Mr. Albert H. Rutherford, RR. 2, Woodbridge, Ont GLl-3460 Office â€" PHONES â€" ATE-0959 Residence Twpewriters . Adding Machines All popular make: on hand See Portable models at. Wight’s Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. S. or CIIITU. 4-1745 day or night Your local typgwriter specialist’ SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Rates 8‘8" Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill DAL-94C LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS "PHONE TU. 4-1105 OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER â€" TU. 4-1745 â€" ms â€" ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance â€"1959 In addition at that time. your wife or heirs will receive the full face value There’s a difference, though. You’re wide-awake to the future â€"-‘ a future for your family as bright and sure as you can make it. That’s why you should arrange now for a low-cost .‘ ‘ ‘ Mutual Life Yoi Canada Family Income Policy. If argvthing‘ L 7 takes you out of the picture, your family is guamnteéd a substantial monthly income until the time you would have reached age 65. of the policy. On the other hand. if you live to age 65, you may receive a monthly retirement income or a substantial cash sum. The Family Income Policy is a wide-awake investment you’ll like â€" talk it over with a Mutual Life of Canadaxman 50011. ~- The éssessment for general pur- poses is $4,059.665.905, and the population is 1,820,577. Officers elected â€"- Chairman, Archie Fleming. Markham Town- ship; Committee Members: Rich- ard Baxter, Etobicoke Township; Carl Madgett. Toronto Township; Gordon Hepditch, Whitby; Secre- tary-treasurer. Bud Noble. New- market. District No. 12 is composed of the Counties of York. Ontario, Peel and Malton and is the most densely populated. It has the highest assessment of any district in the province. This meeting was for general business and the‘election of of- ficers. tafio held a meeting on April 8. 1959 at the township offices in Etobicoke Township and the as- sessors were the guests of Etob- icoke Township at the Skyline Hotel for dinner. - District No. 12 oi the Associa- tion of Assessing Officers of On- A. Fleming Head Assessing Officers The Brownies miss White Owl, Mrs. N. Johnston. and hope she will be back next week after her illness, also'Noreen Powell who underwent, a tonsilectomy last week. Stork Shower Stork Shower On Thursday evening of last week Mrs. Gordon Hardie was hostess at a Stork Shower in her home for Mrs. Kenneth Petty. Friends were present from Clare- mont, Stouffville, Weston, Osha- wa and Victoria Square. Mrs. Petty received many useful and beautiful gifts. Dainty refresh- ments were served at the close. WM.S. Thank-Offering if \ Victoria Square Couples Club. ‘plan now to attend. Further par- ticulars next week.- Brownies _ The Brownies wish to thank "l in the community who ordered cookies. 432 boxes of cookies have been ordered with Dianne Donnelly winning for thelindivid- ual girls and Karen Chadwick. runner-up. The Fairy Six ha the best total for the Sixes. The cookies will be delivered on Satâ€" urday. May 9. ‘ Everyone is invited to attend a 3-act play. “Nobody But Nancy". being presented by the Columban Players of St. Columba United Church, Toronto, in the Victoria Square Community Hall. on Fri- da; evning, April 24 at 8:15 pm. This play is being sponsored by '[ rt_in order that we may haQe the park going as soon as possible. Play There were fifteen tables of euchre players at the euchre par- ty held in the community hall on Wednesday evening of last week, sponsored by the park committee. Prize winners were: Ladies: (1) Miss Betty Glover. (2) Mrs. Den- by. Consolation: Mrs. E. Orr. Gents: (1) Lyle Hess. (2) Mr. W. 'Muirhead. Consolation: Norman Tyndall. Freeze-out: (1) Russell Burr and Mrs. Denby. (2) Mrs. R. Burt and Mr. T. Wilcox. Lucky draw for a bushel of apples was won,by Mr. W. Muirhead. There will be another euehre party in the Victoria Square Community Hall on Tuesday ev- ening, April let at 8:15 p.m.. sponsored by the park commit- tee. Everyone welcome. Come and give the committee your _sup- There were about seKIenty pres- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoril Square VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Telephone Gormley 5421 % ,,,, Mrs. A. F. Binnington return- ed home on Saturday evening af- ter spending the past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hew- itt ma baby son in Chatham, New‘ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson who on April 17 will be celberating their eleventh wedding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan who on Ap- ril let will be celebrating their eighth wedding anniversary. The annual bazaar of the Gorm~ ley Home and School will be held in the Victoria Square Commun- ity Hall on Saturday, May 30. Please keep this date in mind. Further particulars at a later date. