Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1959, p. 8

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rfiifénd Mrs. Campbell moved to Barrie on Wednesday of last Week. A review of activities of the Edgeley Women's Institute at their annual meeting Indicates that the 1958-59 seascm was a busy and successful year for the organization. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. James Spencer, Maple. Besides sponsoring a 4-H Home- r ‘klng Club and a course in mi]- linery. the organization support- ed a booth at Woodbrldge Fair Mr. and Mrs. Burns entertain- ed at a birthday supper party on March 27 in honor of their son Boss. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Burns and Patti spent the Easter holiday Weekend with Mrs. Bums' sister. Ma‘s. Jack Todd and Mr. Todd of Ottawa. Her many friends will be glad to know that Mrs. A. Tomliow is convalesclng at home and is stea- dlly improving in health follow- ins: surgery recently in Toronto. Socials Miss Joanne Howden celebrat- ed her birthday April 2. Mrs. J. W. Dalzlel celebrates her birth- dty April 8 and her husband will be observing his birthday on Ap- ril 10. Many happy returns of the day to yqu g1]. Under campaign chairman Mr. J. M. McDonald, cards have been mailed to each householder glv- ing the 113‘ of the canvasser who wlll call during the early part of April. Each canvasser will have literature for you, explain- ing the work of the Canydlan -_,, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burns. Donâ€" nIe, Margaret and Miss Maria Bertetto of Detroit. Michigan, spent the Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Burns. Cancer Society. Please welcome your canvasser and take this op- portunity to learn of the work being done by your local branch afid the help that is available to n . Bridal Showers. Trousselu Tea And The Wedding 7 Marle Field and her groom. Ted Harding are busily preparing for the Big Day April 18. Marie was feted at. a community show- or held at the hall where she re- when the local 4-H Club girIs pn-anged a display of one of their ‘rojects. “Clothes Closets Up 0 Date.’ Also a booth at the P‘oneer Festival where the Edge- ley W.I. sold apple pie, cheese and cider. Each member worked during the year to earn “Talent Money" -â€"and some made diapers and gox_v_ns for_ the Unitarian Service. They also catered for the On- tario Guernsey Breeders' Sale at Fralcrdale Farms and sent “Sun- shine Baskets" to members who were hospitalized and flowers and fruit to shut-ins in the commun- ity'tt Christmas time. They also sup orted such local historical to cats as the Doan House at haron and aided the York Music Festival and the Hospital for Sick Children with financial c1 imbutipns._ _. . .uu They also kept the First Aid kit!!! Edgeley Public School re- plenished and as a part of their meeting programs during the year the members arranged many interesting talks. papers and pro- ject! which were educational, and of great help to the members in enriching their lives. ' Mrsflt’oauvlfléfiider conducted the election of pfficersrwho are:â€" Hon. President Mrs. J. W. Dal- uel: Past President Mrs. A. W.. Cook; president, Mrs. R. J. Dar- !ington: lst vice-president. Mrs W. Maginn; 2nd vice-presiéenf Mrs. F. Bodker;secretaryâ€"treasur- er. Mrs. A. W. Cook: assistant secretaryâ€"treasurer. Mrs. G. Kefâ€" let: directors: Mrs. Charles Sum- merfeldt, Mrs. James Spencer; district director. Mrs. W. Maginn: alternate district director. Mrs. F. Bodker; pianist. Mrs. Alf. Bagg: assistant pianist. Mrs. Roy Ket- (er; representative to Map‘lc Can- cer Society Branch. Mrs. C. H. Boake: work committee: Mrs. Bert Peeiar, Mrs. F. Locke. Standing Committees â€"- Agri- culture and Canadian indwtries: Mrs. R. Keffer. convevor; Mrs. A. W. Cook: Mrs. G. Heifer. Historical rent Events venor: Mrs. Spencer. r'-..--,. Home Economics and Health: Mrs. A. Aitcheson. convenor: Mrs F. Locke: Mrs. C.”Srumm>erfe1qt. Citizenship and Education: Mrs. C. Boake. convenor; Mrs. W. Ma- ginn: Mrs. Charles Agnew. Resolutions: Mrs. E. Phillips. Public Relations representative. Mrs. R. Stuart. Maple, Concord & Edi ’Audltors, Mrs. P. Snider. Mrs Roy Keffer. 7 Mrs. Charles Snider has been invited to be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Edgeley Wo- men's Association on April 16 at the. home of Mrs. Charles Sum- merfeldt. Woodbridge. Mrs. Summerfeldt will convene the meeting and Mrs. A11 Bagg and Mrs. Fred Hendry will be the social committee. We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ready cash. Photo Co~op Listings. 