israel. chief librarian of the Richmond Hill Public Library. was introduced by Jaycette Shir 3y Frater. Mr. Israel spoke on the functioning of the library, and also showed the architect‘s drawing of the new library on Wright Street. Fol- lowing the informative question “,741 Miss Harriet Sargeant of Rich- mond Street. accompanied by Miss Loreen Catania of Toronto have returned home following an eventful Week's holiday trip “mum of the border". Driving “south of the border". Driving her small car. Miss Sargeant travelled over 1.300 miles down through the state of New York. to Hartford. Connecticut - stay- ing with her aunt. Mrs. Mary Hill. Mrs. Hill is a member of the teaching staff. American School of the Deaf. Hartford, and. util- izing British technique that she has practised for many years in England. now has many success- ful pupils. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ellins. for- mer residents of Richmond Hill. visited friends during the Easter week end. Mr. Ellins is a branch manager, Bank of Nova Scotia. London, Ontario. ' During the bJSiDESS meeting that followed. Jaycette Barbara Pfenning presented a report on t'ie success of the food basket. A period of discussion on forth- coming projects followed, the next being the operating of a booth at the Richmond Hill Fair. and answer period. Jaycette Caro] Burgess thanked the speaker on behalf of the Jaycettes for his most interesting talk. JONES â€"- Bob and Melva are happy to announce the arrival of Catherine Elaine, a sister for Stephen and Marilyn. on March 28, at Newmarket Hos- pital. clw41 MULLIS ~â€" To Glenn and Mar- garet., the gift of a daughter. Lee Anne. on March 30, 1959. Mother and baby both doing well. >i=1w41 Through the co-operation of Endean Nurseries, the local pol- ice boys’ band will be selling fertilizer throughout town this Saturday. Police Chief R. P. Rob- bins is chairman of the band. DOWDALL â€"- John and Sheila (nee Hoover) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter at Bi‘anson Hospital, April 4. 1959. Weight 8 lbs. 8 oz. St. Mary's Anglican Church was the scene of the marriage of Carol Ann Hull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hull, of Rich- mond Hill, to Stephen Banning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ban- ning, of Port Credit. The Rev. J. F. O’Neil conducted the quiet double ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a'white lace and net over taffeta, ballerina length gown, shoulder length veil with a pearl tiara and carried a bouquet of red roses and white lily petals and hyacinths. The maid of honour was Miss Gloria Simmons who wore a blue lace dress with matching hat. and car- Eligceeds from the sale will be used for the work of the band. HARBOR. David â€" At Whtiby, l‘Ionday, March 30. 1959. Dav- id Harbor of 31 Colborne St.. Thornhill, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane Harbor. Rested at the Wright and Tay- lor funeral home. Richmond Hill. Funeral Thursday to St. Luke’s Roman Catholic church Thornhill. Temporary entomb- ment Stouffville cemetery vault". c1w41 STUNDEN. Olive Victoria â€"-£ At her home. 'l‘hornhill, Wednes- day, April 1, 1959( Olive Vic- toria Hobson. beloved wife of Albert Stunden, formerly of Barrie. dear mother of Clar- ence: Mrs. A. Bentley (Annie): Harold: Mrs. E. Judd (Irene); Clifford; Mrs. W. Martin (May); Jack; Mrs. G. Jackson (Blanche): Mrs. G. Williams (Jeanl: Mrs. G. Peters (Helen); and the late William, in her 75th year. Rested at the Wright and Taylor funeral home. Ric’h- mond Hill. Service in Thornhill Presbyterian church. Inter- ment in Thornhill cemel‘rV. LLOYD â€" In loving nwmx'y a dear husbcnzl and i'sth Clifiord Lloyd, who passed : ay April 9, 1953. To one we will never forget. His absence to us is a sorrow His loss we will always reg: Till memory fades and life i pal-ts You live l‘o:‘:'r.‘e:' in our hen â€" Lovineg renumbered his wife Barbara and family Carol A. Hull Bride Of S. A. Banning, Port Credit In memuri Beatljfi ifiirths »n d fnther, passed aw- 3.1315 c1w41 Cl\\'41 (le- Public welfare services. said Miss Tauzel, are relatively deâ€" creasing at municipal levels as they are increasing at the prov- incial and federal levels. and she felt that all she could do at one meeting was touch upon those ser- vices most called upon. Miss Bessie Touzel. executive director of the Ontario Welfare Council and well-known besides for her study of Peel County in 1954. felt that as so much of Ontario is new communities at this time that Richmond Hill can add to our understanding of community development. Family Allowances are admin- istered federally. They have been recommended by social planners all over the world. being one way in which money can be shifted to families at a time when‘ their expenses are high. (Mr. Fred Jackson, direc- tor of the Family Allowances. On- tario region. commented that mo- thers lose $10,000 a month in Ontario because applications are not sent in.) Mrs. Grace Jackson in her introductory remarks said that at the first public welfare meeting in January some lacks in our community service had been discovered: the lack of visiting home-makers; the lack of family case- workers at an early stage; and the lack of a mental health clinic for advisory assistance and treatment. A comprehensive discussion of health and welfare agencies serving the Richmond Hill area, both public and private was made most interesting by the speakers at provincial and federal levels at last Tuesday’s meeting in Wrixon Hall. The reception was held at the bride’s home. The bride’s mother received, wearing a dress of pow- der blue silk and a flowered hat. The grooms’ mother was attired in a dress of pink jersey. Out- of-town guests were from King- ston. Kitchener, Montreal and Toronto. For travelling the bride chose a light blue suit, with navy and white accessories. On their re- turn Mr. and Mm. S. Banning will reside in Kingston, Ontario, where Mr. Banning is stationed with the army, R.C.E.M.E. School. Hear Welfare Council Speaker Secondly, Old Age Security rea- ches substantially the whole com- munity; ‘the employment service is exceedingly important to the welfare field: the unemployment insurance as an important in- come-stabilizing program. Hospit- al service cover over 90 per cent of the . Population: through the Department of Immigration there are field services. The Depart- ment of Veterans’ Afl'airs admin- isters pensions and a program of allowances in case of need or dis- ability. The federal government also contributes to housing and to slum clearance. The provincial government gives old age assistance, aid to disabled persons over 18 eligible for financial aid, to blind persons over 18 after means test investi- gation. The province administers the Needy Mothers and Depend- ent Children‘s Allowances (orig- inally to meet the need of wid- ows . . . this allowance also pro- vides assistance for foster par- ents especially in cases where they are relatives. Rehabilitation services (train- ing . . . tools, etc.) tends to be limited to improve the patient’s ability to make a living; being made well for the. sake of being well is not envisaged in the pro- gram. lirger provisions of provincial and federal. There is the grouping together by county for a pro- gram for children, for homes for the aged. Municipalities also as- sume some responsibility for hos- pitalization, home-maker service is being implemented generally, day nurseries and housing for the aged. Miss Touzel pointed out that it is extremely difficluit to make the best use of these many aids and services because of their great variety. Only 30 out of a tinusand municipalities in Ont- ario are large enough to have a full-time administrator. In addi- tion there is such a wide range of private services that it is hard to know what assistance can be ob- tained in scores of cases. Discuss Health 8. Welfare Service In Richmond Hill At the municipal level there are statutory and non-statutory aids. In the first category is ‘general assistance” or relief that meets needs not covered in the Non-statutory aids at the mun- icipal level include grants, such as that to the V:O.N.; dayâ€"care for children overtschool age, a housing registry. In Richmond Hill it was point- ed out there is. no welfare com- mittee such as many municipalit- ies have and therefore no elected member of the council to whom welfare is of specific interest. Speaking from the floor, the president of one of the local ser- vice c‘ubs said he felt the service clr“s get as many calls as any- ore . . . people seem to turn to t'ze service clubs before going to the municipality. Mr. F. Jackson said that a billion and a quarter dollars had been paid out by the federal government last year for welfare and it was “quite wrong for the service clubs to have to take the load." ried a nosegay of sweetheart ros- es. Mr. Thomas Keaton of King- ston was the best man. Mr. Harold Sanderson, presi- dent of the Lions Club, said that the local service clubs consult one another before giving assist- ance, and that the doctors seem to know of many agencies. He fe't that “our own service clubs would be willing to act on some sort of a council that would work as a sort of clearing house." Mrs. Malcolm Thomson quest- ioned whether a local United Ap- peal would help eliminate so many tag days. or whether Rich- mond Hill should go in with Met- ropolitan Toronto. Miss Touzel pointed out that a community fund ‘won’t take tag days off the street.” She said she was not keen on an extension