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to: Anne Buchanan for April 18; to Dougâ€" las Hill for April 19; to Cecil Nichols for April 20; to Clarence Steckley for April 21; to Freddie Walker for April 22; to Treanor Canning for April 22. The sermon theme on Sunday, April 12 was, “A Window over the Sink." Rev. A. F. Birming- ton‘s message was very much en- joyed by all. Home And School Bazaar On motion at the official board last Monday evening, it was agreed to ask Mr. Allan McIn- tosh of Markham to assist Rev. A. F. Binnington, so that all three churches on the charge may have morning service beginning May 10th, on an experimental basis {or 5-6 months. Both men will be at Headford each Sunday at 10.00 a.m.â€"one to conduct the service the other to preach. Then one will go to Victoria Square for the the service at 11.30 am. and the other will go to Brown's Corners for a service at the same time. The following Sunday the two men will alternate at Victoria‘ Square and Brown’s Corners. Sunday School at Victoria Square will be at 10 a.m. begin- ning May 10. . Sr. Women’s Institute The April meeting of the-Sr. Women’s Institute was held, on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. P. Willows with -a good attendance. RolLeall was answered by "What I Like To Do On A Rainy Day.†Mrs. J. Mc- Cague gave a talk on fashions. The articles on display were from ‘Richmond Hill and .the talk was narrated by, Mrs. Marj Chadwick. The election. of officers was held and they are as follows: lst vice-president, Mrs. Earl Empringh‘am; 2nd vice-pres- ident, Mrs. L. Hart; secretary, Mrs. J. McCague; treasurer, Mrs. W. Orr; assistant secretary-trease urer, Mrs. D. Houck; pianist, Mrs. H. McCague; assistant pianist, ‘Mrs. J. Barker; district director, ‘ Mrs. M. Jarvis: alternate, Mrs. D. Parsons; branch directors, Mrs. D. Rumney, Mrs. H. McCague, Mrs, J. Empringham, Mrs. F. McRob- erts; shower committee, Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. H. Hill, Mrs. N. Bell, Mrs. C. Walker, Mrs. L. Sander- son, Mrs. A. Frisby; standing com- mittees â€" agriculture and Can- adian indiustries, Mrs. C. Walk- er; citizenship and education, Mrs. F. Donnelly; historical re- search, Mrs. M. Jarvis; home economics and health, Mrs. R. Brumwell; public relations, Mrs. G. Joyce; press secretary, Mrs. W. Sandle; auditors. Mrs. R. Hill, Mrs. F. Donnelly. Church News “World .Mjssign Night†dedi- cation of new missionaries will _be held on Thursday evening.,April 23, at 8 11.13. in St. George’s Unit- ed Church, Lytton Blvd†Toron- to. - - â€" Sr. Women’s Institute “Friends of the United Church†Training School. 77 Charles St. W., Toronto. will hold its annual meeting on Friday, April 24 at 2 pm. There will be a tour of the building and tea will be serv- ed. Mrs. McCague and Mrs. Mum- berson attended the Toronto Con- ference Council two days last week in the Alhambra Avenue, United Chin-ch, Toronto. “HMS. A joint Leadership School and rally of all women of York Pres- ‘bytery will be held in the Stouffâ€" ville United Church on Tuesday, April let. Registration is at 9 am. closing at 3.30 pm. There will be addresses. Bible Study and conferences led by W.M.S. and W.A. officers. V Bring your Bible. Bring box lunch, Bev~ erage will be provided. It is hoped that there will be a, large number of eladies from here at- tend. Affiliatir '1 Service Mrs. H. D. McCague attended the C.G.I.T. affiliation service at St. Matthews United Church, Crosby Heights. substituting for Mrs. L. Mumberson who was at- tending the youth raily at New- market. groups. Everyone welcome Leadership School & Rally A social half hour followed with the W.M.S. as hostesses. W.M.S. Church Service The 62nd annual W.M.S. Sun- day service will be held‘ in the church on Sunday. April 19th at 2.30 p.111. The guest sfieaker will be Rev. Francis Muir oh fur- lough from Japan. Special music by 7 the C.G.I.T All were attentive when a pic- ture was shown. (We are indebted to the Sunday School for this). The lesson was “Be Friendly 0 Strangers in Your Community.