15? and 2nd Mortgages Arranged Johnny longo Real Estate Ltd. THE LIBERAL, Richmond'Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 9, 1959 Property Wanted Edgeley Notes 3! Yonge St. N. â€" Northern Building Phone AV 5-5301 or Mr. Steflan. TU. 4-3349. RiChmond Hm Research and Cur- Mrs. G. Mains. con- A. Avery; Mrs. J. Maple Notes “The Liberal” is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and event. contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edzeiey districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. Maple 223W: in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keflor, AV. 5-2375: and n; Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stunt. AV. 5-1934. Mrs. Julie Wismer gave a birth- day party {or her sister Warns Hewitt. who. with daughter Gail, is visiting with Julie from Van- couver. The Ken Kerrigans en- Joyed having Marg's sister, Mrs. Doreen Smith. and family. from Montreal over Easter. Although Mrs. Muriel Rose 15 not feeling too ambitious yet, her neighbours and friends are glad to have her home after her re- cent stay at North Western Hos- pital. She would like to sincerely thank her friends for all the cards. flowers and well wishes she received â€" with a special thanks to daughters Barbara and Lynda who “keptrhouse,” _ Mr. and Mrs. Blair Gamble of Hamilton brought their son Douglas over to spend the holi- days with Peter Shore. The hour and three quarters standing wait for the "Shaggy Dog" turned out to be worth it â€" they said! Also spied Pete and Tom White and John Darker with Mary Lou and Earl. Greg and Steve Shore saw the Lockhart boys _there too. The bride’s friends are all in- vited to a trousseau tea at the apartment at 117 Whitburn Cres.. Apt. 110. Downsvlew. on Satur- day, April 11. from 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 pm. This will be the couple's home after the wedding and we send along our best wishes. We hear her nephew Claude Holmes is quite an avid Liberal reader! Bowling Banquet Our junior members of the Community Bowling League will be out in force Saturday. April 11, for their annual banquet â€"â€" thanks to the Maple Lions' Club. We hear there’s to be turkey, al- so pop and ice cream so it should average 300 â€"- with all “strikes” to: everyone. The Community and School club is catering for this one at “Bowling Headquart- ers.” The teams and names of the champs will be listed as soon as known. Neighbourhood News Wi‘amrfly all pleésed to have Mrs. Maas home from Branson Hospit- a]. Welcome Back ceived many beautiful and use- ful gifts from her friends of Maple. Hostesses were Florence Strahan, Norma Baker. Doris Cooper, Jean La Riviera, Julie Wismer and Pat Johnson. Also a shower from the girls at work (P.S.I.) was given for Marie and another at her cousin's in To- ronto. v ---r-_ .--.. Allan and Pat Burns are in To~ rOnto from Montreal. attending the Restaurant Convention. While Allan looks after business. your reporter will try and look after Pat â€"- you know.â€"â€" show her our .SUBWAY! We were neighbours _and worked together on our com- ‘munity paper. “The Benny Farm- er." in Montreal. Sympathy .. _The many varied community groups and 'her friends welcome home Mrs. Muriel Weir from a month in Florida â€" but the big- gest welcome came. no doubt, from her family. Tim. Michael, Eric, and hubby Bill. Muriel has not as 'yet learned to say ‘no’ when asked at any time to help out on any project or act as chau~ ffeur for endless pickups and/or deliveries. Hope you are Well rested!â€"-we've been waiting for out on any project or act as chau- ffeur for endless pickups and/or deliveries. Hope you are Well restedlâ€"we’ve been waiting for you. . Our I.G.A. McCowans enjoyed a beautiful stay on a plantation in Jamaica. Mrs. Helen McGow- an hosted a bridge party last week where the girls were fascin- ated with her many‘ intriguing baskets. all shapes and sizes. she had brought back with her. Quite a collection. Holidaying Councillor Ralph said he was of the opinion the hall was a town- ship activity and that a grant should be made to cover the in- surance. Clerk McDonald said he didn‘t think the township owned the hall and that they would be starting a precedent it they paid a grant. a. Councillor Anstey said, "I can‘t see that we own it. We are holding it in trust {or the people and it is up to the people to look after it. It was built by the peop- le in that area.” Mrs. Ed