of territory beyond what is in a real way a community. That it was difficult to say without a study how to remedy the situation, but would have “very grave doubts that we’d be doing the best for Rich- mond Hill by tying it onto Toron- to.” She suggested that the town work out an understanding with Toronto. Mr. Sanderson said that of 5.000 male workers in Richmond Hill it has been estimated that 4.000 work in Toronto. STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Electrician Mr. W. H. Bury, director of child welfare services for On- tario was “quite sure the Toron- to Chest will do all it can to re- sist the development of a chest in Richmond Hill." “How do we spread informa- tion as to public services avail- HAULED ANYWHERE, "I ‘ ANYTIME FRESH WATER Phone TUrner 4-2881 Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-2728 RICH HILL MOTORS LTD. Yonge Street Just South of Richmond Hill 'AV. 5-4351 TU. 4-2864 58 Buick Automatic, radio 57 Dodge Custom Royal 57 Olds Super 88 equipped 57 Dodge Station Wagon 57 Meteor Rideau, radio 55 Plymouth V8 Belvedere 55 Meteor customline 55 Ford Fairlane 53 Cadillac 52 Plymouth Stat. Wagon 52 Olds Hardtop equipped 51 Buick 4 Door automatic Like New 57 Morris Minor The Hon‘ne of Trouble Free Used Cars, New Pontiac, Buick and Vauxhall CARS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 9, 1959 Following the open discussion period, refreshments were served by St. Mary's Women’s Auxiliary. Miss Touzel as the main speaker was thanked by Miss Ruth Johnâ€" son, who also expressed the ap- preciation of the meeting for the contribution by Mrs. Grace Jackâ€" son of the discussion and to Mr. W. H. Bury and Mr. Fred Jack-- son ‘who made up the panel. Besides members from the ser- vice culbs. there were represent- atives from Cancer Society, the Red Cross, the Y.M.C.A., the rec- reation committee. the Catholic Women’s League, the public health unit, the V.O.N.. the Chil- dren‘s Aid Society (York Coun- ty), the Canadian Mental Health Associations, the home and school associations, the senior citizens‘ club. able?" Miss Touzel felt that one of the main block is the part time officer whose main work is something else. It would be more helpful to have full-time officers operating on a wide en- ough territory to warrant their being full-time. Secondly. sub- ject conferences or special-area conferences where pieces of this broad field can be understood would help people understand better. MMMM‘MN Ammmmuummmuuuuuumuuuuunuununmumm\Im\m\mumumuuu“uunnumummumummu““ummnlmunmmuu For pick-up of rummage, phone either TU. 4-2617 or TU. 4-2688 r MIMWI l Down Payments and Easy Terms I‘D-0-0-"- -u- - .0“ .0- .a-o-o.o.n-o.0m 0.--..o-DC4- :. >- 1. .0.... as thanked by Miss Ruth Johnâ€" Mr. ad Mrs, Bert Knowles of )n, who also expressed the ap- Concord wish to announce the reciation of the meeting for the engagement of their daughter, )ntribution by Mrs. Grace Jack- Patricia Anne to Mr. John Ash. )n of the discussion and to Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash 7. H. Bury and Mr. Fred Jack» of Concord. The marriage will )n Who made up the panel. take place early in May. ‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllll"llll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi 56 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Ist Richmond Hill Scout Mothers’ .4 ux. IN THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT 1 O’CLOCK TURNER TAXI Rummage Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Centre Street THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 9th - 10th - 11th APRIL . Get your tickets NOW. Phone TU. 4-1207 Under New Management TU. 4 - 1160 The Curtain Club Presentation of formerly Village Taxi LIONS HALL Hardtop 53 Ford 4 Door 53 Plymouth 5‘2 Pontiac Automatic 52 Cadillac equipped 48 Ford 55 Chev. 2 Door 54 Studebaker 4 Door 54 Chev. Belair 53 Pontiac 2 Door 53 Chev. 4 Door 53 Hillman Convertible 53 Pontiac Laurentian A suspense play in 3 acts in the DON’T MISS KIND LADY CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Hy Lauson wish to extend their sin- cere thanks to all for the sym- pathy. floral tributes and mass offerings during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Father McGinn. Father Breen, Catholic Women‘s League, Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, and Camston Ltd., Toronto. CARD 0!“ THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks for the many messages and sympathy and floral tributes from our friends and neighbours in the loss of our mother. Special thanks to the Rev. Chambers. Mrs. Woolley and the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home. Albert Stunden and family. c1w41 {Engagementg 1\\‘41

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