†The offering was received and dedicated. Mrs. H. McCague welcomed all. The explorers than very ably en- acted one of their previous pro- grammes. It was most impres- sive. to hear the explorer purpose and Hymn. with all present tak- ing part in the second verse. There were Bible readings and a summary of the Mission Study with some of the members in cos- tume, representing several na- tionalities. With Mrs. Ito, of Gormley. providing authentic Japanese costume for one mem- ber. This was greatly admired. ent when the Mission Band and Leaders. Explorers and their Lea- ders, vith the mothers of these two groups met with the W.M.S. for their Thank-Offering meeting held in the Sunday School room on Saturday afternoon. arid Explorer AV. 5-4991 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL ~ M ms nu {’OLDSMQAILI nus“: mantra . . ALTIRNA‘I'I mans. on CBC-IV! Friends were sorry to hear of the misfortune that befell Miss Margaret Canning and Mrs. Neil Mortson on Sunday evening. Their house which they were building was destroyed by fire. It is quite a loss to this young couple who were building this house for their future home when they were married. OUr sympa- thy goes to them.‘ per bushel Potatoes. 75 lb. bag .. $1.75 Carrots, 6 qt. basket .. 35c Large Supply - Prices Right- ’Spies ............. . $2.75 Ontario Delicious . . .. $2.75 Madntosh. lsts $2.50 Blenheims . . ." . . . . . . $2.25 80¢ per gallon. plus container Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton and Lynn of T0- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Devonshire of Bradstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steck- ley had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steckley at Toronto. April is cancer month, and the canvassers will be calling within the next 2-3 weeks so please have your donation ready. The objec- tive for the Richmond Hill dist- rict of which we are part is $18,- 000.00. Last year $627.75 was sent in from here. The many friends of Mrs. R. Beatty are sorry to hear that she has been ill. A speedy recovery is wished for her. and to every- one else in the community who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. McNamara and family have moved to ‘Wil- lowdale. The flowers in the chufch on Sunday were in loving memory of Mrs. Vincent Westbrook. who passed away one year ago April 9. They were placed there by her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols call- ed on Mrs. Merill Johnson in the Princess Margaret Hospital, To- ronto, on Saturday evening: Mrs. Rosamond Anderson of Toronto had Sunday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nich- ols. “- - A Mrs. Dalton Rumney and Mr. Philip Rumney called on Mrs. D. Start at Brantford on Sunday. Friends are pleased to see that Mr .Harold Hill is able to be out again following his bout with the measles. Jersey. Topper's Farm BIRRELL MOTORS LIMITED North Richmond Hill ‘ DISTINCYIVE OLDSMOBILE STYLING! Crisp beauty of line an Old: apart from the ordi- nary wherever it's seen! :- APPLES PROVE" REPUTATION FOR QUALITYIF From from 10 gleaming rear, Ola-mobile is ï¬nished perfocfly. ECONOMICAI. OPERATION AND MAIN- TENANCE! Owners report that their Oldsmo- bile: cost less to operate Ohm ofher can in its price class! COSTS lESS THAN MANY GUESS! An. Oldsmobile does look expensive, but you'll ï¬nd there's 0 Rocket to ï¬t 'most every pocket! What’s OLDS got ' that makes it. sell so well ? CIDER See why your investment holds when you go over to Old: ... YOUR LOCAL nu l nun-‘au 0" DS 7 ILE ‘ .QUALITV DEALER'S \] 4DEMONS‘I’RA‘I'ED ENGINEERING LEAoEn. ‘ TRADITIONALLY HIGH RESALE VALUE! Oï¬icial uud car ï¬gures value holds . .' . bring: 0 Maï¬a rm at trade-in ï¬mo. ‘ ROCKET ENGINES GET PERFORMANCE! Old: owners get lively, spirited action . ; . lt‘s quiet, responsive, reliable! YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL~ TU. 4-1194 SHIP! Behind the name on Oldsmobile's grille you ï¬nd iradiï¬onal excellence! AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED It takes loads and: loads of hot water to keep up with the kids, the washing, the dishes and'the house! And it takes electricity . . . safe, clean, economical electricity . . . to keep up with all your hot water needs! A modern auto- matic electric water heater has an abundant storage capacity and quick recovery when more hot water is needed and it costs only a few cents a day to operate on special Hydro flat rates. There’s a modern automatic electric water‘heater in a size and capacityto suit your requirements. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 16, 1959 RICHMOND HILL HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION live better... ElEfllfllBAllY #911416, @0204», WI 56 Yonge " Street North - 5E3