Kyle is returning a visit paid recently by her son. Dr. Keith Kyle of Lively, Ontario â€" near Sudbury. Ladies’ Nighhâ€"Lions’ Club "£361 ‘1-lwzfivdon't forget ladies! Tonight someone else cooks the dinner. Boy Scouts The Leaping Wolf Recognition Ceremony will be held Friday, April 17, at the Thornhill High School. Co-Reporterl! We wish to extend bur deepest sympathy to Mrs. Hy Lauson, and family, who recently lost ‘her husbwd. ""8. Y euton teac'nPs grade 2 at George Bailey Public Remember your Cancer can- vasser will be a neighbour of yours â€" so be prepared, have your contribution ready and thus avoid unnecessary call backs. First Edition This pleasant task of reporting Maple News for you, was taken on just acouple of days before the deadline when all news copy should be mailed in. Therefore. if an important item has been left out of this edition. please bear with us and we will see it in next issue. Do let us know when anything of interest takes place â€"- or is about to take place around our town. Come on you younger fr; â€" this is your paper too. so tell us about your parties. hobbies. pets â€" whatever you've had fun doing. grade 2 at ( School. . A Reminder wrid‘fiéflkérl’é'te for typing this first effort for me.) Nearly 100 girls and boys at- tended wlth their leaders and en- joyed seeing a film on "The Mil- ky Way,” which is the current project of the 4-H Homemaking Club girls, and a film on “Sale- icy-u There are many talented girls and boys in these clubs. and a few of them contributed most generously to the entertainment which made the evening a most enjoyable one. viii-ski Donna Graham of the Vellore 4-H Club sang a 3010 while her mother accompanied To prevent the subdividing of small, long parcels of land â€" where a contractor buys a farm, cuts it up into 10 acre parcels with minimum frontage, thus creating small, long lots -â€" Vaughan Township may endeavour to Create a new lay-law stating, through Clerk James McDonald‘s suggestion, “It will be prohibitive to sell 10 to 25 acre lots without the approval of the township planning board first.” In this way these unsightly lots will be tied up. This by- law, if brought into being, would not affect lots already subdivided in this way. A, a A , 7 A A A The Vaughan Federation of Ag- riculture invited the 4-H Home- making Clubs of Purpleville, South Vaughan, Edgeley and the Woodbridge 4-H Calf Club to join them at the Vellore Town- ship hall on Wednesday, April 1 to view two films and enjoy a social evening. Will Tie Up Small Lots PI. Bd. To Approve-Perry Reeve Perry’s statement that it would apply through- out ‘the township and that no lot would then be sold with- out the permission of the township planning board caused Councillor Bruce Ralph to remark, “We have certain sta- tutory laws we cannot rescind." Richvale Community Hall [“just three years ahead of Mark- On hearing that there was no insurance on the Richvale Com- munity Hall. covering it in the event- 01 fire, because there was no Money in the committee’s funds to pay for such expense. Reeve Perry suggested the mat ter be turned over to the commit- tee members, which include Councillors Anstey and Ralph, to find a solution. Councillor Jesse Bryson said, “I think that’s good, be- cause there are too many small parcels taken out of farms by subdividers.” 4-H Clubs Guests 0f Fed. Of Agriculture m Councillor Anstey said, "I can‘t see that we own it. We are holding it in trust {or the people and it is up to the people to look after it. It was built by the peop- le in that area.” Deputy~reeve Ryder said if they are not enthusiastic enough in that area to keep it up, they should have interest created to do so. Clerk McDonald suggested it be referred to the Department of Agriculture. Ready Mix ‘ Cement Plant With a request by letter for a permit to build a ready-mix cem- ent plant in Vaughan, the reeve said he was in favour of such an industry. It was then pointed out that the Municipal Planning Board was against cement plants for the tou'nship to which the reeve replied emphatically, “I say yes.” He then exclaimed. “Who runs this township? I'm sick of this Mliniclpal Board telling us what to do. The Municipal Board runs the township, does it? Who elects them? Were they elected at the last election? I didn't see their names on the ballot at the last township elections." Turning to the press the reeve said. “And you can print that.” “I never heard of them". he concluded. Joint Planning On Wednesday, March 25. Sev- eral members of the Department of Lands and Forests stafi at Maple, and the Toronto Ofi‘lce. availed themselves of the oppor- tunity to get a little practical ex- perience in the first stages of maple syrup production. The location was the sugar bush owned by Mr. Amos Baker. just west of Langstafi, and the visitors Messrs. P. Addison. S. R. Hamilton, H. Middleton and D. Drysdale, spent several interest- ing hours learning about the var- ious processes and procedures in- volved. Maple Lands & Forests Staff Visit Amos Baker Sugar Bush The fird jobs, carried out in sequence, were selecting the trees to be tapped, drilling the holes, placing the metal spiles in place and hanging the buckets. Mr. Baker, the owner, and his son, Paul Baker, chose the trees suitable for tapping, placing the point where the hole was to be drilled. Drilling was carried out both by the conventional brace and bit method and by power driller. carried on the back and operated by a 2-cycle gas engine. This latter method gas extreme- The reeve Said Vaughan was Charlie Robinson thanked the girls and boys for coming. Mr. M. Cockburn of Newmar- ket, York County Agricultural Representative, led in in sing- song. The Homemaking Club girls prepared and served very attrac- tive and delicious refreshments, demonstrating the skills they had acquired in one of their recent projects "The Club Girl Enter. tains.” VMiss Cathy Soper of South Vaughan delighted the gathering with her accordlan numbers. Miss Shirley Bower and Miss Linda McMahon of Purplevllle danced the Highland Fling. The Misses Karen and Judy Bodker of the Edgeley 4-H Home- making Club played a duet on the piano. he; at the piano “just three years ahead of Mark- ham, following an invitation to meet with Markham Council to disauss joint planning re-zonlng qt Yonge St. Councillor Anstey said he was in favour of a meet- lng with Markham. Decrease Conservation Allotment “Conservation is spending too much money." Reeve Perry said on hearing that Vaughan’s allot- ment on the budget for 1959 was $6,900. “I will not buy the bud- get Conservation has presented to us", he stated flatly. “I think we should say, as Metro does, we will give you so much. I think $3,000. is all this township can afford. I will entertain a motion from this council to that effect. That’s all it’s worth. These people ‘are not elected by the people -â€" and» they are quite ready to spend ourjmoney.” Councillor Bryson, Vaughan‘s representative on the Conserva- tion Authority said, “Conserva- tion is for all the people, we cannot afiord not to afford it." Councillor Anstey: “I’d be glad to make .a motion that we don’t exceed last year's allottment." Bryson: “It won’t do you any good.’ _ Councillor Ralph: "Why, have they the power of assessment?" Clerk McDonald: "If you don't approve the lexy they set. you appeal to the board of appeals. ’Anstey: "I understafid they spent $400,000 on advertising last year.” Reeve Perry then asked for a motion for an amount of $3,000 but although Councillor Anstey supported him with a motion, no seconder appeared forthcoming and the motion was dropped. Roads Councillor Ryder. head of the roads committee for the town- ship, received support in his re- quest for a double shift on road work during the summer months of the year. when his motion was seconded by Councillor Anste; and auprovcd by council. Councillor Anstey said, “Sum- mertime is the only time to do road work." Closely following‘the drillers an assistant carrying a pail full of spiles would gently tap the spile into each hole. A bucket was immediately placed on the spile by a third man and clear sap began to drip into the pail. Each evening sap is collected and transported to the evaporator for boiling. 1y fast and much less tiring than drilling into the tree by hand. Arrangements were made for the department staff to return to the operation prior to com- pletion of the sap run when they will be assisting the Bakers in collecting and boiling the sap and following the operation through to the final packaged product. Mr. Baker's coâ€"operation in a1- lowing the group the opportun. ity to learn the on-the-job fea- tures of this specialized, interest- ing and money-making farm woodlot activity is much apprec- iated. FOR SATISFACTION USE "THE LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. #1105 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones. formerly at this district. on the arrival of a baby girl on Easter Sunday. Bowling Guests at a joint birthday din- her for Misses Patricia and Cat- ole Keffer were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orr, Downsview, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kefier and Ronald, Con- cord; and Mrs. Alf Bagg. Edge- ley. Mrs. Bagg is Pamela’s great- grandmother and Carole‘s grand- mother. Mrs. Roy Smith is on the cal- ualty list these days. Pat had the misfortune to fall and break her toe, but she'llxbe back on both feet pretty soon. Team standings: Hornets 106, Bruins 86, Wildcats 94, Bearcats 89. Tigers 88, Indians 85. Cuba 84. Lions 81. High scores for last week: Cecil Smith 327, Al- Miss Anne Barrett spent part of the Easter holidays with her grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Cooke, Roches’ Point. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr and family on the recent passing of Mr.‘ Orr's young nephew. Merle Jefi’reys. The Orrs will return from New Brunswick after the funeral. Socials Concord Socials HOW TO USE IT. . . Hospital services must be medically necessary PREPAID PREMIUMS mean PREPAID PROTECTION WHAT IT DOES. . . ONTARIO I A N D . . . it is your means of identification at theflhospitul HOOPITAL INSURANOI DIVIOION 138 81'. CLAIR AVENUE WEST. TORONTO 7. ONTARIO. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION bert Waller 320, Lil Bryce 313. Jim Aston 311, Nora Mitchell 274, John Wltney 267, Jerry Dar- llngton 258, Kathleen Kefi'er 254. Jean Waller 253. The bowling banquet will be held May 8 at the Four Winds Country Club, Steeles Avenue. Canadian Cancer Society It's time once again for us to give to one of the most worth- while causes of today â€" the Canâ€" adian Cancer Society. There will be a door-to-door canvass in our community so everyone will have a chance to donate. It cannot be emphasized too greatly that can- cer can strike anyone. anywhere. at anytime. Give to help those al- ready stricken. and to help pro- vide funds for research so that there will some day be a cure possibly for us and for future generations. In order that we may give your district complete new: coverage kindly forward all Items of interest to Mrs. Shore. She may be reached by phoning Maple 223W. “The Liberal” is very pleased to announce the ap- pointment of Mrs. Len Shore as our new representative in the Maple arel. Mrs. L. Shore New Maple Representative I T . . . Always keep your Ontario Hospital Insurance Certificate handy, and present it to the hospital Admitting Department if hospital care becomes necessary for you or your eligible dependants. ONLY ONE CERTIFICATE is issued to each insured Single person and to each insured Family. As a precaution, each member of the family should have a separate note of the Hospital insurance Number for ready reference in case of sudden illness or accident. Ontario Hospital lnsurance benefits cannot be provided for ‘custodial' or ‘domiciliary’ patients i.e. persons whose medical conditions do not justify use of hospital accommodation and services, and who could be cared for at home or in some facility other than an approved hospital. S o . . Your Certificate and paid-up premiums entitle you and your eligible dependants to essential “inpatient” hospital services in standard ward accommodation of approved hospitals only, for as many days as such services are medically necessary. Benefits cease when the physician indicates hospital care is no longer necessary. It is important that your Ontario Hospital Insurance premiums be paid on or before the date they are due. This is necessary to maintain a period of prepayment during which your protection will continue if it ever becomes impossible for you to pay your premiums. "Out-patient" hospital services are not covered EXCEPT in the case of emergency out-patient care received within 24 hours following an accident. A large crowd is expected on Saturday. April 11, at the auction sale of the dairy herd, farm equipment. etc., of Elmer Within-spoon well~ known Vaughan Township farmer. The sale is at lot 25. concession 7. and there is no reserve as Mr. Wither~ spoon is giving up farming. Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. We personally handlg all sale bills and advertising. Witherspoon Sale Saturday ALVIN S. FARMER for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Licensed Auctioneer The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. Keele Street GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 Phone Maple 2 WA. 4 -3301 Maple. Ont.

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